Overview ¶
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: address.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=address.go -destination=mock/address.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: balance.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=balance.go -destination=mock/balance.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: blob_log.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=blob_log.go -destination=mock/blob_log.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: block.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=block.go -destination=mock/block.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: block_signature.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=block_signature.go -destination=mock/block_signature.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: block_stats.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=block_stats.go -destination=mock/block_stats.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: constant.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=constant.go -destination=mock/constant.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: denom_metadata.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=denom_metadata.go -destination=mock/denom_metadata.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: event.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=event.go -destination=mock/event.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: generic.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=generic.go -destination=mock/generic.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: message.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=message.go -destination=mock/message.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: namespace.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=namespace.go -destination=mock/namespace.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: price.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=price.go -destination=mock/price.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: rollup.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=rollup.go -destination=mock/rollup.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: rollup_provider.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=rollup_provider.go -destination=mock/rollup_provider.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: state.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=state.go -destination=mock/state.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: stats.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=stats.go -destination=mock/stats.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: tx.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=tx.go -destination=mock/tx.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: validator.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=validator.go -destination=mock/validator.go -package=mock -typed
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type ExportCloseCall
- type ExportToCsvCall
- type IAddressByHashCall
- func (c *IAddressByHashCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Address, error)) *IAddressByHashCall
- func (c *IAddressByHashCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Address, error)) *IAddressByHashCall
- func (c *IAddressByHashCall) Return(arg0 storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressByHashCall
- type IAddressCursorListCall
- type IAddressGetByIDCall
- func (c *IAddressGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressGetByIDCall
- func (c *IAddressGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressGetByIDCall
- func (c *IAddressGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressGetByIDCall
- type IAddressIsNoRowsCall
- type IAddressLastIDCall
- type IAddressListCall
- type IAddressListWithBalanceCall
- func (c *IAddressListWithBalanceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.AddressListFilter) ([]storage.Address, error)) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
- func (c *IAddressListWithBalanceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.AddressListFilter) ([]storage.Address, error)) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
- func (c *IAddressListWithBalanceCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
- type IAddressSaveCall
- type IAddressUpdateCall
- type IBalanceCursorListCall
- type IBalanceGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBalanceGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBalanceGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBalanceGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Balance, arg1 error) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
- type IBalanceIsNoRowsCall
- type IBalanceLastIDCall
- type IBalanceListCall
- type IBalanceSaveCall
- type IBalanceUpdateCall
- type IBlobLogByHeightCall
- type IBlobLogByNamespaceCall
- type IBlobLogByProvidersCall
- type IBlobLogBySignerCall
- type IBlobLogByTxIdCall
- type IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
- type IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
- func (c *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
- func (c *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
- func (c *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
- type IBlobLogCursorListCall
- type IBlobLogGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlobLogGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlobLogGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlobLogGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
- type IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall
- type IBlobLogLastIDCall
- type IBlobLogListCall
- type IBlobLogSaveCall
- type IBlobLogUpdateCall
- type IBlockByHashCall
- func (c *IBlockByHashCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHashCall
- func (c *IBlockByHashCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHashCall
- func (c *IBlockByHashCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByHashCall
- type IBlockByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlockByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlockByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlockByHeightCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByHeightCall
- type IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
- func (c *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
- func (c *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
- func (c *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
- type IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (c *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (c *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (c *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
- type IBlockByProposerCall
- func (c *IBlockByProposerCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByProposerCall
- func (c *IBlockByProposerCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByProposerCall
- func (c *IBlockByProposerCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByProposerCall
- type IBlockCursorListCall
- type IBlockGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlockGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlockGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlockGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockGetByIDCall
- type IBlockIsNoRowsCall
- type IBlockLastCall
- type IBlockLastIDCall
- type IBlockListCall
- type IBlockListWithStatsCall
- type IBlockSaveCall
- type IBlockSignatureCursorListCall
- type IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.BlockSignature, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
- type IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall
- type IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
- type IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, types.Level) ([]types.Level, error)) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, types.Level) ([]types.Level, error)) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) Return(arg0 []types.Level, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
- type IBlockSignatureListCall
- type IBlockSignatureSaveCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
- type IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
- func (c *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
- type IBlockStatsByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlockStatsByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlockStatsByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
- func (c *IBlockStatsByHeightCall) Return(arg0 storage.BlockStats, arg1 error) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
- type IBlockStatsLastFromCall
- func (c *IBlockStatsLastFromCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level, int) ([]storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
- func (c *IBlockStatsLastFromCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level, int) ([]storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
- func (c *IBlockStatsLastFromCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlockStats, arg1 error) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
- type IBlockTimeCall
- type IBlockUpdateCall
- type IConstantAllCall
- type IConstantByModuleCall
- func (c *IConstantByModuleCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName) ([]storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantByModuleCall
- func (c *IConstantByModuleCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName) ([]storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantByModuleCall
- func (c *IConstantByModuleCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Constant, arg1 error) *IConstantByModuleCall
- type IConstantGetCall
- func (c *IConstantGetCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName, string) (storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantGetCall
- func (c *IConstantGetCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName, string) (storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantGetCall
- func (c *IConstantGetCall) Return(arg0 storage.Constant, arg1 error) *IConstantGetCall
- type IDenomMetadataAllCall
- func (c *IDenomMetadataAllCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.DenomMetadata, error)) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
- func (c *IDenomMetadataAllCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.DenomMetadata, error)) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
- func (c *IDenomMetadataAllCall) Return(arg0 []storage.DenomMetadata, arg1 error) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
- type IEventByBlockCall
- type IEventByTxIdCall
- func (c *IEventByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)) *IEventByTxIdCall
- func (c *IEventByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)) *IEventByTxIdCall
- func (c *IEventByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventByTxIdCall
- type IEventCursorListCall
- type IEventGetByIDCall
- func (c *IEventGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Event, error)) *IEventGetByIDCall
- func (c *IEventGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Event, error)) *IEventGetByIDCall
- func (c *IEventGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventGetByIDCall
- type IEventIsNoRowsCall
- type IEventLastIDCall
- type IEventListCall
- type IEventSaveCall
- type IEventUpdateCall
- type IMessageByAddressCall
- type IMessageByTxIdCall
- func (c *IMessageByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Message, error)) *IMessageByTxIdCall
- func (c *IMessageByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Message, error)) *IMessageByTxIdCall
- func (c *IMessageByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Message, arg1 error) *IMessageByTxIdCall
- type IMessageCursorListCall
- type IMessageGetByIDCall
- func (c *IMessageGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageGetByIDCall
- func (c *IMessageGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageGetByIDCall
- func (c *IMessageGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Message, arg1 error) *IMessageGetByIDCall
- type IMessageIsNoRowsCall
- type IMessageLastIDCall
- type IMessageListCall
- type IMessageListWithTxCall
- type IMessageSaveCall
- type IMessageUpdateCall
- type INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
- func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte, byte) (storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
- func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte, byte) (storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
- func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) Return(arg0 storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
- type INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
- type INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
- func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
- func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
- func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
- type INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
- type INamespaceCursorListCall
- type INamespaceGetByIDCall
- func (c *INamespaceGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
- func (c *INamespaceGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
- func (c *INamespaceGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
- type INamespaceGetByIdsCall
- func (c *INamespaceGetByIdsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...uint64) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
- func (c *INamespaceGetByIdsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...uint64) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
- func (c *INamespaceGetByIdsCall) Return(ns []storage.Namespace, err error) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
- type INamespaceIsNoRowsCall
- type INamespaceLastIDCall
- type INamespaceListCall
- type INamespaceListWithSortCall
- type INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall
- type INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (c *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.NamespaceMessage, arg1 error) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
- type INamespaceMessagesCall
- func (c *INamespaceMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesCall
- func (c *INamespaceMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesCall
- func (c *INamespaceMessagesCall) Return(arg0 []storage.NamespaceMessage, arg1 error) *INamespaceMessagesCall
- type INamespaceSaveCall
- type INamespaceUpdateCall
- type IPriceGetCall
- func (c *IPriceGetCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, int64, int64, int) ([]storage.Price, error)) *IPriceGetCall
- func (c *IPriceGetCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, int64, int64, int) ([]storage.Price, error)) *IPriceGetCall
- func (c *IPriceGetCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Price, arg1 error) *IPriceGetCall
- type IPriceLastCall
- type IPriceSaveCall
- type IRollupBySlugCall
- func (c *IRollupBySlugCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupBySlugCall
- func (c *IRollupBySlugCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupBySlugCall
- func (c *IRollupBySlugCall) Return(arg0 storage.Rollup, arg1 error) *IRollupBySlugCall
- type IRollupCountCall
- type IRollupCursorListCall
- type IRollupGetByIDCall
- func (c *IRollupGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupGetByIDCall
- func (c *IRollupGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupGetByIDCall
- func (c *IRollupGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Rollup, arg1 error) *IRollupGetByIDCall
- type IRollupIsNoRowsCall
- type IRollupLastIDCall
- type IRollupLeaderboardCall
- type IRollupListCall
- type IRollupNamespacesCall
- func (c *IRollupNamespacesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]uint64, error)) *IRollupNamespacesCall
- func (c *IRollupNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]uint64, error)) *IRollupNamespacesCall
- func (c *IRollupNamespacesCall) Return(namespaceIds []uint64, err error) *IRollupNamespacesCall
- type IRollupProviderCursorListCall
- type IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.RollupProvider, arg1 error) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
- type IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall
- type IRollupProviderLastIDCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
- type IRollupProviderListCall
- type IRollupProviderSaveCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
- type IRollupProviderUpdateCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
- func (c *IRollupProviderUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
- type IRollupProvidersCall
- func (c *IRollupProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) ([]storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProvidersCall
- func (c *IRollupProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) ([]storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProvidersCall
- func (c *IRollupProvidersCall) Return(providers []storage.RollupProvider, err error) *IRollupProvidersCall
- type IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
- func (c *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
- func (c *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
- func (c *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) Return(rollups []storage.Rollup, err error) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
- type IRollupSaveCall
- type IRollupSeriesCall
- type IRollupStatsCall
- func (c *IRollupStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.RollupStats, error)) *IRollupStatsCall
- func (c *IRollupStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.RollupStats, error)) *IRollupStatsCall
- func (c *IRollupStatsCall) Return(arg0 storage.RollupStats, arg1 error) *IRollupStatsCall
- type IRollupUpdateCall
- type ISearchSearchCall
- func (c *ISearchSearchCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchCall
- func (c *ISearchSearchCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchCall
- func (c *ISearchSearchCall) Return(arg0 []storage.SearchResult, arg1 error) *ISearchSearchCall
- type ISearchSearchTextCall
- func (c *ISearchSearchTextCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchTextCall
- func (c *ISearchSearchTextCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchTextCall
- func (c *ISearchSearchTextCall) Return(arg0 []storage.SearchResult, arg1 error) *ISearchSearchTextCall
- type IStateByNameCall
- func (c *IStateByNameCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *IStateByNameCall
- func (c *IStateByNameCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *IStateByNameCall
- func (c *IStateByNameCall) Return(arg0 storage.State, arg1 error) *IStateByNameCall
- type IStateCursorListCall
- type IStateGetByIDCall
- func (c *IStateGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.State, error)) *IStateGetByIDCall
- func (c *IStateGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.State, error)) *IStateGetByIDCall
- func (c *IStateGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.State, arg1 error) *IStateGetByIDCall
- type IStateIsNoRowsCall
- type IStateLastIDCall
- type IStateListCall
- type IStateSaveCall
- type IStateUpdateCall
- type IStatsCountCall
- func (c *IStatsCountCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.CountRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsCountCall
- func (c *IStatsCountCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.CountRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsCountCall
- func (c *IStatsCountCall) Return(arg0 string, arg1 error) *IStatsCountCall
- type IStatsHistogramCall
- type IStatsHistogramCountCall
- type IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall
- type IStatsSeriesCall
- type IStatsSummaryCall
- func (c *IStatsSummaryCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsSummaryCall
- func (c *IStatsSummaryCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsSummaryCall
- func (c *IStatsSummaryCall) Return(arg0 string, arg1 error) *IStatsSummaryCall
- type IStatsTPSCall
- type IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
- func (c *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, error)) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
- func (c *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, error)) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
- func (c *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) Return(arg0 []storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, arg1 error) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
- type ITxByAddressCall
- func (c *ITxByAddressCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByAddressCall
- func (c *ITxByAddressCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByAddressCall
- func (c *ITxByAddressCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxByAddressCall
- type ITxByHashCall
- type ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (c *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (c *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (c *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) Return(arg0 storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
- type ITxCursorListCall
- type ITxFilterCall
- type ITxGasCall
- type ITxGenesisCall
- func (c *ITxGenesisCall) Do(f func(context.Context, int, int, storage0.SortOrder) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxGenesisCall
- func (c *ITxGenesisCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, int, int, storage0.SortOrder) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxGenesisCall
- func (c *ITxGenesisCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxGenesisCall
- type ITxGetByIDCall
- type ITxIsNoRowsCall
- type ITxLastIDCall
- type ITxListCall
- type ITxSaveCall
- type ITxUpdateCall
- type IValidatorByAddressCall
- func (c *IValidatorByAddressCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorByAddressCall
- func (c *IValidatorByAddressCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorByAddressCall
- func (c *IValidatorByAddressCall) Return(arg0 storage.Validator, arg1 error) *IValidatorByAddressCall
- type IValidatorCursorListCall
- type IValidatorGetByIDCall
- func (c *IValidatorGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
- func (c *IValidatorGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
- func (c *IValidatorGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Validator, arg1 error) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
- type IValidatorIsNoRowsCall
- type IValidatorLastIDCall
- type IValidatorListCall
- type IValidatorSaveCall
- type IValidatorUpdateCall
- type ListenerCloseCall
- type ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
- func (c *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) Do(f func() storage.Listener) *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
- func (c *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) DoAndReturn(f func() storage.Listener) *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
- func (c *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) Return(arg0 storage.Listener) *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
- type ListenerListenCall
- type ListenerSubscribeCall
- type MockExport
- type MockExportMockRecorder
- type MockIAddress
- func (m *MockIAddress) ByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (storage.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIAddress) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIAddress) EXPECT() *MockIAddressMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIAddress) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIAddress) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIAddress) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIAddress) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIAddress) ListWithBalance(ctx context.Context, filters storage.AddressListFilter) ([]storage.Address, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIAddress) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Address) error
- func (m_2 *MockIAddress) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Address) error
- type MockIAddressMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) ByHash(ctx, hash any) *IAddressByHashCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IAddressCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IAddressGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IAddressIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IAddressLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IAddressListCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) ListWithBalance(ctx, filters any) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IAddressSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IAddressUpdateCall
- type MockIBalance
- func (m *MockIBalance) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Balance, error)
- func (m *MockIBalance) EXPECT() *MockIBalanceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIBalance) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Balance, error)
- func (m *MockIBalance) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIBalance) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIBalance) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Balance, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIBalance) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Balance) error
- func (m_2 *MockIBalance) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Balance) error
- type MockIBalanceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBalanceCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBalanceLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBalanceListCall
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBalanceSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBalanceUpdateCall
- type MockIBlobLog
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByNamespace(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByProviders(ctx context.Context, providers []storage.RollupProvider, ...) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) BySigner(ctx context.Context, signerId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) CountByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) CountByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) EXPECT() *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIBlobLog) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIBlobLog) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.BlobLog) error
- func (m_2 *MockIBlobLog) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.BlobLog) error
- type MockIBlobLogMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByHeight(ctx, height, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByHeightCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByNamespace(ctx, nsId, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByProviders(ctx, providers, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByProvidersCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) BySigner(ctx, signerId, fltrs any) *IBlobLogBySignerCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByTxId(ctx, txId, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByTxIdCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CountByHeight(ctx, height any) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CountByTxId(ctx, txId any) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBlobLogCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBlobLogLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlobLogListCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBlobLogSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBlobLogUpdateCall
- type MockIBlock
- func (m *MockIBlock) ByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) ByHeightWithStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) ByIdWithRelations(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) ByProposer(ctx context.Context, proposerId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) EXPECT() *MockIBlockMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIBlock) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIBlock) Last(ctx context.Context) (storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockIBlock) ListWithStats(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIBlock) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Block) error
- func (m *MockIBlock) Time(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (time.Time, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIBlock) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Block) error
- type MockIBlockMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHash(ctx, hash any) *IBlockByHashCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHeight(ctx, height any) *IBlockByHeightCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHeightWithStats(ctx, height any) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByIdWithRelations(ctx, id any) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByProposer(ctx, proposerId, limit, offset any) *IBlockByProposerCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBlockCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBlockGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBlockIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Last(ctx any) *IBlockLastCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBlockLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlockListCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ListWithStats(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlockListWithStatsCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBlockSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Time(ctx, height any) *IBlockTimeCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBlockUpdateCall
- type MockIBlockSignature
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) EXPECT() *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.BlockSignature, error)
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) LevelsByValidator(ctx context.Context, validatorId uint64, startHeight types.Level) ([]types.Level, error)
- func (m *MockIBlockSignature) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIBlockSignature) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.BlockSignature) error
- func (m_2 *MockIBlockSignature) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.BlockSignature) error
