Firehose Nozzle
A minimal example for connecting to Cloud Foundry's
This code uses Glide for dependency management.
After you install Glide, run glide install
install the Firehose Nozzle dependencies. After that, a go install
should build and install the firehose-nozzle
Ensure that you have installed firehose-nozzle using go get
this will put the dependent packages in the right place.
There are two options for creating credentials that can talk to the API:
- UAA API user account (choose this route unless you have a reason not to)
- UAA Client
Option 1: UAA API User Account
Create a UAA user with access to the Firehose and Cloud Controller:
- Install the UAA CLI, uaac.
gem install cf-uaac
- Use the uaac target uaa.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN command to target your UAA server.
uaac target
uaac token client get admin -s ADMIN-CLIENT-SECRET
- Create a Nozzle user for your app with the password of your choosing.
uaac -t user add my-firehose-nozzle-user --password PASSWORD --emails na
- Add the user to the Cloud Controller Admin Read-Only group.
uaac -t member add cloud_controller.admin_read_only my-firehose-nozzle-user
- Add the user to the Doppler Firehose group.
uaac -t member add doppler.firehose my-firehose-nozzle-user
Option 2: UAA Client
Create a UAA client with access to the Firehose and Cloud Controller:
- Install the UAA CLI, uaac.
gem install cf-uaac
- Use the uaac target uaa.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN command to target your UAA server.
uaac target
uaac token client get admin -s ADMIN-CLIENT-SECRET
- Create a new UAA client for your firehose
uaac client add my-firehose-nozzle \
--access_token_validity 1209600 \
--authorized_grant_types authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token \
-s <SECRET> \
--scope openid,oauth.approvals,doppler.firehose \
--authorities oauth.login,doppler.firehose
For information about creating a UAA user, see the
Creating and Managing Users with the UAA CLI
For development against
copy scripts/
to scripts/
and supply missing values.
Then run ./scripts/
to see events on standard out.
Install dependencies
glide install
Setup Tests
go get # installs the ginkgo CLI
go get # fetches the matcher library
Run test
from toplevel directory
run ginkgo -r -skipPackage vendor/ # runs test recursively
Other nozzles