Index ¶
- func BeginTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx storage.Transactable) (models.Transaction, error)
- type Address
- func (a *Address) ByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (address storage.Address, err error)
- func (a *Address) IdByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (id uint64, err error)
- func (a *Address) ListWithBalance(ctx context.Context, filters storage.AddressListFilter) (result []storage.Address, err error)
- func (a *Address) Series(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, timeframe storage.Timeframe, ...) (items []storage.HistogramItem, err error)
- type BlobLog
- func (bl *BlobLog) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) (logs []storage.BlobLog, err error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) ByNamespace(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) (logs []storage.BlobLog, err error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) ByProviders(ctx context.Context, providers []storage.RollupProvider, ...) (logs []storage.BlobLog, err error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) BySigner(ctx context.Context, signerId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) (logs []storage.BlobLog, err error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) (logs []storage.BlobLog, err error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) CountByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (int, error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) CountByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64) (int, error)
- func (bl *BlobLog) ExportByProviders(ctx context.Context, providers []storage.RollupProvider, from, to time.Time, ...) (err error)
- type BlockSignature
- type BlockStats
- type Blocks
- func (b *Blocks) ByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (block storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (block storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) ByHeightWithStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (block storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) ByIdWithRelations(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (block storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) ByProposer(ctx context.Context, proposerId uint64, limit, offset int) (blocks []storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) Last(ctx context.Context) (block storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) ListWithStats(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order sdk.SortOrder) (blocks []*storage.Block, err error)
- func (b *Blocks) Time(ctx context.Context, height pkgTypes.Level) (response time.Time, err error)
- type Constant
- func (constant *Constant) All(ctx context.Context) (c []storage.Constant, err error)
- func (constant *Constant) ByModule(ctx context.Context, module types.ModuleName) (c []storage.Constant, err error)
- func (constant *Constant) Get(ctx context.Context, module types.ModuleName, name string) (c storage.Constant, err error)
- type Delegation
- func (d *Delegation) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, limit, offset int, showZero bool) (delegations []storage.Delegation, err error)
- func (d *Delegation) ByValidator(ctx context.Context, validatorId uint64, limit, offset int, showZero bool) (delegations []storage.Delegation, err error)
- type DenomMetadata
- type Event
- type Export
- type Grant
- type Jail
- type Message
- func (m *Message) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, filters storage.AddressMsgsFilter) (msgs []storage.AddressMessageWithTx, err error)
- func (m *Message) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) (messages []storage.Message, err error)
- func (m *Message) ListWithTx(ctx context.Context, filters storage.MessageListWithTxFilters) (msgs []storage.MessageWithTx, err error)
- type Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) ByNamespaceId(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte) (namespace []storage.Namespace, err error)
- func (n *Namespace) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte, version byte) (namespace storage.Namespace, err error)
- func (n *Namespace) CountMessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height pkgTypes.Level) (int, error)
- func (n *Namespace) CountMessagesByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64) (int, error)
- func (n *Namespace) GetByIds(ctx context.Context, ids ...uint64) (ns []storage.Namespace, err error)
- func (n *Namespace) ListWithSort(ctx context.Context, sortField string, sort sdk.SortOrder, limit, offset int) (ns []storage.Namespace, err error)
- func (n *Namespace) Messages(ctx context.Context, id uint64, limit, offset int) (msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error)
- func (n *Namespace) MessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height pkgTypes.Level, limit, offset int) (msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error)
- func (n *Namespace) MessagesByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) (msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error)
- type Notificator
- type Price
- type Redelegation
- type Rollup
- func (r *Rollup) BySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (rollup storage.Rollup, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (r *Rollup) Distribution(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, series, groupBy string) (items []storage.DistributionItem, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) Leaderboard(ctx context.Context, sortField string, sort sdk.SortOrder, limit, offset int) (rollups []storage.RollupWithStats, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) Namespaces(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, limit, offset int) (namespaceIds []uint64, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) Providers(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) (providers []storage.RollupProvider, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) RollupsByNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespaceId uint64, limit, offset int) (rollups []storage.Rollup, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) Series(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, timeframe, column string, ...) (items []storage.HistogramItem, err error)
- func (r *Rollup) Stats(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) (stats storage.RollupStats, err error)
