
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 29, 2022 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 0




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type APIHandlers

type APIHandlers struct {
	HomeHandler     http.Handler
	HashHandler     http.Handler
	ProofHandler    http.Handler
	CalHandler      http.Handler
	CalDataHandler  http.Handler
	StatusHandler   http.Handler
	PeerHandler     http.Handler
	GatewaysHandler http.Handler

type AggState

type AggState struct {
	ProofID  string `json:"proof_id"`
	Hash     string `json:"hash"`
	AggID    string `json:"agg_id"`
	AggState string `json:"agg_state"`
	AggRoot  string `json:"agg_root"`

AggState : agg state for proof gen

type Aggregation

type Aggregation struct {
	AggID     string     `json:"agg_id"`
	AggRoot   string     `json:"agg_root"`
	AggStates []AggState `json:"agg_states"`

Aggregation : An object containing all the relevant data for an aggregation event

type AnchorBtcAggState

type AnchorBtcAggState struct {
	CalId             string `json:"cal_id"`
	AnchorBtcAggId    string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_id"`
	AnchorBtcAggState string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_state"`

type AnchorBtcHeadState

type AnchorBtcHeadState struct {
	BtcTxId       string `json:"btctx_id"`
	BtcHeadHeight int64  `json:"btchead_height"`
	BtcHeadState  string `json:"btchead_state"`

type AnchorBtcTxState

type AnchorBtcTxState struct {
	AnchorBtcAggId string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_id"`
	BtcTxId        string `json:"btctx_id"`
	BtcTxState     string `json:"btctx_state"`

type AnchorConfig

type AnchorConfig struct {
	HomePath               string
	APIPort                string
	ChainId                string
	DBType                 string
	BitcoinNetwork         string
	ElectionMode           string
	TendermintConfig       TendermintConfig
	LightningConfig        lightning.LightningClient
	EthConfig              EthConfig
	ECPrivateKey           *ecdsa.PrivateKey
	DoNodeManagement       bool
	DoNodeAudit            bool
	CIDRBlockList          []string
	IPBlockList            []string
	DoCal                  bool
	DoAnchor               bool
	AnchorInterval         int
	Logger                 *log.Logger
	FilePV                 privval.FilePV
	AnchorTimeout          int
	AnchorReward           int
	StakePerCore           int64
	UpdateStake            string
	FeeInterval            int64
	FeeMultiplier          float64
	HashPrice              int
	UseAllowlist           bool
	GatewayAllowlist       []string
	CoreURI                string
	CoreName               string
	AnalyticsID            string
	ProposedVal            string
	RemoveRateLimits       bool
	HashQuota              int
	ApiQuota               int
	ProofQuota             int
	UseChainpointLndConfig bool

AnchorConfig represents values to configure all connections within the ABCI anchor app

type AnchorObj

type AnchorObj struct {
	AnchorID string   `json:"anchor_id"`
	Uris     []string `json:"uris"`

AnchorObj : Utilized by the proof spec to represent an anchoring proof step

type AnchorOpsState

type AnchorOpsState struct {
	Ops    []ProofLineItem `json:"ops"`
	Anchor AnchorObj       `json:"anchor"`

AnchorOpsState : Part of the RMQ message for btc anchoring post-confirmation

type AnchorRange

type AnchorRange struct {
	AnchorBtcAggRoot string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_root"`
	CalBlockHeight   int64  `json:"cal_block_height"`
	BtcBlockHeight   int64  `json:"btc_block_height"`
	BeginCalTxInt    int64  `json:"begin_cal_int"`
	EndCalTxInt      int64  `json:"end_cal_int"`
	AmLeader         bool   `json:"am_leader"`

AnchorRange : To store anchor state to compensate for failed anchors

type AnchorState

type AnchorState struct {
	ID                string                     `json:"tendermint_id"`
	TxInt             int64                      `json:"tx_int"`
	Height            int64                      `json:"height"`
	AmValidator       bool                       `json:"validator"`
	AppHash           []byte                     `json:"app_hash"`
	BeginCalTxInt     int64                      `json:"begin_cal_int"`
	EndCalTxInt       int64                      `json:"end_cal_int"`
	LatestCalTxInt    int64                      `json:"latest_cal_int"`
	CurrentCalInts    int64                      `json:"current_cal_ints"`
	LatestBtcaTx      []byte                     `json:"latest_btca"`
	LatestBtcaTxInt   int64                      `json:"latest_btca_int"`
	LatestBtcaHeight  int64                      `json:"latest_btca_height"`
	LatestBtcTx       string                     `json:"latest_btc"`
	LatestBtcAggRoot  string                     `json:"latest_btc_root"`
	LatestBtccTx      []byte                     `json:"latest_btcc"`
	LatestBtccTxInt   int64                      `json:"latest_btcc_int"`
	LatestBtccHeight  int64                      `json:"latest_btcc_height"`
	LatestErrRoot     string                     `json:"latest_btce"`
	LastElectedCoreID string                     `json:"last_elected_core_id"`
	LastAnchorCoreID  string                     `json:"last_anchor_core_id"`
	LastErrorCoreID   string                     `json:"last_error_core_id"`
	BtcHeight         int64                      `json:"btc_height"`
	TxValidation      map[string]TxValidation    `json:"tx_validation"`
	CoreKeys          map[string]ecdsa.PublicKey `json:"-"`
	LnUris            map[string]LnIdentity      `json:"lightning_identities"`
	IDMap             map[string]string          `json:"-"`
	Validators        []*types3.Validator        `json:"-"`
	TMState           coretypes.ResultStatus     `json:"-"`
	TMNetInfo         coretypes.ResultNetInfo    `json:"-"`
	LNState           lnrpc2.GetInfoResponse     `json:"-"`
	ChainSynced       bool
	JWKStaked         bool
	LnStakePrice      int64 `json:"total_stake_price"`
	LnStakePerVal     int64 `json:"validator_stake_price"`
	LatestNistRecord  string
	LatestTimeRecord  string
	LatestBtcFee      int64
	LastBtcFeeHeight  int64
	Migrations        map[int]string `json:"migrations"`
	AppReady          bool           `json:"-"`

