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Published: Mar 3, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 15 Imported by: 5


Checkly Go SDK

Contributor Covenant Tests GoDoc Go Report Card GitHub go.mod Go version GitHub tag (latest by date)

This project is a Go SDK for Checkly monitoring service. It allows you to handle your checks, check groups, snippets, environments variables and everything you can do with our REST API.


To use the client library with your Checkly account, you will need an API Key for the account. Go to the Account Settings: API Keys page and click 'Create API Key'.

Make sure your project is using Go Modules (it will have a go.mod file in its root if it already is):

$ go mod init

Then, add the reference of checkly-go-sdk in a Go program using import:

import checkly ""

Run any of the normal go commands (build/install/test) and the Go toolchain will resolve and fetch the checkly-go-sdk module automatically.

Alternatively, you can also explicitly go get the package into a project:

$ go get -u

Getting Started

Create a new checkly Client by calling checkly.NewClient() (you will need to set your Checkly API Key and Account ID)

baseUrl := ""
apiKey := os.Getenv("CHECKLY_API_KEY")
accountId := os.Getenv("CHECKLY_ACCOUNT_ID")

client := checkly.NewClient(
	nil, //custom http client, defaults to http.DefaultClient
	nil, //io.Writer to output debug messages


Note: if you don't have an API key, you can create one at here

Create your first checks

Once you have a client, you can create a check. See here how to create your first API & Browser checks.

apiCheck := checkly.Check{
	Name:                 "My API Check",
	Type:                 checkly.TypeAPI,
	Frequency:            5,
	Activated:            true,
	Locations: []string{
	Tags: []string{ "production" },
	Request: checkly.Request{
		Method: http.MethodGet,
		URL:    "",

browserCheck := checkly.Check{
	Name:          "My Browser Check",
	Type:          checkly.TypeBrowser,
	Frequency:     5,
	Activated:     true,
	Locations:     []string{"eu-west-1"},
	Script: `const assert = require("chai").assert;
	const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");

	const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
	const page = await browser.newPage();
	await page.goto("");
	const title = await page.title();

	assert.equal(title, "Example Site");
	await browser.close();`,

ctx := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second * 5)
client.CreateCheck(ctx, apiCheck)
client.CreateCheck(ctx, browserCheck)

A complete example program! You can see an example program which creates a Checkly check in the demo folder.


For questions and support please open a new discussion. The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature/docs requests.


Please make sure to respect issue requirements and choose the proper issue template when opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed.


Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.






View Source
const (
	AlertTypeEmail     = "EMAIL"
	AlertTypeSlack     = "SLACK"
	AlertTypeWebhook   = "WEBHOOK"
	AlertTypeSMS       = "SMS"
	AlertTypePagerduty = "PAGERDUTY"
	AlertTypeOpsgenie  = "OPSGENIE"
	AlertTypeCall      = "CALL"
View Source
const Contains = "CONTAINS"

Contains asserts that the source contains a specified value.

View Source
const Equals = "EQUALS"

Equals asserts that the source and target are equal.

View Source
const GreaterThan = "GREATER_THAN"

GreaterThan asserts that the source is greater than the target.

View Source
const Headers = "HEADERS"

Headers identifies the HTTP headers as an assertion source.

View Source
const IsEmpty = "IS_EMPTY"

IsEmpty asserts that the source is empty.

View Source
const JSONBody = "JSON_BODY"

JSONBody identifies the JSON body data as an assertion source.

View Source
const LessThan = "LESS_THAN"

LessThan asserts that the source is less than the target.

View Source
const NotContains = "NOT_CONTAINS"

NotContains asserts that the source does not contain a specified value.

View Source
const NotEmpty = "NOT_EMPTY"

NotEmpty asserts that the source is not empty.

View Source
const NotEquals = "NOT_EQUALS"

NotEquals asserts that the source and target are not equal.

View Source
const ResponseData = "RESPONSE_DATA"

ResponseData identifies the response data of a TCP check as an assertion source.

View Source
const ResponseTime = "RESPONSE_TIME"

ResponseTime identifies the response time as an assertion source.

View Source
const RunBased = "RUN_BASED"

RunBased identifies a run-based escalation type, for use with an AlertSettings.

View Source
const StatusCode = "STATUS_CODE"

StatusCode identifies the HTTP status code as an assertion source.

View Source
const TextBody = "TEXT_BODY"

TextBody identifies the response body text as an assertion source.

