Index ¶
- func Base64(input string) string
- func CIDR(ipBlock, count, cidrBits string) string
- func FindInMap(mapName, topLevelKey, secondLevelKey string) string
- func GetAZs(region string) string
- func GetAtt(logicalName string, attribute string) string
- func ImportValue(name string) string
- func Join(delimiter string, values []string) string
- func Ref(logicalName string) string
- func Select(index string, list []string) string
- func Split(delimiter, source string) string
- func Sub(value string) string
- type AWSAmazonMQBroker
- type AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId
- type AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList
- type AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow
- type AWSAmazonMQBroker_User
- type AWSAmazonMQConfiguration
- type AWSApiGatewayAccount
- type AWSApiGatewayApiKey
- type AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey
- type AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer
- type AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping
- type AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate
- type AWSApiGatewayDeployment
- type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting
- type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription
- type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart
- type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location
- type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion
- type AWSApiGatewayDomainName
- type AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration
- type AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse
- type AWSApiGatewayModel
- type AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator
- type AWSApiGatewayResource
- type AWSApiGatewayRestApi
- type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration
- type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location
- type AWSApiGatewayStage
- type AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings
- type AWSApiGatewayVpcLink
- type AWSAppSyncApiKey
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema
- type AWSAppSyncResolver
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSAthenaNamedQuery
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty
- type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice
- type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction
- type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment
- type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost
- type AWSBatchJobQueue
- type AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder
- type AWSBudgetsBudget
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod
- type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate
- type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption
- type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2
- type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository
- type AWSCloudFormationCustomResource
- type AWSCloudFormationStack
- type AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition
- type AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
- type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners
- type AWSCloudTrailTrail
- type AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource
- type AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector
- type AWSCloudWatchAlarm
- type AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension
- type AWSCloudWatchDashboard
- type AWSCodeBuildProject
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_Source
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig
- type AWSCodeCommitRepository
- type AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger
- type AWSCodeDeployApplication
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition
- type AWSCodePipelineWebhook
- type AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration
- type AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync
- type AWSCognitoUserPool
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolClient
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints
- type AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization
- type AWSConfigConfigRule
- type AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope
- type AWSConfigConfigRule_Source
- type AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail
- type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator
- type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource
- type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource
- type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder
- type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup
- type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel
- type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties
- type AWSDAXCluster
- type AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification
- type AWSDAXParameterGroup
- type AWSDAXSubnetGroup
- type AWSDMSCertificate
- type AWSDMSEndpoint
- type AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings
- type AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings
- type AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings
- type AWSDMSEventSubscription
- type AWSDMSReplicationInstance
- type AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup
- type AWSDMSReplicationTask
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag
- type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
- type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings
- type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD
- type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings
- type AWSDynamoDBTable
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification
- type AWSEC2CustomerGateway
- type AWSEC2DHCPOptions
- type AWSEC2EIP
- type AWSEC2EIPAssociation
- type AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway
- type AWSEC2FlowLog
- type AWSEC2Host
- type AWSEC2Instance
- type AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter
- type AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_Ebs
- type AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address
- type AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface
- type AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice
- type AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation
- type AWSEC2Instance_Volume
- type AWSEC2InternetGateway
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification
- type AWSEC2NatGateway
- type AWSEC2NetworkAcl
- type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry
- type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp
- type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterface
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type AWSEC2PlacementGroup
- type AWSEC2Route
- type AWSEC2RouteTable
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroup
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement
- type AWSEC2Subnet
- type AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock
- type AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
- type AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- type AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation
- type AWSEC2VPC
- type AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock
- type AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
- type AWSEC2VPCEndpoint
- type AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification
- type AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions
- type AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment
- type AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection
- type AWSEC2VPNConnection
- type AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute
- type AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification
- type AWSEC2VPNGateway
- type AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
- type AWSEC2Volume
- type AWSEC2VolumeAttachment
- type AWSECRRepository
- type AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy
- type AWSECSCluster
- type AWSECSService
- type AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration
- type AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration
- type AWSECSService_LoadBalancer
- type AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration
- type AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint
- type AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy
- type AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom
- type AWSEFSFileSystem
- type AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag
- type AWSEFSMountTarget
- type AWSEKSCluster
- type AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster
- type AWSEMRCluster_Application
- type AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy
- type AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
- type AWSEMRCluster_Configuration
- type AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes
- type AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension
- type AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification
- type AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification
- type AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration
- type AWSEMRStep
- type AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig
- type AWSEMRStep_KeyValue
- type AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster
- type AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup
- type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup
- type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration
- type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup
- type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions
- type AWSEventsRule
- type AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters
- type AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer
- type AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters
- type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters
- type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget
- type AWSEventsRule_Target
- type AWSGameLiftAlias
- type AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy
- type AWSGameLiftBuild
- type AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location
- type AWSGameLiftFleet
- type AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission
- type AWSGlueClassifier
- type AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier
- type AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier
- type AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier
- type AWSGlueConnection
- type AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput
- type AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements
- type AWSGlueCrawler
- type AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget
- type AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target
- type AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule
- type AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy
- type AWSGlueCrawler_Targets
- type AWSGlueDatabase
- type AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput
- type AWSGlueDevEndpoint
- type AWSGlueJob
- type AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList
- type AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty
- type AWSGlueJob_JobCommand
- type AWSGluePartition
- type AWSGluePartition_Column
- type AWSGluePartition_Order
- type AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput
- type AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo
- type AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo
- type AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor
- type AWSGlueTable
- type AWSGlueTable_Column
- type AWSGlueTable_Order
- type AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo
- type AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo
- type AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor
- type AWSGlueTable_TableInput
- type AWSGlueTrigger
- type AWSGlueTrigger_Action
- type AWSGlueTrigger_Condition
- type AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate
- type AWSGuardDutyDetector
- type AWSGuardDutyFilter
- type AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition
- type AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria
- type AWSGuardDutyIPSet
- type AWSGuardDutyMaster
- type AWSGuardDutyMember
- type AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet
- type AWSIAMAccessKey
- type AWSIAMGroup
- type AWSIAMGroup_Policy
- type AWSIAMInstanceProfile
- type AWSIAMManagedPolicy
- type AWSIAMPolicy
- type AWSIAMRole
- type AWSIAMRole_Policy
- type AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole
- type AWSIAMUser
- type AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition
- type AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile
- type AWSIAMUser_Policy
- type AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget
- type AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate
- type AWSInspectorResourceGroup
- type AWSIoTCertificate
- type AWSIoTPolicy
- type AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
- type AWSIoTThing
- type AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment
- type AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload
- type AWSIoTTopicRule
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_Action
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload
- type AWSKMSAlias
- type AWSKMSKey
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions
- type AWSKinesisStream
- type AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption
- type AWSLambdaAlias
- type AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration
- type AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight
- type AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping
- type AWSLambdaFunction
- type AWSLambdaFunction_Code
- type AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig
- type AWSLambdaFunction_Environment
- type AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig
- type AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig
- type AWSLambdaPermission
- type AWSLambdaVersion
- type AWSLogsDestination
- type AWSLogsLogGroup
- type AWSLogsLogStream
- type AWSLogsMetricFilter
- type AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation
- type AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter
- type AWSNeptuneDBCluster
- type AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup
- type AWSNeptuneDBInstance
- type AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup
- type AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup
- type AWSOpsWorksApp
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_Source
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksStack
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_Source
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager
- type AWSOpsWorksUserProfile
- type AWSOpsWorksVolume
- type AWSRDSDBCluster
- type AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup
- type AWSRDSDBInstance
- type AWSRDSDBParameterGroup
- type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup
- type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress
- type AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup
- type AWSRDSEventSubscription
- type AWSRDSOptionGroup
- type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration
- type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting
- type AWSRedshiftCluster
- type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup
- type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter
- type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
- type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
- type AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC
- type AWSRoute53RecordSet
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet
- type AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget
- type AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation
- type AWSS3Bucket
- type AWSS3BucketPolicy
- type AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload
- type AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation
- type AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption
- type AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_DataExport
- type AWSS3Bucket_Destination
- type AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition
- type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter
- type AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo
- type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination
- type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition
- type AWSS3Bucket_Rule
- type AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter
- type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault
- type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria
- type AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects
- type AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis
- type AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter
- type AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_Transition
- type AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration
- type AWSSDBDomain
- type AWSSESConfigurationSet
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination
- type AWSSESReceiptFilter
- type AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter
- type AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter
- type AWSSESReceiptRule
- type AWSSESReceiptRuleSet
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_Action
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction
- type AWSSESTemplate
- type AWSSESTemplate_Template
- type AWSSNSSubscription
- type AWSSNSTopic
- type AWSSNSTopicPolicy
- type AWSSNSTopic_Subscription
- type AWSSQSQueue
- type AWSSQSQueuePolicy
- type AWSSSMAssociation
- type AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation
- type AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues
- type AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation
- type AWSSSMAssociation_Target
- type AWSSSMDocument
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters
- type AWSSSMParameter
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup
- type AWSSSMResourceDataSync
- type AWSSageMakerEndpoint
- type AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig
- type AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant
- type AWSSageMakerModel
- type AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition
- type AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig
- type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance
- type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
- type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook
- type AWSServerlessApi
- type AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri
- type AWSServerlessApi_S3Location
- type AWSServerlessFunction
- type AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri
- type AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue
- type AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource
- type AWSServerlessFunction_Events
- type AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment
- type AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument
- type AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_Policies
- type AWSServerlessFunction_Properties
- type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event
- type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location
- type AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter
- type AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig
- type AWSServerlessSimpleTable
- type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey
- type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput
- type AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter
- type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint
- type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint
- type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare
- type AWSServiceCatalogTagOption
- type AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig
- type AWSStepFunctionsActivity
- type AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine
- type AWSWAFByteMatchSet
- type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFIPSet
- type AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor
- type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor
- type AWSWAFRegionalRule
- type AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate
- type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint
- type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule
- type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFRule
- type AWSWAFRule_Predicate
- type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet
- type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint
- type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
- type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule
- type AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction
- type AWSWAFXssMatchSet
- type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple
- type AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace
- type Tag
- type Template
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAmazonMQBrokerWithName(name string) (AWSAmazonMQBroker, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAmazonMQConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSAmazonMQConfiguration, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAccount, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayApiKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDeployment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDomainName, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayMethod, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayModel, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayResource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRestApi, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayStage, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayVpcLink, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncApiKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncDataSource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncResolver, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName(name string) (AWSAthenaNamedQuery, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSBatchComputeEnvironment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobDefinition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobQueue, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName(name string) (AWSBudgetsBudget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSCertificateManagerCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName(name string) (AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationCustomResource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationStack, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontDistribution, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName(name string) (AWSCloudTrailTrail, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchAlarm, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchDashboard, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName(name string) (AWSCodeBuildProject, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSCodeCommitRepository, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployApplication, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelinePipeline, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelineWebhookWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelineWebhook, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPool, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolClient, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUser, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPool, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationWithName(name string) (AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName(name string) (AWSConfigDeliveryChannel, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXClusterWithName(name string) (AWSDAXCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSDMSCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEventSubscription, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationTask, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSDataPipelinePipeline, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName(name string) (AWSDynamoDBTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2CustomerGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName(name string) (AWSEC2DHCPOptions, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EIPAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EIPWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EIP, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName(name string) (AWSEC2FlowLog, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2HostWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Host, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Instance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2InternetGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSEC2LaunchTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NatGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAcl, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterface, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2PlacementGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName(name string) (AWSEC2RouteTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Route, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SpotFleet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Subnet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPC, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnection, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VolumeAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Volume, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSECRRepository, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSECSCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECSServiceWithName(name string) (AWSECSService, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSECSTaskDefinition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName(name string) (AWSEFSFileSystem, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName(name string) (AWSEFSMountTarget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEKSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEKSCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEMRCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRStepWithName(name string) (AWSEMRStep, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName(name string) (AWSElasticsearchDomain, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEventsRuleWithName(name string) (AWSEventsRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftAlias, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftBuild, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftFleet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName(name string) (AWSGlueClassifier, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSGlueConnection, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueCrawler, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDatabase, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDevEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueJobWithName(name string) (AWSGlueJob, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGluePartitionWithName(name string) (AWSGluePartition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTableWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTrigger, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyDetector, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyIPSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMaster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMember, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMAccessKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMGroupWithName(name string) (AWSIAMGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName(name string) (AWSIAMInstanceProfile, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMManagedPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMRoleWithName(name string) (AWSIAMRole, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleWithName(name string) (AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUser, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorResourceGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSIoTCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThing, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName(name string) (AWSIoTTopicRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKMSAliasWithName(name string) (AWSKMSAlias, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKMSKeyWithName(name string) (AWSKMSKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisStream, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaAlias, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaFunction, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaPermission, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaVersion, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSLogsDestination, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogStream, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsMetricFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksApp, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksLayer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksStack, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksUserProfile, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksVolume, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSRDSEventSubscription, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSOptionGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HealthCheck, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HostedZone, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSS3BucketPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketWithName(name string) (AWSS3Bucket, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSDBDomainWithName(name string) (AWSSDBDomain, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRuleSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSSESTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSSNSSubscription, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopicPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopic, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueuePolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueueWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueue, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSSSMAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName(name string) (AWSSSMDocument, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName(name string) (AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMParameterWithName(name string) (AWSSSMParameter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName(name string) (AWSSSMPatchBaseline, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMResourceDataSyncWithName(name string) (AWSSSMResourceDataSync, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerModelWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerModel, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessApiWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessApi, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessFunction, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessSimpleTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOption, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryService, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsActivity, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFByteMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFIPSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalIPSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACL, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFWebACL, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFXssMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName(name string) (AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAmazonMQBrokerResources() map[string]AWSAmazonMQBroker
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAmazonMQConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSAmazonMQConfiguration
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAccount
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayApiKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDeployment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDomainName
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayMethod
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayModel
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayResource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRestApi
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayStage
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayVpcLink
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncApiKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncDataSource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncResolver
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources() map[string]AWSAthenaNamedQuery
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSBatchComputeEnvironment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobDefinition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobQueue
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources() map[string]AWSBudgetsBudget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSCertificateManagerCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources() map[string]AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationCustomResource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationStack
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontDistribution
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources() map[string]AWSCloudTrailTrail
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchAlarm
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchDashboard
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources() map[string]AWSCodeBuildProject
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSCodeCommitRepository
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployApplication
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelinePipeline
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineWebhookResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelineWebhook
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPool
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolClient
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPool
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUser
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationResources() map[string]AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources() map[string]AWSConfigDeliveryChannel
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources() map[string]AWSDAXCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources() map[string]AWSDMSCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources() map[string]AWSDMSEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSDMSEventSubscription
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationTask
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSDataPipelinePipeline
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources() map[string]AWSDynamoDBTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2CustomerGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources() map[string]AWSEC2DHCPOptions
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2EIPAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPResources() map[string]AWSEC2EIP
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources() map[string]AWSEC2FlowLog
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2HostResources() map[string]AWSEC2Host
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources() map[string]AWSEC2Instance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2InternetGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources() map[string]AWSEC2LaunchTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2NatGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAcl
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterface
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2PlacementGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2Route
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources() map[string]AWSEC2RouteTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources() map[string]AWSEC2SpotFleet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources() map[string]AWSEC2Subnet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPC
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnection
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VolumeAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources() map[string]AWSEC2Volume
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSECRRepository
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSClusterResources() map[string]AWSECSCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSServiceResources() map[string]AWSECSService
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSECSTaskDefinition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources() map[string]AWSEFSFileSystem
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources() map[string]AWSEFSMountTarget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources() map[string]AWSEKSCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources() map[string]AWSEMRCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRStepResources() map[string]AWSEMRStep
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources() map[string]AWSElasticsearchDomain
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources() map[string]AWSEventsRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftAlias
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftBuild
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftFleet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources() map[string]AWSGlueClassifier
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources() map[string]AWSGlueConnection
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources() map[string]AWSGlueCrawler
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources() map[string]AWSGlueDatabase
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources() map[string]AWSGlueDevEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueJobResources() map[string]AWSGlueJob
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources() map[string]AWSGluePartition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTableResources() map[string]AWSGlueTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources() map[string]AWSGlueTrigger
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyDetector
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyIPSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMaster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMember
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources() map[string]AWSIAMAccessKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources() map[string]AWSIAMGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources() map[string]AWSIAMInstanceProfile
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMManagedPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources() map[string]AWSIAMRole
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleResources() map[string]AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserResources() map[string]AWSIAMUser
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources() map[string]AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources() map[string]AWSInspectorResourceGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources() map[string]AWSIoTCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingResources() map[string]AWSIoTThing
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources() map[string]AWSIoTTopicRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources() map[string]AWSKMSAlias
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKMSKeyResources() map[string]AWSKMSKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisStream
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources() map[string]AWSLambdaAlias
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources() map[string]AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaFunction
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaPermission
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaVersion
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources() map[string]AWSLogsDestination
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogStream
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsMetricFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksApp
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksLayer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksStack
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksUserProfile
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksVolume
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSRDSEventSubscription
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSOptionGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HealthCheck
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HostedZone
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources() map[string]AWSS3BucketPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketResources() map[string]AWSS3Bucket
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources() map[string]AWSSDBDomain
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRuleSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources() map[string]AWSSESTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSSNSSubscription
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopicPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopic
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueuePolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueue
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources() map[string]AWSSSMAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources() map[string]AWSSSMDocument
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources() map[string]AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources() map[string]AWSSSMParameter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources() map[string]AWSSSMPatchBaseline
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMResourceDataSyncResources() map[string]AWSSSMResourceDataSync
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerModelResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerModel
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources() map[string]AWSServerlessApi
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources() map[string]AWSServerlessFunction
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources() map[string]AWSServerlessSimpleTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOption
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryService
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsActivity
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFByteMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFIPSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalIPSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACL
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFWebACL
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFXssMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources() map[string]AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace
- func (t *Template) JSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (t *Template) YAML() ([]byte, error)
- type Transform
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Base64 ¶ added in v1.2.0
Base64 returns the Base64 representation of the input string. This function is typically used to pass encoded data to Amazon EC2 instances by way of the UserData property
func CIDR ¶ added in v1.2.0
CIDR returns an array of CIDR address blocks. The number of CIDR blocks returned is dependent on the count parameter.
func FindInMap ¶ added in v1.2.0
FindInMap returns the value corresponding to keys in a two-level map that is declared in the Mappings section.
func GetAZs ¶ added in v1.2.0
GetAZs returns an array that lists Availability Zones for a specified region. Because customers have access to different Availability Zones, the intrinsic function Fn::GetAZs enables template authors to write templates that adapt to the calling user's access. That way you don't have to hard-code a full list of Availability Zones for a specified region.
func GetAtt ¶ added in v1.2.0
GetAtt returns the value of an attribute from a resource in the template.
func ImportValue ¶ added in v1.2.0
ImportValue returns the value of an output exported by another stack. You typically use this function to create cross-stack references. In the following example template snippets, Stack A exports VPC security group values and Stack B imports them.
func Join ¶ added in v1.2.0
Join appends a set of values into a single value, separated by the specified delimiter. If a delimiter is the empty string, the set of values are concatenated with no delimiter.
func Ref ¶ added in v1.2.0
Ref creates a CloudFormation Reference to another resource in the template
func Split ¶ added in v1.2.0
Split splits a string into a list of string values so that you can select an element from the resulting string list, use the Fn::Split intrinsic function. Specify the location of splits with a delimiter, such as , (a comma). After you split a string, use the Fn::Select function to pick a specific element.
Types ¶
type AWSAmazonMQBroker ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAmazonMQBroker struct { // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // BrokerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BrokerName string `json:"BrokerName,omitempty"` // Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configuration *AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // DeploymentMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeploymentMode string `json:"DeploymentMode,omitempty"` // EngineType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineType string `json:"EngineType,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // HostInstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostInstanceType string `json:"HostInstanceType,omitempty"` // Logs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logs *AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList `json:"Logs,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowStartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowStartTime *AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow `json:"MaintenanceWindowStartTime,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Users []AWSAmazonMQBroker_User `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSAmazonMQBroker AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker) See:
func (*AWSAmazonMQBroker) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQBroker) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAmazonMQBroker) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSAmazonMQBroker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAmazonMQBroker) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQBroker) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Revision int `json:"Revision,omitempty"` }
AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.ConfigurationId) See:
func (*AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQBroker_ConfigurationId) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList struct { // Audit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Audit bool `json:"Audit,omitempty"` // General AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: General bool `json:"General,omitempty"` }
AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.LogList) See:
func (*AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQBroker_LogList) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow struct { // DayOfWeek AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DayOfWeek string `json:"DayOfWeek,omitempty"` // TimeOfDay AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeOfDay string `json:"TimeOfDay,omitempty"` // TimeZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeZone string `json:"TimeZone,omitempty"` }
AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.MaintenanceWindow) See:
func (*AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQBroker_MaintenanceWindow) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_User ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAmazonMQBroker_User struct { // ConsoleAccess AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConsoleAccess bool `json:"ConsoleAccess,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSAmazonMQBroker_User AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.User) See:
func (*AWSAmazonMQBroker_User) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQBroker_User) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAmazonMQConfiguration ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAmazonMQConfiguration struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EngineType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineType string `json:"EngineType,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSAmazonMQConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration) See:
func (*AWSAmazonMQConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAmazonMQConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSAmazonMQConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAmazonMQConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAmazonMQConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayAccount ¶
type AWSApiGatewayAccount struct { // CloudWatchRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchRoleArn string `json:"CloudWatchRoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayAccount AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Account) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayAccount) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAccount) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAccount) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey ¶
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey struct { // CustomerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomerId string `json:"CustomerId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // GenerateDistinctId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GenerateDistinctId bool `json:"GenerateDistinctId,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StageKeys AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageKeys []AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey `json:"StageKeys,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayApiKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayApiKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayApiKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey ¶
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey struct { // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey.StageKey) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer ¶
type AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer struct { // AuthType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthType string `json:"AuthType,omitempty"` // AuthorizerCredentials AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerCredentials string `json:"AuthorizerCredentials,omitempty"` // AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds int `json:"AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // AuthorizerUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerUri string `json:"AuthorizerUri,omitempty"` // IdentitySource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IdentitySource string `json:"IdentitySource,omitempty"` // IdentityValidationExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IdentityValidationExpression string `json:"IdentityValidationExpression,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ProviderARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProviderARNs []string `json:"ProviderARNs,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping ¶
type AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping struct { // BasePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BasePath string `json:"BasePath,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Stage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Stage string `json:"Stage,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate ¶
type AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StageDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageDescription *AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription `json:"StageDescription,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDeployment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayDeployment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayDeployment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting struct { // CacheDataEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheDataEncrypted bool `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // CacheTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheTtlInSeconds int `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // CachingEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachingEnabled bool `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // DataTraceEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTraceEnabled bool `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // HttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpMethod string `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // LoggingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingLevel string `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // MetricsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsEnabled bool `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // ThrottlingBurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingBurstLimit int `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // ThrottlingRateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingRateLimit float64 `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.MethodSetting) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription struct { // CacheClusterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterEnabled bool `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheClusterSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterSize string `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // CacheDataEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheDataEncrypted bool `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // CacheTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheTtlInSeconds int `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // CachingEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachingEnabled bool `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // ClientCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientCertificateId string `json:"ClientCertificateId,omitempty"` // DataTraceEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTraceEnabled bool `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentationVersion string `json:"DocumentationVersion,omitempty"` // LoggingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingLevel string `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // MethodSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodSettings []AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // MetricsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsEnabled bool `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // ThrottlingBurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingBurstLimit int `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // ThrottlingRateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingRateLimit float64 `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.StageDescription) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart struct { // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Properties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Properties string `json:"Properties,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location struct { // Method AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Method string `json:"Method,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart.Location) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DocumentationVersion string `json:"DocumentationVersion,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationVersion) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointConfiguration *AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration `json:"EndpointConfiguration,omitempty"` // RegionalCertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegionalCertificateArn string `json:"RegionalCertificateArn,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDomainName AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayDomainName) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayDomainName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration struct { // Types AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Types []string `json:"Types,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName.EndpointConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse struct { // ResponseParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseParameters map[string]string `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // ResponseTemplates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseTemplates map[string]string `json:"ResponseTemplates,omitempty"` // ResponseType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResponseType string `json:"ResponseType,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayMethod ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod struct { // ApiKeyRequired AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiKeyRequired bool `json:"ApiKeyRequired,omitempty"` // AuthorizationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizationType string `json:"AuthorizationType,omitempty"` // AuthorizerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerId string `json:"AuthorizerId,omitempty"` // HttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HttpMethod string `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // Integration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Integration *AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration `json:"Integration,omitempty"` // MethodResponses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodResponses []AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse `json:"MethodResponses,omitempty"` // OperationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OperationName string `json:"OperationName,omitempty"` // RequestModels AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestModels map[string]string `json:"RequestModels,omitempty"` // RequestParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestParameters map[string]bool `json:"RequestParameters,omitempty"` // RequestValidatorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestValidatorId string `json:"RequestValidatorId,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration struct { // CacheKeyParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheKeyParameters []string `json:"CacheKeyParameters,omitempty"` // CacheNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheNamespace string `json:"CacheNamespace,omitempty"` // ContentHandling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentHandling string `json:"ContentHandling,omitempty"` // Credentials AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Credentials string `json:"Credentials,omitempty"` // IntegrationHttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IntegrationHttpMethod string `json:"IntegrationHttpMethod,omitempty"` // IntegrationResponses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IntegrationResponses []AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse `json:"IntegrationResponses,omitempty"` // PassthroughBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PassthroughBehavior string `json:"PassthroughBehavior,omitempty"` // RequestParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestParameters map[string]string `json:"RequestParameters,omitempty"` // RequestTemplates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestTemplates map[string]string `json:"RequestTemplates,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Uri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Uri string `json:"Uri,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method.Integration) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse struct { // ContentHandling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentHandling string `json:"ContentHandling,omitempty"` // ResponseParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseParameters map[string]string `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // ResponseTemplates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseTemplates map[string]string `json:"ResponseTemplates,omitempty"` // SelectionPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SelectionPattern string `json:"SelectionPattern,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method.IntegrationResponse) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse struct { // ResponseModels AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseModels map[string]string `json:"ResponseModels,omitempty"` // ResponseParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseParameters map[string]bool `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method.MethodResponse) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayModel ¶
type AWSApiGatewayModel struct { // ContentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentType string `json:"ContentType,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Schema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schema interface{} `json:"Schema,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayModel AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Model) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayModel) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayModel) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayModel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayModel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayModel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayModel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // ValidateRequestBody AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidateRequestBody bool `json:"ValidateRequestBody,omitempty"` // ValidateRequestParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidateRequestParameters bool `json:"ValidateRequestParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayResource ¶
type AWSApiGatewayResource struct { // ParentId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParentId string `json:"ParentId,omitempty"` // PathPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PathPart string `json:"PathPart,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayResource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Resource) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayResource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayResource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayResource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi ¶
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi struct { // ApiKeySourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiKeySourceType string `json:"ApiKeySourceType,omitempty"` // BinaryMediaTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BinaryMediaTypes []string `json:"BinaryMediaTypes,omitempty"` // Body AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Body interface{} `json:"Body,omitempty"` // BodyS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BodyS3Location *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location `json:"BodyS3Location,omitempty"` // CloneFrom AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloneFrom string `json:"CloneFrom,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointConfiguration *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration `json:"EndpointConfiguration,omitempty"` // FailOnWarnings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailOnWarnings bool `json:"FailOnWarnings,omitempty"` // MinimumCompressionSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumCompressionSize int `json:"MinimumCompressionSize,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]string `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Policy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policy interface{} `json:"Policy,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRestApi AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayRestApi) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayRestApi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration struct { // Types AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Types []string `json:"Types,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.EndpointConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location ¶
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // ETag AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ETag string `json:"ETag,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayStage ¶
type AWSApiGatewayStage struct { // CacheClusterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterEnabled bool `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheClusterSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterSize string `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // ClientCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientCertificateId string `json:"ClientCertificateId,omitempty"` // DeploymentId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentId string `json:"DeploymentId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentationVersion string `json:"DocumentationVersion,omitempty"` // MethodSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodSettings []AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayStage AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Stage) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayStage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayStage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting ¶
type AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting struct { // CacheDataEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheDataEncrypted bool `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // CacheTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheTtlInSeconds int `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // CachingEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachingEnabled bool `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // DataTraceEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTraceEnabled bool `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // HttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpMethod string `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // LoggingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingLevel string `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // MetricsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsEnabled bool `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // ThrottlingBurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingBurstLimit int `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // ThrottlingRateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingRateLimit float64 `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Stage.MethodSetting) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan struct { // ApiStages AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiStages []AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage `json:"ApiStages,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Quota AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Quota *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings `json:"Quota,omitempty"` // Throttle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Throttle *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings `json:"Throttle,omitempty"` // UsagePlanName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UsagePlanName string `json:"UsagePlanName,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey struct { // KeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyId string `json:"KeyId,omitempty"` // KeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyType string `json:"KeyType,omitempty"` // UsagePlanId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UsagePlanId string `json:"UsagePlanId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Stage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Stage string `json:"Stage,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.ApiStage) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings struct { // Limit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Limit int `json:"Limit,omitempty"` // Offset AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Offset int `json:"Offset,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Period string `json:"Period,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.QuotaSettings) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings struct { // BurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BurstLimit int `json:"BurstLimit,omitempty"` // RateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RateLimit float64 `json:"RateLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.ThrottleSettings) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayVpcLink ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayVpcLink struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // TargetArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArns []string `json:"TargetArns,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayVpcLink AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncApiKey ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncApiKey struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Expires AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Expires float64 `json:"Expires,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncApiKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::ApiKey) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAppSyncApiKey) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAppSyncApiKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncApiKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncApiKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncDataSource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DynamoDBConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDBConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig `json:"DynamoDBConfig,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig `json:"ElasticsearchConfig,omitempty"` // HttpConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig `json:"HttpConfig,omitempty"` // LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig `json:"LambdaConfig,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAppSyncDataSource) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAppSyncDataSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig struct { // AwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AwsRegion string `json:"AwsRegion,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` // UseCallerCredentials AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseCallerCredentials bool `json:"UseCallerCredentials,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.DynamoDBConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig struct { // AwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AwsRegion string `json:"AwsRegion,omitempty"` // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.ElasticsearchConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig struct { // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.HttpConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_HttpConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig struct { // LambdaFunctionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LambdaFunctionArn string `json:"LambdaFunctionArn,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.LambdaConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi struct { // AuthenticationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AuthenticationType string `json:"AuthenticationType,omitempty"` // LogConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogConfig *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig `json:"LogConfig,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OpenIDConnectConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OpenIDConnectConfig *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig `json:"OpenIDConnectConfig,omitempty"` // UserPoolConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolConfig *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig `json:"UserPoolConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig struct { // CloudWatchLogsRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLogsRoleArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsRoleArn,omitempty"` // FieldLogLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FieldLogLevel string `json:"FieldLogLevel,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.LogConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig struct { // AuthTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthTTL float64 `json:"AuthTTL,omitempty"` // ClientId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // IatTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IatTTL float64 `json:"IatTTL,omitempty"` // Issuer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Issuer string `json:"Issuer,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig struct { // AppIdClientRegex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AppIdClientRegex string `json:"AppIdClientRegex,omitempty"` // AwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsRegion string `json:"AwsRegion,omitempty"` // DefaultAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultAction string `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.UserPoolConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Definition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Definition string `json:"Definition,omitempty"` // DefinitionS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefinitionS3Location string `json:"DefinitionS3Location,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncResolver ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncResolver struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // DataSourceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataSourceName string `json:"DataSourceName,omitempty"` // FieldName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldName string `json:"FieldName,omitempty"` // RequestMappingTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestMappingTemplate string `json:"RequestMappingTemplate,omitempty"` // RequestMappingTemplateS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestMappingTemplateS3Location string `json:"RequestMappingTemplateS3Location,omitempty"` // ResponseMappingTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseMappingTemplate string `json:"ResponseMappingTemplate,omitempty"` // ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location string `json:"ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location,omitempty"` // TypeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TypeName string `json:"TypeName,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncResolver AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::Resolver) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncResolver) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncResolver) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAppSyncResolver) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAppSyncResolver) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncResolver) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncResolver) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // ScalableDimension AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalableDimension string `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // ScheduledActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduledActions []AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction `json:"ScheduledActions,omitempty"` // ServiceNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceNamespace string `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget.ScalableTargetAction) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction struct { // EndTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndTime string `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // ScalableTargetAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalableTargetAction *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction `json:"ScalableTargetAction,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // ScheduledActionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScheduledActionName string `json:"ScheduledActionName,omitempty"` // StartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartTime string `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget.ScheduledAction) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy struct { // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // PolicyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyType string `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // ScalableDimension AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalableDimension string `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // ScalingTargetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalingTargetId string `json:"ScalingTargetId,omitempty"` // ServiceNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceNamespace string `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` // StepScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"StepScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` // TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification struct { // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.CustomizedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification struct { // PredefinedMetricType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PredefinedMetricType string `json:"PredefinedMetricType,omitempty"` // ResourceLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLabel string `json:"ResourceLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.PredefinedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment struct { // MetricIntervalLowerBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalLowerBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalLowerBound,omitempty"` // MetricIntervalUpperBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalUpperBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalUpperBound,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.StepAdjustment) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // Cooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cooldown int `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // MetricAggregationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricAggregationType string `json:"MetricAggregationType,omitempty"` // MinAdjustmentMagnitude AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinAdjustmentMagnitude int `json:"MinAdjustmentMagnitude,omitempty"` // StepAdjustments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepAdjustments []AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment `json:"StepAdjustments,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomizedMetricSpecification *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification `json:"CustomizedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableScaleIn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableScaleIn bool `json:"DisableScaleIn,omitempty"` // PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PredefinedMetricSpecification *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification `json:"PredefinedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // ScaleInCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleInCooldown int `json:"ScaleInCooldown,omitempty"` // ScaleOutCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleOutCooldown int `json:"ScaleOutCooldown,omitempty"` // TargetValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetValue float64 `json:"TargetValue,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAthenaNamedQuery ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAthenaNamedQuery struct { // Database AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Database string `json:"Database,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // QueryString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: QueryString string `json:"QueryString,omitempty"` }
AWSAthenaNamedQuery AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Athena::NamedQuery) See:
func (*AWSAthenaNamedQuery) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAthenaNamedQuery) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAthenaNamedQuery) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAthenaNamedQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAthenaNamedQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAthenaNamedQuery) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup struct { // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // Cooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cooldown string `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // DesiredCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredCapacity string `json:"DesiredCapacity,omitempty"` // HealthCheckGracePeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckGracePeriod int `json:"HealthCheckGracePeriod,omitempty"` // HealthCheckType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckType string `json:"HealthCheckType,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // LaunchConfigurationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchConfigurationName string `json:"LaunchConfigurationName,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplate *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification `json:"LaunchTemplate,omitempty"` // LifecycleHookSpecificationList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleHookSpecificationList []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification `json:"LifecycleHookSpecificationList,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerNames []string `json:"LoadBalancerNames,omitempty"` // MaxSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxSize string `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // MetricsCollection AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsCollection []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection `json:"MetricsCollection,omitempty"` // MinSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinSize string `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // NotificationConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationConfigurations []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration `json:"NotificationConfigurations,omitempty"` // PlacementGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementGroup string `json:"PlacementGroup,omitempty"` // ServiceLinkedRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceLinkedRoleARN string `json:"ServiceLinkedRoleARN,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TargetGroupARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupARNs []string `json:"TargetGroupARNs,omitempty"` // TerminationPolicies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TerminationPolicies []string `json:"TerminationPolicies,omitempty"` // VPCZoneIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCZoneIdentifier []string `json:"VPCZoneIdentifier,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // LaunchTemplateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateId string `json:"LaunchTemplateId,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.LaunchTemplateSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification struct { // DefaultResult AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultResult string `json:"DefaultResult,omitempty"` // HeartbeatTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HeartbeatTimeout int `json:"HeartbeatTimeout,omitempty"` // LifecycleHookName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LifecycleHookName string `json:"LifecycleHookName,omitempty"` // LifecycleTransition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LifecycleTransition string `json:"LifecycleTransition,omitempty"` // NotificationMetadata AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationMetadata string `json:"NotificationMetadata,omitempty"` // NotificationTargetARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTargetARN string `json:"NotificationTargetARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.LifecycleHookSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection struct { // Granularity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Granularity string `json:"Granularity,omitempty"` // Metrics AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Metrics []string `json:"Metrics,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.MetricsCollection) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration struct { // NotificationTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTypes []string `json:"NotificationTypes,omitempty"` // TopicARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TopicARN string `json:"TopicARN,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.NotificationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // PropagateAtLaunch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PropagateAtLaunch bool `json:"PropagateAtLaunch,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.TagProperty) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // ClassicLinkVPCId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClassicLinkVPCId string `json:"ClassicLinkVPCId,omitempty"` // ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups []string `json:"ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile string `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // InstanceMonitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceMonitoring bool `json:"InstanceMonitoring,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // LaunchConfigurationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchConfigurationName string `json:"LaunchConfigurationName,omitempty"` // PlacementTenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementTenancy string `json:"PlacementTenancy,omitempty"` // RamDiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamDiskId string `json:"RamDiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.BlockDevice) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice bool `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook struct { // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // DefaultResult AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultResult string `json:"DefaultResult,omitempty"` // HeartbeatTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HeartbeatTimeout int `json:"HeartbeatTimeout,omitempty"` // LifecycleHookName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleHookName string `json:"LifecycleHookName,omitempty"` // LifecycleTransition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LifecycleTransition string `json:"LifecycleTransition,omitempty"` // NotificationMetadata AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationMetadata string `json:"NotificationMetadata,omitempty"` // NotificationTargetARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTargetARN string `json:"NotificationTargetARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan struct { // ApplicationSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationSource *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource `json:"ApplicationSource,omitempty"` // ScalingInstructions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingInstructions []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction `json:"ScalingInstructions,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource struct { // CloudFormationStackARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudFormationStackARN string `json:"CloudFormationStackARN,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.ApplicationSource) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification struct { // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification struct { // PredefinedScalingMetricType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PredefinedScalingMetricType string `json:"PredefinedScalingMetricType,omitempty"` // ResourceLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLabel string `json:"ResourceLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // ScalableDimension AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalableDimension string `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // ServiceNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceNamespace string `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` // TargetTrackingConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetTrackingConfigurations []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration `json:"TargetTrackingConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.ScalingInstruction) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration struct { // CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification `json:"CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableScaleIn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableScaleIn bool `json:"DisableScaleIn,omitempty"` // EstimatedInstanceWarmup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EstimatedInstanceWarmup int `json:"EstimatedInstanceWarmup,omitempty"` // PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification `json:"PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // ScaleInCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleInCooldown int `json:"ScaleInCooldown,omitempty"` // ScaleOutCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleOutCooldown int `json:"ScaleOutCooldown,omitempty"` // TargetValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetValue float64 `json:"TargetValue,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.TargetTrackingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // Cooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cooldown string `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // EstimatedInstanceWarmup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EstimatedInstanceWarmup int `json:"EstimatedInstanceWarmup,omitempty"` // MetricAggregationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricAggregationType string `json:"MetricAggregationType,omitempty"` // MinAdjustmentMagnitude AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinAdjustmentMagnitude int `json:"MinAdjustmentMagnitude,omitempty"` // PolicyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyType string `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` // StepAdjustments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepAdjustments []AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment `json:"StepAdjustments,omitempty"` // TargetTrackingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetTrackingConfiguration *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration `json:"TargetTrackingConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification struct { // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.CustomizedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification struct { // PredefinedMetricType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PredefinedMetricType string `json:"PredefinedMetricType,omitempty"` // ResourceLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLabel string `json:"ResourceLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.PredefinedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment ¶
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment struct { // MetricIntervalLowerBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalLowerBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalLowerBound,omitempty"` // MetricIntervalUpperBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalUpperBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalUpperBound,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.StepAdjustment) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration struct { // CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomizedMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification `json:"CustomizedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableScaleIn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableScaleIn bool `json:"DisableScaleIn,omitempty"` // PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PredefinedMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification `json:"PredefinedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // TargetValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetValue float64 `json:"TargetValue,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.TargetTrackingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction ¶
type AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction struct { // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // DesiredCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredCapacity int `json:"DesiredCapacity,omitempty"` // EndTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndTime string `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // MaxSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxSize int `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // MinSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinSize int `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // Recurrence AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Recurrence string `json:"Recurrence,omitempty"` // StartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartTime string `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment ¶
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment struct { // ComputeEnvironmentName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComputeEnvironmentName string `json:"ComputeEnvironmentName,omitempty"` // ComputeResources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComputeResources *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources `json:"ComputeResources,omitempty"` // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchComputeEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment) See:
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources ¶
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources struct { // BidPercentage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPercentage int `json:"BidPercentage,omitempty"` // DesiredvCpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredvCpus int `json:"DesiredvCpus,omitempty"` // Ec2KeyPair AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2KeyPair string `json:"Ec2KeyPair,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceRole string `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty"` // InstanceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceTypes []string `json:"InstanceTypes,omitempty"` // MaxvCpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxvCpus int `json:"MaxvCpus,omitempty"` // MinvCpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinvCpus int `json:"MinvCpus,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SpotIamFleetRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotIamFleetRole string `json:"SpotIamFleetRole,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags interface{} `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment.ComputeResources) See:
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition struct { // ContainerProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ContainerProperties *AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties `json:"ContainerProperties,omitempty"` // JobDefinitionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobDefinitionName string `json:"JobDefinitionName,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // RetryStrategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetryStrategy *AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy `json:"RetryStrategy,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSBatchJobDefinition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSBatchJobDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties struct { // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Command []string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment []AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // JobRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobRoleArn string `json:"JobRoleArn,omitempty"` // Memory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Memory int `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // MountPoints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoints []AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints `json:"MountPoints,omitempty"` // Privileged AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Privileged bool `json:"Privileged,omitempty"` // ReadonlyRootFilesystem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadonlyRootFilesystem bool `json:"ReadonlyRootFilesystem,omitempty"` // Ulimits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ulimits []AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit `json:"Ulimits,omitempty"` // User AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: User string `json:"User,omitempty"` // Vcpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Vcpus int `json:"Vcpus,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.ContainerProperties) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Environment) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints struct { // ContainerPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPath string `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // ReadOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadOnly bool `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` // SourceVolume AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceVolume string `json:"SourceVolume,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.MountPoints) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy struct { // Attempts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attempts int `json:"Attempts,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.RetryStrategy) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout struct { // AttemptDurationSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttemptDurationSeconds int `json:"AttemptDurationSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Timeout) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit struct { // HardLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HardLimit int `json:"HardLimit,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SoftLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SoftLimit int `json:"SoftLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Ulimit) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes struct { // Host AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Host *AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost `json:"Host,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Volumes) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost struct { // SourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourcePath string `json:"SourcePath,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.VolumesHost) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobQueue ¶
type AWSBatchJobQueue struct { // ComputeEnvironmentOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComputeEnvironmentOrder []AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder `json:"ComputeEnvironmentOrder,omitempty"` // JobQueueName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobQueueName string `json:"JobQueueName,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobQueue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobQueue) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSBatchJobQueue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSBatchJobQueue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder ¶
type AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder struct { // ComputeEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComputeEnvironment string `json:"ComputeEnvironment,omitempty"` // Order AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Order int `json:"Order,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobQueue.ComputeEnvironmentOrder) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget struct { // Budget AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Budget *AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData `json:"Budget,omitempty"` // NotificationsWithSubscribers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationsWithSubscribers []AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers `json:"NotificationsWithSubscribers,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSBudgetsBudget) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSBudgetsBudget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData struct { // BudgetLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BudgetLimit *AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend `json:"BudgetLimit,omitempty"` // BudgetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BudgetName string `json:"BudgetName,omitempty"` // BudgetType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BudgetType string `json:"BudgetType,omitempty"` // CostFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CostFilters interface{} `json:"CostFilters,omitempty"` // CostTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CostTypes *AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes `json:"CostTypes,omitempty"` // TimePeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimePeriod *AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod `json:"TimePeriod,omitempty"` // TimeUnit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeUnit string `json:"TimeUnit,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.BudgetData) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes struct { // IncludeCredit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeCredit bool `json:"IncludeCredit,omitempty"` // IncludeDiscount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeDiscount bool `json:"IncludeDiscount,omitempty"` // IncludeOtherSubscription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeOtherSubscription bool `json:"IncludeOtherSubscription,omitempty"` // IncludeRecurring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeRecurring bool `json:"IncludeRecurring,omitempty"` // IncludeRefund AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeRefund bool `json:"IncludeRefund,omitempty"` // IncludeSubscription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeSubscription bool `json:"IncludeSubscription,omitempty"` // IncludeSupport AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeSupport bool `json:"IncludeSupport,omitempty"` // IncludeTax AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeTax bool `json:"IncludeTax,omitempty"` // IncludeUpfront AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeUpfront bool `json:"IncludeUpfront,omitempty"` // UseAmortized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseAmortized bool `json:"UseAmortized,omitempty"` // UseBlended AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseBlended bool `json:"UseBlended,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.CostTypes) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // NotificationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NotificationType string `json:"NotificationType,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // ThresholdType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThresholdType string `json:"ThresholdType,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.Notification) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers struct { // Notification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Notification *AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification `json:"Notification,omitempty"` // Subscribers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subscribers []AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber `json:"Subscribers,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.NotificationWithSubscribers) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend struct { // Amount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Amount float64 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.Spend) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber struct { // Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"` // SubscriptionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubscriptionType string `json:"SubscriptionType,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.Subscriber) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod struct { // End AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: End string `json:"End,omitempty"` // Start AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Start string `json:"Start,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.TimePeriod) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate ¶
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // DomainValidationOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainValidationOptions []AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption `json:"DomainValidationOptions,omitempty"` // SubjectAlternativeNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubjectAlternativeNames []string `json:"SubjectAlternativeNames,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // ValidationMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidationMethod string `json:"ValidationMethod,omitempty"` }
AWSCertificateManagerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate) See:
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption ¶
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // ValidationDomain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ValidationDomain string `json:"ValidationDomain,omitempty"` }
AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate.DomainValidationOption) See:
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 struct { // AutomaticStopTimeMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomaticStopTimeMinutes int `json:"AutomaticStopTimeMinutes,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OwnerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OwnerArn string `json:"OwnerArn,omitempty"` // Repositories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Repositories []AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository `json:"Repositories,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2) See:
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository struct { // PathComponent AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PathComponent string `json:"PathComponent,omitempty"` // RepositoryUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RepositoryUrl string `json:"RepositoryUrl,omitempty"` }
AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2.Repository) See:
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFormationCustomResource ¶
type AWSCloudFormationCustomResource struct { // ServiceToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceToken string `json:"ServiceToken,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFormationCustomResource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFormationStack ¶
type AWSCloudFormationStack struct { // NotificationARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationARNs []string `json:"NotificationARNs,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]string `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TemplateURL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TemplateURL string `json:"TemplateURL,omitempty"` // TimeoutInMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeoutInMinutes int `json:"TimeoutInMinutes,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFormationStack AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::Stack) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationStack) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationStack) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFormationStack) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudFormationStack) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationStack) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationStack) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition ¶
type AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition struct { // Count AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Count int `json:"Count,omitempty"` // Handle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Handle string `json:"Handle,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Timeout string `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle ¶
type AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle struct { }
AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity struct { // CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig `json:"CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution struct { // DistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DistributionConfig *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig `json:"DistributionConfig,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFrontDistribution) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudFrontDistribution) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior struct { // AllowedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedMethods []string `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // CachedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachedMethods []string `json:"CachedMethods,omitempty"` // Compress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compress bool `json:"Compress,omitempty"` // DefaultTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultTTL float64 `json:"DefaultTTL,omitempty"` // FieldLevelEncryptionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FieldLevelEncryptionId string `json:"FieldLevelEncryptionId,omitempty"` // ForwardedValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ForwardedValues *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues `json:"ForwardedValues,omitempty"` // LambdaFunctionAssociations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaFunctionAssociations []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation `json:"LambdaFunctionAssociations,omitempty"` // MaxTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxTTL float64 `json:"MaxTTL,omitempty"` // MinTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinTTL float64 `json:"MinTTL,omitempty"` // PathPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PathPattern string `json:"PathPattern,omitempty"` // SmoothStreaming AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmoothStreaming bool `json:"SmoothStreaming,omitempty"` // TargetOriginId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetOriginId string `json:"TargetOriginId,omitempty"` // TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TrustedSigners []string `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` // ViewerProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ViewerProtocolPolicy string `json:"ViewerProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CacheBehavior) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies struct { // Forward AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Forward string `json:"Forward,omitempty"` // WhitelistedNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WhitelistedNames []string `json:"WhitelistedNames,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Cookies) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse struct { // ErrorCachingMinTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ErrorCachingMinTTL float64 `json:"ErrorCachingMinTTL,omitempty"` // ErrorCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ErrorCode int `json:"ErrorCode,omitempty"` // ResponseCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseCode int `json:"ResponseCode,omitempty"` // ResponsePagePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponsePagePath string `json:"ResponsePagePath,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CustomErrorResponse) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig struct { // HTTPPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPPort int `json:"HTTPPort,omitempty"` // HTTPSPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPSPort int `json:"HTTPSPort,omitempty"` // OriginKeepaliveTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginKeepaliveTimeout int `json:"OriginKeepaliveTimeout,omitempty"` // OriginProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OriginProtocolPolicy string `json:"OriginProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` // OriginReadTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginReadTimeout int `json:"OriginReadTimeout,omitempty"` // OriginSSLProtocols AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginSSLProtocols []string `json:"OriginSSLProtocols,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CustomOriginConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior struct { // AllowedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedMethods []string `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // CachedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachedMethods []string `json:"CachedMethods,omitempty"` // Compress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compress bool `json:"Compress,omitempty"` // DefaultTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultTTL float64 `json:"DefaultTTL,omitempty"` // FieldLevelEncryptionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FieldLevelEncryptionId string `json:"FieldLevelEncryptionId,omitempty"` // ForwardedValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ForwardedValues *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues `json:"ForwardedValues,omitempty"` // LambdaFunctionAssociations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaFunctionAssociations []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation `json:"LambdaFunctionAssociations,omitempty"` // MaxTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxTTL float64 `json:"MaxTTL,omitempty"` // MinTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinTTL float64 `json:"MinTTL,omitempty"` // SmoothStreaming AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmoothStreaming bool `json:"SmoothStreaming,omitempty"` // TargetOriginId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetOriginId string `json:"TargetOriginId,omitempty"` // TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TrustedSigners []string `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` // ViewerProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ViewerProtocolPolicy string `json:"ViewerProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.DefaultCacheBehavior) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig struct { // Aliases AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Aliases []string `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // CacheBehaviors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheBehaviors []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior `json:"CacheBehaviors,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // CustomErrorResponses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomErrorResponses []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse `json:"CustomErrorResponses,omitempty"` // DefaultCacheBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultCacheBehavior *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior `json:"DefaultCacheBehavior,omitempty"` // DefaultRootObject AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultRootObject string `json:"DefaultRootObject,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // HttpVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpVersion string `json:"HttpVersion,omitempty"` // IPV6Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPV6Enabled bool `json:"IPV6Enabled,omitempty"` // Logging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logging *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging `json:"Logging,omitempty"` // Origins AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Origins []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin `json:"Origins,omitempty"` // PriceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PriceClass string `json:"PriceClass,omitempty"` // Restrictions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Restrictions *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions `json:"Restrictions,omitempty"` // ViewerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ViewerCertificate *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate `json:"ViewerCertificate,omitempty"` // WebACLId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WebACLId string `json:"WebACLId,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.DistributionConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues struct { // Cookies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cookies *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies `json:"Cookies,omitempty"` // Headers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Headers []string `json:"Headers,omitempty"` // QueryString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: QueryString bool `json:"QueryString,omitempty"` // QueryStringCacheKeys AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueryStringCacheKeys []string `json:"QueryStringCacheKeys,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.ForwardedValues) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction struct { // Locations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Locations []string `json:"Locations,omitempty"` // RestrictionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestrictionType string `json:"RestrictionType,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.GeoRestriction) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation struct { // EventType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventType string `json:"EventType,omitempty"` // LambdaFunctionARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaFunctionARN string `json:"LambdaFunctionARN,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LambdaFunctionAssociation) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // HTTPPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPPort int `json:"HTTPPort,omitempty"` // HTTPSPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPSPort int `json:"HTTPSPort,omitempty"` // OriginProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OriginProtocolPolicy string `json:"OriginProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` // OriginSSLProtocols AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginSSLProtocols []string `json:"OriginSSLProtocols,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LegacyCustomOrigin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // OriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginAccessIdentity string `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LegacyS3Origin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // IncludeCookies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeCookies bool `json:"IncludeCookies,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Logging) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin struct { // CustomOriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomOriginConfig *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig `json:"CustomOriginConfig,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // OriginCustomHeaders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginCustomHeaders []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader `json:"OriginCustomHeaders,omitempty"` // OriginPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginPath string `json:"OriginPath,omitempty"` // S3OriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3OriginConfig *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig `json:"S3OriginConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Origin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader struct { // HeaderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderName string `json:"HeaderName,omitempty"` // HeaderValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderValue string `json:"HeaderValue,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.OriginCustomHeader) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions struct { // GeoRestriction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GeoRestriction *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction `json:"GeoRestriction,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Restrictions) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig struct { // OriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginAccessIdentity string `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.S3OriginConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate struct { // AcmCertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcmCertificateArn string `json:"AcmCertificateArn,omitempty"` // CloudFrontDefaultCertificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudFrontDefaultCertificate bool `json:"CloudFrontDefaultCertificate,omitempty"` // IamCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamCertificateId string `json:"IamCertificateId,omitempty"` // MinimumProtocolVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumProtocolVersion string `json:"MinimumProtocolVersion,omitempty"` // SslSupportMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslSupportMethod string `json:"SslSupportMethod,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.ViewerCertificate) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution struct { // StreamingDistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StreamingDistributionConfig *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig `json:"StreamingDistributionConfig,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.Logging) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // OriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OriginAccessIdentity string `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.S3Origin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig struct { // Aliases AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Aliases []string `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Logging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logging *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging `json:"Logging,omitempty"` // PriceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PriceClass string `json:"PriceClass,omitempty"` // S3Origin AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Origin *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin `json:"S3Origin,omitempty"` // TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TrustedSigners *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.StreamingDistributionConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners struct { // AwsAccountNumbers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsAccountNumbers []string `json:"AwsAccountNumbers,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.TrustedSigners) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudTrailTrail ¶
type AWSCloudTrailTrail struct { // CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLogsRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLogsRoleArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsRoleArn,omitempty"` // EnableLogFileValidation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableLogFileValidation bool `json:"EnableLogFileValidation,omitempty"` // EventSelectors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventSelectors []AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector `json:"EventSelectors,omitempty"` // IncludeGlobalServiceEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeGlobalServiceEvents bool `json:"IncludeGlobalServiceEvents,omitempty"` // IsLogging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IsLogging bool `json:"IsLogging,omitempty"` // IsMultiRegionTrail AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IsMultiRegionTrail bool `json:"IsMultiRegionTrail,omitempty"` // KMSKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSKeyId string `json:"KMSKeyId,omitempty"` // S3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BucketName string `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // S3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3KeyPrefix string `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // SnsTopicName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnsTopicName string `json:"SnsTopicName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TrailName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TrailName string `json:"TrailName,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudTrailTrail AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudTrail::Trail) See:
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudTrailTrail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudTrailTrail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudTrail::Trail.DataResource) See:
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector struct { // DataResources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataResources []AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource `json:"DataResources,omitempty"` // IncludeManagementEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeManagementEvents bool `json:"IncludeManagementEvents,omitempty"` // ReadWriteType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadWriteType string `json:"ReadWriteType,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudTrail::Trail.EventSelector) See:
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm ¶
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm struct { // ActionsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ActionsEnabled bool `json:"ActionsEnabled,omitempty"` // AlarmActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmActions []string `json:"AlarmActions,omitempty"` // AlarmDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmDescription string `json:"AlarmDescription,omitempty"` // AlarmName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmName string `json:"AlarmName,omitempty"` // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile string `json:"EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile,omitempty"` // EvaluationPeriods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EvaluationPeriods int `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // ExtendedStatistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtendedStatistic string `json:"ExtendedStatistic,omitempty"` // InsufficientDataActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InsufficientDataActions []string `json:"InsufficientDataActions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // OKActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OKActions []string `json:"OKActions,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Period int `json:"Period,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // TreatMissingData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TreatMissingData string `json:"TreatMissingData,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudWatchAlarm AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm) See:
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudWatchAlarm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudWatchAlarm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension ¶
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.Dimension) See:
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudWatchDashboard ¶
type AWSCloudWatchDashboard struct { // DashboardBody AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DashboardBody string `json:"DashboardBody,omitempty"` // DashboardName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DashboardName string `json:"DashboardName,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudWatchDashboard AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard) See:
func (*AWSCloudWatchDashboard) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchDashboard) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCloudWatchDashboard) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCloudWatchDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudWatchDashboard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeBuildProject ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject struct { // Artifacts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Artifacts *AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts `json:"Artifacts,omitempty"` // BadgeEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BadgeEnabled bool `json:"BadgeEnabled,omitempty"` // Cache AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cache *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache `json:"Cache,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionKey string `json:"EncryptionKey,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Environment *AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // Source AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Source *AWSCodeBuildProject_Source `json:"Source,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TimeoutInMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeoutInMinutes int `json:"TimeoutInMinutes,omitempty"` // Triggers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Triggers *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers `json:"Triggers,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodeBuildProject) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodeBuildProject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts struct { // EncryptionDisabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionDisabled bool `json:"EncryptionDisabled,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // NamespaceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NamespaceType string `json:"NamespaceType,omitempty"` // OverrideArtifactName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OverrideArtifactName bool `json:"OverrideArtifactName,omitempty"` // Packaging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Packaging string `json:"Packaging,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Artifacts) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment struct { // Certificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Certificate string `json:"Certificate,omitempty"` // ComputeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComputeType string `json:"ComputeType,omitempty"` // EnvironmentVariables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnvironmentVariables []AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable `json:"EnvironmentVariables,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // PrivilegedMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivilegedMode bool `json:"PrivilegedMode,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Environment) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.EnvironmentVariable) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache struct { // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.ProjectCache) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers struct { // Webhook AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Webhook bool `json:"Webhook,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.ProjectTriggers) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Source ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Source struct { // Auth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Auth *AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth `json:"Auth,omitempty"` // BuildSpec AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BuildSpec string `json:"BuildSpec,omitempty"` // GitCloneDepth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GitCloneDepth int `json:"GitCloneDepth,omitempty"` // InsecureSsl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InsecureSsl bool `json:"InsecureSsl,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // ReportBuildStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReportBuildStatus bool `json:"ReportBuildStatus,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Source) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth struct { // Resource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Resource string `json:"Resource,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.SourceAuth) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeCommitRepository ¶
type AWSCodeCommitRepository struct { // RepositoryDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RepositoryDescription string `json:"RepositoryDescription,omitempty"` // RepositoryName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RepositoryName string `json:"RepositoryName,omitempty"` // Triggers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Triggers []AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger `json:"Triggers,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeCommitRepository AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeCommit::Repository) See:
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodeCommitRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodeCommitRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger ¶
type AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger struct { // Branches AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Branches []string `json:"Branches,omitempty"` // CustomData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomData string `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // DestinationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationArn string `json:"DestinationArn,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Events []string `json:"Events,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeCommit::Repository.RepositoryTrigger) See:
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployApplication ¶
