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Published: Aug 22, 2023 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0



Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: google_notebooks_instance.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func NewNotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference_Override

func NewNotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference_Override(n NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)

func NewNotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference_Override

func NewNotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference_Override(n NotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)

func NewNotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference_Override

func NewNotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference_Override(n NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)

func NewNotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference_Override

func NewNotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference_Override(n NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)

func NewNotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference_Override

func NewNotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference_Override(n NotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)

func NewNotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference_Override

func NewNotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference_Override(n NotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)

func NewNotebooksInstance_Override

func NewNotebooksInstance_Override(n NotebooksInstance, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *NotebooksInstanceConfig)

Create a new {@link google_notebooks_instance} Resource.

func NotebooksInstance_IsConstruct

func NotebooksInstance_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.

func NotebooksInstance_IsTerraformElement

func NotebooksInstance_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool


func NotebooksInstance_IsTerraformResource

func NotebooksInstance_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool


func NotebooksInstance_TfResourceType

func NotebooksInstance_TfResourceType() *string


type NotebooksInstance

type NotebooksInstance interface {
	AcceleratorConfig() NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference
	AcceleratorConfigInput() *NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig
	BootDiskSizeGb() *float64
	SetBootDiskSizeGb(val *float64)
	BootDiskSizeGbInput() *float64
	BootDiskType() *string
	SetBootDiskType(val *string)
	BootDiskTypeInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	CdktfStack() cdktf.TerraformStack
	// Experimental.
	Connection() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetConnection(val interface{})
	// Experimental.
	ConstructNodeMetadata() *map[string]interface{}
	ContainerImage() NotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference
	ContainerImageInput() *NotebooksInstanceContainerImage
	// Experimental.
	Count() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetCount(val interface{})
	CreateTime() *string
	SetCreateTime(val *string)
	CreateTimeInput() *string
	CustomGpuDriverPath() *string
	SetCustomGpuDriverPath(val *string)
	CustomGpuDriverPathInput() *string
	DataDiskSizeGb() *float64
	SetDataDiskSizeGb(val *float64)
	DataDiskSizeGbInput() *float64
	DataDiskType() *string
	SetDataDiskType(val *string)
	DataDiskTypeInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	DependsOn() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	SetDependsOn(val *[]*string)
	DiskEncryption() *string
	SetDiskEncryption(val *string)
	DiskEncryptionInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	ForEach() cdktf.ITerraformIterator
	// Experimental.
	SetForEach(val cdktf.ITerraformIterator)
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	FriendlyUniqueId() *string
	Id() *string
	SetId(val *string)
	IdInput() *string
	InstallGpuDriver() interface{}
	SetInstallGpuDriver(val interface{})
	InstallGpuDriverInput() interface{}
	InstanceOwners() *[]*string
	SetInstanceOwners(val *[]*string)
	InstanceOwnersInput() *[]*string
	KmsKey() *string
	SetKmsKey(val *string)
	KmsKeyInput() *string
	Labels() *map[string]*string
	SetLabels(val *map[string]*string)
	LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	Lifecycle() *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
	// Experimental.
	SetLifecycle(val *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle)
	Location() *string
	SetLocation(val *string)
	LocationInput() *string
	MachineType() *string
	SetMachineType(val *string)
	MachineTypeInput() *string
	Metadata() *map[string]*string
	SetMetadata(val *map[string]*string)
	MetadataInput() *map[string]*string
	Name() *string
	SetName(val *string)
	NameInput() *string
	Network() *string
	SetNetwork(val *string)
	NetworkInput() *string
	NicType() *string
	SetNicType(val *string)
	NicTypeInput() *string
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	NoProxyAccess() interface{}
	SetNoProxyAccess(val interface{})
	NoProxyAccessInput() interface{}
	NoPublicIp() interface{}
	SetNoPublicIp(val interface{})
	NoPublicIpInput() interface{}
	NoRemoveDataDisk() interface{}
	SetNoRemoveDataDisk(val interface{})
	NoRemoveDataDiskInput() interface{}
	PostStartupScript() *string
	SetPostStartupScript(val *string)
	PostStartupScriptInput() *string
	Project() *string
	SetProject(val *string)
	ProjectInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	Provider() cdktf.TerraformProvider
	// Experimental.
	SetProvider(val cdktf.TerraformProvider)
	// Experimental.
	Provisioners() *[]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetProvisioners(val *[]interface{})
	ProxyUri() *string
	// Experimental.
	RawOverrides() interface{}
	ReservationAffinity() NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference
	ReservationAffinityInput() *NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity
	ServiceAccount() *string
	SetServiceAccount(val *string)
	ServiceAccountInput() *string
	ServiceAccountScopes() *[]*string
	SetServiceAccountScopes(val *[]*string)
	ServiceAccountScopesInput() *[]*string
	ShieldedInstanceConfig() NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference
	ShieldedInstanceConfigInput() *NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig
	State() *string
	Subnet() *string
	SetSubnet(val *string)
	SubnetInput() *string
	Tags() *[]*string
	SetTags(val *[]*string)
	TagsInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformGeneratorMetadata() *cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata
	// Experimental.
	TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResourceType() *string
	Timeouts() NotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference
	TimeoutsInput() interface{}
	UpdateTime() *string
	SetUpdateTime(val *string)
	UpdateTimeInput() *string
	VmImage() NotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference
	VmImageInput() *NotebooksInstanceVmImage
	// Experimental.
	AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
	// Experimental.
	OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
	PutAcceleratorConfig(value *NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig)
	PutContainerImage(value *NotebooksInstanceContainerImage)
	PutReservationAffinity(value *NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity)
	PutShieldedInstanceConfig(value *NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig)
	PutTimeouts(value *NotebooksInstanceTimeouts)
	PutVmImage(value *NotebooksInstanceVmImage)
	// Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again.
	// Experimental.
	SynthesizeAttributes() *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	ToMetadata() interface{}
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	ToString() *string
	// Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
	// Experimental.
	ToTerraform() interface{}

