package dcrpg
The dcrpg
package provides types and functions for manipulating PostgreSQL tables, and storing blocks, transactions, inputs, and outputs.
Performance and Bulk Loading
When performing a bulk data import, it is wise to first drop any existing indexes and create them again after insertion is completed. Functions are provided to create and drop the indexes.
PostgreSQL performance will be poor, particuarly during bulk import, unless synchronous transaction commits are disabled via the synchronous_commit = off
configuration setting in your postgresql.conf. There are numerous PostreSQL tuning settings, but a quick suggestion for your system can be provided by PgTune. During initial table population, it is also OK to turn off autovacuum, full page writes, and possibly fsync. Remember to change settings back to production ready values.
Index ¶
- func Connect(host, port, user, pass, dbname string) (*sql.DB, error)
- func CreateTable(db *sql.DB, tableName string) error
- func CreateTables(db *sql.DB) error
- func CreateTypes(db *sql.DB) error
- func DeindexAddressTableOnAddress(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexAddressTableOnTxHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexAddressTableOnVoutID(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexBlockTableOnHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexMissesTableOnHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexTicketsTableOnHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexTicketsTableOnTxDbID(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexTransactionTableOnBlockIn(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexTransactionTableOnHashes(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexVinTableOnPrevOuts(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexVinTableOnVins(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexVotesTableOnCandidate(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexVotesTableOnHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexVotesTableOnVoteVersion(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeindexVoutTableOnTxHashIdx(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func DeleteDuplicateMisses(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)
- func DeleteDuplicateTickets(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)
- func DeleteDuplicateTxns(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)
- func DeleteDuplicateVins(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)
- func DeleteDuplicateVotes(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)
- func DeleteDuplicateVouts(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)
- func DisableLog()
- func DropTables(db *sql.DB)
- func ExistsIndex(db *sql.DB, indexName string) (exists bool, err error)
- func IndexAddressTableOnAddress(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexAddressTableOnTxHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexAddressTableOnVoutID(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexBlockTableOnHash(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexMissesTableOnHashes(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexTicketsTableOnHashes(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexTicketsTableOnTxDbID(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexTransactionTableOnBlockIn(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexTransactionTableOnHashes(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexVinTableOnPrevOuts(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexVinTableOnVins(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexVotesTableOnCandidate(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexVotesTableOnHashes(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexVotesTableOnVoteVersion(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func IndexVoutTableOnTxHashIdx(db *sql.DB) (err error)
- func InsertAddressOut(db *sql.DB, dbA *dbtypes.AddressRow, dupCheck bool) (uint64, error)
- func InsertAddressOuts(db *sql.DB, dbAs []*dbtypes.AddressRow, dupCheck bool) ([]uint64, error)
- func InsertBlock(db *sql.DB, dbBlock *dbtypes.Block, isValid, checked bool) (uint64, error)
- func InsertBlockPrevNext(db *sql.DB, blockDbID uint64, hash, prev, next string) error
- func InsertTickets(db *sql.DB, dbTxns []*dbtypes.Tx, txDbIDs []uint64, checked bool) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.Tx, error)
- func InsertTx(db *sql.DB, dbTx *dbtypes.Tx, checked bool) (uint64, error)
- func InsertTxns(db *sql.DB, dbTxns []*dbtypes.Tx, checked bool) ([]uint64, error)
- func InsertVin(db *sql.DB, dbVin dbtypes.VinTxProperty, checked bool) (id uint64, err error)
- func InsertVins(db *sql.DB, dbVins dbtypes.VinTxPropertyARRAY, checked bool) ([]uint64, error)
- func InsertVotes(db *sql.DB, dbTxns []*dbtypes.Tx, _ []uint64, fTx *TicketTxnIDGetter, ...) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.Tx, []string, []uint64, map[string]uint64, error)
- func InsertVout(db *sql.DB, dbVout *dbtypes.Vout, checked bool) (uint64, error)
- func InsertVouts(db *sql.DB, dbVouts []*dbtypes.Vout, checked bool) ([]uint64, []dbtypes.AddressRow, error)
- func IsUniqueIndex(db *sql.DB, indexName string) (isUnique bool, err error)
- func RetrieveAddressCreditTxns(db *sql.DB, address string, N, offset int64) (ids []uint64, addressRows []*dbtypes.AddressRow, err error)