View Source
const TimeBased = "TIME_BASED"

TimeBased identifies a time-based escalation type, for use with an AlertSettings.

View Source
const TypeAPI = "API"

TypeAPI is used to identify an API check.

View Source
const TypeBrowser = "BROWSER"

TypeBrowser is used to identify a browser check.

View Source
const TypeHeartbeat = "HEARTBEAT"

TypeHeartbeat is used to identify a browser check.


This section is empty.


func AlertChannelConfigFromJSON added in v0.4.8

func AlertChannelConfigFromJSON(channelType string, cfgJSON []byte) (interface{}, error)

AlertChannelConfigFromJSON gets AlertChannel.config from JSON


type APICheckDefaults added in v0.4.0

type APICheckDefaults struct {
	BaseURL         string      `json:"url"`
	Headers         []KeyValue  `json:"headers,omitempty"`
	QueryParameters []KeyValue  `json:"queryParameters,omitempty"`
	Assertions      []Assertion `json:"assertions,omitempty"`
	BasicAuth       BasicAuth   `json:"basicAuth,omitempty"`

APICheckDefaults represents the default settings for API checks within a given group.

type AlertChannel

type AlertChannel struct {
	ID                 int64                  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Type               string                 `json:"type"`
	Email              *AlertChannelEmail     `json:"-"`
	Slack              *AlertChannelSlack     `json:"-"`
	SMS                *AlertChannelSMS       `json:"-"`
	CALL               *AlertChannelCall      `json:"-"`
	Opsgenie           *AlertChannelOpsgenie  `json:"-"`
	Webhook            *AlertChannelWebhook   `json:"-"`
	Pagerduty          *AlertChannelPagerduty `json:"-"`
	SendRecovery       *bool                  `json:"sendRecovery"`
	SendFailure        *bool                  `json:"sendFailure"`
	SendDegraded       *bool                  `json:"sendDegraded"`
	SSLExpiry          *bool                  `json:"sslExpiry"`
	SSLExpiryThreshold *int                   `json:"sslExpiryThreshold"`
	CreatedAt          string                 `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt          string                 `json:"updated_at"`

AlertChannel represents an alert channel and its subscribed checks. The API defines this data as read-only.

func (*AlertChannel) GetConfig added in v0.4.8

func (a *AlertChannel) GetConfig() (cfg map[string]interface{})

GetConfig gets the config of the alert channel based on it's type

func (*AlertChannel) SetConfig added in v0.4.8

func (a *AlertChannel) SetConfig(cfg interface{})

SetConfig sets config of alert channel based on it's type

type AlertChannelCall added in v1.6.5

type AlertChannelCall struct {
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Number string `json:"number"`

AlertChannelCALL defines a type for a phone call alert channel

type AlertChannelEmail added in v0.4.8

type AlertChannelEmail struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`

AlertChannelEmail defines a type for an email alert channel

type AlertChannelOpsgenie added in v0.4.8

type AlertChannelOpsgenie struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	APIKey   string `json:"apiKey"`
	Region   string `json:"region"`
	Priority string `json:"priority"`

AlertChannelOpsgenie defines a type for an opsgenie alert channel

type AlertChannelPagerduty added in v1.2.0

type AlertChannelPagerduty struct {
	Account     string `json:"account,omitempty"`
	ServiceKey  string `json:"serviceKey"`
	ServiceName string `json:"serviceName,omitempty"`

AlertChannelPagerduty defines a type for an pager duty alert channel

type AlertChannelSMS added in v0.4.8

type AlertChannelSMS struct {
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Number string `json:"number"`

AlertChannelSMS defines a type for a sms alert channel

type AlertChannelSlack added in v0.4.8

type AlertChannelSlack struct {
	WebhookURL string `json:"url"`
	Channel    string `json:"channel"`

AlertChannelSlack defines a type for a slack alert channel

type AlertChannelSubscription added in v0.4.8

type AlertChannelSubscription struct {
	ChannelID int64 `json:"alertChannelId"`
	Activated bool  `json:"activated"`

AlertChannelSubscription represents a subscription to an alert channel.

type AlertChannelWebhook added in v0.4.8

type AlertChannelWebhook struct {
	Name            string     `json:"name"`
	URL             string     `json:"url"`
	WebhookType     string     `json:"webhookType,omitempty"`
	Method          string     `json:"method,omitempty"`
	Template        string     `json:"template,omitempty"`
	WebhookSecret   string     `json:"webhookSecret,omitempty"`
	Headers         []KeyValue `json:"headers,omitempty"`
	QueryParameters []KeyValue `json:"queryParameters,omitempty"`