Represents a {@link google_notebooks_instance}.

func NewNotebooksInstance

func NewNotebooksInstance(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *NotebooksInstanceConfig) NotebooksInstance

Create a new {@link google_notebooks_instance} Resource.

type NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig

type NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig struct {
	// Count of cores of this accelerator.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#core_count}
	CoreCount *float64 `field:"required" json:"coreCount" yaml:"coreCount"`
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#type}
	Type *string `field:"required" json:"type" yaml:"type"`

type NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference interface {
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	CoreCount() *float64
	SetCoreCount(val *float64)
	CoreCountInput() *float64
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() *NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig
	SetInternalValue(val *NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Type() *string
	SetType(val *string)
	TypeInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewNotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference

func NewNotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfigOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceConfig

type NotebooksInstanceConfig struct {
	// Experimental.
	Connection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"connection" yaml:"connection"`
	// Experimental.
	Count interface{} `field:"optional" json:"count" yaml:"count"`
	// Experimental.
	DependsOn *[]cdktf.ITerraformDependable `field:"optional" json:"dependsOn" yaml:"dependsOn"`
	// Experimental.
	ForEach cdktf.ITerraformIterator `field:"optional" json:"forEach" yaml:"forEach"`
	// Experimental.
	Lifecycle *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle `field:"optional" json:"lifecycle" yaml:"lifecycle"`
	// Experimental.
	Provider cdktf.TerraformProvider `field:"optional" json:"provider" yaml:"provider"`
	// Experimental.
	Provisioners *[]interface{} `field:"optional" json:"provisioners" yaml:"provisioners"`
	// A reference to the zone where the machine resides.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#location}
	Location *string `field:"required" json:"location" yaml:"location"`
	// A reference to a machine type which defines VM kind.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#machine_type}
	MachineType *string `field:"required" json:"machineType" yaml:"machineType"`
	// The name specified for the Notebook instance.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#name}
	Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// accelerator_config block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#accelerator_config}
	AcceleratorConfig *NotebooksInstanceAcceleratorConfig `field:"optional" json:"acceleratorConfig" yaml:"acceleratorConfig"`
	// The size of the boot disk in GB attached to this instance, up to a maximum of 64000 GB (64 TB).
	// The minimum recommended value is 100 GB.
	// If not specified, this defaults to 100.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#boot_disk_size_gb}
	BootDiskSizeGb *float64 `field:"optional" json:"bootDiskSizeGb" yaml:"bootDiskSizeGb"`
	// Possible disk types for notebook instances. Possible values: ["DISK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", "PD_STANDARD", "PD_SSD", "PD_BALANCED", "PD_EXTREME"].
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#boot_disk_type}
	BootDiskType *string `field:"optional" json:"bootDiskType" yaml:"bootDiskType"`
	// container_image block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#container_image}
	ContainerImage *NotebooksInstanceContainerImage `field:"optional" json:"containerImage" yaml:"containerImage"`
	// Instance creation time.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#create_time}
	CreateTime *string `field:"optional" json:"createTime" yaml:"createTime"`
	// Specify a custom Cloud Storage path where the GPU driver is stored.
	// If not specified, we'll automatically choose from official GPU drivers.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#custom_gpu_driver_path}
	CustomGpuDriverPath *string `field:"optional" json:"customGpuDriverPath" yaml:"customGpuDriverPath"`
	// The size of the data disk in GB attached to this instance, up to a maximum of 64000 GB (64 TB).
	// You can choose the size of the data disk based on how big your notebooks and data are.
	// If not specified, this defaults to 100.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#data_disk_size_gb}
	DataDiskSizeGb *float64 `field:"optional" json:"dataDiskSizeGb" yaml:"dataDiskSizeGb"`
	// Possible disk types for notebook instances. Possible values: ["DISK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", "PD_STANDARD", "PD_SSD", "PD_BALANCED", "PD_EXTREME"].
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#data_disk_type}
	DataDiskType *string `field:"optional" json:"dataDiskType" yaml:"dataDiskType"`
	// Disk encryption method used on the boot and data disks, defaults to GMEK. Possible values: ["DISK_ENCRYPTION_UNSPECIFIED", "GMEK", "CMEK"].
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#disk_encryption}
	DiskEncryption *string `field:"optional" json:"diskEncryption" yaml:"diskEncryption"`
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#id}.
	// Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
	// If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
