Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package avformat provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library
Package avformat provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AvAddIndexEntry(st *Stream, pos, t, int64, s, d, f int) int
- func AvCodecGetTag(t **AvCodecTag, id CodecId) uint
- func AvCodecGetTag2(t **AvCodecTag, id CodecId, tag *uint) int
- func AvFilenameNumberTest(f string) int
- func AvFindBestStream(ic *Context, t MediaType, ws, rs int, c **AvCodec, f int) int
- func AvGetFrameFilename(b string, bs int, pa string, n int) int
- func AvHexDump(f *File, b *uint8, s int)
- func AvHexDumpLog(a, l int, b *uint8, s int)
- func AvIOClosep(pb **AvIOContext) int
- func AvIOFlush(pb *AvIOContext)
- func AvIOOpen(pb **AvIOContext, fi string, flags int) int
- func AvIndexSearchTimestamp(st *Stream, t int64, f int) int
- func AvMatchExt(f, e string) int
- func AvPktDump2(f *File, pkt *Packet, dp int, st *Stream)
- func AvPktDumpLog2(a int, l int, pkt *Packet, dp int, st *Stream)
- func AvProbeInputBuffer(pb *AvIOContext, f **InputFormat, fi string, l int, o, m uint) int
- func AvProbeInputBuffer2(pb *AvIOContext, f **InputFormat, fi string, l int, o, m uint) int
- func AvSdpCreate(ac **Context, nf int, b string, s int) int
- func AvUrlSplit(p string, ps int, a string, as int, h string, hs int, pp *int, path string, ...)
- func AvformatAllocOutputContext2(ctx **Context, o *OutputFormat, fo, fi string) int
- func AvformatCloseInput(ctxt *Context)
- func AvformatConfiguration() string
- func AvformatLicense() string
- func AvformatNetworkDeinit() int
- func AvformatNetworkInit() int
- func AvformatOpenInput(ps **Context, fi string, fmt *InputFormat, d **avutil.Dictionary) int
- func AvformatQueryCodec(o *OutputFormat, cd CodecId, sc int) int
- func AvformatVersion() uint
- type AvChapter
- type AvCodec
- type AvCodecTag
- type AvDiscard
- type AvDurationEstimationMethod
- type AvFormatInternal
- type AvIOContext
- type AvIOInterruptCB
- type AvIndexEntry
- type AvPacketList
- type AvPacketSideData
- type AvPacketSideDataType
- type AvProbeData
- type AvProgram
- type AvStreamParseType
- type Class
- type CodecContext
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) GetCodecId() CodecId
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) GetCodecType() MediaType
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetExtraData() []byte
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetFlags() int
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetHeight() int
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetMaxQDiff() int
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetMeRange() int
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetQCompress() float32
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetQMax() int
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetQMin() int
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) GetTimeBase() avutil.Rational
- func (cctx *CodecContext) GetWidth() int
- func (cctx *CodecContext) Release()
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetBitRate(br int64)
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetCodecId(codecId CodecId)
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetCodecType(ctype MediaType)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetExtraData(data []byte)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetFlags(flags int)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetHeight(h int)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetMaxQDiff(v int)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetMeRange(r int)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetQCompress(v float32)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetQMax(v int)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetQMin(v int)
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetTimeBase(timeBase avutil.Rational)
- func (cctx *CodecContext) SetWidth(w int)
- func (cctxt *CodecContext) Type() MediaType
- type CodecId
- type CodecParserContext
- type Context
- func (ctxt *Context) AudioCodec() *AvCodec