- func RetrieveAddressDebitTxns(db *sql.DB, address string, N, offset int64) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.AddressRow, error)
- func RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint(db *sql.DB, txHash string, voutIndex uint32) ([]uint64, []string, int64, error)
- func RetrieveAddressRecvCount(db *sql.DB, address string) (count int64, err error)
- func RetrieveAddressSpent(db *sql.DB, address string) (count, totalAmount int64, err error)
- func RetrieveAddressSpentUnspent(db *sql.DB, address string) (numSpent, numUnspent, totalSpent, totalUnspent int64, err error)
- func RetrieveAddressTxnOutputWithTransaction(db *sql.DB, address string, currentBlockHeight int64) ([]apitypes.AddressTxnOutput, error)
- func RetrieveAddressTxns(db *sql.DB, address string, N, offset int64) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.AddressRow, error)
- func RetrieveAddressTxnsAlt(db *sql.DB, address string, N, offset int64) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.AddressRow, error)
- func RetrieveAddressTxnsByFundingTx(db *sql.DB, fundTxHash string, addresses []string) (aSpendByFunHash []*apitypes.AddressSpendByFunHash, err error)
- func RetrieveAddressTxnsOrdered(db *sql.DB, addresses []string, recentBlockHeight int64) (txs []string, recenttxs []string)
- func RetrieveAddressUnspent(db *sql.DB, address string) (count, totalAmount int64, err error)
- func RetrieveAllAddressTxns(db *sql.DB, address string) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.AddressRow, error)
- func RetrieveAllRevokesDbIDHashHeight(db *sql.DB) (ids []uint64, hashes []string, heights []int64, vinDbIDs []uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveAllVinDbIDs(db *sql.DB) (vinDbIDs []uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveAllVotesDbIDsHeightsTicketDbIDs(db *sql.DB) (ids []uint64, heights []int64, ticketDbIDs []uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveBestBlockHeight(db *sql.DB) (height uint64, hash string, id uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveBlockChainDbID(db *sql.DB, hash string) (dbID uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveBlockHash(db *sql.DB, idx int64) (hash string, err error)
- func RetrieveBlockHeight(db *sql.DB, hash string) (height int64, err error)
- func RetrieveBlockSummaryByTimeRange(db *sql.DB, minTime, maxTime int64, limit int) ([]dbtypes.BlockDataBasic, error)
- func RetrieveBlockVoteCount(db *sql.DB, hash string) (numVotes int16, err error)
- func RetrieveDbTxByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, dbTx *dbtypes.Tx, err error)
- func RetrieveFullTxByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, blockHash string, blockHeight int64, blockTime int64, time int64, ...)
- func RetrieveFundingOutpointByTxIn(db *sql.DB, txHash string, vinIndex uint32) (id uint64, tx string, index uint32, tree int8, err error)
- func RetrieveFundingOutpointByVinID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64) (tx string, index uint32, tree int8, err error)
- func RetrieveFundingTxByTxIn(db *sql.DB, txHash string, vinIndex uint32) (id uint64, tx string, err error)
- func RetrieveFundingTxByVinDbID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64) (tx string, err error)
- func RetrieveFundingTxsByTx(db *sql.DB, txHash string) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.Tx, error)
- func RetrieveMissedVotesInBlock(db *sql.DB, blockHash string) (ticketHashes []string, err error)
- func RetrievePkScriptByID(db *sql.DB, id uint64) (pkScript []byte, err error)
- func RetrieveRegularTxByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, blockHash string, blockInd uint32, err error)
- func RetrieveSpendingTxByTxOut(db *sql.DB, txHash string, voutIndex uint32) (id uint64, tx string, vin uint32, tree int8, err error)
- func RetrieveSpendingTxByVinID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64) (tx string, voutIndex uint32, tree int8, err error)
- func RetrieveSpendingTxsByFundingTx(db *sql.DB, fundingTxID string) (dbIDs []uint64, txns []string, vinInds []uint32, voutInds []uint32, err error)
- func RetrieveStakeTxByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, blockHash string, blockInd uint32, err error)
- func RetrieveTicketIDByHash(db *sql.DB, ticketHash string) (id uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveTicketIDHeightByHash(db *sql.DB, ticketHash string) (id uint64, blockHeight int64, err error)
- func RetrieveTicketIDsByHashes(db *sql.DB, ticketHashes []string) (ids []uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveTicketStatusByHash(db *sql.DB, ticketHash string) (id uint64, spend_status dbtypes.TicketSpendType, ...)
- func RetrieveTxByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, blockHash string, blockInd uint32, tree int8, err error)
- func RetrieveTxIDHeightByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, blockHeight int64, err error)
- func RetrieveTxsByBlockHash(db *sql.DB, blockHash string) (ids []uint64, txs []string, blockInds []uint32, trees []int8, err error)
- func RetrieveUnspentTickets(db *sql.DB) (ids []uint64, hashes []string, err error)
- func RetrieveVinByID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64) (prevOutHash string, prevOutVoutInd uint32, prevOutTree int8, txHash string, ...)