	Id *string `field:"optional" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
	// Whether the end user authorizes Google Cloud to install GPU driver on this instance.
	// If this field is empty or set to false, the GPU driver
	// won't be installed. Only applicable to instances with GPUs.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#install_gpu_driver}
	InstallGpuDriver interface{} `field:"optional" json:"installGpuDriver" yaml:"installGpuDriver"`
	// The list of owners of this instance after creation.
	// Format:
	// Currently supports one owner only.
	// If not specified, all of the service account users of
	// your VM instance's service account can use the instance.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#instance_owners}
	InstanceOwners *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"instanceOwners" yaml:"instanceOwners"`
	// The KMS key used to encrypt the disks, only applicable if diskEncryption is CMEK. Format: projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/keyRings/{key_ring_id}/cryptoKeys/{key_id}.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#kms_key}
	KmsKey *string `field:"optional" json:"kmsKey" yaml:"kmsKey"`
	// Labels to apply to this instance.
	// These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
	// An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#labels}
	Labels *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"labels" yaml:"labels"`
	// Custom metadata to apply to this instance.
	// An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#metadata}
	Metadata *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"metadata" yaml:"metadata"`
	// The name of the VPC that this instance is in. Format: projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network_id}.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#network}
	Network *string `field:"optional" json:"network" yaml:"network"`
	// The type of vNIC driver. Possible values: ["UNSPECIFIED_NIC_TYPE", "VIRTIO_NET", "GVNIC"].
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#nic_type}
	NicType *string `field:"optional" json:"nicType" yaml:"nicType"`
	// The notebook instance will not register with the proxy..
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#no_proxy_access}
	NoProxyAccess interface{} `field:"optional" json:"noProxyAccess" yaml:"noProxyAccess"`
	// No public IP will be assigned to this instance.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#no_public_ip}
	NoPublicIp interface{} `field:"optional" json:"noPublicIp" yaml:"noPublicIp"`
	// If true, the data disk will not be auto deleted when deleting the instance.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#no_remove_data_disk}
	NoRemoveDataDisk interface{} `field:"optional" json:"noRemoveDataDisk" yaml:"noRemoveDataDisk"`
	// Path to a Bash script that automatically runs after a notebook instance fully boots up.
	// The path must be a URL
	// or Cloud Storage path (gs://path-to-file/file-name).
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#post_startup_script}
	PostStartupScript *string `field:"optional" json:"postStartupScript" yaml:"postStartupScript"`
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#project}.
	Project *string `field:"optional" json:"project" yaml:"project"`
	// reservation_affinity block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#reservation_affinity}
	ReservationAffinity *NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity `field:"optional" json:"reservationAffinity" yaml:"reservationAffinity"`
	// The service account on this instance, giving access to other Google Cloud services.
	// You can use any service account within
	// the same project, but you must have the service account user
	// permission to use the instance. If not specified,
	// the Compute Engine default service account is used.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#service_account}
	ServiceAccount *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccount" yaml:"serviceAccount"`
	// Optional.
	// The URIs of service account scopes to be included in Compute Engine instances.
	// If not specified, the following scopes are defined:
	// -
	// -
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#service_account_scopes}
	ServiceAccountScopes *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"serviceAccountScopes" yaml:"serviceAccountScopes"`
	// shielded_instance_config block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#shielded_instance_config}
	ShieldedInstanceConfig *NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig `field:"optional" json:"shieldedInstanceConfig" yaml:"shieldedInstanceConfig"`
	// The name of the subnet that this instance is in. Format: projects/{project_id}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork_id}.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#subnet}
	Subnet *string `field:"optional" json:"subnet" yaml:"subnet"`
	// The Compute Engine tags to add to instance.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#tags}
	Tags *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`
	// timeouts block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#timeouts}
	Timeouts *NotebooksInstanceTimeouts `field:"optional" json:"timeouts" yaml:"timeouts"`
	// Instance update time.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#update_time}
	UpdateTime *string `field:"optional" json:"updateTime" yaml:"updateTime"`
	// vm_image block.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#vm_image}
	VmImage *NotebooksInstanceVmImage `field:"optional" json:"vmImage" yaml:"vmImage"`