- func (ctxt *Context) AudioCodecId() CodecId
- func (ctxt *Context) AudioPreload() int
- func (s *Context) AvDumpFormat(i int, url string, io int)
- func (s *Context) AvFindDefaultStreamIndex() int
- func (s *Context) AvFindProgramFromStream(l *AvProgram, su int) *AvProgram
- func (s *Context) AvFmtCtxGetDurationEstimationMethod() AvDurationEstimationMethod
- func (s *Context) AvFormatGetAudioCodec() *AvCodec
- func (s *Context) AvFormatGetMetadataHeaderPadding() int
- func (s *Context) AvFormatGetOpaque()
- func (s *Context) AvFormatGetProbeScore() int
- func (s *Context) AvFormatGetSubtitleCodec() *AvCodec
- func (s *Context) AvFormatGetVideoCodec() *AvCodec
- func (s *Context) AvFormatInjectGlobalSideData()
- func (s *Context) AvFormatSetAudioCodec(c *AvCodec)
- func (s *Context) AvFormatSetMetadataHeaderPadding(c int)
- func (s *Context) AvFormatSetOpaque(o int)
- func (s *Context) AvFormatSetSubtitleCodec(c *AvCodec)
- func (s *Context) AvFormatSetVideoCodec(c *AvCodec)
- func (s *Context) AvGetOutputTimestamp(st int, dts, wall *int) int
- func (s *Context) AvGuessFrameRate(st *Stream, fr *Frame) avutil.Rational
- func (s *Context) AvGuessSampleAspectRatio(st *Stream, fr *Frame) avutil.Rational
- func (s *Context) AvInterleavedWriteFrame(pkt *Packet) int
- func (s *Context) AvInterleavedWriteUncodedFrame(si int, f *Frame) int
- func (s *Context) AvNewProgram(id int) *AvProgram
- func (s *Context) AvReadFrame(pkt *avcodec.Packet) int
- func (s *Context) AvReadPause() int
- func (s *Context) AvReadPlay() int
- func (s *Context) AvSeekFrame(st int, t int64, f int) int
- func (s *Context) AvWriteFrame(pkt *Packet) int
- func (s *Context) AvWriteTrailer() int
- func (s *Context) AvWriteUncodedFrame(si int, f *Frame) int
- func (s *Context) AvWriteUncodedFrameQuery(si int) int
- func (s *Context) AvformatFindStreamInfo(d **avutil.Dictionary) int
- func (s *Context) AvformatFlush() int
- func (s *Context) AvformatFreeContext()
- func (s *Context) AvformatMatchStreamSpecifier(st *Stream, spec string) int
- func (s *Context) AvformatNewStream(c *AvCodec) *Stream
- func (s *Context) AvformatQueueAttachedPictures() int
- func (s *Context) AvformatSeekFile(si int, mit, ts, mat int64, f int) int
- func (s *Context) AvformatWriteHeader(o **avutil.Dictionary) int
- func (ctxt *Context) AvioFlags() int
- func (ctxt *Context) AvoidNegativeTs() int
- func (ctxt *Context) BitRate() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Chapters() **AvChapter
- func (ctxt *Context) CorrectTsOverflow() int
- func (ctxt *Context) CtxFlags() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Debug() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Duration() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) DurationEstimationMethod() AvDurationEstimationMethod
- func (ctxt *Context) ErrorRecognition() int
- func (ctxt *Context) EventFlags() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Filename() string
- func (ctxt *Context) Flags() int
- func (ctxt *Context) FlushPackets() int
- func (ctxt *Context) FormatProbesize() int
- func (ctxt *Context) FpsProbeSize() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Iformat() *InputFormat
- func (ctxt *Context) Internal() *AvFormatInternal
- func (ctxt *Context) InterruptCallback() AvIOInterruptCB
- func (ctxt *Context) IoRepositioned() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Keylen() int
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxAnalyzeDuration2() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxChunkDuration() int
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxChunkSize() int
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxDelay() int
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxIndexSize() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxInterleaveDelta() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxPictureBuffer() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) MaxTsProbe() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Metadata() *avutil.Dictionary
- func (ctxt *Context) MetadataHeaderPadding() int
