
v0.16.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 6, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 35 Imported by: 0



Package k8s provides utility functions for working with Kubernetes clusters.

Package k8s provides utility functions for working with Kubernetes clusters.



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const (

	// CustomQPS is the QPS to use for the Kubernetes client, DefaultQPS: 5
	CustomQPS = 100

	// CustomBurst is the Burst to use for the Kubernetes client, DefaultBurst: 10.
	CustomBurst = 200


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var (
	ErrKnuuNotInitialized                 = errors.New("KnuuNotInitialized", "knuu is not initialized")
	ErrGettingConfigmap                   = errors.New("ErrorGettingConfigmap", "error getting configmap %s")
	ErrConfigmapAlreadyExists             = errors.New("ConfigmapAlreadyExists", "configmap %s already exists")
	ErrCreatingConfigmap                  = errors.New("ErrorCreatingConfigmap", "error creating configmap %s")
	ErrConfigmapDoesNotExist              = errors.New("ConfigmapDoesNotExist", "configmap %s does not exist")
	ErrDeletingConfigmap                  = errors.New("ErrorDeletingConfigmap", "error deleting configmap %s")
	ErrGettingDaemonset                   = errors.New("ErrorGettingDaemonset", "error getting daemonset %s")
	ErrCreatingDaemonset                  = errors.New("ErrorCreatingDaemonset", "error creating daemonset %s")
	ErrUpdatingDaemonset                  = errors.New("ErrorUpdatingDaemonset", "error updating daemonset %s")
	ErrDeletingDaemonset                  = errors.New("ErrorDeletingDaemonset", "error deleting daemonset %s")
	ErrCreatingNamespace                  = errors.New("ErrorCreatingNamespace", "error creating namespace %s")
	ErrDeletingNamespace                  = errors.New("ErrorDeletingNamespace", "error deleting namespace %s")
	ErrGettingNamespace                   = errors.New("ErrorGettingNamespace", "error getting namespace %s")
	ErrCreatingNetworkPolicy              = errors.New("ErrorCreatingNetworkPolicy", "error creating network policy %s")
	ErrDeletingNetworkPolicy              = errors.New("ErrorDeletingNetworkPolicy", "error deleting network policy %s")
	ErrGettingNetworkPolicy               = errors.New("ErrorGettingNetworkPolicy", "error getting network policy %s")
	ErrGettingPod                         = errors.New("ErrorGettingPod", "failed to get pod %s")
	ErrPreparingPod                       = errors.New("ErrorPreparingPod", "error preparing pod")
	ErrCreatingPod                        = errors.New("ErrorCreatingPod", "failed to create pod")
	ErrDeletingPod                        = errors.New("ErrorDeletingPod", "failed to delete pod")
	ErrDeployingPod                       = errors.New("ErrorDeployingPod", "failed to deploy pod")
	ErrGettingK8sConfig                   = errors.New("ErrorGettingK8sConfig", "failed to get k8s config")
	ErrCreatingExecutor                   = errors.New("ErrorCreatingExecutor", "failed to create Executor")
	ErrExecutingCommand                   = errors.New("ErrorExecutingCommand", "failed to execute command, stdout: `%v`, stderr: `%v`")
	ErrCommandExecution                   = errors.New("ErrorCommandExecution", "error while executing command")
	ErrDeletingPodFailed                  = errors.New("ErrorDeletingPodFailed", "failed to delete pod %s")
	ErrParsingMemoryRequest               = errors.New("ErrorParsingMemoryRequest", "failed to parse memory request quantity '%s'")
	ErrParsingMemoryLimit                 = errors.New("ErrorParsingMemoryLimit", "failed to parse memory limit quantity '%s'")
	ErrParsingCPURequest                  = errors.New("ErrorParsingCPURequest", "failed to parse CPU request quantity '%s'")
	ErrBuildingContainerVolumes           = errors.New("ErrorBuildingContainerVolumes", "failed to build container volumes")
	ErrBuildingResources                  = errors.New("ErrorBuildingResources", "failed to build resources")
	ErrBuildingInitContainerVolumes       = errors.New("ErrorBuildingInitContainerVolumes", "failed to build init container volumes")
	ErrBuildingInitContainerCommand       = errors.New("ErrorBuildingInitContainerCommand", "failed to build init container command")
