Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type Action
- type MySQLRepo
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDevice(batchNumber string, sn string, hostname string, ip string, manageIp string, ...) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDeviceInstallCallback(DeviceID uint, CallbackType string, Content string, RunTime string, ...) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDeviceLog(deviceID uint, title string, logType string, content string) (*model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDhcpSubnet(startIp string, endIp string, gateway string) (*model.DhcpSubnet, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddHardware(company string, product string, modelName string, raid string, oob string, ...) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddIp(networkId uint, ip string) (*model.Ip, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddLocation(pid uint, name string) (*model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddMac(deviceId uint, mac string) (*model.Mac, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddManageIp(networkId uint, ip string) (*model.ManageIp, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddManageNetwork(network string, netmask string, gateway string, vlan string, trunk string, ...) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddManufacturer(deviceId uint, company string, product string, modelName string, sn string, ...) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddNetwork(network string, netmask string, gateway string, vlan string, trunk string, ...) (*model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddOsConfig(name string, pxe string) (*model.OsConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddPlatformConfig(name string, content string) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddSystemConfig(name string, content string) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddTaskInfo(info *model.TaskInfo) (res *model.TaskInfo, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddTaskInfoAndResult(info *model.TaskInfo, sns []string, password string) (param *model.ConfJobIPExecParam, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddTasks(info *model.TaskInfo, results []*model.TaskResult) (err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddUser(username string, password string, name string, phoneNumber string, ...) (*model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddUserAccessToken(userId uint, accessToken string) (*model.UserAccessToken, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddVmDevice(DeviceID uint, Hostname string, Mac string, Ip string, NetworkID uint, ...) (model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddVmDeviceLog(deviceID uint, title string, logType string, content string) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddVmHost(sn string, cpuSum uint, cpuUsed uint, cpuAvailable uint, memorySum uint, ...) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AssignManufacturerNewOnwer(newOwnerID uint, oldOwnerID uint) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AssignManufacturerOnwer(id uint, userId uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) AssignNewIpByNetworkId(network_id uint) (string, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CancelInstallDeviceById(id uint) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) Close() error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CopyDeviceToHistory(id uint) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CopyDeviceToInstallReport(id uint) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CopyVmDeviceToInstallReport(id uint) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDevice(where string) (int, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByHostname(hostname string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByHostnameAndId(hostname string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByIp(ip string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByIpAndId(ip string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByManageIp(manageIp string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByManageIpAndId(manageIp string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceBySn(sn string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByWhere(where string) (int, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, callbackType string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceInstallReportByWhere(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceLog() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, logType string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountDhcpSubnet() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountHardware(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountHardwareByCompanyAndProductAndName(company string, product string, modelName string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountHardwareByCompanyAndProductAndNameAndId(company string, product string, modelName string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountHardwareByWhere(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountHardwareWithSeparator(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountIpByIp(ip string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountLocation() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountLocationByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountLocationByNameAndPid(name string, pid uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountLocationByNameAndPidAndId(name string, pid uint, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountLocationByPid(pid uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountMacByMac(mac string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountMacByMacAndDeviceID(mac string, deviceId uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManageIpByIp(ip string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManageNetwork() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManageNetworkByNetwork(network string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManageNetworkByNetworkAndId(network string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManufacturerByDeviceID(deviceId uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManufacturerBySn(sn string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountManufacturerByWhere(where string) (int, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountNetwork() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountNetworkByNetwork(network string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountNetworkByNetworkAndId(network string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountOsConfig() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountOsConfigByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountOsConfigByNameAndId(name string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountPlatformConfig() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountPlatformConfigByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountPlatformConfigByNameAndId(name string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountSystemConfig() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountSystemConfigByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountSystemConfigByNameAndId(name string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountTaskInfo(where string) (count int, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountTaskResult(where string) (count int, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountUser(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountUserAccessTokenByToken(accessToken string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountUserById(id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountUserByUsername(username string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountUserByWhere(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDevice(where string) (int, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByDeviceId(deviceId uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByHostname(hostname