- func (ctxt *Context) NbChapters() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) NbPrograms() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) NbStreams() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) Oformat() *OutputFormat
- func (ctxt *Context) OutputTsOffset() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) PacketSize() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) Pb() *AvIOContext
- func (ctxt *Context) ProbeScore() int
- func (ctxt *Context) Probesize() uint
- func (ctxt *Context) Probesize2() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) Programs() **AvProgram
- func (ctxt *Context) Seek2any() int
- func (ctxt *Context) SetInterruptCallback() *int
- func (ctxt *Context) SetPb(ctxAvIO *AvIOContext)
- func (ctxt *Context) SkipInitialBytes() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) StartTime() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) StartTimeRealtime() int64
- func (ctxt *Context) Streams() []*Stream
- func (ctxt *Context) StrictStdCompliance() int
- func (ctxt *Context) SubtitleCodec() *AvCodec
- func (ctxt *Context) SubtitleCodecId() CodecId
- func (ctxt *Context) TsId() int
- func (ctxt *Context) UseWallclockAsTimestamps() int
- func (ctxt *Context) VideoCodec() *AvCodec
- func (ctxt *Context) VideoCodecId() CodecId
- type FFFrac
- type File
- type Frame
- type InputFormat
- type MediaType
- type OutputFormat
- type Packet
- type Stream
- func (avs *Stream) AttachedPic() Packet
- func (s *Stream) AvStreamGetEndPts() int64
- func (s *Stream) AvStreamGetParser() *CodecParserContext
- func (s *Stream) AvStreamGetRFrameRate() avutil.Rational
- func (s *Stream) AvStreamGetSideData(t AvPacketSideDataType, z int) *uint8
- func (avs *Stream) AvgFrameRate() avutil.Rational
- func (avs *Stream) Codec() *CodecContext
- func (avs *Stream) CodecInfoNbFrames() int
- func (avs *Stream) CodecParameters() *avcodec.CodecParameters
- func (avs *Stream) CurDts() int64
- func (avs *Stream) Discard() AvDiscard
- func (avs *Stream) Disposition() int
- func (avs *Stream) Duration() int64
- func (avs *Stream) EventFlags() int
- func (avs *Stream) FirstDts() int64
- func (avs *Stream) Id() int
- func (avs *Stream) Index() int
- func (avs *Stream) IndexEntries() *AvIndexEntry
- func (avs *Stream) IndexEntriesAllocatedSize() uint
- func (avs *Stream) LastIpDuration() int
- func (avs *Stream) LastIpPts() int64
- func (avs *Stream) Metadata() *avutil.Dictionary
- func (avs *Stream) NbFrames() int64
- func (avs *Stream) NbIndexEntries() int
- func (avs *Stream) NbSideData() int
- func (avs *Stream) NeedParsing() AvStreamParseType
- func (avs *Stream) Parser() *CodecParserContext
- func (avs *Stream) ProbePackets() int
- func (avs *Stream) RFrameRate() avutil.Rational
- func (avs *Stream) SampleAspectRatio() avutil.Rational
- func (avs *Stream) SetTimeBase(r avutil.Rational)
- func (avs *Stream) SideData() *AvPacketSideData
- func (avs *Stream) StartTime() int64
- func (avs *Stream) StreamIdentifier() int
- func (avs *Stream) TimeBase() avutil.Rational
Constants ¶
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AvAddIndexEntry ¶
Add an index entry into a sorted list.
func AvCodecGetTag ¶
func AvCodecGetTag(t **AvCodecTag, id CodecId) uint
Get the codec tag for the given codec id id.
func AvCodecGetTag2 ¶
func AvCodecGetTag2(t **AvCodecTag, id CodecId, tag *uint) int
Get the codec tag for the given codec id.
func AvFilenameNumberTest ¶
Check whether filename actually is a numbered sequence generator.
func AvFindBestStream ¶
Find the "best" stream in the file.
func AvGetFrameFilename ¶
int av_get_frame_filename (char *buf, int buf_size, const char *path, int number) Return in 'buf' the path with 'd' replaced by a number.
func AvHexDumpLog ¶
Send a nice hexadecimal dump of a buffer to the log.
func AvIOClosep ¶
func AvIOClosep(pb **AvIOContext) int
Close the resource accessed by the AVIOContext *s, free it and set the pointer pointing to it to NULL.
func AvIOOpen ¶
func AvIOOpen(pb **AvIOContext, fi string, flags int) int
Create and initialize a AVIOContext for accessing the resource indicated by url.
func AvIndexSearchTimestamp ¶
Get the index for a specific timestamp.
