
v0.16.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 26, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 23 Imported by: 1




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var (
	ErrBitTwisterFailedToStart                   = errors.New("BitTwisterFailedToStart", "BitTwister failed to start")
	ErrCreatingInstance                          = errors.New("CreatingInstance", "error creating instance")
	ErrSettingImage                              = errors.New("SettingImage", "error setting image")
	ErrCommittingInstance                        = errors.New("CommittingInstance", "error committing instance")
	ErrSettingArgs                               = errors.New("SettingArgs", "error setting args")
	ErrSettingMemory                             = errors.New("SettingMemory", "error setting memory")
	ErrSettingCPU                                = errors.New("SettingCPU", "error setting cpu")
	ErrStartingInstance                          = errors.New("StartingInstance", "error starting instance")
	ErrWaitingInstanceIsRunning                  = errors.New("WaitingInstanceIsRunning", "error waiting for instance to be running")
	ErrPortNumberOutOfRange                      = errors.New("PortNumberOutOfRange", "port number '%d' is out of range")
	ErrDeployingService                          = errors.New("DeployingService", "error deploying service '%s'")
	ErrGettingService                            = errors.New("GettingService", "error getting service '%s'")
	ErrPatchingService                           = errors.New("PatchingService", "error patching service '%s'")
	ErrFailedToCreateServiceAccount              = errors.New("FailedToCreateServiceAccount", "failed to create service account")
	ErrFailedToCreateRole                        = errors.New("FailedToCreateRole", "failed to create role")
	ErrFailedToCreateRoleBinding                 = errors.New("FailedToCreateRoleBinding", "failed to create role binding")
	ErrFailedToDeployPod                         = errors.New("FailedToDeployPod", "failed to deploy pod")
	ErrFailedToDeletePod                         = errors.New("FailedToDeletePod", "failed to delete pod")
	ErrFailedToDeleteServiceAccount              = errors.New("FailedToDeleteServiceAccount", "failed to delete service account")
	ErrFailedToDeleteRole                        = errors.New("FailedToDeleteRole", "failed to delete role")
	ErrFailedToDeleteRoleBinding                 = errors.New("FailedToDeleteRoleBinding", "failed to delete role binding")
	ErrDeployingServiceForInstance               = errors.New("DeployingServiceForInstance", "error deploying service for instance '%s'")
	ErrPatchingServiceForInstance                = errors.New("PatchingServiceForInstance", "error patching service for instance '%s'")
	ErrFailedToOpenFile                          = errors.New("FailedToOpenFile", "failed to open file")
	ErrFailedToReadFile                          = errors.New("FailedToReadFile", "failed to read file")
	ErrFailedToCreateConfigMap                   = errors.New("FailedToCreateConfigMap", "failed to create configmap")
	ErrFailedToDeleteConfigMap                   = errors.New("FailedToDeleteConfigMap", "failed to delete configmap")
	ErrFailedToDeployOrPatchService              = errors.New("FailedToDeployOrPatchService", "failed to deploy or patch service")
	ErrDeployingServiceForSidecar                = errors.New("DeployingServiceForSidecar", "error deploying service for sidecar '%s' of instance '%s', a sidecar cannot have a service")
	ErrPatchingServiceForSidecar                 = errors.New("PatchingServiceForSidecar", "error patching service for sidecar '%s' of instance '%s', a sidecar cannot have a service")
	ErrDeployingVolumeForInstance                = errors.New("DeployingVolumeForInstance", "error deploying volume for instance '%s'")
	ErrDeployingFilesForInstance                 = errors.New("DeployingFilesForInstance", "error deploying files for instance '%s'")
	ErrDestroyingVolumeForInstance               = errors.New("DestroyingVolumeForInstance", "error destroying volume for instance '%s'")
	ErrDestroyingFilesForInstance                = errors.New("DestroyingFilesForInstance", "error destroying files for instance '%s'")
	ErrDestroyingServiceForInstance              = errors.New("DestroyingServiceForInstance", "error destroying service for instance '%s'")
	ErrCheckingNetworkStatusForInstance          = errors.New("CheckingNetworkStatusForInstance", "error checking network status for instance '%s'")
	ErrEnablingNetworkForInstance                = errors.New("EnablingNetworkForInstance", "error enabling network for instance '%s'")
	ErrGeneratingUUID                            = errors.New("GeneratingUUID", "error generating UUID")
	ErrGettingFreePort                           = errors.New("GettingFreePort", "error getting free port")
	ErrSrcMustBeSet                              = errors.New("SrcMustBeSet", "src must be set")
	ErrDestMustBeSet                             = errors.New("DestMustBeSet", "dest must be set")
	ErrChownMustBeSet                            = errors.New("ChownMustBeSet", "chown must be set")
