
v0.2.13 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 25, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 0





This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Amount

type Amount struct {
	// 订单总金额,单位为分
	Total *int64 `json:"total"`
	// CNY:人民币,境内商户号仅支持人民币。
	Currency *string `json:"currency,omitempty"`


func (Amount) Clone

func (o Amount) Clone() *Amount

func (Amount) MarshalJSON

func (o Amount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Amount) String

func (o Amount) String() string

type CloseOrderRequest

type CloseOrderRequest struct {
	OutTradeNo *string `json:"out_trade_no"`
	// 直连商户号
	Mchid *string `json:"mchid"`


func (CloseOrderRequest) Clone

func (CloseOrderRequest) MarshalJSON

func (o CloseOrderRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (CloseOrderRequest) String

func (o CloseOrderRequest) String() string

type CloseRequest

type CloseRequest struct {
	// 直连商户号
	Mchid *string `json:"mchid"`


func (CloseRequest) Clone

func (o CloseRequest) Clone() *CloseRequest

func (CloseRequest) MarshalJSON

func (o CloseRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (CloseRequest) String

func (o CloseRequest) String() string

type Detail

type Detail struct {
	// 1.商户侧一张小票订单可能被分多次支付,订单原价用于记录整张小票的交易金额。 2.当订单原价与支付金额不相等,则不享受优惠。 3.该字段主要用于防止同一张小票分多次支付,以享受多次优惠的情况,正常支付订单不必上传此参数。
	CostPrice *int64 `json:"cost_price,omitempty"`
	// 商家小票ID。
	InvoiceId   *string       `json:"invoice_id,omitempty"`
	GoodsDetail []GoodsDetail `json:"goods_detail,omitempty"`

Detail 优惠功能

func (Detail) Clone

func (o Detail) Clone() *Detail

func (Detail) MarshalJSON

func (o Detail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Detail) String

func (o Detail) String() string

type GoodsDetail

type GoodsDetail struct {
	// 由半角的大小写字母、数字、中划线、下划线中的一种或几种组成。
	MerchantGoodsId *string `json:"merchant_goods_id"`
	// 微信支付定义的统一商品编号(没有可不传)。
	WechatpayGoodsId *string `json:"wechatpay_goods_id,omitempty"`
	// 商品的实际名称。
	GoodsName *string `json:"goods_name,omitempty"`
	// 用户购买的数量。
	Quantity *int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// 商品单价,单位为分。
	UnitPrice *int64 `json:"unit_price"`


func (GoodsDetail) Clone

func (o GoodsDetail) Clone() *GoodsDetail

func (GoodsDetail) MarshalJSON

func (o GoodsDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (GoodsDetail) String

func (o GoodsDetail) String() string

type JsapiApiService

type JsapiApiService services.Service

func (*JsapiApiService) CloseOrder

func (a *JsapiApiService) CloseOrder(ctx context.Context, req CloseOrderRequest) (result *core.APIResult, err error)

CloseOrder 关闭订单

以下情况需要调用关单接口: 1. 商户订单支付失败需要生成新单号重新发起支付,要对原订单号调用关单,避免重复支付; 2. 系统下单后,用户支付超时,系统退出不再受理,避免用户继续,请调用关单接口。

package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		mchID                      string = "190000****"                               // 商户号
		mchCertificateSerialNumber string = "3775************************************" // 商户证书序列号
		mchAPIv3Key                string = "2ab9****************************"         // 商户APIv3密钥

	// 使用 utils 提供的函数从本地文件中加载商户私钥,商户私钥会用来生成请求的签名
	mchPrivateKey, err := utils.LoadPrivateKeyWithPath("/path/to/merchant/apiclient_key.pem")
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("load merchant private key error")

	ctx := context.Background()
	// 使用商户私钥等初始化 client,并使它具有自动定时获取微信支付平台证书的能力
	opts := []core.ClientOption{
		option.WithWechatPayAutoAuthCipher(mchID, mchCertificateSerialNumber, mchPrivateKey, mchAPIv3Key),
	client, err := core.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("new wechat pay client err:%s", err)

	svc := jsapi.JsapiApiService{Client: client}
	result, err := svc.CloseOrder(ctx,
			OutTradeNo: core.String("OutTradeNo_example"),
			Mchid:      core.String("1230000109"),

	if err != nil {
		// 处理错误
		log.Printf("call CloseOrder err:%s", err)
	} else {
		// 处理返回结果
		log.Printf("status=%d", result.Response.StatusCode)

func (*JsapiApiService) Prepay

func (a *JsapiApiService) Prepay(ctx context.Context, req PrepayRequest) (resp *PrepayResponse, result *core.APIResult, err error)