func AvMatchExt ¶
int av_match_ext (const char *filename, const char *extensions) Return a positive value if the given filename has one of the given extensions, 0 otherwise.
func AvPktDump2 ¶
Send a nice dump of a packet to the specified file stream.
func AvPktDumpLog2 ¶
Send a nice dump of a packet to the log.
func AvProbeInputBuffer ¶
func AvProbeInputBuffer(pb *AvIOContext, f **InputFormat, fi string, l int, o, m uint) int
Like av_probe_input_buffer2() but returns 0 on success.
func AvProbeInputBuffer2 ¶
func AvProbeInputBuffer2(pb *AvIOContext, f **InputFormat, fi string, l int, o, m uint) int
Probe a bytestream to determine the input format.
func AvSdpCreate ¶
Generate an SDP for an RTP session.
func AvUrlSplit ¶
func AvUrlSplit(p string, ps int, a string, as int, h string, hs int, pp *int, path string, psize int, url string)
Split a URL string into components.
func AvformatAllocOutputContext2 ¶
func AvformatAllocOutputContext2(ctx **Context, o *OutputFormat, fo, fi string) int
Allocate an Context for an output format.
func AvformatConfiguration ¶
func AvformatConfiguration() string
Return the libavformat build-time configuration.
func AvformatNetworkDeinit ¶
func AvformatNetworkDeinit() int
Undo the initialization done by avformat_network_init.
func AvformatNetworkInit ¶
func AvformatNetworkInit() int
Do global initialization of network components.
func AvformatOpenInput ¶
func AvformatOpenInput(ps **Context, fi string, fmt *InputFormat, d **avutil.Dictionary) int
Open an input stream and read the header.
func AvformatQueryCodec ¶
func AvformatQueryCodec(o *OutputFormat, cd CodecId, sc int) int
Test if the given container can store a codec.
Types ¶
type AvChapter ¶
type AvChapter C.struct_AVChapter
type AvCodec ¶
type AvCodec C.struct_AVCodec
type AvCodecTag ¶
type AvCodecTag C.struct_AVCodecTag
func AvformatGetMovAudioTags ¶
func AvformatGetMovAudioTags() *AvCodecTag
func AvformatGetMovVideoTags ¶
func AvformatGetMovVideoTags() *AvCodecTag
func AvformatGetRiffAudioTags ¶
func AvformatGetRiffAudioTags() *AvCodecTag
struct AvCodecTag * avformat_get_riff_audio_tags (void)
func AvformatGetRiffVideoTags ¶
func AvformatGetRiffVideoTags() *AvCodecTag
type AvDiscard ¶
type AvDiscard C.enum_AVDiscard
type AvDurationEstimationMethod ¶
type AvDurationEstimationMethod C.enum_AVDurationEstimationMethod
type AvFormatInternal ¶
type AvFormatInternal C.struct_AVFormatInternal
type AvIOContext ¶
type AvIOContext C.struct_AVIOContext
func (*AvIOContext) AvAppendPacket ¶
func (ctxt *AvIOContext) AvAppendPacket(pkt *Packet, s int) int
Read data and append it to the current content of the Packet.
func (*AvIOContext) AvGetPacket ¶
func (ctxt *AvIOContext) AvGetPacket(pkt *Packet, s int) int
Allocate and read the payload of a packet and initialize its fields with default values.