- func RetrieveVoutIDByOutpoint(db *sql.DB, txHash string, voutIndex uint32) (id uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveVoutValue(db *sql.DB, txHash string, voutIndex uint32) (value uint64, err error)
- func RetrieveVoutValues(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (values []uint64, txInds []uint32, txTrees []int8, err error)
- func SetPoolStatusForTickets(db *sql.DB, ticketDbIDs []uint64, poolStatuses []dbtypes.TicketPoolStatus) (int64, error)
- func SetPoolStatusForTicketsByHash(db *sql.DB, tickets []string, poolStatuses []dbtypes.TicketPoolStatus) (int64, error)
- func SetSpendingByVinID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64, spendingTxDbID uint64, spendingTxHash string, ...) (int64, error)
- func SetSpendingForAddressDbID(db *sql.DB, addrDbID uint64, spendingTxDbID uint64, spendingTxHash string, ...) error
- func SetSpendingForFundingOP(db *sql.DB, fundingTxHash string, fundingTxVoutIndex uint32, ...) (int64, error)
- func SetSpendingForTickets(db *sql.DB, ticketDbIDs, spendDbIDs []uint64, blockHeights []int64, ...) (int64, error)
- func SetSpendingForVinDbID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64) (int64, error)
- func SetSpendingForVinDbIDs(db *sql.DB, vinDbIDs []uint64) ([]int64, int64, error)
- func TableExists(db *sql.DB, tableName string) (bool, error)
- func TableVersionCompatible(required, actual TableVersion) string
- func TableVersions(db *sql.DB) map[string]TableVersion
- func TypeExists(db *sql.DB, tableName string) (bool, error)
- func UpdateBlockNext(db *sql.DB, blockDbID uint64, next string) error
- func UpdateLastBlock(db *sql.DB, blockDbID uint64, isValid bool) error
- func UseLogger(logger slog.Logger)
- type ChainDB
- func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressHistory(address string, N, offset int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) ([]*dbtypes.AddressRow, *explorer.AddressBalance, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressHistoryAll(address string, N, offset int64) ([]*dbtypes.AddressRow, *explorer.AddressBalance, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTotals(address string) (*apitypes.AddressTotals, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTransactionDetails(addr string, count, skip int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) (*apitypes.Address, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTransactionRawDetails(addr string, count, skip int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) ([]*apitypes.AddressTxRaw, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTransactions(address string, N, offset int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) (addressRows []*dbtypes.AddressRow, err error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) BlockMissedVotes(blockHash string) ([]string, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) BlockTransactions(blockHash string) ([]string, []uint32, []int8, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) Close() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) CollectTicketSpendDBInfo(dbTxns []*dbtypes.Tx, txDbIDs []uint64, msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock) (spendingTxDbIDs []uint64, spendTypes []dbtypes.TicketSpendType, ...)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeindexAddressTable() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeindexAll() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeindexTicketsTable() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateMisses() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateTickets() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateTxns() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateVins() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateVotes() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateVouts() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicates() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DeleteDuplicatesRecovery() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DevBalance() (*explorer.AddressBalance, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) DropTables()
- func (pgb *ChainDB) EnableDuplicateCheckOnInsert(dupCheck bool)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) ExistsIndexAddressesVoutIDAddress() (bool, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) ExistsIndexVinOnVins() (bool, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) ExistsIndexVoutOnTxHashIdx() (bool, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) FillAddressTransactions(addrInfo *explorer.AddressInfo) error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetAddressBalance(address string, N, offset int64) *explorer.AddressBalance
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetAddressSpendByFunHash(addresses []string, fundHash string) []*apitypes.AddressSpendByFunHash
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetAddressUTXO(address string) []apitypes.AddressTxnOutput
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetBlockHash(idx int64) (string, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetBlockHeight(hash string) (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetBlockSummaryTimeRange(min, max int64, limit int) []dbtypes.BlockDataBasic
- func (pgb *ChainDB) GetHeight() int
- func (pgb *ChainDB) HashDB() (string, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) Height() uint64