	ErrChownMustBeInFormatUserGroup              = errors.New("ChownMustBeInFormatUserGroup", "chown must be in format 'user:group'")
	ErrAddingFileToInstance                      = errors.New("AddingFileToInstance", "error adding file '%s' to instance '%s'")
	ErrReplacingPod                              = errors.New("ReplacingPod", "error replacing pod")
	ErrApplyingFunctionToInstance                = errors.New("ApplyingFunctionToInstance", "error applying function to instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingNotAllowed                         = errors.New("SettingNotAllowed", "setting %s is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrCreatingOtelCollectorInstance             = errors.New("CreatingOtelCollectorInstance", "error creating otel collector instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingBitTwisterImage                    = errors.New("SettingBitTwisterImage", "error setting image for bit-twister instance")
	ErrAddingBitTwisterPort                      = errors.New("AddingBitTwisterPort", "error adding BitTwister port")
	ErrGettingInstanceIP                         = errors.New("GettingInstanceIP", "error getting IP of instance '%s'")
	ErrCommittingBitTwisterInstance              = errors.New("CommittingBitTwisterInstance", "error committing bit-twister instance")
	ErrSettingBitTwisterEnv                      = errors.New("SettingBitTwisterEnv", "error setting environment variable for bit-twister instance")
	ErrCreatingBitTwisterInstance                = errors.New("CreatingBitTwisterInstance", "error creating bit-twister instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingBitTwisterPrivileged               = errors.New("SettingBitTwisterPrivileged", "error setting privileged for bit-twister instance '%s'")
	ErrAddingBitTwisterCapability                = errors.New("AddingBitTwisterCapability", "error adding capability for bit-twister instance '%s'")
	ErrAddingBitTwisterSidecar                   = errors.New("AddingBitTwisterSidecar", "error adding bit-twister sidecar to instance '%s'")
	ErrCreatingOtelAgentInstance                 = errors.New("CreatingOtelAgentInstance", "error creating otel-agent instance")
	ErrSettingOtelAgentImage                     = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentImage", "error setting image for otel-agent instance")
	ErrAddingOtelAgentPort                       = errors.New("AddingOtelAgentPort", "error adding port for otel-agent instance")
	ErrSettingOtelAgentCPU                       = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentCPU", "error setting CPU for otel-agent instance")
	ErrAddingOtelAgentVolume                     = errors.New("AddingOtelAgentVolume", "error adding volume for otel-agent instance")
	ErrSettingOtelAgentMemory                    = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentMemory", "error setting memory for otel-agent instance")
	ErrCommittingOtelAgentInstance               = errors.New("CommittingOtelAgentInstance", "error committing otel-agent instance")
	ErrMarshalingYAML                            = errors.New("MarshalingYAML", "error marshaling YAML")
	ErrAddingOtelAgentConfigFile                 = errors.New("AddingOtelAgentConfigFile", "error adding otel-agent config file")
	ErrSettingOtelAgentCommand                   = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentCommand", "error setting command for otel-agent instance")
	ErrCreatingPoolNotAllowed                    = errors.New("CreatingPoolNotAllowed", "creating a pool is only allowed in state 'Committed' or 'Destroyed'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrGeneratingK8sName                         = errors.New("GeneratingK8sName", "error generating k8s name for instance '%s'")
	ErrEnablingBitTwister                        = errors.New("EnablingBitTwister", "enabling BitTwister is not allowed in state 'Started'")
	ErrSettingImageNotAllowed                    = errors.New("SettingImageNotAllowed", "setting image is only allowed in state 'None' and 'Started'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrCreatingBuilder                           = errors.New("CreatingBuilder", "error creating builder")
	ErrSettingImageNotAllowedForSidecarsStarted  = errors.New("SettingImageNotAllowedForSidecarsStarted", "setting image is not allowed for sidecars when in state 'Started'")
	ErrSettingGitRepo                            = errors.New("SettingGitRepo", "setting git repo is only allowed in state 'None'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrGettingBuildContext                       = errors.New("GettingBuildContext", "error getting build context")
	ErrGettingImageName                          = errors.New("GettingImageName", "error getting image name")
	ErrGettingBuildDir                           = errors.New("GettingBuildDir", "error getting build directory")
	ErrSettingImageNotAllowedForSidecars         = errors.New("SettingImageNotAllowedForSidecars", "setting image is not allowed for sidecars")