	ErrBuildingPodVolumes                 = errors.New("ErrorBuildingPodVolumes", "failed to build pod volumes")
	ErrPreparingMainContainer             = errors.New("ErrorPreparingMainContainer", "failed to prepare main container")
	ErrPreparingInitContainer             = errors.New("ErrorPreparingInitContainer", "failed to prepare init container")
	ErrPreparingPodVolumes                = errors.New("ErrorPreparingPodVolumes", "failed to prepare pod volumes")
	ErrPreparingSidecarContainer          = errors.New("ErrorPreparingSidecarContainer", "failed to prepare sidecar container")
	ErrPreparingSidecarVolumes            = errors.New("ErrorPreparingSidecarVolumes", "failed to prepare sidecar volumes")
	ErrCreatingPodSpec                    = errors.New("ErrorCreatingPodSpec", "failed to create pod spec")
	ErrGettingClusterConfig               = errors.New("ErrorGettingClusterConfig", "failed to get cluster config")
	ErrCreatingRoundTripper               = errors.New("ErrorCreatingRoundTripper", "failed to create round tripper")
	ErrCreatingPortForwarder              = errors.New("ErrorCreatingPortForwarder", "failed to create port forwarder")
	ErrPortForwarding                     = errors.New("ErrorPortForwarding", "failed to port forward: %v")
	ErrForwardingPorts                    = errors.New("ErrorForwardingPorts", "error forwarding ports")
	ErrPortForwardingTimeout              = errors.New("ErrorPortForwardingTimeout", "timed out waiting for port forwarding to be ready")
	ErrDeletingPersistentVolumeClaim      = errors.New("ErrorDeletingPersistentVolumeClaim", "error deleting PersistentVolumeClaim %s")
	ErrCreatingPersistentVolumeClaim      = errors.New("ErrorCreatingPersistentVolumeClaim", "error creating PersistentVolumeClaim")
	ErrGettingReplicaSet                  = errors.New("ErrorGettingReplicaSet", "failed to get ReplicaSet %s")
	ErrCreatingReplicaSet                 = errors.New("ErrorCreatingReplicaSet", "failed to create ReplicaSet")
	ErrDeletingReplicaSet                 = errors.New("ErrorDeletingReplicaSet", "failed to delete ReplicaSet %s")
	ErrCheckingReplicaSetExists           = errors.New("ErrorCheckingReplicaSetExists", "failed to check if ReplicaSet %s exists")
	ErrWaitingForReplicaSet               = errors.New("ErrorWaitingForReplicaSet", "error waiting for ReplicaSet to delete")
	ErrDeployingReplicaSet                = errors.New("ErrorDeployingReplicaSet", "failed to deploy ReplicaSet")
	ErrPreparingPodSpec                   = errors.New("ErrorPreparingPodSpec", "failed to prepare pod spec")
	ErrListingPodsForReplicaSet           = errors.New("ErrorListingPodsForReplicaSet", "failed to list pods for ReplicaSet %s")
	ErrNoPodsForReplicaSet                = errors.New("NoPodsForReplicaSet", "no pods found for ReplicaSet %s")
	ErrGettingService                     = errors.New("ErrorGettingService", "error getting service %s")
	ErrPreparingService                   = errors.New("ErrorPreparingService", "error preparing service %s")
	ErrCreatingService                    = errors.New("ErrorCreatingService", "error creating service %s")
	ErrPatchingService                    = errors.New("ErrorPatchingService", "error patching service %s")
	ErrDeletingService                    = errors.New("ErrorDeletingService", "error deleting service %s")
	ErrNamespaceRequired                  = errors.New("NamespaceRequired", "namespace is required")
	ErrServiceNameRequired                = errors.New("ServiceNameRequired", "service name is required")
	ErrNoPortsSpecified                   = errors.New("NoPortsSpecified", "no ports specified for service %s")
	ErrRetrievingKubernetesConfig         = errors.New("RetrievingKubernetesConfig", "retrieving the Kubernetes config")
	ErrCreatingClientset                  = errors.New("CreatingClientset", "creating clientset for Kubernetes")
	ErrCreatingDiscoveryClient            = errors.New("CreatingDiscoveryClient", "creating discovery client for Kubernetes")
	ErrCreatingDynamicClient              = errors.New("CreatingDynamicClient", "creating dynamic client for Kubernetes")