- type MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) LevelsByValidator(ctx, validatorId, startHeight any) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlockSignatureListCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
- type MockIBlockStats
- type MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder
- type MockIConstant
- func (m *MockIConstant) All(ctx context.Context) ([]storage.Constant, error)
- func (m *MockIConstant) ByModule(ctx context.Context, module types.ModuleName) ([]storage.Constant, error)
- func (m *MockIConstant) EXPECT() *MockIConstantMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIConstant) Get(ctx context.Context, module types.ModuleName, name string) (storage.Constant, error)
- type MockIConstantMockRecorder
- type MockIDenomMetadata
- type MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder
- type MockIEvent
- func (m *MockIEvent) ByBlock(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, fltrs storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)
- func (m *MockIEvent) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, fltrs storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)
- func (m *MockIEvent) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Event, error)
- func (m *MockIEvent) EXPECT() *MockIEventMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIEvent) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Event, error)
- func (m *MockIEvent) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIEvent) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIEvent) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Event, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIEvent) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Event) error
- func (m_2 *MockIEvent) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Event) error
- type MockIEventMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) ByBlock(ctx, height, fltrs any) *IEventByBlockCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) ByTxId(ctx, txId, fltrs any) *IEventByTxIdCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IEventCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IEventGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IEventIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IEventLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IEventListCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IEventSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IEventUpdateCall
- type MockIMessage
- func (m *MockIMessage) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, id uint64, filters storage.AddressMsgsFilter) ([]storage.AddressMessageWithTx, error)
- func (m *MockIMessage) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Message, error)
- func (m *MockIMessage) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Message, error)
- func (m *MockIMessage) EXPECT() *MockIMessageMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIMessage) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Message, error)
- func (m *MockIMessage) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIMessage) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIMessage) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Message, error)
- func (m *MockIMessage) ListWithTx(ctx context.Context, filters storage.MessageListWithTxFilters) ([]storage.MessageWithTx, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIMessage) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Message) error
- func (m_2 *MockIMessage) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Message) error
- type MockIMessageMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) ByAddress(ctx, id, filters any) *IMessageByAddressCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) ByTxId(ctx, txId, limit, offset any) *IMessageByTxIdCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IMessageCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IMessageGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IMessageIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IMessageLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IMessageListCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) ListWithTx(ctx, filters any) *IMessageListWithTxCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IMessageSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IMessageUpdateCall
- type MockINamespace
- func (m *MockINamespace) ByNamespaceId(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte, version byte) (storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) CountMessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (int, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) CountMessagesByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64) (int, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) EXPECT() *MockINamespaceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockINamespace) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) GetByIds(ctx context.Context, ids ...uint64) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockINamespace) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) ListWithSort(ctx context.Context, sortField string, sort storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) Messages(ctx context.Context, id uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) MessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, limit, offset int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
- func (m *MockINamespace) MessagesByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
- func (m_2 *MockINamespace) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Namespace) error
- func (m_2 *MockINamespace) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Namespace) error
- type MockINamespaceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ByNamespaceId(ctx, namespaceId any) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion(ctx, namespaceId, version any) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CountMessagesByHeight(ctx, height any) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CountMessagesByTxId(ctx, txId any) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *INamespaceCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) GetByIds(ctx any, ids ...any) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *INamespaceLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *INamespaceListCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ListWithSort(ctx, sortField, sort, limit, offset any) *INamespaceListWithSortCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Messages(ctx, id, limit, offset any) *INamespaceMessagesCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) MessagesByHeight(ctx, height, limit, offset any) *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) MessagesByTxId(ctx, txId, limit, offset any) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *INamespaceSaveCall
- func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *INamespaceUpdateCall
- type MockIPrice
- func (m *MockIPrice) EXPECT() *MockIPriceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIPrice) Get(ctx context.Context, timeframe string, start, end int64, limit int) ([]storage.Price, error)
- func (m *MockIPrice) Last(ctx context.Context) (storage.Price, error)
- func (m *MockIPrice) Save(ctx context.Context, price *storage.Price) error
- type MockIPriceMockRecorder
- type MockIRollup
- func (m *MockIRollup) BySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (storage.Rollup, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) EXPECT() *MockIRollupMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIRollup) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Rollup, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIRollup) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) Leaderboard(ctx context.Context, sortField string, sort storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]storage.RollupWithStats, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) Namespaces(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) Providers(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) ([]storage.RollupProvider, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) RollupsByNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespaceId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Rollup, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIRollup) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Rollup) error
- func (m *MockIRollup) Series(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, timeframe, column string, ...) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)
- func (m *MockIRollup) Stats(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) (storage.RollupStats, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIRollup) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Rollup) error
- type MockIRollupMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) BySlug(ctx, slug any) *IRollupBySlugCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Count(ctx any) *IRollupCountCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IRollupCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IRollupGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IRollupIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IRollupLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Leaderboard(ctx, sortField, sort, limit, offset any) *IRollupLeaderboardCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IRollupListCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Namespaces(ctx, rollupId, limit, offset any) *IRollupNamespacesCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Providers(ctx, rollupId any) *IRollupProvidersCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) RollupsByNamespace(ctx, namespaceId, limit, offset any) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IRollupSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Series(ctx, rollupId, timeframe, column, req any) *IRollupSeriesCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Stats(ctx, rollupId any) *IRollupStatsCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IRollupUpdateCall
- type MockIRollupProvider
- func (m *MockIRollupProvider) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)
- func (m *MockIRollupProvider) EXPECT() *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIRollupProvider) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.RollupProvider, error)
- func (m *MockIRollupProvider) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIRollupProvider) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIRollupProvider) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIRollupProvider) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.RollupProvider) error
- func (m_2 *MockIRollupProvider) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.RollupProvider) error
- type MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IRollupProviderCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IRollupProviderListCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
- type MockISearch
- type MockISearchMockRecorder
- type MockIState
- func (m *MockIState) ByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (storage.State, error)
- func (m *MockIState) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.State, error)
- func (m *MockIState) EXPECT() *MockIStateMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIState) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.State, error)
- func (m *MockIState) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIState) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIState) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.State, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIState) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.State) error
- func (m_2 *MockIState) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.State) error
- type MockIStateMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) ByName(ctx, name any) *IStateByNameCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IStateCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IStateGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IStateIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IStateLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IStateListCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IStateSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IStateUpdateCall
- type MockIStats
- func (m *MockIStats) Count(ctx context.Context, req storage.CountRequest) (string, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) EXPECT() *MockIStatsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIStats) Histogram(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) HistogramCount(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramCountRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) NamespaceSeries(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, nsId uint64, ...) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) Series(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, ...) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) Summary(ctx context.Context, req storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) TPS(ctx context.Context) (storage.TPS, error)
- func (m *MockIStats) TxCountForLast24h(ctx context.Context) ([]storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, error)
- type MockIStatsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Count(ctx, req any) *IStatsCountCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Histogram(ctx, req any) *IStatsHistogramCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) HistogramCount(ctx, req any) *IStatsHistogramCountCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) NamespaceSeries(ctx, timeframe, name, nsId, req any) *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Series(ctx, timeframe, name, req any) *IStatsSeriesCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Summary(ctx, req any) *IStatsSummaryCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) TPS(ctx any) *IStatsTPSCall
- func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) TxCountForLast24h(ctx any) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
- type MockITx
- func (m *MockITx) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, fltrs storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) ByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) ByIdWithRelations(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) EXPECT() *MockITxMockRecorder
- func (m *MockITx) Filter(ctx context.Context, fltrs storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) Gas(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, ts time.Time) ([]storage.Gas, error)
- func (m *MockITx) Genesis(ctx context.Context, limit, offset int, sortOrder storage0.SortOrder) ([]storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockITx) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockITx) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockITx) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Tx, error)
- func (m_2 *MockITx) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Tx) error
- func (m_2 *MockITx) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Tx) error
- type MockITxMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ByAddress(ctx, addressId, fltrs any) *ITxByAddressCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ByHash(ctx, hash any) *ITxByHashCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ByIdWithRelations(ctx, id any) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *ITxCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Filter(ctx, fltrs any) *ITxFilterCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Gas(ctx, height, ts any) *ITxGasCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Genesis(ctx, limit, offset, sortOrder any) *ITxGenesisCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *ITxGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *ITxIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *ITxLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *ITxListCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *ITxSaveCall
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *ITxUpdateCall
- type MockIValidator
- func (m *MockIValidator) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, address string) (storage.Validator, error)
- func (m *MockIValidator) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, ...) ([]*storage.Validator, error)
- func (m *MockIValidator) EXPECT() *MockIValidatorMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIValidator) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.Validator, error)
- func (m *MockIValidator) IsNoRows(err error) bool
- func (m *MockIValidator) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIValidator) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Validator, error)
- func (m_2 *MockIValidator) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Validator) error
- func (m_2 *MockIValidator) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.Validator) error
- type MockIValidatorMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) ByAddress(ctx, address any) *IValidatorByAddressCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IValidatorCursorListCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IValidatorLastIDCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IValidatorListCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IValidatorSaveCall
- func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IValidatorUpdateCall
- type MockListener
- type MockListenerFactory
- type MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder
- type MockListenerMockRecorder
- type MockNotificator
- type MockNotificatorMockRecorder
- type MockTransaction
- func (m *MockTransaction) Add(ctx context.Context, model any) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) BulkSave(ctx context.Context, models []any) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName string, data []storage0.Copiable) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) DeleteBalances(ctx context.Context, ids []uint64) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) DeleteProviders(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) DeleteRollup(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) EXPECT() *MockTransactionMockRecorder
- func (m *MockTransaction) Exec(ctx context.Context, query string, params ...any) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) Flush(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) GetProposerId(ctx context.Context, address string) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) HandleError(ctx context.Context, err error) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) LastAddressAction(ctx context.Context, address []byte) (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) LastBlock(ctx context.Context) (storage.Block, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) LastNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64) (storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) Namespace(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RetentionBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) Rollback(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackAddresses(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Address, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackBlobLog(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackBlock(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackBlockStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackEvents(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Event, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackMessageAddresses(ctx context.Context, msgIds []uint64) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Message, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackNamespaceMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackNamespaces(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackSigners(ctx context.Context, txIds []uint64) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackTxs(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Tx, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackValidators(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Validator, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses ...*storage.Address) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveBalances(ctx context.Context, balances error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveBlobLogs(ctx context.Context, logs error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, signs error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveConstants(ctx context.Context, constants error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveEvents(ctx context.Context, events error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveMessages(ctx context.Context, msgs ...*storage.Message) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveMsgAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsMsgs error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveNamespaces(ctx context.Context, namespaces ...*storage.Namespace) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveProviders(ctx context.Context, providers error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveRollup(ctx context.Context, rollup *storage.Rollup) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveSigners(ctx context.Context, addresses error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveTransactions(ctx context.Context, txs error
- func (m *MockTransaction) SaveValidators(ctx context.Context, validators ...*storage.Validator) (int, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) State(ctx context.Context, name string) (storage.State, error)
- func (m *MockTransaction) Tx() *bun.Tx
- func (m *MockTransaction) Update(ctx context.Context, model any) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) UpdateRollup(ctx context.Context, rollup *storage.Rollup) error
- func (m *MockTransaction) Validators(ctx context.Context) ([]storage.Validator, error)
- type MockTransactionMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Add(ctx, model any) *TransactionAddCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) BulkSave(ctx, models any) *TransactionBulkSaveCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Close(ctx any) *TransactionCloseCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) CopyFrom(ctx, tableName, data any) *TransactionCopyFromCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteBalances(ctx, ids any) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteProviders(ctx, rollupId any) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteRollup(ctx, rollupId any) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Exec(ctx, query any, params ...any) *TransactionExecCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Flush(ctx any) *TransactionFlushCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) GetProposerId(ctx, address any) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) HandleError(ctx, err any) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastAddressAction(ctx, address any) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastBlock(ctx any) *TransactionLastBlockCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastNamespaceMessage(ctx, nsId any) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Namespace(ctx, id any) *TransactionNamespaceCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RetentionBlockSignatures(ctx, height any) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Rollback(ctx any) *TransactionRollbackCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackAddresses(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlobLog(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlock(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlockSignatures(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlockStats(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackEvents(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackMessageAddresses(ctx, msgIds any) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackMessages(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackNamespaceMessages(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackNamespaces(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackSigners(ctx, txIds any) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackTxs(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackValidators(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveAddresses(ctx any, addresses ...any) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBalances(ctx any, balances ...any) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBlobLogs(ctx any, logs ...any) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBlockSignatures(ctx any, signs ...any) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveConstants(ctx any, constants ...any) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveEvents(ctx any, events ...any) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveMessages(ctx any, msgs ...any) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveMsgAddresses(ctx any, addresses ...any) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveNamespaceMessage(ctx any, nsMsgs ...any) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveNamespaces(ctx any, namespaces ...any) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveProviders(ctx any, providers ...any) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveRollup(ctx, rollup any) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveSigners(ctx any, addresses ...any) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveTransactions(ctx any, txs ...any) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveValidators(ctx any, validators ...any) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) State(ctx, name any) *TransactionStateCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Tx() *TransactionTxCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Update(ctx, model any) *TransactionUpdateCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) UpdateRollup(ctx, rollup any) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
- func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Validators(ctx any) *TransactionValidatorsCall
- type NotificatorNotifyCall
- type Storage
- type TransactionAddCall
- type TransactionBulkSaveCall
- type TransactionCloseCall
- type TransactionCopyFromCall
- func (c *TransactionCopyFromCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, []storage0.Copiable) error) *TransactionCopyFromCall
- func (c *TransactionCopyFromCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, []storage0.Copiable) error) *TransactionCopyFromCall
- func (c *TransactionCopyFromCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionCopyFromCall
- type TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
- type TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
- type TransactionDeleteRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteRollupCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteRollupCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionDeleteRollupCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
- type TransactionExecCall
- func (c *TransactionExecCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, ...any) (int64, error)) *TransactionExecCall
- func (c *TransactionExecCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, ...any) (int64, error)) *TransactionExecCall
- func (c *TransactionExecCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *TransactionExecCall
- type TransactionFlushCall
- type TransactionGetProposerIdCall
- func (c *TransactionGetProposerIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (uint64, error)) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
- func (c *TransactionGetProposerIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (uint64, error)) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
- func (c *TransactionGetProposerIdCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
- type TransactionHandleErrorCall
- func (c *TransactionHandleErrorCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) error) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
- func (c *TransactionHandleErrorCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) error) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
- func (c *TransactionHandleErrorCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
- type TransactionLastAddressActionCall
- func (c *TransactionLastAddressActionCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (uint64, error)) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
- func (c *TransactionLastAddressActionCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (uint64, error)) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
- func (c *TransactionLastAddressActionCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
- type TransactionLastBlockCall
- func (c *TransactionLastBlockCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (storage.Block, error)) *TransactionLastBlockCall
- func (c *TransactionLastBlockCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (storage.Block, error)) *TransactionLastBlockCall
- func (c *TransactionLastBlockCall) Return(block storage.Block, err error) *TransactionLastBlockCall
- type TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
- func (c *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
- func (c *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
- func (c *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) Return(msg storage.NamespaceMessage, err error) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
- type TransactionNamespaceCall
- func (c *TransactionNamespaceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionNamespaceCall
- func (c *TransactionNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionNamespaceCall
- func (c *TransactionNamespaceCall) Return(ns storage.Namespace, err error) *TransactionNamespaceCall
- type TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
- type TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Address, error)) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Address, error)) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) Return(address []storage.Address, err error) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
- type TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
- type TransactionRollbackBlockCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
- type TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) Return(err error) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
- type TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) Return(stats storage.BlockStats, err error) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