- func (pgb *ChainDB) HeightDB() (uint64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) IndexAddressTable() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) IndexAll() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) IndexTicketsTable() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) InsightPgGetAddressTransactions(addr []string, recentBlockHeight int64) ([]string, []string)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) PoolStatusForTicket(txid string) (dbtypes.TicketSpendType, dbtypes.TicketPoolStatus, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint(txHash string, voutIndex uint32) ([]uint64, []string, int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) RetrieveAddressSpentUnspent(address string) (int64, int64, int64, int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) SetupTables() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) SpendingTransaction(fundingTxID string, fundingTxVout uint32) (string, uint32, int8, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) SpendingTransactions(fundingTxID string) ([]string, []uint32, []uint32, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) Store(blockData *blockdata.BlockData, msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock) error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) StoreBlock(msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock, winningTickets []string, ...) (numVins int64, numVouts int64, err error)
- func (db *ChainDB) SyncChainDB(client rpcutils.MasterBlockGetter, quit chan struct{}, ...) (int64, error)
- func (db *ChainDB) SyncChainDBAsync(res chan dbtypes.SyncResult, client rpcutils.MasterBlockGetter, ...)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) TransactionBlock(txID string) (string, uint32, int8, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) UpdateDevBalance() (bool, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) UpdateSpendingInfoInAllAddresses() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) UpdateSpendingInfoInAllTickets() (int64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) UseStakeDB(stakeDB *stakedb.StakeDatabase)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) VersionCheck() error
- func (pgb *ChainDB) VotesInBlock(hash string) (int16, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) VoutValue(txID string, vout uint32) (uint64, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDB) VoutValues(txID string) ([]uint64, []uint32, []int8, error)
- type ChainDBRPC
- func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetBlockVerboseByHash(hash string, verboseTx bool) *dcrjson.GetBlockVerboseResult
- func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetRawTransaction(txid string) (*dcrjson.TxRawResult, error)
- func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetTransactionHex(txid string) string
- func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetTransactionsForBlockByHash(hash string) *apitypes.BlockTransactions
- func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) InsightGetAddressTransactions(addr string, count, skip int) []*dcrjson.SearchRawTransactionsResult
- func (db *ChainDBRPC) SendRawTransaction(txhex string) (string, error)
- type DBInfo
- type DevFundBalance
- type MsgBlockPG
- type TableUpgrade
- type TableVersion
- type TicketTxnIDGetter
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Connect ¶
Connect opens a connection to a PostgreSQL database. The caller is responsible for calling Close() on the returned db when finished using it. The input host may be an IP address for TCP connection, or an absolute path to a UNIX domain socket. An empty string should be provided for UNIX sockets.
func CreateTable ¶
CreateTable creates one of the known tables by name
func CreateTables ¶
func CreateTypes ¶
func DeindexBlockTableOnHash ¶
func DeindexVinTableOnVins ¶
func DeindexVotesTableOnHash ¶
func DeleteDuplicateMisses ¶
DeleteDuplicateMisses deletes rows in misses with duplicate tx-block hashes, leaving the one row with the lowest id.
func DeleteDuplicateTickets ¶
DeleteDuplicateTickets deletes rows in tickets with duplicate tx-block hashes, leaving the one row with the lowest id.
func DeleteDuplicateTxns ¶
DeleteDuplicateTxns deletes rows in transactions with duplicate tx-block hashes, leaving the one row with the lowest id.
func DeleteDuplicateVins ¶
DeleteDuplicateVins deletes rows in vin with duplicate tx information, leaving the one row with the lowest id.
func DeleteDuplicateVotes ¶
DeleteDuplicateVotes deletes rows in votes with duplicate tx-block hashes, leaving the one row with the lowest id.
func DeleteDuplicateVouts ¶
DeleteDuplicateVouts deletes rows in vouts with duplicate tx information, leaving the one row with the lowest id.
func DisableLog ¶
func DisableLog()
DisableLog disables all library log output. Logging output is disabled by default until UseLogger is called.
func DropTables ¶
func IndexBlockTableOnHash ¶
func IndexVinTableOnPrevOuts ¶
func IndexVinTableOnVins ¶
func IndexVotesTableOnHashes ¶
func InsertAddressOut ¶
InsertAddressOut inserts an AddressRow (input or output), returning the row ID in the addresses table of the inserted data.
func InsertAddressOuts ¶
func InsertBlock ¶
func InsertBlockPrevNext ¶
func InsertTickets ¶
func InsertTickets(db *sql.DB, dbTxns []*dbtypes.Tx, txDbIDs []uint64, checked bool) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.Tx, error)
InsertTickets takes a slice of *dbtypes.Tx and corresponding DB row IDs for transactions, extracts the tickets, and inserts the tickets into the database. Outputs are a slice of DB row IDs of the inserted tickets, and an error.
func InsertVins ¶
func InsertVotes ¶
func InsertVotes(db *sql.DB, dbTxns []*dbtypes.Tx, _ []uint64, fTx *TicketTxnIDGetter, msgBlock *MsgBlockPG, checked bool) ([]uint64, []*dbtypes.Tx, []string, []uint64, map[string]uint64, error)
InsertVotes takes a slice of *dbtypes.Tx, which must contain all the stake transactions in a block, extracts the votes, and inserts the votes into the database. The input MsgBlockPG contains each stake transaction's MsgTx in STransactions, and they must be in the same order as the dbtypes.Tx slice.
This function also identifies and stores missed votes using msgBlock.Validators, which lists the ticket hashes called to vote on the previous block (msgBlock.WinningTickets are the lottery winners to be mined in the next block).
