
v13.6.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 16, 2025 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0



Refer to the Terraform Registry for docs: vault_database_secrets_mount.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func DatabaseSecretsMount_GenerateConfigForImport

func DatabaseSecretsMount_GenerateConfigForImport(scope constructs.Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider cdktf.TerraformProvider) cdktf.ImportableResource

Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan <stack-name>".

func DatabaseSecretsMount_IsConstruct

func DatabaseSecretsMount_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.

func DatabaseSecretsMount_IsTerraformElement

func DatabaseSecretsMount_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool


func DatabaseSecretsMount_IsTerraformResource

func DatabaseSecretsMount_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool


func DatabaseSecretsMount_TfResourceType

func DatabaseSecretsMount_TfResourceType() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountHanaList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountOracleList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountRedisList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)

func NewDatabaseSecretsMount_Override

func NewDatabaseSecretsMount_Override(d DatabaseSecretsMount, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *DatabaseSecretsMountConfig)

Create a new {@link vault_database_secrets_mount} Resource.


type DatabaseSecretsMount

type DatabaseSecretsMount interface {
	Accessor() *string
	AllowedManagedKeys() *[]*string
	SetAllowedManagedKeys(val *[]*string)
	AllowedManagedKeysInput() *[]*string
	AllowedResponseHeaders() *[]*string
	SetAllowedResponseHeaders(val *[]*string)
	AllowedResponseHeadersInput() *[]*string
	AuditNonHmacRequestKeys() *[]*string
	SetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys(val *[]*string)
	AuditNonHmacRequestKeysInput() *[]*string
	AuditNonHmacResponseKeys() *[]*string
	SetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys(val *[]*string)
	AuditNonHmacResponseKeysInput() *[]*string
	Cassandra() DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList
	CassandraInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	CdktfStack() cdktf.TerraformStack
	// Experimental.
	Connection() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetConnection(val interface{})
	// Experimental.
	ConstructNodeMetadata() *map[string]interface{}
	Couchbase() DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList
	CouchbaseInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Count() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetCount(val interface{})
	DefaultLeaseTtlSeconds() *float64
	SetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds(val *float64)
	DefaultLeaseTtlSecondsInput() *float64
	DelegatedAuthAccessors() *[]*string
	SetDelegatedAuthAccessors(val *[]*string)
	DelegatedAuthAccessorsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	DependsOn() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	SetDependsOn(val *[]*string)
	Description() *string
	SetDescription(val *string)
	DescriptionInput() *string
	Elasticsearch() DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList
	ElasticsearchInput() interface{}
	EngineCount() *float64
	ExternalEntropyAccess() interface{}
	SetExternalEntropyAccess(val interface{})
	ExternalEntropyAccessInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ForEach() cdktf.ITerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	SetForEach(val cdktf.ITerraformIterator)
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	FriendlyUniqueId() *string
	Hana() DatabaseSecretsMountHanaList
	HanaInput() interface{}
	Id() *string
	SetId(val *string)
	IdentityTokenKey() *string
	SetIdentityTokenKey(val *string)
	IdentityTokenKeyInput() *string
	IdInput() *string
	Influxdb() DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList
	InfluxdbInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Lifecycle() *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
	// Experimental.
	SetLifecycle(val *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle)
	ListingVisibility() *string
	SetListingVisibility(val *string)
	ListingVisibilityInput() *string
	Local() interface{}
	SetLocal(val interface{})
	LocalInput() interface{}
	MaxLeaseTtlSeconds() *float64
	SetMaxLeaseTtlSeconds(val *float64)
	MaxLeaseTtlSecondsInput() *float64
	Mongodb() DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList
	Mongodbatlas() DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList
	MongodbatlasInput() interface{}
	MongodbInput() interface{}
	Mssql() DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList
	MssqlInput() interface{}
	Mysql() DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList
	MysqlAurora() DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList
	MysqlAuroraInput() interface{}
	MysqlInput() interface{}
	MysqlLegacy() DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList
	MysqlLegacyInput() interface{}
	MysqlRds() DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList
	MysqlRdsInput() interface{}
	Namespace() *string
	SetNamespace(val *string)
	NamespaceInput() *string
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	Options() *map[string]*string
	SetOptions(val *map[string]*string)
	OptionsInput() *map[string]*string
	Oracle() DatabaseSecretsMountOracleList
	OracleInput() interface{}
	PassthroughRequestHeaders() *[]*string
	SetPassthroughRequestHeaders(val *[]*string)
	PassthroughRequestHeadersInput() *[]*string
	Path() *string
	SetPath(val *string)
	PathInput() *string
	PluginVersion() *string
	SetPluginVersion(val *string)
	PluginVersionInput() *string
	Postgresql() DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList
	PostgresqlInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Provider() cdktf.TerraformProvider
	// Experimental.
	SetProvider(val cdktf.TerraformProvider)
	// Experimental.
	Provisioners() *[]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetProvisioners(val *[]interface{})
	// Experimental.
	RawOverrides() interface{}
	Redis() DatabaseSecretsMountRedisList
	RedisElasticache() DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList
	RedisElasticacheInput() interface{}
	RedisInput() interface{}
	Redshift() DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList
	RedshiftInput() interface{}
	SealWrap() interface{}
	SetSealWrap(val interface{})
	SealWrapInput() interface{}
	Snowflake() DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList
	SnowflakeInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	TerraformGeneratorMetadata() *cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata
	// Experimental.
	TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResourceType() *string
	// Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move.
	// Experimental.
	AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string)
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	HasResourceMove() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ImportFrom(id *string, provider cdktf.TerraformProvider)
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource.
	// Note that the resource being moved from must be marked as moved using it's instance function.
	// Experimental.
	MoveFromId(id *string)
	// Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget.
	// Experimental.
	MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{})
	// Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id".
	// Experimental.
	MoveToId(id *string)
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	PutCassandra(value interface{})
	PutCouchbase(value interface{})
	PutElasticsearch(value interface{})
	PutHana(value interface{})
	PutInfluxdb(value interface{})
	PutMongodb(value interface{})
	PutMongodbatlas(value interface{})
	PutMssql(value interface{})
	PutMysql(value interface{})
	PutMysqlAurora(value interface{})
	PutMysqlLegacy(value interface{})
	PutMysqlRds(value interface{})
	PutOracle(value interface{})
	PutPostgresql(value interface{})
	PutRedis(value interface{})
	PutRedisElasticache(value interface{})
	PutRedshift(value interface{})
	PutSnowflake(value interface{})
	// Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again.
	// Experimental.
	SynthesizeAttributes() *map[string]interface{}
	SynthesizeHclAttributes() *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ToHclTerraform() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ToMetadata() interface{}
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	ToString() *string
	// Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
	// Experimental.
	ToTerraform() interface{}

