This is a tool to creat string-art in the style of Petros Vellos and knitter written in pure go without any dependencies outside the standard library (except the UI tool using the awesome fyne framework).
The tool is still work in proggress, use at own peril.
Usage of stringpic:
-darkness int
string darkness (value between 1 and 255) (default 32)
-diameter float
diameter of ring (for string length calculation) in mm (default 0.226)
-filename string
png file to convert to string art
-nLines int
number of lines (default 2000)
-output string
directory where to put the output files (default "output")
-pinCount int
number of pins in circular pattern (default 300)
-size int
size of output image (default 512)
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see