Outputs are slices of DB row IDs for the votes and misses, and an error.
func InsertVouts ¶
func RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint ¶
func RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint(db *sql.DB, txHash string, voutIndex uint32) ([]uint64, []string, int64, error)
RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint fetches all address row IDs for a given outpoint (hash:index). Update Vin due to DCRD AMOUNTIN - START - DO NOT MERGE CHANGES IF DCRD FIXED
func RetrieveAddressSpent ¶
func RetrieveAddressTxns ¶
func RetrieveAddressTxnsAlt ¶
func RetrieveAddressTxnsByFundingTx ¶
func RetrieveAddressTxnsByFundingTx(db *sql.DB, fundTxHash string, addresses []string) (aSpendByFunHash []*apitypes.AddressSpendByFunHash, err error)
Retrieve all Transactions related to a set of addresses and funded by a specific transaction
func RetrieveAddressTxnsOrdered ¶
func RetrieveAddressTxnsOrdered(db *sql.DB, addresses []string, recentBlockHeight int64) (txs []string, recenttxs []string)
RetrieveAddressTxnsOrdered will get all transactions for addresses provided and return them sorted by time in descending order. It will also return a short list of recently (defined as greater than recentBlockHeight) confirmed transactions that can be used to validate mempool status.
func RetrieveAddressUnspent ¶
func RetrieveAllAddressTxns ¶
func RetrieveBestBlockHeight ¶
func RetrieveBlockChainDbID ¶
RetrieveBlockChainDbID retrieves the row id in the block_chain table of the block with the given hash, if it exists (be sure to check error against sql.ErrNoRows!).
func RetrieveBlockHash ¶
RetrieveBlockHash retrieves the hash of the block at the given height, if it exists (be sure to check error against sql.ErrNoRows!). WARNING: this returns the most recently added block at this height, but there may be others.
func RetrieveBlockHeight ¶
RetrieveBlockHeight retrieves the height of the block with the given hash, if it exists (be sure to check error against sql.ErrNoRows!).
func RetrieveBlockVoteCount ¶
RetrieveBlockVoteCount gets the number of votes mined in a block.
func RetrieveDbTxByHash ¶
func RetrieveFullTxByHash ¶
func RetrieveFullTxByHash(db *sql.DB, txHash string) (id uint64, blockHash string, blockHeight int64, blockTime int64, time int64, txType int16, version int32, tree int8, blockInd uint32, lockTime, expiry int32, size uint32, spent, sent, fees int64, numVin int32, vinDbIDs []int64, numVout int32, voutDbIDs []int64, err error)
func RetrieveFundingTxByTxIn ¶
func RetrieveFundingTxsByTx ¶
func RetrievePkScriptByID ¶
func RetrieveRegularTxByHash ¶
func RetrieveStakeTxByHash ¶
func RetrieveTicketIDByHash ¶
func RetrieveTicketStatusByHash ¶
func RetrieveTicketStatusByHash(db *sql.DB, ticketHash string) (id uint64, spend_status dbtypes.TicketSpendType, pool_status dbtypes.TicketPoolStatus, err error)
func RetrieveTxByHash ¶
func RetrieveTxsByBlockHash ¶
func RetrieveUnspentTickets ¶
func RetrieveVinByID ¶
func RetrieveVoutValue ¶
func RetrieveVoutValues ¶
func SetPoolStatusForTickets ¶
func SetSpendingByVinID ¶
func SetSpendingByVinID(db *sql.DB, vinDbID uint64, spendingTxDbID uint64, spendingTxHash string, spendingTxVinIndex uint32, checked bool) (int64, error)
SetSpendingByVinID is for when you got a new spending tx (vin entry) and you need to get the funding (previous output) tx info, and then update the corresponding row in the addresses table with the spending tx info.
func SetSpendingForFundingOP ¶
func SetSpendingForTickets ¶
func SetSpendingForTickets(db *sql.DB, ticketDbIDs, spendDbIDs []uint64, blockHeights []int64, spendTypes []dbtypes.TicketSpendType, poolStatuses []dbtypes.TicketPoolStatus) (int64, error)
func SetSpendingForVinDbIDs ¶
func TableVersionCompatible ¶
func TableVersionCompatible(required, actual TableVersion) string
TableVersionCompatible indicates if the table versions are compatible (equal), and if not, what is the required action (rebuild, upgrade, or reindex).
func TableVersions ¶
func TableVersions(db *sql.DB) map[string]TableVersion
func UpdateLastBlock ¶
UpdateLastBlock updates the is_valid column of the block specified by the row id for the blocks table.
Types ¶
type ChainDB ¶
type ChainDB struct { DevFundBalance *DevFundBalance InBatchSync bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ChainDB provides an interface for storing and manipulating extracted blockchain data in a PostgreSQL database.
func NewChainDB ¶
func NewChainDB(dbi *DBInfo, params *chaincfg.Params, stakeDB *stakedb.StakeDatabase, devPrefetch bool) (*ChainDB, error)
NewChainDB constructs a ChainDB for the given connection and Decred network parameters. By default, duplicate row checks on insertion are enabled.
func (*ChainDB) AddressHistory ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressHistory(address string, N, offset int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) ([]*dbtypes.AddressRow, *explorer.AddressBalance, error)
AddressHistory queries the database for rows of the addresses table containing values for a certain type of transaction (all, credits, or debits) for the given address.
