is a file generator that renders templates using docker container meta-data.
docker-gen can be used to generate various kinds of files for:
- Centralized logging - fluentd, logstash or other centralized logging tools that tail the containers JSON log file or files within the container.
- Log Roatation - logrotate files to rotate container JSON log files
- Reverse Proxy Configs - nginx, haproxy, etc. reverse proxy configs to route requests from the host to containers
- Service Discovery - Scripts (python, bash, etc..) to register containers within etcd, hipache, etc..
Linux binaries for release 0.1.1
Download the version you need, untar, and install to your PATH.
tar xvzf tar xvzf docker-gen-linux-amd64-0.1.0.tar.gz
Usage: docker-gen [-config file] [-watch=false] [-notify="restart xyz"] [-interval=0] <template> [<dest>]
- runs continuously and monitors docker container events. When containers are started
or stopped, the template is regenerated.
- runs a command after the template is generated. Useful for restarting nginx, reloading
haproxy, etc..
-config file
- Use the specified config file instead of command-line options. Multiple templates can be defined and they will be executed in the order that they appear in the config file.
-interval <secs>
- Run the notify command on a fixed interval. Useful for service registration use cases.
If no <dest>
file is specified, the output is sent to stdout. Mainly useful for debugging.
NGINX Reverse Proxy Config
docker-gen -only-exposed -watch -notify "/etc/init.d/nginx reload" templates/nginx.tmpl /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker
Fluentd Log Management
docker-gen -watch -notify "restart fluentd" templates/fluentd.tmpl /etc/fluent/fluent.conf
Docker Log Management With Fluentd
Register Containers in Etcd
docker-gen -notify "/bin/bash /tmp/" -interval 10 templates/etcd.tmpl /tmp/
This project uses godep for managing 3rd party dependencies. You'll need to install godep into your workspace before hacking on docker-gen.
git clone <your fork>
godep restore
- Add Dockerfile and trusted build
- Add event status for handling start and stop events differently
- Add a way to filter out containers in templates