- type TransactionRollbackCall
- type TransactionRollbackEventsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackEventsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Event, error)) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackEventsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Event, error)) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackEventsCall) Return(events []storage.Event, err error) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
- type TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) Return(err error) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
- type TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Message, error)) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Message, error)) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) Return(msgs []storage.Message, err error) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
- type TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) Return(msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
- type TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) Return(ns []storage.Namespace, err error) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
- type TransactionRollbackSignersCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackSignersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackSignersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackSignersCall) Return(err error) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
- type TransactionRollbackTxsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackTxsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackTxsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackTxsCall) Return(txs []storage.Tx, err error) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
- type TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Validator, arg1 error) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
- type TransactionSaveAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Address) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Address) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveAddressesCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
- type TransactionSaveBalancesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBalancesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBalancesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBalancesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
- type TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
- type TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
- type TransactionSaveConstantsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveConstantsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveConstantsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveConstantsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
- type TransactionSaveEventsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveEventsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveEventsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveEventsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
- type TransactionSaveMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Message) error) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Message) error) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveMessagesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
- type TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
- type TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
- type TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Namespace) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Namespace) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
- type TransactionSaveProvidersCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveProvidersCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
- type TransactionSaveRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveRollupCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveRollupCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveRollupCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
- type TransactionSaveSignersCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveSignersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveSignersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveSignersCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
- type TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
- type TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Validator) (int, error)) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Validator) (int, error)) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
- type TransactionStateCall
- func (c *TransactionStateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *TransactionStateCall
- func (c *TransactionStateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *TransactionStateCall
- func (c *TransactionStateCall) Return(state storage.State, err error) *TransactionStateCall
- type TransactionTxCall
- type TransactionUpdateCall
- type TransactionUpdateRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionUpdateRollupCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionUpdateRollupCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
- func (c *TransactionUpdateRollupCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
- type TransactionValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionValidatorsCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionValidatorsCall
- func (c *TransactionValidatorsCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Validator, arg1 error) *TransactionValidatorsCall
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ExportCloseCall ¶ added in v1.5.0
ExportCloseCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ExportCloseCall) Do ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *ExportCloseCall) Do(f func() error) *ExportCloseCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ExportCloseCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *ExportCloseCall) DoAndReturn(f func() error) *ExportCloseCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ExportCloseCall) Return ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *ExportCloseCall) Return(arg0 error) *ExportCloseCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ExportToCsvCall ¶ added in v1.5.0
ExportToCsvCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ExportToCsvCall) Do ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *ExportToCsvCall) Do(f func(context.Context, io.Writer, string) error) *ExportToCsvCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ExportToCsvCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *ExportToCsvCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, io.Writer, string) error) *ExportToCsvCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ExportToCsvCall) Return ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *ExportToCsvCall) Return(arg0 error) *ExportToCsvCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressByHashCall ¶
IAddressByHashCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressByHashCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressByHashCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Address, error)) *IAddressByHashCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressByHashCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressByHashCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Address, error)) *IAddressByHashCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressByHashCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressByHashCall) Return(arg0 storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressByHashCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressCursorListCall ¶
IAddressCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressGetByIDCall ¶
IAddressGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressIsNoRowsCall ¶
IAddressIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IAddressIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IAddressIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IAddressIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressLastIDCall ¶
IAddressLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IAddressLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IAddressLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IAddressLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressListCall ¶
IAddressListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Address, error)) *IAddressListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressListWithBalanceCall ¶
IAddressListWithBalanceCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressListWithBalanceCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressListWithBalanceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.AddressListFilter) ([]storage.Address, error)) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressListWithBalanceCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressListWithBalanceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.AddressListFilter) ([]storage.Address, error)) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressListWithBalanceCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressListWithBalanceCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Address, arg1 error) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressSaveCall ¶
IAddressSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Address) error) *IAddressSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Address) error) *IAddressSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IAddressSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IAddressUpdateCall ¶
IAddressUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IAddressUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IAddressUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Address) error) *IAddressUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IAddressUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IAddressUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Address) error) *IAddressUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IAddressUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IAddressUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IAddressUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceCursorListCall ¶
IBalanceCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Balance, arg1 error) *IBalanceCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceGetByIDCall ¶
IBalanceGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Balance, arg1 error) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceIsNoRowsCall ¶
IBalanceIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceLastIDCall ¶
IBalanceLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBalanceLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBalanceLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IBalanceLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceListCall ¶
IBalanceListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Balance, error)) *IBalanceListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Balance, arg1 error) *IBalanceListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceSaveCall ¶
IBalanceSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Balance) error) *IBalanceSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Balance) error) *IBalanceSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBalanceSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBalanceUpdateCall ¶
IBalanceUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBalanceUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBalanceUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Balance) error) *IBalanceUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBalanceUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBalanceUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Balance) error) *IBalanceUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBalanceUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBalanceUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBalanceUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogByHeightCall ¶ added in v1.3.2
IBlobLogByHeightCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogByHeightCall) Do ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByHeightCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogByHeightCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByHeightCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogByHeightCall) Return ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogByHeightCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogByHeightCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogByNamespaceCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogByNamespaceCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogByNamespaceCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogByNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogByNamespaceCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogByProvidersCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogByProvidersCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogByProvidersCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogByProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []storage.RollupProvider, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByProvidersCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogByProvidersCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogByProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []storage.RollupProvider, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByProvidersCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogByProvidersCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogByProvidersCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogByProvidersCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogBySignerCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogBySignerCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogBySignerCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogBySignerCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogBySignerCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogBySignerCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogBySignerCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogBySignerCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogBySignerCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogBySignerCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogBySignerCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogByTxIdCall ¶ added in v1.3.2
IBlobLogByTxIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogByTxIdCall) Do ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByTxIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogByTxIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogByTxIdCall) Return ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogByTxIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogCountByHeightCall ¶ added in v1.3.2
IBlobLogCountByHeightCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) Do ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) Return ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall ¶ added in v1.3.2
IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) Do ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) Return ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogCursorListCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogCursorListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogCursorListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogGetByIDCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogGetByIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogGetByIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogLastIDCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogLastIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlobLogLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlobLogLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogLastIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IBlobLogLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogListCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)) *IBlobLogListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.BlobLog, arg1 error) *IBlobLogListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogSaveCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogSaveCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlobLog) error) *IBlobLogSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlobLog) error) *IBlobLogSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogSaveCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlobLogSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlobLogUpdateCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IBlobLogUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlobLogUpdateCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlobLog) error) *IBlobLogUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlobLogUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlobLog) error) *IBlobLogUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlobLogUpdateCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IBlobLogUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlobLogUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockByHashCall ¶
IBlockByHashCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockByHashCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockByHashCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHashCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockByHashCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockByHashCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHashCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockByHashCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockByHashCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByHashCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockByHeightCall ¶
IBlockByHeightCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockByHeightCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockByHeightCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockByHeightCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockByHeightCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByHeightCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall ¶
IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall ¶
IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockByProposerCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockByProposerCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockByProposerCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockByProposerCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByProposerCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockByProposerCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockByProposerCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Block, error)) *IBlockByProposerCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockByProposerCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockByProposerCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockByProposerCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockCursorListCall ¶
IBlockCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockGetByIDCall ¶
IBlockGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockIsNoRowsCall ¶
IBlockIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IBlockIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IBlockIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IBlockIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockLastCall ¶
IBlockLastCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockLastCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockLastCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockLastCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockLastCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockLastCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (storage.Block, error)) *IBlockLastCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockLastCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockLastCall) Return(arg0 storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockLastCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockLastIDCall ¶
IBlockLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlockLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlockLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IBlockLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockListCall ¶
IBlockListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockListWithStatsCall ¶
IBlockListWithStatsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockListWithStatsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockListWithStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockListWithStatsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockListWithStatsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockListWithStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)) *IBlockListWithStatsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockListWithStatsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockListWithStatsCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Block, arg1 error) *IBlockListWithStatsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSaveCall ¶
IBlockSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Block) error) *IBlockSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Block) error) *IBlockSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlockSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureCursorListCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureCursorListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureCursorListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.BlockSignature, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.BlockSignature, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureLastIDCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, types.Level) ([]types.Level, error)) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, types.Level) ([]types.Level, error)) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall) Return(arg0 []types.Level, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureListCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)) *IBlockSignatureListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.BlockSignature, arg1 error) *IBlockSignatureListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureSaveCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureSaveCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureSaveCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockSignatureUpdateCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IBlockSignatureUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.BlockSignature) error) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockStatsByHeightCall ¶
IBlockStatsByHeightCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockStatsByHeightCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockStatsByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockStatsByHeightCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockStatsByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockStatsByHeightCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockStatsByHeightCall) Return(arg0 storage.BlockStats, arg1 error) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockStatsLastFromCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
IBlockStatsLastFromCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockStatsLastFromCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IBlockStatsLastFromCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level, int) ([]storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockStatsLastFromCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IBlockStatsLastFromCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level, int) ([]storage.BlockStats, error)) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockStatsLastFromCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IBlockStatsLastFromCall) Return(arg0 []storage.BlockStats, arg1 error) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockTimeCall ¶ added in v1.5.0
IBlockTimeCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockTimeCall) Do ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *IBlockTimeCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (time.Time, error)) *IBlockTimeCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockTimeCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *IBlockTimeCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (time.Time, error)) *IBlockTimeCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockTimeCall) Return ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *IBlockTimeCall) Return(arg0 time.Time, arg1 error) *IBlockTimeCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IBlockUpdateCall ¶
IBlockUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IBlockUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IBlockUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Block) error) *IBlockUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IBlockUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IBlockUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Block) error) *IBlockUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IBlockUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IBlockUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IBlockUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IConstantAllCall ¶
IConstantAllCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IConstantAllCall) Do ¶
func (c *IConstantAllCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantAllCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IConstantAllCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IConstantAllCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantAllCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IConstantAllCall) Return ¶
func (c *IConstantAllCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Constant, arg1 error) *IConstantAllCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IConstantByModuleCall ¶
IConstantByModuleCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IConstantByModuleCall) Do ¶
func (c *IConstantByModuleCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName) ([]storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantByModuleCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IConstantByModuleCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IConstantByModuleCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName) ([]storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantByModuleCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IConstantByModuleCall) Return ¶
func (c *IConstantByModuleCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Constant, arg1 error) *IConstantByModuleCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IConstantGetCall ¶
IConstantGetCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IConstantGetCall) Do ¶
func (c *IConstantGetCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName, string) (storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantGetCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IConstantGetCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IConstantGetCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.ModuleName, string) (storage.Constant, error)) *IConstantGetCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IConstantGetCall) Return ¶
func (c *IConstantGetCall) Return(arg0 storage.Constant, arg1 error) *IConstantGetCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IDenomMetadataAllCall ¶
IDenomMetadataAllCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IDenomMetadataAllCall) Do ¶
func (c *IDenomMetadataAllCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.DenomMetadata, error)) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IDenomMetadataAllCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IDenomMetadataAllCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.DenomMetadata, error)) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IDenomMetadataAllCall) Return ¶
func (c *IDenomMetadataAllCall) Return(arg0 []storage.DenomMetadata, arg1 error) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventByBlockCall ¶
IEventByBlockCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventByBlockCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventByBlockCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level, storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)) *IEventByBlockCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventByBlockCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventByBlockCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level, storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)) *IEventByBlockCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventByBlockCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventByBlockCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventByBlockCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventByTxIdCall ¶
IEventByTxIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventByTxIdCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)) *IEventByTxIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)) *IEventByTxIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventByTxIdCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventByTxIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventCursorListCall ¶
IEventCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Event, error)) *IEventCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Event, error)) *IEventCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventGetByIDCall ¶
IEventGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Event, error)) *IEventGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Event, error)) *IEventGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventIsNoRowsCall ¶
IEventIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IEventIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IEventIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IEventIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventLastIDCall ¶
IEventLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IEventLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IEventLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IEventLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventListCall ¶
IEventListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Event, error)) *IEventListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Event, error)) *IEventListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Event, arg1 error) *IEventListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventSaveCall ¶
IEventSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Event) error) *IEventSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Event) error) *IEventSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IEventSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IEventUpdateCall ¶
IEventUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IEventUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IEventUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Event) error) *IEventUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IEventUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IEventUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Event) error) *IEventUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IEventUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IEventUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IEventUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageByAddressCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IMessageByAddressCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageByAddressCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IMessageByAddressCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.AddressMsgsFilter) ([]storage.AddressMessageWithTx, error)) *IMessageByAddressCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageByAddressCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IMessageByAddressCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.AddressMsgsFilter) ([]storage.AddressMessageWithTx, error)) *IMessageByAddressCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageByAddressCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IMessageByAddressCall) Return(arg0 []storage.AddressMessageWithTx, arg1 error) *IMessageByAddressCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageByTxIdCall ¶
IMessageByTxIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageByTxIdCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Message, error)) *IMessageByTxIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Message, error)) *IMessageByTxIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageByTxIdCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Message, arg1 error) *IMessageByTxIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageCursorListCall ¶
IMessageCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Message, arg1 error) *IMessageCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageGetByIDCall ¶
IMessageGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Message, arg1 error) *IMessageGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageIsNoRowsCall ¶
IMessageIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IMessageIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IMessageIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IMessageIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageLastIDCall ¶
IMessageLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IMessageLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IMessageLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IMessageLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageListCall ¶
IMessageListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Message, error)) *IMessageListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Message, arg1 error) *IMessageListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageListWithTxCall ¶ added in v1.0.4
IMessageListWithTxCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageListWithTxCall) Do ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (c *IMessageListWithTxCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.MessageListWithTxFilters) ([]storage.MessageWithTx, error)) *IMessageListWithTxCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageListWithTxCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (c *IMessageListWithTxCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.MessageListWithTxFilters) ([]storage.MessageWithTx, error)) *IMessageListWithTxCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageListWithTxCall) Return ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (c *IMessageListWithTxCall) Return(arg0 []storage.MessageWithTx, arg1 error) *IMessageListWithTxCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageSaveCall ¶
IMessageSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Message) error) *IMessageSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Message) error) *IMessageSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IMessageSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IMessageUpdateCall ¶
IMessageUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IMessageUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IMessageUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Message) error) *IMessageUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IMessageUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IMessageUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Message) error) *IMessageUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IMessageUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IMessageUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IMessageUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall ¶
INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte, byte) (storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte, byte) (storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall) Return(arg0 storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall ¶
INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall ¶
INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall ¶ added in v1.1.5
INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (int, error)) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (c *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceCursorListCall ¶
INamespaceCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceGetByIDCall ¶
INamespaceGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceGetByIdsCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
INamespaceGetByIdsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceGetByIdsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *INamespaceGetByIdsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...uint64) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceGetByIdsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *INamespaceGetByIdsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...uint64) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceGetByIdsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *INamespaceGetByIdsCall) Return(ns []storage.Namespace, err error) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceIsNoRowsCall ¶
INamespaceIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceLastIDCall ¶
INamespaceLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *INamespaceLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *INamespaceLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *INamespaceLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceListCall ¶
INamespaceListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceListCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceListCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Namespace, arg1 error) *INamespaceListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceListWithSortCall ¶ added in v1.1.2
INamespaceListWithSortCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceListWithSortCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (c *INamespaceListWithSortCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, storage0.SortOrder, int, int) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceListWithSortCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceListWithSortCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (c *INamespaceListWithSortCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, storage0.SortOrder, int, int) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *INamespaceListWithSortCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceListWithSortCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (c *INamespaceListWithSortCall) Return(ns []storage.Namespace, err error) *INamespaceListWithSortCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall ¶
INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall) Return(arg0 []storage.NamespaceMessage, arg1 error) *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall ¶ added in v1.1.5
INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (c *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (c *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (c *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall) Return(arg0 []storage.NamespaceMessage, arg1 error) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceMessagesCall ¶
INamespaceMessagesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceMessagesCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceMessagesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *INamespaceMessagesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceMessagesCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceMessagesCall) Return(arg0 []storage.NamespaceMessage, arg1 error) *INamespaceMessagesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceSaveCall ¶
INamespaceSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Namespace) error) *INamespaceSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Namespace) error) *INamespaceSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *INamespaceSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type INamespaceUpdateCall ¶
INamespaceUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*INamespaceUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *INamespaceUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Namespace) error) *INamespaceUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*INamespaceUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *INamespaceUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Namespace) error) *INamespaceUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*INamespaceUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *INamespaceUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *INamespaceUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IPriceGetCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IPriceGetCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IPriceGetCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceGetCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, int64, int64, int) ([]storage.Price, error)) *IPriceGetCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IPriceGetCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceGetCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, int64, int64, int) ([]storage.Price, error)) *IPriceGetCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IPriceGetCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceGetCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Price, arg1 error) *IPriceGetCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IPriceLastCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IPriceLastCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IPriceLastCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceLastCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (storage.Price, error)) *IPriceLastCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IPriceLastCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceLastCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (storage.Price, error)) *IPriceLastCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IPriceLastCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceLastCall) Return(arg0 storage.Price, arg1 error) *IPriceLastCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IPriceSaveCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IPriceSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IPriceSaveCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Price) error) *IPriceSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IPriceSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Price) error) *IPriceSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IPriceSaveCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IPriceSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IPriceSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupBySlugCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
IRollupBySlugCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupBySlugCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IRollupBySlugCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupBySlugCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupBySlugCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IRollupBySlugCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupBySlugCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupBySlugCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *IRollupBySlugCall) Return(arg0 storage.Rollup, arg1 error) *IRollupBySlugCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupCountCall ¶ added in v1.3.2
IRollupCountCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupCountCall) Do ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IRollupCountCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (int64, error)) *IRollupCountCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupCountCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IRollupCountCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (int64, error)) *IRollupCountCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupCountCall) Return ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IRollupCountCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *IRollupCountCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupCursorListCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupCursorListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupCursorListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Rollup, arg1 error) *IRollupCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupGetByIDCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupGetByIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupGetByIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Rollup, arg1 error) *IRollupGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupIsNoRowsCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IRollupIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IRollupIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IRollupIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupLastIDCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupLastIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IRollupLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IRollupLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupLastIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IRollupLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupLeaderboardCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupLeaderboardCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupLeaderboardCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupLeaderboardCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, storage0.SortOrder, int, int) ([]storage.RollupWithStats, error)) *IRollupLeaderboardCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupLeaderboardCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupLeaderboardCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, storage0.SortOrder, int, int) ([]storage.RollupWithStats, error)) *IRollupLeaderboardCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupLeaderboardCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupLeaderboardCall) Return(arg0 []storage.RollupWithStats, arg1 error) *IRollupLeaderboardCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupListCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Rollup, arg1 error) *IRollupListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupNamespacesCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupNamespacesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupNamespacesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupNamespacesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]uint64, error)) *IRollupNamespacesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]uint64, error)) *IRollupNamespacesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupNamespacesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupNamespacesCall) Return(namespaceIds []uint64, err error) *IRollupNamespacesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderCursorListCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderCursorListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderCursorListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.RollupProvider, arg1 error) *IRollupProviderCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderGetByIDCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.RollupProvider, arg1 error) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderLastIDCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderLastIDCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderLastIDCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderListCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderListCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderListCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProviderListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderListCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.RollupProvider, arg1 error) *IRollupProviderListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderSaveCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderSaveCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderSaveCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProviderUpdateCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProviderUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProviderUpdateCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProviderUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.RollupProvider) error) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProviderUpdateCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProviderUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupProvidersCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupProvidersCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupProvidersCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) ([]storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProvidersCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupProvidersCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) ([]storage.RollupProvider, error)) *IRollupProvidersCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupProvidersCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupProvidersCall) Return(providers []storage.RollupProvider, err error) *IRollupProvidersCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall ¶ added in v1.5.0
IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) Do ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, int, int) ([]storage.Rollup, error)) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) Return ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall) Return(rollups []storage.Rollup, err error) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupSaveCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupSaveCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *IRollupSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *IRollupSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupSaveCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IRollupSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupSeriesCall ¶ added in v1.3.2
IRollupSeriesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupSeriesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IRollupSeriesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, string, string, storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)) *IRollupSeriesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupSeriesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IRollupSeriesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, string, string, storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)) *IRollupSeriesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupSeriesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (c *IRollupSeriesCall) Return(items []storage.HistogramItem, err error) *IRollupSeriesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupStatsCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupStatsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupStatsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.RollupStats, error)) *IRollupStatsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupStatsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.RollupStats, error)) *IRollupStatsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupStatsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupStatsCall) Return(arg0 storage.RollupStats, arg1 error) *IRollupStatsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IRollupUpdateCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
IRollupUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IRollupUpdateCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *IRollupUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IRollupUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *IRollupUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IRollupUpdateCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *IRollupUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IRollupUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ISearchSearchCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
ISearchSearchCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ISearchSearchCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *ISearchSearchCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ISearchSearchCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *ISearchSearchCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ISearchSearchCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *ISearchSearchCall) Return(arg0 []storage.SearchResult, arg1 error) *ISearchSearchCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ISearchSearchTextCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
ISearchSearchTextCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ISearchSearchTextCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *ISearchSearchTextCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchTextCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ISearchSearchTextCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *ISearchSearchTextCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)) *ISearchSearchTextCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ISearchSearchTextCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *ISearchSearchTextCall) Return(arg0 []storage.SearchResult, arg1 error) *ISearchSearchTextCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateByNameCall ¶
IStateByNameCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateByNameCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateByNameCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *IStateByNameCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateByNameCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateByNameCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *IStateByNameCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateByNameCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateByNameCall) Return(arg0 storage.State, arg1 error) *IStateByNameCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateCursorListCall ¶
IStateCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.State, error)) *IStateCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.State, error)) *IStateCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.State, arg1 error) *IStateCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateGetByIDCall ¶
IStateGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.State, error)) *IStateGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.State, error)) *IStateGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.State, arg1 error) *IStateGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateIsNoRowsCall ¶
IStateIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IStateIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IStateIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IStateIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateLastIDCall ¶
IStateLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IStateLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IStateLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IStateLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateListCall ¶
IStateListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.State, error)) *IStateListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.State, error)) *IStateListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.State, arg1 error) *IStateListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateSaveCall ¶
IStateSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.State) error) *IStateSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.State) error) *IStateSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IStateSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStateUpdateCall ¶
IStateUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStateUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStateUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.State) error) *IStateUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStateUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStateUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.State) error) *IStateUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStateUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStateUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IStateUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsCountCall ¶
IStatsCountCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsCountCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStatsCountCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.CountRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsCountCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsCountCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStatsCountCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.CountRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsCountCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsCountCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStatsCountCall) Return(arg0 string, arg1 error) *IStatsCountCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsHistogramCall ¶
IStatsHistogramCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsHistogramCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStatsHistogramCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.HistogramRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)) *IStatsHistogramCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsHistogramCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStatsHistogramCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.HistogramRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)) *IStatsHistogramCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsHistogramCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStatsHistogramCall) Return(arg0 []storage.HistogramItem, arg1 error) *IStatsHistogramCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsHistogramCountCall ¶
IStatsHistogramCountCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsHistogramCountCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStatsHistogramCountCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.HistogramCountRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)) *IStatsHistogramCountCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsHistogramCountCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStatsHistogramCountCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.HistogramCountRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)) *IStatsHistogramCountCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsHistogramCountCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStatsHistogramCountCall) Return(arg0 []storage.HistogramItem, arg1 error) *IStatsHistogramCountCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.Timeframe, string, uint64, storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)) *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.Timeframe, string, uint64, storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)) *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall) Return(response []storage.SeriesItem, err error) *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsSeriesCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
IStatsSeriesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsSeriesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsSeriesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.Timeframe, string, storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)) *IStatsSeriesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsSeriesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsSeriesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.Timeframe, string, storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)) *IStatsSeriesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsSeriesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsSeriesCall) Return(arg0 []storage.SeriesItem, arg1 error) *IStatsSeriesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsSummaryCall ¶
IStatsSummaryCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsSummaryCall) Do ¶
func (c *IStatsSummaryCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsSummaryCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsSummaryCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IStatsSummaryCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)) *IStatsSummaryCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsSummaryCall) Return ¶
func (c *IStatsSummaryCall) Return(arg0 string, arg1 error) *IStatsSummaryCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsTPSCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
IStatsTPSCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsTPSCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsTPSCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (storage.TPS, error)) *IStatsTPSCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsTPSCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsTPSCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (storage.TPS, error)) *IStatsTPSCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsTPSCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsTPSCall) Return(arg0 storage.TPS, arg1 error) *IStatsTPSCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, error)) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, error)) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall) Return(arg0 []storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, arg1 error) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxByAddressCall ¶
ITxByAddressCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxByAddressCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxByAddressCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByAddressCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxByAddressCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxByAddressCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByAddressCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxByAddressCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxByAddressCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxByAddressCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxByHashCall ¶
ITxByHashCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxByHashCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxByHashCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByHashCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxByHashCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxByHashCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByHashCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxByHashCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxByHashCall) Return(arg0 storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxByHashCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxByIdWithRelationsCall ¶
ITxByIdWithRelationsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Tx, error)) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall) Return(arg0 storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxCursorListCall ¶
ITxCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Tx, error)) *ITxCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Tx, error)) *ITxCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxFilterCall ¶
ITxFilterCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxFilterCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxFilterCall) Do(f func(context.Context, storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxFilterCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxFilterCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxFilterCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxFilterCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxFilterCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxFilterCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxFilterCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxGasCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
ITxGasCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxGasCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ITxGasCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level, time.Time) ([]storage.Gas, error)) *ITxGasCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxGasCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ITxGasCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level, time.Time) ([]storage.Gas, error)) *ITxGasCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxGasCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ITxGasCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Gas, arg1 error) *ITxGasCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxGenesisCall ¶
ITxGenesisCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxGenesisCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxGenesisCall) Do(f func(context.Context, int, int, storage0.SortOrder) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxGenesisCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxGenesisCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxGenesisCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, int, int, storage0.SortOrder) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *ITxGenesisCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxGenesisCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxGenesisCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxGenesisCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxGetByIDCall ¶
ITxGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Tx, error)) *ITxGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Tx, error)) *ITxGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxIsNoRowsCall ¶
ITxIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *ITxIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *ITxIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *ITxIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxLastIDCall ¶
ITxLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *ITxLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *ITxLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *ITxLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxListCall ¶
ITxListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxListCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Tx, error)) *ITxListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Tx, error)) *ITxListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxListCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Tx, arg1 error) *ITxListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxSaveCall ¶
ITxSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Tx) error) *ITxSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Tx) error) *ITxSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *ITxSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ITxUpdateCall ¶
ITxUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ITxUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *ITxUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Tx) error) *ITxUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ITxUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ITxUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Tx) error) *ITxUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ITxUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *ITxUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *ITxUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorByAddressCall ¶
IValidatorByAddressCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorByAddressCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorByAddressCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorByAddressCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorByAddressCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorByAddressCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorByAddressCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorByAddressCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorByAddressCall) Return(arg0 storage.Validator, arg1 error) *IValidatorByAddressCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorCursorListCall ¶
IValidatorCursorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorCursorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorCursorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorCursorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorCursorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorCursorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder, storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorCursorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorCursorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorCursorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Validator, arg1 error) *IValidatorCursorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorGetByIDCall ¶
IValidatorGetByIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorGetByIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorGetByIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorGetByIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorGetByIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorGetByIDCall) Return(arg0 *storage.Validator, arg1 error) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorIsNoRowsCall ¶
IValidatorIsNoRowsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorIsNoRowsCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall) Do(f func(error) bool) *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(error) bool) *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorIsNoRowsCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall) Return(arg0 bool) *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorLastIDCall ¶
IValidatorLastIDCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorLastIDCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorLastIDCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IValidatorLastIDCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorLastIDCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorLastIDCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (uint64, error)) *IValidatorLastIDCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorLastIDCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorLastIDCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *IValidatorLastIDCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorListCall ¶
IValidatorListCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorListCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorListCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorListCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorListCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorListCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64, uint64, storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Validator, error)) *IValidatorListCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorListCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorListCall) Return(arg0 []*storage.Validator, arg1 error) *IValidatorListCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorSaveCall ¶
IValidatorSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Validator) error) *IValidatorSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Validator) error) *IValidatorSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *IValidatorSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type IValidatorUpdateCall ¶
IValidatorUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*IValidatorUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *IValidatorUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Validator) error) *IValidatorUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*IValidatorUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *IValidatorUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Validator) error) *IValidatorUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*IValidatorUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *IValidatorUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *IValidatorUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ListenerCloseCall ¶
ListenerCloseCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ListenerCloseCall) Do ¶
func (c *ListenerCloseCall) Do(f func() error) *ListenerCloseCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ListenerCloseCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ListenerCloseCall) DoAndReturn(f func() error) *ListenerCloseCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ListenerCloseCall) Return ¶
func (c *ListenerCloseCall) Return(arg0 error) *ListenerCloseCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall ¶
ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) Do ¶
func (c *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) Do(f func() storage.Listener) *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) DoAndReturn(f func() storage.Listener) *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) Return ¶
func (c *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall) Return(arg0 storage.Listener) *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ListenerListenCall ¶
ListenerListenCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ListenerListenCall) Do ¶
func (c *ListenerListenCall) Do(f func() chan *pq.Notification) *ListenerListenCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ListenerListenCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ListenerListenCall) DoAndReturn(f func() chan *pq.Notification) *ListenerListenCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ListenerListenCall) Return ¶
func (c *ListenerListenCall) Return(arg0 chan *pq.Notification) *ListenerListenCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type ListenerSubscribeCall ¶
ListenerSubscribeCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*ListenerSubscribeCall) Do ¶
func (c *ListenerSubscribeCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...string) error) *ListenerSubscribeCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*ListenerSubscribeCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *ListenerSubscribeCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...string) error) *ListenerSubscribeCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*ListenerSubscribeCall) Return ¶
func (c *ListenerSubscribeCall) Return(arg0 error) *ListenerSubscribeCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type MockExport ¶ added in v1.5.0
type MockExport struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockExport is a mock of Export interface.
func NewMockExport ¶ added in v1.5.0
func NewMockExport(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockExport
NewMockExport creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockExport) Close ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (m *MockExport) Close() error
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockExport) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (m *MockExport) EXPECT() *MockExportMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockExportMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.5.0
type MockExportMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockExportMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockExport.
func (*MockExportMockRecorder) Close ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockExportMockRecorder) Close() *ExportCloseCall
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockExportMockRecorder) ToCsv ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockExportMockRecorder) ToCsv(ctx, writer, query any) *ExportToCsvCall
ToCsv indicates an expected call of ToCsv.
type MockIAddress ¶
type MockIAddress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIAddress is a mock of IAddress interface.
func NewMockIAddress ¶
func NewMockIAddress(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIAddress
NewMockIAddress creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIAddress) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIAddress) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Address, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIAddress) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIAddress) EXPECT() *MockIAddressMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIAddress) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIAddress) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIAddress) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIAddress) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIAddress) List ¶
func (m *MockIAddress) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Address, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockIAddress) ListWithBalance ¶
func (m *MockIAddress) ListWithBalance(ctx context.Context, filters storage.AddressListFilter) ([]storage.Address, error)
ListWithBalance mocks base method.
type MockIAddressMockRecorder ¶
type MockIAddressMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIAddressMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIAddress.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) ByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) ByHash(ctx, hash any) *IAddressByHashCall
ByHash indicates an expected call of ByHash.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IAddressCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IAddressGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IAddressIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IAddressLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IAddressListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) ListWithBalance ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) ListWithBalance(ctx, filters any) *IAddressListWithBalanceCall
ListWithBalance indicates an expected call of ListWithBalance.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IAddressSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIAddressMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIAddressMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IAddressUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIBalance ¶
type MockIBalance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBalance is a mock of IBalance interface.
func NewMockIBalance ¶
func NewMockIBalance(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIBalance
NewMockIBalance creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIBalance) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIBalance) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Balance, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIBalance) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIBalance) EXPECT() *MockIBalanceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIBalance) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIBalance) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIBalance) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIBalance) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIBalance) List ¶
func (m *MockIBalance) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Balance, error)
List mocks base method.
type MockIBalanceMockRecorder ¶
type MockIBalanceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBalanceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIBalance.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBalanceCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBalanceGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBalanceIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBalanceLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBalanceListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBalanceSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIBalanceMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIBalanceMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBalanceUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIBlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIBlobLog struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlobLog is a mock of IBlobLog interface.
func NewMockIBlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockIBlobLog(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIBlobLog
NewMockIBlobLog creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIBlobLog) ByHeight ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
ByHeight mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) ByNamespace ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByNamespace(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
ByNamespace mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) ByProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByProviders(ctx context.Context, providers []storage.RollupProvider, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
ByProviders mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) BySigner ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) BySigner(ctx context.Context, signerId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
BySigner mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) ByTxId ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (m *MockIBlobLog) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, fltrs storage.BlobLogFilters) ([]storage.BlobLog, error)
ByTxId mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) CountByHeight ¶ added in v1.3.2
CountByHeight mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) CountByTxId ¶ added in v1.3.2
CountByTxId mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) CursorList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) EXPECT() *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIBlobLog) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) LastID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlobLog) List ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIBlobLog) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlobLog, error)
List mocks base method.
type MockIBlobLogMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIBlobLogMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlobLogMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIBlobLog.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByHeight ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByHeight(ctx, height, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByHeightCall
ByHeight indicates an expected call of ByHeight.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByNamespace ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByNamespace(ctx, nsId, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByNamespaceCall
ByNamespace indicates an expected call of ByNamespace.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByProviders(ctx, providers, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByProvidersCall
ByProviders indicates an expected call of ByProviders.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) BySigner ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) BySigner(ctx, signerId, fltrs any) *IBlobLogBySignerCall
BySigner indicates an expected call of BySigner.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByTxId ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) ByTxId(ctx, txId, fltrs any) *IBlobLogByTxIdCall
ByTxId indicates an expected call of ByTxId.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CountByHeight ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CountByHeight(ctx, height any) *IBlobLogCountByHeightCall
CountByHeight indicates an expected call of CountByHeight.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CountByTxId ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CountByTxId(ctx, txId any) *IBlobLogCountByTxIdCall
CountByTxId indicates an expected call of CountByTxId.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CursorList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBlobLogCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) GetByID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBlobLogGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBlobLogIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) LastID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBlobLogLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) List ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlobLogListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) Save ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBlobLogSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) Update ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIBlobLogMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBlobLogUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIBlock ¶
type MockIBlock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlock is a mock of IBlock interface.
func NewMockIBlock ¶
func NewMockIBlock(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIBlock
NewMockIBlock creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIBlock) ByHeightWithStats ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) ByHeightWithStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (storage.Block, error)
ByHeightWithStats mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) ByIdWithRelations ¶
ByIdWithRelations mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) ByProposer ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlock) ByProposer(ctx context.Context, proposerId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Block, error)
ByProposer mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Block, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) EXPECT() *MockIBlockMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIBlock) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) List ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlock) ListWithStats ¶
func (m *MockIBlock) ListWithStats(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Block, error)
ListWithStats mocks base method.
type MockIBlockMockRecorder ¶
type MockIBlockMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlockMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIBlock.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHash(ctx, hash any) *IBlockByHashCall
ByHash indicates an expected call of ByHash.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHeight ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHeight(ctx, height any) *IBlockByHeightCall
ByHeight indicates an expected call of ByHeight.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHeightWithStats ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByHeightWithStats(ctx, height any) *IBlockByHeightWithStatsCall
ByHeightWithStats indicates an expected call of ByHeightWithStats.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByIdWithRelations ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByIdWithRelations(ctx, id any) *IBlockByIdWithRelationsCall
ByIdWithRelations indicates an expected call of ByIdWithRelations.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByProposer ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ByProposer(ctx, proposerId, limit, offset any) *IBlockByProposerCall
ByProposer indicates an expected call of ByProposer.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBlockCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBlockGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBlockIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) Last ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Last(ctx any) *IBlockLastCall
Last indicates an expected call of Last.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBlockLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlockListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) ListWithStats ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) ListWithStats(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlockListWithStatsCall
ListWithStats indicates an expected call of ListWithStats.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBlockSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) Time ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Time(ctx, height any) *IBlockTimeCall
Time indicates an expected call of Time.
func (*MockIBlockMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBlockUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIBlockSignature ¶ added in v1.4.0
type MockIBlockSignature struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlockSignature is a mock of IBlockSignature interface.
func NewMockIBlockSignature ¶ added in v1.4.0
func NewMockIBlockSignature(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIBlockSignature
NewMockIBlockSignature creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) CursorList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) EXPECT() *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) GetByID ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.BlockSignature, error)
GetByID mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) LastID ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) LevelsByValidator ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) LevelsByValidator(ctx context.Context, validatorId uint64, startHeight types.Level) ([]types.Level, error)
LevelsByValidator mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) List ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockIBlockSignature) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.BlockSignature, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) Save ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m_2 *MockIBlockSignature) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.BlockSignature) error
Save mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockSignature) Update ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m_2 *MockIBlockSignature) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.BlockSignature) error
Update mocks base method.
type MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.4.0
type MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIBlockSignature.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) CursorList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IBlockSignatureCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) GetByID ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IBlockSignatureGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IBlockSignatureIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) LastID ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IBlockSignatureLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) LevelsByValidator ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) LevelsByValidator(ctx, validatorId, startHeight any) *IBlockSignatureLevelsByValidatorCall
LevelsByValidator indicates an expected call of LevelsByValidator.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) List ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IBlockSignatureListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) Save ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IBlockSignatureSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) Update ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIBlockSignatureMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IBlockSignatureUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIBlockStats ¶
type MockIBlockStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlockStats is a mock of IBlockStats interface.