Prepay JSAPI支付下单


package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		mchID                      string = "190000****"                               // 商户号
		mchCertificateSerialNumber string = "3775************************************" // 商户证书序列号
		mchAPIv3Key                string = "2ab9****************************"         // 商户APIv3密钥

	// 使用 utils 提供的函数从本地文件中加载商户私钥,商户私钥会用来生成请求的签名
	mchPrivateKey, err := utils.LoadPrivateKeyWithPath("/path/to/merchant/apiclient_key.pem")
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("load merchant private key error")

	ctx := context.Background()
	// 使用商户私钥等初始化 client,并使它具有自动定时获取微信支付平台证书的能力
	opts := []core.ClientOption{
		option.WithWechatPayAutoAuthCipher(mchID, mchCertificateSerialNumber, mchPrivateKey, mchAPIv3Key),
	client, err := core.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("new wechat pay client err:%s", err)

	svc := jsapi.JsapiApiService{Client: client}
	resp, result, err := svc.Prepay(ctx,
			Appid:         core.String("wxd678efh567hg6787"),
			Mchid:         core.String("1230000109"),
			Description:   core.String("Image形象店-深圳腾大-QQ公仔"),
			OutTradeNo:    core.String("1217752501201407033233368018"),
			TimeExpire:    core.Time(time.Now()),
			Attach:        core.String("自定义数据说明"),
			NotifyUrl:     core.String("https://www.weixin.qq.com/wxpay/pay.php"),
			GoodsTag:      core.String("WXG"),
			LimitPay:      []string{"LimitPay_example"},
			SupportFapiao: core.Bool(false),
			Amount: &jsapi.Amount{
				Currency: core.String("CNY"),
				Total:    core.Int64(100),
			Payer: &jsapi.Payer{
				Openid: core.String("oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o"),
			Detail: &jsapi.Detail{
				CostPrice: core.Int64(608800),
				GoodsDetail: []jsapi.GoodsDetail{jsapi.GoodsDetail{
					GoodsName:        core.String("iPhoneX 256G"),
					MerchantGoodsId:  core.String("ABC"),
					Quantity:         core.Int64(1),
					UnitPrice:        core.Int64(828800),
					WechatpayGoodsId: core.String("1001"),
				InvoiceId: core.String("wx123"),
			SceneInfo: &jsapi.SceneInfo{
				DeviceId:      core.String("013467007045764"),
				PayerClientIp: core.String(""),
				StoreInfo: &jsapi.StoreInfo{
					Address:  core.String("广东省深圳市南山区科技中一道10000号"),
					AreaCode: core.String("440305"),
					Id:       core.String("0001"),
					Name:     core.String("腾讯大厦分店"),
			SettleInfo: &jsapi.SettleInfo{
				ProfitSharing: core.Bool(false),

	if err != nil {
		// 处理错误
		log.Printf("call Prepay err:%s", err)
	} else {
		// 处理返回结果
		log.Printf("status=%d resp=%s", result.Response.StatusCode, resp)

func (*JsapiApiService) PrepayWithRequestPayment

func (a *JsapiApiService) PrepayWithRequestPayment(
	ctx context.Context, req PrepayRequest,
) (resp *PrepayWithRequestPaymentResponse, result *core.APIResult, err error)

PrepayWithRequestPayment Jsapi支付下单,并返回调起支付的请求参数

func (*JsapiApiService) QueryOrderById

func (a *JsapiApiService) QueryOrderById(ctx context.Context, req QueryOrderByIdRequest) (resp *payments.Transaction, result *core.APIResult, err error)