	ErrGettingResourceList                = errors.New("GettingResourceList", "getting resource list for group version %s")
	ErrResourceDoesNotExist               = errors.New("ResourceDoesNotExist", "resource %s does not exist in group version %s")
	ErrCreatingCustomResource             = errors.New("CreatingCustomResource", "creating custom resource %s")
	ErrCreatingRole                       = errors.New("CreatingRole", "creating role %s")
	ErrCreatingRoleBinding                = errors.New("CreatingRoleBinding", "creating role binding %s")
	ErrCreatingRoleBindingFailed          = errors.New("CreatingRoleBindingFailed", "creating role binding %s failed")
	ErrNodePortNotSet                     = errors.New("NodePortNotSet", "node port not set")
	ErrExternalIPsNotSet                  = errors.New("ExternalIPsNotSet", "external IPs not set")
	ErrGettingServiceEndpoint             = errors.New("GettingServiceEndpoint", "getting service endpoint %s")
	ErrTimeoutWaitingForServiceReady      = errors.New("TimeoutWaitingForServiceReady", "timed out waiting for service %s to be ready")
	ErrLoadBalancerIPNotAvailable         = errors.New("LoadBalancerIPNotAvailable", "load balancer IP not available")
	ErrGettingNodes                       = errors.New("GettingNodes", "getting nodes")
	ErrNoNodesFound                       = errors.New("NoNodesFound", "no nodes found")
	ErrFailedToConnect                    = errors.New("FailedToConnect", "failed to connect to %s")
	ErrWaitingForDeployment               = errors.New("WaitingForDeployment", "waiting for deployment %s to be ready")
	ErrClusterRoleAlreadyExists           = errors.New("ClusterRoleAlreadyExists", "cluster role %s already exists")
	ErrClusterRoleBindingAlreadyExists    = errors.New("ClusterRoleBindingAlreadyExists", "cluster role binding %s already exists")
	ErrCreateEndpoint                     = errors.New("CreateEndpoint", "failed to create endpoint for service %s")
	ErrGetEndpoint                        = errors.New("GetEndpoint", "failed to get endpoint for service %s")
	ErrUpdateEndpoint                     = errors.New("UpdateEndpoint", "failed to update endpoint for service %s")
	ErrCheckingServiceReady               = errors.New("CheckingServiceReady", "failed to check if service %s is ready")
	ErrWaitingForPodDeletion              = errors.New("WaitingForPodDeletion", "waiting for pod %s to be deleted")
	ErrWaitingForReplicaSetDeletion       = errors.New("WaitingForReplicaSetDeletion", "waiting for ReplicaSet %s to be deleted")
	ErrInvalidNamespaceName               = errors.New("InvalidNamespaceName", "invalid namespace name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidConfigMapName               = errors.New("InvalidConfigMapName", "invalid config map name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidLabelKey                    = errors.New("InvalidLabelKey", "invalid label key %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidLabelValue                  = errors.New("InvalidLabelValue", "invalid label value for key %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidConfigMapKey                = errors.New("InvalidConfigMapKey", "invalid config map key %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidCustomResourceName          = errors.New("InvalidCustomResourceName", "invalid custom resource name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidGroupVersionResource        = errors.New("InvalidGroupVersionResource", "invalid group version resource, group: %s, version: %s, resource: %s")
	ErrCustomResourceObjectNil            = errors.New("CustomResourceObjectNil", "custom resource object cannot be nil")
	ErrCustomResourceObjectNoSpec         = errors.New("CustomResourceObjectNoSpec", "custom resource object must have a 'spec' field")
	ErrInvalidDaemonSetName               = errors.New("InvalidDaemonSetName", "invalid DaemonSet name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidContainerName               = errors.New("InvalidContainerName", "invalid container name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidNetworkPolicyName           = errors.New("InvalidNetworkPolicyName", "invalid network policy name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidPodName                     = errors.New("InvalidPodName", "invalid pod name %s: %v")