	ErrSettingCommand                            = errors.New("SettingCommand", "setting command is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingArgsNotAllowed                     = errors.New("SettingArgsNotAllowed", "setting args is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrAddingPortNotAllowed                      = errors.New("AddingPortNotAllowed", "adding port is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrPortAlreadyRegistered                     = errors.New("PortAlreadyRegistered", "TCP port '%d' is already in registered")
	ErrRandomPortForwardingNotAllowed            = errors.New("RandomPortForwardingNotAllowed", "random port forwarding is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrPortNotRegistered                         = errors.New("PortNotRegistered", "TCP port '%d' is not registered")
	ErrGettingPodFromReplicaSet                  = errors.New("GettingPodFromReplicaSet", "error getting pod from replicaset '%s'")
	ErrForwardingPort                            = errors.New("ForwardingPort", "error forwarding port after %d retries")
	ErrUDPPortAlreadyRegistered                  = errors.New("UDPPortAlreadyRegistered", "UDP port '%d' is already in registered")
	ErrExecutingCommandNotAllowed                = errors.New("ExecutingCommandNotAllowed", "executing command is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrAddingCommandNotAllowed                   = errors.New("AddingCommandNotAllowed", "adding command is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrExecutingCommandInInstance                = errors.New("ExecutingCommandInInstance", "error executing command '%s' in instance '%s'")
	ErrExecutingCommandInSidecar                 = errors.New("ExecutingCommandInSidecar", "error executing command '%s' in sidecar '%s' of instance '%s'")
	ErrAddingFileNotAllowed                      = errors.New("AddingFileNotAllowed", "adding file is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSrcDoesNotExist                           = errors.New("SrcDoesNotExist", "src '%s' does not exist")
	ErrCreatingDirectory                         = errors.New("CreatingDirectory", "error creating directory")
	ErrFailedToCreateDestFile                    = errors.New("FailedToCreateDestFile", "failed to create destination file '%s'")
	ErrFailedToOpenSrcFile                       = errors.New("FailedToOpenSrcFile", "failed to open source file '%s'")
	ErrFailedToGetSrcFileInfo                    = errors.New("FailedToGetSrcFileInfo", "failed to get source file info for %s")
	ErrFailedToCopyFile                          = errors.New("FailedToCopyFile", "failed to copy from source '%s' to destination '%s'")
	ErrFailedToSetPermissions                    = errors.New("FailedToSetPermissions", "failed to set permissions for destination file")
	ErrSrcDoesNotExistOrIsDirectory              = errors.New("SrcDoesNotExistOrIsDirectory", "src '%s' does not exist or is a directory")
	ErrInvalidFormat                             = errors.New("InvalidFormat", "invalid format")
	ErrFailedToConvertToInt64                    = errors.New("FailedToConvertToInt64", "failed to convert to int64")
	ErrAllFilesMustHaveSameGroup                 = errors.New("AllFilesMustHaveSameGroup", "all files must have the same group")
	ErrAddingFolderNotAllowed                    = errors.New("AddingFolderNotAllowed", "adding folder is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSrcDoesNotExistOrIsNotDirectory           = errors.New("SrcDoesNotExistOrIsNotDirectory", "src '%s' does not exist or is not a directory")
	ErrCopyingFolderToInstance                   = errors.New("CopyingFolderToInstance", "error copying folder '%s' to instance '%s")
	ErrSettingUserNotAllowed                     = errors.New("SettingUserNotAllowed", "setting user is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingNodeSelectorNotAllowed             = errors.New("SettingNodeSelectorNotAllowed", "setting node selector is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingUser                               = errors.New("SettingUser", "error setting user '%s' for instance '%s")
	ErrCommittingNotAllowed                      = errors.New("CommittingNotAllowed", "committing is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrGettingImageRegistry                      = errors.New("GettingImageRegistry", "error getting image registry")
	ErrGeneratingImageHash                       = errors.New("GeneratingImageHash", "error generating image hash")
	ErrPushingImage                              = errors.New("PushingImage", "error pushing image for instance '%s'")
	ErrAddingVolumeNotAllowed                    = errors.New("AddingVolumeNotAllowed", "adding volume is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingMemoryNotAllowed                   = errors.New("SettingMemoryNotAllowed", "setting memory is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingCPUNotAllowed                      = errors.New("SettingCPUNotAllowed", "setting cpu is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingEnvNotAllowed                      = errors.New("SettingEnvNotAllowed", "setting environment variable is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrGettingServiceForInstance                 = errors.New("GettingServiceForInstance", "error retrieving deployed service for instance '%s'")
