
v0.0.4 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Nov 20, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0




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const (
	MinTimeout                  = time.Duration(30 * time.Second)
	KB                          = 1024
	MB                          = KB * 1024
	GB                          = MB * 1024
	BufSize                     = 2 * MB
	ClientMaxReceiveMessageSize = 256 * MB
	// ServerMaxMessageSize - Server-side max GRPC message size
	ServerMaxMessageSize = 2 * GB
	DefaultTimeout       = 10 * time.Second // second

Default config

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const (
	ClientMenu  = "client"
	ImplantMenu = "implant"
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const (
	GenericGroup   = "generic"
	ManageGroup    = "manage"
	ListenerGroup  = "listener"
	GeneratorGroup = "generator"

client Groups

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const (
	ImplantGroup = "implant"
	ExecuteGroup = "execute"
	SysGroup     = "sys"
	FileGroup    = "file"

	ArmoryGroup = "armory"
	AddonGroup  = "addon"
	MalGroup    = "mal"

implant Groups

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const (
	CryptorXOR = "XOR"
	CryptorRAW = "RAW" // debug only
	CryptorAES = "AES"
View Source
const (
	ConfigMaxPacketLength = "server.config.packet_length"
	ConfigAuditLevel      = "server.audit"


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const (
	UnknownFile = iota
View Source
const (
	DefaultMaxBodyLength   = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 2Gb
	DefaultHTTPTimeout     = time.Minute
	DefaultLongPollTimeout = time.Second
	DefaultLongPollJitter  = time.Second

	DefaultCacheInterval = 60


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const (
	CalleeCMD      = "cmd"
	CalleeMal      = "mal"
	CalleeSDK      = "sdk"
	CalleeExplorer = "explorer"
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const (
	CtrlTaskCallback    = "task_callback"
	CtrlTaskFinish      = "task_finish"
	CtrlTaskCancel      = "task_cancel"
	CtrlTaskError       = "task_error"
	CtrlClientJoin      = "client_join"
	CtrlClientLeft      = "client_left"
	CtrlWebUpload       = "web_upload"
	CtrlListenerStart   = "listener_start"
	CtrlListenerStop    = "listener_stop"
	CtrlPipelineStart   = "pipeline_start"
	CtrlPipelineStop    = "pipeline_stop"
	CtrlWebsiteStart    = "website_start"
	CtrlWebsiteStop     = "website_stop"
	CtrlWebsiteRegister = "website_register"
	CtrlJobStart        = "job_start"
	CtrlJobStop         = "job_stop"
	CtrlSessionRegister = "session_register"
	CtrlSessionDead     = "session_dead"
	CtrlSessionInit     = "session_init"
	CtrlSessionReborn   = "session_reborn"
	CtrlSessionLog      = "session_log"
	CtrlSessionTask     = "session_task"
	CtrlSessionError    = "session_error"
	CtrlSessionLeave    = "session_leave"
	CtrlSessionCheckin  = "session_checkin"
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const (
	CtrlHeartbeat1s  = "heartbeat_1s"  // 每秒触发
	CtrlHeartbeat5s  = "heartbeat_5s"  // 每5秒触发
	CtrlHeartbeat10s = "heartbeat_10s" // 每10秒触发
	CtrlHeartbeat15s = "heartbeat_15s" // 每15秒触发
	CtrlHeartbeat30s = "heartbeat_30s" // 每30秒触发
	CtrlHeartbeat1m  = "heartbeat_1m"  // 每分钟触发
	CtrlHeartbeat5m  = "heartbeat_5m"  // 每5分钟触发
	CtrlHeartbeat10m = "heartbeat_10m" // 每10分钟触发
	CtrlHeartbeat15m = "heartbeat_15m" // 每15分钟触发
	CtrlHeartbeat20m = "heartbeat_20m" // 每20分钟触发
	CtrlHeartbeat30m = "heartbeat_30m" // 每30分钟触发
	CtrlHeartbeat60m = "heartbeat_60m" // 每60分钟触发
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const (
	CtrlStatusSuccess = 0 + iota

ctrl status

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const (
	EventJoin      = "join"
	EventLeft      = "left"
	EventClient    = "client"
	EventBroadcast = "broadcast"
	EventNotify    = "notify"
	EventSession   = "session"
	EventListener  = "listener"
	EventTask      = "task"
	EventWebsite   = "website"
	EventPipeline  = "pipeline"
	EventJob       = "job"
	EventHeartbeat = "heartbeat"