- type Search
- type SentryHook
- type StakingLog
- type State
- type Stats
- func (s Stats) Count(ctx context.Context, req storage.CountRequest) (string, error)
- func (s Stats) Histogram(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramRequest) (response []storage.HistogramItem, err error)
- func (s Stats) HistogramCount(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramCountRequest) (response []storage.HistogramItem, err error)
- func (s Stats) NamespaceSeries(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, nsId uint64, ...) (response []storage.SeriesItem, err error)
- func (s Stats) Series(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, ...) (response []storage.SeriesItem, err error)
- func (s Stats) StakingSeries(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, ...) (response []storage.SeriesItem, err error)
- func (s Stats) Summary(ctx context.Context, req storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)
- func (s Stats) TPS(ctx context.Context) (response storage.TPS, err error)
- func (s Stats) TxCountForLast24h(ctx context.Context) (response []storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, err error)
- type Storage
- type Transaction
- func (tx Transaction) CancelUnbondings(ctx context.Context, cancellations ...models.Undelegation) error
- func (tx Transaction) Delegation(ctx context.Context, validatorId, addressId uint64) (val models.Delegation, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) DeleteBalances(ctx context.Context, ids []uint64) error
- func (tx Transaction) DeleteDelegationsByValidator(ctx context.Context, ids ...uint64) error
- func (tx Transaction) DeleteProviders(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
- func (tx Transaction) DeleteRollup(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
- func (tx Transaction) GetProposerId(ctx context.Context, address string) (id uint64, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) Jail(ctx context.Context, validators ...*models.Validator) error
- func (tx Transaction) LastAddressAction(ctx context.Context, address []byte) (uint64, error)
- func (tx Transaction) LastBlock(ctx context.Context) (block models.Block, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) LastNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64) (msg models.NamespaceMessage, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) Namespace(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (ns models.Namespace, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RetentionBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) error
- func (tx Transaction) RetentionCompletedRedelegations(ctx context.Context, blockTime time.Time) error
- func (tx Transaction) RetentionCompletedUnbondings(ctx context.Context, blockTime time.Time) error
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackAddresses(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (address []models.Address, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackBlobLog(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackBlock(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) error
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackBlockStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (stats models.BlockStats, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackEvents(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (events []models.Event, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackGrants(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackJails(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (jails []models.Jail, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackMessageAddresses(ctx context.Context, msgIds []uint64) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (msgs []models.Message, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackNamespaceMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (msgs []models.NamespaceMessage, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackNamespaces(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (ns []models.Namespace, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackRedelegations(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackSigners(ctx context.Context, txIds []uint64) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackStakingLogs(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (logs []models.StakingLog, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackTxs(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (txs []models.Tx, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackUndelegations(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackValidators(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (validators []models.Validator, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackVestingAccounts(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) RollbackVestingPeriods(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (err error)
- func (tx Transaction) SaveAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses ...*models.Address) (int64, error)
- func (tx Transaction) SaveBalances(ctx context.Context, balances ...models.Balance) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveBlobLogs(ctx context.Context, logs ...models.BlobLog) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, signs ...models.BlockSignature) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveConstants(ctx context.Context, constants ...models.Constant) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveDelegations(ctx context.Context, delegations ...models.Delegation) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveEvents(ctx context.Context, events ...models.Event) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveGrants(ctx context.Context, grants ...models.Grant) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveJails(ctx context.Context, jails ...models.Jail) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveMessages(ctx context.Context, msgs ...*models.Message) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveMsgAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses ...models.MsgAddress) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsMsgs ...models.NamespaceMessage) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveNamespaces(ctx context.Context, namespaces ...*models.Namespace) (int64, error)