string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByHostnameAndId(hostname string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByIp(ip string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByIpAndId(ip string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByMac(mac string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByMacAndId(mac string, id uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceLog() (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, logType string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmHost(where string) (int, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CountVmHostBySn(sn string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CreateBatchNumber() (string, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) CreateHardwareBackupTable(fix string) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceById(id uint) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceInstallCallbackByID(id uint) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (*model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, logType string) (*model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceLogById(id uint) (*model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDhcpSubnetById(id uint) (*model.DhcpSubnet, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteHardwareById(id uint) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteIpByNetworkId(networkId uint) (*model.Ip, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteLocationById(id uint) (*model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteMacByDeviceId(deviceId uint) (*model.Mac, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteMacById(id uint) (*model.Mac, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManageIpByNetworkId(networkId uint) (*model.ManageIp, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManageNetworkById(id uint) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManufacturerById(id uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManufacturerBySn(sn string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteNetworkById(id uint) (*model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteOsConfigById(id uint) (*model.OsConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeletePlatformConfigById(id uint) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeletePlatformConfigByName(name string) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteSystemConfigById(id uint) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteTaskInfo(id uint) (err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteUserAccessTokenByToken(accessToken string) (*model.UserAccessToken, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteUserById(id uint) (*model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceById(id uint) (*model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, logType string) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogById(id uint) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmHostById(id uint) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmHostBySn(sn string) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmInfoByDeviceSn(sn string) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DropDB() error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) DropHardwareBackupTable(fix string) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) ExecDBVersionUpdateSql(sql string) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) FormatChildLocationIdById(id uint, content string, separator string) (string, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) FormatLocationNameById(id uint, content string, separator string) (string, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) FormatLocationToTreeByPid(pid uint, content []map[string]interface{}, floor uint, selectPid uint) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetCompanyByGroup() ([]model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetCpuUsedSum(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceById(id uint) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceBySn(sn string) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceBySnAndStatus(sn string, status string) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceBySns(sns []string) ([]*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceByWhere(where string) ([]model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceCompanyNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceProductNameInstallReport, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceHardwareNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceHardwareNameInstallReport, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceIdBySn(sn string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, callbackType string) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceInstallCallbackByWhere(where string, order string) ([]model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) ([]model.DeviceFull, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceLogById(id uint) (*model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceLogListByDeviceID(deviceID uint, order string) ([]model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceLogListByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, logType string, order string, maxId uint) ([]model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceOsNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceOsNameInstallReport, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceProductNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceProductNameInstallReport, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceSystemNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceSystemNameInstallReport, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDhcpSubnetById(id uint) (*model.DhcpSubnet, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDhcpSubnetListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.DhcpSubnet, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDiskUsedSum(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetFullDeviceById(id uint) (*model.DeviceFull, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetFullVmDeviceById(id uint) (*model.VmDeviceFull, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetHardwareById(id uint) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetHardwareBySeaprator(name string) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetHardwareBySn(sn string) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetHardwareByWhere(where string) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetHardwareIdByCompanyAndProductAndName(company string, product string, modelName string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetHardwareListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) ([]model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetInstallTimeoutDeviceList(timeout int) ([]model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetIpByIp(ip string) (*model.Ip, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLastDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLastVmDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLastestVersionHardware() (model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLocationById(id uint) (*model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLocationByNameAndPid(name string, pid uint) (*model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLocationIdByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLocationListByPidWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, pid uint) ([]model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLocationListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetMacById(id uint) (*model.Mac, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetMacListByDeviceID(deviceId uint) ([]model.Mac, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManageIpByIp(ip string) (*model.ManageIp, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkById(id uint) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkIdByNetwork(network