type AWSCodeDeployApplication struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // ComputePlatform AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComputePlatform string `json:"ComputePlatform,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployApplication AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::Application) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployApplication) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployApplication) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodeDeployApplication) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodeDeployApplication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeDeployApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployApplication) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig struct { // DeploymentConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentConfigName string `json:"DeploymentConfigName,omitempty"` // MinimumHealthyHosts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumHealthyHosts *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts `json:"MinimumHealthyHosts,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value int `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig.MinimumHealthyHosts) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup struct { // AlarmConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmConfiguration *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration `json:"AlarmConfiguration,omitempty"` // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // AutoRollbackConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoRollbackConfiguration *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration `json:"AutoRollbackConfiguration,omitempty"` // AutoScalingGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingGroups []string `json:"AutoScalingGroups,omitempty"` // Deployment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Deployment *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment `json:"Deployment,omitempty"` // DeploymentConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentConfigName string `json:"DeploymentConfigName,omitempty"` // DeploymentGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentGroupName string `json:"DeploymentGroupName,omitempty"` // DeploymentStyle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentStyle *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle `json:"DeploymentStyle,omitempty"` // Ec2TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2TagFilters []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter `json:"Ec2TagFilters,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerInfo *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo `json:"LoadBalancerInfo,omitempty"` // OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter `json:"OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // TriggerConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerConfigurations []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig `json:"TriggerConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.Alarm) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration struct { // Alarms AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Alarms []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm `json:"Alarms,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // IgnorePollAlarmFailure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IgnorePollAlarmFailure bool `json:"IgnorePollAlarmFailure,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.AlarmConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Events []string `json:"Events,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.AutoRollbackConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IgnoreApplicationStopFailures AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IgnoreApplicationStopFailures bool `json:"IgnoreApplicationStopFailures,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Revision *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation `json:"Revision,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.Deployment) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle struct { // DeploymentOption AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentOption string `json:"DeploymentOption,omitempty"` // DeploymentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentType string `json:"DeploymentType,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.DeploymentStyle) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.EC2TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.ELBInfo) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation struct { // CommitId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CommitId string `json:"CommitId,omitempty"` // Repository AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Repository string `json:"Repository,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.GitHubLocation) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo struct { // ElbInfoList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElbInfoList []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo `json:"ElbInfoList,omitempty"` // TargetGroupInfoList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupInfoList []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo `json:"TargetGroupInfoList,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.LoadBalancerInfo) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation struct { // GitHubLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GitHubLocation *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation `json:"GitHubLocation,omitempty"` // RevisionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RevisionType string `json:"RevisionType,omitempty"` // S3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Location *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location `json:"S3Location,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.RevisionLocation) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // BundleType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BundleType string `json:"BundleType,omitempty"` // ETag AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ETag string `json:"ETag,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.TargetGroupInfo) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig struct { // TriggerEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerEvents []string `json:"TriggerEvents,omitempty"` // TriggerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerName string `json:"TriggerName,omitempty"` // TriggerTargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerTargetArn string `json:"TriggerTargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.TriggerConfig) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType struct { // Category AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Category string `json:"Category,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties []AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // InputArtifactDetails AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InputArtifactDetails *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails `json:"InputArtifactDetails,omitempty"` // OutputArtifactDetails AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OutputArtifactDetails *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails `json:"OutputArtifactDetails,omitempty"` // Provider AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Provider string `json:"Provider,omitempty"` // Settings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Settings *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings `json:"Settings,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails struct { // MaximumCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaximumCount int `json:"MaximumCount,omitempty"` // MinimumCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinimumCount int `json:"MinimumCount,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.ArtifactDetails) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key bool `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Queryable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Queryable bool `json:"Queryable,omitempty"` // Required AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Required bool `json:"Required,omitempty"` // Secret AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Secret bool `json:"Secret,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.ConfigurationProperties) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings struct { // EntityUrlTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EntityUrlTemplate string `json:"EntityUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // ExecutionUrlTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionUrlTemplate string `json:"ExecutionUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // RevisionUrlTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RevisionUrlTemplate string `json:"RevisionUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl string `json:"ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.Settings) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline struct { // ArtifactStore AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ArtifactStore *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore `json:"ArtifactStore,omitempty"` // DisableInboundStageTransitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableInboundStageTransitions []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition `json:"DisableInboundStageTransitions,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RestartExecutionOnUpdate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestartExecutionOnUpdate bool `json:"RestartExecutionOnUpdate,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Stages AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Stages []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration `json:"Stages,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodePipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCodePipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration struct { // ActionTypeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ActionTypeId *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId `json:"ActionTypeId,omitempty"` // Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configuration interface{} `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // InputArtifacts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputArtifacts []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact `json:"InputArtifacts,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OutputArtifacts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputArtifacts []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact `json:"OutputArtifacts,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // RunOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RunOrder int `json:"RunOrder,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.ActionDeclaration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId struct { // Category AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Category string `json:"Category,omitempty"` // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // Provider AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Provider string `json:"Provider,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.ActionTypeId) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore struct { // EncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionKey *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey `json:"EncryptionKey,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.ArtifactStore) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.BlockerDeclaration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.EncryptionKey) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.InputArtifact) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.OutputArtifact) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Blockers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Blockers []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration `json:"Blockers,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.StageDeclaration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition struct { // Reason AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.StageTransition) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineWebhook ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSCodePipelineWebhook struct { // Authentication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Authentication string `json:"Authentication,omitempty"` // AuthenticationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AuthenticationConfiguration *AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration `json:"AuthenticationConfiguration,omitempty"` // Filters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Filters []AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule `json:"Filters,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RegisterWithThirdParty AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegisterWithThirdParty bool `json:"RegisterWithThirdParty,omitempty"` // TargetAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetAction string `json:"TargetAction,omitempty"` // TargetPipeline AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetPipeline string `json:"TargetPipeline,omitempty"` // TargetPipelineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetPipelineVersion int `json:"TargetPipelineVersion,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineWebhook AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineWebhook) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSCodePipelineWebhook) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCodePipelineWebhook) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSCodePipelineWebhook) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodePipelineWebhook) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSCodePipelineWebhook) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration struct { // AllowedIPRange AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedIPRange string `json:"AllowedIPRange,omitempty"` // SecretToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecretToken string `json:"SecretToken,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook.WebhookAuthConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookAuthConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule struct { // JsonPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JsonPath string `json:"JsonPath,omitempty"` // MatchEquals AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MatchEquals string `json:"MatchEquals,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook.WebhookFilterRule) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSCodePipelineWebhook_WebhookFilterRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool struct { // AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities bool `json:"AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities,omitempty"` // CognitoEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CognitoEvents interface{} `json:"CognitoEvents,omitempty"` // CognitoIdentityProviders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CognitoIdentityProviders []AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider `json:"CognitoIdentityProviders,omitempty"` // CognitoStreams AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CognitoStreams *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams `json:"CognitoStreams,omitempty"` // DeveloperProviderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeveloperProviderName string `json:"DeveloperProviderName,omitempty"` // IdentityPoolName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IdentityPoolName string `json:"IdentityPoolName,omitempty"` // OpenIdConnectProviderARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OpenIdConnectProviderARNs []string `json:"OpenIdConnectProviderARNs,omitempty"` // PushSync AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PushSync *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync `json:"PushSync,omitempty"` // SamlProviderARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SamlProviderARNs []string `json:"SamlProviderARNs,omitempty"` // SupportedLoginProviders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportedLoginProviders interface{} `json:"SupportedLoginProviders,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoIdentityPool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoIdentityPool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment struct { // IdentityPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IdentityPoolId string `json:"IdentityPoolId,omitempty"` // RoleMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleMappings interface{} `json:"RoleMappings,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Roles interface{} `json:"Roles,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule struct { // Claim AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Claim string `json:"Claim,omitempty"` // MatchType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MatchType string `json:"MatchType,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.MappingRule) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping struct { // AmbiguousRoleResolution AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmbiguousRoleResolution string `json:"AmbiguousRoleResolution,omitempty"` // RulesConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RulesConfiguration *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType `json:"RulesConfiguration,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.RoleMapping) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType struct { // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.RulesConfigurationType) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider struct { // ClientId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // ProviderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProviderName string `json:"ProviderName,omitempty"` // ServerSideTokenCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerSideTokenCheck bool `json:"ServerSideTokenCheck,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.CognitoIdentityProvider) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams struct { // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamName string `json:"StreamName,omitempty"` // StreamingStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamingStatus string `json:"StreamingStatus,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.CognitoStreams) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync struct { // ApplicationArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationArns []string `json:"ApplicationArns,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.PushSync) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool struct { // AdminCreateUserConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdminCreateUserConfig *AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig `json:"AdminCreateUserConfig,omitempty"` // AliasAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AliasAttributes []string `json:"AliasAttributes,omitempty"` // AutoVerifiedAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoVerifiedAttributes []string `json:"AutoVerifiedAttributes,omitempty"` // DeviceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceConfiguration *AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration `json:"DeviceConfiguration,omitempty"` // EmailConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailConfiguration *AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration `json:"EmailConfiguration,omitempty"` // EmailVerificationMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailVerificationMessage string `json:"EmailVerificationMessage,omitempty"` // EmailVerificationSubject AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailVerificationSubject string `json:"EmailVerificationSubject,omitempty"` // LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaConfig *AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig `json:"LambdaConfig,omitempty"` // MfaConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MfaConfiguration string `json:"MfaConfiguration,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies *AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // Schema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schema []AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute `json:"Schema,omitempty"` // SmsAuthenticationMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmsAuthenticationMessage string `json:"SmsAuthenticationMessage,omitempty"` // SmsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmsConfiguration *AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration `json:"SmsConfiguration,omitempty"` // SmsVerificationMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmsVerificationMessage string `json:"SmsVerificationMessage,omitempty"` // UserPoolName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolName string `json:"UserPoolName,omitempty"` // UserPoolTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolTags interface{} `json:"UserPoolTags,omitempty"` // UsernameAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UsernameAttributes []string `json:"UsernameAttributes,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoUserPool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoUserPool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolClient ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolClient struct { // ClientName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientName string `json:"ClientName,omitempty"` // ExplicitAuthFlows AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExplicitAuthFlows []string `json:"ExplicitAuthFlows,omitempty"` // GenerateSecret AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GenerateSecret bool `json:"GenerateSecret,omitempty"` // ReadAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadAttributes []string `json:"ReadAttributes,omitempty"` // RefreshTokenValidity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RefreshTokenValidity float64 `json:"RefreshTokenValidity,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` // WriteAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WriteAttributes []string `json:"WriteAttributes,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolClient AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // Precedence AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Precedence float64 `json:"Precedence,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser struct { // DesiredDeliveryMediums AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredDeliveryMediums []string `json:"DesiredDeliveryMediums,omitempty"` // ForceAliasCreation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ForceAliasCreation bool `json:"ForceAliasCreation,omitempty"` // MessageAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MessageAction string `json:"MessageAction,omitempty"` // UserAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserAttributes []AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType `json:"UserAttributes,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` // ValidationData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidationData []AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType `json:"ValidationData,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolUser AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment struct { // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser.AttributeType) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig struct { // AllowAdminCreateUserOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowAdminCreateUserOnly bool `json:"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly,omitempty"` // InviteMessageTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InviteMessageTemplate *AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate `json:"InviteMessageTemplate,omitempty"` // UnusedAccountValidityDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UnusedAccountValidityDays float64 `json:"UnusedAccountValidityDays,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.AdminCreateUserConfig) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration struct { // ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice bool `json:"ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice,omitempty"` // DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt bool `json:"DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.DeviceConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration struct { // ReplyToEmailAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplyToEmailAddress string `json:"ReplyToEmailAddress,omitempty"` // SourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceArn string `json:"SourceArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.EmailConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate struct { // EmailMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailMessage string `json:"EmailMessage,omitempty"` // EmailSubject AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailSubject string `json:"EmailSubject,omitempty"` // SMSMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SMSMessage string `json:"SMSMessage,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.InviteMessageTemplate) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig struct { // CreateAuthChallenge AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreateAuthChallenge string `json:"CreateAuthChallenge,omitempty"` // CustomMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomMessage string `json:"CustomMessage,omitempty"` // DefineAuthChallenge AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefineAuthChallenge string `json:"DefineAuthChallenge,omitempty"` // PostAuthentication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PostAuthentication string `json:"PostAuthentication,omitempty"` // PostConfirmation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PostConfirmation string `json:"PostConfirmation,omitempty"` // PreAuthentication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreAuthentication string `json:"PreAuthentication,omitempty"` // PreSignUp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreSignUp string `json:"PreSignUp,omitempty"` // VerifyAuthChallengeResponse AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VerifyAuthChallengeResponse string `json:"VerifyAuthChallengeResponse,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.LambdaConfig) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints struct { // MaxValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxValue string `json:"MaxValue,omitempty"` // MinValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinValue string `json:"MinValue,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.NumberAttributeConstraints) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy struct { // MinimumLength AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumLength int `json:"MinimumLength,omitempty"` // RequireLowercase AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireLowercase bool `json:"RequireLowercase,omitempty"` // RequireNumbers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireNumbers bool `json:"RequireNumbers,omitempty"` // RequireSymbols AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireSymbols bool `json:"RequireSymbols,omitempty"` // RequireUppercase AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireUppercase bool `json:"RequireUppercase,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.PasswordPolicy) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies struct { // PasswordPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PasswordPolicy *AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy `json:"PasswordPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.Policies) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute struct { // AttributeDataType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttributeDataType string `json:"AttributeDataType,omitempty"` // DeveloperOnlyAttribute AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeveloperOnlyAttribute bool `json:"DeveloperOnlyAttribute,omitempty"` // Mutable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mutable bool `json:"Mutable,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // NumberAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberAttributeConstraints *AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints `json:"NumberAttributeConstraints,omitempty"` // Required AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Required bool `json:"Required,omitempty"` // StringAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StringAttributeConstraints *AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints `json:"StringAttributeConstraints,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.SchemaAttribute) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration struct { // ExternalId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExternalId string `json:"ExternalId,omitempty"` // SnsCallerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnsCallerArn string `json:"SnsCallerArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.SmsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints struct { // MaxLength AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxLength string `json:"MaxLength,omitempty"` // MinLength AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinLength string `json:"MinLength,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.StringAttributeConstraints) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization struct { // AuthorizedAccountId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AuthorizedAccountId string `json:"AuthorizedAccountId,omitempty"` // AuthorizedAwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AuthorizedAwsRegion string `json:"AuthorizedAwsRegion,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::AggregationAuthorization) See:
func (*AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigConfigRule ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule struct { // ConfigRuleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigRuleName string `json:"ConfigRuleName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // InputParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputParameters interface{} `json:"InputParameters,omitempty"` // MaximumExecutionFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumExecutionFrequency string `json:"MaximumExecutionFrequency,omitempty"` // Scope AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Scope *AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope `json:"Scope,omitempty"` // Source AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Source *AWSConfigConfigRule_Source `json:"Source,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSConfigConfigRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSConfigConfigRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope struct { // ComplianceResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComplianceResourceId string `json:"ComplianceResourceId,omitempty"` // ComplianceResourceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComplianceResourceTypes []string `json:"ComplianceResourceTypes,omitempty"` // TagKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagKey string `json:"TagKey,omitempty"` // TagValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagValue string `json:"TagValue,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule.Scope) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Source ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Source struct { // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // SourceDetails AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDetails []AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail `json:"SourceDetails,omitempty"` // SourceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SourceIdentifier string `json:"SourceIdentifier,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule.Source) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail struct { // EventSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EventSource string `json:"EventSource,omitempty"` // MaximumExecutionFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumExecutionFrequency string `json:"MaximumExecutionFrequency,omitempty"` // MessageType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MessageType string `json:"MessageType,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule.SourceDetail) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator struct { // AccountAggregationSources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccountAggregationSources []AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource `json:"AccountAggregationSources,omitempty"` // ConfigurationAggregatorName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConfigurationAggregatorName string `json:"ConfigurationAggregatorName,omitempty"` // OrganizationAggregationSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OrganizationAggregationSource *AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource `json:"OrganizationAggregationSource,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource struct { // AccountIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AccountIds []string `json:"AccountIds,omitempty"` // AllAwsRegions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllAwsRegions bool `json:"AllAwsRegions,omitempty"` // AwsRegions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsRegions []string `json:"AwsRegions,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator.AccountAggregationSource) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_AccountAggregationSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource struct { // AllAwsRegions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllAwsRegions bool `json:"AllAwsRegions,omitempty"` // AwsRegions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsRegions []string `json:"AwsRegions,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator.OrganizationAggregationSource) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator_OrganizationAggregationSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder ¶
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RecordingGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordingGroup *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup `json:"RecordingGroup,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup ¶
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup struct { // AllSupported AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllSupported bool `json:"AllSupported,omitempty"` // IncludeGlobalResourceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeGlobalResourceTypes bool `json:"IncludeGlobalResourceTypes,omitempty"` // ResourceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceTypes []string `json:"ResourceTypes,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder.RecordingGroup) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel ¶
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel struct { // ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties `json:"ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // S3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BucketName string `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // S3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3KeyPrefix string `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // SnsTopicARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnsTopicARN string `json:"SnsTopicARN,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigDeliveryChannel AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel) See:
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties ¶
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties struct { // DeliveryFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryFrequency string `json:"DeliveryFrequency,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel.ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties) See:
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDAXCluster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDAXCluster struct { // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // ClusterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterName string `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IAMRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IAMRoleARN string `json:"IAMRoleARN,omitempty"` // NodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NodeType string `json:"NodeType,omitempty"` // NotificationTopicARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTopicARN string `json:"NotificationTopicARN,omitempty"` // ParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterGroupName string `json:"ParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // ReplicationFactor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationFactor int `json:"ReplicationFactor,omitempty"` // SSESpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SSESpecification *AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification `json:"SSESpecification,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetGroupName string `json:"SubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags interface{} `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSDAXCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDAXCluster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSDAXCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDAXCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification struct { // SSEEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SSEEnabled bool `json:"SSEEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::Cluster.SSESpecification) See:
func (*AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSDAXCluster_SSESpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDAXParameterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDAXParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterGroupName string `json:"ParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // ParameterNameValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterNameValues interface{} `json:"ParameterNameValues,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::ParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSDAXParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDAXParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSDAXParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDAXParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDAXSubnetGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDAXSubnetGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetGroupName string `json:"SubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::SubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSDAXSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDAXSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSDAXSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDAXSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSCertificate ¶
type AWSDMSCertificate struct { // CertificateIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateIdentifier string `json:"CertificateIdentifier,omitempty"` // CertificatePem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificatePem string `json:"CertificatePem,omitempty"` // CertificateWallet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateWallet string `json:"CertificateWallet,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Certificate) See:
func (*AWSDMSCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDMSCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDMSCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSEndpoint ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // DynamoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDbSettings *AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings `json:"DynamoDbSettings,omitempty"` // EndpointIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointIdentifier string `json:"EndpointIdentifier,omitempty"` // EndpointType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EndpointType string `json:"EndpointType,omitempty"` // EngineName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineName string `json:"EngineName,omitempty"` // ExtraConnectionAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraConnectionAttributes string `json:"ExtraConnectionAttributes,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // MongoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MongoDbSettings *AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings `json:"MongoDbSettings,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // S3Settings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Settings *AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings `json:"S3Settings,omitempty"` // ServerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerName string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"` // SslMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslMode string `json:"SslMode,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDMSEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDMSEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings struct { // ServiceAccessRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceAccessRoleArn string `json:"ServiceAccessRoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint.DynamoDbSettings) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings struct { // AuthMechanism AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthMechanism string `json:"AuthMechanism,omitempty"` // AuthSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthSource string `json:"AuthSource,omitempty"` // AuthType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthType string `json:"AuthType,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // DocsToInvestigate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocsToInvestigate string `json:"DocsToInvestigate,omitempty"` // ExtractDocId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtractDocId string `json:"ExtractDocId,omitempty"` // NestingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NestingLevel string `json:"NestingLevel,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // ServerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerName string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint.MongoDbSettings) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings struct { // BucketFolder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketFolder string `json:"BucketFolder,omitempty"` // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // CompressionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CompressionType string `json:"CompressionType,omitempty"` // CsvDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CsvDelimiter string `json:"CsvDelimiter,omitempty"` // CsvRowDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CsvRowDelimiter string `json:"CsvRowDelimiter,omitempty"` // ExternalTableDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExternalTableDefinition string `json:"ExternalTableDefinition,omitempty"` // ServiceAccessRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceAccessRoleArn string `json:"ServiceAccessRoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint.S3Settings) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDMSEventSubscription ¶
type AWSDMSEventSubscription struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // EventCategories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventCategories []string `json:"EventCategories,omitempty"` // SnsTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SnsTopicArn string `json:"SnsTopicArn,omitempty"` // SourceIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceIds []string `json:"SourceIds,omitempty"` // SourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceType string `json:"SourceType,omitempty"` // SubscriptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubscriptionName string `json:"SubscriptionName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEventSubscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::EventSubscription) See:
func (*AWSDMSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDMSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDMSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSReplicationInstance ¶
type AWSDMSReplicationInstance struct { // AllocatedStorage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocatedStorage int `json:"AllocatedStorage,omitempty"` // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowMajorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // MultiAZ AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MultiAZ bool `json:"MultiAZ,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // ReplicationInstanceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationInstanceClass string `json:"ReplicationInstanceClass,omitempty"` // ReplicationInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationInstanceIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSReplicationInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance) See:
func (*AWSDMSReplicationInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDMSReplicationInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDMSReplicationInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSReplicationInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup struct { // ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription string `json:"ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSReplicationTask ¶
type AWSDMSReplicationTask struct { // CdcStartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CdcStartTime float64 `json:"CdcStartTime,omitempty"` // MigrationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MigrationType string `json:"MigrationType,omitempty"` // ReplicationInstanceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationInstanceArn string `json:"ReplicationInstanceArn,omitempty"` // ReplicationTaskIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationTaskIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationTaskIdentifier,omitempty"` // ReplicationTaskSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationTaskSettings string `json:"ReplicationTaskSettings,omitempty"` // SourceEndpointArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SourceEndpointArn string `json:"SourceEndpointArn,omitempty"` // TableMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableMappings string `json:"TableMappings,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TargetEndpointArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetEndpointArn string `json:"TargetEndpointArn,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSReplicationTask AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask) See:
func (*AWSDMSReplicationTask) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationTask) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDMSReplicationTask) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDMSReplicationTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSReplicationTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationTask) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline struct { // Activate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Activate bool `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ParameterObjects AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterObjects []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject `json:"ParameterObjects,omitempty"` // ParameterValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterValues []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue `json:"ParameterValues,omitempty"` // PipelineObjects AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PipelineObjects []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject `json:"PipelineObjects,omitempty"` // PipelineTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PipelineTags []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag `json:"PipelineTags,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDataPipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDataPipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // RefValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RefValue string `json:"RefValue,omitempty"` // StringValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StringValue string `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.Field) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // StringValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StringValue string `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.ParameterAttribute) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Attributes []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.ParameterObject) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // StringValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StringValue string `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.ParameterValue) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject struct { // Fields AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Fields []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field `json:"Fields,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.PipelineObject) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.PipelineTag) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD struct { // CreateAlias AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreateAlias bool `json:"CreateAlias,omitempty"` // Edition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Edition string `json:"Edition,omitempty"` // EnableSso AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSso bool `json:"EnableSso,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // ShortName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ShortName string `json:"ShortName,omitempty"` // VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcSettings *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings `json:"VpcSettings,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings struct { // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD.VpcSettings) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD struct { // CreateAlias AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreateAlias bool `json:"CreateAlias,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnableSso AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSso bool `json:"EnableSso,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // ShortName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ShortName string `json:"ShortName,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Size string `json:"Size,omitempty"` // VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcSettings *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings `json:"VpcSettings,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings struct { // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD.VpcSettings) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable struct { // AttributeDefinitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttributeDefinitions []AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition `json:"AttributeDefinitions,omitempty"` // GlobalSecondaryIndexes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GlobalSecondaryIndexes []AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex `json:"GlobalSecondaryIndexes,omitempty"` // KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeySchema []AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // LocalSecondaryIndexes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LocalSecondaryIndexes []AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex `json:"LocalSecondaryIndexes,omitempty"` // PointInTimeRecoverySpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PointInTimeRecoverySpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification `json:"PointInTimeRecoverySpecification,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProvisionedThroughput *AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` // SSESpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SSESpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification `json:"SSESpecification,omitempty"` // StreamSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamSpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification `json:"StreamSpecification,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TimeToLiveSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeToLiveSpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification `json:"TimeToLiveSpecification,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSDynamoDBTable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSDynamoDBTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition struct { // AttributeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeName string `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // AttributeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeType string `json:"AttributeType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.AttributeDefinition) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex struct { // IndexName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexName string `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeySchema []AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Projection AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Projection *AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection `json:"Projection,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProvisionedThroughput *AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.GlobalSecondaryIndex) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema struct { // AttributeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeName string `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // KeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyType string `json:"KeyType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.KeySchema) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex struct { // IndexName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexName string `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeySchema []AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Projection AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Projection *AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection `json:"Projection,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.LocalSecondaryIndex) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification struct { // PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled bool `json:"PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.PointInTimeRecoverySpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection struct { // NonKeyAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NonKeyAttributes []string `json:"NonKeyAttributes,omitempty"` // ProjectionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProjectionType string `json:"ProjectionType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.Projection) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput struct { // ReadCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReadCapacityUnits int64 `json:"ReadCapacityUnits,omitempty"` // WriteCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: WriteCapacityUnits int64 `json:"WriteCapacityUnits,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.ProvisionedThroughput) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification struct { // SSEEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SSEEnabled bool `json:"SSEEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.SSESpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification struct { // StreamViewType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StreamViewType string `json:"StreamViewType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.StreamSpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification struct { // AttributeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeName string `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.TimeToLiveSpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2CustomerGateway ¶
type AWSEC2CustomerGateway struct { // BgpAsn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BgpAsn int `json:"BgpAsn,omitempty"` // IpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpAddress string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2CustomerGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2CustomerGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2CustomerGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2CustomerGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2CustomerGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2CustomerGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2CustomerGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2DHCPOptions ¶
type AWSEC2DHCPOptions struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // DomainNameServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainNameServers []string `json:"DomainNameServers,omitempty"` // NetbiosNameServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetbiosNameServers []string `json:"NetbiosNameServers,omitempty"` // NetbiosNodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetbiosNodeType int `json:"NetbiosNodeType,omitempty"` // NtpServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NtpServers []string `json:"NtpServers,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2DHCPOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions) See:
func (*AWSEC2DHCPOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2DHCPOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2DHCPOptions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2DHCPOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2EIP ¶
type AWSEC2EIP struct { // Domain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Domain string `json:"Domain,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2EIP AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::EIP) See:
func (*AWSEC2EIP) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2EIP) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2EIP) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2EIPAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2EIPAssociation struct { // AllocationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocationId string `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // EIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EIP string `json:"EIP,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2EIPAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2EIPAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EIPAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2EIPAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2EIPAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2EIPAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EIPAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway ¶
type AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway struct { // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2FlowLog ¶
type AWSEC2FlowLog struct { // DeliverLogsPermissionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeliverLogsPermissionArn string `json:"DeliverLogsPermissionArn,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // ResourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceType string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` // TrafficType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TrafficType string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2FlowLog AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::FlowLog) See:
func (*AWSEC2FlowLog) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2FlowLog) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2FlowLog) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2FlowLog) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2FlowLog) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2FlowLog) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Host ¶
type AWSEC2Host struct { // AutoPlacement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoPlacement string `json:"AutoPlacement,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Host AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Host) See:
func (*AWSEC2Host) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Host) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2Host) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2Host) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Host) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Host) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Instance ¶
type AWSEC2Instance struct { // AdditionalInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalInfo string `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Affinity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Affinity string `json:"Affinity,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreditSpecification *AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification `json:"CreditSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableApiTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableApiTermination bool `json:"DisableApiTermination,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // ElasticGpuSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticGpuSpecifications []AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification `json:"ElasticGpuSpecifications,omitempty"` // HostId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostId string `json:"HostId,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile string `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior string `json:"InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplate *AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification `json:"LaunchTemplate,omitempty"` // Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monitoring bool `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaces AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaces []AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // PlacementGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementGroupName string `json:"PlacementGroupName,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // RamdiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamdiskId string `json:"RamdiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SourceDestCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDestCheck bool `json:"SourceDestCheck,omitempty"` // SsmAssociations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SsmAssociations []AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation `json:"SsmAssociations,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Tenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tenancy string `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []AWSEC2Instance_Volume `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2Instance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2Instance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Instance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value []string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.AssociationParameter) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSEC2Instance_Ebs `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice *AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification struct { // CPUCredits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CPUCredits string `json:"CPUCredits,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.CreditSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_Ebs ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_Ebs struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_Ebs AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.Ebs) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.ElasticGpuSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.InstanceIpv6Address) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // LaunchTemplateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateId string `json:"LaunchTemplateId,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.LaunchTemplateSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceIndex string `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // GroupSet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupSet []string `json:"GroupSet,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.NetworkInterface) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice struct { }
AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.NoDevice) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.PrivateIpAddressSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation struct { // AssociationParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociationParameters []AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter `json:"AssociationParameters,omitempty"` // DocumentName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DocumentName string `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.SsmAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_Volume ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_Volume struct { // Device AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Device string `json:"Device,omitempty"` // VolumeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeId string `json:"VolumeId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_Volume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.Volume) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2InternetGateway ¶
type AWSEC2InternetGateway struct { // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2InternetGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::InternetGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2InternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2InternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2InternetGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2InternetGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2InternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2InternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate struct { // LaunchTemplateData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateData *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData `json:"LaunchTemplateData,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice string `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification struct { // CpuCredits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CpuCredits string `json:"CpuCredits,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CreditSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.ElasticGpuSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.IamInstanceProfile) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions struct { // MarketType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MarketType string `json:"MarketType,omitempty"` // SpotOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotOptions *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions `json:"SpotOptions,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceMarketOptions) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ipv6Add) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData struct { // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreditSpecification *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification `json:"CreditSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableApiTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableApiTermination bool `json:"DisableApiTermination,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // ElasticGpuSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticGpuSpecifications []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification `json:"ElasticGpuSpecifications,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior string `json:"InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,omitempty"` // InstanceMarketOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceMarketOptions *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions `json:"InstanceMarketOptions,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monitoring *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaces AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaces []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // Placement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Placement *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // RamDiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamDiskId string `json:"RamDiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // TagSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagSpecifications []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification `json:"TagSpecifications,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.LaunchTemplateData) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Monitoring) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceIndex int `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.NetworkInterface) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement struct { // Affinity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Affinity string `json:"Affinity,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // HostId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostId string `json:"HostId,omitempty"` // Tenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tenancy string `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Placement) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.PrivateIpAdd) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions struct { // InstanceInterruptionBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceInterruptionBehavior string `json:"InstanceInterruptionBehavior,omitempty"` // MaxPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxPrice string `json:"MaxPrice,omitempty"` // SpotInstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotInstanceType string `json:"SpotInstanceType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.SpotOptions) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification struct { // ResourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceType string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.TagSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NatGateway ¶
type AWSEC2NatGateway struct { // AllocationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllocationId string `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NatGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NatGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2NatGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NatGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2NatGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2NatGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NatGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NatGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkAcl ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAcl struct { // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAcl AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAcl) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAcl) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2NetworkAcl) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2NetworkAcl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAcl) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAcl) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry struct { // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Egress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Egress bool `json:"Egress,omitempty"` // Icmp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Icmp *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp `json:"Icmp,omitempty"` // Ipv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6CidrBlock string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // NetworkAclId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkAclId string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty"` // PortRange AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PortRange *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange `json:"PortRange,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol int `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // RuleAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleAction string `json:"RuleAction,omitempty"` // RuleNumber AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleNumber int `json:"RuleNumber,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp struct { // Code AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Code int `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type int `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry.Icmp) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange struct { // From AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: From int `json:"From,omitempty"` // To AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: To int `json:"To,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry.PortRange) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // GroupSet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupSet []string `json:"GroupSet,omitempty"` // InterfaceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InterfaceType string `json:"InterfaceType,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses *AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SourceDestCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDestCheck bool `json:"SourceDestCheck,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterface AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2NetworkInterface) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2NetworkInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceIndex string `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission struct { // AwsAccountId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AwsAccountId string `json:"AwsAccountId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // Permission AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Permission string `json:"Permission,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface.InstanceIpv6Address) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface.PrivateIpAddressSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2PlacementGroup ¶
type AWSEC2PlacementGroup struct { // Strategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Strategy string `json:"Strategy,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2PlacementGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup) See:
func (*AWSEC2PlacementGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2PlacementGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2PlacementGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2PlacementGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2PlacementGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2PlacementGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Route ¶
type AWSEC2Route struct { // DestinationCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationCidrBlock string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty"` // DestinationIpv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationIpv6CidrBlock string `json:"DestinationIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId string `json:"EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId,omitempty"` // GatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GatewayId string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // NatGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NatGatewayId string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // RouteTableId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RouteTableId string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty"` // VpcPeeringConnectionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcPeeringConnectionId string `json:"VpcPeeringConnectionId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Route AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Route) See:
func (*AWSEC2Route) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Route) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2Route) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2Route) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Route) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Route) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2RouteTable ¶