	ErrEmptyCommand                       = errors.New("EmptyCommand", "command cannot be empty")
	ErrInvalidPort                        = errors.New("InvalidPort", "port number %d is out of valid range (1-65535)")
	ErrInvalidPodAnnotationKey            = errors.New("InvalidPodAnnotationKey", "invalid annotation key %s: %v")
	ErrAnnotationValueTooLarge            = errors.New("AnnotationValueTooLarge", "annotation value for key %s exceeds maximum size. %d must be less than 253 characters")
	ErrContainerImageEmpty                = errors.New("ContainerImageEmpty", "container image cannot be empty for container %s")
	ErrVolumePathEmpty                    = errors.New("VolumePathEmpty", "volume path cannot be empty")
	ErrVolumeSizeZero                     = errors.New("VolumeSizeZero", "volume size must be greater than zero")
	ErrFileSourceDestEmpty                = errors.New("FileSourceDestEmpty", "file source and destination cannot be empty")
	ErrInvalidPVCName                     = errors.New("InvalidPVCName", "invalid PVC name %s: %v")
	ErrPVCSizeZero                        = errors.New("PVCSizeZero", "PVC size must be greater than zero")
	ErrInvalidReplicaSetName              = errors.New("InvalidReplicaSetName", "invalid ReplicaSet name %s: %v")
	ErrReplicaSetReplicasNegative         = errors.New("ReplicaSetReplicasNegative", "number of replicas cannot be negative: %d")
	ErrInvalidRoleName                    = errors.New("InvalidRoleName", "invalid role name %s: %v")
	ErrPolicyRuleNoVerbs                  = errors.New("PolicyRuleNoVerbs", "policy rule must have at least one verb")
	ErrPolicyRuleVerbEmpty                = errors.New("PolicyRuleVerbEmpty", "verb cannot be empty")
	ErrPolicyRuleNoResources              = errors.New("PolicyRuleNoResources", "policy rule must specify at least one resource or non-resource URL")
	ErrInvalidClusterRoleName             = errors.New("InvalidClusterRoleName", "invalid cluster role name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidRoleBindingName             = errors.New("InvalidRoleBindingName", "invalid role binding name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidServiceAccountName          = errors.New("InvalidServiceAccountName", "invalid service account name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidClusterRoleBindingName      = errors.New("InvalidClusterRoleBindingName", "invalid cluster role binding name %s: %v")
	ErrInvalidServiceName                 = errors.New("InvalidServiceName", "invalid service name %s: %v")
	ErrClientTerminated                   = errors.New("ClientTerminated", "terminated by user")
	ErrListingPods                        = errors.New("ListingPods", "failed to list pods")
	ErrGetPodStatus                       = errors.New("GetPodStatus", "failed to get pod status for pod %s")
	ErrUpdatingConfigmap                  = errors.New("UpdatingConfigmap", "failed to update configmap %s")
	ErrGettingServiceIP                   = errors.New("GettingServiceIP", "failed to get service IP for service %s")
	ErrGettingServiceNodePort             = errors.New("GettingServiceNodePort", "failed to get service node port for service %s")
	ErrHeadlessService                    = errors.New("HeadlessService", "headless service '%s' does not have a cluster IP, use DNS instead")
	ErrCannotConnectToHeadlessService     = errors.New("CannotConnectToHeadlessService", "cannot connect to headless service %s")
	ErrGettingPodsForService              = errors.New("GettingPodsForService", "failed to get pods for service %s")
	ErrNoPortsFoundForLoadBalancerService = errors.New("NoPortsFoundForLoadBalancerService", "no ports found for LoadBalancer service %s")
	ErrNoNodePortFoundForService          = errors.New("NoNodePortFoundForService", "no NodePort found for service %s")
	ErrNoPortsFoundForService             = errors.New("NoPortsFoundForService", "no ports found for service %s")
	ErrNoValidNodeIPFound                 = errors.New("NoValidNodeIPFound", "no valid node IP found for service %s")
	ErrInvalidClusterDomain               = errors.New("InvalidClusterDomain", "invalid cluster domain `%s`")