AlertChannelWebhook defines a type for a webhook alert channel

type AlertSettings

type AlertSettings struct {
	EscalationType              string                      `json:"escalationType,omitempty"`
	RunBasedEscalation          RunBasedEscalation          `json:"runBasedEscalation,omitempty"`
	TimeBasedEscalation         TimeBasedEscalation         `json:"timeBasedEscalation,omitempty"`
	Reminders                   Reminders                   `json:"reminders,omitempty"`
	ParallelRunFailureThreshold ParallelRunFailureThreshold `json:"parallelRunFailureThreshold,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated: this property will be removed in future versions.
	SSLCertificates SSLCertificates `json:"sslCertificates,omitempty"`

AlertSettings represents an alert configuration.

type ApiCheckResult added in v0.4.4

type ApiCheckResult map[string]interface{}

ApiCheckResult represents an API Check result

type Assertion

type Assertion struct {
	Edit          bool   `json:"edit"`
	Order         int    `json:"order"`
	ArrayIndex    int    `json:"arrayIndex"`
	ArraySelector int    `json:"arraySelector"`
	Source        string `json:"source"`
	Property      string `json:"property"`
	Comparison    string `json:"comparison"`
	Target        string `json:"target"`

Assertion represents an assertion about an API response, which will be verified as part of the check.

type BasicAuth

type BasicAuth struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Password string `json:"password"`

BasicAuth represents the HTTP basic authentication credentials for a request.

type BrowserCheckResult added in v0.4.4

type BrowserCheckResult map[string]interface{}

BrowserCheckResult represents a Browser Check result

type Check

type Check struct {
	ID                        string                     `json:"id"`
	Name                      string                     `json:"name"`
	Type                      string                     `json:"checkType"`
	Frequency                 int                        `json:"frequency"`
	FrequencyOffset           int                        `json:"frequencyOffset,omitempty"`
	Activated                 bool                       `json:"activated"`
	Muted                     bool                       `json:"muted"`
	ShouldFail                bool                       `json:"shouldFail"`
	RunParallel               bool                       `json:"runParallel"`
	Locations                 []string                   `json:"locations"`
	DegradedResponseTime      int                        `json:"degradedResponseTime"`
	MaxResponseTime           int                        `json:"maxResponseTime"`
	Script                    string                     `json:"script,omitempty"`
	EnvironmentVariables      []EnvironmentVariable      `json:"environmentVariables"`
	Tags                      []string                   `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	SSLCheckDomain            string                     `json:"sslCheckDomain"`
	SetupSnippetID            int64                      `json:"setupSnippetId,omitempty"`
	TearDownSnippetID         int64                      `json:"tearDownSnippetId,omitempty"`
	LocalSetupScript          string                     `json:"localSetupScript,omitempty"`
	LocalTearDownScript       string                     `json:"localTearDownScript,omitempty"`
	AlertSettings             AlertSettings              `json:"alertSettings,omitempty"`
	UseGlobalAlertSettings    bool                       `json:"useGlobalAlertSettings"`
	Request                   Request                    `json:"request"`
	Heartbeat                 Heartbeat                  `json:"heartbeat"`
	GroupID                   int64                      `json:"groupId,omitempty"`
	GroupOrder                int                        `json:"groupOrder,omitempty"`
	AlertChannelSubscriptions []AlertChannelSubscription `json:"alertChannelSubscriptions,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"updatedAt"`

	// Pointers
	PrivateLocations *[]string      `json:"privateLocations"`
	RuntimeID        *string        `json:"runtimeId"`
	RetryStrategy    *RetryStrategy `json:"retryStrategy,omitempty"`

	// Deprecated: this property will be removed in future versions.
	SSLCheck bool `json:"sslCheck"`
	// Deprecated: this property will be removed in future versions. Please use RetryStrategy instead.
	DoubleCheck bool `json:"doubleCheck"`

Check represents the parameters for an existing check.