type AvIOInterruptCB ¶
type AvIOInterruptCB C.struct_AVIOInterruptCB
type AvIndexEntry ¶
type AvIndexEntry C.struct_AVIndexEntry
type AvPacketList ¶
type AvPacketList C.struct_AVPacketList
type AvPacketSideData ¶
type AvPacketSideData C.struct_AVPacketSideData
type AvPacketSideDataType ¶
type AvPacketSideDataType C.enum_AVPacketSideDataType
type AvProbeData ¶
type AvProbeData C.struct_AVProbeData
type AvProgram ¶
type AvProgram C.struct_AVProgram
type AvStreamParseType ¶
type AvStreamParseType C.enum_AVStreamParseType
type Class ¶
type Class C.struct_AVClass
type CodecContext ¶
type CodecContext C.struct_AVCodecContext
func (*CodecContext) GetCodecId ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) GetCodecId() CodecId
func (*CodecContext) GetCodecType ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) GetCodecType() MediaType
func (*CodecContext) GetExtraData ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetExtraData() []byte
func (*CodecContext) GetFlags ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetFlags() int
func (*CodecContext) GetHeight ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetHeight() int
func (*CodecContext) GetMaxQDiff ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetMaxQDiff() int
func (*CodecContext) GetMeRange ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetMeRange() int
func (*CodecContext) GetQCompress ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetQCompress() float32
func (*CodecContext) GetQMax ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetQMax() int
func (*CodecContext) GetQMin ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetQMin() int
func (*CodecContext) GetTimeBase ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) GetTimeBase() avutil.Rational
func (*CodecContext) GetWidth ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) GetWidth() int
func (*CodecContext) Release ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) Release()
func (*CodecContext) SetBitRate ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetBitRate(br int64)
func (*CodecContext) SetCodecId ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetCodecId(codecId CodecId)
func (*CodecContext) SetCodecType ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetCodecType(ctype MediaType)
func (*CodecContext) SetExtraData ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetExtraData(data []byte)
func (*CodecContext) SetFlags ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetFlags(flags int)
func (*CodecContext) SetHeight ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetHeight(h int)
func (*CodecContext) SetMaxQDiff ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetMaxQDiff(v int)
func (*CodecContext) SetMeRange ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetMeRange(r int)
func (*CodecContext) SetQCompress ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetQCompress(v float32)
func (*CodecContext) SetQMax ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetQMax(v int)
func (*CodecContext) SetQMin ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetQMin(v int)
func (*CodecContext) SetTimeBase ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) SetTimeBase(timeBase avutil.Rational)
func (*CodecContext) SetWidth ¶
func (cctx *CodecContext) SetWidth(w int)
func (*CodecContext) Type ¶
func (cctxt *CodecContext) Type() MediaType
type CodecId ¶
type CodecId C.enum_AVCodecID
func AvCodecGetId ¶
func AvCodecGetId(t **AvCodecTag, tag uint) CodecId
enum CodecId av_codec_get_id (const struct AvCodecTag *const *tags, unsigned int tag) Get the CodecId for the given codec tag tag.
func AvGuessCodec ¶
func AvGuessCodec(fmt *OutputFormat, sn, f, mt string, t MediaType) CodecId
Guess the codec ID based upon muxer and filename.
type CodecParserContext ¶
type CodecParserContext C.struct_AVCodecParserContext
type Context ¶
type Context C.struct_AVFormatContext
func (*Context) AudioCodec ¶
func (*Context) AudioCodecId ¶
func (*Context) AudioPreload ¶
func (*Context) AvDumpFormat ¶
Print detailed information about the input or output format, such as duration, bitrate, streams, container, programs, metadata, side data, codec and time base.
func (*Context) AvFindDefaultStreamIndex ¶
func (*Context) AvFindProgramFromStream ¶
Find the programs which belong to a given stream.
func (*Context) AvFmtCtxGetDurationEstimationMethod ¶
func (s *Context) AvFmtCtxGetDurationEstimationMethod() AvDurationEstimationMethod
Returns the method used to set ctx->duration.
func (*Context) AvFormatGetAudioCodec ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatGetMetadataHeaderPadding ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatGetOpaque ¶
func (s *Context) AvFormatGetOpaque()
func (*Context) AvFormatGetProbeScore ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatGetSubtitleCodec ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatGetVideoCodec ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatInjectGlobalSideData ¶
func (s *Context) AvFormatInjectGlobalSideData()
This function will cause global side data to be injected in the next packet of each stream as well as after any subsequent seek.
func (*Context) AvFormatSetAudioCodec ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatSetMetadataHeaderPadding ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatSetOpaque ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatSetSubtitleCodec ¶
func (*Context) AvFormatSetVideoCodec ¶
func (*Context) AvGetOutputTimestamp ¶
Get timing information for the data currently output.
func (*Context) AvGuessFrameRate ¶
Guess the frame rate, based on both the container and codec information.