func SanitizeName added in v0.13.2

func SanitizeName(name string) string

SanitizeName ensures compliance with Kubernetes DNS-1123 subdomain names. It:

  1. Converts the input string to lowercase.
  2. Replaces underscores and any non-DNS-1123 compliant characters with hyphens.
  3. Trims leading and trailing hyphens.
  4. Ensures the name does not exceed 63 characters, trimming excess characters if necessary and ensuring it does not end with a hyphen after trimming.

Use this function to sanitize strings to be used as Kubernetes names for resources. It will panic if the sanitized name is empty.


type Client added in v0.13.3

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewClient added in v0.15.1

func NewClient(ctx context.Context, namespace string, logger *logrus.Logger, options ...Option) (*Client, error)

func NewClientCustom added in v0.15.1

func NewClientCustom(
	ctx context.Context,
	cs kubernetes.Interface,
	dc discovery.DiscoveryInterface,
	dC dynamic.Interface,
	namespace string,
	logger *logrus.Logger,
	options ...Option,
) (*Client, error)

func (*Client) AllPodsStatuses added in v0.15.1

func (c *Client) AllPodsStatuses(ctx context.Context) ([]PodStatus, error)

AllPodsStatuses reports the status of pods in the current namespace.

func (*Client) Clientset added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) Clientset() kubernetes.Interface

func (*Client) ConfigMapExists added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) ConfigMapExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)

func (*Client) CreateClusterRole added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) CreateClusterRole(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	policyRules []rbacv1.PolicyRule,
) error

func (*Client) CreateClusterRoleBinding added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) CreateClusterRoleBinding(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	clusterRole, serviceAccount string,
) error

func (*Client) CreateConfigMap added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateConfigMap(
	ctx context.Context, name string,
	labels, data map[string]string,
) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)

func (*Client) CreateCustomResource added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateCustomResource(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	gvr *schema.GroupVersionResource,
	obj *map[string]interface{},
) error

func (*Client) CreateDaemonSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateDaemonSet(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	initContainers []v1.Container,
	containers []v1.Container,
) (*appv1.DaemonSet, error)

func (*Client) CreateNamespace added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateNamespace(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) CreateNetworkPolicy added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateNetworkPolicy(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	egressSelectorMap map[string]string,
) error

func (*Client) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap added in v0.16.1

func (c *Client) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap(
	ctx context.Context, name string,
	labels, data map[string]string,
) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)

func (*Client) CreatePersistentVolumeClaim added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreatePersistentVolumeClaim(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	size resource.Quantity,
) error

CreatePersistentVolumeClaim deploys a PersistentVolumeClaim if it does not exist.

func (*Client) CreateReplicaSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, rsConfig ReplicaSetConfig, init bool) (*appv1.ReplicaSet, error)

CreateReplicaSet creates a new replicaSet in namespace that k8s is initialized with if it doesn't already exist.

func (*Client) CreateRole added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateRole(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	policyRules []rbacv1.PolicyRule,
) error

func (*Client) CreateRoleBinding added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateRoleBinding(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	role, serviceAccount string,
) error

func (*Client) CreateService added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateService(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ServiceOptions) (*v1.Service, error)

func (*Client) CreateServiceAccount added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CreateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string) error

func (*Client) CustomResourceDefinitionExists added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) CustomResourceDefinitionExists(ctx context.Context, gvr *schema.GroupVersionResource) (bool, error)

func (*Client) DaemonSetExists added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DaemonSetExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)

