A dotfile manager for lazy people and pair programmers.
NOTE: dfm does not require that the dotfiles in your repo start with dots
though it handles either case equally well.
Table of Contents
dfm Supports these features that I was unable to find in other Dotfile
Management solutions.
Multiple Dotfile Profiles
dfm's core feature is the idea of "profiles". Profiles are simply a collection
of dotfiles that dfm manages and links in the $HOME
directory or config
directories. This means that you can have multiple profiles and overlap them.
This feature is hard to write directly about so I will illustrate it's
usefulness with two Use Cases:
The Work Profile
I use one laptop for work and personal projects in my dfm profiles I have my
personal profile "chasinglogic" which contains all my dotfiles for Emacs, git,
etc. and a "work" profile which only has a .gitconfig
that has my work email
in it. So my profile directory looks like this:
├── chasinglogic
│ ├── agignore
│ ├── bash
│ ├── bashrc
│ ├── gitconfig
│ ├── gnupg
│ ├── password-store
│ ├── pypirc
│ ├── spacemacs.d
│ └── tmux.conf
└── work
└── gitconfig
Sinc dfm when linking only does the deltas I can run dfm link work
and still
have access to my emacs config but my gitconfig has been updated to use my work
email. Simliarly when I leave work I just dfm link chasinglogic
to switch back.
Pair Programming
The original inspiration for this tool was pair programming with my friend
lionize. lionize has a dotfiles repo so I can
clone it using the git backend for dfm with dfm clone lionize/dotfiles
. Note
that if a partial URL like this one is given dfm will assume you want to clone
via https from Github but full git-cloneable URLs (including SSH) can be passed
to this command.
Now our profile directory looks like:
├── chasinglogic
│ ├── .dfm.yml
│ ├── .git
│ ├── .gitignore
│ ├── agignore
│ ├── bash
│ ├── bashrc
│ ├── gitconfig
│ ├── gnupg
│ ├── password-store
│ ├── pypirc
│ ├── spacemacs.d
│ └── tmux.conf
├── lionize
│ ├── .agignore
│ ├── .git
│ ├── .gitconfig
│ ├── .gitignore_global
│ ├── .gitmessage
│ ├── .scripts
│ ├── .tmux.conf
│ ├── .vim
│ ├── .vimrc -> ./.vim/init.vim
│ └── .zshrc
└── work
├── .git
└── gitconfig
Now when I'm driving I simply dfm link chasinglogic
and when passing back to
lionize he runs dfm link lionize
and we don't have to mess with multiple
machines vice versa.
Pre and Post command hooks
dfm supports a .dfm.yml
file in the root of your repo that has a "hooks"
key that allows you to specify before and after command bash scripts to run.
For example, I use Spacemacs so whenever I run dfm clone chasinglogic/dotfiles
I want it to install spacemacs. Additionally, I have it set up to update
Spacemacs whenever I run dfm sync
. Here is my .dfm.yml
- |
cd ~/.emacs.d
git pull
echo "Updated Spacemacs!"
- |
if [ ! -d ~/.emacs.d ]; then
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
You can wrap any dfm subcommand, the syntax is simply before_{command_name}
and then a yaml list of bash commands to run.
dfm respects dotfiles which exist in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory, meaning
if in your repo you have a folder named config or .config it will translate
those into the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory appropriately. Similarly when
using dfm add
if inside your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config directories
it will add those to the repo appropriately.
Skips relevant files
Of course dfm skips your .git directory but additionally it will skip these
If you would like to store a global .gitignore
file you can either omit the
leading dot (so just gitignore
) or name the global one .ggitignore
and dfm
will translate the name for you. Otherwise it assumes that .gitignore
is the
gitignore for the profile's repo and so skips it.
Want to make a README for your dotfiles? Go ahead! As long as the file name
starts with README dfm will ignore it. So README.txt
or whatever other permutations you can dream up all work.
You should put a LICENSE on all code you put on the internet and some dotfiles /
configurations are actual code (See: Emacs). If you put a LICENSE in your
profile dfm will respect you being a good internet citizen and not clutter your
This is a special dfm file used for hooks today and in the future for other ways
to extend dfm. As such dfm doesn't put it in your $HOME
Install from Release
- Navigate to the Releases Page
- Find the tar ball for your platform / architecture. For example, on 64 bit
Mac OSX, the archive is named
- Extract the tar ball
- Put the dfm binary in your
Install from Source
Simply run go get:
$ go get github.com/chasinglogic/dfm
If your $GOPATH/bin
is in your $PATH
then you now have dfm installed.
can update itself to bring in the latest bug fixes and features. Simply run:
dfm update
To update.
Dotfile management written for pair programmers. Examples on getting
started with dfm are avialable at https://github.com/chasinglogic/dfm
dfm [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a file to the current profile.
clean clean dead symlinks
clone git clone an existing profile from `URL`
git run the given git command on the current profile
help Help about any command
init create a new profile with `NAME`
link link the profile with `NAME`
list list available profiles
remove remove the profile with `NAME`
sync sync the current profile with the configured backend
update downlaod and install dfm updates
version print version information for dfm
where prints the current profile directory path
-d, --dry-run don't make changes just print what would happen
-h, --help help for dfm
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "dfm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Git Quick Start
dfm supports pluggable backends, so if you don't like Git you can choose another
option, but git is the default backend so here is a Quick Start Guide to get you going!
Quick Start (Existing dotfiles repo)
If you already have a dotfiles repo you can start by cloning it using the clone
Note: ssh urls will work as well.
dfm clone https://github.com/chasinglogic/dotfiles
If you're using github you can shortcut the domain:
dfm clone chasinglogic/dotfiles
If you want to clone and link the dotfiles in one command:
dfm clone --link chasinglogic/dotfiles
You may have to use --overwrite
as well if you have existing non-symlinked
versions of your dotfiles
Once you have multiple profiles you can switch between them using dfm link
dfm link some-other-profile
See the Usage Notes below for some quick info on what to expect from other dfm
Quick Start (No existing dotfiles repo)
If you do not have a dotfiles repo the best place to start is with dfm init
dfm init my-new-profile
Then run dfm link
to set it as the active profile, this is also how you switch
dfm link my-new-profile
Once that is done you can start adding your dotfiles
dfm add ~/.bashrc
Alternatively you can add multiple files at once
dfm add ~/.bashrc ~/.vimrc ~/.vim ~/.emacs.d
Then create your dotfiles repo on Github. Instructions for how to do that can be
found here. Once that's done
get the "clone" URL for your new repo and set it as origin for the profile:
Note: When creating the remote repo do not choose any options such as
"initialize this repo with a README" otherwise git will get cranky when you add
the remote because of a recent git update and how it handles unrelated
if you do don't worry the linked post explains how to get past it.
dfm git remote add origin <your clone URL>
Then simply run dfm sync
to sync your dotfiles to the remote
dfm sync
Now you're done!
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- 🔥 Submit a pull request :D 🔥
All pull requests should go to the develop branch not master. Thanks!
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License
Copyright (C) 2017 Mathew Robinson
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.