type AWSEC2RouteTable struct { // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2RouteTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::RouteTable) See:
func (*AWSEC2RouteTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2RouteTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2RouteTable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2RouteTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2RouteTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2RouteTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup struct { // GroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupDescription string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupEgress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupEgress []AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress `json:"SecurityGroupEgress,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIngress []AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress `json:"SecurityGroupIngress,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DestinationPrefixListId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationPrefixListId string `json:"DestinationPrefixListId,omitempty"` // DestinationSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationSecurityGroupId string `json:"DestinationSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // GroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupId string `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // GroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupId string `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupName string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DestinationPrefixListId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationPrefixListId string `json:"DestinationPrefixListId,omitempty"` // DestinationSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationSecurityGroupId string `json:"DestinationSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.Egress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupName string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.Ingress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet struct { // SpotFleetRequestConfigData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SpotFleetRequestConfigData *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData `json:"SpotFleetRequestConfigData,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SpotFleet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SpotFleet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice string `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.EbsBlockDevice) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // LaunchTemplateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateId string `json:"LaunchTemplateId,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier struct { // GroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupId string `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.GroupIdentifier) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.IamInstanceProfileSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.InstanceIpv6Address) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceIndex int `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig struct { // LaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateSpecification *AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification `json:"LaunchTemplateSpecification,omitempty"` // Overrides AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Overrides []AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides `json:"Overrides,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.LaunchTemplateConfig) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity float64 `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.LaunchTemplateOverrides) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.PrivateIpAddressSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification struct { // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile *AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monitoring *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaces AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaces []AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // Placement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Placement *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // RamdiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamdiskId string `json:"RamdiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // TagSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagSpecifications []AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification `json:"TagSpecifications,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity float64 `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetLaunchSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetMonitoring) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData struct { // AllocationStrategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocationStrategy string `json:"AllocationStrategy,omitempty"` // ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy string `json:"ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy,omitempty"` // IamFleetRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IamFleetRole string `json:"IamFleetRole,omitempty"` // LaunchSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchSpecifications []AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateConfigs []AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig `json:"LaunchTemplateConfigs,omitempty"` // ReplaceUnhealthyInstances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplaceUnhealthyInstances bool `json:"ReplaceUnhealthyInstances,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // TargetCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetCapacity int `json:"TargetCapacity,omitempty"` // TerminateInstancesWithExpiration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TerminateInstancesWithExpiration bool `json:"TerminateInstancesWithExpiration,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // ValidFrom AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidFrom string `json:"ValidFrom,omitempty"` // ValidUntil AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidUntil string `json:"ValidUntil,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetRequestConfigData) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification struct { // ResourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceType string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetTagSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotPlacement) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Subnet ¶
type AWSEC2Subnet struct { // AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation bool `json:"AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Ipv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6CidrBlock string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // MapPublicIpOnLaunch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MapPublicIpOnLaunch bool `json:"MapPublicIpOnLaunch,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Subnet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Subnet) See:
func (*AWSEC2Subnet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Subnet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2Subnet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2Subnet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Subnet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Subnet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock ¶
type AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock struct { // Ipv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6CidrBlock string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock) See:
func (*AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation struct { // NetworkAclId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkAclId string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation struct { // RouteTableId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RouteTableId string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation struct { // BranchInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BranchInterfaceId string `json:"BranchInterfaceId,omitempty"` // GREKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GREKey int `json:"GREKey,omitempty"` // TrunkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TrunkInterfaceId string `json:"TrunkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // VLANId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VLANId int `json:"VLANId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::TrunkInterfaceAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPC ¶
type AWSEC2VPC struct { // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // EnableDnsHostnames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableDnsHostnames bool `json:"EnableDnsHostnames,omitempty"` // EnableDnsSupport AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableDnsSupport bool `json:"EnableDnsSupport,omitempty"` // InstanceTenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceTenancy string `json:"InstanceTenancy,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPC AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPC) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPC) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPC) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPC) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock ¶
type AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock struct { // AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock bool `json:"AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation struct { // DhcpOptionsId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DhcpOptionsId string `json:"DhcpOptionsId,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCEndpoint ¶
type AWSEC2VPCEndpoint struct { // IsPrivateDnsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IsPrivateDnsEnabled bool `json:"IsPrivateDnsEnabled,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // RouteTableIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RouteTableIds []string `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // ServiceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceName string `json:"ServiceName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // VPCEndpointType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCEndpointType string `json:"VPCEndpointType,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification struct { // ConnectionEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionEvents []string `json:"ConnectionEvents,omitempty"` // ConnectionNotificationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionNotificationArn string `json:"ConnectionNotificationArn,omitempty"` // ServiceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceId string `json:"ServiceId,omitempty"` // VPCEndpointId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCEndpointId string `json:"VPCEndpointId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions struct { // AllowedPrincipals AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedPrincipals []string `json:"AllowedPrincipals,omitempty"` // ServiceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceId string `json:"ServiceId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment ¶
type AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment struct { // InternetGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InternetGatewayId string `json:"InternetGatewayId,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` // VpnGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpnGatewayId string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection ¶
type AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection struct { // PeerOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PeerOwnerId string `json:"PeerOwnerId,omitempty"` // PeerRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PeerRegion string `json:"PeerRegion,omitempty"` // PeerRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PeerRoleArn string `json:"PeerRoleArn,omitempty"` // PeerVpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PeerVpcId string `json:"PeerVpcId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNConnection ¶
type AWSEC2VPNConnection struct { // CustomerGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CustomerGatewayId string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty"` // StaticRoutesOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StaticRoutesOnly bool `json:"StaticRoutesOnly,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // VpnGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpnGatewayId string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` // VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications []AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification `json:"VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNConnection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNConnection) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPNConnection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPNConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute ¶
type AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute struct { // DestinationCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationCidrBlock string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty"` // VpnConnectionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpnConnectionId string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification struct { // Required: false // See: PreSharedKey string `json:"PreSharedKey,omitempty"` // TunnelInsideCidr AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TunnelInsideCidr string `json:"TunnelInsideCidr,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNConnection.VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2VPNGateway ¶
type AWSEC2VPNGateway struct { // AmazonSideAsn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmazonSideAsn int64 `json:"AmazonSideAsn,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPNGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPNGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation ¶
type AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation struct { // RouteTableIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RouteTableIds []string `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty"` // VpnGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpnGatewayId string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Volume ¶
type AWSEC2Volume struct { // AutoEnableIO AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoEnableIO bool `json:"AutoEnableIO,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Volume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Volume) See:
func (*AWSEC2Volume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Volume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2Volume) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2Volume) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Volume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Volume) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VolumeAttachment ¶
type AWSEC2VolumeAttachment struct { // Device AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Device string `json:"Device,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // VolumeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeId string `json:"VolumeId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VolumeAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment) See:
func (*AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECRRepository ¶
type AWSECRRepository struct { // LifecyclePolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecyclePolicy *AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy `json:"LifecyclePolicy,omitempty"` // RepositoryName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RepositoryName string `json:"RepositoryName,omitempty"` // RepositoryPolicyText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RepositoryPolicyText interface{} `json:"RepositoryPolicyText,omitempty"` }
AWSECRRepository AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECR::Repository) See:
func (*AWSECRRepository) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECRRepository) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSECRRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSECRRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECRRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECRRepository) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy struct { // LifecyclePolicyText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecyclePolicyText string `json:"LifecyclePolicyText,omitempty"` // RegistryId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegistryId string `json:"RegistryId,omitempty"` }
AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECR::Repository.LifecyclePolicy) See:
func (*AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSCluster ¶
type AWSECSCluster struct { // ClusterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterName string `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` }
AWSECSCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSECSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSECSCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSECSCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECSCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECSService ¶
type AWSECSService struct { // Cluster AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cluster string `json:"Cluster,omitempty"` // DeploymentConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentConfiguration *AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration `json:"DeploymentConfiguration,omitempty"` // DesiredCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredCount int `json:"DesiredCount,omitempty"` // HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds int `json:"HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds,omitempty"` // LaunchType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchType string `json:"LaunchType,omitempty"` // LoadBalancers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancers []AWSECSService_LoadBalancer `json:"LoadBalancers,omitempty"` // NetworkConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkConfiguration *AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration `json:"NetworkConfiguration,omitempty"` // PlacementConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementConstraints []AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint `json:"PlacementConstraints,omitempty"` // PlacementStrategies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementStrategies []AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy `json:"PlacementStrategies,omitempty"` // PlatformVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlatformVersion string `json:"PlatformVersion,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // ServiceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceName string `json:"ServiceName,omitempty"` // ServiceRegistries AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRegistries []AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry `json:"ServiceRegistries,omitempty"` // TaskDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskDefinition string `json:"TaskDefinition,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service) See:
func (*AWSECSService) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSECSService) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSECSService) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECSService) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSService) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration struct { // AssignPublicIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssignPublicIp string `json:"AssignPublicIp,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.AwsVpcConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration ¶
type AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration struct { // MaximumPercent AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumPercent int `json:"MaximumPercent,omitempty"` // MinimumHealthyPercent AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumHealthyPercent int `json:"MinimumHealthyPercent,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.DeploymentConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_LoadBalancer ¶
type AWSECSService_LoadBalancer struct { // ContainerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerName string `json:"ContainerName,omitempty"` // ContainerPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ContainerPort int `json:"ContainerPort,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerName string `json:"LoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // TargetGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupArn string `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_LoadBalancer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.LoadBalancer) See:
func (*AWSECSService_LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration struct { // AwsvpcConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsvpcConfiguration *AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration `json:"AwsvpcConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.NetworkConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint ¶
type AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint struct { // Expression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Expression string `json:"Expression,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.PlacementConstraint) See:
func (*AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy ¶
type AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy struct { // Field AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Field string `json:"Field,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.PlacementStrategy) See:
func (*AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry struct { // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // RegistryArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegistryArn string `json:"RegistryArn,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.ServiceRegistry) See:
func (*AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition struct { // ContainerDefinitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerDefinitions []AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition `json:"ContainerDefinitions,omitempty"` // Cpu AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cpu string `json:"Cpu,omitempty"` // ExecutionRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionRoleArn string `json:"ExecutionRoleArn,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Memory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Memory string `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // NetworkMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkMode string `json:"NetworkMode,omitempty"` // PlacementConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementConstraints []AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint `json:"PlacementConstraints,omitempty"` // RequiresCompatibilities AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequiresCompatibilities []string `json:"RequiresCompatibilities,omitempty"` // TaskRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskRoleArn string `json:"TaskRoleArn,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSECSTaskDefinition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSECSTaskDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition struct { // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Command []string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Cpu AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cpu int `json:"Cpu,omitempty"` // DisableNetworking AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableNetworking bool `json:"DisableNetworking,omitempty"` // DnsSearchDomains AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DnsSearchDomains []string `json:"DnsSearchDomains,omitempty"` // DnsServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DnsServers []string `json:"DnsServers,omitempty"` // DockerLabels AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DockerLabels map[string]string `json:"DockerLabels,omitempty"` // DockerSecurityOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DockerSecurityOptions []string `json:"DockerSecurityOptions,omitempty"` // EntryPoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EntryPoint []string `json:"EntryPoint,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment []AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Essential AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Essential bool `json:"Essential,omitempty"` // ExtraHosts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraHosts []AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry `json:"ExtraHosts,omitempty"` // HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheck *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck `json:"HealthCheck,omitempty"` // Hostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Hostname string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // Links AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Links []string `json:"Links,omitempty"` // LinuxParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LinuxParameters *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters `json:"LinuxParameters,omitempty"` // LogConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogConfiguration *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration `json:"LogConfiguration,omitempty"` // Memory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Memory int `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // MemoryReservation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemoryReservation int `json:"MemoryReservation,omitempty"` // MountPoints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoints []AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint `json:"MountPoints,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // PortMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PortMappings []AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping `json:"PortMappings,omitempty"` // Privileged AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Privileged bool `json:"Privileged,omitempty"` // ReadonlyRootFilesystem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadonlyRootFilesystem bool `json:"ReadonlyRootFilesystem,omitempty"` // Ulimits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ulimits []AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit `json:"Ulimits,omitempty"` // User AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: User string `json:"User,omitempty"` // VolumesFrom AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesFrom []AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom `json:"VolumesFrom,omitempty"` // WorkingDirectory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WorkingDirectory string `json:"WorkingDirectory,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.ContainerDefinition) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device struct { // ContainerPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPath string `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // HostPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostPath string `json:"HostPath,omitempty"` // Permissions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Permissions []string `json:"Permissions,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.Device) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck struct { // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Command []string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Interval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Interval int `json:"Interval,omitempty"` // Retries AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Retries int `json:"Retries,omitempty"` // StartPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartPeriod int `json:"StartPeriod,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.HealthCheck) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry struct { // Hostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Hostname string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // IpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpAddress string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.HostEntry) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties struct { // SourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourcePath string `json:"SourcePath,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.HostVolumeProperties) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities struct { // Add AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Add []string `json:"Add,omitempty"` // Drop AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Drop []string `json:"Drop,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.KernelCapabilities) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.KeyValuePair) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters struct { // Capabilities AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Capabilities *AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities `json:"Capabilities,omitempty"` // Devices AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Devices []AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device `json:"Devices,omitempty"` // InitProcessEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InitProcessEnabled bool `json:"InitProcessEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.LinuxParameters) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration struct { // LogDriver AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogDriver string `json:"LogDriver,omitempty"` // Options AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Options map[string]string `json:"Options,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.LogConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint struct { // ContainerPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPath string `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // ReadOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadOnly bool `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` // SourceVolume AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceVolume string `json:"SourceVolume,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.MountPoint) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping struct { // ContainerPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPort int `json:"ContainerPort,omitempty"` // HostPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostPort int `json:"HostPort,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.PortMapping) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint struct { // Expression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Expression string `json:"Expression,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit struct { // HardLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HardLimit int `json:"HardLimit,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SoftLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SoftLimit int `json:"SoftLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.Ulimit) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume struct { // Host AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Host *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties `json:"Host,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.Volume) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom struct { // ReadOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadOnly bool `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` // SourceContainer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceContainer string `json:"SourceContainer,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.VolumeFrom) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEFSFileSystem ¶
type AWSEFSFileSystem struct { // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // FileSystemTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FileSystemTags []AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag `json:"FileSystemTags,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // PerformanceMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PerformanceMode string `json:"PerformanceMode,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughputInMibps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisionedThroughputInMibps float64 `json:"ProvisionedThroughputInMibps,omitempty"` // ThroughputMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThroughputMode string `json:"ThroughputMode,omitempty"` }
AWSEFSFileSystem AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EFS::FileSystem) See:
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEFSFileSystem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEFSFileSystem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag ¶
type AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EFS::FileSystem.ElasticFileSystemTag) See:
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEFSMountTarget ¶
type AWSEFSMountTarget struct { // FileSystemId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FileSystemId string `json:"FileSystemId,omitempty"` // IpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IpAddress string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEFSMountTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EFS::MountTarget) See:
func (*AWSEFSMountTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEFSMountTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEFSMountTarget) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEFSMountTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEFSMountTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEFSMountTarget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEKSCluster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEKSCluster struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ResourcesVpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourcesVpcConfig *AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig `json:"ResourcesVpcConfig,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEKSCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EKS::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSEKSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEKSCluster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSEKSCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEKSCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EKS::Cluster.ResourcesVpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster ¶
type AWSEMRCluster struct { // AdditionalInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalInfo interface{} `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Applications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Applications []AWSEMRCluster_Application `json:"Applications,omitempty"` // AutoScalingRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingRole string `json:"AutoScalingRole,omitempty"` // BootstrapActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BootstrapActions []AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig `json:"BootstrapActions,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // CustomAmiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomAmiId string `json:"CustomAmiId,omitempty"` // EbsRootVolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsRootVolumeSize int `json:"EbsRootVolumeSize,omitempty"` // Instances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Instances *AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig `json:"Instances,omitempty"` // JobFlowRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JobFlowRole string `json:"JobFlowRole,omitempty"` // KerberosAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KerberosAttributes *AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes `json:"KerberosAttributes,omitempty"` // LogUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogUri string `json:"LogUri,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ReleaseLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReleaseLabel string `json:"ReleaseLabel,omitempty"` // ScaleDownBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleDownBehavior string `json:"ScaleDownBehavior,omitempty"` // SecurityConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityConfiguration string `json:"SecurityConfiguration,omitempty"` // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VisibleToAllUsers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VisibleToAllUsers bool `json:"VisibleToAllUsers,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEMRCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEMRCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRCluster_Application ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_Application struct { // AdditionalInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalInfo map[string]string `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Args AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Args []string `json:"Args,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_Application AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.Application) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_Application) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_Application) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy struct { // Constraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Constraints *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints `json:"Constraints,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.AutoScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ScriptBootstrapAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScriptBootstrapAction *AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig `json:"ScriptBootstrapAction,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.BootstrapActionConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // EvaluationPeriods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluationPeriods int `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Period int `json:"Period,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_Configuration ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_Configuration struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties map[string]string `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_Configuration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.Configuration) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig struct { // VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeSpecification *AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // VolumesPerInstance AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesPerInstance int `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.EbsBlockDeviceConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration struct { // EbsBlockDeviceConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsBlockDeviceConfigs []AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.EbsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig struct { // InstanceTypeConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceTypeConfigs []AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig `json:"InstanceTypeConfigs,omitempty"` // LaunchSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchSpecifications *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // TargetOnDemandCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetOnDemandCapacity int `json:"TargetOnDemandCapacity,omitempty"` // TargetSpotCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetSpotCapacity int `json:"TargetSpotCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceFleetConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications struct { // SpotSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SpotSpecification *AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification `json:"SpotSpecification,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig struct { // AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingPolicy *AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy `json:"AutoScalingPolicy,omitempty"` // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceGroupConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig struct { // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice float64 `json:"BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity int `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceTypeConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig struct { // AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups []string `json:"AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups []string `json:"AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // CoreInstanceFleet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoreInstanceFleet *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig `json:"CoreInstanceFleet,omitempty"` // CoreInstanceGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoreInstanceGroup *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig `json:"CoreInstanceGroup,omitempty"` // Ec2KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2KeyName string `json:"Ec2KeyName,omitempty"` // Ec2SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2SubnetId string `json:"Ec2SubnetId,omitempty"` // EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup string `json:"EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup string `json:"EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // HadoopVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HadoopVersion string `json:"HadoopVersion,omitempty"` // MasterInstanceFleet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterInstanceFleet *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig `json:"MasterInstanceFleet,omitempty"` // MasterInstanceGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterInstanceGroup *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig `json:"MasterInstanceGroup,omitempty"` // Placement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Placement *AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // ServiceAccessSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceAccessSecurityGroup string `json:"ServiceAccessSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // TerminationProtected AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TerminationProtected bool `json:"TerminationProtected,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.JobFlowInstancesConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes struct { // ADDomainJoinPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ADDomainJoinPassword string `json:"ADDomainJoinPassword,omitempty"` // ADDomainJoinUser AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ADDomainJoinUser string `json:"ADDomainJoinUser,omitempty"` // CrossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CrossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword string `json:"CrossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword,omitempty"` // KdcAdminPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KdcAdminPassword string `json:"KdcAdminPassword,omitempty"` // Realm AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Realm string `json:"Realm,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.KerberosAttributes) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_KerberosAttributes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.PlacementType) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction struct { // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingAction) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingConstraints) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Trigger AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Trigger *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger `json:"Trigger,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingRule) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger struct { // CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudWatchAlarmDefinition *AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition `json:"CloudWatchAlarmDefinition,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingTrigger) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig struct { // Args AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Args []string `json:"Args,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScriptBootstrapActionConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // CoolDown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoolDown int `json:"CoolDown,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification struct { // BlockDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDurationMinutes int `json:"BlockDurationMinutes,omitempty"` // TimeoutAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutAction string `json:"TimeoutAction,omitempty"` // TimeoutDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutDurationMinutes int `json:"TimeoutDurationMinutes,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.SpotProvisioningSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SizeInGB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInGB int `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.VolumeSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig struct { // ClusterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterId string `json:"ClusterId,omitempty"` // InstanceFleetType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceFleetType string `json:"InstanceFleetType,omitempty"` // InstanceTypeConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceTypeConfigs []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig `json:"InstanceTypeConfigs,omitempty"` // LaunchSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchSpecifications *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // TargetOnDemandCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetOnDemandCapacity int `json:"TargetOnDemandCapacity,omitempty"` // TargetSpotCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetSpotCapacity int `json:"TargetSpotCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties map[string]string `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.Configuration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig struct { // VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeSpecification *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // VolumesPerInstance AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesPerInstance int `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.EbsBlockDeviceConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration struct { // EbsBlockDeviceConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsBlockDeviceConfigs []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.EbsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications struct { // SpotSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SpotSpecification *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification `json:"SpotSpecification,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig struct { // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice float64 `json:"BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity int `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.InstanceTypeConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification struct { // BlockDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDurationMinutes int `json:"BlockDurationMinutes,omitempty"` // TimeoutAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutAction string `json:"TimeoutAction,omitempty"` // TimeoutDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutDurationMinutes int `json:"TimeoutDurationMinutes,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.SpotProvisioningSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SizeInGB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInGB int `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.VolumeSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig struct { // AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingPolicy *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy `json:"AutoScalingPolicy,omitempty"` // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // InstanceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceRole string `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // JobFlowId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JobFlowId string `json:"JobFlowId,omitempty"` // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy struct { // Constraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Constraints *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints `json:"Constraints,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.AutoScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // EvaluationPeriods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluationPeriods int `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Period int `json:"Period,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties map[string]string `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.Configuration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig struct { // VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeSpecification *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // VolumesPerInstance AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesPerInstance int `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.EbsBlockDeviceConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration struct { // EbsBlockDeviceConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsBlockDeviceConfigs []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.EbsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction struct { // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingAction) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingConstraints) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Trigger AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Trigger *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger `json:"Trigger,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingRule) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger struct { // CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudWatchAlarmDefinition *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition `json:"CloudWatchAlarmDefinition,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingTrigger) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // CoolDown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoolDown int `json:"CoolDown,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SizeInGB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInGB int `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.VolumeSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SecurityConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityConfiguration interface{} `json:"SecurityConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRStep ¶
type AWSEMRStep struct { // ActionOnFailure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ActionOnFailure string `json:"ActionOnFailure,omitempty"` // HadoopJarStep AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HadoopJarStep *AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig `json:"HadoopJarStep,omitempty"` // JobFlowId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JobFlowId string `json:"JobFlowId,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRStep AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Step) See:
func (*AWSEMRStep) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEMRStep) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEMRStep) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRStep) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig ¶
type AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig struct { // Args AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Args []string `json:"Args,omitempty"` // Jar AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Jar string `json:"Jar,omitempty"` // MainClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MainClass string `json:"MainClass,omitempty"` // StepProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepProperties []AWSEMRStep_KeyValue `json:"StepProperties,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Step.HadoopJarStepConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRStep_KeyValue ¶
type AWSEMRStep_KeyValue struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRStep_KeyValue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Step.KeyValue) See:
func (*AWSEMRStep_KeyValue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep_KeyValue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster ¶
type AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster struct { // AZMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AZMode string `json:"AZMode,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // CacheNodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CacheNodeType string `json:"CacheNodeType,omitempty"` // CacheParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheParameterGroupName string `json:"CacheParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // CacheSecurityGroupNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSecurityGroupNames []string `json:"CacheSecurityGroupNames,omitempty"` // CacheSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSubnetGroupName string `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // ClusterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterName string `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // NotificationTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTopicArn string `json:"NotificationTopicArn,omitempty"` // NumCacheNodes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NumCacheNodes int `json:"NumCacheNodes,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredAvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredAvailabilityZone string `json:"PreferredAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // PreferredAvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredAvailabilityZones []string `json:"PreferredAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // SnapshotArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotArns []string `json:"SnapshotArns,omitempty"` // SnapshotName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotName string `json:"SnapshotName,omitempty"` // SnapshotRetentionLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotRetentionLimit int `json:"SnapshotRetentionLimit,omitempty"` // SnapshotWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotWindow string `json:"SnapshotWindow,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup struct { // CacheParameterGroupFamily AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CacheParameterGroupFamily string `json:"CacheParameterGroupFamily,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Properties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Properties map[string]string `json:"Properties,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup struct { // AtRestEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AtRestEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"AtRestEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // AuthToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthToken string `json:"AuthToken,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutomaticFailoverEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomaticFailoverEnabled bool `json:"AutomaticFailoverEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheNodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheNodeType string `json:"CacheNodeType,omitempty"` // CacheParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheParameterGroupName string `json:"CacheParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // CacheSecurityGroupNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSecurityGroupNames []string `json:"CacheSecurityGroupNames,omitempty"` // CacheSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSubnetGroupName string `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // NodeGroupConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NodeGroupConfiguration []AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration `json:"NodeGroupConfiguration,omitempty"` // NotificationTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTopicArn string `json:"NotificationTopicArn,omitempty"` // NumCacheClusters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumCacheClusters int `json:"NumCacheClusters,omitempty"` // NumNodeGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumNodeGroups int `json:"NumNodeGroups,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredCacheClusterAZs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredCacheClusterAZs []string `json:"PreferredCacheClusterAZs,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PrimaryClusterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrimaryClusterId string `json:"PrimaryClusterId,omitempty"` // ReplicasPerNodeGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicasPerNodeGroup int `json:"ReplicasPerNodeGroup,omitempty"` // ReplicationGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationGroupDescription string `json:"ReplicationGroupDescription,omitempty"` // ReplicationGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationGroupId string `json:"ReplicationGroupId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SnapshotArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotArns []string `json:"SnapshotArns,omitempty"` // SnapshotName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotName string `json:"SnapshotName,omitempty"` // SnapshotRetentionLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotRetentionLimit int `json:"SnapshotRetentionLimit,omitempty"` // SnapshotWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotWindow string `json:"SnapshotWindow,omitempty"` // SnapshottingClusterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshottingClusterId string `json:"SnapshottingClusterId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TransitEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TransitEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"TransitEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration ¶
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration struct { // PrimaryAvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrimaryAvailabilityZone string `json:"PrimaryAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // ReplicaAvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicaAvailabilityZones []string `json:"ReplicaAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // ReplicaCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicaCount int `json:"ReplicaCount,omitempty"` // Slots AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Slots string `json:"Slots,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup.NodeGroupConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress struct { // CacheSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CacheSecurityGroupName string `json:"CacheSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup struct { // CacheSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSubnetGroupName string `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ResourceLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLifecycleConfig *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig `json:"ResourceLifecycleConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SourceBundle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SourceBundle *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle `json:"SourceBundle,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle struct { // S3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Bucket string `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Key string `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion.SourceBundle) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig struct { // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // VersionLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VersionLifecycleConfig *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig `json:"VersionLifecycleConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig struct { // MaxAgeRule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxAgeRule *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule `json:"MaxAgeRule,omitempty"` // MaxCountRule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxCountRule *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule `json:"MaxCountRule,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule struct { // DeleteSourceFromS3 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteSourceFromS3 bool `json:"DeleteSourceFromS3,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // MaxAgeInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxAgeInDays int `json:"MaxAgeInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxAgeRule) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule struct { // DeleteSourceFromS3 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteSourceFromS3 bool `json:"DeleteSourceFromS3,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // MaxCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxCount int `json:"MaxCount,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxCountRule) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnvironmentId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnvironmentId string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty"` // OptionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionSettings []AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // PlatformArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlatformArn string `json:"PlatformArn,omitempty"` // SolutionStackName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SolutionStackName string `json:"SolutionStackName,omitempty"` // SourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceConfiguration *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration `json:"SourceConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting struct { // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // OptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionName string `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // ResourceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceName string `json:"ResourceName,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.ConfigurationOptionSetting) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // TemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.SourceConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // CNAMEPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CNAMEPrefix string `json:"CNAMEPrefix,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnvironmentName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnvironmentName string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty"` // OptionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionSettings []AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // PlatformArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlatformArn string `json:"PlatformArn,omitempty"` // SolutionStackName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SolutionStackName string `json:"SolutionStackName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` // Tier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tier *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier `json:"Tier,omitempty"` // VersionLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VersionLabel string `json:"VersionLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting struct { // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // OptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionName string `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // ResourceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceName string `json:"ResourceName,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.OptionSetting) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.Tier) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer struct { // AccessLoggingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessLoggingPolicy *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy `json:"AccessLoggingPolicy,omitempty"` // AppCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AppCookieStickinessPolicy []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy `json:"AppCookieStickinessPolicy,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // ConnectionDrainingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConnectionDrainingPolicy *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy `json:"ConnectionDrainingPolicy,omitempty"` // ConnectionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConnectionSettings *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings `json:"ConnectionSettings,omitempty"` // CrossZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CrossZone bool `json:"CrossZone,omitempty"` // HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheck *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck `json:"HealthCheck,omitempty"` // Instances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Instances []string `json:"Instances,omitempty"` // LBCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LBCookieStickinessPolicy []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy `json:"LBCookieStickinessPolicy,omitempty"` // Listeners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Listeners []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners `json:"Listeners,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerName string `json:"LoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // Scheme AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Scheme string `json:"Scheme,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy struct { // EmitInterval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmitInterval int `json:"EmitInterval,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // S3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BucketName string `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // S3BucketPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BucketPrefix string `json:"S3BucketPrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.AccessLoggingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // CookieName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CookieName string `json:"CookieName,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.AppCookieStickinessPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.ConnectionDrainingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings struct { // IdleTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IdleTimeout int `json:"IdleTimeout,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.ConnectionSettings) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck struct { // HealthyThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HealthyThreshold string `json:"HealthyThreshold,omitempty"` // Interval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Interval string `json:"Interval,omitempty"` // Target AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Target string `json:"Target,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Timeout string `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // UnhealthyThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UnhealthyThreshold string `json:"UnhealthyThreshold,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.HealthCheck) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // CookieExpirationPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CookieExpirationPeriod string `json:"CookieExpirationPeriod,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.LBCookieStickinessPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners struct { // InstancePort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstancePort string `json:"InstancePort,omitempty"` // InstanceProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceProtocol string `json:"InstanceProtocol,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LoadBalancerPort string `json:"LoadBalancerPort,omitempty"` // PolicyNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyNames []string `json:"PolicyNames,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // SSLCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SSLCertificateId string `json:"SSLCertificateId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.Listeners) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Attributes []interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // InstancePorts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstancePorts []string `json:"InstancePorts,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerPorts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerPorts []string `json:"LoadBalancerPorts,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // PolicyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyType string `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.Policies) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener struct { // Certificates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Certificates []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate `json:"Certificates,omitempty"` // DefaultActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultActions []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action `json:"DefaultActions,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LoadBalancerArn string `json:"LoadBalancerArn,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // SslPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslPolicy string `json:"SslPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate struct { // Certificates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Certificates []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate `json:"Certificates,omitempty"` // ListenerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ListenerArn string `json:"ListenerArn,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate.Certificate) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Conditions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Conditions []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` // ListenerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ListenerArn string `json:"ListenerArn,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action struct { // TargetGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetGroupArn string `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.Action) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition struct { // Field AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Field string `json:"Field,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.RuleCondition) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action struct { // TargetGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetGroupArn string `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Action) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Certificate) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer struct { // IpAddressType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IpAddressType string `json:"IpAddressType,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerAttributes []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute `json:"LoadBalancerAttributes,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Scheme AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Scheme string `json:"Scheme,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SubnetMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetMappings []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping `json:"SubnetMappings,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerAttribute) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping struct { // AllocationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllocationId string `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.SubnetMapping) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup struct { // HealthCheckIntervalSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds int `json:"HealthCheckIntervalSeconds,omitempty"` // HealthCheckPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckPath string `json:"HealthCheckPath,omitempty"` // HealthCheckPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckPort string `json:"HealthCheckPort,omitempty"` // HealthCheckProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckProtocol string `json:"HealthCheckProtocol,omitempty"` // HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds int `json:"HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds,omitempty"` // HealthyThresholdCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthyThresholdCount int `json:"HealthyThresholdCount,omitempty"` // Matcher AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Matcher *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher `json:"Matcher,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TargetGroupAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupAttributes []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute `json:"TargetGroupAttributes,omitempty"` // TargetType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetType string `json:"TargetType,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Targets []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription `json:"Targets,omitempty"` // UnhealthyThresholdCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UnhealthyThresholdCount int `json:"UnhealthyThresholdCount,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher struct { // HttpCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HttpCode string `json:"HttpCode,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.Matcher) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetDescription) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetGroupAttribute) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain struct { // AccessPolicies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessPolicies interface{} `json:"AccessPolicies,omitempty"` // AdvancedOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdvancedOptions map[string]string `json:"AdvancedOptions,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // EBSOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EBSOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions `json:"EBSOptions,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchClusterConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchClusterConfig *AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig `json:"ElasticsearchClusterConfig,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchVersion string `json:"ElasticsearchVersion,omitempty"` // EncryptionAtRestOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionAtRestOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions `json:"EncryptionAtRestOptions,omitempty"` // SnapshotOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions `json:"SnapshotOptions,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VPCOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions `json:"VPCOptions,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSElasticsearchDomain) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSElasticsearchDomain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions struct { // EBSEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EBSEnabled bool `json:"EBSEnabled,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.EBSOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig struct { // DedicatedMasterCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DedicatedMasterCount int `json:"DedicatedMasterCount,omitempty"` // DedicatedMasterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DedicatedMasterEnabled bool `json:"DedicatedMasterEnabled,omitempty"` // DedicatedMasterType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DedicatedMasterType string `json:"DedicatedMasterType,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // ZoneAwarenessEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ZoneAwarenessEnabled bool `json:"ZoneAwarenessEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.ElasticsearchClusterConfig) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.EncryptionAtRestOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions struct { // AutomatedSnapshotStartHour AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomatedSnapshotStartHour int `json:"AutomatedSnapshotStartHour,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.SnapshotOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.VPCOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule ¶