	ErrGettingServiceIP                          = errors.New("GettingServiceIP", "IP address is not available for service '%s'")
	ErrGettingFileNotAllowed                     = errors.New("GettingFileNotAllowed", "getting file is only allowed in state 'Started', 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrGettingFile                               = errors.New("GettingFile", "error getting file '%s' from instance '%s")
	ErrReadingFile                               = errors.New("ReadingFile", "error reading file '%s' from running instance '%s")
	ErrReadingFileNotAllowed                     = errors.New("ReadingFileNotAllowed", "reading file is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrReadingFileFromInstance                   = errors.New("ReadingFileFromInstance", "error reading file '%s' from running instance '%s")
	ErrAddingPolicyRuleNotAllowed                = errors.New("AddingPolicyRuleNotAllowed", "adding policy rule is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingProbeNotAllowed                    = errors.New("SettingProbeNotAllowed", "setting probe is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrAddingSidecarNotAllowed                   = errors.New("AddingSidecarNotAllowed", "adding sidecar is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSidecarIsNil                              = errors.New("SidecarIsNil", "sidecar is nil")
	ErrSidecarCannotBeSameInstance               = errors.New("SidecarCannotBeSameInstance", "sidecar cannot be the same instance")
	ErrSidecarNotCommitted                       = errors.New("SidecarNotCommitted", "sidecar '%s' is not in state 'Committed'")
	ErrSidecarCannotHaveSidecar                  = errors.New("SidecarCannotHaveSidecar", "sidecar '%s' cannot have a sidecar")
	ErrSidecarAlreadySidecar                     = errors.New("SidecarAlreadySidecar", "sidecar '%s' is already a sidecar")
	ErrSettingPrivilegedNotAllowed               = errors.New("SettingPrivilegedNotAllowed", "setting privileged is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrAddingCapabilityNotAllowed                = errors.New("AddingCapabilityNotAllowed", "adding capability is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrAddingCapabilitiesNotAllowed              = errors.New("AddingCapabilitiesNotAllowed", "adding capabilities is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrStartingNotAllowed                        = errors.New("StartingNotAllowed", "starting is only allowed in state 'Committed' or 'Stopped'. Current state of instance '%s' is '%s'")
	ErrStartingNotAllowedForSidecar              = errors.New("StartingNotAllowedForSidecar", "starting is only allowed in state 'Committed' or 'Stopped'. Current state of sidecar '%s' is '%s")
	ErrStartingSidecarNotAllowed                 = errors.New("StartingSidecarNotAllowed", "starting a sidecar is not allowed")
	ErrAddingOtelCollectorSidecar                = errors.New("AddingOtelCollectorSidecar", "error adding OpenTelemetry collector sidecar for instance '%s'")
	ErrAddingNetworkSidecar                      = errors.New("AddingNetworkSidecar", "error adding network sidecar for instance '%s'")
	ErrDeployingResourcesForInstance             = errors.New("DeployingResourcesForInstance", "error deploying resources for instance '%s'")
	ErrDeployingResourcesForSidecars             = errors.New("DeployingResourcesForSidecars", "error deploying resources for sidecars of instance '%s'")
	ErrDeployingPodForInstance                   = errors.New("DeployingPodForInstance", "error deploying pod for instance '%s'")
	ErrWaitingForInstanceRunning                 = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceRunning", "error waiting for instance '%s' to be running")
	ErrCheckingIfInstanceRunningNotAllowed       = errors.New("CheckingIfInstanceRunningNotAllowed", "checking if instance is running is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrWaitingForInstanceNotAllowed              = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceNotAllowed", "waiting for instance is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrWaitingForInstanceTimeout                 = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceTimeout", "timeout while waiting for instance '%s' to be running")
	ErrCheckingIfInstanceRunning                 = errors.New("CheckingIfInstanceRunning", "error checking if instance '%s' is running")
	ErrDisablingNetworkNotAllowed                = errors.New("DisablingNetworkNotAllowed", "disabling network is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrDisablingNetwork                          = errors.New("DisablingNetwork", "error disabling network for instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowed           = errors.New("SettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowed", "setting bandwidth limit is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowedBitTwister = errors.New("SettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowedBitTwister", "setting bandwidth limit is only allowed if BitTwister is enabled")
