Index ¶
- Variables
- func BatchDestroy(ctx context.Context, instances ...*Instance) error
- type Error
- type Instance
- func (i *Instance) Build() *build
- func (i *Instance) CloneWithName(name string) (*Instance, error)
- func (i *Instance) CloneWithSuffix(suffix string) (*Instance, error)
- func (i *Instance) Execution() *execution
- func (i *Instance) IsInState(states ...InstanceState) bool
- func (i *Instance) IsState(state InstanceState) bool
- func (i *Instance) Monitoring() *monitoring
- func (i *Instance) Name() string
- func (i *Instance) Network() *network
- func (i *Instance) Resources() *resources
- func (i *Instance) Security() *security
- func (i *Instance) SetInstanceType(instanceType InstanceType)
- func (i *Instance) SetName(name string) error
- func (i *Instance) SetState(state InstanceState)
- func (i *Instance) Sidecars() *sidecars
- func (i *Instance) State() InstanceState
- func (i *Instance) Storage() *storage
- type InstanceState
- type InstanceType
- type SidecarManager
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( ErrBitTwisterFailedToStart = errors.New("BitTwisterFailedToStart", "BitTwister failed to start") ErrCreatingInstance = errors.New("CreatingInstance", "error creating instance") ErrSettingImage = errors.New("SettingImage", "error setting image") ErrCommittingInstance = errors.New("CommittingInstance", "error committing instance") ErrSettingArgs = errors.New("SettingArgs", "error setting args") ErrSettingMemory = errors.New("SettingMemory", "error setting memory") ErrSettingCPU = errors.New("SettingCPU", "error setting cpu") ErrStartingInstance = errors.New("StartingInstance", "error starting instance") ErrWaitingInstanceIsRunning = errors.New("WaitingInstanceIsRunning", "error waiting for instance to be running") ErrPortNumberOutOfRange = errors.New("PortNumberOutOfRange", "port number '%d' is out of range") ErrDeployingService = errors.New("DeployingService", "error deploying service '%s'") ErrGettingService = errors.New("GettingService", "error getting service '%s'") ErrPatchingService = errors.New("PatchingService", "error patching service '%s'") ErrFailedToCreateServiceAccount = errors.New("FailedToCreateServiceAccount", "failed to create service account") ErrFailedToCreateRole = errors.New("FailedToCreateRole", "failed to create role") ErrFailedToCreateRoleBinding = errors.New("FailedToCreateRoleBinding", "failed to create role binding") ErrFailedToDeployPod = errors.New("FailedToDeployPod", "failed to deploy pod") ErrFailedToDeletePod = errors.New("FailedToDeletePod", "failed to delete pod") ErrFailedToDeleteServiceAccount = errors.New("FailedToDeleteServiceAccount", "failed to delete service account") ErrFailedToDeleteRole = errors.New("FailedToDeleteRole", "failed to delete role") ErrFailedToDeleteRoleBinding = errors.New("FailedToDeleteRoleBinding", "failed to delete role binding") ErrDeployingServiceForInstance = errors.New("DeployingServiceForInstance", "error deploying service for instance '%s'") ErrPatchingServiceForInstance = errors.New("PatchingServiceForInstance", "error patching service for instance '%s'") ErrFailedToOpenFile = errors.New("FailedToOpenFile", "failed to open file") ErrFailedToReadFile = errors.New("FailedToReadFile", "failed to read file") ErrFailedToCreateConfigMap = errors.New("FailedToCreateConfigMap", "failed to create configmap") ErrFailedToDeleteConfigMap = errors.New("FailedToDeleteConfigMap", "failed to delete configmap") ErrFailedToDeployOrPatchService = errors.New("FailedToDeployOrPatchService", "failed to deploy or patch service") ErrDeployingServiceForSidecar = errors.New("DeployingServiceForSidecar", "error deploying service for sidecar '%s' of instance '%s', a sidecar cannot have a service") ErrPatchingServiceForSidecar = errors.New("PatchingServiceForSidecar", "error patching service for sidecar '%s' of instance '%s', a sidecar cannot have a service") ErrDeployingVolumeForInstance = errors.New("DeployingVolumeForInstance", "error deploying volume for instance '%s'") ErrDeployingFilesForInstance = errors.New("DeployingFilesForInstance", "error deploying files for instance '%s'") ErrDestroyingVolumeForInstance = errors.New("DestroyingVolumeForInstance", "error destroying volume for instance '%s'") ErrDestroyingFilesForInstance = errors.New("DestroyingFilesForInstance", "error destroying files for instance '%s'") ErrDestroyingServiceForInstance = errors.New("DestroyingServiceForInstance", "error destroying service for instance '%s'") ErrCheckingNetworkStatusForInstance = errors.New("CheckingNetworkStatusForInstance", "error checking network status for instance '%s'") ErrEnablingNetworkForInstance = errors.New("EnablingNetworkForInstance", "error enabling network for instance '%s'") ErrGeneratingUUID = errors.New("GeneratingUUID", "error generating UUID") ErrGettingFreePort = errors.New("GettingFreePort", "error getting free port") ErrSrcMustBeSet = errors.New("SrcMustBeSet", "src must be set") ErrDestMustBeSet = errors.New("DestMustBeSet", "dest must be set") ErrChownMustBeSet = errors.New("ChownMustBeSet", "chown must be set") ErrChownMustBeInFormatUserGroup = errors.New("ChownMustBeInFormatUserGroup", "chown must be in format 'user:group'") ErrAddingFileToInstance = errors.New("AddingFileToInstance", "error adding file '%s' to instance '%s'") ErrReplacingPod = errors.New("ReplacingPod", "error replacing pod") ErrApplyingFunctionToInstance = errors.New("ApplyingFunctionToInstance", "error applying function to instance '%s'") ErrSettingNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingNotAllowed", "setting %s is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s'") ErrCreatingOtelCollectorInstance = errors.New("CreatingOtelCollectorInstance", "error creating otel collector instance '%s'") ErrSettingBitTwisterImage = errors.New("SettingBitTwisterImage", "error setting image for bit-twister instance") ErrAddingBitTwisterPort = errors.New("AddingBitTwisterPort", "error adding BitTwister port") ErrGettingInstanceIP = errors.New("GettingInstanceIP", "error getting IP of instance '%s'") ErrCommittingBitTwisterInstance = errors.New("CommittingBitTwisterInstance", "error committing bit-twister instance") ErrSettingBitTwisterEnv = errors.New("SettingBitTwisterEnv", "error setting environment variable for bit-twister instance") ErrCreatingBitTwisterInstance = errors.New("CreatingBitTwisterInstance", "error creating bit-twister instance '%s'") ErrSettingBitTwisterPrivileged = errors.New("SettingBitTwisterPrivileged", "error setting privileged for bit-twister instance '%s'") ErrAddingBitTwisterCapability = errors.New("AddingBitTwisterCapability", "error adding capability for bit-twister instance '%s'") ErrAddingBitTwisterSidecar = errors.New("AddingBitTwisterSidecar", "error adding bit-twister sidecar to instance '%s'") ErrCreatingOtelAgentInstance = errors.New("CreatingOtelAgentInstance", "error creating otel-agent instance") ErrSettingOtelAgentImage = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentImage", "error setting image for otel-agent instance") ErrAddingOtelAgentPort = errors.New("AddingOtelAgentPort", "error adding port for otel-agent instance") ErrSettingOtelAgentCPU = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentCPU", "error setting CPU for otel-agent instance") ErrAddingOtelAgentVolume = errors.New("AddingOtelAgentVolume", "error adding volume for otel-agent instance") ErrSettingOtelAgentMemory = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentMemory", "error setting memory for otel-agent instance") ErrCommittingOtelAgentInstance = errors.New("CommittingOtelAgentInstance", "error committing otel-agent instance") ErrMarshalingYAML = errors.New("MarshalingYAML", "error marshaling YAML") ErrAddingOtelAgentConfigFile = errors.New("AddingOtelAgentConfigFile", "error adding otel-agent config file") ErrSettingOtelAgentCommand = errors.New("SettingOtelAgentCommand", "error setting command for otel-agent instance") ErrCreatingPoolNotAllowed = errors.New("CreatingPoolNotAllowed", "creating a pool is only allowed in state 'Committed' or 'Destroyed'. Current state is '%s'") ErrGeneratingK8sName = errors.New("GeneratingK8sName", "error generating k8s name for instance '%s'") ErrEnablingBitTwister = errors.New("EnablingBitTwister", "enabling BitTwister is not allowed in state 'Started'") ErrSettingImageNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingImageNotAllowed", "setting image is only allowed in state 'None' and 'Started'. Current state is '%s'") ErrCreatingBuilder = errors.New("CreatingBuilder", "error creating builder") ErrSettingImageNotAllowedForSidecarsStarted = errors.New("SettingImageNotAllowedForSidecarsStarted", "setting image is not allowed for sidecars when in state 'Started'") ErrSettingGitRepo = errors.New("SettingGitRepo", "setting git repo is only allowed in state 'None'. Current state is '%s'") ErrGettingBuildContext = errors.New("GettingBuildContext", "error getting build context") ErrGettingImageName = errors.New("GettingImageName", "error getting image name") ErrGettingBuildDir = errors.New("GettingBuildDir", "error getting build directory") ErrSettingImageNotAllowedForSidecars = errors.New("SettingImageNotAllowedForSidecars", "setting image is not allowed for sidecars") ErrSettingCommand = errors.New("SettingCommand", "setting command is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingArgsNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingArgsNotAllowed", "setting args is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrAddingPortNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingPortNotAllowed", "adding port is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrPortAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("PortAlreadyRegistered", "TCP port '%d' is already in registered") ErrRandomPortForwardingNotAllowed = errors.New("RandomPortForwardingNotAllowed", "random port forwarding is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrPortNotRegistered = errors.New("PortNotRegistered", "TCP port '%d' is not registered") ErrGettingPodFromReplicaSet = errors.New("GettingPodFromReplicaSet", "error getting pod from replicaset '%s'") ErrForwardingPort = errors.New("ForwardingPort", "error forwarding port after %d retries") ErrUDPPortAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("UDPPortAlreadyRegistered", "UDP port '%d' is already in registered") ErrExecutingCommandNotAllowed = errors.New("ExecutingCommandNotAllowed", "executing command is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrAddingCommandNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingCommandNotAllowed", "adding command is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s") ErrExecutingCommandInInstance = errors.New("ExecutingCommandInInstance", "error executing command '%s' in instance '%s'") ErrExecutingCommandInSidecar = errors.New("ExecutingCommandInSidecar", "error executing command '%s' in sidecar '%s' of instance '%s'") ErrAddingFileNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingFileNotAllowed", "adding file is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSrcDoesNotExist = errors.New("SrcDoesNotExist", "src '%s' does not exist") ErrCreatingDirectory = errors.New("CreatingDirectory", "error creating directory") ErrFailedToCreateDestFile = errors.New("FailedToCreateDestFile", "failed to create destination file '%s'") ErrFailedToOpenSrcFile = errors.New("FailedToOpenSrcFile", "failed to open source file '%s'") ErrFailedToGetSrcFileInfo = errors.New("FailedToGetSrcFileInfo", "failed to get source file info for %s") ErrFailedToCopyFile = errors.New("FailedToCopyFile", "failed to copy from source '%s' to destination '%s'") ErrFailedToSetPermissions = errors.New("FailedToSetPermissions", "failed to set permissions for destination file") ErrSrcDoesNotExistOrIsDirectory = errors.New("SrcDoesNotExistOrIsDirectory", "src '%s' does not exist or is a directory") ErrInvalidFormat = errors.New("InvalidFormat", "invalid format") ErrFailedToConvertToInt64 = errors.New("FailedToConvertToInt64", "failed to convert to int64") ErrAllFilesMustHaveSameGroup = errors.New("AllFilesMustHaveSameGroup", "all files must have the same group") ErrAddingFolderNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingFolderNotAllowed", "adding folder is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSrcDoesNotExistOrIsNotDirectory = errors.New("SrcDoesNotExistOrIsNotDirectory", "src '%s' does not exist or is not a directory") ErrCopyingFolderToInstance = errors.New("CopyingFolderToInstance", "error copying folder '%s' to instance '%s") ErrSettingUserNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingUserNotAllowed", "setting user is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingNodeSelectorNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingNodeSelectorNotAllowed", "setting node selector is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingUser = errors.New("SettingUser", "error setting user '%s' for instance '%s") ErrCommittingNotAllowed = errors.New("CommittingNotAllowed", "committing is only allowed in state 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s") ErrGettingImageRegistry = errors.New("GettingImageRegistry", "error getting image registry") ErrGeneratingImageHash = errors.New("GeneratingImageHash", "error generating image hash") ErrPushingImage = errors.New("PushingImage", "error pushing image for instance '%s'") ErrAddingVolumeNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingVolumeNotAllowed", "adding volume is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingMemoryNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingMemoryNotAllowed", "setting memory is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingCPUNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingCPUNotAllowed", "setting cpu is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingEnvNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingEnvNotAllowed", "setting environment variable is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrGettingServiceForInstance = errors.New("GettingServiceForInstance", "error retrieving deployed service for instance '%s'") ErrGettingServiceIP = errors.New("GettingServiceIP", "IP address is not available for service '%s'") ErrGettingFileNotAllowed = errors.New("GettingFileNotAllowed", "getting file is only allowed in state 'Started', 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrGettingFile = errors.New("GettingFile", "error getting file '%s' from instance '%s") ErrReadingFile = errors.New("ReadingFile", "error reading file '%s' from running instance '%s") ErrReadingFileNotAllowed = errors.New("ReadingFileNotAllowed", "reading file is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrReadingFileFromInstance = errors.New("ReadingFileFromInstance", "error reading file '%s' from running instance '%s") ErrAddingPolicyRuleNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingPolicyRuleNotAllowed", "adding policy rule is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingProbeNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingProbeNotAllowed", "setting probe is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrAddingSidecarNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingSidecarNotAllowed", "adding sidecar is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrSidecarIsNil = errors.New("SidecarIsNil", "sidecar is nil") ErrSidecarCannotBeSameInstance = errors.New("SidecarCannotBeSameInstance", "sidecar cannot be the same instance") ErrSidecarNotCommitted = errors.New("SidecarNotCommitted", "sidecar '%s' is not in state 'Committed'") ErrSidecarCannotHaveSidecar = errors.New("SidecarCannotHaveSidecar", "sidecar '%s' cannot have a sidecar") ErrSidecarAlreadySidecar = errors.New("SidecarAlreadySidecar", "sidecar '%s' is already a sidecar") ErrSettingPrivilegedNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingPrivilegedNotAllowed", "setting privileged is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrAddingCapabilityNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingCapabilityNotAllowed", "adding capability is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrAddingCapabilitiesNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingCapabilitiesNotAllowed", "adding capabilities is only allowed in state 'Preparing' or 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrStartingNotAllowed = errors.New("StartingNotAllowed", "starting is only allowed in state 'Committed' or 'Stopped'. Current state of instance '%s' is '%s'") ErrStartingNotAllowedForSidecar = errors.New("StartingNotAllowedForSidecar", "starting is only allowed in state 'Committed' or 'Stopped'. Current state of sidecar '%s' is '%s") ErrStartingSidecarNotAllowed = errors.New("StartingSidecarNotAllowed", "starting a sidecar is not allowed") ErrAddingOtelCollectorSidecar = errors.New("AddingOtelCollectorSidecar", "error adding OpenTelemetry collector sidecar for instance '%s'") ErrAddingNetworkSidecar = errors.New("AddingNetworkSidecar", "error adding network sidecar