View Source
const (
	ImplantMalefic      = "malefic"
	ImplantPulse        = "pulse"
	ImplantCobaltStrike = "cobaltstrike"
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const (
	ImplantModBeacon  = "beacon"
	ImplantModBind    = "bind"
	ImplantModPulse   = "pulse"
	ImplantModPrelude = "prelude"
	SRDIType          = "srdi"
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const (
	Windows = "windows"
	Linux   = "linux"
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const (
	ELF           = ".elf"
	PE            = ".pe"
	DLL           = ".dll"
	PEFile        = ".exe"
	ShellcodeFile = ".bin"
	DllFile       = ".dll"
View Source
const (
	TargetX64Darwin     = "x86_64-apple-darwin"
	TargetArm64Darwin   = "aarch64-apple-darwin"
	TargetX64Linux      = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"
	TargetX86Linux      = "i686-unknown-linux-musl"
	TargetX64Windows    = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
	TargetX86Windows    = "i686-pc-windows-msvc"
	TargetX86WindowsGnu = "i686-pc-windows-gnu"
	TargetX64WindowsGnu = "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"


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const (
	TCPPipeline     = "tcp"
	BindPipeline    = "bind"
	WebsitePipeline = "website"
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const (
	// internal
	ModulePing       = "ping"
	ModuleClear      = "clear"
	ModuleCancelTask = "cancel_task"
	ModuleSleep      = "sleep"
	ModuleSuicide    = "suicide"
	ModuleInit       = "init"
	ModuleAliasShell           = "shell"
	ModuleAliasPowershell      = "powershell"
	ModuleExecution            = "exec"
	ModuleExecuteLocal         = "execute_local"
	ModuleExecuteAssembly      = "execute_assembly"
	ModuleInlineAssembly       = "inline_assembly"
	ModuleExecuteShellcode     = "execute_shellcode"
	ModuleAliasInlineShellcode = "inline_shellcode"
	ModuleExecuteExe           = "execute_exe"
	ModuleAliasInlineExe       = "inline_exe"
	ModuleExecuteDll           = "execute_dll"
	ModuleAliasInlineDll       = "inline_dll"
	ModuleExecuteBof           = "bof"
	ModulePowerpick            = "powerpick"
	ModuleUpload               = "upload"
	ModuleDownload             = "download"
	ModulePwd                  = "pwd"
	ModuleLs                   = "ls"
	ModuleCd                   = "cd"
	ModuleMv                   = "mv"
	ModuleMkdir                = "mkdir"
	ModuleRm                   = "rm"
	ModuleCat                  = "cat"
	ModulePs                   = "ps"
	ModuleCp                   = "cp"
	ModuleChmod                = "chmod"
	ModuleChown                = "chown"
	ModuleKill                 = "kill"
	ModuleWhoami               = "whoami"
	ModuleEnv                  = "env"
	ModuleSetEnv               = "env_set"
	ModuleUnsetEnv             = "env_unset"

	ModuleSysInfo = "sysinfo"
	ModuleNetstat = "netstat"
	ModuleBypass  = "bypass"
	ModuleCurl    = "curl"

	// module
	ModuleListModule    = "list_module"
	ModuleLoadModule    = "load_module"
	ModuleRefreshModule = "refresh_module"

	// addon
	ModuleListAddon    = "list_addon"
	ModuleLoadAddon    = "load_addon"
	ModuleExecuteAddon = "execute_addon"