	ErrStoppingBandwidthLimit                    = errors.New("StoppingBandwidthLimit", "error stopping bandwidth limit for instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingBandwidthLimit                     = errors.New("SettingBandwidthLimit", "error setting bandwidth limit for instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingLatencyJitterNotAllowed            = errors.New("SettingLatencyJitterNotAllowed", "setting latency/jitter is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingLatencyJitterNotAllowedBitTwister  = errors.New("SettingLatencyJitterNotAllowedBitTwister", "setting latency/jitter is only allowed if BitTwister is enabled")
	ErrStoppingLatencyJitter                     = errors.New("StoppingLatencyJitter", "error stopping latency/jitter for instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingLatencyJitter                      = errors.New("SettingLatencyJitter", "error setting latency/jitter for instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingPacketLossNotAllowed               = errors.New("SettingPacketLossNotAllowed", "setting packetloss is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrSettingPacketLossNotAllowedBitTwister     = errors.New("SettingPacketLossNotAllowedBitTwister", "setting packetloss is only allowed if BitTwister is enabled")
	ErrStoppingPacketLoss                        = errors.New("StoppingPacketLoss", "error stopping packetloss for instance '%s'")
	ErrSettingPacketLoss                         = errors.New("SettingPacketLoss", "error setting packetloss for instance '%s'")
	ErrEnablingNetworkNotAllowed                 = errors.New("EnablingNetworkNotAllowed", "enabling network is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrEnablingNetwork                           = errors.New("EnablingNetwork", "error enabling network for instance '%s'")
	ErrCheckingIfNetworkDisabledNotAllowed       = errors.New("CheckingIfNetworkDisabledNotAllowed", "checking if network is disabled is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrWaitingForInstanceStoppedNotAllowed       = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceStoppedNotAllowed", "waiting for instance is only allowed in state 'Stopped'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrCheckingIfInstanceStopped                 = errors.New("CheckingIfInstanceStopped", "error checking if instance '%s' is running")
	ErrStoppingNotAllowed                        = errors.New("StoppingNotAllowed", "stopping is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrDestroyingNotAllowed                      = errors.New("DestroyingNotAllowed", "destroying is only allowed in state 'Started' or 'Destroyed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrDestroyingPod                             = errors.New("DestroyingPod", "error destroying pod for instance '%s'")
	ErrDestroyingResourcesForInstance            = errors.New("DestroyingResourcesForInstance", "error destroying resources for instance '%s'")
	ErrDestroyingResourcesForSidecars            = errors.New("DestroyingResourcesForSidecars", "error destroying resources for sidecars of instance '%s'")
	ErrCloningNotAllowed                         = errors.New("CloningNotAllowed", "cloning is only allowed in state 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrCloningNotAllowedForSidecar               = errors.New("CloningNotAllowedForSidecar", "cloning is only allowed in state 'Committed'. Current state is '%s")
	ErrGeneratingK8sNameForSidecar               = errors.New("GeneratingK8sNameForSidecar", "error generating k8s name for instance '%s'")
	ErrCannotInitializeKnuuWithEmptyScope        = errors.New("Cannot Initialize Knuu With Empty Scope", "cannot initialize knuu with empty scope")
	ErrCannotInitializeK8s                       = errors.New("Cannot Initialize K8s", "cannot initialize k8s")
	ErrCreatingNamespace                         = errors.New("CreatingNamespace", "creating namespace %s")
	ErrCannotParseTimeout                        = errors.New("Cannot Parse Timeout", "cannot parse timeout")
	ErrCannotHandleTimeout                       = errors.New("Cannot Handle Timeout", "cannot handle timeout")
	ErrInvalidKnuuBuilder                        = errors.New("Invalid Knuu Builder", "invalid KNUU_BUILDER, available [kubernetes, docker], value used: %s")
	ErrCannotCreateInstance                      = errors.New("Cannot Create Instance", "cannot create instance")
	ErrCannotSetImage                            = errors.New("Cannot Set Image", "cannot set image")
	ErrCannotCommitInstance                      = errors.New("Cannot Commit Instance", "cannot commit instance")
	ErrCannotSetStartCommand                     = errors.New("Cannot Set Start Command", "cannot set start command")
	ErrCannotAddPolicyRule                       = errors.New("Cannot Add Policy Rule", "cannot add policy rule")
	ErrCannotStartInstance                       = errors.New("Cannot Start Instance", "cannot start instance")
	ErrMinioNotInitialized                       = errors.New("MinioNotInitialized", "minio not initialized")
	ErrGeneratingK8sNameForPreloader             = errors.New("GeneratingK8sNameForPreloader", "error generating k8s name for preloader")
