CircleCI is configured to build release libraries for all supported architectures and operating
systems. Building and bundling of new releases can be achieved through the following process.
Create a new branch.
Delete the old ./libs folder, if it exists.
Create a PR.
On each commit, CI will run:
By default, it will build and test the code on amd64 Linux.
Upon approval by a contributor with push access, CI will build the libs for all targets and store them as a libs.tar.gz artifact on the build-and-bundle-libs-all-targets job.
Download the libs.tar.gz file and extract it in the root of the repository. This will create the ./libs directory.
Run go run cmd/distribute/distribute.go . platforms/platforms.json. This will create all the repositories for the different packages.
Run ./scripts/ TAG with a chosen TAG. This will create a tag in each of the repos and update the go.mod.
Tag should be formated as a semver such as v0.1.2.
Merge the PR, so master will be up to date.
Run ./scripts/ TAG, to push the tag to the main repository.