func NewMockIBlockStats ¶
func NewMockIBlockStats(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIBlockStats
NewMockIBlockStats creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIBlockStats) ByHeight ¶
func (m *MockIBlockStats) ByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)
ByHeight mocks base method.
func (*MockIBlockStats) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIBlockStats) EXPECT() *MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder ¶
type MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIBlockStats.
func (*MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder) ByHeight ¶
func (mr *MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder) ByHeight(ctx, height any) *IBlockStatsByHeightCall
ByHeight indicates an expected call of ByHeight.
func (*MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder) LastFrom ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockIBlockStatsMockRecorder) LastFrom(ctx, head, limit any) *IBlockStatsLastFromCall
LastFrom indicates an expected call of LastFrom.
type MockIConstant ¶
type MockIConstant struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIConstant is a mock of IConstant interface.
func NewMockIConstant ¶
func NewMockIConstant(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIConstant
NewMockIConstant creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIConstant) ByModule ¶
func (m *MockIConstant) ByModule(ctx context.Context, module types.ModuleName) ([]storage.Constant, error)
ByModule mocks base method.
func (*MockIConstant) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIConstant) EXPECT() *MockIConstantMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockIConstantMockRecorder ¶
type MockIConstantMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIConstantMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIConstant.
func (*MockIConstantMockRecorder) All ¶
func (mr *MockIConstantMockRecorder) All(ctx any) *IConstantAllCall
All indicates an expected call of All.
func (*MockIConstantMockRecorder) ByModule ¶
func (mr *MockIConstantMockRecorder) ByModule(ctx, module any) *IConstantByModuleCall
ByModule indicates an expected call of ByModule.
func (*MockIConstantMockRecorder) Get ¶
func (mr *MockIConstantMockRecorder) Get(ctx, module, name any) *IConstantGetCall
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
type MockIDenomMetadata ¶
type MockIDenomMetadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDenomMetadata is a mock of IDenomMetadata interface.
func NewMockIDenomMetadata ¶
func NewMockIDenomMetadata(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIDenomMetadata
NewMockIDenomMetadata creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIDenomMetadata) All ¶
func (m *MockIDenomMetadata) All(ctx context.Context) ([]storage.DenomMetadata, error)
All mocks base method.
func (*MockIDenomMetadata) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIDenomMetadata) EXPECT() *MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder ¶
type MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIDenomMetadata.
func (*MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder) All ¶
func (mr *MockIDenomMetadataMockRecorder) All(ctx any) *IDenomMetadataAllCall
All indicates an expected call of All.
type MockIEvent ¶
type MockIEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIEvent is a mock of IEvent interface.
func NewMockIEvent ¶
func NewMockIEvent(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIEvent
NewMockIEvent creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIEvent) ByBlock ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) ByBlock(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, fltrs storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)
ByBlock mocks base method.
func (*MockIEvent) ByTxId ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, fltrs storage.EventFilter) ([]storage.Event, error)
ByTxId mocks base method.
func (*MockIEvent) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Event, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIEvent) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) EXPECT() *MockIEventMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIEvent) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIEvent) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIEvent) List ¶
func (m *MockIEvent) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Event, error)
List mocks base method.
type MockIEventMockRecorder ¶
type MockIEventMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIEventMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIEvent.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) ByBlock ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) ByBlock(ctx, height, fltrs any) *IEventByBlockCall
ByBlock indicates an expected call of ByBlock.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) ByTxId ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) ByTxId(ctx, txId, fltrs any) *IEventByTxIdCall
ByTxId indicates an expected call of ByTxId.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IEventCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IEventGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IEventIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IEventLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IEventListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IEventSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIEventMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIEventMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IEventUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIMessage ¶
type MockIMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMessage is a mock of IMessage interface.
func NewMockIMessage ¶
func NewMockIMessage(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMessage
NewMockIMessage creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMessage) ByAddress ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIMessage) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, id uint64, filters storage.AddressMsgsFilter) ([]storage.AddressMessageWithTx, error)
ByAddress mocks base method.
func (*MockIMessage) ByTxId ¶
func (m *MockIMessage) ByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Message, error)
ByTxId mocks base method.
func (*MockIMessage) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIMessage) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Message, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIMessage) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIMessage) EXPECT() *MockIMessageMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMessage) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIMessage) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIMessage) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIMessage) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIMessage) List ¶
func (m *MockIMessage) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Message, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockIMessage) ListWithTx ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (m *MockIMessage) ListWithTx(ctx context.Context, filters storage.MessageListWithTxFilters) ([]storage.MessageWithTx, error)
ListWithTx mocks base method.
type MockIMessageMockRecorder ¶
type MockIMessageMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMessageMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMessage.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) ByAddress ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) ByAddress(ctx, id, filters any) *IMessageByAddressCall
ByAddress indicates an expected call of ByAddress.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) ByTxId ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) ByTxId(ctx, txId, limit, offset any) *IMessageByTxIdCall
ByTxId indicates an expected call of ByTxId.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IMessageCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IMessageGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IMessageIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IMessageLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IMessageListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) ListWithTx ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) ListWithTx(ctx, filters any) *IMessageListWithTxCall
ListWithTx indicates an expected call of ListWithTx.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IMessageSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIMessageMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIMessageMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IMessageUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockINamespace ¶
type MockINamespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockINamespace is a mock of INamespace interface.
func NewMockINamespace ¶
func NewMockINamespace(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockINamespace
NewMockINamespace creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockINamespace) ByNamespaceId ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) ByNamespaceId(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
ByNamespaceId mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion(ctx context.Context, namespaceId []byte, version byte) (storage.Namespace, error)
ByNamespaceIdAndVersion mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) CountMessagesByHeight ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) CountMessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (int, error)
CountMessagesByHeight mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) CountMessagesByTxId ¶ added in v1.1.5
CountMessagesByTxId mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) EXPECT() *MockINamespaceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockINamespace) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) LastID ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) List ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Namespace, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) ListWithSort ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (m *MockINamespace) ListWithSort(ctx context.Context, sortField string, sort storage0.SortOrder, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
ListWithSort mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) Messages ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) Messages(ctx context.Context, id uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
Messages mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) MessagesByHeight ¶
func (m *MockINamespace) MessagesByHeight(ctx context.Context, height types.Level, limit, offset int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
MessagesByHeight mocks base method.
func (*MockINamespace) MessagesByTxId ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (m *MockINamespace) MessagesByTxId(ctx context.Context, txId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
MessagesByTxId mocks base method.
type MockINamespaceMockRecorder ¶
type MockINamespaceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockINamespaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockINamespace.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ByNamespaceId ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ByNamespaceId(ctx, namespaceId any) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdCall
ByNamespaceId indicates an expected call of ByNamespaceId.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ByNamespaceIdAndVersion(ctx, namespaceId, version any) *INamespaceByNamespaceIdAndVersionCall
ByNamespaceIdAndVersion indicates an expected call of ByNamespaceIdAndVersion.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CountMessagesByHeight ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CountMessagesByHeight(ctx, height any) *INamespaceCountMessagesByHeightCall
CountMessagesByHeight indicates an expected call of CountMessagesByHeight.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CountMessagesByTxId ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CountMessagesByTxId(ctx, txId any) *INamespaceCountMessagesByTxIdCall
CountMessagesByTxId indicates an expected call of CountMessagesByTxId.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *INamespaceCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *INamespaceGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) GetByIds ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) GetByIds(ctx any, ids ...any) *INamespaceGetByIdsCall
GetByIds indicates an expected call of GetByIds.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *INamespaceIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *INamespaceLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *INamespaceListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ListWithSort ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) ListWithSort(ctx, sortField, sort, limit, offset any) *INamespaceListWithSortCall
ListWithSort indicates an expected call of ListWithSort.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Messages ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Messages(ctx, id, limit, offset any) *INamespaceMessagesCall
Messages indicates an expected call of Messages.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) MessagesByHeight ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) MessagesByHeight(ctx, height, limit, offset any) *INamespaceMessagesByHeightCall
MessagesByHeight indicates an expected call of MessagesByHeight.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) MessagesByTxId ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) MessagesByTxId(ctx, txId, limit, offset any) *INamespaceMessagesByTxIdCall
MessagesByTxId indicates an expected call of MessagesByTxId.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *INamespaceSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockINamespaceMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *INamespaceUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIPrice ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIPrice struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIPrice is a mock of IPrice interface.
func NewMockIPrice ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockIPrice(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIPrice
NewMockIPrice creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIPrice) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIPrice) EXPECT() *MockIPriceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIPrice) Get ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIPrice) Get(ctx context.Context, timeframe string, start, end int64, limit int) ([]storage.Price, error)
Get mocks base method.
type MockIPriceMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIPriceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIPriceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIPrice.
func (*MockIPriceMockRecorder) Get ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIPriceMockRecorder) Get(ctx, timeframe, start, end, limit any) *IPriceGetCall
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (*MockIPriceMockRecorder) Last ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIPriceMockRecorder) Last(ctx any) *IPriceLastCall
Last indicates an expected call of Last.
func (*MockIPriceMockRecorder) Save ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIPriceMockRecorder) Save(ctx, price any) *IPriceSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
type MockIRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIRollup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRollup is a mock of IRollup interface.
func NewMockIRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockIRollup(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIRollup
NewMockIRollup creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIRollup) Count ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (m *MockIRollup) Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
Count mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) CursorList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) EXPECT() *MockIRollupMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIRollup) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) LastID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) Leaderboard ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) Leaderboard(ctx context.Context, sortField string, sort storage0.SortOrder, limit, offset int) ([]storage.RollupWithStats, error)
Leaderboard mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) List ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Rollup, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) Namespaces ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) Namespaces(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]uint64, error)
Namespaces mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) Providers ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) Providers(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) ([]storage.RollupProvider, error)
Providers mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) RollupsByNamespace ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (m *MockIRollup) RollupsByNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespaceId uint64, limit, offset int) ([]storage.Rollup, error)
RollupsByNamespace mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) Series ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (m *MockIRollup) Series(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64, timeframe, column string, req storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)
Series mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollup) Stats ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollup) Stats(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) (storage.RollupStats, error)
Stats mocks base method.
type MockIRollupMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIRollupMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRollupMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIRollup.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) BySlug ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) BySlug(ctx, slug any) *IRollupBySlugCall
BySlug indicates an expected call of BySlug.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Count ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Count(ctx any) *IRollupCountCall
Count indicates an expected call of Count.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) CursorList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IRollupCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) GetByID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IRollupGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IRollupIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) LastID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IRollupLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Leaderboard ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Leaderboard(ctx, sortField, sort, limit, offset any) *IRollupLeaderboardCall
Leaderboard indicates an expected call of Leaderboard.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) List ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IRollupListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Namespaces ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Namespaces(ctx, rollupId, limit, offset any) *IRollupNamespacesCall
Namespaces indicates an expected call of Namespaces.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Providers ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Providers(ctx, rollupId any) *IRollupProvidersCall
Providers indicates an expected call of Providers.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) RollupsByNamespace ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) RollupsByNamespace(ctx, namespaceId, limit, offset any) *IRollupRollupsByNamespaceCall
RollupsByNamespace indicates an expected call of RollupsByNamespace.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Save ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IRollupSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Series ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Series(ctx, rollupId, timeframe, column, req any) *IRollupSeriesCall
Series indicates an expected call of Series.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Stats ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Stats(ctx, rollupId any) *IRollupStatsCall
Stats indicates an expected call of Stats.
func (*MockIRollupMockRecorder) Update ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IRollupUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIRollupProvider ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIRollupProvider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRollupProvider is a mock of IRollupProvider interface.
func NewMockIRollupProvider ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockIRollupProvider(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIRollupProvider
NewMockIRollupProvider creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) CursorList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollupProvider) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollupProvider) EXPECT() *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) GetByID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollupProvider) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (*storage.RollupProvider, error)
GetByID mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollupProvider) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) LastID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollupProvider) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) List ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIRollupProvider) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.RollupProvider, error)
List mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) Save ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m_2 *MockIRollupProvider) Save(ctx context.Context, m *storage.RollupProvider) error
Save mocks base method.
func (*MockIRollupProvider) Update ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m_2 *MockIRollupProvider) Update(ctx context.Context, m *storage.RollupProvider) error
Update mocks base method.
type MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIRollupProvider.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) CursorList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IRollupProviderCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) GetByID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IRollupProviderGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IRollupProviderIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) LastID ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IRollupProviderLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) List ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IRollupProviderListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) Save ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IRollupProviderSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) Update ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIRollupProviderMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IRollupProviderUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockISearch ¶ added in v1.4.0
type MockISearch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockISearch is a mock of ISearch interface.
func NewMockISearch ¶ added in v1.4.0
func NewMockISearch(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockISearch
NewMockISearch creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockISearch) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockISearch) EXPECT() *MockISearchMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockISearch) Search ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockISearch) Search(ctx context.Context, query []byte) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)
Search mocks base method.
func (*MockISearch) SearchText ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockISearch) SearchText(ctx context.Context, text string) ([]storage.SearchResult, error)
SearchText mocks base method.
type MockISearchMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.4.0
type MockISearchMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockISearchMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockISearch.
func (*MockISearchMockRecorder) Search ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockISearchMockRecorder) Search(ctx, query any) *ISearchSearchCall
Search indicates an expected call of Search.
func (*MockISearchMockRecorder) SearchText ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockISearchMockRecorder) SearchText(ctx, text any) *ISearchSearchTextCall
SearchText indicates an expected call of SearchText.
type MockIState ¶
type MockIState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIState is a mock of IState interface.
func NewMockIState ¶
func NewMockIState(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIState
NewMockIState creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIState) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIState) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.State, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIState) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIState) EXPECT() *MockIStateMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIState) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIState) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIState) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIState) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIState) List ¶
func (m *MockIState) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.State, error)
List mocks base method.
type MockIStateMockRecorder ¶
type MockIStateMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIStateMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIState.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) ByName ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) ByName(ctx, name any) *IStateByNameCall
ByName indicates an expected call of ByName.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IStateCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IStateGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IStateIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IStateLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IStateListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IStateSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIStateMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIStateMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IStateUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIStats ¶
type MockIStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIStats is a mock of IStats interface.
