webfiles is a simple file server with some fun features.
Dependencies are vendored with dep
. Travis
CI configuration is included.
- Upload a file via POST, returning a JSON response including the file's unique
identifier, and a JWT access token.
- Download a file via the file's unique identifier.
- User authentication is handled with JWT tokens.
- Tokens are generated automatically if one is not provided.
- A persistent server-side store is used to keep sessions valid between restarts of webfiles.
- Tokens may be provided by any of: (1) URL query such as
?jwt={the token}
(2) HTTP Authorization (Bearer) header, or (3) a cookie named "jwt". They are
valid only if they were signed by the server.
- User to file association is managed with a Bolt DB.
- Includes a script, relaunch.sh, that works well with webhooks to pull changes
from git, build, and restart webfiles.
- A basic HTML page with a file selection dialog for uploading.
- Shows your current JWT token, which can be used to identify yourself.
- The file upload path, POST only. Response is JSON including file's
UID and the user's current JWT.
- Shows all files associated with you in a JSON array of file
UIDs. User authentication via JWT.
- The file download path. Requires user authorization.
Instead of uploading from your web browser, which has no progress indicator presently, you can use curl
as follows:
curl https://deploy.site.you/upload -F "fileupload=@UX490UAR-AS.302"
The response:
"file": {
"uid": "4b361b653e78c342",
"file_name": "UX490UAR-AS.302",
"file_size": 6488064
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NTk2Mzc2NzIsImlhdCI6MTUyODEwMTY3MiwidXNlciI6IjU3NUhNMjVXSjZLWUVESDI1R0E1M0NGVk41SVJGVlNLUkU0MzJFMjRDUERVT05CR1NKR0EifQ.K6AjhrnT0sJay9NyrQvCKvjnhrk9Hanic-86EtknetA"
The "uid"
field is used with the /file/{fileid}
endpoint to download the
file. The "token"
field contains the JWT associated to the user at time of
upload. This token is required to download the file.
- Go 1.9.x or 1.10.x.
- git, internet, the usual.
Build from Source
The following instructions assume a Unix-like shell (e.g. bash).
Install Go
Verify Go installation:
Ensure $GOPATH/bin
is on your $PATH
Install dep
, the dependency management tool.
go get -u -v github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
Clone the repository. It must be cloned into the following directory.
git clone https://github.com/chappjc/webfiles $GOPATH/src/github.com/chappjc/webfiles
Fetch dependencies, and build the webfiles
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/chappjc/webfiles
dep ensure
# install all executables
go install ./cmd/...
# or build the webfiles executable in the workspace
cd cmd/webfiles
go build