type AWSEventsRule struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EventPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventPattern interface{} `json:"EventPattern,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // ScheduleExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduleExpression string `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Targets []AWSEventsRule_Target `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSEventsRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSEventsRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEventsRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters struct { // TaskCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskCount int `json:"TaskCount,omitempty"` // TaskDefinitionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskDefinitionArn string `json:"TaskDefinitionArn,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.EcsParameters) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer struct { // InputPathsMap AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputPathsMap map[string]string `json:"InputPathsMap,omitempty"` // InputTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InputTemplate string `json:"InputTemplate,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.InputTransformer) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters struct { // PartitionKeyPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PartitionKeyPath string `json:"PartitionKeyPath,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.KinesisParameters) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters struct { // RunCommandTargets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RunCommandTargets []AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget `json:"RunCommandTargets,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandParameters) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandTarget) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_Target ¶
type AWSEventsRule_Target struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // EcsParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EcsParameters *AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters `json:"EcsParameters,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // InputPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputPath string `json:"InputPath,omitempty"` // InputTransformer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputTransformer *AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer `json:"InputTransformer,omitempty"` // KinesisParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisParameters *AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters `json:"KinesisParameters,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // RunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RunCommandParameters *AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters `json:"RunCommandParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.Target) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule_Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGameLiftAlias ¶
type AWSGameLiftAlias struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RoutingStrategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoutingStrategy *AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy `json:"RoutingStrategy,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftAlias AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Alias) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGameLiftAlias) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSGameLiftAlias) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy ¶
type AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy struct { // FleetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FleetId string `json:"FleetId,omitempty"` // Message AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Alias.RoutingStrategy) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGameLiftBuild ¶
type AWSGameLiftBuild struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StorageLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageLocation *AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location `json:"StorageLocation,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftBuild AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Build) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGameLiftBuild) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSGameLiftBuild) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location ¶
type AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Build.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGameLiftFleet ¶
type AWSGameLiftFleet struct { // BuildId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BuildId string `json:"BuildId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DesiredEC2Instances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DesiredEC2Instances int `json:"DesiredEC2Instances,omitempty"` // EC2InboundPermissions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2InboundPermissions []AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission `json:"EC2InboundPermissions,omitempty"` // EC2InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EC2InstanceType string `json:"EC2InstanceType,omitempty"` // LogPaths AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogPaths []string `json:"LogPaths,omitempty"` // MaxSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxSize int `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // MinSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinSize int `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ServerLaunchParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerLaunchParameters string `json:"ServerLaunchParameters,omitempty"` // ServerLaunchPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServerLaunchPath string `json:"ServerLaunchPath,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftFleet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Fleet) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGameLiftFleet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSGameLiftFleet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission ¶
type AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission struct { // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // IpRange AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpRange string `json:"IpRange,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Fleet.IpPermission) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueClassifier ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueClassifier struct { // GrokClassifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GrokClassifier *AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier `json:"GrokClassifier,omitempty"` // JsonClassifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JsonClassifier *AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier `json:"JsonClassifier,omitempty"` // XMLClassifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: XMLClassifier *AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier `json:"XMLClassifier,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueClassifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Classifier) See:
func (*AWSGlueClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueClassifier) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueClassifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueClassifier) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // CustomPatterns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomPatterns string `json:"CustomPatterns,omitempty"` // GrokPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GrokPattern string `json:"GrokPattern,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Classifier.GrokClassifier) See:
func (*AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier struct { // JsonPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JsonPath string `json:"JsonPath,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Classifier.JsonClassifier) See:
func (*AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier_JsonClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RowTag AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RowTag string `json:"RowTag,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Classifier.XMLClassifier) See:
func (*AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier_XMLClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueConnection ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueConnection struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // ConnectionInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionInput *AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput `json:"ConnectionInput,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueConnection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Connection) See:
func (*AWSGlueConnection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueConnection) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput struct { // ConnectionProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionProperties interface{} `json:"ConnectionProperties,omitempty"` // ConnectionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionType string `json:"ConnectionType,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // MatchCriteria AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MatchCriteria []string `json:"MatchCriteria,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // PhysicalConnectionRequirements AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PhysicalConnectionRequirements *AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements `json:"PhysicalConnectionRequirements,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Connection.ConnectionInput) See:
func (*AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIdList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIdList []string `json:"SecurityGroupIdList,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Connection.PhysicalConnectionRequirements) See:
func (*AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler struct { // Classifiers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classifiers []string `json:"Classifiers,omitempty"` // Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configuration string `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schedule *AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // SchemaChangePolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SchemaChangePolicy *AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy `json:"SchemaChangePolicy,omitempty"` // TablePrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TablePrefix string `json:"TablePrefix,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Targets *AWSGlueCrawler_Targets `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueCrawler) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueCrawler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueCrawler) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget struct { // ConnectionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConnectionName string `json:"ConnectionName,omitempty"` // Exclusions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Exclusions []string `json:"Exclusions,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.JdbcTarget) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target struct { // Exclusions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Exclusions []string `json:"Exclusions,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.S3Target) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule struct { // ScheduleExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduleExpression string `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.Schedule) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy struct { // DeleteBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteBehavior string `json:"DeleteBehavior,omitempty"` // UpdateBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UpdateBehavior string `json:"UpdateBehavior,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.SchemaChangePolicy) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_Targets ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_Targets struct { // JdbcTargets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JdbcTargets []AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget `json:"JdbcTargets,omitempty"` // S3Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Targets []AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target `json:"S3Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_Targets AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.Targets) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_Targets) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_Targets) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueDatabase ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueDatabase struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // DatabaseInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseInput *AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput `json:"DatabaseInput,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueDatabase AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Database) See:
func (*AWSGlueDatabase) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueDatabase) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueDatabase) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueDatabase) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // LocationUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LocationUri string `json:"LocationUri,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Database.DatabaseInput) See:
func (*AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueDevEndpoint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueDevEndpoint struct { // EndpointName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointName string `json:"EndpointName,omitempty"` // ExtraJarsS3Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraJarsS3Path string `json:"ExtraJarsS3Path,omitempty"` // ExtraPythonLibsS3Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraPythonLibsS3Path string `json:"ExtraPythonLibsS3Path,omitempty"` // NumberOfNodes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfNodes int `json:"NumberOfNodes,omitempty"` // PublicKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PublicKey string `json:"PublicKey,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueDevEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::DevEndpoint) See:
func (*AWSGlueDevEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDevEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueDevEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueDevEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueDevEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDevEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueJob ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob struct { // AllocatedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocatedCapacity float64 `json:"AllocatedCapacity,omitempty"` // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Command *AWSGlueJob_JobCommand `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Connections AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Connections *AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList `json:"Connections,omitempty"` // DefaultArguments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultArguments interface{} `json:"DefaultArguments,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ExecutionProperty AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionProperty *AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty `json:"ExecutionProperty,omitempty"` // LogUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogUri string `json:"LogUri,omitempty"` // MaxRetries AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxRetries float64 `json:"MaxRetries,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueJob) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueJob) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueJob) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList struct { // Connections AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Connections []string `json:"Connections,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job.ConnectionsList) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty struct { // MaxConcurrentRuns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxConcurrentRuns float64 `json:"MaxConcurrentRuns,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job.ExecutionProperty) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueJob_JobCommand ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob_JobCommand struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ScriptLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScriptLocation string `json:"ScriptLocation,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob_JobCommand AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job.JobCommand) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob_JobCommand) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob_JobCommand) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // PartitionInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PartitionInput *AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput `json:"PartitionInput,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGluePartition) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGluePartition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGluePartition) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGluePartition_Column ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_Column struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_Column AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.Column) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_Column) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_Column) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_Order ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_Order struct { // Column AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Column string `json:"Column,omitempty"` // SortOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SortOrder int `json:"SortOrder,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_Order AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.Order) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_Order) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_Order) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput struct { // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageDescriptor *AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor `json:"StorageDescriptor,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.PartitionInput) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerializationLibrary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerializationLibrary string `json:"SerializationLibrary,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.SerdeInfo) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo struct { // SkewedColumnNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnNames []string `json:"SkewedColumnNames,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps interface{} `json:"SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValues []string `json:"SkewedColumnValues,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.SkewedInfo) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor struct { // BucketColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketColumns []string `json:"BucketColumns,omitempty"` // Columns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Columns []AWSGluePartition_Column `json:"Columns,omitempty"` // Compressed AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compressed bool `json:"Compressed,omitempty"` // InputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputFormat string `json:"InputFormat,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // NumberOfBuckets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfBuckets int `json:"NumberOfBuckets,omitempty"` // OutputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputFormat string `json:"OutputFormat,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerdeInfo *AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo `json:"SerdeInfo,omitempty"` // SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedInfo *AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo `json:"SkewedInfo,omitempty"` // SortColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SortColumns []AWSGluePartition_Order `json:"SortColumns,omitempty"` // StoredAsSubDirectories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StoredAsSubDirectories bool `json:"StoredAsSubDirectories,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.StorageDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // TableInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableInput *AWSGlueTable_TableInput `json:"TableInput,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueTable) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueTable_Column ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_Column struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_Column AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.Column) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_Column) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_Column) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_Order ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_Order struct { // Column AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Column string `json:"Column,omitempty"` // SortOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SortOrder int `json:"SortOrder,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_Order AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.Order) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_Order) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_Order) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerializationLibrary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerializationLibrary string `json:"SerializationLibrary,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.SerdeInfo) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo struct { // SkewedColumnNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnNames []string `json:"SkewedColumnNames,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps interface{} `json:"SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValues []string `json:"SkewedColumnValues,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.SkewedInfo) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor struct { // BucketColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketColumns []string `json:"BucketColumns,omitempty"` // Columns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Columns []AWSGlueTable_Column `json:"Columns,omitempty"` // Compressed AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compressed bool `json:"Compressed,omitempty"` // InputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputFormat string `json:"InputFormat,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // NumberOfBuckets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfBuckets int `json:"NumberOfBuckets,omitempty"` // OutputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputFormat string `json:"OutputFormat,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerdeInfo *AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo `json:"SerdeInfo,omitempty"` // SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedInfo *AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo `json:"SkewedInfo,omitempty"` // SortColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SortColumns []AWSGlueTable_Order `json:"SortColumns,omitempty"` // StoredAsSubDirectories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StoredAsSubDirectories bool `json:"StoredAsSubDirectories,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.StorageDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_TableInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_TableInput struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // PartitionKeys AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PartitionKeys []AWSGlueTable_Column `json:"PartitionKeys,omitempty"` // Retention AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Retention int `json:"Retention,omitempty"` // StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageDescriptor *AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor `json:"StorageDescriptor,omitempty"` // TableType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TableType string `json:"TableType,omitempty"` // ViewExpandedText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ViewExpandedText string `json:"ViewExpandedText,omitempty"` // ViewOriginalText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ViewOriginalText string `json:"ViewOriginalText,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_TableInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.TableInput) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_TableInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_TableInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTrigger ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSGlueTrigger_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Predicate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Predicate *AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate `json:"Predicate,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGlueTrigger) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGlueTrigger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueTrigger) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueTrigger_Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger_Action struct { // Arguments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arguments interface{} `json:"Arguments,omitempty"` // JobName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobName string `json:"JobName,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger.Action) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTrigger_Condition ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger_Condition struct { // JobName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobName string `json:"JobName,omitempty"` // LogicalOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogicalOperator string `json:"LogicalOperator,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger_Condition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger.Condition) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate struct { // Conditions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Conditions []AWSGlueTrigger_Condition `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` // Logical AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logical string `json:"Logical,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger.Predicate) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGuardDutyDetector ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyDetector struct { // Enable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enable bool `json:"Enable,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyDetector AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Detector) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyDetector) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyDetector) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGuardDutyDetector) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGuardDutyDetector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyDetector) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyDetector) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyFilter struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action string `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // FindingCriteria AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FindingCriteria *AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria `json:"FindingCriteria,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Rank AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rank int `json:"Rank,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Filter) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGuardDutyFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGuardDutyFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition struct { // Eq AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Eq []string `json:"Eq,omitempty"` // Gte AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Gte int `json:"Gte,omitempty"` // Lt AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Lt int `json:"Lt,omitempty"` // Lte AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Lte int `json:"Lte,omitempty"` // Neq AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Neq []string `json:"Neq,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Filter.Condition) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria struct { // Criterion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Criterion interface{} `json:"Criterion,omitempty"` // ItemType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ItemType *AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition `json:"ItemType,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Filter.FindingCriteria) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGuardDutyIPSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyIPSet struct { // Activate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Activate bool `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // Format AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyIPSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::IPSet) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGuardDutyIPSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGuardDutyIPSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyIPSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyIPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyMaster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyMaster struct { // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // InvitationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InvitationId string `json:"InvitationId,omitempty"` // MasterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MasterId string `json:"MasterId,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyMaster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Master) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyMaster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMaster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGuardDutyMaster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGuardDutyMaster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyMaster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMaster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyMember ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyMember struct { // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // DisableEmailNotification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableEmailNotification bool `json:"DisableEmailNotification,omitempty"` // Email AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` // MemberId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MemberId string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // Message AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyMember AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Member) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyMember) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMember) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGuardDutyMember) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGuardDutyMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyMember) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMember) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet struct { // Activate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Activate bool `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // Format AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::ThreatIntelSet) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMAccessKey ¶
type AWSIAMAccessKey struct { // Serial AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Serial int `json:"Serial,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // UserName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMAccessKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::AccessKey) See:
func (*AWSIAMAccessKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMAccessKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMAccessKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMAccessKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMAccessKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMAccessKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMGroup ¶
type AWSIAMGroup struct { // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyArns []string `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSIAMGroup_Policy `json:"Policies,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Group) See:
func (*AWSIAMGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMGroup_Policy ¶
type AWSIAMGroup_Policy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMGroup_Policy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Group.Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMGroup_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIAMInstanceProfile ¶
type AWSIAMInstanceProfile struct { // InstanceProfileName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceProfileName string `json:"InstanceProfileName,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Roles []string `json:"Roles,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile) See:
func (*AWSIAMInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMInstanceProfile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMInstanceProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMInstanceProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMInstanceProfile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMManagedPolicy ¶
type AWSIAMManagedPolicy struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyName string `json:"ManagedPolicyName,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Roles []string `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Users []string `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMManagedPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy) See:
func (*AWSIAMManagedPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMManagedPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMManagedPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMManagedPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMManagedPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMManagedPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMPolicy ¶
type AWSIAMPolicy struct { // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Roles []string `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Users []string `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMRole ¶
type AWSIAMRole struct { // AssumeRolePolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AssumeRolePolicyDocument interface{} `json:"AssumeRolePolicyDocument,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyArns []string `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // MaxSessionDuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxSessionDuration int `json:"MaxSessionDuration,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSIAMRole_Policy `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // RoleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleName string `json:"RoleName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMRole AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Role) See:
func (*AWSIAMRole) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMRole) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMRole) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMRole_Policy ¶
type AWSIAMRole_Policy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMRole_Policy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Role.Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMRole_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole struct { // AWSServiceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AWSServiceName string `json:"AWSServiceName,omitempty"` // CustomSuffix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomSuffix string `json:"CustomSuffix,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole) See:
func (*AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMUser ¶
type AWSIAMUser struct { // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // LoginProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoginProfile *AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile `json:"LoginProfile,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyArns []string `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSIAMUser_Policy `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // UserName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUser AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::User) See:
func (*AWSIAMUser) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition ¶
type AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition struct { // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Users []string `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition) See:
func (*AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile ¶
type AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile struct { // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // PasswordResetRequired AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PasswordResetRequired bool `json:"PasswordResetRequired,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::User.LoginProfile) See:
func (*AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIAMUser_Policy ¶
type AWSIAMUser_Policy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUser_Policy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::User.Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMUser_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget struct { // AssessmentTargetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssessmentTargetName string `json:"AssessmentTargetName,omitempty"` // ResourceGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceGroupArn string `json:"ResourceGroupArn,omitempty"` }
AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTarget) See:
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate struct { // AssessmentTargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AssessmentTargetArn string `json:"AssessmentTargetArn,omitempty"` // AssessmentTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssessmentTemplateName string `json:"AssessmentTemplateName,omitempty"` // DurationInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DurationInSeconds int `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` // RulesPackageArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RulesPackageArns []string `json:"RulesPackageArns,omitempty"` // UserAttributesForFindings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserAttributesForFindings []Tag `json:"UserAttributesForFindings,omitempty"` }
AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTemplate) See:
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSInspectorResourceGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSInspectorResourceGroup struct { // ResourceGroupTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceGroupTags []Tag `json:"ResourceGroupTags,omitempty"` }
AWSInspectorResourceGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Inspector::ResourceGroup) See:
func (*AWSInspectorResourceGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorResourceGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSInspectorResourceGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSInspectorResourceGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSInspectorResourceGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorResourceGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTCertificate ¶
type AWSIoTCertificate struct { // CertificateSigningRequest AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CertificateSigningRequest string `json:"CertificateSigningRequest,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Certificate) See:
func (*AWSIoTCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIoTCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIoTCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTPolicy ¶
type AWSIoTPolicy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Policy) See:
func (*AWSIoTPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIoTPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIoTPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment ¶
type AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment struct { // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // Principal AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment) See:
func (*AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTThing ¶
type AWSIoTThing struct { // AttributePayload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttributePayload *AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload `json:"AttributePayload,omitempty"` // ThingName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThingName string `json:"ThingName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTThing AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Thing) See:
func (*AWSIoTThing) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIoTThing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIoTThing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTThing) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment ¶
type AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment struct { // Principal AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // ThingName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ThingName string `json:"ThingName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment) See:
func (*AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload ¶
type AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Thing.AttributePayload) See:
func (*AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule struct { // RuleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RuleName string `json:"RuleName,omitempty"` // TopicRulePayload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TopicRulePayload *AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload `json:"TopicRulePayload,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSIoTTopicRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSIoTTopicRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTTopicRule_Action ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_Action struct { // CloudwatchAlarm AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudwatchAlarm *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction `json:"CloudwatchAlarm,omitempty"` // CloudwatchMetric AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudwatchMetric *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction `json:"CloudwatchMetric,omitempty"` // DynamoDB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDB *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction `json:"DynamoDB,omitempty"` // DynamoDBv2 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDBv2 *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action `json:"DynamoDBv2,omitempty"` // Elasticsearch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Elasticsearch *AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction `json:"Elasticsearch,omitempty"` // Firehose AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Firehose *AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction `json:"Firehose,omitempty"` // Kinesis AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Kinesis *AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction `json:"Kinesis,omitempty"` // Lambda AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Lambda *AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction `json:"Lambda,omitempty"` // Republish AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Republish *AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction `json:"Republish,omitempty"` // S3 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3 *AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action `json:"S3,omitempty"` // Sns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sns *AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction `json:"Sns,omitempty"` // Sqs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sqs *AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction `json:"Sqs,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.Action) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction struct { // AlarmName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AlarmName string `json:"AlarmName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StateReason AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StateReason string `json:"StateReason,omitempty"` // StateValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StateValue string `json:"StateValue,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.CloudwatchAlarmAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction struct { // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // MetricNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricNamespace string `json:"MetricNamespace,omitempty"` // MetricTimestamp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricTimestamp string `json:"MetricTimestamp,omitempty"` // MetricUnit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricUnit string `json:"MetricUnit,omitempty"` // MetricValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricValue string `json:"MetricValue,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.CloudwatchMetricAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction struct { // HashKeyField AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HashKeyField string `json:"HashKeyField,omitempty"` // HashKeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HashKeyType string `json:"HashKeyType,omitempty"` // HashKeyValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HashKeyValue string `json:"HashKeyValue,omitempty"` // PayloadField AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PayloadField string `json:"PayloadField,omitempty"` // RangeKeyField AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RangeKeyField string `json:"RangeKeyField,omitempty"` // RangeKeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RangeKeyType string `json:"RangeKeyType,omitempty"` // RangeKeyValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RangeKeyValue string `json:"RangeKeyValue,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.DynamoDBAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action struct { // PutItem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PutItem *AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput `json:"PutItem,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.DynamoDBv2Action) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction struct { // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Index AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Index string `json:"Index,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.ElasticsearchAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction struct { // DeliveryStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeliveryStreamName string `json:"DeliveryStreamName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Separator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Separator string `json:"Separator,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.FirehoseAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction struct { // PartitionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PartitionKey string `json:"PartitionKey,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StreamName string `json:"StreamName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.KinesisAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction struct { // FunctionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FunctionArn string `json:"FunctionArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.LambdaAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput struct { // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.PutItemInput) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction struct { // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Topic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topic string `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.RepublishAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.S3Action) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction struct { // MessageFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MessageFormat string `json:"MessageFormat,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.SnsAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction struct { // QueueUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: QueueUrl string `json:"QueueUrl,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // UseBase64 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseBase64 bool `json:"UseBase64,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.SqsAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSIoTTopicRule_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // AwsIotSqlVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsIotSqlVersion string `json:"AwsIotSqlVersion,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // RuleDisabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleDisabled bool `json:"RuleDisabled,omitempty"` // Sql AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Sql string `json:"Sql,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.TopicRulePayload) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKMSAlias ¶
type AWSKMSAlias struct { // AliasName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AliasName string `json:"AliasName,omitempty"` // TargetKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetKeyId string `json:"TargetKeyId,omitempty"` }
AWSKMSAlias AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KMS::Alias) See:
func (*AWSKMSAlias) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKMSAlias) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKMSAlias) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSKMSAlias) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKMSAlias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKMSAlias) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKMSKey ¶
type AWSKMSKey struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnableKeyRotation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableKeyRotation bool `json:"EnableKeyRotation,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // KeyPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyPolicy interface{} `json:"KeyPolicy,omitempty"` // KeyUsage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyUsage string `json:"KeyUsage,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSKMSKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KMS::Key) See:
func (*AWSKMSKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKMSKey) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKMSKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication struct { // ApplicationCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationCode string `json:"ApplicationCode,omitempty"` // ApplicationDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationDescription string `json:"ApplicationDescription,omitempty"` // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Inputs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Inputs []AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input `json:"Inputs,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Output AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Output *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output `json:"Output,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema struct { // RecordFormatType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordFormatType string `json:"RecordFormatType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.DestinationSchema) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.KinesisFirehoseOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.KinesisStreamsOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.LambdaOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output struct { // DestinationSchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationSchema *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema `json:"DestinationSchema,omitempty"` // KinesisFirehoseOutput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisFirehoseOutput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput `json:"KinesisFirehoseOutput,omitempty"` // KinesisStreamsOutput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisStreamsOutput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput `json:"KinesisStreamsOutput,omitempty"` // LambdaOutput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaOutput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput `json:"LambdaOutput,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.Output) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReferenceDataSource *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource `json:"ReferenceDataSource,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters struct { // RecordColumnDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumnDelimiter string `json:"RecordColumnDelimiter,omitempty"` // RecordRowDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowDelimiter string `json:"RecordRowDelimiter,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.CSVMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters struct { // RecordRowPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowPath string `json:"RecordRowPath,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.JSONMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters struct { // CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CSVMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters `json:"CSVMappingParameters,omitempty"` // JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JSONMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters `json:"JSONMappingParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.MappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn struct { // Mapping AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mapping string `json:"Mapping,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SqlType string `json:"SqlType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.RecordColumn) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat struct { // MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters `json:"MappingParameters,omitempty"` // RecordFormatType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormatType string `json:"RecordFormatType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.RecordFormat) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource struct { // ReferenceSchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReferenceSchema *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema `json:"ReferenceSchema,omitempty"` // S3ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3ReferenceDataSource *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource `json:"S3ReferenceDataSource,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.ReferenceDataSource) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema struct { // RecordColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumns []AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn `json:"RecordColumns,omitempty"` // RecordEncoding AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordEncoding string `json:"RecordEncoding,omitempty"` // RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormat *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat `json:"RecordFormat,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.ReferenceSchema) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource struct { // BucketARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketARN string `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // FileKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FileKey string `json:"FileKey,omitempty"` // ReferenceRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReferenceRoleARN string `json:"ReferenceRoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.S3ReferenceDataSource) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters struct { // RecordColumnDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumnDelimiter string `json:"RecordColumnDelimiter,omitempty"` // RecordRowDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowDelimiter string `json:"RecordRowDelimiter,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.CSVMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input struct { // InputParallelism AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputParallelism *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism `json:"InputParallelism,omitempty"` // InputProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration `json:"InputProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // InputSchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InputSchema *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema `json:"InputSchema,omitempty"` // KinesisFirehoseInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisFirehoseInput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput `json:"KinesisFirehoseInput,omitempty"` // KinesisStreamsInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisStreamsInput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput `json:"KinesisStreamsInput,omitempty"` // NamePrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NamePrefix string `json:"NamePrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.Input) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputLambdaProcessor) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism struct { // Count AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Count int `json:"Count,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputParallelism) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration struct { // InputLambdaProcessor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputLambdaProcessor *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor `json:"InputLambdaProcessor,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputProcessingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema struct { // RecordColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumns []AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn `json:"RecordColumns,omitempty"` // RecordEncoding AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordEncoding string `json:"RecordEncoding,omitempty"` // RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormat *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat `json:"RecordFormat,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputSchema) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters struct { // RecordRowPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowPath string `json:"RecordRowPath,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.JSONMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.KinesisFirehoseInput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.KinesisStreamsInput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters struct { // CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CSVMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters `json:"CSVMappingParameters,omitempty"` // JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JSONMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters `json:"JSONMappingParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.MappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn struct { // Mapping AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mapping string `json:"Mapping,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SqlType string `json:"SqlType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.RecordColumn) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat struct { // MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters `json:"MappingParameters,omitempty"` // RecordFormatType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormatType string `json:"RecordFormatType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.RecordFormat) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream struct { // DeliveryStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryStreamName string `json:"DeliveryStreamName,omitempty"` // DeliveryStreamType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryStreamType string `json:"DeliveryStreamType,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration `json:"ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration `json:"ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration `json:"KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration,omitempty"` // RedshiftDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RedshiftDestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration `json:"RedshiftDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // S3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3DestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3DestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // SplunkDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SplunkDestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration `json:"SplunkDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints struct { // IntervalInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IntervalInSeconds int `json:"IntervalInSeconds,omitempty"` // SizeInMBs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInMBs int `json:"SizeInMBs,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.BufferingHints) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // LogStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogStreamName string `json:"LogStreamName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.CloudWatchLoggingOptions) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand struct { // CopyOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CopyOptions string `json:"CopyOptions,omitempty"` // DataTableColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTableColumns string `json:"DataTableColumns,omitempty"` // DataTableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataTableName string `json:"DataTableName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.CopyCommand) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints struct { // IntervalInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IntervalInSeconds int `json:"IntervalInSeconds,omitempty"` // SizeInMBs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInMBs int `json:"SizeInMBs,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchBufferingHints) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration struct { // BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BufferingHints *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // DomainARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainARN string `json:"DomainARN,omitempty"` // IndexName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexName string `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // IndexRotationPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexRotationPeriod string `json:"IndexRotationPeriod,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RetryOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions `json:"RetryOptions,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // S3BackupMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BackupMode string `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` // S3Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Configuration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` // TypeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TypeName string `json:"TypeName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions struct { // DurationInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DurationInSeconds int `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchRetryOptions) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration struct { // KMSEncryptionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSEncryptionConfig *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig `json:"KMSEncryptionConfig,omitempty"` // NoEncryptionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoEncryptionConfig string `json:"NoEncryptionConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.EncryptionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration struct { // BucketARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketARN string `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BufferingHints *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // CompressionFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CompressionFormat string `json:"CompressionFormat,omitempty"` // EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // S3BackupConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BackupConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3BackupConfiguration,omitempty"` // S3BackupMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BackupMode string `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig struct { // AWSKMSKeyARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AWSKMSKeyARN string `json:"AWSKMSKeyARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.KMSEncryptionConfig) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration struct { // KinesisStreamARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KinesisStreamARN string `json:"KinesisStreamARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Processors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Processors []AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor `json:"Processors,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ProcessingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor struct { // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters []AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.Processor) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter struct { // ParameterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterName string `json:"ParameterName,omitempty"` // ParameterValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterValue string `json:"ParameterValue,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ProcessorParameter) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration struct { // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // ClusterJDBCURL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterJDBCURL string `json:"ClusterJDBCURL,omitempty"` // CopyCommand AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CopyCommand *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand `json:"CopyCommand,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // S3Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Configuration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.RedshiftDestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration struct { // BucketARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketARN string `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BufferingHints *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // CompressionFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CompressionFormat string `json:"CompressionFormat,omitempty"` // EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.S3DestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration struct { // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds int `json:"HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds,omitempty"` // HECEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HECEndpoint string `json:"HECEndpoint,omitempty"` // HECEndpointType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HECEndpointType string `json:"HECEndpointType,omitempty"` // HECToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HECToken string `json:"HECToken,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetryOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions `json:"RetryOptions,omitempty"` // S3BackupMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BackupMode string `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` // S3Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Configuration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.SplunkDestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions struct { // DurationInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DurationInSeconds int `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.SplunkRetryOptions) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisStream ¶