func NewMockIStats ¶
func NewMockIStats(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIStats
NewMockIStats creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIStats) Count ¶
func (m *MockIStats) Count(ctx context.Context, req storage.CountRequest) (string, error)
Count mocks base method.
func (*MockIStats) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIStats) EXPECT() *MockIStatsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIStats) Histogram ¶
func (m *MockIStats) Histogram(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)
Histogram mocks base method.
func (*MockIStats) HistogramCount ¶
func (m *MockIStats) HistogramCount(ctx context.Context, req storage.HistogramCountRequest) ([]storage.HistogramItem, error)
HistogramCount mocks base method.
func (*MockIStats) NamespaceSeries ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *MockIStats) NamespaceSeries(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, nsId uint64, req storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)
NamespaceSeries mocks base method.
func (*MockIStats) Series ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *MockIStats) Series(ctx context.Context, timeframe storage.Timeframe, name string, req storage.SeriesRequest) ([]storage.SeriesItem, error)
Series mocks base method.
func (*MockIStats) Summary ¶
func (m *MockIStats) Summary(ctx context.Context, req storage.SummaryRequest) (string, error)
Summary mocks base method.
func (*MockIStats) TxCountForLast24h ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *MockIStats) TxCountForLast24h(ctx context.Context) ([]storage.TxCountForLast24hItem, error)
TxCountForLast24h mocks base method.
type MockIStatsMockRecorder ¶
type MockIStatsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIStatsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIStats.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) Count ¶
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Count(ctx, req any) *IStatsCountCall
Count indicates an expected call of Count.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) Histogram ¶
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Histogram(ctx, req any) *IStatsHistogramCall
Histogram indicates an expected call of Histogram.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) HistogramCount ¶
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) HistogramCount(ctx, req any) *IStatsHistogramCountCall
HistogramCount indicates an expected call of HistogramCount.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) NamespaceSeries ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) NamespaceSeries(ctx, timeframe, name, nsId, req any) *IStatsNamespaceSeriesCall
NamespaceSeries indicates an expected call of NamespaceSeries.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) Series ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Series(ctx, timeframe, name, req any) *IStatsSeriesCall
Series indicates an expected call of Series.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) Summary ¶
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) Summary(ctx, req any) *IStatsSummaryCall
Summary indicates an expected call of Summary.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) TPS ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) TPS(ctx any) *IStatsTPSCall
TPS indicates an expected call of TPS.
func (*MockIStatsMockRecorder) TxCountForLast24h ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockIStatsMockRecorder) TxCountForLast24h(ctx any) *IStatsTxCountForLast24hCall
TxCountForLast24h indicates an expected call of TxCountForLast24h.
type MockITx ¶
type MockITx struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockITx is a mock of ITx interface.
func NewMockITx ¶
func NewMockITx(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockITx
NewMockITx creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockITx) ByAddress ¶
func (m *MockITx) ByAddress(ctx context.Context, addressId uint64, fltrs storage.TxFilter) ([]storage.Tx, error)
ByAddress mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) ByIdWithRelations ¶
ByIdWithRelations mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockITx) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Tx, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockITx) EXPECT() *MockITxMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockITx) Genesis ¶
func (m *MockITx) Genesis(ctx context.Context, limit, offset int, sortOrder storage0.SortOrder) ([]storage.Tx, error)
Genesis mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) List ¶
func (m *MockITx) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Tx, error)
List mocks base method.
type MockITxMockRecorder ¶
type MockITxMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockITxMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockITx.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) ByAddress ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ByAddress(ctx, addressId, fltrs any) *ITxByAddressCall
ByAddress indicates an expected call of ByAddress.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) ByHash ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ByHash(ctx, hash any) *ITxByHashCall
ByHash indicates an expected call of ByHash.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) ByIdWithRelations ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ByIdWithRelations(ctx, id any) *ITxByIdWithRelationsCall
ByIdWithRelations indicates an expected call of ByIdWithRelations.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *ITxCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Filter ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Filter(ctx, fltrs any) *ITxFilterCall
Filter indicates an expected call of Filter.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Gas ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Gas(ctx, height, ts any) *ITxGasCall
Gas indicates an expected call of Gas.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Genesis ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Genesis(ctx, limit, offset, sortOrder any) *ITxGenesisCall
Genesis indicates an expected call of Genesis.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *ITxGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *ITxIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *ITxLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *ITxListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *ITxSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *ITxUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockIValidator ¶
type MockIValidator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIValidator is a mock of IValidator interface.
func NewMockIValidator ¶
func NewMockIValidator(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIValidator
NewMockIValidator creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIValidator) CursorList ¶
func (m *MockIValidator) CursorList(ctx context.Context, id, limit uint64, order storage0.SortOrder, cmp storage0.Comparator) ([]*storage.Validator, error)
CursorList mocks base method.
func (*MockIValidator) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIValidator) EXPECT() *MockIValidatorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIValidator) IsNoRows ¶
func (m *MockIValidator) IsNoRows(err error) bool
IsNoRows mocks base method.
func (*MockIValidator) LastID ¶
func (m *MockIValidator) LastID(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)
LastID mocks base method.
func (*MockIValidator) List ¶
func (m *MockIValidator) List(ctx context.Context, limit, offset uint64, order storage0.SortOrder) ([]*storage.Validator, error)
List mocks base method.
type MockIValidatorMockRecorder ¶
type MockIValidatorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIValidatorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIValidator.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) ByAddress ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) ByAddress(ctx, address any) *IValidatorByAddressCall
ByAddress indicates an expected call of ByAddress.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) CursorList ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) CursorList(ctx, id, limit, order, cmp any) *IValidatorCursorListCall
CursorList indicates an expected call of CursorList.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) GetByID ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) GetByID(ctx, id any) *IValidatorGetByIDCall
GetByID indicates an expected call of GetByID.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) IsNoRows ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) IsNoRows(err any) *IValidatorIsNoRowsCall
IsNoRows indicates an expected call of IsNoRows.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) LastID ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) LastID(ctx any) *IValidatorLastIDCall
LastID indicates an expected call of LastID.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) List ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) List(ctx, limit, offset, order any) *IValidatorListCall
List indicates an expected call of List.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) Save(ctx, m any) *IValidatorSaveCall
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIValidatorMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockIValidatorMockRecorder) Update(ctx, m any) *IValidatorUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
type MockListener ¶
type MockListener struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockListener is a mock of Listener interface.
func NewMockListener ¶
func NewMockListener(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockListener
NewMockListener creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockListener) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockListener) EXPECT() *MockListenerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockListener) Listen ¶
func (m *MockListener) Listen() chan *pq.Notification
Listen mocks base method.
type MockListenerFactory ¶
type MockListenerFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockListenerFactory is a mock of ListenerFactory interface.
func NewMockListenerFactory ¶
func NewMockListenerFactory(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockListenerFactory
NewMockListenerFactory creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockListenerFactory) CreateListener ¶
func (m *MockListenerFactory) CreateListener() storage.Listener
CreateListener mocks base method.
func (*MockListenerFactory) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockListenerFactory) EXPECT() *MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder ¶
type MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockListenerFactory.
func (*MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder) CreateListener ¶
func (mr *MockListenerFactoryMockRecorder) CreateListener() *ListenerFactoryCreateListenerCall
CreateListener indicates an expected call of CreateListener.
type MockListenerMockRecorder ¶
type MockListenerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockListenerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockListener.
func (*MockListenerMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockListenerMockRecorder) Close() *ListenerCloseCall
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockListenerMockRecorder) Listen ¶
func (mr *MockListenerMockRecorder) Listen() *ListenerListenCall
Listen indicates an expected call of Listen.
func (*MockListenerMockRecorder) Subscribe ¶
func (mr *MockListenerMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx any, channels ...any) *ListenerSubscribeCall
Subscribe indicates an expected call of Subscribe.
type MockNotificator ¶
type MockNotificator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNotificator is a mock of Notificator interface.
func NewMockNotificator ¶
func NewMockNotificator(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNotificator
NewMockNotificator creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockNotificator) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockNotificator) EXPECT() *MockNotificatorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockNotificatorMockRecorder ¶
type MockNotificatorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNotificatorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNotificator.
func (*MockNotificatorMockRecorder) Notify ¶
func (mr *MockNotificatorMockRecorder) Notify(ctx, channel, payload any) *NotificatorNotifyCall
Notify indicates an expected call of Notify.
type MockTransaction ¶
type MockTransaction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockTransaction is a mock of Transaction interface.
func NewMockTransaction ¶
func NewMockTransaction(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockTransaction
NewMockTransaction creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockTransaction) Add ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) Add(ctx context.Context, model any) error
Add mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) BulkSave ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) BulkSave(ctx context.Context, models []any) error
BulkSave mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) Close ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) CopyFrom ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName string, data []storage0.Copiable) error
CopyFrom mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) DeleteBalances ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) DeleteBalances(ctx context.Context, ids []uint64) error
DeleteBalances mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) DeleteProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockTransaction) DeleteProviders(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
DeleteProviders mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) DeleteRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockTransaction) DeleteRollup(ctx context.Context, rollupId uint64) error
DeleteRollup mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) EXPECT() *MockTransactionMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockTransaction) Flush ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) Flush(ctx context.Context) error
Flush mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) GetProposerId ¶ added in v1.1.0
GetProposerId mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) HandleError ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) HandleError(ctx context.Context, err error) error
HandleError mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) LastAddressAction ¶
LastAddressAction mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) LastNamespaceMessage ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *MockTransaction) LastNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsId uint64) (storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
LastNamespaceMessage mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RetentionBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
RetentionBlockSignatures mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) Rollback ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) Rollback(ctx context.Context) error
Rollback mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackAddresses ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackAddresses(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Address, error)
RollbackAddresses mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackBlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
RollbackBlobLog mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackBlock ¶
RollbackBlock mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
RollbackBlockSignatures mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackBlockStats ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackBlockStats(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)
RollbackBlockStats mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackEvents ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackEvents(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Event, error)
RollbackEvents mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackMessageAddresses ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackMessageAddresses(ctx context.Context, msgIds []uint64) error
RollbackMessageAddresses mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackMessages ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Message, error)
RollbackMessages mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackNamespaceMessages ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackNamespaceMessages(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)
RollbackNamespaceMessages mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackNamespaces ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackNamespaces(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Namespace, error)
RollbackNamespaces mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackSigners ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackSigners(ctx context.Context, txIds []uint64) error
RollbackSigners mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackTxs ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackTxs(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Tx, error)
RollbackTxs mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) RollbackValidators ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) RollbackValidators(ctx context.Context, height types.Level) ([]storage.Validator, error)
RollbackValidators mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveAddresses ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses ...*storage.Address) (int64, error)
SaveAddresses mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveBalances ¶
SaveBalances mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveBlobLogs ¶ added in v1.2.0
SaveBlobLogs mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveBlockSignatures(ctx context.Context, signs error
SaveBlockSignatures mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveConstants ¶
SaveConstants mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveEvents ¶
SaveEvents mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveMessages ¶
SaveMessages mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveMsgAddresses ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveMsgAddresses(ctx context.Context, addresses error
SaveMsgAddresses mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveNamespaceMessage ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveNamespaceMessage(ctx context.Context, nsMsgs error
SaveNamespaceMessage mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveNamespaces ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveNamespaces(ctx context.Context, namespaces ...*storage.Namespace) (int64, error)
SaveNamespaces mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveProviders(ctx context.Context, providers error
SaveProviders mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
SaveRollup mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveSigners ¶
SaveSigners mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveTransactions ¶
SaveTransactions mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) SaveValidators ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) SaveValidators(ctx context.Context, validators ...*storage.Validator) (int, error)
SaveValidators mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) Update ¶
func (m *MockTransaction) Update(ctx context.Context, model any) error
Update mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) UpdateRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
UpdateRollup mocks base method.
func (*MockTransaction) Validators ¶ added in v1.4.0
Validators mocks base method.