func (*ChainDB) AddressHistoryAll ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressHistoryAll(address string, N, offset int64) ([]*dbtypes.AddressRow, *explorer.AddressBalance, error)
AddressHistoryAll queries the database for all rows of the addresses table for the given address.
func (*ChainDB) AddressTotals ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTotals(address string) (*apitypes.AddressTotals, error)
AddressTotals queries for the following totals: amount spent, amount unspent, number of unspent transaction outputs and number spent.
func (*ChainDB) AddressTransactionDetails ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTransactionDetails(addr string, count, skip int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) (*apitypes.Address, error)
AddressTransactionDetails returns an apitypes.Address with at most the last count transactions of type txnType in which the address was involved, starting after skip transactions. This does NOT include unconfirmed transactions.
func (*ChainDB) AddressTransactionRawDetails ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTransactionRawDetails(addr string, count, skip int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) ([]*apitypes.AddressTxRaw, error)
TODO: finish
func (*ChainDB) AddressTransactions ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) AddressTransactions(address string, N, offset int64, txnType dbtypes.AddrTxnType) (addressRows []*dbtypes.AddressRow, err error)
AddressTransactions retrieves a slice of *dbtypes.AddressRow for a given address and transaction type (i.e. all, credit, or debit) from the DB. Only the first N transactions starting from the offset element in the set of all txnType transactions.
func (*ChainDB) BlockMissedVotes ¶
BlockMissedVotes retrieves the ticket IDs for all missed votes in the specified block, and an error value.
func (*ChainDB) BlockTransactions ¶
BlockTransactions retrieves all transactions in the specified block, their indexes in the block, their tree, and an error value.
func (*ChainDB) CollectTicketSpendDBInfo ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeindexAddressTable ¶
DeindexAddressTable drops the vin ID and address column indexes for the address table.
func (*ChainDB) DeindexAll ¶
DeindexAll drops all of the indexes in all tables
func (*ChainDB) DeindexTicketsTable ¶
DeindexTicketsTable drops the ticket hash and tx DB ID column indexes for the tickets table.
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateMisses ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateTickets ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateTxns ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateVins ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateVotes ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicateVouts ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicates ¶
func (*ChainDB) DeleteDuplicatesRecovery ¶
func (*ChainDB) DevBalance ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) DevBalance() (*explorer.AddressBalance, error)
DevBalance returns the current development/project fund balance, updating the cached balance if it is stale.
func (*ChainDB) DropTables ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) DropTables()
DropTables drops (deletes) all of the known dcrdata tables.
func (*ChainDB) EnableDuplicateCheckOnInsert ¶
EnableDuplicateCheckOnInsert specifies whether SQL insertions should check for row conflicts (duplicates), and avoid adding or updating.
func (*ChainDB) ExistsIndexAddressesVoutIDAddress ¶
func (*ChainDB) ExistsIndexVinOnVins ¶
func (*ChainDB) ExistsIndexVoutOnTxHashIdx ¶
func (*ChainDB) FillAddressTransactions ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) FillAddressTransactions(addrInfo *explorer.AddressInfo) error
FillAddressTransactions is used to fill out the transaction details in an explorer.AddressInfo generated by explorer.ReduceAddressHistory, usually from the output of AddressHistory. This function also sets the number of unconfirmed transactions for the current best block in the database.
func (*ChainDB) GetAddressBalance ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) GetAddressBalance(address string, N, offset int64) *explorer.AddressBalance
GetAddressBalance returns a *explorer.AddressBalance for the specified address, transaction count limit, and transaction number offset.
func (*ChainDB) GetAddressSpendByFunHash ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) GetAddressSpendByFunHash(addresses []string, fundHash string) []*apitypes.AddressSpendByFunHash
GetAddressSpendByFunHash will return the address that fundex a tx
func (*ChainDB) GetAddressUTXO ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) GetAddressUTXO(address string) []apitypes.AddressTxnOutput
GetAddressUTXO returns the unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) paying to the specified address in a []apitypes.AddressTxnOutput.
func (*ChainDB) GetBlockHash ¶
GetBlockHash returns the hash of the block at the specified height. TODO: create GetBlockHashes to return all blocks at a given height.
func (*ChainDB) GetBlockHeight ¶
GetBlockHeight returns the height of the block with the specified hash.
func (*ChainDB) GetBlockSummaryTimeRange ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) GetBlockSummaryTimeRange(min, max int64, limit int) []dbtypes.BlockDataBasic
GetBlockSummaryTimeRange returns the blocks created within a specified time range (min, max time), up to limit transactions.
func (*ChainDB) IndexAddressTable ¶
IndexAddressTable creates the indexes on the address table on the vout ID and address columns, separately.
func (*ChainDB) IndexTicketsTable ¶
IndexTicketsTable creates the indexes on the tickets table on ticket hash and tx DB ID columns, separately.