QueryOrderById 微信支付订单号查询订单


package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		mchID                      string = "190000****"                               // 商户号
		mchCertificateSerialNumber string = "3775************************************" // 商户证书序列号
		mchAPIv3Key                string = "2ab9****************************"         // 商户APIv3密钥

	// 使用 utils 提供的函数从本地文件中加载商户私钥,商户私钥会用来生成请求的签名
	mchPrivateKey, err := utils.LoadPrivateKeyWithPath("/path/to/merchant/apiclient_key.pem")
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("load merchant private key error")

	ctx := context.Background()
	// 使用商户私钥等初始化 client,并使它具有自动定时获取微信支付平台证书的能力
	opts := []core.ClientOption{
		option.WithWechatPayAutoAuthCipher(mchID, mchCertificateSerialNumber, mchPrivateKey, mchAPIv3Key),
	client, err := core.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("new wechat pay client err:%s", err)

	svc := jsapi.JsapiApiService{Client: client}
	resp, result, err := svc.QueryOrderById(ctx,
			TransactionId: core.String("TransactionId_example"),
			Mchid:         core.String("Mchid_example"),

	if err != nil {
		// 处理错误
		log.Printf("call QueryOrderById err:%s", err)
	} else {
		// 处理返回结果
		log.Printf("status=%d resp=%s", result.Response.StatusCode, resp)

func (*JsapiApiService) QueryOrderByOutTradeNo

func (a *JsapiApiService) QueryOrderByOutTradeNo(ctx context.Context, req QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest) (resp *payments.Transaction, result *core.APIResult, err error)

QueryOrderByOutTradeNo 商户订单号查询订单


package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		mchID                      string = "190000****"                               // 商户号
		mchCertificateSerialNumber string = "3775************************************" // 商户证书序列号
		mchAPIv3Key                string = "2ab9****************************"         // 商户APIv3密钥

	// 使用 utils 提供的函数从本地文件中加载商户私钥,商户私钥会用来生成请求的签名
	mchPrivateKey, err := utils.LoadPrivateKeyWithPath("/path/to/merchant/apiclient_key.pem")
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("load merchant private key error")

	ctx := context.Background()
	// 使用商户私钥等初始化 client,并使它具有自动定时获取微信支付平台证书的能力
	opts := []core.ClientOption{
		option.WithWechatPayAutoAuthCipher(mchID, mchCertificateSerialNumber, mchPrivateKey, mchAPIv3Key),
	client, err := core.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("new wechat pay client err:%s", err)

	svc := jsapi.JsapiApiService{Client: client}
	resp, result, err := svc.QueryOrderByOutTradeNo(ctx,
			OutTradeNo: core.String("OutTradeNo_example"),
			Mchid:      core.String("Mchid_example"),

	if err != nil {
		// 处理错误
		log.Printf("call QueryOrderByOutTradeNo err:%s", err)
	} else {
		// 处理返回结果
		log.Printf("status=%d resp=%s", result.Response.StatusCode, resp)

type Payer

type Payer struct {
	// 用户在商户appid下的唯一标识。
	Openid *string `json:"openid,omitempty"`


func (Payer) Clone

func (o Payer) Clone() *Payer

func (Payer) MarshalJSON

func (o Payer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Payer) String

func (o Payer) String() string

type PrepayRequest

type PrepayRequest struct {
	// 公众号ID
	Appid *string `json:"appid"`
	// 直连商户号
	Mchid *string `json:"mchid"`
	// 商品描述
	Description *string `json:"description"`
	// 商户订单号
	OutTradeNo *string `json:"out_trade_no"`
	// 订单失效时间,格式为rfc3339格式
	TimeExpire *time.Time `json:"time_expire,omitempty"`
	// 附加数据
	Attach *string `json:"attach,omitempty"`
	// 有效性:1. HTTPS;2. 不允许携带查询串。
	NotifyUrl *string `json:"notify_url"`
	// 商品标记,代金券或立减优惠功能的参数。
	GoodsTag *string `json:"goods_tag,omitempty"`
	// 指定支付方式
	LimitPay []string `json:"limit_pay,omitempty"`
	// 传入true时,支付成功消息和支付详情页将出现开票入口。需要在微信支付商户平台或微信公众平台开通电子发票功能,传此字段才可生效。
	SupportFapiao *bool       `json:"support_fapiao,omitempty"`
	Amount        *Amount     `json:"amount"`
	Payer         *Payer      `json:"payer"`
	Detail        *Detail     `json:"detail,omitempty"`
	SceneInfo     *SceneInfo  `json:"scene_info,omitempty"`
	SettleInfo    *SettleInfo `json:"settle_info,omitempty"`