string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.ManageNetwork, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerByDeviceID(deviceId uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerByDeviceId(deviceId uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerById(id uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerBySn(sn string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerCompanyByGroup(where string) ([]model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerIdBySn(sn string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) ([]model.ManufacturerFull, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerMacBySn(sn string) (string, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerModelNameByGroup(where string) ([]model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerProductByGroup(where string) ([]model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerSnByNicMacForVm(mac string) (string, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetMaxVncPort(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetMemoryUsedSum(where string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetModelNameByWhereAndGroup(where string) ([]model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNeedCollectDeviceForVmHost(deviceId uint) ([]model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNetworkById(id uint) (*model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNetworkBySn(sn string) (*model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNetworkByVmMac(sn string) (*model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNetworkIdByNetwork(network string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNetworkListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetNotUsedIPListByNetworkId(network_id uint) ([]model.Ip, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigById(id uint) (*model.OsConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigByName(name string) (*model.OsConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigIdByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.OsConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetParentLocationIdByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigById(id uint) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigByName(name string) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigIdByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetProductByWhereAndGroup(where string) ([]model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemBySn(sn string) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemByVmMac(sn string) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigById(id uint) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigIdByName(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint) ([]model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskInfoByID(taskID uint) (info []model.TaskInfo, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskInfoByNo(taskNo string) (res []model.TaskInfo, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskInfoPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) (result []model.TaskInfo, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultByTaskID(taskID uint) (results []*model.TaskResult, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultByTaskNo(taskNo string) (results []*model.TaskResult, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) (results []model.TaskResult, err error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetUserByAccessToken(accessToken string) (*model.UserWithToken, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetUserById(id uint) (*model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetUserByUsername(username string) (*model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetUserByWhere(where string) (*model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetUserListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) ([]model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceById(id uint) (*model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceByMac(mac string) (*model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceIdByMac(mac string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) ([]model.VmDeviceFull, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogById(id uint) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogListByDeviceID(deviceID uint, order string) ([]model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogListByDeviceIDAndType(deviceID uint, logType string, order string, maxId uint) ([]model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmHostById(id uint) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmHostBySn(sn string) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmHostListWithPage(limit uint, offset uint, where string) ([]model.VmHostFull, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) ImportLocation(name string) (uint, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) IsInstallTimeoutDevice(timeout int, deviceId uint) (bool, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) ReInstallDeviceById(id uint) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) ReInstallVmDeviceById(id uint) (*model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) RollbackHardwareFromBackupTable(fix string) error
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceById(id uint, batchNumber string, sn string, hostname string, ip string, ...) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceInstallCallbackByID(Id uint, DeviceID uint, CallbackType string, Content string, RunTime string, ...) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceInstallCallbackRunInfoByID(Id uint, RunTime string, RunResult string, RunStatus string) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceLogTypeByDeviceIdAndType(deviceId uint, logType string, newLogType string) ([]model.DeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateDhcpSubnetById(id uint, startIp string, endIp string, gateway string) (*model.DhcpSubnet, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateHardwareById(id uint, company string, product string, modelName string, raid string, ...) (*model.Hardware, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateHistoryDeviceStatusById(id uint, status string) (*model.DeviceHistory, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateInstallInfoById(id uint, status string, installProgress float64) (*model.Device, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateLocationById(id uint, pid uint, name string) (*model.Location, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManageNetworkById(id uint, network string, netmask string, gateway string, vlan string, ...) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerBootosLastActiveTimeBySn(sn string, time string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerById(id uint, company string, product string, modelName string, sn string, ...) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerDeviceIdById(id uint, deviceId uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerIPById(id uint, ip string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerIsShowInScanListById(id uint, isShowInScanList string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateNetworkById(id uint, network string, netmask string, gateway string, vlan string, ...) (*model.Network, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateOsConfigById(id uint, name string, pxe string) (*model.OsConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdatePlatformConfigById(id uint, name string, content string) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateSystemConfigById(id uint, name string, content string) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateUserById(id uint, password string, name string, phoneNumber string, permission string, ...) (*model.User, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmDeviceById(Id uint, DeviceID uint, Hostname string, Mac string, Ip string, NetworkID uint, ...) (model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmDeviceLogTypeByDeviceIdAndType(deviceId uint, logType string, newLogType string) ([]model.VmDeviceLog, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmHostById(id uint, cpuSum uint, cpuUsed uint, cpuAvailable uint, memorySum uint, ...) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmHostCpuMemoryDiskVmNumById(id uint, cpuSum uint, cpuUsed uint, cpuAvailable uint, memorySum uint, ...) (*model.VmHost, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmInstallInfoById(id uint, status string, installProgress float64) (*model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmRunStatusById(id uint, runStatus string) (*model.VmDevice, error)