func (*ChainDB) InsightPgGetAddressTransactions ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) InsightPgGetAddressTransactions(addr []string, recentBlockHeight int64) ([]string, []string)
InsightPgGetAddressTransactions performs a db query to pull all txids for the specified addresses ordered desc by time.
func (*ChainDB) PoolStatusForTicket ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) PoolStatusForTicket(txid string) (dbtypes.TicketSpendType, dbtypes.TicketPoolStatus, error)
PoolStatusForTicket retrieves the specified ticket's spend status and ticket pool status, and an error value.
func (*ChainDB) RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) RetrieveAddressIDsByOutpoint(txHash string, voutIndex uint32) ([]uint64, []string, int64, error)
Update Vin due to DCRD AMOUNTIN - START
func (*ChainDB) RetrieveAddressSpentUnspent ¶
RetrieveAddressSpentUnspent retrieves balance information for a specific address.
func (*ChainDB) SetupTables ¶
SetupTables creates the required tables and type, and prints table versions stored in the table comments when debug level logging is enabled.
func (*ChainDB) SpendingTransaction ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) SpendingTransaction(fundingTxID string, fundingTxVout uint32) (string, uint32, int8, error)
SpendingTransaction returns the transaction that spends the specified transaction outpoint, if it is spent. The spending transaction hash, input index, tx tree, and an error value are returned.
func (*ChainDB) SpendingTransactions ¶
SpendingTransactions retrieves all transactions spending outpoints from the specified funding transaction. The spending transaction hashes, the spending tx input indexes, and the corresponding funding tx output indexes, and an error value are returned.
func (*ChainDB) StoreBlock ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) StoreBlock(msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock, winningTickets []string, isValid, updateAddressesSpendingInfo, updateTicketsSpendingInfo bool) (numVins int64, numVouts int64, err error)
StoreBlock processes the input wire.MsgBlock, and saves to the data tables. The number of vins, and vouts stored are also returned.
func (*ChainDB) SyncChainDB ¶
func (db *ChainDB) SyncChainDB(client rpcutils.MasterBlockGetter, quit chan struct{}, updateAllAddresses, updateAllVotes, newIndexes bool) (int64, error)
SyncChainDB stores in the DB all blocks on the main chain available from the RPC client. The table indexes may be force-dropped and recreated by setting newIndexes to true. The quit channel is used to break the sync loop. For example, closing the channel on SIGINT.
func (*ChainDB) SyncChainDBAsync ¶
func (db *ChainDB) SyncChainDBAsync(res chan dbtypes.SyncResult, client rpcutils.MasterBlockGetter, quit chan struct{}, updateAllAddresses, updateAllVotes, newIndexes bool)
SyncChainDBAsync is like SyncChainDB except it also takes a result channel on which the caller should wait to receive the result. As such, this method should be called as a goroutine or it will hang on send if the channel is unbuffered.
func (*ChainDB) TransactionBlock ¶
TransactionBlock retrieves the hash of the block containing the specified transaction. The index of the transaction within the block, the transaction index, and an error value are also returned.
func (*ChainDB) UpdateDevBalance ¶
UpdateDevBalance forcibly updates the cached development/project fund balance via DB queries. The bool output inidcates if the cached balance was updated (if it was stale).
func (*ChainDB) UpdateSpendingInfoInAllAddresses ¶
UpdateSpendingInfoInAllAddresses completely rebuilds the spending transaction info columns of the address table. This is intended to be use after syncing all other tables and creating their indexes, particularly the indexes on the vins table, and the addresses table index on the funding tx columns. This can be used instead of using updateAddressesSpendingInfo=true with storeTxns, which will update these addresses table columns too, but much more slowly for a number of reasons (that are well worth investigating BTW!).
func (*ChainDB) UpdateSpendingInfoInAllTickets ¶
UpdateSpendingInfoInAllTickets reviews all votes and revokes and sets this spending info in the tickets table.
func (*ChainDB) UseStakeDB ¶
func (pgb *ChainDB) UseStakeDB(stakeDB *stakedb.StakeDatabase)
UseStakeDB is used to assign a stakedb.StakeDatabase for ticket tracking. This may be useful when it is necessary to construct a ChainDB prior to creating or loading a StakeDatabase, such as when dropping tables.
func (*ChainDB) VersionCheck ¶
VersionCheck checks the current version of all known tables and notifies when an upgrade is required. Since there is presently no automatic upgrade, an error is returned when any table is not of the correct version.
func (*ChainDB) VotesInBlock ¶
VotesInBlock returns the number of votes mined in the block with the specified hash.
type ChainDBRPC ¶
ChainDBRPC provides an interface for storing and manipulating extracted and includes the RPC Client blockchain data in a PostgreSQL database.
