Sandglass is a distributed, horizontally scalable, persistent, delayed message queue. It was developped to support asynchronous tasks. It supports synchronous tasks as well. It supports the competing consumers pattern.
- Horizontal scalability
- Highly available
- Persistent storage
- Roughly strong ordering with a single consumer in a consumer group
- Round robin consumption between multiple consumers in a consumer group (looses ordering)
- Produce message to be consumed in the future
- Acknowledge each message individualy
- Automatic consumer offset tracking
Project status
EXPERIMENTAL: This is a prototype. This should not be used in production in its current form.
See TODO section below for more information
You can grab binaries here. If you're using MacOS you can also use homebrew to install sandglass:
$ brew install celrenheit/taps/sandglass
Getting started
NOTE: All data will be stored in /tmp/node1. If you wish to change this, copy demo/node1.yaml
and modify it accordingly.
First, let's launch sandglass server:
$ sandglass --config
We are using a single node cluster, this is not recommended for production.
In another terminal window, create a payments topic:
$ sandctl topics create payments --num_partitions 300 --replication_factor 1
...produce 10,000 messages:
$ sandctl produce payments '{"hello" : "world"}' -n 10000
...and consume from the payments topic:
$ sandctl consume payments
(or if you wish to watch you can use sandctl consume -f payments
to see messages coming live)
| |
+--------------------------+ +------> Consumer |
| | | | |
| Sandglass Cluster | | +-----------------+
| | |
| +-----+ Round robin consumption
+-----------------+ | +------------------+ | |
| | | | | | | +-----------------+
| Producer +-------> | | | | | |
| | | | Broker 1 | | +------> Consumer |
+-----------------+ | | | | | |
| | | | +-----------------+
| +------------------+ |
+-----------------+ | |
| | | +------------------+ |
| Producer +-------> | | | +-----------------+
| | | | | | | |
+-----------------+ | | Broker 2 | +-----+------> Consumer |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | +-----------------+
+-----------------+ | +------------------+ | |
| | | | | Failover consumption
| Producer +-------> +------------------+ | | (NOT DONE YET)
| | | | | | |
+-----------------+ | | | | | +-----------------+
| | Broker 3 | | | | |
| | | | +------+ Consumer |
| | | | | |
| +------------------+ | +-----------------+
| |
| |
There is two kinds of topics:
A topic has a number of partitions.
Data is written into a single partition. Either the destination partition is specified by the producer. Otherwise, we fallback to choosing the destination partition using a consistent hashing algorithm.
Each produced message to a partition writes a message to a Write Ahead Log (WAL) and to the message log.
The WAL is used for the replication logic, it is sorted in the order each message was produced.
The message log is used for message comsumption, it is mainly sorted by time (please refer to sandflake ids for the exact composition)
The content of the message is stored in the message log and not in the WAL (only the keys are important). This way the message log is used for fast consumption avoiding random reads.
This will probably change in order to have the WAL as the only source of truth instead of storing the content in the message log. This of course will have an impact because we are transfering random reads to the consumption path. Utlimately, we are going to have to store the content of the message in both logs for better performance at the cost of disk space.
A message is composed of the following fields:
index <- position in the WAL
offset <- position in the message log for timer topics
key <- position in the message log for key for compacted topics
value <- your payload
- Clean up all the mess
- Fix replication and re assign partitions correctly when a node goes down
- Save all the registered nodes and not rely on gossip to allow topic creation even if there is not enough nodes
- More TODOs in TODO section (#inception)
- Make everything more robust...