func (PrepayRequest) Clone

func (o PrepayRequest) Clone() *PrepayRequest

func (PrepayRequest) MarshalJSON

func (o PrepayRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (PrepayRequest) String

func (o PrepayRequest) String() string

type PrepayResponse

type PrepayResponse struct {
	// 预支付交易会话标识
	PrepayId *string `json:"prepay_id"`


func (PrepayResponse) Clone

func (o PrepayResponse) Clone() *PrepayResponse

func (PrepayResponse) MarshalJSON

func (o PrepayResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (PrepayResponse) String

func (o PrepayResponse) String() string

type PrepayWithRequestPaymentResponse

type PrepayWithRequestPaymentResponse struct {
	// 预支付交易会话标识
	PrepayId *string `json:"prepay_id"` // revive:disable-line:var-naming
	// 应用ID
	Appid *string `json:"appId"`
	// 时间戳
	TimeStamp *string `json:"timeStamp"`
	// 随机字符串
	NonceStr *string `json:"nonceStr"`
	// 订单详情扩展字符串
	Package *string `json:"package"`
	// 签名方式
	SignType *string `json:"signType"`
	// 签名
	PaySign *string `json:"paySign"`

PrepayWithRequestPaymentResponse 预下单ID,并包含了调起支付的请求参数

func (PrepayWithRequestPaymentResponse) String

type QueryOrderByIdRequest

type QueryOrderByIdRequest struct {
	TransactionId *string `json:"transaction_id"`
	// 直连商户号
	Mchid *string `json:"mchid"`


func (QueryOrderByIdRequest) Clone

func (QueryOrderByIdRequest) MarshalJSON

func (o QueryOrderByIdRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (QueryOrderByIdRequest) String

func (o QueryOrderByIdRequest) String() string

type QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest

type QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest struct {
	OutTradeNo *string `json:"out_trade_no"`
	// 直连商户号
	Mchid *string `json:"mchid"`


func (QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest) Clone

func (QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest) MarshalJSON

func (o QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (QueryOrderByOutTradeNoRequest) String

type SceneInfo

type SceneInfo struct {
	// 用户终端IP
	PayerClientIp *string `json:"payer_client_ip"`
	// 商户端设备号
	DeviceId  *string    `json:"device_id,omitempty"`
	StoreInfo *StoreInfo `json:"store_info,omitempty"`

SceneInfo 支付场景描述

func (SceneInfo) Clone

func (o SceneInfo) Clone() *SceneInfo

func (SceneInfo) MarshalJSON

func (o SceneInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (SceneInfo) String

func (o SceneInfo) String() string

type SettleInfo

type SettleInfo struct {
	// 是否指定分账
	ProfitSharing *bool `json:"profit_sharing,omitempty"`


func (SettleInfo) Clone

func (o SettleInfo) Clone() *SettleInfo

func (SettleInfo) MarshalJSON

func (o SettleInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (SettleInfo) String

func (o SettleInfo) String() string

type StoreInfo

type StoreInfo struct {
	// 商户侧门店编号
	Id *string `json:"id"`
	// 商户侧门店名称
	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// 地区编码,详细请见微信支付提供的文档
	AreaCode *string `json:"area_code,omitempty"`
	// 详细的商户门店地址
	Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"`

StoreInfo 商户门店信息

func (StoreInfo) Clone

func (o StoreInfo) Clone() *StoreInfo

func (StoreInfo) MarshalJSON

func (o StoreInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (StoreInfo) String

func (o StoreInfo) String() string

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