func (*Client) DeleteClusterRole added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) DeleteClusterRole(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteClusterRoleBinding added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) DeleteClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteConfigMap added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteDaemonSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteNamespace added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteNamespace(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteNetworkPolicy added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeletePersistentVolumeClaim added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeletePersistentVolumeClaim(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeletePod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeletePod(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeletePodWithGracePeriod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeletePodWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, name string, gracePeriodSeconds *int64) error

func (*Client) DeleteReplicaSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteReplicaSetWithGracePeriod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteReplicaSetWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, name string, gracePeriodSeconds *int64) error

func (*Client) DeleteRole added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteRole(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteRoleBinding added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteService added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteService(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteServiceAccount added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeleteServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) DeployPod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) DeployPod(ctx context.Context, podConfig PodConfig, init bool) (*v1.Pod, error)

DeployPod creates a new pod in the namespace that k8s client is initiate with if it doesn't already exist.

func (*Client) DiscoveryClient added in v0.15.1

func (c *Client) DiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface

func (*Client) DynamicClient added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) DynamicClient() dynamic.Interface

func (*Client) GetConfigMap added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)

func (*Client) GetDaemonSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*appv1.DaemonSet, error)

func (*Client) GetFirstPodFromReplicaSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetFirstPodFromReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.Pod, error)

func (*Client) GetLogStream added in v0.16.1

func (c *Client) GetLogStream(ctx context.Context, replicaSetName string, containerName string) (io.ReadCloser, error)

func (*Client) GetNamespace added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetNamespace(ctx context.Context, name string) (*corev1.Namespace, error)

func (*Client) GetNetworkPolicy added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetNetworkPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.NetworkPolicy, error)

func (*Client) GetService added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetService(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.Service, error)

func (*Client) GetServiceEndpoint added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) GetServiceEndpoint(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error)

func (*Client) GetServiceIP added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) GetServiceIP(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error)

func (*Client) IsPodRunning added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) IsPodRunning(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)

IsPodRunning returns true if all containers in the pod are running.

func (*Client) IsReplicaSetRunning added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) IsReplicaSetRunning(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)

func (*Client) Namespace added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) Namespace() string

func (*Client) NamespaceExists added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) NamespaceExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)

func (*Client) NetworkPolicyExists added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) NetworkPolicyExists(ctx context.Context, name string) bool

func (*Client) NewFile added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) NewFile(source, dest, chown, permission string) *File

func (*Client) NewVolume added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) NewVolume(path string, size resource.Quantity, owner int64) *Volume

func (*Client) PatchService added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) PatchService(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ServiceOptions) (*v1.Service, error)

func (*Client) PodStatus added in v0.15.1

func (c *Client) PodStatus(ctx context.Context, name string) (PodStatus, error)

func (*Client) PortForwardPod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) PortForwardPod(
	ctx context.Context,
	podName string,
	remotePort int,
) error

PortForwardPod forwards a local port to a port on a pod.

func (*Client) PrintAllPodsStatuses added in v0.15.1

func (c *Client) PrintAllPodsStatuses(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Client) ReplacePod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) ReplacePod(ctx context.Context, podConfig PodConfig) (*v1.Pod, error)

ReplacePod replaces a pod and returns the new Pod object.

func (*Client) ReplacePodWithGracePeriod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) ReplacePodWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, podConfig PodConfig, gracePeriod *int64) (*v1.Pod, error)

func (*Client) ReplaceReplicaSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) ReplaceReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, ReplicaSetConfig ReplicaSetConfig) (*appv1.ReplicaSet, error)

func (*Client) ReplaceReplicaSetWithGracePeriod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) ReplaceReplicaSetWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, ReplicaSetConfig ReplicaSetConfig, gracePeriod *int64) (*appv1.ReplicaSet, error)

func (*Client) ReplicaSetExists added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) ReplicaSetExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)

ReplicaSetExists checks if a ReplicaSet exists in the namespace that k8s is initialized with.

func (*Client) RunCommandInPod added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) RunCommandInPod(
	ctx context.Context,
	containerName string,
	cmd []string,
) (string, error)