type CheckResult added in v0.4.4

type CheckResult struct {
	ID                  string              `json:"id"`
	Name                string              `json:"name"`
	CheckID             string              `json:"checkId"`
	HasFailures         bool                `json:"hasFailures"`
	HasErrors           bool                `json:"hasErrors"`
	IsDegraded          bool                `json:"isDegraded"`
	OverMaxResponseTime bool                `json:"overMaxResponseTime"`
	RunLocation         string              `json:"runLocation"`
	ResponseTime        int64               `json:"responseTime"`
	ApiCheckResult      *ApiCheckResult     `json:"apiCheckResult"`
	BrowserCheckResult  *BrowserCheckResult `json:"browserCheckResult"`
	CheckRunID          int64               `json:"checkRunId"`
	Attempts            int64               `json:"attempts"`
	StartedAt           time.Time           `json:"startedAt"`
	StoppedAt           time.Time           `json:"stoppedAt"`
	CreatedAt           time.Time           `json:"created_at"`

CheckResult represents a Check result

type CheckResultsFilter added in v0.4.4

type CheckResultsFilter struct {
	Limit       int64
	Page        int64
	Location    string
	To          int64
	From        int64
	CheckType   CheckType
	HasFailures bool

CheckResultsFilter represents the parameters that can be passed while getting Check Results

type CheckType added in v0.4.4

type CheckType string

Check type constants

type Client

type Client interface {
	// Create creates a new check with the specified details.
	// It returns the newly-created check, or an error.
	// Deprecated: method type would be removed in future versions,
	// use CreateCheck instead.
		ctx context.Context,
		check Check,
	) (*Check, error)

	// Update updates an existing check with the specified details.
	// It returns the updated check, or an error.
	// Deprecated: this method would be removed in future versions,
	// use UpdateCheck instead.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
		check Check,
	) (*Check, error)

	// Delete deletes the check with the specified ID.
	// Deprecated: this method would be removed in future versions,
	// use DeleteCheck instead.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) error

	// Get takes the ID of an existing check, and returns the check parameters,
	// or an error.
	// Deprecated: this method would be removed in future versions,
	// use GetCheck instead.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*Check, error)

		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*HeartbeatCheck, error)

	// Create creates a new check with the specified details.
	// It returns the newly-created check, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		check Check,
	) (*Check, error)

	// CreateHeartbeat creates a new heartbeat check with the specified details.
	// It returns the newly-created check, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		check HeartbeatCheck,
	) (*HeartbeatCheck, error)

	// CreateTCPCheck creates a new TCP check with the specified details.
	// It returns the newly-created check, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		check TCPCheck,
	) (*TCPCheck, error)

	// Update updates an existing check with the specified details.
	// It returns the updated check, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
		check Check,
	) (*Check, error)

	// UpdateHeartbeat updates an existing heartbeat check with the specified details.
	// It returns the updated check, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
		check HeartbeatCheck,
	) (*HeartbeatCheck, error)

	// UpdateTCPCheck updates an existing TCP check with the specified details.
	// It returns the updated check, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
		check TCPCheck,
	) (*TCPCheck, error)

	// Delete deletes the check with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) error

	// Get takes the ID of an existing check, and returns the check parameters,
	// or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*Check, error)

	// Get takes the ID of an existing TCP check, and returns the check
	// parameters, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*TCPCheck, error)

	// CreateGroup creates a new check group with the specified details.
	// It returns the newly-created group, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		group Group,
	) (*Group, error)

	// GetGroup takes the ID of an existing check group, and returns the
	// corresponding group, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) (*Group, error)

	// UpdateGroup takes the ID of an existing check group, and updates the
	// corresponding check group to match the supplied group. It returns the updated
	// group, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
		group Group,
	) (*Group, error)

	// DeleteGroup deletes the check group with the specified ID. It returns a
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) error

	// GetCheckResult gets a specific Check result, or it returns an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		checkResultID string,
	) (*CheckResult, error)

	// GetCheckResults gets the results of the given Check
		ctx context.Context,
		checkID string,
		filters *CheckResultsFilter,
	) ([]CheckResult, error)

	// CreateSnippet creates a new snippet with the specified details. It returns
	// the newly-created snippet, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		snippet Snippet,
	) (*Snippet, error)

	// GetSnippet takes the ID of an existing snippet, and returns the
	// corresponding snippet, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) (*Snippet, error)

	// UpdateSnippet takes the ID of an existing snippet, and updates the
	// corresponding snippet to match the supplied snippet. It returns the updated
	// snippet, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
		snippet Snippet,
	) (*Snippet, error)

	// DeleteSnippet deletes the snippet with the specified ID. It returns a
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) error

	// CreateEnvironmentVariable creates a new environment variable with the
	// specified details.  It returns the newly-created environment variable,
	// or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		envVar EnvironmentVariable,
	) (*EnvironmentVariable, error)