type AWSKinesisStream struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RetentionPeriodHours AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetentionPeriodHours int `json:"RetentionPeriodHours,omitempty"` // ShardCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ShardCount int `json:"ShardCount,omitempty"` // StreamEncryption AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamEncryption *AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption `json:"StreamEncryption,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisStream AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Kinesis::Stream) See:
func (*AWSKinesisStream) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisStream) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSKinesisStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSKinesisStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption struct { // EncryptionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EncryptionType string `json:"EncryptionType,omitempty"` // KeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyId string `json:"KeyId,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Kinesis::Stream.StreamEncryption) See:
func (*AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaAlias ¶
type AWSLambdaAlias struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // FunctionVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionVersion string `json:"FunctionVersion,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RoutingConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingConfig *AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration `json:"RoutingConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaAlias AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Alias) See:
func (*AWSLambdaAlias) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLambdaAlias) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLambdaAlias) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaAlias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration struct { // AdditionalVersionWeights AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AdditionalVersionWeights []AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight `json:"AdditionalVersionWeights,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Alias.AliasRoutingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight struct { // FunctionVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionVersion string `json:"FunctionVersion,omitempty"` // FunctionWeight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionWeight float64 `json:"FunctionWeight,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Alias.VersionWeight) See:
func (*AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping ¶
type AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // EventSourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EventSourceArn string `json:"EventSourceArn,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // StartingPosition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartingPosition string `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping) See:
func (*AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaFunction ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction struct { // Code AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Code *AWSLambdaFunction_Code `json:"Code,omitempty"` // DeadLetterConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeadLetterConfig *AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig `json:"DeadLetterConfig,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment *AWSLambdaFunction_Environment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // Handler AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Handler string `json:"Handler,omitempty"` // KmsKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyArn string `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // MemorySize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemorySize int `json:"MemorySize,omitempty"` // ReservedConcurrentExecutions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReservedConcurrentExecutions int `json:"ReservedConcurrentExecutions,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Runtime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Runtime string `json:"Runtime,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // TracingConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TracingConfig *AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig `json:"TracingConfig,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLambdaFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLambdaFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaFunction_Code ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_Code struct { // S3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Bucket string `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Key string `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` // S3ObjectVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3ObjectVersion string `json:"S3ObjectVersion,omitempty"` // ZipFile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ZipFile string `json:"ZipFile,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_Code AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.Code) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_Code) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_Code) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig struct { // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.DeadLetterConfig) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_Environment ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_Environment struct { // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_Environment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.Environment) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig struct { // Mode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mode string `json:"Mode,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.TracingConfig) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaPermission ¶
type AWSLambdaPermission struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action string `json:"Action,omitempty"` // EventSourceToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventSourceToken string `json:"EventSourceToken,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // Principal AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // SourceAccount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceAccount string `json:"SourceAccount,omitempty"` // SourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceArn string `json:"SourceArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaPermission AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Permission) See:
func (*AWSLambdaPermission) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaPermission) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLambdaPermission) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLambdaPermission) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaPermission) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaPermission) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaVersion ¶
type AWSLambdaVersion struct { // CodeSha256 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CodeSha256 string `json:"CodeSha256,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaVersion AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Version) See:
func (*AWSLambdaVersion) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaVersion) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLambdaVersion) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLambdaVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsDestination ¶
type AWSLogsDestination struct { // DestinationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationName string `json:"DestinationName,omitempty"` // DestinationPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationPolicy string `json:"DestinationPolicy,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::Destination) See:
func (*AWSLogsDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLogsDestination) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLogsDestination) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsDestination) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsLogGroup ¶
type AWSLogsLogGroup struct { // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // RetentionInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetentionInDays int `json:"RetentionInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsLogGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::LogGroup) See:
func (*AWSLogsLogGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLogsLogGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLogsLogGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsLogGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsLogStream ¶
type AWSLogsLogStream struct { // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // LogStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogStreamName string `json:"LogStreamName,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsLogStream AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::LogStream) See:
func (*AWSLogsLogStream) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogStream) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLogsLogStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLogsLogStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsLogStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsMetricFilter ¶
type AWSLogsMetricFilter struct { // FilterPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FilterPattern string `json:"FilterPattern,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // MetricTransformations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricTransformations []AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation `json:"MetricTransformations,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsMetricFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::MetricFilter) See:
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLogsMetricFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLogsMetricFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation ¶
type AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation struct { // DefaultValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultValue float64 `json:"DefaultValue,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // MetricNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricNamespace string `json:"MetricNamespace,omitempty"` // MetricValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricValue string `json:"MetricValue,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::MetricFilter.MetricTransformation) See:
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter ¶
type AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter struct { // DestinationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationArn string `json:"DestinationArn,omitempty"` // FilterPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FilterPattern string `json:"FilterPattern,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter) See:
func (*AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBCluster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBCluster struct { // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // BackupRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BackupRetentionPeriod int `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBClusterParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterParameterGroupName string `json:"DBClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // IamAuthEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamAuthEnabled bool `json:"IamAuthEnabled,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredBackupWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredBackupWindow string `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // SnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // StorageEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageEncrypted bool `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBCluster) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSNeptuneDBCluster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSNeptuneDBCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBInstance ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBInstance struct { // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowMajorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBInstanceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBInstanceClass string `json:"DBInstanceClass,omitempty"` // DBInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBInstanceIdentifier string `json:"DBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBParameterGroupName string `json:"DBParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSnapshotIdentifier string `json:"DBSnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBInstance) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSNeptuneDBInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSNeptuneDBInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup struct { // DBSubnetGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSubnetGroupDescription string `json:"DBSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksApp ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp struct { // AppSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AppSource *AWSOpsWorksApp_Source `json:"AppSource,omitempty"` // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // DataSources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataSources []AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource `json:"DataSources,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Domains AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Domains []string `json:"Domains,omitempty"` // EnableSsl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSsl bool `json:"EnableSsl,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment []AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Shortname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Shortname string `json:"Shortname,omitempty"` // SslConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration `json:"SslConfiguration,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksApp) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksApp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.DataSource) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Secure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Secure bool `json:"Secure,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.EnvironmentVariable) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksApp_Source ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_Source struct { // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Revision string `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // SshKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshKey string `json:"SshKey,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Url AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Url string `json:"Url,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.Source) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration struct { // Certificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Certificate string `json:"Certificate,omitempty"` // Chain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Chain string `json:"Chain,omitempty"` // PrivateKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateKey string `json:"PrivateKey,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.SslConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment ¶
type AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment struct { // ElasticLoadBalancerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ElasticLoadBalancerName string `json:"ElasticLoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // LayerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LayerId string `json:"LayerId,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksInstance ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance struct { // AgentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AgentVersion string `json:"AgentVersion,omitempty"` // AmiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmiId string `json:"AmiId,omitempty"` // Architecture AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Architecture string `json:"Architecture,omitempty"` // AutoScalingType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingType string `json:"AutoScalingType,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // ElasticIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticIps []string `json:"ElasticIps,omitempty"` // Hostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Hostname string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // InstallUpdatesOnBoot AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstallUpdatesOnBoot bool `json:"InstallUpdatesOnBoot,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // LayerIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LayerIds []string `json:"LayerIds,omitempty"` // Os AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Os string `json:"Os,omitempty"` // RootDeviceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RootDeviceType string `json:"RootDeviceType,omitempty"` // SshKeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshKeyName string `json:"SshKeyName,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tenancy string `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` // TimeBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeBasedAutoScaling *AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling `json:"TimeBasedAutoScaling,omitempty"` // VirtualizationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualizationType string `json:"VirtualizationType,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []string `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice string `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.EbsBlockDevice) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling struct { // Friday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Friday map[string]string `json:"Friday,omitempty"` // Monday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monday map[string]string `json:"Monday,omitempty"` // Saturday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Saturday map[string]string `json:"Saturday,omitempty"` // Sunday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sunday map[string]string `json:"Sunday,omitempty"` // Thursday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Thursday map[string]string `json:"Thursday,omitempty"` // Tuesday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tuesday map[string]string `json:"Tuesday,omitempty"` // Wednesday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Wednesday map[string]string `json:"Wednesday,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.TimeBasedAutoScaling) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // AutoAssignElasticIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoAssignElasticIps bool `json:"AutoAssignElasticIps,omitempty"` // AutoAssignPublicIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoAssignPublicIps bool `json:"AutoAssignPublicIps,omitempty"` // CustomInstanceProfileArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomInstanceProfileArn string `json:"CustomInstanceProfileArn,omitempty"` // CustomJson AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomJson interface{} `json:"CustomJson,omitempty"` // CustomRecipes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomRecipes *AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes `json:"CustomRecipes,omitempty"` // CustomSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"CustomSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // EnableAutoHealing AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EnableAutoHealing bool `json:"EnableAutoHealing,omitempty"` // InstallUpdatesOnBoot AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstallUpdatesOnBoot bool `json:"InstallUpdatesOnBoot,omitempty"` // LifecycleEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleEventConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration `json:"LifecycleEventConfiguration,omitempty"` // LoadBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBasedAutoScaling *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling `json:"LoadBasedAutoScaling,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Packages AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Packages []string `json:"Packages,omitempty"` // Shortname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Shortname string `json:"Shortname,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // UseEbsOptimizedInstances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseEbsOptimizedInstances bool `json:"UseEbsOptimizedInstances,omitempty"` // VolumeConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeConfigurations []AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration `json:"VolumeConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksLayer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksLayer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds struct { // CpuThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CpuThreshold float64 `json:"CpuThreshold,omitempty"` // IgnoreMetricsTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IgnoreMetricsTime int `json:"IgnoreMetricsTime,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // LoadThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadThreshold float64 `json:"LoadThreshold,omitempty"` // MemoryThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemoryThreshold float64 `json:"MemoryThreshold,omitempty"` // ThresholdsWaitTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThresholdsWaitTime int `json:"ThresholdsWaitTime,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.AutoScalingThresholds) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration struct { // ShutdownEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ShutdownEventConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration `json:"ShutdownEventConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.LifecycleEventConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling struct { // DownScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DownScaling *AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds `json:"DownScaling,omitempty"` // Enable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enable bool `json:"Enable,omitempty"` // UpScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UpScaling *AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds `json:"UpScaling,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.LoadBasedAutoScaling) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes struct { // Configure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configure []string `json:"Configure,omitempty"` // Deploy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Deploy []string `json:"Deploy,omitempty"` // Setup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Setup []string `json:"Setup,omitempty"` // Shutdown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Shutdown []string `json:"Shutdown,omitempty"` // Undeploy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Undeploy []string `json:"Undeploy,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.Recipes) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration struct { // DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained bool `json:"DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained,omitempty"` // ExecutionTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionTimeout int `json:"ExecutionTimeout,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.ShutdownEventConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // MountPoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoint string `json:"MountPoint,omitempty"` // NumberOfDisks AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfDisks int `json:"NumberOfDisks,omitempty"` // RaidLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RaidLevel int `json:"RaidLevel,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.VolumeConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack struct { // AgentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AgentVersion string `json:"AgentVersion,omitempty"` // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // ChefConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ChefConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration `json:"ChefConfiguration,omitempty"` // CloneAppIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloneAppIds []string `json:"CloneAppIds,omitempty"` // ClonePermissions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClonePermissions bool `json:"ClonePermissions,omitempty"` // ConfigurationManager AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationManager *AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager `json:"ConfigurationManager,omitempty"` // CustomCookbooksSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomCookbooksSource *AWSOpsWorksStack_Source `json:"CustomCookbooksSource,omitempty"` // CustomJson AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomJson interface{} `json:"CustomJson,omitempty"` // DefaultAvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultAvailabilityZone string `json:"DefaultAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // DefaultInstanceProfileArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultInstanceProfileArn string `json:"DefaultInstanceProfileArn,omitempty"` // DefaultOs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultOs string `json:"DefaultOs,omitempty"` // DefaultRootDeviceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultRootDeviceType string `json:"DefaultRootDeviceType,omitempty"` // DefaultSshKeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultSshKeyName string `json:"DefaultSshKeyName,omitempty"` // DefaultSubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultSubnetId string `json:"DefaultSubnetId,omitempty"` // EcsClusterArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EcsClusterArn string `json:"EcsClusterArn,omitempty"` // ElasticIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticIps []AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp `json:"ElasticIps,omitempty"` // HostnameTheme AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostnameTheme string `json:"HostnameTheme,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RdsDbInstances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RdsDbInstances []AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance `json:"RdsDbInstances,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // SourceStackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceStackId string `json:"SourceStackId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // UseCustomCookbooks AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseCustomCookbooks bool `json:"UseCustomCookbooks,omitempty"` // UseOpsworksSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseOpsworksSecurityGroups bool `json:"UseOpsworksSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksStack) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksStack) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration struct { // BerkshelfVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BerkshelfVersion string `json:"BerkshelfVersion,omitempty"` // ManageBerkshelf AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManageBerkshelf bool `json:"ManageBerkshelf,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.ChefConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp struct { // Ip AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ip string `json:"Ip,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.ElasticIp) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance struct { // DbPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DbPassword string `json:"DbPassword,omitempty"` // DbUser AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DbUser string `json:"DbUser,omitempty"` // RdsDbInstanceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RdsDbInstanceArn string `json:"RdsDbInstanceArn,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.RdsDbInstance) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_Source ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_Source struct { // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Revision string `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // SshKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshKey string `json:"SshKey,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Url AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Url string `json:"Url,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.Source) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.StackConfigurationManager) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksUserProfile ¶
type AWSOpsWorksUserProfile struct { // AllowSelfManagement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowSelfManagement bool `json:"AllowSelfManagement,omitempty"` // IamUserArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IamUserArn string `json:"IamUserArn,omitempty"` // SshPublicKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshPublicKey string `json:"SshPublicKey,omitempty"` // SshUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshUsername string `json:"SshUsername,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksUserProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksVolume ¶
type AWSOpsWorksVolume struct { // Ec2VolumeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ec2VolumeId string `json:"Ec2VolumeId,omitempty"` // MountPoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoint string `json:"MountPoint,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksVolume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Volume) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksVolume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksVolume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSOpsWorksVolume) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSOpsWorksVolume) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksVolume) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBCluster ¶
type AWSRDSDBCluster struct { // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // BackupRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BackupRetentionPeriod int `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBClusterParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterParameterGroupName string `json:"DBClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // MasterUserPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUserPassword string `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // MasterUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUsername string `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredBackupWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredBackupWindow string `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // ReplicationSourceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationSourceIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationSourceIdentifier,omitempty"` // SnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // StorageEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageEncrypted bool `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBCluster) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBInstance ¶
type AWSRDSDBInstance struct { // AllocatedStorage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocatedStorage string `json:"AllocatedStorage,omitempty"` // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowMajorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // BackupRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BackupRetentionPeriod string `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // CharacterSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CharacterSetName string `json:"CharacterSetName,omitempty"` // CopyTagsToSnapshot AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CopyTagsToSnapshot bool `json:"CopyTagsToSnapshot,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBInstanceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBInstanceClass string `json:"DBInstanceClass,omitempty"` // DBInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBInstanceIdentifier string `json:"DBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBName string `json:"DBName,omitempty"` // DBParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBParameterGroupName string `json:"DBParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSecurityGroups []string `json:"DBSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // DBSnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSnapshotIdentifier string `json:"DBSnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Domain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Domain string `json:"Domain,omitempty"` // DomainIAMRoleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainIAMRoleName string `json:"DomainIAMRoleName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // LicenseModel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LicenseModel string `json:"LicenseModel,omitempty"` // MasterUserPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUserPassword string `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // MasterUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUsername string `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // MonitoringInterval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MonitoringInterval int `json:"MonitoringInterval,omitempty"` // MonitoringRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MonitoringRoleArn string `json:"MonitoringRoleArn,omitempty"` // MultiAZ AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MultiAZ bool `json:"MultiAZ,omitempty"` // OptionGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionGroupName string `json:"OptionGroupName,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port string `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredBackupWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredBackupWindow string `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // SourceDBInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDBInstanceIdentifier string `json:"SourceDBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // SourceRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceRegion string `json:"SourceRegion,omitempty"` // StorageEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageEncrypted bool `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // StorageType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageType string `json:"StorageType,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Timezone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timezone string `json:"Timezone,omitempty"` // VPCSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCSecurityGroups []string `json:"VPCSecurityGroups,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBInstance) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBParameterGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]string `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup struct { // DBSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSecurityGroupIngress []AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress `json:"DBSecurityGroupIngress,omitempty"` // EC2VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2VpcId string `json:"EC2VpcId,omitempty"` // GroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupDescription string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress struct { // CIDRIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CIDRIP string `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // DBSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSecurityGroupName string `json:"DBSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress ¶
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress struct { // CIDRIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CIDRIP string `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup.Ingress) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup struct { // DBSubnetGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSubnetGroupDescription string `json:"DBSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSEventSubscription ¶
type AWSRDSEventSubscription struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // EventCategories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventCategories []string `json:"EventCategories,omitempty"` // SnsTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SnsTopicArn string `json:"SnsTopicArn,omitempty"` // SourceIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceIds []string `json:"SourceIds,omitempty"` // SourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceType string `json:"SourceType,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSEventSubscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::EventSubscription) See:
func (*AWSRDSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSOptionGroup ¶
type AWSRDSOptionGroup struct { // EngineName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineName string `json:"EngineName,omitempty"` // MajorEngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MajorEngineVersion string `json:"MajorEngineVersion,omitempty"` // OptionConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionConfigurations []AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration `json:"OptionConfigurations,omitempty"` // OptionGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionGroupDescription string `json:"OptionGroupDescription,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSOptionGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::OptionGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRDSOptionGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRDSOptionGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration ¶
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration struct { // DBSecurityGroupMemberships AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSecurityGroupMemberships []string `json:"DBSecurityGroupMemberships,omitempty"` // OptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionName string `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // OptionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionSettings *AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // OptionVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionVersion string `json:"OptionVersion,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupMemberships AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupMemberships []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupMemberships,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::OptionGroup.OptionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting ¶
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::OptionGroup.OptionSetting) See:
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRedshiftCluster ¶
type AWSRedshiftCluster struct { // AllowVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod int `json:"AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // ClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterIdentifier string `json:"ClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // ClusterParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterParameterGroupName string `json:"ClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // ClusterSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterSecurityGroups []string `json:"ClusterSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // ClusterSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterSubnetGroupName string `json:"ClusterSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // ClusterType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterType string `json:"ClusterType,omitempty"` // ClusterVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterVersion string `json:"ClusterVersion,omitempty"` // DBName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBName string `json:"DBName,omitempty"` // ElasticIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticIp string `json:"ElasticIp,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // HsmClientCertificateIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HsmClientCertificateIdentifier string `json:"HsmClientCertificateIdentifier,omitempty"` // HsmConfigurationIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HsmConfigurationIdentifier string `json:"HsmConfigurationIdentifier,omitempty"` // IamRoles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamRoles []string `json:"IamRoles,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // LoggingProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingProperties *AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties `json:"LoggingProperties,omitempty"` // MasterUserPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MasterUserPassword string `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // MasterUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MasterUsername string `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // NodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NodeType string `json:"NodeType,omitempty"` // NumberOfNodes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfNodes int `json:"NumberOfNodes,omitempty"` // OwnerAccount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OwnerAccount string `json:"OwnerAccount,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // SnapshotClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotClusterIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // SnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRedshiftCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRedshiftCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ParameterGroupFamily AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterGroupFamily string `json:"ParameterGroupFamily,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters []AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter struct { // ParameterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterName string `json:"ParameterName,omitempty"` // ParameterValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterValue string `json:"ParameterValue,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup.Parameter) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress struct { // CIDRIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CIDRIP string `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // ClusterSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterSecurityGroupName string `json:"ClusterSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties ¶
type AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // S3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3KeyPrefix string `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::Cluster.LoggingProperties) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck struct { // HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HealthCheckConfig *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig `json:"HealthCheckConfig,omitempty"` // HealthCheckTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckTags []AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag `json:"HealthCheckTags,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRoute53HealthCheck) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRoute53HealthCheck) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.AlarmIdentifier) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig struct { // AlarmIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmIdentifier *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier `json:"AlarmIdentifier,omitempty"` // ChildHealthChecks AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ChildHealthChecks []string `json:"ChildHealthChecks,omitempty"` // EnableSNI AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSNI bool `json:"EnableSNI,omitempty"` // FailureThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailureThreshold int `json:"FailureThreshold,omitempty"` // FullyQualifiedDomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FullyQualifiedDomainName string `json:"FullyQualifiedDomainName,omitempty"` // HealthThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthThreshold int `json:"HealthThreshold,omitempty"` // IPAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPAddress string `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` // InsufficientDataHealthStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InsufficientDataHealthStatus string `json:"InsufficientDataHealthStatus,omitempty"` // Inverted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Inverted bool `json:"Inverted,omitempty"` // MeasureLatency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MeasureLatency bool `json:"MeasureLatency,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Regions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Regions []string `json:"Regions,omitempty"` // RequestInterval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestInterval int `json:"RequestInterval,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // SearchString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SearchString string `json:"SearchString,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.HealthCheckConfig) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.HealthCheckTag) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone struct { // HostedZoneConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneConfig *AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig `json:"HostedZoneConfig,omitempty"` // HostedZoneTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneTags []AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag `json:"HostedZoneTags,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // QueryLoggingConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueryLoggingConfig *AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig `json:"QueryLoggingConfig,omitempty"` // VPCs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCs []AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC `json:"VPCs,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRoute53HostedZone) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRoute53HostedZone) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.HostedZoneConfig) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.HostedZoneTag) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig struct { // CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.QueryLoggingConfig) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC struct { // VPCId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VPCId string `json:"VPCId,omitempty"` // VPCRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VPCRegion string `json:"VPCRegion,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.VPC) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSet ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSet struct { // AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AliasTarget *AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget `json:"AliasTarget,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Failover AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Failover string `json:"Failover,omitempty"` // GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GeoLocation *AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation `json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` // HealthCheckId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckId string `json:"HealthCheckId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneName string `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // ResourceRecords AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceRecords []string `json:"ResourceRecords,omitempty"` // SetIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SetIdentifier string `json:"SetIdentifier,omitempty"` // TTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TTL string `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Weight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Weight int `json:"Weight,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSet) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRoute53RecordSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRoute53RecordSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneName string `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // RecordSets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordSets []AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet `json:"RecordSets,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // EvaluateTargetHealth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluateTargetHealth bool `json:"EvaluateTargetHealth,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.AliasTarget) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation struct { // ContinentCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContinentCode string `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // CountryCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CountryCode string `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // SubdivisionCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubdivisionCode string `json:"SubdivisionCode,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.GeoLocation) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet struct { // AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AliasTarget *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget `json:"AliasTarget,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Failover AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Failover string `json:"Failover,omitempty"` // GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GeoLocation *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation `json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` // HealthCheckId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckId string `json:"HealthCheckId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneName string `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // ResourceRecords AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceRecords []string `json:"ResourceRecords,omitempty"` // SetIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SetIdentifier string `json:"SetIdentifier,omitempty"` // TTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TTL string `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Weight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Weight int `json:"Weight,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.RecordSet) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // EvaluateTargetHealth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluateTargetHealth bool `json:"EvaluateTargetHealth,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSet.AliasTarget) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation struct { // ContinentCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContinentCode string `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // CountryCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CountryCode string `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // SubdivisionCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubdivisionCode string `json:"SubdivisionCode,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSet.GeoLocation) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket ¶
type AWSS3Bucket struct { // AccelerateConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccelerateConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration `json:"AccelerateConfiguration,omitempty"` // AccessControl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessControl string `json:"AccessControl,omitempty"` // AnalyticsConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AnalyticsConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration `json:"AnalyticsConfigurations,omitempty"` // BucketEncryption AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketEncryption *AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption `json:"BucketEncryption,omitempty"` // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // CorsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CorsConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration `json:"CorsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InventoryConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InventoryConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration `json:"InventoryConfigurations,omitempty"` // LifecycleConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration `json:"LifecycleConfiguration,omitempty"` // LoggingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration `json:"LoggingConfiguration,omitempty"` // MetricsConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration `json:"MetricsConfigurations,omitempty"` // NotificationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration `json:"NotificationConfiguration,omitempty"` // ReplicationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration `json:"ReplicationConfiguration,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VersioningConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VersioningConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration `json:"VersioningConfiguration,omitempty"` // WebsiteConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WebsiteConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration `json:"WebsiteConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSS3Bucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSS3Bucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSS3Bucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSS3BucketPolicy ¶
type AWSS3BucketPolicy struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` }
AWSS3BucketPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::BucketPolicy) See:
func (*AWSS3BucketPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3BucketPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSS3BucketPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSS3BucketPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSS3BucketPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSS3BucketPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload struct { // DaysAfterInitiation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DaysAfterInitiation int `json:"DaysAfterInitiation,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration struct { // AccelerationStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AccelerationStatus string `json:"AccelerationStatus,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AccelerateConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation struct { // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AccessControlTranslation) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // StorageClassAnalysis AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StorageClassAnalysis *AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis `json:"StorageClassAnalysis,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AnalyticsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption struct { // ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration []AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule `json:"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.BucketEncryption) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration struct { // CorsRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CorsRules []AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule `json:"CorsRules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.CorsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule struct { // AllowedHeaders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedHeaders []string `json:"AllowedHeaders,omitempty"` // AllowedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllowedMethods []string `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // AllowedOrigins AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllowedOrigins []string `json:"AllowedOrigins,omitempty"` // ExposedHeaders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExposedHeaders []string `json:"ExposedHeaders,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // MaxAge AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxAge int `json:"MaxAge,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.CorsRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_DataExport ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_DataExport struct { // Destination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Destination *AWSS3Bucket_Destination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // OutputSchemaVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OutputSchemaVersion string `json:"OutputSchemaVersion,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_DataExport AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.DataExport) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_DataExport) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_DataExport) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_Destination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_Destination struct { // BucketAccountId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketAccountId string `json:"BucketAccountId,omitempty"` // BucketArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketArn string `json:"BucketArn,omitempty"` // Format AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_Destination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.Destination) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_Destination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_Destination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration struct { // ReplicaKmsKeyID AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicaKmsKeyID string `json:"ReplicaKmsKeyID,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.EncryptionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.FilterRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration struct { // Destination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Destination *AWSS3Bucket_Destination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // IncludedObjectVersions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IncludedObjectVersions string `json:"IncludedObjectVersions,omitempty"` // OptionalFields AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionalFields []string `json:"OptionalFields,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // ScheduleFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScheduleFrequency string `json:"ScheduleFrequency,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.InventoryConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration struct { // Event AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Function AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Function string `json:"Function,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.LambdaConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration struct { // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSS3Bucket_Rule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.LifecycleConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration struct { // DestinationBucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationBucketName string `json:"DestinationBucketName,omitempty"` // LogFilePrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogFilePrefix string `json:"LogFilePrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.LoggingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.MetricsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition struct { // StorageClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StorageClass string `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // TransitionInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TransitionInDays int `json:"TransitionInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.NoncurrentVersionTransition) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration struct { // LambdaConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration `json:"LambdaConfigurations,omitempty"` // QueueConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueueConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration `json:"QueueConfigurations,omitempty"` // TopicConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration `json:"TopicConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.NotificationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter struct { // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Key *AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.NotificationFilter) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration struct { // Event AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Queue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Queue string `json:"Queue,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.QueueConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo struct { // HostName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RedirectAllRequestsTo) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule struct { // HostName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // HttpRedirectCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpRedirectCode string `json:"HttpRedirectCode,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // ReplaceKeyPrefixWith AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplaceKeyPrefixWith string `json:"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith,omitempty"` // ReplaceKeyWith AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplaceKeyWith string `json:"ReplaceKeyWith,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RedirectRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration struct { // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ReplicationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination struct { // AccessControlTranslation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessControlTranslation *AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation `json:"AccessControlTranslation,omitempty"` // Account AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Account string `json:"Account,omitempty"` // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // StorageClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageClass string `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ReplicationDestination) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule struct { // Destination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Destination *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // SourceSelectionCriteria AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSelectionCriteria *AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria `json:"SourceSelectionCriteria,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ReplicationRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule struct { // RedirectRule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RedirectRule *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule `json:"RedirectRule,omitempty"` // RoutingRuleCondition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingRuleCondition *AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition `json:"RoutingRuleCondition,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RoutingRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition struct { // HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals string `json:"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals,omitempty"` // KeyPrefixEquals AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyPrefixEquals string `json:"KeyPrefixEquals,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RoutingRuleCondition) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_Rule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_Rule struct { // AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload *AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload `json:"AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload,omitempty"` // ExpirationDate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExpirationDate string `json:"ExpirationDate,omitempty"` // ExpirationInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExpirationInDays int `json:"ExpirationInDays,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays int `json:"NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays,omitempty"` // NoncurrentVersionTransition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoncurrentVersionTransition *AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition `json:"NoncurrentVersionTransition,omitempty"` // NoncurrentVersionTransitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoncurrentVersionTransitions []AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition `json:"NoncurrentVersionTransitions,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` // Transition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Transition *AWSS3Bucket_Transition `json:"Transition,omitempty"` // Transitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Transitions []AWSS3Bucket_Transition `json:"Transitions,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.Rule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter struct { // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.S3KeyFilter) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault struct { // KMSMasterKeyID AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSMasterKeyID string `json:"KMSMasterKeyID,omitempty"` // SSEAlgorithm AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SSEAlgorithm string `json:"SSEAlgorithm,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule struct { // ServerSideEncryptionByDefault AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerSideEncryptionByDefault *AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault `json:"ServerSideEncryptionByDefault,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ServerSideEncryptionRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria struct { // SseKmsEncryptedObjects AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SseKmsEncryptedObjects *AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects `json:"SseKmsEncryptedObjects,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.SourceSelectionCriteria) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects struct { // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.SseKmsEncryptedObjects) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis struct { // DataExport AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataExport *AWSS3Bucket_DataExport `json:"DataExport,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.StorageClassAnalysis) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration struct { // Event AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Topic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topic string `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.TopicConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_Transition ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_Transition struct { // StorageClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StorageClass string `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // TransitionDate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TransitionDate string `json:"TransitionDate,omitempty"` // TransitionInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TransitionInDays int `json:"TransitionInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_Transition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.Transition) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_Transition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_Transition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration struct { // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.VersioningConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration struct { // ErrorDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ErrorDocument string `json:"ErrorDocument,omitempty"` // IndexDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IndexDocument string `json:"IndexDocument,omitempty"` // RedirectAllRequestsTo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RedirectAllRequestsTo *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo `json:"RedirectAllRequestsTo,omitempty"` // RoutingRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingRules []AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule `json:"RoutingRules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.WebsiteConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSDBDomain ¶