- func (repo *MySQLRepo) ValidateHardwareProductModel(company string, product string, modelName string) (bool, error)
- type ResourceType
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( // ViewAction 查看操作 ViewAction Action = "view" // ExecAction 执行命令操作 ExecAction Action = "exec" // UpdateAction 更新操作 UpdateAction Action = "update" // InsertAction 新增操作 InsertAction Action = "insert" // DeleteAction 删除操作 DeleteAction Action = "delete" // DataCenter 权限资源类型-数据中心 DataCenter ResourceType = "dataCenter" // AppRes 权限资源类型-应用 AppRes ResourceType = "app" // UnitRes 权限资源类型-部署单元 UnitRes ResourceType = "unit" // NodeRes 权限资源类型-主机节点 NodeRes ResourceType = "node" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MySQLRepo ¶
type MySQLRepo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MySQLRepo mysql数据库实现
func (*MySQLRepo) AddDevice ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDevice(batchNumber string, sn string, hostname string, ip string, manageIp string, networkId uint, manageNetworkId uint, osId uint, hardwareId uint, systemId uint, location string, locationId uint, assetNumber string, status string, isSupportVm string, userID uint) (*model.Device, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddDeviceInstallCallback ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDeviceInstallCallback(DeviceID uint, CallbackType string, Content string, RunTime string, RunResult string, RunStatus string) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddDeviceLog ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddDeviceLog(deviceID uint, title string, logType string, content string) (*model.DeviceLog, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddDhcpSubnet ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddHardware ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddHardware(company string, product string, modelName string, raid string, oob string, bios string, isSystemAdd string, tpl string, data string, source string, version string, status string) (*model.Hardware, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddLocation ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddManageIp ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddManageNetwork ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddManageNetwork(network string, netmask string, gateway string, vlan string, trunk string, bonding string) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddManufacturer ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddManufacturer(deviceId uint, company string, product string, modelName string, sn string, ip string, mac string, nic string, cpu string, cpuSum uint, memory string, memorySum uint, disk string, diskSum uint, motherboard string, raid string, oob string, isVm string, nicDevice string, isShowInScanList string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddNetwork ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddNetwork(network string, netmask string, gateway string, vlan string, trunk string, bonding string) (*model.Network, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddOsConfig ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddPlatformConfig ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddSystemConfig ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddTaskInfo ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddTaskInfoAndResult ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddUserAccessToken ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AddVmDevice ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddVmDevice( DeviceID uint, Hostname string, Mac string, Ip string, NetworkID uint, OsID uint, SystemID uint, CpuCoresNumber uint, CpuHotPlug string, CpuPassthrough string, CpuTopSockets uint, CpuTopCores uint, CpuTopThreads uint, CpuPinning string, MemoryCurrent uint, MemoryMax uint, MemoryKsm string, DiskType string, DiskSize uint, DiskBusType string, DiskCacheMode string, DiskIoMode string, NetworkType string, NetworkDeviceType string, DisplayType string, DisplayPassword string, DisplayUpdatePassword string, Status string, UserID uint, VncPort string, RunStatus string) (model.VmDevice, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AddVmDeviceLog ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) AddVmDeviceLog(deviceID uint, title string, logType string, content string) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) AssignManufacturerNewOnwer ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AssignManufacturerOnwer ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) AssignNewIpByNetworkId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CancelInstallDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CopyDeviceToHistory ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CopyDeviceToInstallReport ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CopyVmDeviceToInstallReport ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByHostname ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByHostnameAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByIpAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByManageIp ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByManageIpAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceInstallReportByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceLog ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceLogByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountDhcpSubnet ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountHardwareByCompanyAndProductAndName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountHardwareByCompanyAndProductAndNameAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountHardwareByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountHardwareWithSeparator ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountLocation ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountLocationByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountLocationByNameAndPid ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountLocationByNameAndPidAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountLocationByPid ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountMacByMacAndDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManageIpByIp ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManageNetwork ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManageNetworkByNetwork ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManageNetworkByNetworkAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManufacturerByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManufacturerBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountManufacturerByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountNetwork ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountNetworkByNetwork ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountNetworkByNetworkAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountOsConfig ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountOsConfigByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountOsConfigByNameAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountPlatformConfig ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountPlatformConfigByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountPlatformConfigByNameAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountSystemConfig ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountSystemConfigByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountSystemConfigByNameAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountTaskInfo ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountTaskResult ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountUserAccessTokenByToken ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountUserByUsername ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountUserByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByDeviceId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByHostname ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByHostnameAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByIp ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByIpAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByMac ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceByMacAndId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceLog ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceLogByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CountVmDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CreateBatchNumber ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) CreateHardwareBackupTable ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceID ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceInstallCallbackByID ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceInstallCallbackByID(id uint) (*model.DeviceInstallCallback, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceLogByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDeviceLogById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteDhcpSubnetById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteDhcpSubnetById(id uint) (*model.DhcpSubnet, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteHardwareById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteIpByNetworkId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteLocationById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteMacByDeviceId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteManageIpByNetworkId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteManageNetworkById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManageNetworkById(id uint) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteManufacturerById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManufacturerById(id uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteManufacturerBySn ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteManufacturerBySn(sn string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteNetworkById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteOsConfigById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeletePlatformConfigById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeletePlatformConfigById(id uint) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeletePlatformConfigByName ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeletePlatformConfigByName(name string) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteSystemConfigById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteSystemConfigById(id uint) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteTaskInfo ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteUserAccessTokenByToken ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteUserAccessTokenByToken(accessToken string) (*model.UserAccessToken, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteUserById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogByDeviceID ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) DeleteVmDeviceLogById(id uint) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmHostById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmHostBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DeleteVmInfoByDeviceSn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) DropHardwareBackupTable ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) ExecDBVersionUpdateSql ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) FormatChildLocationIdById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) FormatLocationNameById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) FormatLocationToTreeByPid ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetCompanyByGroup ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceBySnAndStatus ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceBySns ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceCompanyNameInstallReport ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceCompanyNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceProductNameInstallReport, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceHardwareNameInstallReport ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceHardwareNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceHardwareNameInstallReport, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceInstallCallbackByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceInstallCallbackByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceLogById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceLogListByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceLogListByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceOsNameInstallReport ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceOsNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceOsNameInstallReport, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceProductNameInstallReport ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceProductNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceProductNameInstallReport, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDeviceSystemNameInstallReport ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDeviceSystemNameInstallReport(where string) ([]model.DeviceSystemNameInstallReport, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDhcpSubnetById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetDhcpSubnetById(id uint) (*model.DhcpSubnet, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDhcpSubnetListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetDiskUsedSum ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetFullDeviceById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetFullDeviceById(id uint) (*model.DeviceFull, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetFullVmDeviceById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetFullVmDeviceById(id uint) (*model.VmDeviceFull, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetHardwareById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetHardwareBySeaprator ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetHardwareBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetHardwareByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetHardwareIdByCompanyAndProductAndName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetHardwareListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetInstallTimeoutDeviceList ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLastDeviceLogByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLastVmDeviceLogByDeviceID ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetLastVmDeviceLogByDeviceID(deviceID uint) (model.VmDeviceLog, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLastestVersionHardware ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLocationById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLocationByNameAndPid ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLocationIdByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLocationListByPidWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetLocationListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetMacListByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManageIpByIp ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkById(id uint) (*model.ManageNetwork, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkIdByNetwork ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManageNetworkListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerByDeviceID ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerByDeviceID(deviceId uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerByDeviceId ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerByDeviceId(deviceId uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerById(id uint) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerBySn ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerBySn(sn string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerCompanyByGroup ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerCompanyByGroup(where string) ([]model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerIdBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerMacBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerModelNameByGroup ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerModelNameByGroup(where string) ([]model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerProductByGroup ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerProductByGroup(where string) ([]model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetManufacturerSnByNicMacForVm ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetMemoryUsedSum ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetModelNameByWhereAndGroup ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNeedCollectDeviceForVmHost ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNetworkById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNetworkBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNetworkByVmMac ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNetworkIdByNetwork ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNetworkListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetNotUsedIPListByNetworkId ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigIdByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetOsConfigListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetParentLocationIdByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigById(id uint) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigByName ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigByName(name string) (*model.PlatformConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigIdByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetPlatformConfigListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetProductByWhereAndGroup ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetSystemBySn ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemBySn(sn string) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetSystemByVmMac ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemByVmMac(sn string) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigById(id uint) (*model.SystemConfig, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigIdByName ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetSystemConfigListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetTaskInfoByID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetTaskInfoByNo ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetTaskInfoPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultByTaskID ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultByTaskID(taskID uint) (results []*model.TaskResult, err error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultByTaskNo ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultByTaskNo(taskNo string) (results []*model.TaskResult, err error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetTaskResultPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetUserByAccessToken ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetUserByAccessToken(accessToken string) (*model.UserWithToken, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetUserByUsername ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetUserByWhere ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetUserListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceByMac ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceIdByMac ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogById(id uint) (*model.VmDeviceLog, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogListByDeviceID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmDeviceLogListByDeviceIDAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmHostById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmHostBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) GetVmHostListWithPage ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) IsInstallTimeoutDevice ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) ReInstallDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) ReInstallVmDeviceById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) RollbackHardwareFromBackupTable ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceById(id uint, batchNumber string, sn string, hostname string, ip string, manageIp string, networkId uint, manageNetworkId uint, osId uint, hardwareId uint, systemId uint, location string, locationId uint, assetNumber string, status string, isSupportVm string, userID uint) (*model.Device, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceInstallCallbackByID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceInstallCallbackRunInfoByID ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateDeviceLogTypeByDeviceIdAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateDhcpSubnetById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateHardwareById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateHistoryDeviceStatusById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateInstallInfoById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateLocationById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateManageNetworkById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerBootosLastActiveTimeBySn ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerById(id uint, company string, product string, modelName string, sn string, ip string, mac string, nic string, cpu string, cpuSum uint, memory string, memorySum uint, disk string, diskSum uint, motherboard string, raid string, oob string, isVm string, nicDevice string, isShowInScanList string) (*model.Manufacturer, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerDeviceIdById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerIPById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateManufacturerIsShowInScanListById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateNetworkById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateOsConfigById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdatePlatformConfigById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateSystemConfigById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateUserById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateVmDeviceById ¶
func (repo *MySQLRepo) UpdateVmDeviceById( Id uint, DeviceID uint, Hostname string, Mac string, Ip string, NetworkID uint, OsID uint, SystemID uint, CpuCoresNumber uint, CpuHotPlug string, CpuPassthrough string, CpuTopSockets uint, CpuTopCores uint, CpuTopThreads uint, CpuPinning string, MemoryCurrent uint, MemoryMax uint, MemoryKsm string, DiskType string, DiskSize uint, DiskBusType string, DiskCacheMode string, DiskIoMode string, NetworkType string, NetworkDeviceType string, DisplayType string, DisplayPassword string, DisplayUpdatePassword string, Status string, UserID uint, VncPort string, RunStatus string) (model.VmDevice, error)
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateVmDeviceLogTypeByDeviceIdAndType ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateVmHostById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateVmHostCpuMemoryDiskVmNumById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateVmInstallInfoById ¶
func (*MySQLRepo) UpdateVmRunStatusById ¶
Source Files ¶
- os_install_device.go
- os_install_device_history.go
- os_install_device_install_callback.go
- os_install_device_install_report.go
- os_install_device_log.go
- os_install_dhcp_subnet.go
- os_install_hardware.go
- os_install_ip.go
- os_install_location.go
- os_install_mac.go
- os_install_manage_ip.go
- os_install_manage_network.go
- os_install_manufacturer.go
- os_install_network.go
- os_install_os_config.go
- os_install_platform_config.go
- os_install_system_config.go
- os_install_user.go
- os_install_user_access_token.go
- os_install_vm_device.go
- os_install_vm_device_log.go
- os_install_vm_host.go
- repo.go
- task_info.go
- task_result.go
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