	// GetEnvironmentVariable takes the ID of an existing environment variable, and returns the
	// corresponding environment variable, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		key string,
	) (*EnvironmentVariable, error)

	// UpdateEnvironmentVariable takes the ID of an existing environment variable, and updates the
	// corresponding environment variable to match the supplied environment variable. It returns the updated
	// environment variable, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		key string,
		envVar EnvironmentVariable,
	) (*EnvironmentVariable, error)

	// DeleteEnvironmentVariable deletes the environment variable with the specified ID. It returns a
		ctx context.Context,
		key string,
	) error

	// CreateAlertChannel creates a new alert channel with the specified details. It returns
	// the newly-created alert channel, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ac AlertChannel,
	) (*AlertChannel, error)

	// GetAlertChannel takes the ID of an existing alert channel, and returns the
	// corresponding alert channel, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) (*AlertChannel, error)

	// UpdateAlertChannel takes the ID of an existing alert channel, and updates the
	// corresponding alert channel to match the supplied alert channel. It returns the updated
	// alert channel, or an error.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
		ac AlertChannel,
	) (*AlertChannel, error)

	// DeleteAlertChannel deletes the alert channel with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) error

	// CreateDashboard creates a new dashboard with the specified details.
		ctx context.Context,
		dashboard Dashboard,
	) (*Dashboard, error)

	// GetDashboard takes the ID of an existing dashboard and returns it
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*Dashboard, error)

	// UpdateDashboard takes the ID of an existing dashboard, and updates the
	// corresponding dashboard to match the supplied dashboard.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
		dashboard Dashboard,
	) (*Dashboard, error)

	// DeleteDashboard deletes the dashboard with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) error

	// CreateMaintenanceWindow creates a new maintenance window with the specified details.
		ctx context.Context,
		mw MaintenanceWindow,
	) (*MaintenanceWindow, error)

	// GetMaintenanceWindow takes the ID of an existing maintenance window and returns it
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) (*MaintenanceWindow, error)

	// UpdateMaintenanceWindow takes the ID of an existing maintenance window, and updates the
	// corresponding maintenance window to match the supplied maintenance window.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
		mw MaintenanceWindow,
	) (*MaintenanceWindow, error)

	// DeleteMaintenanceWindow deletes the maintenance window with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID int64,
	) error

	// CreatePrivateLocation creates a new private location with the specified details.
		ctx context.Context,
		pl PrivateLocation,
	) (*PrivateLocation, error)

	// GetPrivateLocation takes the ID of an existing private location and returns it
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*PrivateLocation, error)

	// UpdatePrivateLocation takes the ID of an existing private location and updates it
	// to match the new one.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
		pl PrivateLocation,
	) (*PrivateLocation, error)

	// DeletePrivateLocation deletes the private location with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) error

	// CreateTriggerCheck creates a new trigger with the specified details.
		ctx context.Context,
		checkID string,
	) (*TriggerCheck, error)

	// GetTriggerCheck takes the ID of an existing trigger and returns it
		ctx context.Context,
		checkID string,
	) (*TriggerCheck, error)

	// DeleteTriggerCheck deletes the trigger with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		checkID string,
	) error

	// CreateTriggerGroup creates a new trigger with the specified details.
		ctx context.Context,
		groupID int64,
	) (*TriggerGroup, error)

	// GetTriggerGroup takes the ID of an existing trigger and returns it
		ctx context.Context,
		groupID int64,
	) (*TriggerGroup, error)

	// DeleteTriggerGroup deletes the trigger with the specified ID.
		ctx context.Context,
		groupID int64,
	) error

	// CreateClientCertificate creates a new client certificate and returns
	// the created resource.
		ctx context.Context,
		cs ClientCertificate,
	) (*ClientCertificate, error)

	// GetClientCertificate retrieves a client certificate.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*ClientCertificate, error)

	// DeleteClientCertificate deletes a client certificate.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) error

	// SetAccountId sets ID on a client which is required when using User API keys.
	SetAccountId(ID string)

	// SetChecklySource sets the source of the check for analytics purposes.
	SetChecklySource(source string)

	// Get a specific runtime specs.
		ctx context.Context,
		ID string,
	) (*Runtime, error)

	GetStaticIPs(ctx context.Context) ([]StaticIP, error)

Client is an interface that implements Checkly's API

func NewClient

func NewClient(


	apiKey string,

	httpClient *http.Client,
	debug io.Writer,
) Client

NewClient constructs a Checkly API client.