for instance '%s'") ErrDeployingResourcesForInstance = errors.New("DeployingResourcesForInstance", "error deploying resources for instance '%s'") ErrDeployingResourcesForSidecars = errors.New("DeployingResourcesForSidecars", "error deploying resources for sidecars of instance '%s'") ErrDeployingPodForInstance = errors.New("DeployingPodForInstance", "error deploying pod for instance '%s'") ErrWaitingForInstanceRunning = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceRunning", "error waiting for instance '%s' to be running") ErrCheckingIfInstanceRunningNotAllowed = errors.New("CheckingIfInstanceRunningNotAllowed", "checking if instance is running is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrWaitingForInstanceNotAllowed = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceNotAllowed", "waiting for instance is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrWaitingForInstanceTimeout = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceTimeout", "timeout while waiting for instance '%s' to be running") ErrCheckingIfInstanceRunning = errors.New("CheckingIfInstanceRunning", "error checking if instance '%s' is running") ErrDisablingNetworkNotAllowed = errors.New("DisablingNetworkNotAllowed", "disabling network is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrDisablingNetwork = errors.New("DisablingNetwork", "error disabling network for instance '%s'") ErrSettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowed", "setting bandwidth limit is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowedBitTwister = errors.New("SettingBandwidthLimitNotAllowedBitTwister", "setting bandwidth limit is only allowed if BitTwister is enabled") ErrStoppingBandwidthLimit = errors.New("StoppingBandwidthLimit", "error stopping bandwidth limit for instance '%s'") ErrSettingBandwidthLimit = errors.New("SettingBandwidthLimit", "error setting bandwidth limit for instance '%s'") ErrSettingLatencyJitterNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingLatencyJitterNotAllowed", "setting latency/jitter is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingLatencyJitterNotAllowedBitTwister = errors.New("SettingLatencyJitterNotAllowedBitTwister", "setting latency/jitter is only allowed if BitTwister is enabled") ErrStoppingLatencyJitter = errors.New("StoppingLatencyJitter", "error stopping latency/jitter for instance '%s'") ErrSettingLatencyJitter = errors.New("SettingLatencyJitter", "error setting latency/jitter for instance '%s'") ErrSettingPacketLossNotAllowed = errors.New("SettingPacketLossNotAllowed", "setting packetloss is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrSettingPacketLossNotAllowedBitTwister = errors.New("SettingPacketLossNotAllowedBitTwister", "setting packetloss is only allowed if BitTwister is enabled") ErrStoppingPacketLoss = errors.New("StoppingPacketLoss", "error stopping packetloss for instance '%s'") ErrSettingPacketLoss = errors.New("SettingPacketLoss", "error setting packetloss for instance '%s'") ErrEnablingNetworkNotAllowed = errors.New("EnablingNetworkNotAllowed", "enabling network is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrEnablingNetwork = errors.New("EnablingNetwork", "error enabling network for instance '%s'") ErrCheckingIfNetworkDisabledNotAllowed = errors.New("CheckingIfNetworkDisabledNotAllowed", "checking if network is disabled is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrWaitingForInstanceStoppedNotAllowed = errors.New("WaitingForInstanceStoppedNotAllowed", "waiting for instance is only allowed in state 'Stopped'. Current state is '%s") ErrCheckingIfInstanceStopped = errors.New("CheckingIfInstanceStopped", "error checking if instance '%s' is running") ErrStoppingNotAllowed = errors.New("StoppingNotAllowed", "stopping is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s") ErrDestroyingNotAllowed = errors.New("DestroyingNotAllowed", "destroying is only allowed in state 'Started' or 'Destroyed'. Current state is '%s") ErrDestroyingPod = errors.New("DestroyingPod", "error destroying pod for instance '%s'") ErrDestroyingResourcesForInstance = errors.New("DestroyingResourcesForInstance", "error destroying resources for instance '%s'") ErrDestroyingResourcesForSidecars = errors.New("DestroyingResourcesForSidecars", "error