RunCommandInPod runs a command in a container within a pod with a context.

func (*Client) ServiceDNS added in v0.16.2

func (c *Client) ServiceDNS(name string) string

func (*Client) ServicePort added in v0.16.2

func (c *Client) ServicePort(ctx context.Context, name string) (int32, error)

func (*Client) SetMaxPendingDuration added in v0.15.1

func (c *Client) SetMaxPendingDuration(duration time.Duration)

func (*Client) Terminate added in v0.16.1

func (c *Client) Terminate()

func (*Client) UpdateConfigMap added in v0.16.1

func (c *Client) UpdateConfigMap(
	ctx context.Context, name string,
	labels, data map[string]string,
) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)

func (*Client) UpdateDaemonSet added in v0.13.3

func (c *Client) UpdateDaemonSet(ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	labels map[string]string,
	initContainers []v1.Container,
	containers []v1.Container,
) (*appv1.DaemonSet, error)

func (*Client) WaitForDeployment added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) WaitForDeployment(ctx context.Context, name string) error

func (*Client) WaitForService added in v0.14.0

func (c *Client) WaitForService(ctx context.Context, name string) error

WaitForService() works only for the services with publicly accessible IP

type ClientOptions added in v0.16.2

type ClientOptions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ContainerConfig added in v0.9.0

type ContainerConfig struct {
	Name            string              // Name to assign to the Container
	Image           string              // Name of the container image to use for the container
	ImagePullPolicy v1.PullPolicy       // Image pull policy for the container
	Command         []string            // Command to run in the container
	Args            []string            // Arguments to pass to the command in the container
	Env             map[string]string   // Environment variables to set in the container
	Volumes         []*Volume           // Volumes to mount in the Pod
	MemoryRequest   resource.Quantity   // Memory request for the container
	MemoryLimit     resource.Quantity   // Memory limit for the container
	CPURequest      resource.Quantity   // CPU request for the container
	LivenessProbe   *v1.Probe           // Liveness probe for the container
	ReadinessProbe  *v1.Probe           // Readiness probe for the container
	StartupProbe    *v1.Probe           // Startup probe for the container
	Files           []*File             // Files to add to the Pod
	SecurityContext *v1.SecurityContext // Security context for the container
	TCPPorts        []int               // TCP ports to expose on the Pod
	UDPPorts        []int               // UDP ports to expose on the Pod

type Error added in v0.13.3

type Error = errors.Error

type File added in v0.9.0

type File struct {
	Source     string
	Dest       string
	Chown      string
	Permission string

