is a developer utility to easy running celo blockchain testnets and related jobs around testnets.
Its main advantage over previous solutions is that it's able to create a genesis.json
where all core conctracts are already deployed in it. Eventually it can be extended to support other cases, like e2e tests, load tests, and other operations.
Using mycelo
There are 2 main use cases for mycelo:
- Run a local tesnet
- Create a genesis.json to be used in another testnet that will be run on a CloudProvider/Kubernetes
Generating a genesis.json
Both cases share the need to create the genesis.json
; to do so run:
mycelo genesis --buildpath path/to/protocol/build
Where buildpath
is the path to truffle compile output folder. By default it will use CELO_MONOREPO
environment variable as $CELO_MONOREPO/packages/protocol/build/contracts
This will create a genesis.json
If you want to run a local testnet, you'll want to create an environment, for that use:
mycelo genesis --newenv path/to/envfolder
This command will create folder path/to/envfolder
and write there genesis.json
and env.json
Configuring Genesis
Genesis creation has many configuration options, for that mycelo
use the concept of templates.
mycelo genesis --template=[local|loadtest|monorepo]
Additionally, you can override template options via command line, chedk mycelo genesis --help
for options:
--validators value Number of Validators (default: 0)
--dev.accounts value Number of developer accounts (default: 0)
--blockperiod value Seconds between each block (default: 0)
--epoch value Epoch size (default: 0)
--mnemonic value Mnemonic to generate accounts
Configuring Genesis (Advanced)
If that's not enough, you can ask mycelo to generate a genesis-config file that you can then customize and use to generate genesis
mycelo genesis-config path/to/env
This will create path/to/env/env.json
& path/to/env/genesis-config.json
Next step is to customize those files with your desired options, and then run:
mycelo genesis-from-config path/to/env
This command will read those file, and generate a genesis.json
on the env folder
Running a local testnet
Once you've created an environment, and the genesis.json
you can now run your own local testnet.
First, you need to configure the nodes (this will run geth init
, configure static-nodes
, add validator accounts to the node, etc):
mycelo validator-init --geth path/to/geth/binary path/to/env
NOTE: If you don't specify geth binary path. It will attempt to use $CELO_BLOCKCHAIN/build/bin/geth
And then, run the nodes:
mycelo validator-run --geth path/to/geth/binary path/to/env
This command will run one geth node for each validator as subprocesses.
Running a load bot (Experimental)
You can run a simple load bot with:
mycelo load-bot path/to/env
This will generate cUSD transfer on each of the developers account of the enviroment.
This feature is still experimental and needs more work, but it's already usable.
What's missing?
Currently, there are few things that are missing on mycelo.
- Not all migration are being executed:
- Attestations
- Governance
- Validators Registration
These are easy to do, but since it's already usable we don't want to delay the release of it
Happy Coding!!!!!