Index ¶
- func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_GenerateConfigForImport(scope constructs.Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, ...) cdktf.ImportableResource
- func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool
- func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool
- func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool
- func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_TfResourceType() *string
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList, ...)
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference, ...)
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList, ...)
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference, ...)
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference, ...)
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference, ...)
- func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRule_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRule, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, ...)
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRule
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleConfig
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFilters
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabels
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeouts
- type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_GenerateConfigForImport ¶
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_GenerateConfigForImport(scope constructs.Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider cdktf.TerraformProvider) cdktf.ImportableResource
Generates CDKTF code for importing a ComputeGlobalForwardingRule resource upon running "cdktf plan <stack-name>".
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsConstruct ¶
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool
Checks if `x` is a construct.
Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.
Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.
Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsTerraformElement ¶
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsTerraformResource ¶
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_TfResourceType ¶
func ComputeGlobalForwardingRule_TfResourceType() *string
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool)
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool)
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRule_Override ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRule_Override(c ComputeGlobalForwardingRule, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleConfig)
Create a new {@link google_compute_global_forwarding_rule} Resource.
Types ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRule ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRule interface { cdktf.TerraformResource BaseForwardingRule() *string // Experimental. CdktfStack() cdktf.TerraformStack // Experimental. Connection() interface{} // Experimental. SetConnection(val interface{}) // Experimental. ConstructNodeMetadata() *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. Count() interface{} // Experimental. SetCount(val interface{}) // Experimental. DependsOn() *[]*string // Experimental. SetDependsOn(val *[]*string) Description() *string SetDescription(val *string) DescriptionInput() *string EffectiveLabels() cdktf.StringMap // Experimental. ForEach() cdktf.ITerraformIterator // Experimental. SetForEach(val cdktf.ITerraformIterator) // Experimental. Fqn() *string // Experimental. FriendlyUniqueId() *string Id() *string SetId(val *string) IdInput() *string IpAddress() *string SetIpAddress(val *string) IpAddressInput() *string IpProtocol() *string SetIpProtocol(val *string) IpProtocolInput() *string IpVersion() *string SetIpVersion(val *string) IpVersionInput() *string LabelFingerprint() *string Labels() *map[string]*string SetLabels(val *map[string]*string) LabelsInput() *map[string]*string // Experimental. Lifecycle() *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle // Experimental. SetLifecycle(val *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle) LoadBalancingScheme() *string SetLoadBalancingScheme(val *string) LoadBalancingSchemeInput() *string MetadataFilters() ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList MetadataFiltersInput() interface{} Name() *string SetName(val *string) NameInput() *string Network() *string SetNetwork(val *string) NetworkInput() *string NoAutomateDnsZone() interface{} SetNoAutomateDnsZone(val interface{}) NoAutomateDnsZoneInput() interface{} // The tree node. Node() constructs.Node PortRange() *string SetPortRange(val *string) PortRangeInput() *string Project() *string SetProject(val *string) ProjectInput() *string // Experimental. Provider() cdktf.TerraformProvider // Experimental. SetProvider(val cdktf.TerraformProvider) // Experimental. Provisioners() *[]interface{} // Experimental. SetProvisioners(val *[]interface{}) PscConnectionId() *string PscConnectionStatus() *string // Experimental. RawOverrides() interface{} SelfLink() *string ServiceDirectoryRegistrations() ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference ServiceDirectoryRegistrationsInput() *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations SourceIpRanges() *[]*string SetSourceIpRanges(val *[]*string) SourceIpRangesInput() *[]*string Subnetwork() *string SetSubnetwork(val *string) SubnetworkInput() *string Target() *string SetTarget(val *string) TargetInput() *string // Experimental. TerraformGeneratorMetadata() *cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata TerraformLabels() cdktf.StringMap // Experimental. TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. TerraformResourceType() *string Timeouts() ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference TimeoutsInput() interface{} // Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. // Experimental. AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) // Experimental. AddOverride(path *string, value interface{}) // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. HasResourceMove() interface{} // Experimental. ImportFrom(id *string, provider cdktf.TerraformProvider) // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource. // // Note that the resource being moved from must be marked as moved using it's instance function. // Experimental. MoveFromId(id *string) // Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. // Experimental. MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) // Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id". // Experimental. MoveToId(id *string) // Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. // Experimental. OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string) PutMetadataFilters(value interface{}) PutServiceDirectoryRegistrations(value *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations) PutTimeouts(value *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeouts) ResetDescription() ResetId() ResetIpAddress() ResetIpProtocol() ResetIpVersion() ResetLabels() ResetLoadBalancingScheme() ResetMetadataFilters() ResetNetwork() ResetNoAutomateDnsZone() // Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. // Experimental. ResetOverrideLogicalId() ResetPortRange() ResetProject() ResetServiceDirectoryRegistrations() ResetSourceIpRanges() ResetSubnetwork() ResetTimeouts() SynthesizeAttributes() *map[string]interface{} SynthesizeHclAttributes() *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. ToHclTerraform() interface{} // Experimental. ToMetadata() interface{} // Returns a string representation of this construct. ToString() *string // Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. // Experimental. ToTerraform() interface{} }
Represents a {@link google_compute_global_forwarding_rule}.