type ClientCertificate added in v1.10.0

type ClientCertificate struct {
	// ID is the Checkly identifier of the client certificate.
	ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// Host is the host domain that the certificate should be used for.
	Host string `json:"host"`

	// Certificate is the client certificate in PEM format.
	Certificate string `json:"cert"`

	// PrivateKey is the private key for the certificate in PEM format.
	PrivateKey string `json:"key"`

	// Passphrase is an optional passphrase for the private key.
	Passphrase string `json:"passphrase,omitempty"`

	// TrustedCA is an optional PEM formatted bundle of CA certificates that
	// the client should trust. The bundle may contain many CA certificates.
	TrustedCA string `json:"ca,omitempty"`

	// CreatedAt is the time when the client certificate was created.
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`

type Dashboard added in v1.4.0

type Dashboard struct {
	ID                 int64          `json:"id,omitempty"`
	DashboardID        string         `json:"dashboardId,omitempty"`
	CustomUrl          string         `json:"customUrl"`
	CustomDomain       string         `json:"customDomain,omitempty"`
	IsPrivate          bool           `json:"isPrivate,omitempty"`
	Link               string         `json:"link,omitempty"`
	Description        string         `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Favicon            string         `json:"favicon,omitempty"`
	Header             string         `json:"header,omitempty"`
	Width              string         `json:"width,omitempty"`
	RefreshRate        int            `json:"refreshRate"`
	ChecksPerPage      int            `json:"checksPerPage,omitempty"`
	PaginationRate     int            `json:"paginationRate"`
	Paginate           bool           `json:"paginate"`
	Tags               []string       `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	HideTags           bool           `json:"hideTags,omitempty"`
	UseTagsAndOperator bool           `json:"useTagsAndOperator,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt          string         `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt          string         `json:"updated_at"`
	Keys               []DashboardKey `json:"keys,omitempty"`

Dashboard defines a type for a dashboard.

type DashboardKey added in v1.6.4

type DashboardKey struct {
	Id        string `json:"id"`
	MaskedKey string `json:"maskedKey"`
	RawKey    string `json:"rawKey"`
	CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`

DashboardKey represents the keys that the dashboard has.

type EnvironmentVariable

type EnvironmentVariable struct {
	Key    string `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`
	Locked bool   `json:"locked"`
	Secret bool   `json:"secret"`

EnvironmentVariable represents a key-value pair for setting environment values during check execution.

type Group added in v0.4.0

type Group struct {
	ID                        int64                      `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                      string                     `json:"name"`
	Activated                 bool                       `json:"activated"`
	Muted                     bool                       `json:"muted"`
	RunParallel               bool                       `json:"runParallel"`
	Tags                      []string                   `json:"tags"`
	Locations                 []string                   `json:"locations"`
	Concurrency               int                        `json:"concurrency"`
	APICheckDefaults          APICheckDefaults           `json:"apiCheckDefaults"`
	EnvironmentVariables      []EnvironmentVariable      `json:"environmentVariables"`
	UseGlobalAlertSettings    bool                       `json:"useGlobalAlertSettings"`
	AlertSettings             AlertSettings              `json:"alertSettings,omitempty"`
	SetupSnippetID            int64                      `json:"setupSnippetId,omitempty"`
	TearDownSnippetID         int64                      `json:"tearDownSnippetId,omitempty"`
	LocalSetupScript          string                     `json:"localSetupScript,omitempty"`
	LocalTearDownScript       string                     `json:"localTearDownScript,omitempty"`
	AlertChannelSubscriptions []AlertChannelSubscription `json:"alertChannelSubscriptions,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"updatedAt"`

	// Pointers
	RuntimeID        *string        `json:"runtimeId"`
	PrivateLocations *[]string      `json:"privateLocations"`
	RetryStrategy    *RetryStrategy `json:"retryStrategy,omitempty"`

	// Deprecated: this property will be removed in future versions. Please use RetryStrategy instead.
	DoubleCheck bool `json:"doubleCheck"`

Group represents a check group.

type Heartbeat added in v1.6.6

type Heartbeat struct {
	Period     int    `json:"period"`
	PeriodUnit string `json:"periodUnit"`
	Grace      int    `json:"grace"`
	GraceUnit  string `json:"graceUnit"`
	PingToken  string `json:"pingToken"`

Heartbeat represents the parameter for the heartbeat check.