destroying resources for sidecars of instance '%s'") ErrCloningNotAllowed = errors.New("CloningNotAllowed", "cloning is only allowed in state 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrCloningNotAllowedForSidecar = errors.New("CloningNotAllowedForSidecar", "cloning is only allowed in state 'Committed'. Current state is '%s") ErrGeneratingK8sNameForSidecar = errors.New("GeneratingK8sNameForSidecar", "error generating k8s name for instance '%s'") ErrCannotInitializeKnuuWithEmptyScope = errors.New("Cannot Initialize Knuu With Empty Scope", "cannot initialize knuu with empty scope") ErrCannotInitializeK8s = errors.New("Cannot Initialize K8s", "cannot initialize k8s") ErrCreatingNamespace = errors.New("CreatingNamespace", "creating namespace %s") ErrCannotParseTimeout = errors.New("Cannot Parse Timeout", "cannot parse timeout") ErrCannotHandleTimeout = errors.New("Cannot Handle Timeout", "cannot handle timeout") ErrInvalidKnuuBuilder = errors.New("Invalid Knuu Builder", "invalid KNUU_BUILDER, available [kubernetes, docker], value used: %s") ErrCannotCreateInstance = errors.New("Cannot Create Instance", "cannot create instance") ErrCannotSetImage = errors.New("Cannot Set Image", "cannot set image") ErrCannotCommitInstance = errors.New("Cannot Commit Instance", "cannot commit instance") ErrCannotSetStartCommand = errors.New("Cannot Set Start Command", "cannot set start command") ErrCannotAddPolicyRule = errors.New("Cannot Add Policy Rule", "cannot add policy rule") ErrCannotStartInstance = errors.New("Cannot Start Instance", "cannot start instance") ErrMinioNotInitialized = errors.New("MinioNotInitialized", "minio not initialized") ErrGeneratingK8sNameForPreloader = errors.New("GeneratingK8sNameForPreloader", "error generating k8s name for preloader") ErrCannotLoadEnv = errors.New("Cannot Load Env", "cannot load env") ErrMaximumVolumesExceeded = errors.New("MaximumVolumesExceeded", "maximum volumes exceeded for instance '%s'") ErrCustomResourceDefinitionDoesNotExist = errors.New("CustomResourceDefinitionDoesNotExist", "custom resource definition %s does not exist") ErrFileIsNotSubFolderOfVolumes = errors.New("FileIsNotSubFolderOfVolumes", "the file '%s' is not a sub folder of any added volume") ErrCannotInitializeKnuu = errors.New("Cannot Initialize Knuu", "cannot initialize knuu") ErrAddingToProxy = errors.New("AddingToProxy", "error adding '%s' to traefik proxy for service '%s'") ErrGettingProxyURL = errors.New("GettingProxyURL", "error getting proxy URL for service '%s'") ErrProxyNotInitialized = errors.New("ProxyNotInitialized", "proxy not initialized") ErrCheckFailed = errors.New("CheckFailed", "check failed") ErrContextCanceled = errors.New("ContextCanceled", "context canceled") ErrBitTwisterClientIsNil = errors.New("BitTwisterClientIsNil", "bit twister client is nil") ErrTsharkCollectorAlreadyEnabled = errors.New("TsharkCollectorAlreadyEnabled", "tshark collector already enabled for instance '%s'") ErrCreatingTsharkCollectorInstance = errors.New("CreatingTsharkCollectorInstance", "error creating tshark collector instance") ErrAddingTsharkCollectorSidecar = errors.New("AddingTsharkCollectorSidecar", "error adding tshark collector sidecar for instance '%s'") ErrTsharkCollectorConfigNotSet = errors.New("TsharkCollectorConfigNotSet", "tshark collector config not set for instance '%s'. volumeSize: %s, s3AccessKey: %s, s3SecretKey: %s, s3Region: %s, s3BucketName: %s, s3KeyPrefix: %s") ErrTsharkCollectorInvalidVolumeSize = errors.New("TsharkCollectorInvalidVolumeSize", "invalid volume size format for tshark collector: %s") ErrTsharkCollectorInvalidS3AccessKey = errors.New("TsharkCollectorInvalidS3AccessKey", "invalid S3 access key format for tshark collector: %s") ErrTsharkCollectorInvalidS3SecretKey = errors.New("TsharkCollectorInvalidS3SecretKey", "invalid S3 secret key format for tshark collector: %s") ErrTsharkCollectorS3RegionOrBucketEmpty = errors.New("TsharkCollectorS3RegionOrBucketEmpty", "S3 region or bucket cannot be empty for tshark collector: %s, %s") ErrRegexpCompile = errors.New("RegexpCompile", "error compiling regexp for %s") ErrApplyingFunctionToSidecar = errors.New("ApplyingFunctionToSidecar", "error applying function to sidecar '%s'") ErrInitializingSidecar = errors.New("InitializingSidecar", "error