	ErrCannotLoadEnv                             = errors.New("Cannot Load Env", "cannot load env")
	ErrMaximumVolumesExceeded                    = errors.New("MaximumVolumesExceeded", "maximum volumes exceeded for instance '%s'")
	ErrCustomResourceDefinitionDoesNotExist      = errors.New("CustomResourceDefinitionDoesNotExist", "custom resource definition %s does not exist")
	ErrFileIsNotSubFolderOfVolumes               = errors.New("FileIsNotSubFolderOfVolumes", "the file '%s' is not a sub folder of any added volume")
	ErrCannotInitializeKnuu                      = errors.New("Cannot Initialize Knuu", "cannot initialize knuu")
	ErrAddingToProxy                             = errors.New("AddingToProxy", "error adding '%s' to traefik proxy for service '%s'")
	ErrGettingProxyURL                           = errors.New("GettingProxyURL", "error getting proxy URL for service '%s'")
	ErrProxyNotInitialized                       = errors.New("ProxyNotInitialized", "proxy not initialized")
	ErrCheckFailed                               = errors.New("CheckFailed", "check failed")
	ErrContextCanceled                           = errors.New("ContextCanceled", "context canceled")
	ErrBitTwisterClientIsNil                     = errors.New("BitTwisterClientIsNil", "bit twister client is nil")
	ErrTsharkCollectorAlreadyEnabled             = errors.New("TsharkCollectorAlreadyEnabled", "tshark collector already enabled for instance '%s'")
	ErrCreatingTsharkCollectorInstance           = errors.New("CreatingTsharkCollectorInstance", "error creating tshark collector instance")
	ErrAddingTsharkCollectorSidecar              = errors.New("AddingTsharkCollectorSidecar", "error adding tshark collector sidecar for instance '%s'")
	ErrTsharkCollectorConfigNotSet               = errors.New("TsharkCollectorConfigNotSet", "tshark collector config not set for instance '%s'. volumeSize: %s, s3AccessKey: %s, s3SecretKey: %s, s3Region: %s, s3BucketName: %s, s3KeyPrefix: %s")
	ErrTsharkCollectorInvalidVolumeSize          = errors.New("TsharkCollectorInvalidVolumeSize", "invalid volume size format for tshark collector: %s")
	ErrTsharkCollectorInvalidS3AccessKey         = errors.New("TsharkCollectorInvalidS3AccessKey", "invalid S3 access key format for tshark collector: %s")
	ErrTsharkCollectorInvalidS3SecretKey         = errors.New("TsharkCollectorInvalidS3SecretKey", "invalid S3 secret key format for tshark collector: %s")
	ErrTsharkCollectorS3RegionOrBucketEmpty      = errors.New("TsharkCollectorS3RegionOrBucketEmpty", "S3 region or bucket cannot be empty for tshark collector: %s, %s")
	ErrRegexpCompile                             = errors.New("RegexpCompile", "error compiling regexp for %s")
	ErrApplyingFunctionToSidecar                 = errors.New("ApplyingFunctionToSidecar", "error applying function to sidecar '%s'")
	ErrInitializingSidecar                       = errors.New("InitializingSidecar", "error initializing sidecar for instance '%s'")
	ErrSidecarInstanceIsNil                      = errors.New("SidecarInstanceIsNil", "sidecar instance is nil for instance '%s'")
	ErrFailedToCreatePersistentVolumeClaim       = errors.New("FailedToCreatePersistentVolumeClaim", "failed to create persistent volume claim")
	ErrFailedToDeletePersistentVolumeClaim       = errors.New("FailedToDeletePersistentVolumeClaim", "failed to delete persistent volume claim")
	ErrUpgradingImageNotAllowed                  = errors.New("UpgradingImageNotAllowed", "upgrading image is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrAddingHostToProxyNotAllowed               = errors.New("AddingHostToProxyNotAllowed", "adding host to proxy is only allowed in state 'Started' and 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrInstanceNameAlreadyExists                 = errors.New("InstanceNameAlreadyExists", "instance name '%s' already exists")
	ErrSettingSidecarName                        = errors.New("SettingSidecarName", "error setting sidecar name with prefix '%s' for instance '%s'")
	ErrGettingServiceEndpointNotAllowed          = errors.New("GettingServiceEndpointNotAllowed", "getting service endpoint is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrCannotCloneInstance                       = errors.New("CannotCloneInstance", "cannot clone instance '%s' in state '%s'")
	ErrGettingIPNotAllowed                       = errors.New("GettingIPNotAllowed", "getting IP is allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s'")
	ErrPodIPNotReady                             = errors.New("PodIPNotReady", "pod IP is not ready for pod '%s'")
	ErrFailedToGetFileSize                       = errors.New("FailedToGetFileSize", "failed to get file size")
	ErrFileTooLargeCommitted                     = errors.New("FileTooLargeCommitted", "file '%s' is too large (max 1MiB) to add after instance is committed")
	ErrTotalFilesSizeTooLarge                    = errors.New("TotalFilesSizeTooLarge", "total files size is too large (max 1MiB)")
	ErrFailedToCheckPersistentVolumeClaim        = errors.New("FailedToCheckPersistentVolumeClaim", "failed to check persistent volume claim")