- func (tx Transaction) SaveProviders(ctx context.Context, providers ...models.RollupProvider) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveRedelegations(ctx context.Context, redelegations ...models.Redelegation) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveRollup(ctx context.Context, rollup *models.Rollup) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveSigners(ctx context.Context, addresses ...models.Signer) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveStakingLogs(ctx context.Context, logs ...models.StakingLog) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveTransactions(ctx context.Context, txs ...models.Tx) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveUndelegations(ctx context.Context, undelegations ...models.Undelegation) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveValidators(ctx context.Context, validators ...*models.Validator) (int, error)
- func (tx Transaction) SaveVestingAccounts(ctx context.Context, accs ...*models.VestingAccount) error
- func (tx Transaction) SaveVestingPeriods(ctx context.Context, periods ...models.VestingPeriod) error
- func (tx Transaction) State(ctx context.Context, name string) (state models.State, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) UpdateRollup(ctx context.Context, rollup *models.Rollup) error
- func (tx Transaction) UpdateSlashedDelegations(ctx context.Context, validatorId uint64, fraction decimal.Decimal) (balances []models.Balance, err error)
- func (tx Transaction) UpdateValidators(ctx context.Context, validators ...*models.Validator) error
- func (tx Transaction) Validator(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (val models.Validator, err error)
- type Tx
- func (tx *Tx) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, fltrs storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)
- func (tx *Tx) ByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (transaction storage.Tx, err error)
- func (tx *Tx) ByIdWithRelations(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (transaction storage.Tx, err error)
- func (tx *Tx) Filter(ctx context.Context, fltrs storage.TxFilter) (txs []storage.Tx, err error)
- func (tx *Tx) Gas(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, ts time.Time) (response []storage.Gas, err error)
- func (tx *Tx) Genesis(ctx context.Context, limit, offset int, sortOrder sdk.SortOrder) (txs []storage.Tx, err error)
- type Undelegation
- type Validator
- func (v *Validator) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, address string) (validator storage.Validator, err error)
- func (v *Validator) JailedCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error)
- func (v *Validator) ListByPower(ctx context.Context, fltrs storage.ValidatorFilters) (validators []storage.Validator, err error)
- func (v *Validator) TotalVotingPower(ctx context.Context) (decimal.Decimal, error)
- type VestingAccount
- type VestingPeriod
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func BeginTransaction ¶
func BeginTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx storage.Transactable) (models.Transaction, error)
Types ¶
type Address ¶
Address -
func (*Address) ListWithBalance ¶
type BlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
BlobLog -
func NewBlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
NewBlobLog -
func (*BlobLog) ByNamespace ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*BlobLog) ByProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (bl *BlobLog) ByProviders(ctx context.Context, providers []storage.RollupProvider, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) (logs []storage.BlobLog, err error)
func (*BlobLog) CountByHeight ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (*BlobLog) CountByTxId ¶ added in v1.3.2
type BlockSignature ¶ added in v1.4.0
type BlockSignature struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.BlockSignature] }
BlockSignature -
func NewBlockSignature ¶ added in v1.4.0
func NewBlockSignature(db *database.Bun) *BlockSignature
NewBlockSignature -
type BlockStats ¶
type BlockStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockStats -
func (*BlockStats) ByHeight ¶
func (b *BlockStats) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height pkgTypes.Level) (stats storage.BlockStats, err error)
ByHeight -
type Blocks ¶
Blocks -
func (*Blocks) ByHeightWithStats ¶
func (b *Blocks) ByHeightWithStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (block storage.Block, err error)
ByHeightWithStats -
func (*Blocks) ByIdWithRelations ¶
ByIdWithRelations -
func (*Blocks) ByProposer ¶ added in v1.4.0
type Constant ¶
type Constant struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Constant -
type Delegation ¶ added in v1.6.0
type Delegation struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.Delegation] }
Delegation -
func NewDelegation ¶ added in v1.6.0
func NewDelegation(db *database.Bun) *Delegation
NewDelegation -
func (*Delegation) ByAddress ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (d *Delegation) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, limit, offset int, showZero bool) (delegations []storage.Delegation, err error)
func (*Delegation) ByValidator ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (d *Delegation) ByValidator(ctx context.Context, validatorId uint64, limit, offset int, showZero bool) (delegations []storage.Delegation, err error)
type DenomMetadata ¶
type DenomMetadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DenomMetadata -
func (*DenomMetadata) All ¶
func (dm *DenomMetadata) All(ctx context.Context) (metadata []storage.DenomMetadata, err error)
type Event ¶
Event -
type Message ¶
Message -
func (*Message) ByAddress ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *Message) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, filters storage.AddressMsgsFilter) (msgs []storage.AddressMessageWithTx, err error)
func (*Message) ByTxId ¶
func (m *Message) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) (messages []storage.Message, err error)
ByTxId -
func (*Message) ListWithTx ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (m *Message) ListWithTx(ctx context.Context, filters storage.MessageListWithTxFilters) (msgs []storage.MessageWithTx, err error)
type Namespace ¶
Namespace -
func (*Namespace) ByNamespaceId ¶
func (n *Namespace) ByNamespaceId(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte) (namespace []storage.Namespace, err error)