type AWSSDBDomain struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSSDBDomain AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SDB::Domain) See:
func (*AWSSDBDomain) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSDBDomain) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSDBDomain) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSDBDomain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSDBDomain) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSDBDomain) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESConfigurationSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSet) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSESConfigurationSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSESConfigurationSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination struct { // ConfigurationSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConfigurationSetName string `json:"ConfigurationSetName,omitempty"` // EventDestination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EventDestination *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination `json:"EventDestination,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination struct { // DimensionConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DimensionConfigurations []AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration `json:"DimensionConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.CloudWatchDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration struct { // DefaultDimensionValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultDimensionValue string `json:"DefaultDimensionValue,omitempty"` // DimensionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DimensionName string `json:"DimensionName,omitempty"` // DimensionValueSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DimensionValueSource string `json:"DimensionValueSource,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.DimensionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination struct { // CloudWatchDestination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchDestination *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination `json:"CloudWatchDestination,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // KinesisFirehoseDestination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisFirehoseDestination *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination `json:"KinesisFirehoseDestination,omitempty"` // MatchingEventTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MatchingEventTypes []string `json:"MatchingEventTypes,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.EventDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination struct { // DeliveryStreamARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeliveryStreamARN string `json:"DeliveryStreamARN,omitempty"` // IAMRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IAMRoleARN string `json:"IAMRoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.KinesisFirehoseDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptFilter struct { // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Filter *AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSESReceiptFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSESReceiptFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter struct { // IpFilter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpFilter *AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter `json:"IpFilter,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter.Filter) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter struct { // Cidr AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Cidr string `json:"Cidr,omitempty"` // Policy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Policy string `json:"Policy,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter.IpFilter) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule struct { // After AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: After string `json:"After,omitempty"` // Rule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rule *AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule `json:"Rule,omitempty"` // RuleSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleSetName string `json:"RuleSetName,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSESReceiptRule) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSESReceiptRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESReceiptRuleSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRuleSet struct { // RuleSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RuleSetName string `json:"RuleSetName,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRuleSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Action struct { // AddHeaderAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AddHeaderAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction `json:"AddHeaderAction,omitempty"` // BounceAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BounceAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction `json:"BounceAction,omitempty"` // LambdaAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction `json:"LambdaAction,omitempty"` // S3Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Action *AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action `json:"S3Action,omitempty"` // SNSAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SNSAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction `json:"SNSAction,omitempty"` // StopAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StopAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction `json:"StopAction,omitempty"` // WorkmailAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WorkmailAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction `json:"WorkmailAction,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.Action) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction struct { // HeaderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderName string `json:"HeaderName,omitempty"` // HeaderValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderValue string `json:"HeaderValue,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.AddHeaderAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction struct { // Message AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Sender AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Sender string `json:"Sender,omitempty"` // SmtpReplyCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SmtpReplyCode string `json:"SmtpReplyCode,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.BounceAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction struct { // FunctionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionArn string `json:"FunctionArn,omitempty"` // InvocationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InvocationType string `json:"InvocationType,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.LambdaAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Actions []AWSSESReceiptRule_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Recipients AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Recipients []string `json:"Recipients,omitempty"` // ScanEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScanEnabled bool `json:"ScanEnabled,omitempty"` // TlsPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TlsPolicy string `json:"TlsPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.Rule) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // KmsKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyArn string `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // ObjectKeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ObjectKeyPrefix string `json:"ObjectKeyPrefix,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.S3Action) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction struct { // Encoding AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.SNSAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction struct { // Scope AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Scope string `json:"Scope,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.StopAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction struct { // OrganizationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OrganizationArn string `json:"OrganizationArn,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.WorkmailAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESTemplate struct { // Template AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Template *AWSSESTemplate_Template `json:"Template,omitempty"` }
AWSSESTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::Template) See:
func (*AWSSESTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSESTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSESTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESTemplate_Template ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESTemplate_Template struct { // HtmlPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HtmlPart string `json:"HtmlPart,omitempty"` // SubjectPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubjectPart string `json:"SubjectPart,omitempty"` // TemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` // TextPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TextPart string `json:"TextPart,omitempty"` }
AWSSESTemplate_Template AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::Template.Template) See:
func (*AWSSESTemplate_Template) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate_Template) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSNSSubscription ¶
type AWSSNSSubscription struct { // DeliveryPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryPolicy interface{} `json:"DeliveryPolicy,omitempty"` // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // FilterPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FilterPolicy interface{} `json:"FilterPolicy,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // RawMessageDelivery AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RawMessageDelivery bool `json:"RawMessageDelivery,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSSubscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::Subscription) See:
func (*AWSSNSSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSNSSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSNSSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSNSSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSNSTopic ¶
type AWSSNSTopic struct { // DisplayName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Subscription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subscription []AWSSNSTopic_Subscription `json:"Subscription,omitempty"` // TopicName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicName string `json:"TopicName,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSTopic AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::Topic) See:
func (*AWSSNSTopic) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSNSTopic) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSNSTopic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSNSTopic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSNSTopicPolicy ¶
type AWSSNSTopicPolicy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // Topics AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topics []string `json:"Topics,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSTopicPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy) See:
func (*AWSSNSTopicPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopicPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSNSTopicPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSNSTopicPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSNSTopicPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopicPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSNSTopic_Subscription ¶
type AWSSNSTopic_Subscription struct { // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSTopic_Subscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::Topic.Subscription) See:
func (*AWSSNSTopic_Subscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic_Subscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSQSQueue ¶
type AWSSQSQueue struct { // ContentBasedDeduplication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentBasedDeduplication bool `json:"ContentBasedDeduplication,omitempty"` // DelaySeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DelaySeconds int `json:"DelaySeconds,omitempty"` // FifoQueue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FifoQueue bool `json:"FifoQueue,omitempty"` // KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds int `json:"KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds,omitempty"` // KmsMasterKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsMasterKeyId string `json:"KmsMasterKeyId,omitempty"` // MaximumMessageSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumMessageSize int `json:"MaximumMessageSize,omitempty"` // MessageRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MessageRetentionPeriod int `json:"MessageRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // QueueName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueueName string `json:"QueueName,omitempty"` // ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds int `json:"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds,omitempty"` // RedrivePolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RedrivePolicy interface{} `json:"RedrivePolicy,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VisibilityTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VisibilityTimeout int `json:"VisibilityTimeout,omitempty"` }
AWSSQSQueue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SQS::Queue) See:
func (*AWSSQSQueue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSQSQueue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSQSQueue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSQSQueue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSQSQueuePolicy ¶
type AWSSQSQueuePolicy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // Queues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Queues []string `json:"Queues,omitempty"` }
AWSSQSQueuePolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy) See:
func (*AWSSQSQueuePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueuePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSQSQueuePolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSQSQueuePolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSQSQueuePolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueuePolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMAssociation ¶
type AWSSSMAssociation struct { // AssociationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociationName string `json:"AssociationName,omitempty"` // DocumentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentVersion string `json:"DocumentVersion,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OutputLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputLocation *AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `json:"OutputLocation,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // ScheduleExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduleExpression string `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Targets []AWSSSMAssociation_Target `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSSMAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSSMAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation struct { // S3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Location *AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation `json:"S3Location,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues ¶
type AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues struct { // ParameterValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterValues []string `json:"ParameterValues,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.ParameterValues) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation struct { // OutputS3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3BucketName string `json:"OutputS3BucketName,omitempty"` // OutputS3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3KeyPrefix string `json:"OutputS3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.S3OutputLocation) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMAssociation_Target ¶
type AWSSSMAssociation_Target struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.Target) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMDocument ¶
type AWSSSMDocument struct { // Content AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Content interface{} `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DocumentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentType string `json:"DocumentType,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMDocument AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Document) See:
func (*AWSSSMDocument) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMDocument) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSSMDocument) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSSMDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMDocument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMDocument) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // LoggingInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingInfo *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo `json:"LoggingInfo,omitempty"` // MaxConcurrency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxConcurrency string `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitempty"` // MaxErrors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxErrors string `json:"MaxErrors,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Targets []AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target `json:"Targets,omitempty"` // TaskArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskArn string `json:"TaskArn,omitempty"` // TaskInvocationParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskInvocationParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters `json:"TaskInvocationParameters,omitempty"` // TaskParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskParameters interface{} `json:"TaskParameters,omitempty"` // TaskType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskType string `json:"TaskType,omitempty"` // WindowId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WindowId string `json:"WindowId,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo struct { // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // S3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Bucket string `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // S3Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Prefix string `json:"S3Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.LoggingInfo) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters struct { // DocumentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentVersion string `json:"DocumentVersion,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters struct { // ClientContext AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientContext string `json:"ClientContext,omitempty"` // Payload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Payload string `json:"Payload,omitempty"` // Qualifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Qualifier string `json:"Qualifier,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // DocumentHash AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentHash string `json:"DocumentHash,omitempty"` // DocumentHashType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentHashType string `json:"DocumentHashType,omitempty"` // NotificationConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationConfig *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig `json:"NotificationConfig,omitempty"` // OutputS3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3BucketName string `json:"OutputS3BucketName,omitempty"` // OutputS3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3KeyPrefix string `json:"OutputS3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // TimeoutSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeoutSeconds int `json:"TimeoutSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters struct { // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig struct { // NotificationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NotificationArn string `json:"NotificationArn,omitempty"` // NotificationEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationEvents []string `json:"NotificationEvents,omitempty"` // NotificationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationType string `json:"NotificationType,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.NotificationConfig) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.Target) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters struct { // MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.TaskInvocationParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMParameter ¶
type AWSSSMParameter struct { // AllowedPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedPattern string `json:"AllowedPattern,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Parameter) See:
func (*AWSSSMParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSSMParameter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSSSMParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMParameter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMParameter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline struct { // ApprovalRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovalRules *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup `json:"ApprovalRules,omitempty"` // ApprovedPatches AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovedPatches []string `json:"ApprovedPatches,omitempty"` // ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel string `json:"ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel,omitempty"` // ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity bool `json:"ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // GlobalFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GlobalFilters *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup `json:"GlobalFilters,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OperatingSystem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OperatingSystem string `json:"OperatingSystem,omitempty"` // PatchGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchGroups []string `json:"PatchGroups,omitempty"` // RejectedPatches AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RejectedPatches []string `json:"RejectedPatches,omitempty"` // Sources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sources []AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource `json:"Sources,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSSMPatchBaseline) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSSSMPatchBaseline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchFilter) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup struct { // PatchFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchFilters []AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter `json:"PatchFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchFilterGroup) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup struct { }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchGroup) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource struct { // Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configuration string `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Products AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Products []string `json:"Products,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchSource) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule struct { // ApproveAfterDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApproveAfterDays int `json:"ApproveAfterDays,omitempty"` // ComplianceLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComplianceLevel string `json:"ComplianceLevel,omitempty"` // EnableNonSecurity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableNonSecurity bool `json:"EnableNonSecurity,omitempty"` // PatchFilterGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchFilterGroup *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup `json:"PatchFilterGroup,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.Rule) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup struct { // PatchRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchRules []AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule `json:"PatchRules,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.RuleGroup) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMResourceDataSync ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSSMResourceDataSync struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // BucketPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketPrefix string `json:"BucketPrefix,omitempty"` // BucketRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketRegion string `json:"BucketRegion,omitempty"` // KMSKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSKeyArn string `json:"KMSKeyArn,omitempty"` // SyncFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SyncFormat string `json:"SyncFormat,omitempty"` // SyncName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SyncName string `json:"SyncName,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMResourceDataSync AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::ResourceDataSync) See:
func (*AWSSSMResourceDataSync) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSSMResourceDataSync) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSSMResourceDataSync) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSSSMResourceDataSync) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMResourceDataSync) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSSMResourceDataSync) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSageMakerEndpoint ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerEndpoint struct { // EndpointConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EndpointConfigName string `json:"EndpointConfigName,omitempty"` // EndpointName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointName string `json:"EndpointName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSageMakerEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSSageMakerEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSageMakerEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig struct { // EndpointConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointConfigName string `json:"EndpointConfigName,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // ProductionVariants AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductionVariants []AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant `json:"ProductionVariants,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant struct { // InitialInstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InitialInstanceCount int `json:"InitialInstanceCount,omitempty"` // InitialVariantWeight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InitialVariantWeight float64 `json:"InitialVariantWeight,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // ModelName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ModelName string `json:"ModelName,omitempty"` // VariantName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VariantName string `json:"VariantName,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig.ProductionVariant) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig_ProductionVariant) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSageMakerModel ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerModel struct { // ExecutionRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ExecutionRoleArn string `json:"ExecutionRoleArn,omitempty"` // ModelName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ModelName string `json:"ModelName,omitempty"` // PrimaryContainer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrimaryContainer *AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition `json:"PrimaryContainer,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerModel AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::Model) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerModel) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerModel) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSageMakerModel) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSSageMakerModel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSageMakerModel) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerModel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition struct { // ContainerHostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerHostname string `json:"ContainerHostname,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment interface{} `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // ModelDataUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ModelDataUrl string `json:"ModelDataUrl,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::Model.ContainerDefinition) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerModel_ContainerDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::Model.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerModel_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance struct { // DirectInternetAccess AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DirectInternetAccess string `json:"DirectInternetAccess,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // LifecycleConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleConfigName string `json:"LifecycleConfigName,omitempty"` // NotebookInstanceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotebookInstanceName string `json:"NotebookInstanceName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig struct { // NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName string `json:"NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName,omitempty"` // OnCreate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OnCreate []AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook `json:"OnCreate,omitempty"` // OnStart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OnStart []AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook `json:"OnStart,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook struct { // Content AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Content string `json:"Content,omitempty"` }
AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig.NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook) See:
func (*AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig_NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessApi ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessApi struct { // CacheClusterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterEnabled bool `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheClusterSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterSize string `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // DefinitionBody AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefinitionBody interface{} `json:"DefinitionBody,omitempty"` // DefinitionUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefinitionUri *AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri `json:"DefinitionUri,omitempty"` // MethodSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodSettings interface{} `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessApi AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Api) See:
func (*AWSServerlessApi) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServerlessApi) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessApi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServerlessApi) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri struct { String *string S3Location *AWSServerlessApi_S3Location }
AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri is a helper struct that can hold either a String or S3Location value
func (AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessApi_S3Location ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessApi_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version int `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessApi_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Api.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSServerlessApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction struct { // CodeUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CodeUri *AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri `json:"CodeUri,omitempty"` // DeadLetterQueue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeadLetterQueue *AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue `json:"DeadLetterQueue,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment *AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Events map[string]AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource `json:"Events,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // Handler AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Handler string `json:"Handler,omitempty"` // KmsKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyArn string `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // MemorySize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemorySize int `json:"MemorySize,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies *AWSServerlessFunction_Policies `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Runtime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Runtime string `json:"Runtime,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags map[string]string `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // Tracing AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tracing string `json:"Tracing,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServerlessFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSServerlessFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServerlessFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent struct { // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.AlexaSkillEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent struct { // Method AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Method string `json:"Method,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.ApiEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent struct { // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // InputPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputPath string `json:"InputPath,omitempty"` // Pattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Pattern interface{} `json:"Pattern,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.CloudWatchEventEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri struct { String *string S3Location *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location }
AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri is a helper struct that can hold either a String or S3Location value
func (AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue struct { // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.DeadLetterQueue) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // StartingPosition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StartingPosition string `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` // Stream AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Stream string `json:"Stream,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.DynamoDBEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource struct { // Properties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Properties *AWSServerlessFunction_Properties `json:"Properties,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.EventSource) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_Events ¶ added in v1.1.0
AWSServerlessFunction_Events is a helper struct that can hold either a String or String value
func (AWSServerlessFunction_Events) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessFunction_Events) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Events) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Events) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment struct { // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.FunctionEnvironment) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument struct { // Statement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statement interface{} `json:"Statement,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.IAMPolicyDocument) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent struct { // AwsIotSqlVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsIotSqlVersion string `json:"AwsIotSqlVersion,omitempty"` // Sql AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Sql string `json:"Sql,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.IoTRuleEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // StartingPosition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StartingPosition string `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` // Stream AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Stream string `json:"Stream,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.KinesisEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_Policies ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_Policies struct { String *string StringArray *[]string IAMPolicyDocument *AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument IAMPolicyDocumentArray *[]AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument }
AWSServerlessFunction_Policies is a helper struct that can hold either a String, String, IAMPolicyDocument, or IAMPolicyDocument value
func (AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_Properties ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_Properties struct { S3Event *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event SNSEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent SQSEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent KinesisEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent DynamoDBEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent ApiEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent ScheduleEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent CloudWatchEventEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent IoTRuleEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent AlexaSkillEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent }
AWSServerlessFunction_Properties is a helper struct that can hold either a S3Event, SNSEvent, SQSEvent, KinesisEvent, DynamoDBEvent, ApiEvent, ScheduleEvent, CloudWatchEventEvent, IoTRuleEvent, or AlexaSkillEvent value
func (AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Events *AWSServerlessFunction_Events `json:"Events,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.S3Event) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version int `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter struct { // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Key string `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.S3NotificationFilter) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent struct { // Topic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topic string `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.SNSEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // Queue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Queue string `json:"Queue,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.SQSEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_SQSEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent struct { // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.ScheduleEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable struct { // PrimaryKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrimaryKey *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey `json:"PrimaryKey,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisionedThroughput *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessSimpleTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable) See:
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServerlessSimpleTable) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServerlessSimpleTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable.PrimaryKey) See:
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput struct { // ReadCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadCapacityUnits int `json:"ReadCapacityUnits,omitempty"` // WriteCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: WriteCapacityUnits int `json:"WriteCapacityUnits,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable.ProvisionedThroughput) See:
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare struct { // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::AcceptedPortfolioShare) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Distributor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Distributor string `json:"Distributor,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // ProvisioningArtifactParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProvisioningArtifactParameters []AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties `json:"ProvisioningArtifactParameters,omitempty"` // SupportDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportDescription string `json:"SupportDescription,omitempty"` // SupportEmail AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportEmail string `json:"SupportEmail,omitempty"` // SupportUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportUrl string `json:"SupportUrl,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Info AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Info interface{} `json:"Info,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct.ProvisioningArtifactProperties) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // NotificationArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationArns []string `json:"NotificationArns,omitempty"` // PathId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PathId string `json:"PathId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // ProductName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProductName string `json:"ProductName,omitempty"` // ProvisionedProductName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisionedProductName string `json:"ProvisionedProductName,omitempty"` // ProvisioningArtifactId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisioningArtifactId string `json:"ProvisioningArtifactId,omitempty"` // ProvisioningArtifactName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisioningArtifactName string `json:"ProvisioningArtifactName,omitempty"` // ProvisioningParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisioningParameters []AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter `json:"ProvisioningParameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct.ProvisioningParameter) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // NotificationArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NotificationArns []string `json:"NotificationArns,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchNotificationConstraint) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules string `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchTemplateConstraint) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DisplayName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // ProviderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProviderName string `json:"ProviderName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // PrincipalARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrincipalARN string `json:"PrincipalARN,omitempty"` // PrincipalType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrincipalType string `json:"PrincipalType,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioPrincipalAssociation) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // SourcePortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourcePortfolioId string `json:"SourcePortfolioId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare struct { // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Required: true // See: AccountId string `json:"AccountId,omitempty"` // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioShare) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOption ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOption struct { // Active AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Active bool `json:"Active,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogTagOption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOption) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation struct { // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // TagOptionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TagOptionId string `json:"TagOptionId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOptionAssociation) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance struct { // InstanceAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceAttributes interface{} `json:"InstanceAttributes,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // ServiceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceId string `json:"ServiceId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Instance) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Vpc AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Vpc string `json:"Vpc,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DnsConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DnsConfig *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig `json:"DnsConfig,omitempty"` // HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckConfig *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig `json:"HealthCheckConfig,omitempty"` // HealthCheckCustomConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckCustomConfig *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig `json:"HealthCheckCustomConfig,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSServiceDiscoveryService) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r AWSServiceDiscoveryService) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig struct { // DnsRecords AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DnsRecords []AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord `json:"DnsRecords,omitempty"` // NamespaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NamespaceId string `json:"NamespaceId,omitempty"` // RoutingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingPolicy string `json:"RoutingPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.DnsConfig) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord struct { // TTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TTL string `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.DnsRecord) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig struct { // FailureThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailureThreshold float64 `json:"FailureThreshold,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.HealthCheckConfig) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig struct { // FailureThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailureThreshold float64 `json:"FailureThreshold,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.HealthCheckCustomConfig) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckCustomConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSStepFunctionsActivity ¶
type AWSStepFunctionsActivity struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSStepFunctionsActivity AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::StepFunctions::Activity) See:
func (*AWSStepFunctionsActivity) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsActivity) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSStepFunctionsActivity) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSStepFunctionsActivity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSStepFunctionsActivity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsActivity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine ¶
type AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine struct { // DefinitionString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefinitionString string `json:"DefinitionString,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StateMachineName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StateMachineName string `json:"StateMachineName,omitempty"` }
AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine) See:
func (*AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet struct { // ByteMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ByteMatchTuples []AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple `json:"ByteMatchTuples,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFByteMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // PositionalConstraint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PositionalConstraint string `json:"PositionalConstraint,omitempty"` // TargetString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetString string `json:"TargetString,omitempty"` // TargetStringBase64 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetStringBase64 string `json:"TargetStringBase64,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet.ByteMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFIPSet ¶
type AWSWAFIPSet struct { // IPSetDescriptors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPSetDescriptors []AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor `json:"IPSetDescriptors,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFIPSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::IPSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFIPSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFIPSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFIPSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor ¶
type AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::IPSet.IPSetDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet struct { // ByteMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ByteMatchTuples []AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple `json:"ByteMatchTuples,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // PositionalConstraint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PositionalConstraint string `json:"PositionalConstraint,omitempty"` // TargetString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetString string `json:"TargetString,omitempty"` // TargetStringBase64 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetStringBase64 string `json:"TargetStringBase64,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet.ByteMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet struct { // IPSetDescriptors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPSetDescriptors []AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor `json:"IPSetDescriptors,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalIPSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet.IPSetDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalRule ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalRule struct { // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Predicates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Predicates []AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate `json:"Predicates,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::Rule) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate struct { // DataId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataId string `json:"DataId,omitempty"` // Negated AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Negated bool `json:"Negated,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::Rule.Predicate) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SizeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SizeConstraints []AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint `json:"SizeConstraints,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet.SizeConstraint) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlInjectionMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SqlInjectionMatchTuples []AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple `json:"SqlInjectionMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet.SqlInjectionMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL struct { // DefaultAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultAction *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Rules []AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACL AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation struct { // ResourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceArn string `json:"ResourceArn,omitempty"` // WebACLId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: WebACLId string `json:"WebACLId,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACLAssociation) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL.Action) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // RuleId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleId string `json:"RuleId,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL.Rule) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // XssMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: XssMatchTuples []AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple `json:"XssMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet.XssMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRule ¶
type AWSWAFRule struct { // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Predicates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Predicates []AWSWAFRule_Predicate `json:"Predicates,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::Rule) See:
func (*AWSWAFRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRule_Predicate ¶
type AWSWAFRule_Predicate struct { // DataId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataId string `json:"DataId,omitempty"` // Negated AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Negated bool `json:"Negated,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRule_Predicate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::Rule.Predicate) See:
func (*AWSWAFRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet ¶
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SizeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeConstraints []AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint `json:"SizeConstraints,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint ¶
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet.SizeConstraint) See:
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlInjectionMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SqlInjectionMatchTuples []AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple `json:"SqlInjectionMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet.SqlInjectionMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFWebACL struct { // DefaultAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultAction *AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Rules []AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFWebACL AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::WebACL) See:
func (*AWSWAFWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFWebACL) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFWebACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFWebACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule ¶
type AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Action *AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // RuleId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleId string `json:"RuleId,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::WebACL.ActivatedRule) See:
func (*AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction ¶
type AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::WebACL.WafAction) See:
func (*AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // XssMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: XssMatchTuples []AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple `json:"XssMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFXssMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWAFXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWAFXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet.XssMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace ¶
type AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace struct { // BundleId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BundleId string `json:"BundleId,omitempty"` // DirectoryId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DirectoryId string `json:"DirectoryId,omitempty"` // RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // UserName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` // UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // VolumeEncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeEncryptionKey string `json:"VolumeEncryptionKey,omitempty"` }
AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace) See:
func (*AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Tag AWS CloudFormation Resource (Tag) See:
func (*Tag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type Template ¶
type Template struct { AWSTemplateFormatVersion string `json:"AWSTemplateFormatVersion,omitempty"` Transform *Transform `json:"Transform,omitempty"` Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]interface{} `json:"Metadata,omitempty"` Parameters map[string]interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` Mappings map[string]interface{} `json:"Mappings,omitempty"` Conditions map[string]interface{} `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` Resources map[string]interface{} `json:"Resources,omitempty"` Outputs map[string]interface{} `json:"Outputs,omitempty"` }
Template represents an AWS CloudFormation template see:
func NewTemplate ¶
func NewTemplate() *Template
NewTemplate creates a new AWS CloudFormation template struct
func (*Template) GetAWSAmazonMQBrokerWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAmazonMQBrokerWithName(name string) (AWSAmazonMQBroker, error)
GetAWSAmazonMQBrokerWithName retrieves all AWSAmazonMQBroker items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAmazonMQConfigurationWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAmazonMQConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSAmazonMQConfiguration, error)
GetAWSAmazonMQConfigurationWithName retrieves all AWSAmazonMQConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAccount, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAccount items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayApiKey, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDeployment, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDeployment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDomainName, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDomainName items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayMethod, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayMethod items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayModel, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayModel items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayResource, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRestApi, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRestApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayStage, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayStage items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayVpcLink, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayVpcLink items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncApiKey, error)
GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncDataSource, error)
GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi, error)
GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema, error)
GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncResolver, error)
GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncResolver items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget, error)
GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName(name string) (AWSAthenaNamedQuery, error)
GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName retrieves all AWSAthenaNamedQuery items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSBatchComputeEnvironment, error)
GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName retrieves all AWSBatchComputeEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobDefinition, error)
GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName retrieves all AWSBatchJobDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobQueue, error)
GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName retrieves all AWSBatchJobQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName(name string) (AWSBudgetsBudget, error)
GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName retrieves all AWSBudgetsBudget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSCertificateManagerCertificate, error)
GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSCertificateManagerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName(name string) (AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2, error)
GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName retrieves all AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationCustomResource, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationCustomResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationStack, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity, error)
GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontDistribution, error)
GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFrontDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution, error)
GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName(name string) (AWSCloudTrailTrail, error)
GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName retrieves all AWSCloudTrailTrail items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchAlarm, error)
GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName retrieves all AWSCloudWatchAlarm items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchDashboard, error)
GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName retrieves all AWSCloudWatchDashboard items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName(name string) (AWSCodeBuildProject, error)
GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName retrieves all AWSCodeBuildProject items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSCodeCommitRepository, error)
GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName retrieves all AWSCodeCommitRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployApplication, error)
GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName retrieves all AWSCodeDeployApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig, error)
GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup, error)
GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType, error)
GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName retrieves all AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelinePipeline, error)
GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName retrieves all AWSCodePipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodePipelineWebhookWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelineWebhookWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelineWebhook, error)
GetAWSCodePipelineWebhookWithName retrieves all AWSCodePipelineWebhook items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment, error)
GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPool, error)
GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolClient, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolClient items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUser, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPool, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationWithName(name string) (AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization, error)
GetAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationWithName retrieves all AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigRule, error)
GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName retrieves all AWSConfigConfigRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator, error)
GetAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorWithName retrieves all AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder, error)
GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName retrieves all AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName(name string) (AWSConfigDeliveryChannel, error)
GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName retrieves all AWSConfigDeliveryChannel items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDAXClusterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXClusterWithName(name string) (AWSDAXCluster, error)
GetAWSDAXClusterWithName retrieves all AWSDAXCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSDAXParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSDAXSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSDMSCertificate, error)
GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSDMSCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEndpoint, error)
GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSDMSEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEventSubscription, error)
GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName retrieves all AWSDMSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationInstance, error)
GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationTask, error)
GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSDataPipelinePipeline, error)
GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName retrieves all AWSDataPipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD, error)
GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD, error)
GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName(name string) (AWSDynamoDBTable, error)
GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName retrieves all AWSDynamoDBTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2CustomerGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2CustomerGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName(name string) (AWSEC2DHCPOptions, error)
GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName retrieves all AWSEC2DHCPOptions items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EIPAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2EIPAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2EIPWithName ¶