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRule ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRule(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleConfig) ComputeGlobalForwardingRule
Create a new {@link google_compute_global_forwarding_rule} Resource.
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleConfig ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleConfig struct { // Experimental. Connection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"connection" yaml:"connection"` // Experimental. Count interface{} `field:"optional" json:"count" yaml:"count"` // Experimental. DependsOn *[]cdktf.ITerraformDependable `field:"optional" json:"dependsOn" yaml:"dependsOn"` // Experimental. ForEach cdktf.ITerraformIterator `field:"optional" json:"forEach" yaml:"forEach"` // Experimental. Lifecycle *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle `field:"optional" json:"lifecycle" yaml:"lifecycle"` // Experimental. Provider cdktf.TerraformProvider `field:"optional" json:"provider" yaml:"provider"` // Experimental. Provisioners *[]interface{} `field:"optional" json:"provisioners" yaml:"provisioners"` // Name of the resource; // // provided by the client when the resource is created. // The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with // [RFC1035]( // // Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular // expression '[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?' which means the first // character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must // be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which // cannot be a dash. // // For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to Google // APIs, the forwarding rule name must be a 1-20 characters string with // lowercase letters and numbers and must start with a letter. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#name} Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"` // The URL of the target resource to receive the matched traffic. // // For // regional forwarding rules, this target must be in the same region as the // forwarding rule. For global forwarding rules, this target must be a global // load balancing resource. // // The forwarded traffic must be of a type appropriate to the target object. // * For load balancers, see the "Target" column in [Port specifications]( // * For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to Google APIs, provide the name of a supported Google API bundle: // * 'vpc-sc' - [ APIs that support VPC Service Controls]( // * 'all-apis' - [All supported Google APIs]( // // // For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to managed services, the target must be a service attachment. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#target} Target *string `field:"required" json:"target" yaml:"target"` // An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#description} Description *string `field:"optional" json:"description" yaml:"description"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#id}. // // Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. // If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. Id *string `field:"optional" json:"id" yaml:"id"` // IP address for which this forwarding rule accepts traffic. // // When a client // sends traffic to this IP address, the forwarding rule directs the traffic // to the referenced 'target'. // // While creating a forwarding rule, specifying an 'IPAddress' is // required under the following circumstances: // // * When the 'target' is set to 'targetGrpcProxy' and // 'validateForProxyless' is set to 'true', the // 'IPAddress' should be set to ''. // * When the 'target' is a Private Service Connect Google APIs // bundle, you must specify an 'IPAddress'. // // // Otherwise, you can optionally specify an IP address that references an // existing static (reserved) IP address resource. When omitted, Google Cloud // assigns an ephemeral IP address. // // Use one of the following formats to specify an IP address while creating a // forwarding rule: // // * IP address number, as in '' // * IPv6 address range, as in '2600:1234::/96' // * Full resource URL, as in // '' // * Partial URL or by name, as in: // * 'projects/project_id/regions/region/addresses/address-name' // * 'regions/region/addresses/address-name' // * 'global/addresses/address-name' // * 'address-name' // // // The forwarding rule's 'target', // and in most cases, also the 'loadBalancingScheme', determine the // type of IP address that you can use. For detailed information, see // [IP address // specifications]( // // When reading an 'IPAddress', the API always returns the IP // address number. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#ip_address} IpAddress *string `field:"optional" json:"ipAddress" yaml:"ipAddress"` // The IP protocol to which this rule applies. // // For protocol forwarding, valid // options are 'TCP', 'UDP', 'ESP', // 'AH', 'SCTP', 'ICMP' and // 'L3_DEFAULT'. // // The valid IP protocols are different for different load balancing products // as described in [Load balancing // features]( Possible values: ["TCP", "UDP", "ESP", "AH", "SCTP", "ICMP"] // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#ip_protocol} IpProtocol *string `field:"optional" json:"ipProtocol" yaml:"ipProtocol"` // The IP Version that will be used by this global forwarding rule. Possible values: ["IPV4", "IPV6"]. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#ip_version} IpVersion *string `field:"optional" json:"ipVersion" yaml:"ipVersion"` // Labels to apply to this forwarding rule. A list of key->value pairs. // // **Note**: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. // Please refer to the field 'effective_labels' for all of the labels present on the resource. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#labels} Labels *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"labels" yaml:"labels"` // Specifies the forwarding rule type. // // For more information about forwarding rules, refer to // [Forwarding rule concepts]( Default value: "EXTERNAL" Possible values: ["EXTERNAL", "EXTERNAL_MANAGED", "INTERNAL_MANAGED", "INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED"] // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#load_balancing_scheme} LoadBalancingScheme *string `field:"optional" json:"loadBalancingScheme" yaml:"loadBalancingScheme"` // metadata_filters block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#metadata_filters} MetadataFilters interface{} `field:"optional" json:"metadataFilters" yaml:"metadataFilters"` // This field is not used for external load balancing. // // For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing, this field identifies the network that // the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule. // If the subnetwork is specified, the network of the subnetwork will be used. // If neither subnetwork nor this field is specified, the default network will // be used. // // For Private Service Connect forwarding rules that forward traffic to Google // APIs, a network must be provided. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#network} Network *string `field:"optional" json:"network" yaml:"network"` // This is used in PSC consumer ForwardingRule to control whether it should try to auto-generate a DNS zone or not. // // Non-PSC forwarding rules do not use this field. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#no_automate_dns_zone} NoAutomateDnsZone interface{} `field:"optional" json:"noAutomateDnsZone" yaml:"noAutomateDnsZone"` // The 'portRange' field has the following limitations: * It requires that the forwarding rule 'IPProtocol' be TCP, UDP, or SCTP, and * It's applicable only to the following products: external passthrough Network Load Balancers, internal and external proxy Network Load Balancers, internal and external Application Load Balancers, external protocol forwarding, and Classic VPN. // // * Some products have restrictions on what ports can be used. See // [port specifications]( // for details. // // For external forwarding rules, two or more forwarding rules cannot use the // same '[IPAddress, IPProtocol]' pair, and cannot have overlapping // 'portRange's. // // For internal forwarding rules within the same VPC network, two or more // forwarding rules cannot use the same '[IPAddress, IPProtocol]' pair, and // cannot have overlapping 'portRange's. PortRange *string `field:"optional" json:"portRange" yaml:"portRange"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#project}. Project *string `field:"optional" json:"project" yaml:"project"` // service_directory_registrations block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#service_directory_registrations} ServiceDirectoryRegistrations *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations `field:"optional" json:"serviceDirectoryRegistrations" yaml:"serviceDirectoryRegistrations"` // If not empty, this Forwarding Rule will only forward the traffic when the source IP address matches one of the IP addresses or CIDR ranges set here. // // Note that a Forwarding Rule can only have up to 64 source IP ranges, and this field can only be used with a regional Forwarding Rule whose scheme is EXTERNAL. Each sourceIpRange entry should be either an IP address (for example, or a CIDR range (for example, // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#source_ip_ranges} SourceIpRanges *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"sourceIpRanges" yaml:"sourceIpRanges"` // This field identifies the subnetwork that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule, used in internal load balancing and network load balancing with IPv6. // // If the network specified is in auto subnet mode, this field is optional. // However, a subnetwork must be specified if the network is in custom subnet // mode or when creating external forwarding rule with IPv6. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#subnetwork} Subnetwork *string `field:"optional" json:"subnetwork" yaml:"subnetwork"` // timeouts block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#timeouts} Timeouts *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeouts `field:"optional" json:"timeouts" yaml:"timeouts"` }
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFilters ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFilters struct { // filter_labels block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#filter_labels} FilterLabels interface{} `field:"required" json:"filterLabels" yaml:"filterLabels"` // Specifies how individual filterLabel matches within the list of filterLabels contribute towards the overall metadataFilter match. // // MATCH_ANY - At least one of the filterLabels must have a matching // label in the provided metadata. // MATCH_ALL - All filterLabels must have matching labels in the // provided metadata. Possible values: ["MATCH_ANY", "MATCH_ALL"] // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#filter_match_criteria} FilterMatchCriteria *string `field:"required" json:"filterMatchCriteria" yaml:"filterMatchCriteria"` }
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabels ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabels struct { // Name of the metadata label. The length must be between 1 and 1024 characters, inclusive. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#name} Name *string `field:"required" json:"name" yaml:"name"` // The value that the label must match. The value has a maximum length of 1024 characters. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#value} Value *string `field:"required" json:"value" yaml:"value"` }