type HeartbeatCheck added in v1.6.6

type HeartbeatCheck struct {
	ID                        string                     `json:"id"`
	Name                      string                     `json:"name"`
	Activated                 bool                       `json:"activated"`
	Muted                     bool                       `json:"muted"`
	Tags                      []string                   `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	AlertSettings             AlertSettings              `json:"alertSettings,omitempty"`
	UseGlobalAlertSettings    bool                       `json:"useGlobalAlertSettings"`
	AlertChannelSubscriptions []AlertChannelSubscription `json:"alertChannelSubscriptions,omitempty"`
	Heartbeat                 Heartbeat                  `json:"heartbeat"`
	CreatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"updatedAt"`

type KeyValue

type KeyValue struct {
	Key    string `json:"key"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`
	Locked bool   `json:"locked"`

KeyValue represents a key-value pair, for example a request header setting, or a query parameter.

type Location added in v1.6.0

type Location struct {
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Region string `json:"region"`

type MaintenanceWindow added in v1.4.0

type MaintenanceWindow struct {
	ID             int64    `json:"id"`
	Name           string   `json:"name"`
	StartsAt       string   `json:"startsAt"`
	EndsAt         string   `json:"endsAt"`
	RepeatInterval int      `json:"repeatInterval,omitempty"`
	RepeatUnit     string   `json:"repeatUnit,omitempty"`
	RepeatEndsAt   string   `json:"repeatEndsAt,omitempty"`
	Tags           []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt      string   `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      string   `json:"updated_at"`

MaintenanceWindow defines a type for a maintenance window.

type MultiStepCheck added in v1.7.0

type MultiStepCheck struct {
	ID                        string                     `json:"id"`
	Name                      string                     `json:"name"`
	Type                      string                     `json:"checkType"`
	Frequency                 int                        `json:"frequency"`
	FrequencyOffset           int                        `json:"frequencyOffset,omitempty"`
	Activated                 bool                       `json:"activated"`
	Muted                     bool                       `json:"muted"`
	ShouldFail                bool                       `json:"shouldFail"`
	RunParallel               bool                       `json:"runParallel"`
	Locations                 []string                   `json:"locations"`
	Script                    string                     `json:"script,omitempty"`
	EnvironmentVariables      []EnvironmentVariable      `json:"environmentVariables"`
	Tags                      []string                   `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	AlertSettings             AlertSettings              `json:"alertSettings,omitempty"`
	UseGlobalAlertSettings    bool                       `json:"useGlobalAlertSettings"`
	GroupID                   int64                      `json:"groupId,omitempty"`
	GroupOrder                int                        `json:"groupOrder,omitempty"`
	AlertChannelSubscriptions []AlertChannelSubscription `json:"alertChannelSubscriptions,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"updatedAt"`

	// Pointers
	PrivateLocations *[]string      `json:"privateLocations"`
	RuntimeID        *string        `json:"runtimeId"`
	RetryStrategy    *RetryStrategy `json:"retryStrategy,omitempty"`

Check represents the parameters for an existing check.

type ParallelRunFailureThreshold added in v1.7.2

type ParallelRunFailureThreshold struct {
	Enabled    bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Percentage int  `json:"percentage,omitempty"`

ParallelRunFailureThreshold represent an alert escalation based on the number of failing regions, only applicable for parallel checks

type PrivateLocation added in v1.6.0

type PrivateLocation struct {
	ID         string               `json:"id"`
	Name       string               `json:"name"`
	SlugName   string               `json:"slugName"`
	Icon       string               `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Keys       []PrivateLocationKey `json:"keys,omitempty"`
	LastSeen   string               `json:"lastSeen,omitempty"`
	AgentCount int                  `json:"agentCount,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt  string               `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt  string               `json:"updated_at"`

PrivateLocation defines a type for a private location.

type PrivateLocationKey added in v1.6.0

type PrivateLocationKey struct {
	Id        string `json:"id"`
	MaskedKey string `json:"maskedKey"`
	RawKey    string `json:"rawKey"`
	CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`

PrivateLocationKey represents the keys that the private location has.

type Reminders

type Reminders struct {
	Amount   int `json:"amount,omitempty"`
	Interval int `json:"interval,omitempty"`

Reminders represents the number of reminders to send after an alert notification, and the time interval between them.