type MockTransactionMockRecorder ¶
type MockTransactionMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockTransactionMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockTransaction.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Add ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Add(ctx, model any) *TransactionAddCall
Add indicates an expected call of Add.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) BulkSave ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) BulkSave(ctx, models any) *TransactionBulkSaveCall
BulkSave indicates an expected call of BulkSave.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Close(ctx any) *TransactionCloseCall
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) CopyFrom ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) CopyFrom(ctx, tableName, data any) *TransactionCopyFromCall
CopyFrom indicates an expected call of CopyFrom.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteBalances ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteBalances(ctx, ids any) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
DeleteBalances indicates an expected call of DeleteBalances.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteProviders(ctx, rollupId any) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
DeleteProviders indicates an expected call of DeleteProviders.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) DeleteRollup(ctx, rollupId any) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
DeleteRollup indicates an expected call of DeleteRollup.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Exec ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Exec(ctx, query any, params ...any) *TransactionExecCall
Exec indicates an expected call of Exec.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Flush ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Flush(ctx any) *TransactionFlushCall
Flush indicates an expected call of Flush.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) GetProposerId ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) GetProposerId(ctx, address any) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
GetProposerId indicates an expected call of GetProposerId.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) HandleError ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) HandleError(ctx, err any) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
HandleError indicates an expected call of HandleError.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastAddressAction ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastAddressAction(ctx, address any) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
LastAddressAction indicates an expected call of LastAddressAction.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastBlock ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastBlock(ctx any) *TransactionLastBlockCall
LastBlock indicates an expected call of LastBlock.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastNamespaceMessage ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) LastNamespaceMessage(ctx, nsId any) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
LastNamespaceMessage indicates an expected call of LastNamespaceMessage.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Namespace ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Namespace(ctx, id any) *TransactionNamespaceCall
Namespace indicates an expected call of Namespace.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RetentionBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RetentionBlockSignatures(ctx, height any) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
RetentionBlockSignatures indicates an expected call of RetentionBlockSignatures.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Rollback ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Rollback(ctx any) *TransactionRollbackCall
Rollback indicates an expected call of Rollback.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackAddresses ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackAddresses(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
RollbackAddresses indicates an expected call of RollbackAddresses.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlobLog ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlobLog(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
RollbackBlobLog indicates an expected call of RollbackBlobLog.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlock ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlock(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
RollbackBlock indicates an expected call of RollbackBlock.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlockSignatures(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
RollbackBlockSignatures indicates an expected call of RollbackBlockSignatures.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlockStats ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackBlockStats(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
RollbackBlockStats indicates an expected call of RollbackBlockStats.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackEvents ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackEvents(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
RollbackEvents indicates an expected call of RollbackEvents.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackMessageAddresses ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackMessageAddresses(ctx, msgIds any) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
RollbackMessageAddresses indicates an expected call of RollbackMessageAddresses.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackMessages ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackMessages(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
RollbackMessages indicates an expected call of RollbackMessages.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackNamespaceMessages ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackNamespaceMessages(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
RollbackNamespaceMessages indicates an expected call of RollbackNamespaceMessages.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackNamespaces ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackNamespaces(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
RollbackNamespaces indicates an expected call of RollbackNamespaces.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackSigners ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackSigners(ctx, txIds any) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
RollbackSigners indicates an expected call of RollbackSigners.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackTxs ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackTxs(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
RollbackTxs indicates an expected call of RollbackTxs.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackValidators ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) RollbackValidators(ctx, height any) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
RollbackValidators indicates an expected call of RollbackValidators.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveAddresses ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveAddresses(ctx any, addresses ...any) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
SaveAddresses indicates an expected call of SaveAddresses.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBalances ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBalances(ctx any, balances ...any) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
SaveBalances indicates an expected call of SaveBalances.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBlobLogs ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBlobLogs(ctx any, logs ...any) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
SaveBlobLogs indicates an expected call of SaveBlobLogs.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBlockSignatures ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveBlockSignatures(ctx any, signs ...any) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
SaveBlockSignatures indicates an expected call of SaveBlockSignatures.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveConstants ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveConstants(ctx any, constants ...any) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
SaveConstants indicates an expected call of SaveConstants.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveEvents ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveEvents(ctx any, events ...any) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
SaveEvents indicates an expected call of SaveEvents.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveMessages ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveMessages(ctx any, msgs ...any) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
SaveMessages indicates an expected call of SaveMessages.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveMsgAddresses ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveMsgAddresses(ctx any, addresses ...any) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
SaveMsgAddresses indicates an expected call of SaveMsgAddresses.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveNamespaceMessage ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveNamespaceMessage(ctx any, nsMsgs ...any) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
SaveNamespaceMessage indicates an expected call of SaveNamespaceMessage.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveNamespaces ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveNamespaces(ctx any, namespaces ...any) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
SaveNamespaces indicates an expected call of SaveNamespaces.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveProviders ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveProviders(ctx any, providers ...any) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
SaveProviders indicates an expected call of SaveProviders.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveRollup(ctx, rollup any) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
SaveRollup indicates an expected call of SaveRollup.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveSigners ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveSigners(ctx any, addresses ...any) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
SaveSigners indicates an expected call of SaveSigners.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveTransactions ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveTransactions(ctx any, txs ...any) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
SaveTransactions indicates an expected call of SaveTransactions.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveValidators ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) SaveValidators(ctx any, validators ...any) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
SaveValidators indicates an expected call of SaveValidators.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) State ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) State(ctx, name any) *TransactionStateCall
State indicates an expected call of State.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Tx ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Tx() *TransactionTxCall
Tx indicates an expected call of Tx.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Update ¶
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Update(ctx, model any) *TransactionUpdateCall
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) UpdateRollup ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) UpdateRollup(ctx, rollup any) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
UpdateRollup indicates an expected call of UpdateRollup.
func (*MockTransactionMockRecorder) Validators ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockTransactionMockRecorder) Validators(ctx any) *TransactionValidatorsCall
Validators indicates an expected call of Validators.
type NotificatorNotifyCall ¶
NotificatorNotifyCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*NotificatorNotifyCall) Do ¶
func (c *NotificatorNotifyCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, string) error) *NotificatorNotifyCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*NotificatorNotifyCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *NotificatorNotifyCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, string) error) *NotificatorNotifyCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*NotificatorNotifyCall) Return ¶
func (c *NotificatorNotifyCall) Return(arg0 error) *NotificatorNotifyCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type Storage ¶
type Storage struct { Blocks models.IBlock Tx models.ITx Message models.IMessage Event models.IEvent Address models.IAddress Namespace models.INamespace State models.IState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func Create ¶
func Create(t gomock.TestReporter) Storage
func (Storage) Ctrl ¶
func (s Storage) Ctrl() *gomock.Controller
type TransactionAddCall ¶
TransactionAddCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionAddCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionAddCall) Do(f func(context.Context, any) error) *TransactionAddCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionAddCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionAddCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, any) error) *TransactionAddCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionAddCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionAddCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionAddCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionBulkSaveCall ¶
TransactionBulkSaveCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionBulkSaveCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionBulkSaveCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []any) error) *TransactionBulkSaveCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionBulkSaveCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionBulkSaveCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []any) error) *TransactionBulkSaveCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionBulkSaveCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionBulkSaveCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionBulkSaveCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionCloseCall ¶
TransactionCloseCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionCloseCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionCloseCall) Do(f func(context.Context) error) *TransactionCloseCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionCloseCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionCloseCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) error) *TransactionCloseCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionCloseCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionCloseCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionCloseCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionCopyFromCall ¶
TransactionCopyFromCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionCopyFromCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionCopyFromCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, []storage0.Copiable) error) *TransactionCopyFromCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionCopyFromCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionCopyFromCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, []storage0.Copiable) error) *TransactionCopyFromCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionCopyFromCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionCopyFromCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionCopyFromCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionDeleteBalancesCall ¶
TransactionDeleteBalancesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionDeleteBalancesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionDeleteProvidersCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionDeleteProvidersCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionDeleteProvidersCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionDeleteRollupCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionDeleteRollupCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionDeleteRollupCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionDeleteRollupCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionDeleteRollupCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionDeleteRollupCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) error) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionDeleteRollupCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionDeleteRollupCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionDeleteRollupCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionExecCall ¶
TransactionExecCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionExecCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionExecCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string, ...any) (int64, error)) *TransactionExecCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionExecCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionExecCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string, ...any) (int64, error)) *TransactionExecCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionExecCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionExecCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *TransactionExecCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionFlushCall ¶
TransactionFlushCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionFlushCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionFlushCall) Do(f func(context.Context) error) *TransactionFlushCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionFlushCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionFlushCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) error) *TransactionFlushCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionFlushCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionFlushCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionFlushCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionGetProposerIdCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
TransactionGetProposerIdCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionGetProposerIdCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *TransactionGetProposerIdCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (uint64, error)) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionGetProposerIdCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *TransactionGetProposerIdCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (uint64, error)) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionGetProposerIdCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *TransactionGetProposerIdCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *TransactionGetProposerIdCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionHandleErrorCall ¶
TransactionHandleErrorCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionHandleErrorCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionHandleErrorCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) error) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionHandleErrorCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionHandleErrorCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) error) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionHandleErrorCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionHandleErrorCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionHandleErrorCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionLastAddressActionCall ¶
TransactionLastAddressActionCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionLastAddressActionCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionLastAddressActionCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []byte) (uint64, error)) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionLastAddressActionCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionLastAddressActionCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []byte) (uint64, error)) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionLastAddressActionCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionLastAddressActionCall) Return(arg0 uint64, arg1 error) *TransactionLastAddressActionCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionLastBlockCall ¶
TransactionLastBlockCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionLastBlockCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionLastBlockCall) Do(f func(context.Context) (storage.Block, error)) *TransactionLastBlockCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionLastBlockCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionLastBlockCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) (storage.Block, error)) *TransactionLastBlockCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionLastBlockCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionLastBlockCall) Return(block storage.Block, err error) *TransactionLastBlockCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall ¶ added in v1.1.0
TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) Do ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) Return ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall) Return(msg storage.NamespaceMessage, err error) *TransactionLastNamespaceMessageCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionNamespaceCall ¶
TransactionNamespaceCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionNamespaceCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionNamespaceCall) Do(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionNamespaceCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionNamespaceCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, uint64) (storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionNamespaceCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionNamespaceCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionNamespaceCall) Return(ns storage.Namespace, err error) *TransactionNamespaceCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRetentionBlockSignaturesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackAddressesCall ¶
TransactionRollbackAddressesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Address, error)) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Address, error)) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall) Return(address []storage.Address, err error) *TransactionRollbackAddressesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRollbackBlobLogCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackBlockCall ¶
TransactionRollbackBlockCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRollbackBlockCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) error) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall) Return(err error) *TransactionRollbackBlockSignaturesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall ¶
TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) (storage.BlockStats, error)) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall) Return(stats storage.BlockStats, err error) *TransactionRollbackBlockStatsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackCall ¶
TransactionRollbackCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackCall) Do(f func(context.Context) error) *TransactionRollbackCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) error) *TransactionRollbackCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionRollbackCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackEventsCall ¶
TransactionRollbackEventsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackEventsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackEventsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Event, error)) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackEventsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackEventsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Event, error)) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackEventsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackEventsCall) Return(events []storage.Event, err error) *TransactionRollbackEventsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall ¶
TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall) Return(err error) *TransactionRollbackMessageAddressesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackMessagesCall ¶
TransactionRollbackMessagesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Message, error)) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Message, error)) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall) Return(msgs []storage.Message, err error) *TransactionRollbackMessagesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall ¶
TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.NamespaceMessage, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall) Return(msgs []storage.NamespaceMessage, err error) *TransactionRollbackNamespaceMessagesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall ¶
TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Namespace, error)) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall) Return(ns []storage.Namespace, err error) *TransactionRollbackNamespacesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackSignersCall ¶
TransactionRollbackSignersCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackSignersCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackSignersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackSignersCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackSignersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, []uint64) error) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackSignersCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackSignersCall) Return(err error) *TransactionRollbackSignersCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackTxsCall ¶
TransactionRollbackTxsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackTxsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackTxsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackTxsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackTxsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Tx, error)) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackTxsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackTxsCall) Return(txs []storage.Tx, err error) *TransactionRollbackTxsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall ¶
TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, types.Level) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Validator, arg1 error) *TransactionRollbackValidatorsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveAddressesCall ¶
TransactionSaveAddressesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveAddressesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Address) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveAddressesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Address) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveAddressesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveAddressesCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *TransactionSaveAddressesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveBalancesCall ¶
TransactionSaveBalancesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveBalancesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveBalancesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveBalancesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveBalancesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveBalancesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveBalancesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveBalancesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveBlobLogsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveBlockSignaturesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveConstantsCall ¶
TransactionSaveConstantsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveConstantsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveConstantsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveConstantsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveConstantsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveConstantsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveConstantsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveConstantsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveEventsCall ¶
TransactionSaveEventsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveEventsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveEventsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveEventsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveEventsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveEventsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveEventsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveEventsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveMessagesCall ¶
TransactionSaveMessagesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveMessagesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveMessagesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Message) error) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveMessagesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveMessagesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Message) error) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveMessagesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveMessagesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveMessagesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall ¶
TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveMsgAddressesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall ¶
TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveNamespaceMessageCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveNamespacesCall ¶
TransactionSaveNamespacesCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Namespace) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Namespace) (int64, error)) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall) Return(arg0 int64, arg1 error) *TransactionSaveNamespacesCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveProvidersCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionSaveProvidersCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveProvidersCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveProvidersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveProvidersCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveProvidersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveProvidersCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveProvidersCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveProvidersCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveRollupCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionSaveRollupCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveRollupCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveRollupCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveRollupCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveRollupCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveRollupCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionSaveRollupCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveRollupCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveSignersCall ¶
TransactionSaveSignersCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveSignersCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveSignersCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveSignersCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveSignersCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveSignersCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveSignersCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveSignersCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveTransactionsCall ¶
TransactionSaveTransactionsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, error) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionSaveTransactionsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionSaveValidatorsCall ¶
TransactionSaveValidatorsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) Do(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Validator) (int, error)) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, ...*storage.Validator) (int, error)) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall) Return(arg0 int, arg1 error) *TransactionSaveValidatorsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionStateCall ¶
TransactionStateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionStateCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionStateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *TransactionStateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionStateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionStateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, string) (storage.State, error)) *TransactionStateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionStateCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionStateCall) Return(state storage.State, err error) *TransactionStateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionTxCall ¶
TransactionTxCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionTxCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionTxCall) Do(f func() *bun.Tx) *TransactionTxCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionTxCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionTxCall) DoAndReturn(f func() *bun.Tx) *TransactionTxCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionTxCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionTxCall) Return(arg0 *bun.Tx) *TransactionTxCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionUpdateCall ¶
TransactionUpdateCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionUpdateCall) Do ¶
func (c *TransactionUpdateCall) Do(f func(context.Context, any) error) *TransactionUpdateCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionUpdateCall) DoAndReturn ¶
func (c *TransactionUpdateCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, any) error) *TransactionUpdateCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionUpdateCall) Return ¶
func (c *TransactionUpdateCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionUpdateCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionUpdateRollupCall ¶ added in v1.2.0
TransactionUpdateRollupCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionUpdateRollupCall) Do ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionUpdateRollupCall) Do(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionUpdateRollupCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionUpdateRollupCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context, *storage.Rollup) error) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionUpdateRollupCall) Return ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (c *TransactionUpdateRollupCall) Return(arg0 error) *TransactionUpdateRollupCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return
type TransactionValidatorsCall ¶ added in v1.4.0
TransactionValidatorsCall wrap *gomock.Call
func (*TransactionValidatorsCall) Do ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionValidatorsCall) Do(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionValidatorsCall
Do rewrite *gomock.Call.Do
func (*TransactionValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionValidatorsCall) DoAndReturn(f func(context.Context) ([]storage.Validator, error)) *TransactionValidatorsCall
DoAndReturn rewrite *gomock.Call.DoAndReturn
func (*TransactionValidatorsCall) Return ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (c *TransactionValidatorsCall) Return(arg0 []storage.Validator, arg1 error) *TransactionValidatorsCall
Return rewrite *gomock.Call.Return