K8s Ns Setup
Dummy tool to create a multi tenants Kubernetes cluster.
This tool was built in order to prepare a Kubernetes cluster (GKE) for a Lab. It eases the creation of severals namespaces for a multi-tenants usage and also the creation of a dedicate ServiceAccount for each namespaces with proper isolation between each user/namespace with Role and Rolebindings. It also generates a kubeconfig dedicated for each user.
First you need to have already a kubernetes cluster up and running. You can look a the session How to setup a Kubernetes Cluster
Create one new namespace with its associated user(s)
$ k8snssetup new-ns --help
Creates a new namespace with new user
k8snssetup new-ns <namespace-name> [required-flags] [flags]
-h, --help help for new-ns
--kubeconfig string kubeconfig file path
--output string kubeconfig file path
--user stringArray user name
$ k8snssetup new-ns project1 --user user1 --kubeconfig=/tmp/admin.kubeconfi.yaml
namespace "project1" created
Create several namespace and associated user in one command line
./k8snssetup multi --help
Creates several namespaces and associated user
k8snssetup multi <number of namespace> [required-flags] [flags]
-h, --help help for multi
--kubeconfig string kubeconfig file path
--ns-prefix string namespace prefix (default "project")
--output string kubeconfig file path
--user-prefix string user prefix (default "user")
How to use the command output files
For each user/namespace a kubeConfig
file have been generated.
for example to use the generated kube config
file generated for the user1
in namespace project1
kubectl get pods --kubeconfig=$(pwd)/project1-user1.kubeconfig.yaml
No resources found.
and also proxy the kubernetes dashboard
kubectl proxy --kubeconfig=$(pwd)/project1-user1.kubeconfig.yaml
Starting to serve on
Thank to that you will be able to access the kubernetes dashboard with a limitation to the namespace qssociated to the uer.
You can access the resources inside user1
's dedicated namespace thanks to this link:
How to setup a Kubernetes Cluster
If your goal is also to create a multi-tenant cluster for a lab. It is maybe more conveniant to do it on a public cloud like Google Cloud Platfom
But It works also with a Kubernetes Cluster generate with minikube
GKE cluster (Google Cloud Plafrom)
First you need to create GKE cluster doc, then configure your kubectl command line (generate|update the kubeconfig file).
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <clusterName> --zone <zoneName> --project <projectName>
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for <clusterName>
You need to allow your user to create new Role and RoleBinding. To do so, add a cluster-admin Role to your user.
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user <user>
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "cluster-admin-binding" created
You can run a Kubernetes cluster (of one node) thanks to minikube. Install minikube by following the instruction on the github page.
then run the following command:
$ minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.Authorization-Mode=RBAC
Starting local Kubernetes v1.9.0 cluster...
Starting VM...