type Request

type Request struct {
	Method          string      `json:"method"`
	URL             string      `json:"url"`
	FollowRedirects bool        `json:"followRedirects"`
	SkipSSL         bool        `json:"skipSSL"`
	Body            string      `json:"body"`
	BodyType        string      `json:"bodyType,omitempty"`
	Headers         []KeyValue  `json:"headers"`
	QueryParameters []KeyValue  `json:"queryParameters"`
	Assertions      []Assertion `json:"assertions"`
	BasicAuth       *BasicAuth  `json:"basicAuth,omitempty"`
	IPFamily        string      `json:"ipFamily,omitempty"`

Request represents the parameters for the request made by the check.

type RetryStrategy added in v1.6.8

type RetryStrategy struct {
	Type               string `json:"type"`
	BaseBackoffSeconds int    `json:"baseBackoffSeconds"`
	MaxRetries         int    `json:"maxRetries"`
	MaxDurationSeconds int    `json:"maxDurationSeconds"`
	SameRegion         bool   `json:"sameRegion"`

type RunBasedEscalation

type RunBasedEscalation struct {
	FailedRunThreshold int `json:"failedRunThreshold,omitempty"`

RunBasedEscalation represents an alert escalation based on a number of failed check runs.

type Runtime added in v1.7.0

type Runtime struct {
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	MultiStepSupport bool   `json:"multiStepSupport"`
	Stage            string `json:"stage"`
	RuntimeEndOfLife string `json:"runtimeEndOfLife"`
	Description      string `json:"description"`

type SSLCertificates deprecated

type SSLCertificates struct {
	Enabled        bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	AlertThreshold int  `json:"alertThreshold,omitempty"`

Deprecated: this type will be removed in future versions. SSLCertificates represents alert settings for expiring SSL certificates.

type Snippet added in v0.4.6

type Snippet struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id"`
	Name      string    `json:"name"`
	Script    string    `json:"script"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`

Snippet defines Snippet type

type StaticIP added in v1.8.0

type StaticIP struct {
	Region  string
	Address netip.Prefix

This type is used to describe Checkly's official public range of IP addresses checks are executed from see

type TCPCheck added in v1.9.0

type TCPCheck struct {
	ID                        string                     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                      string                     `json:"name"`
	Frequency                 int                        `json:"frequency,omitempty"`
	FrequencyOffset           int                        `json:"frequencyOffset,omitempty"`
	Activated                 bool                       `json:"activated"`
	Muted                     bool                       `json:"muted"`
	ShouldFail                bool                       `json:"shouldFail"`
	RunParallel               bool                       `json:"runParallel"`
	Locations                 []string                   `json:"locations"`
	DegradedResponseTime      int                        `json:"degradedResponseTime,omitempty"`
	MaxResponseTime           int                        `json:"maxResponseTime,omitempty"`
	Tags                      []string                   `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	AlertSettings             *AlertSettings             `json:"alertSettings,omitempty"`
	UseGlobalAlertSettings    bool                       `json:"useGlobalAlertSettings"`
	Request                   TCPRequest                 `json:"request"`
	GroupID                   int64                      `json:"groupId,omitempty"`
	GroupOrder                int                        `json:"groupOrder,omitempty"`
	AlertChannelSubscriptions []AlertChannelSubscription `json:"alertChannelSubscriptions,omitempty"`
	PrivateLocations          *[]string                  `json:"privateLocations"`
	RuntimeID                 *string                    `json:"runtimeId"`
	RetryStrategy             *RetryStrategy             `json:"retryStrategy,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt                 time.Time                  `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`

TCPCheck represents a TCP check.

type TCPRequest added in v1.9.0

type TCPRequest struct {
	Hostname   string      `json:"hostname"`
	Port       uint16      `json:"port"`
	Data       string      `json:"data,omitempty"`
	Assertions []Assertion `json:"assertions,omitempty"`
	IPFamily   string      `json:"ipFamily,omitempty"`

TCPRequest represents the parameters for a TCP check's connection.

type TimeBasedEscalation

type TimeBasedEscalation struct {
	MinutesFailingThreshold int `json:"minutesFailingThreshold,omitempty"`

TimeBasedEscalation represents an alert escalation based on the number of minutes after a check first starts failing.

type TriggerCheck added in v1.5.0

type TriggerCheck struct {
	ID        int64  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	CheckId   string `json:"checkId,omitempty"`
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	CalledAt  string `json:"called_at"`
	CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`

Trigger defines a type for a check trigger.

type TriggerGroup added in v1.5.0

type TriggerGroup struct {
	ID        int64  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	GroupId   int64  `json:"groupId,omitempty"`
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	CalledAt  string `json:"called_at"`
	CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`

Trigger defines a type for a group trigger.

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