func (*Context) AvGuessSampleAspectRatio ¶
Guess the sample aspect ratio of a frame, based on both the stream and the frame aspect ratio.
func (*Context) AvInterleavedWriteFrame ¶
Write a packet to an output media file ensuring correct interleaving.
func (*Context) AvInterleavedWriteUncodedFrame ¶
Write a uncoded frame to an output media file.
func (*Context) AvNewProgram ¶
func (*Context) AvReadFrame ¶
Return the next frame of a stream.
func (*Context) AvReadPause ¶
Pause a network-based stream (e.g.
func (*Context) AvReadPlay ¶
Start playing a network-based stream (e.g.
func (*Context) AvSeekFrame ¶
Seek to the keyframe at timestamp.
func (*Context) AvWriteFrame ¶
Write a packet to an output media file.
func (*Context) AvWriteTrailer ¶
Write the stream trailer to an output media file and free the file private data.
func (*Context) AvWriteUncodedFrame ¶
Write a uncoded frame to an output media file.
func (*Context) AvWriteUncodedFrameQuery ¶
Test whether a muxer supports uncoded frame.
func (*Context) AvformatFindStreamInfo ¶
func (s *Context) AvformatFindStreamInfo(d **avutil.Dictionary) int
Read packets of a media file to get stream information.
func (*Context) AvformatFlush ¶
Discard all internally buffered data.
func (*Context) AvformatFreeContext ¶
func (s *Context) AvformatFreeContext()
Free an Context and all its streams.
func (*Context) AvformatMatchStreamSpecifier ¶
Check if the stream st contained in s is matched by the stream specifier spec.
func (*Context) AvformatNewStream ¶
Add a new stream to a media file.
func (*Context) AvformatQueueAttachedPictures ¶
func (*Context) AvformatSeekFile ¶
Seek to timestamp ts.
func (*Context) AvformatWriteHeader ¶
func (s *Context) AvformatWriteHeader(o **avutil.Dictionary) int
Allocate the stream private data and write the stream header to an output media file.
func (*Context) AvoidNegativeTs ¶
func (*Context) CorrectTsOverflow ¶
func (*Context) DurationEstimationMethod ¶
func (ctxt *Context) DurationEstimationMethod() AvDurationEstimationMethod
func (*Context) ErrorRecognition ¶
func (*Context) EventFlags ¶
func (*Context) FlushPackets ¶
func (*Context) FormatProbesize ¶
func (*Context) FpsProbeSize ¶
func (*Context) Iformat ¶
func (ctxt *Context) Iformat() *InputFormat
func (*Context) Internal ¶
func (ctxt *Context) Internal() *AvFormatInternal
func (*Context) InterruptCallback ¶
func (ctxt *Context) InterruptCallback() AvIOInterruptCB
func (*Context) IoRepositioned ¶
func (*Context) MaxAnalyzeDuration2 ¶
func (*Context) MaxChunkDuration ¶
func (*Context) MaxChunkSize ¶
func (*Context) MaxIndexSize ¶
func (*Context) MaxInterleaveDelta ¶
func (*Context) MaxPictureBuffer ¶
func (*Context) MaxTsProbe ¶
func (*Context) Metadata ¶
func (ctxt *Context) Metadata() *avutil.Dictionary
func (*Context) MetadataHeaderPadding ¶
func (*Context) NbChapters ¶
func (*Context) NbPrograms ¶
func (*Context) Oformat ¶
func (ctxt *Context) Oformat() *OutputFormat
func (*Context) OutputTsOffset ¶
func (*Context) PacketSize ¶
func (*Context) Pb ¶
func (ctxt *Context) Pb() *AvIOContext
func (*Context) ProbeScore ¶
func (*Context) Probesize2 ¶
func (*Context) SetInterruptCallback ¶
func (*Context) SetPb ¶
func (ctxt *Context) SetPb(ctxAvIO *AvIOContext)
func (*Context) SkipInitialBytes ¶
func (*Context) StartTimeRealtime ¶
func (*Context) StrictStdCompliance ¶
func (*Context) SubtitleCodec ¶
func (*Context) SubtitleCodecId ¶
func (*Context) UseWallclockAsTimestamps ¶
func (*Context) VideoCodec ¶
func (*Context) VideoCodecId ¶
type FFFrac ¶
type FFFrac C.struct_FFFrac
type Frame ¶
type Frame C.struct_AVFrame
type InputFormat ¶
type InputFormat C.struct_AVInputFormat
func AvFindInputFormat ¶
func AvFindInputFormat(s string) *InputFormat
Find InputFormat based on the short name of the input format.