ByNamespaceId -
func (*Namespace) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion ¶
func (n *Namespace) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte, version byte) (namespace storage.Namespace, err error)
ByNamespaceIdAndVersion -
func (*Namespace) CountMessagesByHeight ¶
func (*Namespace) CountMessagesByTxId ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (*Namespace) ListWithSort ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (*Namespace) Messages ¶
func (n *Namespace) Messages(ctx context.Context, id uint64, limit, offset int) (msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error)
Messages -
func (*Namespace) MessagesByHeight ¶
func (n *Namespace) MessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height pkgTypes.Level, limit, offset int) (msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error)
MessagesByHeight -
func (*Namespace) MessagesByTxId ¶ added in v1.1.5
type Notificator ¶
type Notificator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNotificator ¶
func NewNotificator(cfg config.Database, db *bun.DB) *Notificator
func (*Notificator) Close ¶
func (n *Notificator) Close() error
func (*Notificator) Listen ¶
func (n *Notificator) Listen() chan *pq.Notification
type Price ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Price struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Price -
type Redelegation ¶ added in v1.6.0
type Redelegation struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.Redelegation] }
Redelegation -
func NewRedelegation ¶ added in v1.6.0
func NewRedelegation(db *database.Bun) *Redelegation
NewRedelegation -
func (*Redelegation) ByAddress ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (d *Redelegation) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, limit, offset int) (redelegations []storage.Redelegation, err error)
type Rollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
Rollup -
func (*Rollup) Distribution ¶ added in v1.6.1
func (*Rollup) Leaderboard ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*Rollup) Namespaces ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*Rollup) RollupsByNamespace ¶ added in v1.5.0
type Search ¶ added in v1.4.0
type Search struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Search -
func (*Search) SearchText ¶ added in v1.4.0
type SentryHook ¶ added in v1.7.0
type SentryHook struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSentryHook ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewSentryHook(dbName string, tracer trace.Tracer, formatQueries bool) *SentryHook
func (*SentryHook) AfterQuery ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *SentryHook) AfterQuery(ctx context.Context, event *bun.QueryEvent)
func (*SentryHook) BeforeQuery ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *SentryHook) BeforeQuery(ctx context.Context, event *bun.QueryEvent) context.Context
func (*SentryHook) Init ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *SentryHook) Init(db *bun.DB)
type StakingLog ¶ added in v1.7.0
type StakingLog struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.StakingLog] }
StakingLog -
func NewStakingLog ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewStakingLog(db *database.Bun) *StakingLog
NewStakingLog -
func (*StakingLog) ByValidator ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (d *StakingLog) ByValidator(ctx context.Context, id uint64, limit, offset int) (logs []storage.StakingLog, err error)
type Stats ¶
type Stats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Stats) Histogram ¶
func (s Stats) Histogram(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramRequest) (response []storage.HistogramItem, err error)
func (Stats) HistogramCount ¶
func (s Stats) HistogramCount(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramCountRequest) (response []storage.HistogramItem, err error)
func (Stats) NamespaceSeries ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (Stats) StakingSeries ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Stats) TxCountForLast24h ¶ added in v1.1.0
type Storage ¶
type Storage struct { *postgres.Storage Blocks models.IBlock BlockStats models.IBlockStats BlockSignatures models.IBlockSignature BlobLogs models.IBlobLog Constants models.IConstant DenomMetadata models.IDenomMetadata Tx models.ITx Message models.IMessage Event models.IEvent Address models.IAddress VestingAccounts models.IVestingAccount VestingPeriods models.IVestingPeriod Namespace models.INamespace Price models.IPrice State models.IState Stats models.IStats Search models.ISearch Validator models.IValidator StakingLogs models.IStakingLog Delegation models.IDelegation Redelegation models.IRedelegation Undelegation models.IUndelegation Jails models.IJail Rollup models.IRollup Grants models.IGrant Notificator *Notificator // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Storage -
func (Storage) CreateListener ¶
func (Storage) SetTracer ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (s Storage) SetTracer(tp trace.TracerProvider)
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
func (Transaction) CancelUnbondings ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) CancelUnbondings(ctx context.Context, cancellations ...models.Undelegation) error
func (Transaction) Delegation ¶ added in v1.6.3
func (tx Transaction) Delegation(ctx context.Context, validatorId, addressId uint64) (val models.Delegation, err error)
func (Transaction) DeleteBalances ¶
func (tx Transaction) DeleteBalances(ctx context.Context, ids []uint64) error
func (Transaction) DeleteDelegationsByValidator ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) DeleteDelegationsByValidator(ctx context.Context, ids ...uint64) error
func (Transaction) DeleteProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (tx Transaction) DeleteProviders(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
func (Transaction) DeleteRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (tx Transaction) DeleteRollup(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
func (Transaction) GetProposerId ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (Transaction) LastAddressAction ¶
func (Transaction) LastNamespaceMessage ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (tx Transaction) LastNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64) (msg models.NamespaceMessage, err error)