func NewChainDBRPC ¶
func NewChainDBRPC(chaindb *ChainDB, cl *rpcclient.Client) (*ChainDBRPC, error)
NewChainDBRPC contains ChainDB and RPC client parameters. By default, duplicate row checks on insertion are enabled. also enables rpc client
func (*ChainDBRPC) GetBlockVerboseByHash ¶
func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetBlockVerboseByHash(hash string, verboseTx bool) *dcrjson.GetBlockVerboseResult
GetBlockVerboseByHash returns a *dcrjson.GetBlockVerboseResult for the specified block hash, optionally with transaction details.
func (*ChainDBRPC) GetRawTransaction ¶
func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetRawTransaction(txid string) (*dcrjson.TxRawResult, error)
GetRawTransaction gets a dcrjson.TxRawResult for the specified transaction hash.
func (*ChainDBRPC) GetTransactionHex ¶
func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetTransactionHex(txid string) string
GetTransactionHex returns the full serialized transaction for the specified transaction hash as a hex encode string.
func (*ChainDBRPC) GetTransactionsForBlockByHash ¶
func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) GetTransactionsForBlockByHash(hash string) *apitypes.BlockTransactions
GetTransactionsForBlockByHash returns a *apitypes.BlockTransactions for the block with the specified hash.
func (*ChainDBRPC) InsightGetAddressTransactions ¶
func (pgb *ChainDBRPC) InsightGetAddressTransactions(addr string, count, skip int) []*dcrjson.SearchRawTransactionsResult
InsightGetAddressTransactions performs a searchrawtransactions for the specfied address, max number of transactions, and offset into the transaction list. The search results are in reverse temporal order. TODO: Does this really need all the prev vout extra data?
func (*ChainDBRPC) SendRawTransaction ¶
func (db *ChainDBRPC) SendRawTransaction(txhex string) (string, error)
SendRawTransaction attempts to decode the input serialized transaction, passed as hex encoded string, and broadcast it, returning the tx hash.
type DBInfo ¶
type DBInfo struct {
Host, Port, User, Pass, DBName string
DBInfo holds the PostgreSQL database connection information.
type DevFundBalance ¶
type DevFundBalance struct { sync.RWMutex *explorer.AddressBalance Height int64 Hash chainhash.Hash // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DevFundBalance is a block-stamped wrapper for explorer.AddressBalance. It is intended to be used for the project address.
func (*DevFundBalance) Balance ¶
func (d *DevFundBalance) Balance() *explorer.AddressBalance
Balance is a thread-safe accessor for the explorer.AddressBalance.
func (*DevFundBalance) BlockHash ¶
func (d *DevFundBalance) BlockHash() chainhash.Hash
BlockHash is a thread-safe accessor for the block hash.
func (*DevFundBalance) BlockHeight ¶
func (d *DevFundBalance) BlockHeight() int64
BlockHeight is a thread-safe accessor for the block height.
type MsgBlockPG ¶
MsgBlockPG extends wire.MsgBlock with the winning tickets from the block, WinningTickets, and the tickets from the previous block that may vote on this block's validity, Validators.
type TableUpgrade ¶
type TableUpgrade struct {
TableName, UpgradeType string
CurrentVer, RequiredVer TableVersion
TableUpgrade is used to define a required upgrade for a table
func TableUpgradesRequired ¶
func TableUpgradesRequired(versions map[string]TableVersion) []TableUpgrade
func (TableUpgrade) String ¶
func (s TableUpgrade) String() string
type TableVersion ¶
type TableVersion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableVersion models a table version by major.minor.patch
func NewTableVersion ¶
func NewTableVersion(major, minor, patch uint32) TableVersion
NewTableVersion returns a new TableVersion with the version major.minor.patch
func (TableVersion) String ¶
func (s TableVersion) String() string
type TicketTxnIDGetter ¶
TicketTxnIDGetter provides a cache for DB row IDs of tickets.
func NewTicketTxnIDGetter ¶
func NewTicketTxnIDGetter(db *sql.DB) *TicketTxnIDGetter
NewTicketTxnIDGetter constructs a new TicketTxnIDGetter with an empty cache.
func (*TicketTxnIDGetter) Set ¶
func (t *TicketTxnIDGetter) Set(txid string, txDbID uint64)
Set stores the (transaction hash, DB row ID) pair a map for future access.
func (*TicketTxnIDGetter) SetN ¶
func (t *TicketTxnIDGetter) SetN(txid []string, txDbID []uint64)
SetN stores several (transaction hash, DB row ID) pairs in the map.
func (*TicketTxnIDGetter) TxnDbID ¶
func (t *TicketTxnIDGetter) TxnDbID(txid string, expire bool) (uint64, error)
TxnDbID fetches DB row ID for the ticket specified by the input transaction hash. A cache is checked first. In the event of a cache hit, the DB ID is returned and deleted from the internal cache. In the event of a cache miss, the database is queried. If the database query fails, the error is non-nil.