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList interface { cdktf.ComplexList // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() interface{} SetInternalValue(val interface{}) // The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. TerraformAttribute() *string SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // The parent resource. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). WrapsSet() *bool SetWrapsSet(val *bool) // Creating an iterator for this complex list. // // The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key. // Experimental. AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string Get(index *float64) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() interface{} SetInternalValue(val interface{}) Name() *string SetName(val *string) NameInput() *string // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) Value() *string SetValue(val *string) ValueInput() *string // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList interface { cdktf.ComplexList // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() interface{} SetInternalValue(val interface{}) // The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. TerraformAttribute() *string SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // The parent resource. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). WrapsSet() *bool SetWrapsSet(val *bool) // Creating an iterator for this complex list. // // The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key. // Experimental. AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) cdktf.DynamicListTerraformIterator // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string Get(index *float64) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string FilterLabels() ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList FilterLabelsInput() interface{} FilterMatchCriteria() *string SetFilterMatchCriteria(val *string) FilterMatchCriteriaInput() *string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() interface{} SetInternalValue(val interface{}) // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable PutFilterLabels(value interface{}) // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *float64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations struct { // Service Directory namespace to register the forwarding rule under. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#namespace} Namespace *string `field:"optional" json:"namespace" yaml:"namespace"` // [Optional] Service Directory region to register this global forwarding rule under. // // Default to "us-central1". Only used for PSC for Google APIs. All PSC for // Google APIs Forwarding Rules on the same network should use the same Service // Directory region. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#service_directory_region} ServiceDirectoryRegion *string `field:"optional" json:"serviceDirectoryRegion" yaml:"serviceDirectoryRegion"` }
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations SetInternalValue(val *ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations) Namespace() *string SetNamespace(val *string) NamespaceInput() *string ServiceDirectoryRegion() *string SetServiceDirectoryRegion(val *string) ServiceDirectoryRegionInput() *string // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable ResetNamespace() ResetServiceDirectoryRegion() // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeouts ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeouts struct { // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#create}. Create *string `field:"optional" json:"create" yaml:"create"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#delete}. Delete *string `field:"optional" json:"delete" yaml:"delete"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link ComputeGlobalForwardingRule#update}. Update *string `field:"optional" json:"update" yaml:"update"` }
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference ¶
type ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) Create() *string SetCreate(val *string) CreateInput() *string // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string Delete() *string SetDelete(val *string) DeleteInput() *string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() interface{} SetInternalValue(val interface{}) // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) Update() *string SetUpdate(val *string) UpdateInput() *string // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable ResetCreate() ResetDelete() ResetUpdate() // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference ¶
func NewComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference
Source Files
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRule.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleConfig.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFilters.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabels.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsList__checks.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersFilterLabelsOutputReference__checks.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersList__checks.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleMetadataFiltersOutputReference__checks.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrations.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistrationsOutputReference__checks.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeouts.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRuleTimeoutsOutputReference__checks.go
- ComputeGlobalForwardingRule__checks.go
- main.go