	// registry
	ModuleRegQuery     = "reg_query"
	ModuleRegAdd       = "reg_add"
	ModuleRegDelete    = "reg_delete"
	ModuleRegListKey   = "reg_list_key"
	ModuleRegListValue = "reg_list_value"

	// service
	ModuleServiceList   = "service_list"
	ModuleServiceCreate = "service_create"
	ModuleServiceQuery  = "service_query"
	ModuleServiceStart  = "service_start"
	ModuleServiceStop   = "service_stop"
	ModuleServiceDelete = "service_delete"

	// taskschd
	ModuleTaskSchdList   = "taskschd_list"
	ModuleTaskSchdCreate = "taskschd_create"
	ModuleTaskSchdQuery  = "taskschd_query"
	ModuleTaskSchdStart  = "taskschd_start"
	ModuleTaskSchdStop   = "taskschd_stop"
	ModuleTaskSchdDelete = "taskschd_delete"
	ModuleTaskSchdRun    = "taskschd_run"

	// wmi
	ModuleWmiQuery = "wmi_query"
	ModuleWmiExec  = "wmi_execute"

	// pipe
	ModulePipeUpload = "pipe_upload"
	ModulePipeClose  = "pipe_close"
	ModulePipeRead   = "pipe_read"

	// privilege
	ModuleRunas     = "runas"
	ModulePrivs     = "privs"
	ModuleGetSystem = "getsystem"

client module and command

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const (
	CommandLogin            = "login"
	CommandExit             = "exit"
	CommandWait             = "wait"
	CommandRecover          = "recover"
	CommandPolling          = "polling"
	CommandSessions         = "sessions"
	CommandNewBindSession   = "newbind"
	CommandTasks            = "tasks"
	CommandFiles            = "files"
	CommandExplore          = "explorer"
	CommandSession          = "session"
	CommandSessionNote      = "note"
	CommandSessionGroup     = "group"
	CommandObverse          = "obverse"
	CommandHistory          = "history"
	CommandDelSession       = "del"
	CommandUse              = "use"
	CommandBackground       = "background"
	CommandSync             = "sync"
	CommandBroadcast        = "broadcast"
	CommandVersion          = "version"
	CommandNotify           = "notify"
	CommandAlias            = "alias"
	CommandAliasLoad        = "load"
	CommandAliasList        = "list"
	CommandAliasInstall     = "install"
	CommandAliasRemove      = "remove"
	CommandArmory           = "armory"
	CommandArmoryUpdate     = "update"
	CommandArmorySearch     = "search"
	CommandArmoryLoad       = "load"
	CommandArmoryInstall    = "install"
	CommandExtension        = "extension"
	CommandExtensionList    = "list"
	CommandExtensionLoad    = "load"
	CommandExtensionInstall = "install"
	CommandExtensionRemove  = "remove"
	CommandMal              = "mal"
	CommandMalLoad          = "load"
	CommandMalList          = "list"
	CommandMalInstall       = "install"
	CommandMalRemove        = "remove"
	CommandMalRefresh       = "refresh"
	CommandTcp              = "tcp"
	CommandWebsite          = "website"
	CommandListener         = "listener"
	CommandJob              = "job"
	CommandPipeline         = "pipeline"
	CommandPipelineNew      = "new"
	CommandPipelineList     = "list"
	CommandPipelineStart    = "start"
	CommandPipelineStop     = "stop"
	CommandBuild            = "build"
	CommandBuildPrelude     = "prelude"
	CommandBuildBeacon      = "beacon"
	CommandBuildBind        = "bind"
	CommandBuildShellCode   = "shellcode"
	CommandBuildModules     = "modules"
	CommandBuildPulse       = "pulse"
	CommandArtifact         = "artifact"
	CommandArtifactList     = "list"
	CommandArtifactDownload = "download"
	CommandArtifactUpload   = "upload"
	CommandProfile          = "profile"
	CommandProfileList      = "list"
	CommandProfileLoad      = "load"
	CommandSRDI             = "srdi"
	CommandReg              = "reg"
	CommandRegExplorer      = "reg_explorer"
	CommandService          = "service"
	CommandTaskSchd         = "taskschd"
	CommandPipe             = "pipe"
View Source
const (
	OPSecLOW   = "low"
	OPSecMID   = "mid"
	OPSecHIGH  = "high"
	OPSecOPsec = "opsec"
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const (
	ClientPrompt = "IoM"