AnchorState holds Tendermint/ABCI application state. Persisted by ABCI app

type BtcA

type BtcA struct {
	AnchorBtcAggRoot string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_root"`
	BtcTxID          string `json:"btctx_id"`

BtcA struct will be included in the BTC-A tx data field

type BtcAgg

type BtcAgg struct {
	AnchorBtcAggID   string         `json:"anchor_btc_agg_id"`
	AnchorBtcAggRoot string         `json:"anchor_btc_agg_root"`
	ProofData        []BtcProofData `json:"proofData"`

BtcAgg : An object containing BTC anchoring aggregation data

type BtcMonMsg

type BtcMonMsg struct {
	BtcTxID       string    `json:"btctx_id"`
	BtcHeadHeight int64     `json:"btchead_height"`
	BtcHeadRoot   string    `json:"btchead_root"`
	Path          []JSProof `json:"path"`

BtcMonMsg : An RMQ message sent by the monitoring service to confirm a BTC transaction has occurred

type BtcMsgObj

type BtcMsgObj struct {
	BtcTxID   string `json:"tx_id"`
	BtcTxBody string `json:"tx_body"`

BtcTxMsg : An RMQ message object from btc-tx to btc-mon service

type BtcProofData

type BtcProofData struct {
	CalID string          `json:"cal_id"`
	Proof []ProofLineItem `json:"proof"`

BtcProofData : An individual proof object within a Btc aggregation set

type BtcTxMsg

type BtcTxMsg struct {
	AnchorBtcAggID   string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_id"`
	AnchorBtcAggRoot string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_root"`
	BtcTxID          string `json:"btctx_id"`
	BtcTxBody        string `json:"btctx_body"`
	BtcTxHeight      int64  `json:"btctx_height"`
	CalBlockHeight   int64  `json:"cal_block_height"`
	BeginCalTxInt    int64  `json:"begin_cal_int"`
	EndCalTxInt      int64  `json:"end_cal_int"`

BtcTxMsg : A RMQ message object

type BtcTxProofState

type BtcTxProofState struct {
	AnchorBtcAggID string   `json:"anchor_btc_agg_id"`
	BtcTxID        string   `json:"btctx_id"`
	BtcTxState     OpsState `json:"btctx_state"`

BtcTxProofState : An RMQ message object bound for proofstate service

type BtccStateObj

type BtccStateObj struct {
	BtcTxID       string         `json:"btctx_id"`
	BtcHeadHeight int64          `json:"btchead_height"`
	BtcHeadState  AnchorOpsState `json:"btchead_state"`

BtccStateObj : An RMQ message object issued to generate proofs after BTCC confirmation

type CalAgg

type CalAgg struct {
	CalRoot   string         `json:"cal_root"`
	ProofData []CalProofData `json:"proofData"`

CalAgg : An RMQ message representing an intermediate aggregation object to be fed into the Cal anchor tree

type CalProofData

type CalProofData struct {
	AggID string          `json:"agg_id"`
	Proof []ProofLineItem `json:"proof"`

CalProofData : Represents a step in a cal proof

type CalState

type CalState struct {
	CalID     string         `json:"cal_id"`
	Anchor    AnchorObj      `json:"anchor"`
	ProofData []CalProofData `json:"proofData"`

CalState : An RMQ message confirming a CAL anchor, sent to the proof service to generate/store the proof

type CalStateObject

type CalStateObject struct {
	AggID    string `json:"agg_id"`
	CalId    string `json:"cal_id"`
	CalState string `json:"cal_state"`

CalState : cal state for proof gen

type Core

type Core struct {
	EthAddr     string
	CoreId      sql.NullString
	PublicIP    sql.NullString
	BlockNumber sql.NullInt64

