Interop testing
Goal: OpenCensus can propagate traces and tags between processes written in different programming languages with complete fidelity using multiple transports.
- [DONE] P0: Initially only Java and Go(Go implementation completed with
- [PARTIAL] P0: Covers gRPC and HTTP transports
- [DONE] P0: trace context propagation
- [PARTIAL] P01: Tag propagation (gRPC done, HTTP unimplemented)
- [NOT STARTED] P1: Stackdriver trace integration testing
- [NOT STARTED] P2: C++, Python
Out of scope
- Any stats
- Integration testing with Zipkin, Prometheus, Jaeger
- Performance testing
The service definition will be as follows:
service EchoService {
rpc echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {}
message EchoRequest {
message EchoResponse {
bytes trace_id = 1;
bytes span_id = 2;
int32 trace_options = 3;
bytes tags_blob = 4;
TODO: these are slightly out of date
For HTTP, the request will be an empty body POST and the response will be a single protobuf EchoResponse message. The EchoResponse will be sent back by the server as a JSON response that’s deserializable as the protobuf message. Please note that tags_blob is the byteslice from encoding
The client behavior will be:
- Set up expected root span
- Add expected tags
- Invoke EchoService.echo / HTTP POST
- Examine the EchoResponse for the expected values, fail the test if the values in the response don't match the origin values we sent the request
- The following propagation formats will be tested for HTTP:
Dependency management
TODO: For Go we will use dep
Java will pin to the latest published version at the time and use Gradle for building
$ make test
Environment variables
Variable |
Default |
Details |
:9800 |
The address on which gRPC clients will find the Go gRPC server |
:9801 |
The address on which gRPC clients will find the Java gRPC server |
:9900 |
The address on which HTTP clients will find the Go HTTP server |
:9901 |
The address on which HTTP clients will find the Java HTTP server |