GetAWSEC2EIPWithName retrieves all AWSEC2EIP items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName(name string) (AWSEC2FlowLog, error)
GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName retrieves all AWSEC2FlowLog items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2HostWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2HostWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Host, error)
GetAWSEC2HostWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Host items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Instance, error)
GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Instance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2InternetGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2InternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSEC2LaunchTemplate, error)
GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSEC2LaunchTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NatGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NatGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAcl, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAcl items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterface, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterface items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2PlacementGroup, error)
GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName retrieves all AWSEC2PlacementGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName(name string) (AWSEC2RouteTable, error)
GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName retrieves all AWSEC2RouteTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2RouteWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Route, error)
GetAWSEC2RouteWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Route items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress, error)
GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SpotFleet, error)
GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SpotFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Subnet, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Subnet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpoint, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCWithName ¶
GetAWSEC2VPCWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPC items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnection, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VolumeAttachment, error)
GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VolumeAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Volume, error)
GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Volume items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSECRRepository, error)
GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName retrieves all AWSECRRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECSClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSECSCluster, error)
GetAWSECSClusterWithName retrieves all AWSECSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECSServiceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECSServiceWithName(name string) (AWSECSService, error)
GetAWSECSServiceWithName retrieves all AWSECSService items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSECSTaskDefinition, error)
GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName retrieves all AWSECSTaskDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName(name string) (AWSEFSFileSystem, error)
GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName retrieves all AWSEFSFileSystem items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName(name string) (AWSEFSMountTarget, error)
GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName retrieves all AWSEFSMountTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEKSClusterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSEKSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEKSCluster, error)
GetAWSEKSClusterWithName retrieves all AWSEKSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEMRCluster, error)
GetAWSEMRClusterWithName retrieves all AWSEMRCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig, error)
GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig, error)
GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration, error)
GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName retrieves all AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRStepWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRStepWithName(name string) (AWSEMRStep, error)
GetAWSEMRStepWithName retrieves all AWSEMRStep items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName(name string) (AWSElasticsearchDomain, error)
GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName retrieves all AWSElasticsearchDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEventsRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEventsRuleWithName(name string) (AWSEventsRule, error)
GetAWSEventsRuleWithName retrieves all AWSEventsRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftAlias, error)
GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName retrieves all AWSGameLiftAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftBuild, error)
GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName retrieves all AWSGameLiftBuild items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftFleet, error)
GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName retrieves all AWSGameLiftFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName(name string) (AWSGlueClassifier, error)
GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName retrieves all AWSGlueClassifier items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSGlueConnection, error)
GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName retrieves all AWSGlueConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueCrawler, error)
GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName retrieves all AWSGlueCrawler items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDatabase, error)
GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName retrieves all AWSGlueDatabase items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDevEndpoint, error)
GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSGlueDevEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueJobWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueJobWithName(name string) (AWSGlueJob, error)
GetAWSGlueJobWithName retrieves all AWSGlueJob items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGluePartitionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGluePartitionWithName(name string) (AWSGluePartition, error)
GetAWSGluePartitionWithName retrieves all AWSGluePartition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueTableWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTableWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTable, error)
GetAWSGlueTableWithName retrieves all AWSGlueTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTrigger, error)
GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName retrieves all AWSGlueTrigger items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyDetector, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyDetector items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyFilter, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyIPSet, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMaster, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMaster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMember, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMember items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMAccessKey, error)
GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName retrieves all AWSIAMAccessKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMGroupWithName(name string) (AWSIAMGroup, error)
GetAWSIAMGroupWithName retrieves all AWSIAMGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName(name string) (AWSIAMInstanceProfile, error)
GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName retrieves all AWSIAMInstanceProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMManagedPolicy, error)
GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSIAMManagedPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMPolicy, error)
GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSIAMPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMRoleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMRoleWithName(name string) (AWSIAMRole, error)
GetAWSIAMRoleWithName retrieves all AWSIAMRole items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleWithName(name string) (AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole, error)
GetAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleWithName retrieves all AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition, error)
GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName retrieves all AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMUserWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUser, error)
GetAWSIAMUserWithName retrieves all AWSIAMUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget, error)
GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate, error)
GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorResourceGroup, error)
GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName retrieves all AWSInspectorResourceGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSIoTCertificate, error)
GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSIoTCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment, error)
GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicy, error)
GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSIoTPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment, error)
GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTThingWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThing, error)
GetAWSIoTThingWithName retrieves all AWSIoTThing items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName(name string) (AWSIoTTopicRule, error)
GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName retrieves all AWSIoTTopicRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKMSAliasWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKMSAliasWithName(name string) (AWSKMSAlias, error)
GetAWSKMSAliasWithName retrieves all AWSKMSAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKMSKeyWithName ¶
GetAWSKMSKeyWithName retrieves all AWSKMSKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput, error)
GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource, error)
GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication, error)
GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream, error)
GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisStream, error)
GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaAlias, error)
GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping, error)
GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaFunction, error)
GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaPermission, error)
GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaPermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaVersion, error)
GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSLogsDestination, error)
GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName retrieves all AWSLogsDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogGroup, error)
GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName retrieves all AWSLogsLogGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogStream, error)
GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName retrieves all AWSLogsLogStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsMetricFilter, error)
GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName retrieves all AWSLogsMetricFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter, error)
GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName retrieves all AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBCluster, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBInstance, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksApp, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksApp items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksInstance, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksLayer, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksLayer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksStack, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksUserProfile, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksUserProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksVolume, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksVolume items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBCluster, error)
GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBInstance, error)
GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSRDSEventSubscription, error)
GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName retrieves all AWSRDSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSOptionGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSOptionGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftCluster, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HealthCheck, error)
GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53HealthCheck items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HostedZone, error)
GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53HostedZone items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup, error)
GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSet, error)
GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSS3BucketPolicy, error)
GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSS3BucketPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSS3BucketWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketWithName(name string) (AWSS3Bucket, error)
GetAWSS3BucketWithName retrieves all AWSS3Bucket items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSDBDomainWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSDBDomainWithName(name string) (AWSSDBDomain, error)
GetAWSSDBDomainWithName retrieves all AWSSDBDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination, error)
GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSet, error)
GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptFilter, error)
GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName retrieves all AWSSESReceiptFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRuleSet, error)
GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRuleSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRule, error)
GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESTemplateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSSESTemplate, error)
GetAWSSESTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSSESTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSSNSSubscription, error)
GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName retrieves all AWSSNSSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopicPolicy, error)
GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSSNSTopicPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSNSTopicWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopic, error)
GetAWSSNSTopicWithName retrieves all AWSSNSTopic items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueuePolicy, error)
GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName retrieves all AWSSQSQueuePolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSQSQueueWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueueWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueue, error)
GetAWSSQSQueueWithName retrieves all AWSSQSQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSSSMAssociation, error)
GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSSSMAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName(name string) (AWSSSMDocument, error)
GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName retrieves all AWSSSMDocument items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName(name string) (AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask, error)
GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName retrieves all AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMParameterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMParameterWithName(name string) (AWSSSMParameter, error)
GetAWSSSMParameterWithName retrieves all AWSSSMParameter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName(name string) (AWSSSMPatchBaseline, error)
GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName retrieves all AWSSSMPatchBaseline items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMResourceDataSyncWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMResourceDataSyncWithName(name string) (AWSSSMResourceDataSync, error)
GetAWSSSMResourceDataSyncWithName retrieves all AWSSSMResourceDataSync items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig, error)
GetAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigWithName retrieves all AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSageMakerEndpointWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerEndpoint, error)
GetAWSSageMakerEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSSageMakerEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSageMakerModelWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerModelWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerModel, error)
GetAWSSageMakerModelWithName retrieves all AWSSageMakerModel items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig, error)
GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigWithName retrieves all AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceWithName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance, error)
GetAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServerlessApiWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessApiWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessApi, error)
GetAWSServerlessApiWithName retrieves all AWSServerlessApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessFunction, error)
GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName retrieves all AWSServerlessFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessSimpleTable, error)
GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName retrieves all AWSServerlessSimpleTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOption, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOption items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryService, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryService items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsActivity, error)
GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsActivity items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine, error)
GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFByteMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFIPSet, error)
GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalIPSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalRule, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACL, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRule, error)
GetAWSWAFRuleWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet, error)
GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFWebACL, error)
GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName retrieves all AWSWAFWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFXssMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName(name string) (AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace, error)
GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName retrieves all AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAmazonMQBrokerResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAmazonMQBrokerResources() map[string]AWSAmazonMQBroker
GetAllAWSAmazonMQBrokerResources retrieves all AWSAmazonMQBroker items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAmazonMQConfigurationResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAmazonMQConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSAmazonMQConfiguration
GetAllAWSAmazonMQConfigurationResources retrieves all AWSAmazonMQConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAccount
GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAccount items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayApiKey
GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer
GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping
GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate
GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDeployment
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDeployment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDomainName
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDomainName items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse
GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayMethod
GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayMethod items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayModel
GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayModel items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator
GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayResource
GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRestApi
GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRestApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayStage
GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayStage items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey
GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan
GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayVpcLink
GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayVpcLink items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncApiKey
GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncDataSource
GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi
GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema
GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncResolver
GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncResolver items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources() map[string]AWSAthenaNamedQuery
GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources retrieves all AWSAthenaNamedQuery items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook
GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan
GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy
GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction
GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSBatchComputeEnvironment
GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources retrieves all AWSBatchComputeEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobDefinition
GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources retrieves all AWSBatchJobDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobQueue
GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources retrieves all AWSBatchJobQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources() map[string]AWSBudgetsBudget
GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources retrieves all AWSBudgetsBudget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSCertificateManagerCertificate
GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources retrieves all AWSCertificateManagerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources() map[string]AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2
GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources retrieves all AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationCustomResource
GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationCustomResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationStack
GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition
GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources retrieves all AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontDistribution
GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources retrieves all AWSCloudFrontDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution
GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources retrieves all AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources() map[string]AWSCloudTrailTrail
GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources retrieves all AWSCloudTrailTrail items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchAlarm
GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources retrieves all AWSCloudWatchAlarm items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchDashboard
GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources retrieves all AWSCloudWatchDashboard items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources() map[string]AWSCodeBuildProject
GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources retrieves all AWSCodeBuildProject items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSCodeCommitRepository
GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources retrieves all AWSCodeCommitRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployApplication
GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources retrieves all AWSCodeDeployApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig
GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup
GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType
GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources retrieves all AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelinePipeline
GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources retrieves all AWSCodePipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineWebhookResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineWebhookResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelineWebhook
GetAllAWSCodePipelineWebhookResources retrieves all AWSCodePipelineWebhook items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPool
GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment
GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolClient
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolClient items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPool
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUser
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationResources() map[string]AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization
GetAllAWSConfigAggregationAuthorizationResources retrieves all AWSConfigAggregationAuthorization items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigRule
GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources retrieves all AWSConfigConfigRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator
GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationAggregatorResources retrieves all AWSConfigConfigurationAggregator items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder
GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources retrieves all AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources() map[string]AWSConfigDeliveryChannel
GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources retrieves all AWSConfigDeliveryChannel items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources() map[string]AWSDAXCluster
GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources retrieves all AWSDAXCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXParameterGroup
GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSDAXParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSDAXSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources() map[string]AWSDMSCertificate
GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources retrieves all AWSDMSCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources() map[string]AWSDMSEndpoint
GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources retrieves all AWSDMSEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSDMSEventSubscription
GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources retrieves all AWSDMSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationInstance
GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationTask
GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSDataPipelinePipeline
GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources retrieves all AWSDataPipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD
GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources() map[string]AWSDynamoDBTable
GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources retrieves all AWSDynamoDBTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2CustomerGateway
GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2CustomerGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources() map[string]AWSEC2DHCPOptions
GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources retrieves all AWSEC2DHCPOptions items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2EIPAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2EIPAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPResources ¶
GetAllAWSEC2EIPResources retrieves all AWSEC2EIP items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway
GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources() map[string]AWSEC2FlowLog
GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources retrieves all AWSEC2FlowLog items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2HostResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2HostResources() map[string]AWSEC2Host
GetAllAWSEC2HostResources retrieves all AWSEC2Host items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources() map[string]AWSEC2Instance
GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources retrieves all AWSEC2Instance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2InternetGateway
GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2InternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources() map[string]AWSEC2LaunchTemplate
GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources retrieves all AWSEC2LaunchTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2NatGateway
GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2NatGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAcl
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAcl items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterface
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterface items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2PlacementGroup
GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources retrieves all AWSEC2PlacementGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2Route
GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources retrieves all AWSEC2Route items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources() map[string]AWSEC2RouteTable
GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources retrieves all AWSEC2RouteTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress
GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroup
GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources() map[string]AWSEC2SpotFleet
GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources retrieves all AWSEC2SpotFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources() map[string]AWSEC2Subnet
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources retrieves all AWSEC2Subnet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock
GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification
GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotificationResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpointConnectionNotification items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpoint
GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions
GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissionsResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpointServicePermissions items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment
GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection
GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCResources ¶
GetAllAWSEC2VPCResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPC items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnection
GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute
GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGateway
GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VolumeAttachment
GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSEC2VolumeAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources() map[string]AWSEC2Volume
GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources retrieves all AWSEC2Volume items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSECRRepository
GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources retrieves all AWSECRRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECSClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSClusterResources() map[string]AWSECSCluster
GetAllAWSECSClusterResources retrieves all AWSECSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECSServiceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSServiceResources() map[string]AWSECSService
GetAllAWSECSServiceResources retrieves all AWSECSService items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSECSTaskDefinition
GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources retrieves all AWSECSTaskDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources() map[string]AWSEFSFileSystem
GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources retrieves all AWSEFSFileSystem items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources() map[string]AWSEFSMountTarget
GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources retrieves all AWSEFSMountTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources() map[string]AWSEKSCluster
GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources retrieves all AWSEKSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources() map[string]AWSEMRCluster
GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources retrieves all AWSEMRCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig
GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig
GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration
GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources retrieves all AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRStepResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRStepResources() map[string]AWSEMRStep
GetAllAWSEMRStepResources retrieves all AWSEMRStep items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster
GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources() map[string]AWSElasticsearchDomain
GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources retrieves all AWSElasticsearchDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources() map[string]AWSEventsRule
GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources retrieves all AWSEventsRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftAlias
GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources retrieves all AWSGameLiftAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftBuild
GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources retrieves all AWSGameLiftBuild items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftFleet
GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources retrieves all AWSGameLiftFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources() map[string]AWSGlueClassifier
GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources retrieves all AWSGlueClassifier items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources() map[string]AWSGlueConnection
GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources retrieves all AWSGlueConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources() map[string]AWSGlueCrawler
GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources retrieves all AWSGlueCrawler items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources() map[string]AWSGlueDatabase
GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources retrieves all AWSGlueDatabase items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources() map[string]AWSGlueDevEndpoint
GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources retrieves all AWSGlueDevEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueJobResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueJobResources() map[string]AWSGlueJob
GetAllAWSGlueJobResources retrieves all AWSGlueJob items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources() map[string]AWSGluePartition
GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources retrieves all AWSGluePartition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueTableResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTableResources() map[string]AWSGlueTable
GetAllAWSGlueTableResources retrieves all AWSGlueTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources() map[string]AWSGlueTrigger
GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources retrieves all AWSGlueTrigger items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyDetector
GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyDetector items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyFilter
GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyIPSet
GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMaster
GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMaster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMember
GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMember items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet
GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources() map[string]AWSIAMAccessKey
GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources retrieves all AWSIAMAccessKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources() map[string]AWSIAMGroup
GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources retrieves all AWSIAMGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources() map[string]AWSIAMInstanceProfile
GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources retrieves all AWSIAMInstanceProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMManagedPolicy
GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources retrieves all AWSIAMManagedPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMPolicy
GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources retrieves all AWSIAMPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources() map[string]AWSIAMRole
GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources retrieves all AWSIAMRole items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleResources() map[string]AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole
GetAllAWSIAMServiceLinkedRoleResources retrieves all AWSIAMServiceLinkedRole items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserResources() map[string]AWSIAMUser
GetAllAWSIAMUserResources retrieves all AWSIAMUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources() map[string]AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition
GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources retrieves all AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget
GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate
GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources() map[string]AWSInspectorResourceGroup
GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources retrieves all AWSInspectorResourceGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources() map[string]AWSIoTCertificate
GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources retrieves all AWSIoTCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicy
GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources retrieves all AWSIoTPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment
GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingResources() map[string]AWSIoTThing
GetAllAWSIoTThingResources retrieves all AWSIoTThing items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources() map[string]AWSIoTTopicRule
GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources retrieves all AWSIoTTopicRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources() map[string]AWSKMSAlias
GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources retrieves all AWSKMSAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKMSKeyResources ¶
GetAllAWSKMSKeyResources retrieves all AWSKMSKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput
GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource
GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication
GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources retrieves all AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisStream
GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources retrieves all AWSKinesisStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources() map[string]AWSLambdaAlias
GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources retrieves all AWSLambdaAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources() map[string]AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping
GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources retrieves all AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaFunction
GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources retrieves all AWSLambdaFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaPermission
GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources retrieves all AWSLambdaPermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaVersion
GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources retrieves all AWSLambdaVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources() map[string]AWSLogsDestination
GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources retrieves all AWSLogsDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogGroup
GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources retrieves all AWSLogsLogGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogStream
GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources retrieves all AWSLogsLogStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsMetricFilter
GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources retrieves all AWSLogsMetricFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter
GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources retrieves all AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBCluster
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBInstance
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksApp
GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksApp items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksInstance
GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksLayer
GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksLayer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksStack
GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksUserProfile
GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksUserProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksVolume
GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksVolume items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBCluster
GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBInstance
GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBParameterGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSRDSEventSubscription
GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources retrieves all AWSRDSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSOptionGroup
GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSOptionGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftCluster
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HealthCheck
GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources retrieves all AWSRoute53HealthCheck items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HostedZone
GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources retrieves all AWSRoute53HostedZone items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup
GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSet
GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources() map[string]AWSS3BucketPolicy
GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources retrieves all AWSS3BucketPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketResources() map[string]AWSS3Bucket
GetAllAWSS3BucketResources retrieves all AWSS3Bucket items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources() map[string]AWSSDBDomain
GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources retrieves all AWSSDBDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination
GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSet
GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptFilter
GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources retrieves all AWSSESReceiptFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRule
GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRuleSet
GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRuleSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources() map[string]AWSSESTemplate
GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources retrieves all AWSSESTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSSNSSubscription
GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources retrieves all AWSSNSSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopicPolicy
GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources retrieves all AWSSNSTopicPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopic
GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources retrieves all AWSSNSTopic items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueuePolicy
GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources retrieves all AWSSQSQueuePolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueue
GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources retrieves all AWSSQSQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources() map[string]AWSSSMAssociation
GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources retrieves all AWSSSMAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources() map[string]AWSSSMDocument
GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources retrieves all AWSSSMDocument items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources() map[string]AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask
GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources retrieves all AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources() map[string]AWSSSMParameter
GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources retrieves all AWSSSMParameter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources() map[string]AWSSSMPatchBaseline
GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources retrieves all AWSSSMPatchBaseline items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMResourceDataSyncResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMResourceDataSyncResources() map[string]AWSSSMResourceDataSync
GetAllAWSSSMResourceDataSyncResources retrieves all AWSSSMResourceDataSync items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig
GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointConfigResources retrieves all AWSSageMakerEndpointConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerEndpoint
GetAllAWSSageMakerEndpointResources retrieves all AWSSageMakerEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerModelResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerModelResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerModel
GetAllAWSSageMakerModelResources retrieves all AWSSageMakerModel items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigResources retrieves all AWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceResources() map[string]AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance
GetAllAWSSageMakerNotebookInstanceResources retrieves all AWSSageMakerNotebookInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources() map[string]AWSServerlessApi
GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources retrieves all AWSServerlessApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources() map[string]AWSServerlessFunction
GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources retrieves all AWSServerlessFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources() map[string]AWSServerlessSimpleTable
GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources retrieves all AWSServerlessSimpleTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOption
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOption items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryService
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryService items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsActivity
GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsActivity items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine
GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFByteMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFIPSet
GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalIPSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalRule
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACL
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRule
GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources retrieves all AWSWAFRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet
GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFWebACL
GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources retrieves all AWSWAFWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFXssMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources() map[string]AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace
GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources retrieves all AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace items from an AWS CloudFormation template
Source Files
- aws-amazonmq-broker.go
- aws-amazonmq-broker_configurationid.go
- aws-amazonmq-broker_loglist.go
- aws-amazonmq-broker_maintenancewindow.go
- aws-amazonmq-broker_user.go
- aws-amazonmq-configuration.go
- aws-apigateway-account.go
- aws-apigateway-apikey.go
- aws-apigateway-apikey_stagekey.go
- aws-apigateway-authorizer.go
- aws-apigateway-basepathmapping.go
- aws-apigateway-clientcertificate.go
- aws-apigateway-deployment.go
- aws-apigateway-deployment_methodsetting.go
- aws-apigateway-deployment_stagedescription.go
- aws-apigateway-documentationpart.go
- aws-apigateway-documentationpart_location.go
- aws-apigateway-documentationversion.go
- aws-apigateway-domainname.go
- aws-apigateway-domainname_endpointconfiguration.go
- aws-apigateway-gatewayresponse.go
- aws-apigateway-method.go
- aws-apigateway-method_integration.go
- aws-apigateway-method_integrationresponse.go
- aws-apigateway-method_methodresponse.go
- aws-apigateway-model.go
- aws-apigateway-requestvalidator.go
- aws-apigateway-resource.go
- aws-apigateway-restapi.go
- aws-apigateway-restapi_endpointconfiguration.go
- aws-apigateway-restapi_s3location.go
- aws-apigateway-stage.go
- aws-apigateway-stage_methodsetting.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan_apistage.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan_quotasettings.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan_throttlesettings.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplankey.go
- aws-apigateway-vpclink.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalabletarget.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalabletarget_scalabletargetaction.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalabletarget_scheduledaction.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_customizedmetricspecification.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_metricdimension.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_predefinedmetricspecification.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_stepadjustment.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_stepscalingpolicyconfiguration.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_targettrackingscalingpolicyconfiguration.go
- aws-appsync-apikey.go
- aws-appsync-datasource.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_dynamodbconfig.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_elasticsearchconfig.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_httpconfig.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_lambdaconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi_logconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi_openidconnectconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi_userpoolconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlschema.go
- aws-appsync-resolver.go
- aws-athena-namedquery.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_launchtemplatespecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_lifecyclehookspecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_metricscollection.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_notificationconfiguration.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_tagproperty.go
- aws-autoscaling-launchconfiguration.go
- aws-autoscaling-launchconfiguration_blockdevice.go
- aws-autoscaling-launchconfiguration_blockdevicemapping.go
- aws-autoscaling-lifecyclehook.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_customizedmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_metricdimension.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_predefinedmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_stepadjustment.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_targettrackingconfiguration.go
- aws-autoscaling-scheduledaction.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_applicationsource.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_customizedscalingmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_metricdimension.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_predefinedscalingmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_scalinginstruction.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_tagfilter.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_targettrackingconfiguration.go
- aws-batch-computeenvironment.go
- aws-batch-computeenvironment_computeresources.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_containerproperties.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_environment.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_mountpoints.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_retrystrategy.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_timeout.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_ulimit.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_volumes.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_volumeshost.go
- aws-batch-jobqueue.go
- aws-batch-jobqueue_computeenvironmentorder.go
- aws-budgets-budget.go
- aws-budgets-budget_budgetdata.go
- aws-budgets-budget_costtypes.go
- aws-budgets-budget_notification.go
- aws-budgets-budget_notificationwithsubscribers.go
- aws-budgets-budget_spend.go
- aws-budgets-budget_subscriber.go
- aws-budgets-budget_timeperiod.go
- aws-certificatemanager-certificate.go
- aws-certificatemanager-certificate_domainvalidationoption.go
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- aws-cloud9-environmentec2_repository.go
- aws-cloudformation-customresource.go
- aws-cloudformation-stack.go
- aws-cloudformation-waitcondition.go
- aws-cloudformation-waitconditionhandle.go
- aws-cloudfront-cloudfrontoriginaccessidentity.go
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- aws-cloudfront-distribution.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_cachebehavior.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_cookies.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_customerrorresponse.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_customoriginconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_defaultcachebehavior.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_distributionconfig.go
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- aws-cloudfront-distribution_georestriction.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_lambdafunctionassociation.go
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- aws-cloudfront-distribution_legacys3origin.go
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- aws-cloudfront-distribution_origincustomheader.go
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- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_s3origin.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_streamingdistributionconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_trustedsigners.go
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- aws-cloudtrail-trail_dataresource.go
- aws-cloudtrail-trail_eventselector.go
- aws-cloudwatch-alarm.go
- aws-cloudwatch-alarm_dimension.go
- aws-cloudwatch-dashboard.go
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- aws-codebuild-project_environmentvariable.go
- aws-codebuild-project_projectcache.go
- aws-codebuild-project_projecttriggers.go
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- aws-codebuild-project_sourceauth.go
- aws-codebuild-project_vpcconfig.go
- aws-codecommit-repository.go
- aws-codecommit-repository_repositorytrigger.go
- aws-codedeploy-application.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentconfig.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentconfig_minimumhealthyhosts.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_alarm.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_alarmconfiguration.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_autorollbackconfiguration.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_deployment.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_deploymentstyle.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_ec2tagfilter.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_elbinfo.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_githublocation.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_loadbalancerinfo.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_revisionlocation.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_s3location.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_tagfilter.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_targetgroupinfo.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_triggerconfig.go
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- aws-codepipeline-customactiontype_configurationproperties.go
- aws-codepipeline-customactiontype_settings.go
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- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_artifactstore.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_blockerdeclaration.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_encryptionkey.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_inputartifact.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_outputartifact.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_stagedeclaration.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_stagetransition.go
- aws-codepipeline-webhook.go
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- aws-codepipeline-webhook_webhookfilterrule.go
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- aws-cognito-identitypool_cognitostreams.go
- aws-cognito-identitypool_pushsync.go
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- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment_mappingrule.go
- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment_rolemapping.go
- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment_rulesconfigurationtype.go
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- aws-cognito-userpool_deviceconfiguration.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_emailconfiguration.go
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- aws-cognito-userpool_passwordpolicy.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_policies.go
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- aws-cognito-userpool_smsconfiguration.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_stringattributeconstraints.go
- aws-cognito-userpoolclient.go
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- aws-cognito-userpooluser.go
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- aws-cognito-userpoolusertogroupattachment.go
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- aws-config-configrule_sourcedetail.go
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- aws-config-configurationaggregator_accountaggregationsource.go
- aws-config-configurationaggregator_organizationaggregationsource.go
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- aws-config-configurationrecorder_recordinggroup.go
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- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_parameterattribute.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_parameterobject.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_parametervalue.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_pipelineobject.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_pipelinetag.go
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- aws-dax-parametergroup.go
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- aws-dms-endpoint_mongodbsettings.go
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- aws-ec2-instance_blockdevicemapping.go
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- aws-ec2-instance_nodevice.go
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- aws-ec2-securitygroup_ingress.go
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- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_kernelcapabilities.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_keyvaluepair.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_linuxparameters.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_logconfiguration.go
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- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_taskdefinitionplacementconstraint.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_ulimit.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_volume.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_volumefrom.go
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- aws-efs-mounttarget.go
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- aws-elasticache-securitygroup.go
- aws-elasticache-securitygroupingress.go
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- aws-elasticbeanstalk-application_maxagerule.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-application_maxcountrule.go
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- aws-elasticbeanstalk-applicationversion_sourcebundle.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenercertificate.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenercertificate_certificate.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenerrule_rulecondition.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-targetgroup_targetgroupattribute.go
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- aws-elasticsearch-domain_snapshotoptions.go
- aws-elasticsearch-domain_vpcoptions.go
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- aws-iot-topicrule_topicrulepayload.go
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- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationoutput_kinesisstreamsoutput.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationoutput_lambdaoutput.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationoutput_output.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_csvmappingparameters.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_jsonmappingparameters.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_mappingparameters.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_recordcolumn.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_recordformat.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_referencedatasource.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_referenceschema.go
- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationreferencedatasource_s3referencedatasource.go
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- aws-kinesisfirehose-deliverystream_splunkdestinationconfiguration.go
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- aws-kms-alias.go
- aws-kms-key.go
- aws-lambda-alias.go
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- aws-lambda-eventsourcemapping.go
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- aws-lambda-function_environment.go
- aws-lambda-function_tracingconfig.go
- aws-lambda-function_vpcconfig.go
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- aws-lambda-version.go
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- aws-logs-loggroup.go
- aws-logs-logstream.go
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- aws-logs-metricfilter_metrictransformation.go
- aws-logs-subscriptionfilter.go
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- aws-neptune-dbclusterparametergroup.go
- aws-neptune-dbinstance.go
- aws-neptune-dbparametergroup.go
- aws-neptune-dbsubnetgroup.go
- aws-opsworks-app.go
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- aws-opsworks-app_source.go
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- aws-opsworks-instance_ebsblockdevice.go
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- aws-opsworks-layer_lifecycleeventconfiguration.go
- aws-opsworks-layer_loadbasedautoscaling.go
- aws-opsworks-layer_recipes.go
- aws-opsworks-layer_shutdowneventconfiguration.go
- aws-opsworks-layer_volumeconfiguration.go
- aws-opsworks-stack.go
- aws-opsworks-stack_chefconfiguration.go
- aws-opsworks-stack_elasticip.go
- aws-opsworks-stack_rdsdbinstance.go
- aws-opsworks-stack_source.go
- aws-opsworks-stack_stackconfigurationmanager.go
- aws-opsworks-userprofile.go
- aws-opsworks-volume.go
- aws-rds-dbcluster.go
- aws-rds-dbclusterparametergroup.go
- aws-rds-dbinstance.go
- aws-rds-dbparametergroup.go
- aws-rds-dbsecuritygroup.go
- aws-rds-dbsecuritygroup_ingress.go
- aws-rds-dbsecuritygroupingress.go
- aws-rds-dbsubnetgroup.go
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- aws-rds-optiongroup_optionconfiguration.go
- aws-rds-optiongroup_optionsetting.go
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- aws-redshift-cluster_loggingproperties.go
- aws-redshift-clusterparametergroup.go
- aws-redshift-clusterparametergroup_parameter.go
- aws-redshift-clustersecuritygroup.go
- aws-redshift-clustersecuritygroupingress.go
- aws-redshift-clustersubnetgroup.go
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- aws-route53-healthcheck_alarmidentifier.go
- aws-route53-healthcheck_healthcheckconfig.go
- aws-route53-healthcheck_healthchecktag.go
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- aws-route53-hostedzone_hostedzoneconfig.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_hostedzonetag.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_queryloggingconfig.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_vpc.go
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- aws-route53-recordset_aliastarget.go
- aws-route53-recordset_geolocation.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup_aliastarget.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup_geolocation.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup_recordset.go
- aws-s3-bucket.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_serversideencryptionrule.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_websiteconfiguration.go
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- aws-sagemaker-model_vpcconfig.go
- aws-sagemaker-notebookinstance.go
- aws-sagemaker-notebookinstancelifecycleconfig.go
- aws-sagemaker-notebookinstancelifecycleconfig_notebookinstancelifecyclehook.go
- aws-sdb-domain.go
- aws-serverless-api.go
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- aws-serverless-function_snsevent.go
- aws-serverless-function_sqsevent.go
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- aws-serverless-simpletable_primarykey.go
- aws-serverless-simpletable_provisionedthroughput.go
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- aws-servicecatalog-cloudformationproduct_provisioningartifactproperties.go
- aws-servicecatalog-cloudformationprovisionedproduct.go
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- aws-servicecatalog-launchroleconstraint.go
- aws-servicecatalog-launchtemplateconstraint.go
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- aws-servicecatalog-portfolioproductassociation.go
- aws-servicecatalog-portfolioshare.go
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- aws-servicecatalog-tagoptionassociation.go
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- aws-servicediscovery-publicdnsnamespace.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service.go
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- aws-servicediscovery-service_dnsrecord.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service_healthcheckconfig.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service_healthcheckcustomconfig.go
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- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination_dimensionconfiguration.go
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- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination_kinesisfirehosedestination.go
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- aws-ses-receiptfilter_ipfilter.go
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- aws-ses-receiptrule_lambdaaction.go
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- aws-ses-receiptrule_stopaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_workmailaction.go
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- aws-sns-topicpolicy.go
- aws-sqs-queue.go
- aws-sqs-queuepolicy.go
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- aws-ssm-association_parametervalues.go
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- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_patchsource.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_rule.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_rulegroup.go
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- aws-stepfunctions-statemachine.go
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- aws-waf-bytematchset_fieldtomatch.go
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- aws-waf-sizeconstraintset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-waf-sizeconstraintset_sizeconstraint.go
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- aws-wafregional-sizeconstraintset_sizeconstraint.go
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- awsserverlessfunction_policies.go
- awsserverlessfunction_properties.go
- intrinsics.go
- tag.go
- template.go