func BatchDestroy

func BatchDestroy(ctx context.Context, instances ...*Instance) error

BatchDestroy destroys a list of instances.


type Error

type Error = errors.Error

type Instance

type Instance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Instance represents a instance

func New

func New(name string, sysDeps *system.SystemDependencies) (*Instance, error)

func (*Instance) Build added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Build() *build

func (*Instance) CloneWithName

func (i *Instance) CloneWithName(name string) (*Instance, error)

CloneWithName creates a clone of the instance with a given name This function can only be called in the state 'Committed' or 'Stopped' When cloning an instance that is a sidecar, the clone will be not a sidecar When cloning an instance with sidecars, the sidecars will be cloned as well

func (*Instance) CloneWithSuffix added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) CloneWithSuffix(suffix string) (*Instance, error)

CloneWithSuffix clones the instance with a suffix

func (*Instance) Execution added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Execution() *execution

func (*Instance) IsInState

func (i *Instance) IsInState(states ...InstanceState) bool

IsInState checks if the instance is in one of the provided states

func (*Instance) IsState added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) IsState(state InstanceState) bool

func (*Instance) Monitoring added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Monitoring() *monitoring

func (*Instance) Name

func (i *Instance) Name() string

func (*Instance) Network added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Network() *network

func (*Instance) Resources added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Resources() *resources

func (*Instance) Security added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Security() *security

func (*Instance) SetInstanceType

func (i *Instance) SetInstanceType(instanceType InstanceType)

func (*Instance) SetName added in v0.16.1

func (i *Instance) SetName(name string) error

func (*Instance) SetState added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) SetState(state InstanceState)

func (*Instance) Sidecars added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Sidecars() *sidecars

func (*Instance) State added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) State() InstanceState

func (*Instance) Storage added in v0.15.1

func (i *Instance) Storage() *storage

type InstanceState

type InstanceState int

InstanceState represents the state of the instance

const (
	StateNone InstanceState = iota

Possible states of the instance

func (InstanceState) String

func (s InstanceState) String() string

String returns the string representation of the state

type InstanceType

type InstanceType int

InstanceType represents the type of the instance

const (
	UnknownInstance InstanceType = iota

Possible types of the instance

func (InstanceType) String

func (s InstanceType) String() string

String returns the string representation of the type

type SidecarManager added in v0.15.1

type SidecarManager interface {
	// namePrefix is the name of the instance that is the parent of the sidecar
	// it is used to set the name of the sidecar to avoid name collisions
	Initialize(ctx context.Context, namePrefix string, sysDeps *system.SystemDependencies) error
	Instance() *Instance
	PreStart(ctx context.Context) error
	Clone(namePrefix string) (SidecarManager, error)

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