func AvProbeInputFormat ¶
func AvProbeInputFormat(pd *AvProbeData, i int) *InputFormat
Guess the file format.
func AvProbeInputFormat2 ¶
func AvProbeInputFormat2(pd *AvProbeData, o int, sm *int) *InputFormat
Guess the file format.
func AvProbeInputFormat3 ¶
func AvProbeInputFormat3(pd *AvProbeData, o int, sl *int) *InputFormat
Guess the file format.
func (*InputFormat) AvIformatNext ¶
func (f *InputFormat) AvIformatNext() *InputFormat
If f is NULL, returns the first registered input format, if f is non-NULL, returns the next registered input format after f or NULL if f is the last one.
func (*InputFormat) AvRegisterInputFormat ¶
func (f *InputFormat) AvRegisterInputFormat()
type MediaType ¶
type MediaType C.enum_AVMediaType
type OutputFormat ¶
type OutputFormat C.struct_AVOutputFormat
func AvGuessFormat ¶
func AvGuessFormat(sn, f, mt string) *OutputFormat
Return the output format in the list of registered output formats which best matches the provided parameters, or return NULL if there is no match.
func (*OutputFormat) AvOformatNext ¶
func (f *OutputFormat) AvOformatNext() *OutputFormat
If f is NULL, returns the first registered output format, if f is non-NULL, returns the next registered output format after f or NULL if f is the last one.
func (*OutputFormat) AvRegisterOutputFormat ¶
func (f *OutputFormat) AvRegisterOutputFormat()
func (*OutputFormat) Flags ¶
func (f *OutputFormat) Flags() int
type Packet ¶
type Packet C.struct_AVPacket
type Stream ¶
type Stream C.struct_AVStream
func (*Stream) AttachedPic ¶
func (*Stream) AvStreamGetEndPts ¶
int64_t av_stream_get_end_pts (const Stream *st) Returns the pts of the last muxed packet + its duration.
func (*Stream) AvStreamGetParser ¶
func (s *Stream) AvStreamGetParser() *CodecParserContext
struct CodecParserContext * av_stream_get_parser (const Stream *s)
func (*Stream) AvStreamGetRFrameRate ¶
Rational av_stream_get_r_frame_rate (const Stream *s)
func (*Stream) AvStreamGetSideData ¶
func (s *Stream) AvStreamGetSideData(t AvPacketSideDataType, z int) *uint8
Get side information from stream.
func (*Stream) AvgFrameRate ¶
func (*Stream) Codec ¶
func (avs *Stream) Codec() *CodecContext
func (*Stream) CodecInfoNbFrames ¶
func (*Stream) CodecParameters ¶
func (avs *Stream) CodecParameters() *avcodec.CodecParameters
func (*Stream) Disposition ¶
func (*Stream) EventFlags ¶
func (*Stream) IndexEntries ¶
func (avs *Stream) IndexEntries() *AvIndexEntry
func (*Stream) IndexEntriesAllocatedSize ¶
func (*Stream) LastIpDuration ¶
func (*Stream) Metadata ¶
func (avs *Stream) Metadata() *avutil.Dictionary
func (*Stream) NbIndexEntries ¶
func (*Stream) NbSideData ¶
func (*Stream) NeedParsing ¶
func (avs *Stream) NeedParsing() AvStreamParseType
func (*Stream) Parser ¶
func (avs *Stream) Parser() *CodecParserContext
func (*Stream) ProbePackets ¶
func (*Stream) RFrameRate ¶
func (*Stream) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (*Stream) SetTimeBase ¶
func (*Stream) SideData ¶
func (avs *Stream) SideData() *AvPacketSideData