initializing sidecar for instance '%s'") ErrSidecarInstanceIsNil = errors.New("SidecarInstanceIsNil", "sidecar instance is nil for instance '%s'") ErrFailedToCreatePersistentVolumeClaim = errors.New("FailedToCreatePersistentVolumeClaim", "failed to create persistent volume claim") ErrFailedToDeletePersistentVolumeClaim = errors.New("FailedToDeletePersistentVolumeClaim", "failed to delete persistent volume claim") ErrUpgradingImageNotAllowed = errors.New("UpgradingImageNotAllowed", "upgrading image is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s'") ErrAddingHostToProxyNotAllowed = errors.New("AddingHostToProxyNotAllowed", "adding host to proxy is only allowed in state 'Started' and 'Preparing'. Current state is '%s'") ErrInstanceNameAlreadyExists = errors.New("InstanceNameAlreadyExists", "instance name '%s' already exists") ErrSettingSidecarName = errors.New("SettingSidecarName", "error setting sidecar name with prefix '%s' for instance '%s'") ErrGettingServiceEndpointNotAllowed = errors.New("GettingServiceEndpointNotAllowed", "getting service endpoint is only allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s'") ErrCannotCloneInstance = errors.New("CannotCloneInstance", "cannot clone instance '%s' in state '%s'") ErrGettingIPNotAllowed = errors.New("GettingIPNotAllowed", "getting IP is allowed in state 'Started'. Current state is '%s'") ErrPodIPNotReady = errors.New("PodIPNotReady", "pod IP is not ready for pod '%s'") ErrFailedToGetFileSize = errors.New("FailedToGetFileSize", "failed to get file size") ErrFileTooLargeCommitted = errors.New("FileTooLargeCommitted", "file '%s' is too large (max 1MiB) to add after instance is committed") ErrTotalFilesSizeTooLarge = errors.New("TotalFilesSizeTooLarge", "total files size is too large (max 1MiB)") ErrFailedToCheckPersistentVolumeClaim = errors.New("FailedToCheckPersistentVolumeClaim", "failed to check persistent volume claim") )
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Instance ¶
type Instance struct { *system.SystemDependencies // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Instance represents a instance
func (*Instance) CloneWithName ¶
CloneWithName creates a clone of the instance with a given name This function can only be called in the state 'Committed' or 'Stopped' When cloning an instance that is a sidecar, the clone will be not a sidecar When cloning an instance with sidecars, the sidecars will be cloned as well
func (*Instance) CloneWithSuffix ¶ added in v0.15.1
CloneWithSuffix clones the instance with a suffix
func (*Instance) IsInState ¶
func (i *Instance) IsInState(states ...InstanceState) bool
IsInState checks if the instance is in one of the provided states
func (*Instance) IsState ¶ added in v0.15.1
func (i *Instance) IsState(state InstanceState) bool
func (*Instance) Monitoring ¶ added in v0.15.1
func (i *Instance) Monitoring() *monitoring
func (*Instance) SetInstanceType ¶
func (i *Instance) SetInstanceType(instanceType InstanceType)
func (*Instance) SetState ¶ added in v0.15.1
func (i *Instance) SetState(state InstanceState)
func (*Instance) State ¶ added in v0.15.1
func (i *Instance) State() InstanceState
type InstanceState ¶
type InstanceState int
InstanceState represents the state of the instance
const ( StateNone InstanceState = iota StatePreparing StateCommitted StateStarted StateStopped StateDestroyed )
Possible states of the instance
func (InstanceState) String ¶
func (s InstanceState) String() string
String returns the string representation of the state
type InstanceType ¶
type InstanceType int
InstanceType represents the type of the instance
const ( UnknownInstance InstanceType = iota BasicInstance TimeoutHandlerInstance )
Possible types of the instance
func (InstanceType) String ¶
func (s InstanceType) String() string
String returns the string representation of the type
type SidecarManager ¶ added in v0.15.1
type SidecarManager interface { // namePrefix is the name of the instance that is the parent of the sidecar // it is used to set the name of the sidecar to avoid name collisions Initialize(ctx context.Context, namePrefix string, sysDeps *system.SystemDependencies) error Instance() *Instance PreStart(ctx context.Context) error Clone(namePrefix string) (SidecarManager, error) }