func (Transaction) RetentionBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (Transaction) RetentionCompletedRedelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Transaction) RetentionCompletedUnbondings ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Transaction) RollbackAddresses ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackBlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Transaction) RollbackBlock ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (Transaction) RollbackBlockStats ¶
func (tx Transaction) RollbackBlockStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (stats models.BlockStats, err error)
func (Transaction) RollbackEvents ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackGrants ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (Transaction) RollbackJails ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Transaction) RollbackMessageAddresses ¶
func (tx Transaction) RollbackMessageAddresses(ctx context.Context, msgIds []uint64) (err error)
func (Transaction) RollbackMessages ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackNamespaceMessages ¶
func (tx Transaction) RollbackNamespaceMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (msgs []models.NamespaceMessage, err error)
func (Transaction) RollbackNamespaces ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackRedelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Transaction) RollbackSigners ¶
func (tx Transaction) RollbackSigners(ctx context.Context, txIds []uint64) (err error)
func (Transaction) RollbackStakingLogs ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) RollbackStakingLogs(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (logs []models.StakingLog, err error)
func (Transaction) RollbackTxs ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackUndelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Transaction) RollbackValidators ¶
func (Transaction) RollbackVestingAccounts ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (Transaction) RollbackVestingPeriods ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (Transaction) SaveAddresses ¶
func (Transaction) SaveBalances ¶
func (Transaction) SaveBlobLogs ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Transaction) SaveBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, signs ...models.BlockSignature) error
func (Transaction) SaveConstants ¶
func (Transaction) SaveDelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveDelegations(ctx context.Context, delegations ...models.Delegation) error
func (Transaction) SaveEvents ¶
func (Transaction) SaveGrants ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (Transaction) SaveMessages ¶
func (Transaction) SaveMsgAddresses ¶
func (tx Transaction) SaveMsgAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses ...models.MsgAddress) error
func (Transaction) SaveNamespaceMessage ¶
func (tx Transaction) SaveNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsMsgs ...models.NamespaceMessage) error
func (Transaction) SaveNamespaces ¶
func (Transaction) SaveProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveProviders(ctx context.Context, providers ...models.RollupProvider) error
func (Transaction) SaveRedelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveRedelegations(ctx context.Context, redelegations ...models.Redelegation) error
func (Transaction) SaveRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Transaction) SaveSigners ¶
func (Transaction) SaveStakingLogs ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveStakingLogs(ctx context.Context, logs ...models.StakingLog) error
func (Transaction) SaveTransactions ¶
func (Transaction) SaveUndelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveUndelegations(ctx context.Context, undelegations ...models.Undelegation) error
func (Transaction) SaveValidators ¶
func (Transaction) SaveVestingAccounts ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveVestingAccounts(ctx context.Context, accs ...*models.VestingAccount) error
func (Transaction) SaveVestingPeriods ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (tx Transaction) SaveVestingPeriods(ctx context.Context, periods ...models.VestingPeriod) error
func (Transaction) UpdateRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Transaction) UpdateSlashedDelegations ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (Transaction) UpdateValidators ¶ added in v1.6.0
type Tx ¶
Tx -
func (*Tx) ByIdWithRelations ¶
type Undelegation ¶ added in v1.6.0
type Undelegation struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.Undelegation] }
Undelegation -
func NewUndelegation ¶ added in v1.6.0
func NewUndelegation(db *database.Bun) *Undelegation
NewUndelegation -
func (*Undelegation) ByAddress ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (d *Undelegation) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, limit, offset int) (undelegations []storage.Undelegation, err error)
type Validator ¶
Validator -
func (*Validator) JailedCount ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (*Validator) ListByPower ¶ added in v1.6.0
type VestingAccount ¶ added in v1.7.0
type VestingAccount struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.VestingAccount] }
VestingAccount -
func NewVestingAccount ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewVestingAccount(db *database.Bun) *VestingAccount
NewVestingAccount -
type VestingPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
type VestingPeriod struct { *postgres.Table[*storage.VestingPeriod] }
VestingPeriod -
func NewVestingPeriod ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewVestingPeriod(db *database.Bun) *VestingPeriod
NewVestingPeriod -
func (*VestingPeriod) ByVesting ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (v *VestingPeriod) ByVesting(ctx context.Context, id uint64, limit, offset int) (periods []storage.VestingPeriod, err error)
Source Files
- address.go
- blob_log.go
- block.go
- block_signature.go
- block_stats.go
- constant.go
- core.go
- custom_types.go
- delegation.go
- denom_metadata.go
- event.go
- export.go
- grant.go
- index.go
- init_scripts.go
- jail.go
- message.go
- namespace.go
- notificator.go
- price.go
- redelegation.go
- rollup.go
- scopes.go
- search.go
- sentry_hook.go
- staking_log.go
- state.go
- stats.go
- transaction.go
- tx.go
- undelegation.go
- validator.go
- vesting_account.go
- vesting_period.go
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