QBittorrent & Rsync auto sync tools writing in go
This tools will automatically run an Rsync command of completed torrent in qbittorrent tags with Sync.
While the transfer is in progress, it update the tag with Progress:X%.
And at the end it can remove or set a tag like Synced.
First ensure to have a working version of GO: Installation
Then install the last version of the tool:
$ go install github.com/celogeek/go-qbittorrent-sync@latest
$ go-qbittorrent-sync -h
Usage of go-qbittorrent-sync:
-pool-time int
Number of second to check new files to sync (default 30)
-qbittorrent-password string
Password of qbittorrent
-qbittorrent-password-file string
Password file with the password of qbittorrent
-qbittorrent-sync-tag string
Tag of qbittorrent to copy (default "Sync")
-qbittorrent-synced-tag string
Tag of qbittorrent when copy finished
-qbittorrent-uri string
URI of qbittorrent (default "http://localhost:8080")
-qbittorrent-username string
Username of qbittorrent
-rsync-destination string
Rsync Destination directory (default ".")
-rsync-hostname string
Rsync host
-rsync-rsh string
Rsync rsh command (default ".")
-rsync-username string
Rsync username