type NotebooksInstanceContainerImage

type NotebooksInstanceContainerImage struct {
	// The path to the container image repository. For example:{project_id}/{imageName}.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#repository}
	Repository *string `field:"required" json:"repository" yaml:"repository"`
	// The tag of the container image. If not specified, this defaults to the latest tag.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#tag}
	Tag *string `field:"optional" json:"tag" yaml:"tag"`

type NotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference interface {
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() *NotebooksInstanceContainerImage
	SetInternalValue(val *NotebooksInstanceContainerImage)
	Repository() *string
	SetRepository(val *string)
	RepositoryInput() *string
	Tag() *string
	SetTag(val *string)
	TagInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewNotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference

func NewNotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) NotebooksInstanceContainerImageOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity

type NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity struct {
	// The type of Compute Reservation. Possible values: ["NO_RESERVATION", "ANY_RESERVATION", "SPECIFIC_RESERVATION"].
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#consume_reservation_type}
	ConsumeReservationType *string `field:"required" json:"consumeReservationType" yaml:"consumeReservationType"`
	// Corresponds to the label key of reservation resource.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#key}
	Key *string `field:"optional" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	// Corresponds to the label values of reservation resource.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#values}
	Values *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"values" yaml:"values"`

type NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference interface {
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	ConsumeReservationType() *string
	SetConsumeReservationType(val *string)
	ConsumeReservationTypeInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() *NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity
	SetInternalValue(val *NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinity)
	Key() *string
	SetKey(val *string)
	KeyInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Values() *[]*string
	SetValues(val *[]*string)
	ValuesInput() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewNotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference

func NewNotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) NotebooksInstanceReservationAffinityOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig

type NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig struct {
	// Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
	// Enables monitoring and attestation of the
	// boot integrity of the instance. The attestation is performed against the integrity policy baseline.
	// This baseline is initially derived from the implicitly trusted boot image when the instance is created.
	// Enabled by default.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#enable_integrity_monitoring}
	EnableIntegrityMonitoring interface{} `field:"optional" json:"enableIntegrityMonitoring" yaml:"enableIntegrityMonitoring"`
	// Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
	// Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only runs
	// authentic software by verifying the digital signature of all boot components, and halting the boot process
	// if signature verification fails.
	// Disabled by default.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#enable_secure_boot}
	EnableSecureBoot interface{} `field:"optional" json:"enableSecureBoot" yaml:"enableSecureBoot"`
	// Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#enable_vtpm}
	EnableVtpm interface{} `field:"optional" json:"enableVtpm" yaml:"enableVtpm"`

type NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference interface {
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	EnableIntegrityMonitoring() interface{}
	SetEnableIntegrityMonitoring(val interface{})
	EnableIntegrityMonitoringInput() interface{}
	EnableSecureBoot() interface{}
	SetEnableSecureBoot(val interface{})
	EnableSecureBootInput() interface{}
	EnableVtpm() interface{}
	SetEnableVtpm(val interface{})
	EnableVtpmInput() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() *NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig
	SetInternalValue(val *NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfig)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewNotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference

func NewNotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) NotebooksInstanceShieldedInstanceConfigOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceTimeouts

type NotebooksInstanceTimeouts struct {
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#create}.
	Create *string `field:"optional" json:"create" yaml:"create"`
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#delete}.
	Delete *string `field:"optional" json:"delete" yaml:"delete"`
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#update}.
	Update *string `field:"optional" json:"update" yaml:"update"`

type NotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference interface {
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	Create() *string
	SetCreate(val *string)
	CreateInput() *string
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	Delete() *string
	SetDelete(val *string)
	DeleteInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	InternalValue() interface{}
	SetInternalValue(val interface{})
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	Update() *string
	SetUpdate(val *string)
	UpdateInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewNotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference

func NewNotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) NotebooksInstanceTimeoutsOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceVmImage

type NotebooksInstanceVmImage struct {
	// The name of the Google Cloud project that this VM image belongs to. Format: projects/{project_id}.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#project}
	Project *string `field:"required" json:"project" yaml:"project"`
	// Use this VM image family to find the image; the newest image in this family will be used.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#image_family}
	ImageFamily *string `field:"optional" json:"imageFamily" yaml:"imageFamily"`
	// Use VM image name to find the image.
	// Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NotebooksInstance#image_name}
	ImageName *string `field:"optional" json:"imageName" yaml:"imageName"`

type NotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference

type NotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference interface {
	// the index of the complex object in a list.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIndex() interface{}
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{})
	// set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items.
	// Experimental.
	ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool
	// Experimental.
	SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool)
	// The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
	// If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
	// Experimental.
	CreationStack() *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	Fqn() *string
	ImageFamily() *string
	SetImageFamily(val *string)
	ImageFamilyInput() *string
	ImageName() *string
	SetImageName(val *string)
	ImageNameInput() *string
	InternalValue() *NotebooksInstanceVmImage
	SetInternalValue(val *NotebooksInstanceVmImage)
	Project() *string
	SetProject(val *string)
	ProjectInput() *string
	// Experimental.
	TerraformAttribute() *string
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformAttribute(val *string)
	// Experimental.
	TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
	// Experimental.
	SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent)
	// Experimental.
	ComputeFqn() *string
	// Experimental.
	GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
	// Experimental.
	GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64
	// Experimental.
	GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
	// Experimental.
	GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable
	// Experimental.
	InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable
	// Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
	// Experimental.
	Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{}
	// Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
	// Returns a reversible string representation.
	// Experimental.
	ToString() *string

func NewNotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference

func NewNotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) NotebooksInstanceVmImageOutputReference


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