Convert CBZ/CBR/Dir into Epub for e-reader devices (Kindle Devices, ...)
My goal is to make a simple, crossplatform, and fast tool to convert comics into epub.
Epub is now support by Amazon through SendToKindle, by Email or by using the App. So I've made it simple to support the size limit constraint of those services.
First ensure to have a working version of GO: Installation
Then install the last version of the tool:
go install
To force install a specific version:
go install
# Ex: go install
Add GOPATH to your PATH
export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH
Supported image files
The supported image files are jpeg and png from the sources.
The extensions can be: jpg, jpeg, png.
The case for extensions doesn't matter.
Convert directory
Convert every supported image files found in the input directory:
go-comic-converter --profile KS --input ~/Download/MyComic
By default it will output: ~/Download/MyComic.epub
Convert every supported image files found in the input directory:
go-comic-converter --profile KS --input ~/Download/MyComic.[CBZ,ZIP,CBR,RAR,PDF]
By default it will output: ~/Download/MyComic.epub
Convert with size limit
If you send your ePub through Amazon service, you have some size limitation:
- Email : 50Mb (including encoding, so 40Mb for RAW file)
- App : 50Mb
- Website: 200Mb
You can split your file using the "--limitmb MB" option:
go-comic-converter --profile KS --input ~/Download/MyComic.[CBZ,ZIP,CBR,RAR,PDF] --limitmb 200
If you have more than 1 file the output will be:
- ~/Download/MyComic PART_01.epub
- ~/Download/MyComic PART_02.epub
- ...
The ePub include as a first page:
- Title
- Part NUM / TOTAL
# go-comic-converter -h
Usage of go-comic-converter:
Add an embeded panel view. On kindle you may not need this option as it is handled by the kindle.
-author string
Author of the epub (default "GO Comic Converter")
Activate all automatic options
Auto Rotate page when width > height
Auto Split double page when width > height
-brightness int
Brightness readjustement: between -100 and 100, > 0 lighter, < 0 darker
-contrast int
Contrast readjustement: between -100 and 100, > 0 more contrast, < 0 less contrast
-input string
Source of comic to convert: directory, cbz, zip, cbr, rar, pdf
-limitmb int
Limit size of the ePub: Default nolimit (0), Minimum 20
Manga mode (right to left)
Remove blank pages
Indicate if your comic doesn't have a cover. The first page will be used as a cover and include after the title.
Disable cropping
-output string
Output of the epub (directory or epub): (default [INPUT].epub)
-profile string
Profile to use:
- K1 ( 600x670 ) - 4 levels of gray - Kindle 1
- K11 ( 1072x1448 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle 11
- K2 ( 600x670 ) - 15 levels of gray - Kindle 2
- K34 ( 600x800 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle Keyboard/Touch
- K578 ( 600x800 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle
- KDX ( 824x1000 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle DX/DXG
- KPW ( 758x1024 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle Paperwhite 1/2
- KV ( 1072x1448 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle Paperwhite 3/4/Voyage/Oasis
- KPW5 ( 1236x1648 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle Paperwhite 5/Signature Edition
- KO ( 1264x1680 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle Oasis 2/3
- KS ( 1860x2480 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kindle Scribe
- KoMT ( 600x800 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Mini/Touch
- KoG ( 768x1024 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Glo
- KoGHD ( 1072x1448 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Glo HD
- KoA ( 758x1024 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Aura
- KoAHD ( 1080x1440 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Aura HD
- KoAH2O ( 1080x1430 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Aura H2O
- KoAO ( 1404x1872 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Aura ONE
- KoN ( 758x1024 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Nia
- KoC ( 1072x1448 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Clara HD/Kobo Clara 2E
- KoL ( 1264x1680 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Libra H2O/Kobo Libra 2
- KoF ( 1440x1920 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Forma
- KoS ( 1440x1920 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Sage
- KoE ( 1404x1872 ) - 16 levels of gray - Kobo Elipsa
-quality int
Quality of the image (default 85)
-title string
Title of the epub
-workers int
Number of workers (default number of CPUs)
This project is largely inspired from KCC (Kindle Comic Converter). Thanks:
There is no documentation for this package.