Represents a {@link vault_database_secrets_mount}.

func NewDatabaseSecretsMount

func NewDatabaseSecretsMount(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *DatabaseSecretsMountConfig) DatabaseSecretsMount

Create a new {@link vault_database_secrets_mount} Resource.

type DatabaseSecretsMountCassandra

type DatabaseSecretsMountCassandra struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// The number of seconds to use as a connection timeout.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connect_timeout}
	ConnectTimeout *float64 `field:"optional" json:"connectTimeout" yaml:"connectTimeout"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Cassandra hosts to connect to.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#hosts}
	Hosts *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"hosts" yaml:"hosts"`
	// Whether to skip verification of the server certificate when using TLS.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#insecure_tls}
	InsecureTls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"insecureTls" yaml:"insecureTls"`
	// The password to use when authenticating with Cassandra.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Concatenated PEM blocks containing a certificate and private key;
	// a certificate, private key, and issuing CA certificate; or just a CA certificate.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#pem_bundle}
	PemBundle *string `field:"optional" json:"pemBundle" yaml:"pemBundle"`
	// Specifies JSON containing a certificate and private key;
	// a certificate, private key, and issuing CA certificate; or just a CA certificate.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#pem_json}
	PemJson *string `field:"optional" json:"pemJson" yaml:"pemJson"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// The transport port to use to connect to Cassandra.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#port}
	Port *float64 `field:"optional" json:"port" yaml:"port"`
	// The CQL protocol version to use.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#protocol_version}
	ProtocolVersion *float64 `field:"optional" json:"protocolVersion" yaml:"protocolVersion"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// Skip permissions checks when a connection to Cassandra is first created.
	// These checks ensure that Vault is able to create roles, but can be resource intensive in clusters with many roles.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#skip_verification}
	SkipVerification interface{} `field:"optional" json:"skipVerification" yaml:"skipVerification"`
	// Whether to use TLS when connecting to Cassandra.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls}
	Tls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"tls" yaml:"tls"`
	// The username to use when authenticating with Cassandra.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList

type DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraList

type DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectTimeout() *float64
	SetConnectTimeout(val *float64)
	ConnectTimeoutInput() *float64
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	Hosts() *[]*string
	SetHosts(val *[]*string)
	HostsInput() *[]*string
	InsecureTls() interface{}
	SetInsecureTls(val interface{})
	InsecureTlsInput() interface{}
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PemBundle() *string
	SetPemBundle(val *string)
	PemBundleInput() *string
	PemJson() *string
	SetPemJson(val *string)
	PemJsonInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	Port() *float64
	SetPort(val *float64)
	PortInput() *float64
	ProtocolVersion() *float64
	SetProtocolVersion(val *float64)
	ProtocolVersionInput() *float64
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	SkipVerification() interface{}
	SetSkipVerification(val interface{})
	SkipVerificationInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Tls() interface{}
	SetTls(val interface{})
	TlsInput() interface{}
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountCassandraOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountConfig

type DatabaseSecretsMountConfig struct {
	// Experimental.
	Connection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"connection" yaml:"connection"`
	// Experimental.
	Count interface{} `field:"optional" json:"count" yaml:"count"`
	// Experimental.
	DependsOn *[]cdktf.ITerraformDependable `field:"optional" json:"dependsOn" yaml:"dependsOn"`
	// Experimental.
	ForEach cdktf.ITerraformIterator `field:"optional" json:"forEach" yaml:"forEach"`
	// Experimental.
	Lifecycle *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle `field:"optional" json:"lifecycle" yaml:"lifecycle"`
	// Experimental.
	Provider cdktf.TerraformProvider `field:"optional" json:"provider" yaml:"provider"`
	// Experimental.
	Provisioners *[]interface{} `field:"optional" json:"provisioners" yaml:"provisioners"`
	// Where the secret backend will be mounted.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#path}
	Path *string `field:"required" json:"path" yaml:"path"`
	// List of managed key registry entry names that the mount in question is allowed to access.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_managed_keys}
	AllowedManagedKeys *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedManagedKeys" yaml:"allowedManagedKeys"`
	// List of headers to allow and pass from the request to the plugin.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_response_headers}
	AllowedResponseHeaders *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedResponseHeaders" yaml:"allowedResponseHeaders"`
	// Specifies the list of keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the request data object.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#audit_non_hmac_request_keys}
	AuditNonHmacRequestKeys *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"auditNonHmacRequestKeys" yaml:"auditNonHmacRequestKeys"`
	// Specifies the list of keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the response data object.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#audit_non_hmac_response_keys}
	AuditNonHmacResponseKeys *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"auditNonHmacResponseKeys" yaml:"auditNonHmacResponseKeys"`
	// cassandra block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#cassandra}
	Cassandra interface{} `field:"optional" json:"cassandra" yaml:"cassandra"`
	// couchbase block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#couchbase}
	Couchbase interface{} `field:"optional" json:"couchbase" yaml:"couchbase"`
	// Default lease duration for tokens and secrets in seconds.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#default_lease_ttl_seconds}
	DefaultLeaseTtlSeconds *float64 `field:"optional" json:"defaultLeaseTtlSeconds" yaml:"defaultLeaseTtlSeconds"`
	// List of headers to allow and pass from the request to the plugin.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#delegated_auth_accessors}
	DelegatedAuthAccessors *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"delegatedAuthAccessors" yaml:"delegatedAuthAccessors"`
	// Human-friendly description of the mount.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#description}
	Description *string `field:"optional" json:"description" yaml:"description"`
	// elasticsearch block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#elasticsearch}
	Elasticsearch interface{} `field:"optional" json:"elasticsearch" yaml:"elasticsearch"`
	// Enable the secrets engine to access Vault's external entropy source.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#external_entropy_access}
	ExternalEntropyAccess interface{} `field:"optional" json:"externalEntropyAccess" yaml:"externalEntropyAccess"`
	// hana block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#hana}
	Hana interface{} `field:"optional" json:"hana" yaml:"hana"`
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#id}.
	// Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
	// If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
	Id *string `field:"optional" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
	// The key to use for signing plugin workload identity tokens.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#identity_token_key}
	IdentityTokenKey *string `field:"optional" json:"identityTokenKey" yaml:"identityTokenKey"`
	// influxdb block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#influxdb}
	Influxdb interface{} `field:"optional" json:"influxdb" yaml:"influxdb"`
	// Specifies whether to show this mount in the UI-specific listing endpoint.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#listing_visibility}
	ListingVisibility *string `field:"optional" json:"listingVisibility" yaml:"listingVisibility"`
	// Local mount flag that can be explicitly set to true to enforce local mount in HA environment.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#local}
	Local interface{} `field:"optional" json:"local" yaml:"local"`
	// Maximum possible lease duration for tokens and secrets in seconds.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_lease_ttl_seconds}
	MaxLeaseTtlSeconds *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxLeaseTtlSeconds" yaml:"maxLeaseTtlSeconds"`
	// mongodb block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mongodb}
	Mongodb interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mongodb" yaml:"mongodb"`
	// mongodbatlas block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mongodbatlas}
	Mongodbatlas interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mongodbatlas" yaml:"mongodbatlas"`
	// mssql block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mssql}
	Mssql interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mssql" yaml:"mssql"`
	// mysql block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mysql}
	Mysql interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mysql" yaml:"mysql"`
	// mysql_aurora block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mysql_aurora}
	MysqlAurora interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mysqlAurora" yaml:"mysqlAurora"`
	// mysql_legacy block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mysql_legacy}
	MysqlLegacy interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mysqlLegacy" yaml:"mysqlLegacy"`
	// mysql_rds block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#mysql_rds}
	MysqlRds interface{} `field:"optional" json:"mysqlRds" yaml:"mysqlRds"`
	// Target namespace. (requires Enterprise).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#namespace}
	Namespace *string `field:"optional" json:"namespace" yaml:"namespace"`
	// Specifies mount type specific options that are passed to the backend.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#options}
	Options *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"options" yaml:"options"`
	// oracle block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#oracle}
	Oracle interface{} `field:"optional" json:"oracle" yaml:"oracle"`
	// List of headers to allow and pass from the request to the plugin.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#passthrough_request_headers}
	PassthroughRequestHeaders *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"passthroughRequestHeaders" yaml:"passthroughRequestHeaders"`
	// Specifies the semantic version of the plugin to use, e.g. 'v1.0.0'.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_version}
	PluginVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginVersion" yaml:"pluginVersion"`
	// postgresql block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#postgresql}
	Postgresql interface{} `field:"optional" json:"postgresql" yaml:"postgresql"`
	// redis block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#redis}
	Redis interface{} `field:"optional" json:"redis" yaml:"redis"`
	// redis_elasticache block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#redis_elasticache}
	RedisElasticache interface{} `field:"optional" json:"redisElasticache" yaml:"redisElasticache"`
	// redshift block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#redshift}
	Redshift interface{} `field:"optional" json:"redshift" yaml:"redshift"`
	// Enable seal wrapping for the mount, causing values stored by the mount to be wrapped by the seal's encryption capability.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#seal_wrap}
	SealWrap interface{} `field:"optional" json:"sealWrap" yaml:"sealWrap"`
	// snowflake block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#snowflake}
	Snowflake interface{} `field:"optional" json:"snowflake" yaml:"snowflake"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbase

type DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbase struct {
	// A set of Couchbase URIs to connect to. Must use `couchbases://` scheme if `tls` is `true`.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#hosts}
	Hosts *[]*string `field:"required" json:"hosts" yaml:"hosts"`
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// Specifies the password corresponding to the given username.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"required" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the username for Vault to use.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"required" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Required if `tls` is `true`.
	// Specifies the certificate authority of the Couchbase server, as a PEM certificate that has been base64 encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#base64_pem}
	Base64Pem *string `field:"optional" json:"base64Pem" yaml:"base64Pem"`
	// Required for Couchbase versions prior to 6.5.0. This is only used to verify vault's connection to the server.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#bucket_name}
	BucketName *string `field:"optional" json:"bucketName" yaml:"bucketName"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Specifies whether to skip verification of the server certificate when using TLS.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#insecure_tls}
	InsecureTls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"insecureTls" yaml:"insecureTls"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// Specifies whether to use TLS when connecting to Couchbase.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls}
	Tls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"tls" yaml:"tls"`
	// Template describing how dynamic usernames are generated.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList

type DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseList

type DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	Base64Pem() *string
	SetBase64Pem(val *string)
	Base64PemInput() *string
	BucketName() *string
	SetBucketName(val *string)
	BucketNameInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	Hosts() *[]*string
	SetHosts(val *[]*string)
	HostsInput() *[]*string
	InsecureTls() interface{}
	SetInsecureTls(val interface{})
	InsecureTlsInput() interface{}
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Tls() interface{}
	SetTls(val interface{})
	TlsInput() interface{}
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountCouchbaseOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearch

type DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearch struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The password to be used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"required" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// The URL for Elasticsearch's API.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#url}
	Url *string `field:"required" json:"url" yaml:"url"`
	// The username to be used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"required" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// The path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the Elasticsearch server's identity.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#ca_cert}
	CaCert *string `field:"optional" json:"caCert" yaml:"caCert"`
	// The path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to use to verify the Elasticsearch server's identity.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#ca_path}
	CaPath *string `field:"optional" json:"caPath" yaml:"caPath"`
	// The path to the certificate for the Elasticsearch client to present for communication.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#client_cert}
	ClientCert *string `field:"optional" json:"clientCert" yaml:"clientCert"`
	// The path to the key for the Elasticsearch client to use for communication.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#client_key}
	ClientKey *string `field:"optional" json:"clientKey" yaml:"clientKey"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Whether to disable certificate verification.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#insecure}
	Insecure interface{} `field:"optional" json:"insecure" yaml:"insecure"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// This, if set, is used to set the SNI host when connecting via TLS.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_server_name}
	TlsServerName *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsServerName" yaml:"tlsServerName"`
	// Template describing how dynamic usernames are generated.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList

type DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchList

type DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	CaCert() *string
	SetCaCert(val *string)
	CaCertInput() *string
	CaPath() *string
	SetCaPath(val *string)
	CaPathInput() *string
	ClientCert() *string
	SetClientCert(val *string)
	ClientCertInput() *string
	ClientKey() *string
	SetClientKey(val *string)
	ClientKeyInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	Insecure() interface{}
	SetInsecure(val interface{})
	InsecureInput() interface{}
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	TlsServerName() *string
	SetTlsServerName(val *string)
	TlsServerNameInput() *string
	Url() *string
	SetUrl(val *string)
	UrlInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountElasticsearchOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountHana

type DatabaseSecretsMountHana struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Disable special character escaping in username and password.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#disable_escaping}
	DisableEscaping interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disableEscaping" yaml:"disableEscaping"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountHanaList

type DatabaseSecretsMountHanaList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountHanaList

type DatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	DisableEscaping() interface{}
	SetDisableEscaping(val interface{})
	DisableEscapingInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountHanaOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdb

type DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdb struct {
	// Influxdb host to connect to.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#host}
	Host *string `field:"required" json:"host" yaml:"host"`
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// Specifies the password corresponding to the given username.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"required" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the username to use for superuser access.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"required" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// The number of seconds to use as a connection timeout.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connect_timeout}
	ConnectTimeout *float64 `field:"optional" json:"connectTimeout" yaml:"connectTimeout"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Whether to skip verification of the server certificate when using TLS.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#insecure_tls}
	InsecureTls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"insecureTls" yaml:"insecureTls"`
	// Concatenated PEM blocks containing a certificate and private key;
	// a certificate, private key, and issuing CA certificate; or just a CA certificate.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#pem_bundle}
	PemBundle *string `field:"optional" json:"pemBundle" yaml:"pemBundle"`
	// Specifies JSON containing a certificate and private key;
	// a certificate, private key, and issuing CA certificate; or just a CA certificate.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#pem_json}
	PemJson *string `field:"optional" json:"pemJson" yaml:"pemJson"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// The transport port to use to connect to Influxdb.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#port}
	Port *float64 `field:"optional" json:"port" yaml:"port"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// Whether to use TLS when connecting to Influxdb.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls}
	Tls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"tls" yaml:"tls"`
	// Template describing how dynamic usernames are generated.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList

type DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbList

type DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectTimeout() *float64
	SetConnectTimeout(val *float64)
	ConnectTimeoutInput() *float64
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	Host() *string
	SetHost(val *string)
	HostInput() *string
	InsecureTls() interface{}
	SetInsecureTls(val interface{})
	InsecureTlsInput() interface{}
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PemBundle() *string
	SetPemBundle(val *string)
	PemBundleInput() *string
	PemJson() *string
	SetPemJson(val *string)
	PemJsonInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	Port() *float64
	SetPort(val *float64)
	PortInput() *float64
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Tls() interface{}
	SetTls(val interface{})
	TlsInput() interface{}
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountInfluxdbOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodb

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodb struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlas

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlas struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The Private Programmatic API Key used to connect with MongoDB Atlas API.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#private_key}
	PrivateKey *string `field:"required" json:"privateKey" yaml:"privateKey"`
	// The Project ID the Database User should be created within.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#project_id}
	ProjectId *string `field:"required" json:"projectId" yaml:"projectId"`
	// The Public Programmatic API Key used to authenticate with the MongoDB Atlas API.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#public_key}
	PublicKey *string `field:"required" json:"publicKey" yaml:"publicKey"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	PrivateKey() *string
	SetPrivateKey(val *string)
	PrivateKeyInput() *string
	ProjectId() *string
	SetProjectId(val *string)
	ProjectIdInput() *string
	PublicKey() *string
	SetPublicKey(val *string)
	PublicKeyInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMongodbatlasOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMssql

type DatabaseSecretsMountMssql struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// Set to true when the target is a Contained Database, e.g. AzureSQL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#contained_db}
	ContainedDb interface{} `field:"optional" json:"containedDb" yaml:"containedDb"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Disable special character escaping in username and password.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#disable_escaping}
	DisableEscaping interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disableEscaping" yaml:"disableEscaping"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	ContainedDb() interface{}
	SetContainedDb(val interface{})
	ContainedDbInput() interface{}
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	DisableEscaping() interface{}
	SetDisableEscaping(val interface{})
	DisableEscapingInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMssqlOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysql

