SQLite plugin
Plugin to query SQLite (https://www.sqlite.org) as a data source.
Compile with:
CGO_EBABLED=1 CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wno-return-local-addr" go build -buildmode=plugin -ldflags="-w" -o sqlite.so ./*.go
Test with:
CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wno-return-local-addr" go test
CFLAGS as a temp. solution for the https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/803
occurs while running a C code called via cgo (what SQLite
plugin does), that SIGSEGV
is not turned into a Go panic. The mechanism that
Go uses to turn a memory error into a panic can only work for a Go code, not
for a C code. That means segmentation violation
errors in a C code will crash
the API service.
SQL doesn't allow to query missing columns, like Elasticsearch does.
An error no such column: X
will be received. That means you must be very
careful with designing a data source and creating a YAML config file to be able
to combine it with data source types other than SQL.
The easiest solution is to exclude SQLite DB from the global
namespace and
query it independently, to make sure all columns exist.
Access details
Source YAML definition's access
- db: database file to use, for example -
- table: table name to query
Simple example of creation a new SQLite data source from a CLI:
sqlite3 sqtest.db
CREATE TABLE sqcoll (email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, fqdn VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, count integer NOT NULL, seen TIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO sqcoll (email, username, fqdn, count, seen) VALUES ('a@example.com', 'a', 'example.com', 13, DateTime('now', 'localtime'));
INSERT INTO sqcoll (email, username, fqdn, count, seen) VALUES ('b@example.com', 'b', 'example.com', 13, DateTime('now', 'localtime'));
INSERT INTO sqcoll (email, username, fqdn, count, seen) VALUES ('c@example.com', 'c', 'example.com', 13, DateTime('now', 'localtime'));
INSERT INTO sqcoll (email, username, fqdn, count, seen) VALUES ('d@example.com', 'd', 'example.com', 13, DateTime('now', 'localtime'));
INSERT INTO sqcoll (email, username, fqdn, count, seen) VALUES ('e@example.com', 'e', 'example.com', 13, DateTime('now', 'localtime'));
Access data will be used by the YAML configs. Example:
name: sqtest
label: SQTest
icon: database
plugin: sqlite
inGlobal: true
includeDatetime: false
supportsSQL: true
db: /data/sqtest.db
table: sqcoll
- domain
datetime: seen
domain: fqdn
id: email
group: email
search: email
attributes: [ "username", "fqdn" ]
id: fqdn
group: domain
search: domain
attributes: [ "count" ]
Test with a query:
curl -XGET 'https://localhost:443/api?uuid=auth-key&sql=FROM+sqtest+WHERE+email+like+%27a%25%27'