Centrifuge OS node
is the go implementation of the Centrifuge OS interacting with the peer to peer network and our Ethereum smart contracts.
Getting help: Head over to our developer documentation at developer.centrifuge.io to learn how to setup a node and interact with it. If you have any questions, feel free to join our slack channel
DISCLAIMER: The code released here presents a very early alpha version that should not be used in production and has not been audited. Use this at your own risk.
Table of Contents
Installing pre-requisites
# Install Go
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
#download go using this command
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
#extract the archive and move it to /usr/local folder
sudo tar -xvf go1.11.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local
#cd to ~/.profile and add the following lines to the end.
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
# execute this command to use go in the current shell.
source ~/.profile
# install jq
sudo apt-get install jq
# install truffle framework
npm install -g truffle@4.0.4
# install Dep
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh
Install Docker Compose
# Run this command to download the latest version of Docker Compose
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# Apply executable permissions to the binary
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# install jq
brew install jq
# install truffle framework
npm install -g truffle@4.0.4
# install Dep
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh
Install Docker Compose
Make sure you have docker-compose installed, usually comes bundled with Mac OS Docker. Otherwise: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
Build & install the Centrifuge OS Node
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/centrifuge/go-centrifuge/
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/centrifuge/
git clone git@github.com:centrifuge/go-centrifuge.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/centrifuge/go-centrifuge
cd go-centrifuge
make install
Check whether everything is fine by running tests
go test --tags="unit" ./...
go test --tags="integration" ./...
Running Tests
Install packages and dependencies
dep ensure
Run only unit tests
go test --tags="unit" ./...
Run only integration tests:
go test --tags="integration" ./...
For Testworld tests, please refer to the Testworld README
To run integration/functional tests a few other components need to be set up.
- Geth node needs to be up and running
- Contracts need to be deployed
- Run contract migration (fetched by ENV_VAR CENT_ETHEREUM_CONTRACTS_DIR under
- Local account keys need to be set and able to call the right contracts on Ethereum
To do this setup + run all the tests (unit, integration, functional) use the test_wrapper.sh
Run the whole test-suite with
Please note that this testing script is intended for CI testing. Please use the go test
commands for unit and integration testing.
Running tests continuously while developing
If you want to run tests continuously when a file changes, you can use reflex:
go get github.com/cespare/reflex
Then run (only for unit tests). It is a good idea to exclude the vendor
and ``.idea` folders from scanning by reflex as it hogs a lot of resources for no good reason.
reflex -R '(^|/)vendor/|(^|/)\\.idea/' -- go test ./centrifuge/... -tags=unit
Or run for specific tests only:
reflex -R '(^|/)vendor/|(^|/)\\.idea/' -- go test ./centrifuge/invoice/... -tags=unit
Run Centrifuge Chain locally in dev mode
For development, we use Docker Compose locally to run the Centrifuge Chain. It comes with a set of preconfigured accounts to be used.
./build/scripts/docker/run.sh ccdev
For more info: https://github.com/centrifuge/centrifuge-chain
Run a Geth node locally or Rinkeby environments
For development, we make use of Docker Compose locally as it is easy and clear to bundle volume and environment configurations:
Docker Compose files live in ./build/scripts/docker
Run as local node in dev mode
Then run the local node via ./build/scripts/docker/run.sh dev
By default it uses:
- ETH_DATADIR=${HOME}/Library/Ethereum
- RPC_PORT=9545
- WS_PORT=9546
Run local peer connected to Rinkeby
Let's run the rinkeby local node:
./build/scripts/docker/run.sh rinkeby
By default it uses:
- ETH_DATADIR=${HOME}/Library/Ethereum
- RPC_PORT=9545
Override those when needed
Let it catch up for a while until is fully synced with the remote peer
Run Integration Tests against Local/Rinkeby Environments
- Remove running container if any:
- Clear up ~/Library/Ethereum/8383 folder (keep in mind this will clear up all previous data you had before)
- rm -Rf ~/Library/Ethereum/8383
- In go-centrifuge project run:
- ./build/scripts/docker/run.sh dev
- Run contract migration to generate local contract address artifact:
- In centrifuge-ethereum-contracts project:
- ./build/scripts/migrate.sh localgeth
- Verify that ./deployments/local.json has been generated (note that local.json is excluded in .gitignore)
- Run tests:
- To run only integration tests:
- ./build/scripts/tests/run_integration_tests.sh
- Remove running container if any:
- In go-centrifuge project run:
- ./build/scripts/docker/run.sh rinkeby
- Wait until node is in sync with remote peer (1-2 hours):
- geth attach http://localhost:9545 --exec "net.peerCount" > 0 (rinkeby takes additional time to sync as it needs a peer to pull from, and has shortage of full node peers)
- geth attach http://localhost:9545 --exec "eth.syncing" -> false
- Run tests:
- To run only integration tests:
- Run tests:
- To run only integration tests:
Ethereum Contract Bindings
To create the go bindings for the deployed truffle contract, use the following command:
abigen --abi abi/AnchorRepository.abi --pkg anchor --type EthereumAnchorRepositoryContract --out ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/centrifuge/go-centrifuge/anchor/ethereum_anchor_repository_contract.go
and then copy the ethereum_anchor_registry_contract.go
file to anchors/
. You will also need to modify the file to add the following imports:
ethereum "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum"
Protobufs bindings
Create any new .proto
files in its own package under protobufs
Generating go bindings and swagger with the following command
make proto-all