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysql struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Specify alternative authorization type. (Only 'gcp_iam' is valid currently).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#auth_type}
	AuthType *string `field:"optional" json:"authType" yaml:"authType"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// A JSON encoded credential for use with IAM authorization.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#service_account_json}
	ServiceAccountJson *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountJson" yaml:"serviceAccountJson"`
	// x509 CA file for validating the certificate presented by the MySQL server. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_ca}
	TlsCa *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCa" yaml:"tlsCa"`
	// x509 certificate for connecting to the database.
	// This must be a PEM encoded version of the private key and the certificate combined.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_certificate_key}
	TlsCertificateKey *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCertificateKey" yaml:"tlsCertificateKey"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAurora

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAurora struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Specify alternative authorization type. (Only 'gcp_iam' is valid currently).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#auth_type}
	AuthType *string `field:"optional" json:"authType" yaml:"authType"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// A JSON encoded credential for use with IAM authorization.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#service_account_json}
	ServiceAccountJson *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountJson" yaml:"serviceAccountJson"`
	// x509 CA file for validating the certificate presented by the MySQL server. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_ca}
	TlsCa *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCa" yaml:"tlsCa"`
	// x509 certificate for connecting to the database.
	// This must be a PEM encoded version of the private key and the certificate combined.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_certificate_key}
	TlsCertificateKey *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCertificateKey" yaml:"tlsCertificateKey"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	AuthType() *string
	SetAuthType(val *string)
	AuthTypeInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	ServiceAccountJson() *string
	SetServiceAccountJson(val *string)
	ServiceAccountJsonInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	TlsCa() *string
	SetTlsCa(val *string)
	TlsCaInput() *string
	TlsCertificateKey() *string
	SetTlsCertificateKey(val *string)
	TlsCertificateKeyInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlAuroraOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacy

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacy struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Specify alternative authorization type. (Only 'gcp_iam' is valid currently).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#auth_type}
	AuthType *string `field:"optional" json:"authType" yaml:"authType"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// A JSON encoded credential for use with IAM authorization.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#service_account_json}
	ServiceAccountJson *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountJson" yaml:"serviceAccountJson"`
	// x509 CA file for validating the certificate presented by the MySQL server. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_ca}
	TlsCa *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCa" yaml:"tlsCa"`
	// x509 certificate for connecting to the database.
	// This must be a PEM encoded version of the private key and the certificate combined.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_certificate_key}
	TlsCertificateKey *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCertificateKey" yaml:"tlsCertificateKey"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	AuthType() *string
	SetAuthType(val *string)
	AuthTypeInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	ServiceAccountJson() *string
	SetServiceAccountJson(val *string)
	ServiceAccountJsonInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	TlsCa() *string
	SetTlsCa(val *string)
	TlsCaInput() *string
	TlsCertificateKey() *string
	SetTlsCertificateKey(val *string)
	TlsCertificateKeyInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlLegacyOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	AuthType() *string
	SetAuthType(val *string)
	AuthTypeInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	ServiceAccountJson() *string
	SetServiceAccountJson(val *string)
	ServiceAccountJsonInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	TlsCa() *string
	SetTlsCa(val *string)
	TlsCaInput() *string
	TlsCertificateKey() *string
	SetTlsCertificateKey(val *string)
	TlsCertificateKeyInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRds

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRds struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Specify alternative authorization type. (Only 'gcp_iam' is valid currently).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#auth_type}
	AuthType *string `field:"optional" json:"authType" yaml:"authType"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// A JSON encoded credential for use with IAM authorization.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#service_account_json}
	ServiceAccountJson *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountJson" yaml:"serviceAccountJson"`
	// x509 CA file for validating the certificate presented by the MySQL server. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_ca}
	TlsCa *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCa" yaml:"tlsCa"`
	// x509 certificate for connecting to the database.
	// This must be a PEM encoded version of the private key and the certificate combined.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_certificate_key}
	TlsCertificateKey *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCertificateKey" yaml:"tlsCertificateKey"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsList

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	AuthType() *string
	SetAuthType(val *string)
	AuthTypeInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	ServiceAccountJson() *string
	SetServiceAccountJson(val *string)
	ServiceAccountJsonInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	TlsCa() *string
	SetTlsCa(val *string)
	TlsCaInput() *string
	TlsCertificateKey() *string
	SetTlsCertificateKey(val *string)
	TlsCertificateKeyInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountMysqlRdsOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountOracle

type DatabaseSecretsMountOracle struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Set to true to disconnect any open sessions prior to running the revocation statements.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#disconnect_sessions}
	DisconnectSessions interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disconnectSessions" yaml:"disconnectSessions"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// Set to true in order to split statements after semi-colons.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#split_statements}
	SplitStatements interface{} `field:"optional" json:"splitStatements" yaml:"splitStatements"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountOracleList

type DatabaseSecretsMountOracleList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountOracleList

type DatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	DisconnectSessions() interface{}
	SetDisconnectSessions(val interface{})
	DisconnectSessionsInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	SplitStatements() interface{}
	SetSplitStatements(val interface{})
	SplitStatementsInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountOracleOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresql

type DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresql struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Specify alternative authorization type. (Only 'gcp_iam' is valid currently).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#auth_type}
	AuthType *string `field:"optional" json:"authType" yaml:"authType"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Disable special character escaping in username and password.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#disable_escaping}
	DisableEscaping interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disableEscaping" yaml:"disableEscaping"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// When set to `scram-sha-256`, passwords will be hashed by Vault before being sent to PostgreSQL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password_authentication}
	PasswordAuthentication *string `field:"optional" json:"passwordAuthentication" yaml:"passwordAuthentication"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// The secret key used for the x509 client certificate. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#private_key}
	PrivateKey *string `field:"optional" json:"privateKey" yaml:"privateKey"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// If set, allows onboarding static roles with a rootless connection configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#self_managed}
	SelfManaged interface{} `field:"optional" json:"selfManaged" yaml:"selfManaged"`
	// A JSON encoded credential for use with IAM authorization.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#service_account_json}
	ServiceAccountJson *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountJson" yaml:"serviceAccountJson"`
	// The x509 CA file for validating the certificate presented by the PostgreSQL server. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_ca}
	TlsCa *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCa" yaml:"tlsCa"`
	// The x509 client certificate for connecting to the database. Must be PEM encoded.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls_certificate}
	TlsCertificate *string `field:"optional" json:"tlsCertificate" yaml:"tlsCertificate"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList

type DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlList

type DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	AuthType() *string
	SetAuthType(val *string)
	AuthTypeInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	DisableEscaping() interface{}
	SetDisableEscaping(val interface{})
	DisableEscapingInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordAuthentication() *string
	SetPasswordAuthentication(val *string)
	PasswordAuthenticationInput() *string
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	PrivateKey() *string
	SetPrivateKey(val *string)
	PrivateKeyInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	SelfManaged() interface{}
	SetSelfManaged(val interface{})
	SelfManagedInput() interface{}
	ServiceAccountJson() *string
	SetServiceAccountJson(val *string)
	ServiceAccountJsonInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	TlsCa() *string
	SetTlsCa(val *string)
	TlsCaInput() *string
	TlsCertificate() *string
	SetTlsCertificate(val *string)
	TlsCertificateInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountPostgresqlOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedis

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedis struct {
	// Specifies the host to connect to.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#host}
	Host *string `field:"required" json:"host" yaml:"host"`
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// Specifies the password corresponding to the given username.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"required" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the username for Vault to use.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"required" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// The contents of a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the Redis server's identity.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#ca_cert}
	CaCert *string `field:"optional" json:"caCert" yaml:"caCert"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Specifies whether to skip verification of the server certificate when using TLS.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#insecure_tls}
	InsecureTls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"insecureTls" yaml:"insecureTls"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// The transport port to use to connect to Redis.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#port}
	Port *float64 `field:"optional" json:"port" yaml:"port"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// Specifies whether to use TLS when connecting to Redis.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#tls}
	Tls interface{} `field:"optional" json:"tls" yaml:"tls"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticache

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticache struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// The configuration endpoint for the ElastiCache cluster to connect to.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#url}
	Url *string `field:"required" json:"url" yaml:"url"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// The AWS secret key id to use to talk to ElastiCache.
	// If omitted the credentials chain provider is used instead.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// The AWS region where the ElastiCache cluster is hosted.
	// If omitted the plugin tries to infer the region from the environment.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#region}
	Region *string `field:"optional" json:"region" yaml:"region"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// The AWS access key id to use to talk to ElastiCache.
	// If omitted the credentials chain provider is used instead.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheList

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	Region() *string
	SetRegion(val *string)
	RegionInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Url() *string
	SetUrl(val *string)
	UrlInput() *string
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountRedisElasticacheOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisList

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountRedisList

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	CaCert() *string
	SetCaCert(val *string)
	CaCertInput() *string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	Host() *string
	SetHost(val *string)
	HostInput() *string
	InsecureTls() interface{}
	SetInsecureTls(val interface{})
	InsecureTlsInput() interface{}
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	Port() *float64
	SetPort(val *float64)
	PortInput() *float64
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Tls() interface{}
	SetTls(val interface{})
	TlsInput() interface{}
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountRedisOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedshift

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedshift struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Disable special character escaping in username and password.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#disable_escaping}
	DisableEscaping interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disableEscaping" yaml:"disableEscaping"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftList

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	DisableEscaping() interface{}
	SetDisableEscaping(val interface{})
	DisableEscapingInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountRedshiftOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflake

type DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflake struct {
	// Name of the database connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// A list of roles that are allowed to use this connection.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#allowed_roles}
	AllowedRoles *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedRoles" yaml:"allowedRoles"`
	// Connection string to use to connect to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#connection_url}
	ConnectionUrl *string `field:"optional" json:"connectionUrl" yaml:"connectionUrl"`
	// A map of sensitive data to pass to the endpoint. Useful for templated connection strings.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#data}
	Data *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"data" yaml:"data"`
	// Maximum number of seconds a connection may be reused.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_connection_lifetime}
	MaxConnectionLifetime *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxConnectionLifetime" yaml:"maxConnectionLifetime"`
	// Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_idle_connections}
	MaxIdleConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxIdleConnections" yaml:"maxIdleConnections"`
	// Maximum number of open connections to the database.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#max_open_connections}
	MaxOpenConnections *float64 `field:"optional" json:"maxOpenConnections" yaml:"maxOpenConnections"`
	// The root credential password used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#password}
	Password *string `field:"optional" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	// Specifies the name of the plugin to use for this connection.
	// Must be prefixed with the name of one of the supported database engine types.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#plugin_name}
	PluginName *string `field:"optional" json:"pluginName" yaml:"pluginName"`
	// A list of database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#root_rotation_statements}
	RootRotationStatements *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"rootRotationStatements" yaml:"rootRotationStatements"`
	// The root credential username used in the connection URL.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username}
	Username *string `field:"optional" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	// Username generation template.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#username_template}
	UsernameTemplate *string `field:"optional" json:"usernameTemplate" yaml:"usernameTemplate"`
	// Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DatabaseSecretsMount#verify_connection}
	VerifyConnection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"verifyConnection" yaml:"verifyConnection"`

type DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList

type DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList interface {
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// The parent resource.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
	WrapsSet() *bool
	SetWrapsSet(val *bool)
	// Creating an iterator for this complex list.
	// The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
	// Experimental.
	AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	Get(index *float64) DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeList

type DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference

type DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference interface {
	AllowedRoles() *[]*string
	SetAllowedRoles(val *[]*string)
	AllowedRolesInput() *[]*string
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConnectionUrl() *string
	SetConnectionUrl(val *string)
	ConnectionUrlInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Data() *map[string]*string
	SetData(val *map[string]*string)
	DataInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	MaxConnectionLifetime() *float64
	SetMaxConnectionLifetime(val *float64)
	MaxConnectionLifetimeInput() *float64
	MaxIdleConnections() *float64
	SetMaxIdleConnections(val *float64)
	MaxIdleConnectionsInput() *float64
	MaxOpenConnections() *float64
	SetMaxOpenConnections(val *float64)
	MaxOpenConnectionsInput() *float64
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Password() *string
	SetPassword(val *string)
	PasswordInput() *string
	PluginName() *string
	SetPluginName(val *string)
	PluginNameInput() *string
	RootRotationStatements() *[]*string
	SetRootRotationStatements(val *[]*string)
	RootRotationStatementsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Username() *string
	SetUsername(val *string)
	UsernameInput() *string
	UsernameTemplate() *string
	SetUsernameTemplate(val *string)
	UsernameTemplateInput() *string
	VerifyConnection() interface{}
	SetVerifyConnection(val interface{})
	VerifyConnectionInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference

func NewDatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DatabaseSecretsMountSnowflakeOutputReference

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