type KubeManager added in v0.14.0

type KubeManager interface {
	Clientset() kubernetes.Interface
	CreateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, policyRules []rbacv1.PolicyRule) error
	CreateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, clusterRole, serviceAccount string) error
	CreateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string, labels, data map[string]string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
	CreateOrUpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string, labels, data map[string]string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
	CreateCustomResource(ctx context.Context, name string, gvr *schema.GroupVersionResource, obj *map[string]interface{}) error
	CreateDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, initContainers []corev1.Container, containers []corev1.Container) (*appv1.DaemonSet, error)
	CreateNamespace(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	CreateNetworkPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, selectorMap, ingressSelectorMap, egressSelectorMap map[string]string) error
	CreatePersistentVolumeClaim(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, size resource.Quantity) error
	CreateReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, rsConfig ReplicaSetConfig, init bool) (*appv1.ReplicaSet, error)
	CreateRole(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, policyRules []rbacv1.PolicyRule) error
	CreateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, role, serviceAccount string) error
	CreateService(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ServiceOptions) (*corev1.Service, error)
	CreateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string) error
	CustomResourceDefinitionExists(ctx context.Context, gvr *schema.GroupVersionResource) (bool, error)
	DaemonSetExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
	DeleteConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteNamespace(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteNetworkPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeletePersistentVolumeClaim(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeletePod(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeletePodWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, name string, gracePeriodSeconds *int64) error
	DeleteReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteReplicaSetWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, name string, gracePeriodSeconds *int64) error
	DeleteRole(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteService(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeleteServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	DeployPod(ctx context.Context, podConfig PodConfig, init bool) (*corev1.Pod, error)
	DiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
	DynamicClient() dynamic.Interface
	GetConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
	GetDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*appv1.DaemonSet, error)
	GetFirstPodFromReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*corev1.Pod, error)
	GetLogStream(ctx context.Context, podName string, containerName string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
	GetNamespace(ctx context.Context, name string) (*corev1.Namespace, error)
	GetNetworkPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string) (*netv1.NetworkPolicy, error)
	GetService(ctx context.Context, name string) (*corev1.Service, error)
	GetServiceEndpoint(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error)
	GetServiceIP(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error)
	ServiceDNS(name string) string
	ServicePort(ctx context.Context, name string) (int32, error)
	IsPodRunning(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
	IsReplicaSetRunning(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
	Namespace() string
	NamespaceExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
	NetworkPolicyExists(ctx context.Context, name string) bool
	NewFile(source, dest, chown, permission string) *File
	NewVolume(path string, size resource.Quantity, owner int64) *Volume
	PatchService(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ServiceOptions) (*corev1.Service, error)
	PortForwardPod(ctx context.Context, podName string, localPort, remotePort int) error
	ReplicaSetExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
	ReplacePod(ctx context.Context, podConfig PodConfig) (*corev1.Pod, error)
	ReplacePodWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, podConfig PodConfig, gracePeriod *int64) (*corev1.Pod, error)
	ReplaceReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, ReplicaSetConfig ReplicaSetConfig) (*appv1.ReplicaSet, error)
	ReplaceReplicaSetWithGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, ReplicaSetConfig ReplicaSetConfig, gracePeriod *int64) (*appv1.ReplicaSet, error)
	RunCommandInPod(ctx context.Context, podName, containerName string, cmd []string) (string, error)
	ConfigMapExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
	UpdateDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, name string, labels map[string]string, initContainers []corev1.Container, containers []corev1.Container) (*appv1.DaemonSet, error)
	UpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string, labels, data map[string]string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
	WaitForDeployment(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	WaitForService(ctx context.Context, name string) error
	AllPodsStatuses(ctx context.Context) ([]PodStatus, error)
	PodStatus(ctx context.Context, name string) (PodStatus, error)
	PrintAllPodsStatuses(ctx context.Context) error

type Option added in v0.16.2

type Option func(*ClientOptions)

func WithClusterDomain added in v0.16.2

func WithClusterDomain(clusterDomain string) Option

type PodConfig

type PodConfig struct {
	Namespace          string            // Kubernetes namespace of the Pod
	Name               string            // Name to assign to the Pod
	Labels             map[string]string // Labels to apply to the Pod
	ServiceAccountName string            // ServiceAccount to assign to Pod
	FsGroup            int64             // FSGroup to apply to the Pod
	ContainerConfig    ContainerConfig   // ContainerConfig for the Pod
	SidecarConfigs     []ContainerConfig // SideCarConfigs for the Pod
	Annotations        map[string]string // Annotations to apply to the Pod

type PodStatus added in v0.15.1

type PodStatus struct {
	Name            string
	Status          corev1.PodPhase
	PendingDuration time.Duration

type ReplicaSetConfig added in v0.12.0

type ReplicaSetConfig struct {
	Name      string            // Name of the ReplicaSet
	Namespace string            // Namespace of the ReplicaSet
	Labels    map[string]string // Labels to apply to the ReplicaSet, key/value represents the name/value of the label
	Replicas  int32             // Replicas is the number of replicas
	PodConfig PodConfig         // PodConfig represents the pod configuration

type ServiceOptions added in v0.16.2

type ServiceOptions struct {
	Labels      map[string]string
	SelectorMap map[string]string
	TCPPorts    []int
	UDPPorts    []int
	NotHeadless bool

type Volume added in v0.7.2

type Volume struct {
	Path  string
	Size  resource.Quantity
	Owner int64

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