Core : Used to represent Core info to and from postgres

type CoreAPIStatus

type CoreAPIStatus struct {
	Version          string `json:"version"`
	Time             string `json:"time"`
	BaseURI          string `json:"base_uri"`
	Jwk              Jwk    `json:"jwk"`
	Network          string `json:"network"`
	IdentityPubkey   string `json:"identity_pubkey"`
	LightningAddress string `json:"lightning_address"`
	LightningBalance struct {
		TotalBalance       string `json:"total_balance"`
		ConfirmedBalance   string `json:"confirmed_balance"`
		UnconfirmedBalance string `json:"unconfirmed_balance"`
	} `json:"lightning_balance"`
	PublicKey           string                  `json:"public_key"`
	Uris                []string                `json:"uris"`
	Alias               string                  `json:"alias"`
	HashPriceSatoshis   int                     `json:"hash_price_satoshis"`
	TotalStakePrice     int64                   `json:"total_stake_price"`
	ValidatorStakePrice int64                   `json:"validator_stake_price"`
	ActiveChannelsCount int                     `json:"num_channels_count"`
	NodeInfo            p2p.DefaultNodeInfo     `json:"node_info"`
	SyncInfo            coretypes.SyncInfo      `json:"sync_info"`
	ValidatorInfo       coretypes.ValidatorInfo `json:"-"`

CoreAPIStatus : status from Core's api service. Includes pubkey

type EcdsaSignature

type EcdsaSignature struct {
	R, S *big.Int

EcdsaSignature : Allows for unmarshalling an ecdsa signature

type EthConfig

type EthConfig struct {
	EthereumURL          string
	EthPrivateKey        string
	TokenContractAddr    string
	RegistryContractAddr string

EthConfig holds contract addresses and eth node URI

type HashItem

type HashItem struct {
	ProofID string `json:"proof_id"`
	Hash    string `json:"hash"`

HashItem : An object contains the Core ID and value for a hash

type JSProof

type JSProof struct {
	Left  string `json:"left,omitempty"`
	Right string `json:"right,omitempty"`

JSProof : Used to unmarshall the Javascript MerkleTools proofs. The library generates a different proof structure than the go version.

type Jwk

type Jwk struct {
	Kty string `json:"kty"`
	Kid string `json:"kid"`
	Crv string `json:"crv"`
	X   string `json:"x"`
	Y   string `json:"y"`

Jwk : holds key info for validating node requests

type LnIdentity

type LnIdentity struct {
	Peer            string `json:"peer"`
	RequiredChanAmt int64  `json:"required_satoshis"`

type OpsState

type OpsState struct {
	Ops []ProofLineItem `json:"ops"`

OpsState : An RMQ message generated as part of the monitoring proof object

type ProofData

type ProofData struct {
	ProofID string          `json:"proof_id"`
	Hash    string          `json:"hash"`
	Proof   []ProofLineItem `json:"proof"`

ProofData : The proof data for a given hash within an aggregation

type ProofLineItem

type ProofLineItem struct {
	Left  string `json:"l,omitempty"`
	Right string `json:"r,omitempty"`
	Op    string `json:"op,omitempty"`

ProofLineItem : A step in a Chainpoint proof

type ProofState

type ProofState struct {
	ProofID string `json:"proof_id"`
	Proof   string `json:"proof"`

type RateLimit

type RateLimit struct {
	AllowedRate int64
	PerBlocks   int64
	LastCheck   int64
	Bucket      float32

Uses simple token bucket method

type TendermintConfig

type TendermintConfig struct {
	TMServer string
	TMPort   string
	Config   *cfg.Config
	Logger   log.Logger
	FilePV   privval.FilePV
	NodeKey  *p2p.NodeKey

TendermintConfig holds connection info for RPC

type Tx

type Tx struct {
	TxType  string `json:"type"`
	Data    string `json:"data"`
	Version int64  `json:"version"`
	Time    int64  `json:"time"`
	CoreID  string `json:"core_id"`
	Meta    string `json:"meta,omitempty"`
	Sig     string `json:"sig,omitempty"`

Tx holds custom transaction data and metadata for the Chainpoint Calendar

type TxID

type TxID struct {
	TxID             string `json:"tx_id"`
	BlockHeight      int64  `json:"block_height"`
	AnchorBtcAggRoot string `json:"anchor_btc_agg_root"`

TxID : RMQ message dispatched to initiate monitoring

type TxTm

type TxTm struct {
	Hash []byte
	Data []byte

TxTm holds result of submitting a CAL transaction (needed in order to get Hash)

type TxValidation

type TxValidation struct {
	LastJWKTxHeight int64
	JWKAllowedRate  RateLimit
	JWKSubmissions  int64

	LastCalTxHeight       int64
	CalAllowedRate        RateLimit
	CalValidationSuccess  int64
	CalValidationFailures int64

	LastBtcaTxHeight int64 // for anchoring Cores
	ConfirmedAnchors int64
	FailedAnchors    int64
	BtcaAllowedRate  RateLimit

	LastBtccTxHeight int64 // for Cores submitting confirmations, not anchoring Cores
	BtccAllowedRate  RateLimit

	LastNISTTxHeight int64 // last "good", non-stale nist record
	NISTAllowedRate  RateLimit

	LastFeeTxHeight       int64
	FeeAllowedRate        RateLimit
	FeeValidationFailures int64

	UnAuthValSubmissions int64

Holds state for validating Transactions

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