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var ArchAlias = map[string]string{
	"x86_64": "x64",
	"amd64":  "x64",
	"x86":    "x86",
	"386":    "x86",

ArchAlias 将别名映射为标准的架构名称

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var ArchMap = map[string]Arch{
	"x64":   X86_64,
	"x86":   I686,
	"arm":   Arm,
	"arm64": Aarch64,
	"mips":  Mips,

ArchMap 将字符串映射为 Arch 枚举值

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var BuildTargetMap = map[string]*BuildTarget{
	TargetX64Darwin: {
		Name: TargetX64Darwin,
		Arch: ArchMap["x64"].String(),
		OS:   Darwin,
	TargetArm64Darwin: {
		Name: TargetArm64Darwin,
		Arch: ArchMap["arm64"].String(),
		OS:   Darwin,
	TargetX64Linux: {
		Name: TargetX64Linux,
		Arch: ArchMap["x64"].String(),
		OS:   Linux,
	TargetX86Linux: {
		Name: TargetX86Linux,
		Arch: ArchMap["x86"].String(),
		OS:   Linux,
	TargetX64Windows: {
		Name: TargetX64Windows,
		Arch: ArchMap["x64"].String(),
		OS:   Windows,
	TargetX86Windows: {
		Name: TargetX86Windows,
		Arch: ArchMap["x86"].String(),
		OS:   Windows,
	TargetX86WindowsGnu: {
		Name: TargetX86WindowsGnu,
		Arch: ArchMap["x86"].String(),
		OS:   Windows,
	TargetX64WindowsGnu: {
		Name: TargetX64WindowsGnu,
		Arch: ArchMap["x64"].String(),
		OS:   Windows,
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var (
	WindowsVer = map[string]string{
		"5.0.2195": "2000",
		"5.1.2600": "XP",

		"5.2.3790": "Server 2003/Server 2003 R2",

		"6.0.6000":   "Vista",
		"6.0.6001":   "Vista SP1/Server2008",
		"6.0.6002":   "Vista SP2/Server2008 SP2",
		"6.1.0":      "7/Server2008 R2",
		"6.1.7600":   "7/Server2008 R2",
		"6.1.7601":   "7 SP1/Server2008 R2 SP1",
		"6.2.9200":   "8/Server2012",
		"6.3.9600":   "8.1/Server2012 R2",
		"10.0.10240": "10 1507",
		"10.0.10586": "10 1511",
		"10.0.14393": "10 1607/Server2016",
		"10.0.15063": "10 1703",
		"10.0.16299": "10 1709",
		"10.0.17134": "10 1803",
		"10.0.17763": "10 1809/Server2019",
		"10.0.18362": "10 1903",
		"10.0.18363": "10 1909",
		"10.0.19041": "10 2004/Server2004",
		"10.0.19042": "10 20H2/Server20H2",
		"10.0.19043": "10 21H2",
		"10.0.20348": "Server2022",
		"10.0.22621": "11",
		"11.0.22000": "11",


func FormatArch added in v0.0.3

func FormatArch(arch string) string

func MapArch added in v0.0.3

func MapArch(arch string) uint32

func SubCommandName added in v0.0.3

func SubCommandName(module string) string


type Arch added in v0.0.3

type Arch uint32
const (
	I686    Arch = 0
	X86_64  Arch = 1
	Arm     Arch = 2
	Aarch64 Arch = 3
	Mips    Arch = 4

func (Arch) String added in v0.0.3

func (a Arch) String() string

type BuildTarget added in v0.0.3

type BuildTarget struct {
	Name string
	Arch string
	OS   string

func GetBuildTarget added in v0.0.3

func GetBuildTarget(name string) (*BuildTarget, bool)

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL