Split video with ffmpeg -i movie.mp4 -c copy -map 0 -segment_time 120 -f segment movie_segment_%d.mkv on "shovel" node
Transcode each segment with ffmpeg -i movie_segment_1.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy movie_segment_1.mkv
on compute node (with whatever parameters)
Create the concat file: echo "file movie_segment_1.mkv" >> concat.txt (make sure they are sorted!)
Merge the segments back into 1 file: ffmpeg -f concat -i concat.txt -c copy movie_out.mkv
sudo snap install go --classic # or whatever package manager you use
sudo apt-get install g++
go build ./...
# Run
go build main.go
# OR
go run main.go
Configuring for local development
Copy clustercode.yaml to localconfig.yaml
Create the directories input, output in the current working dir.
Change the input and output dirs in localconfig.yaml
Delete other values in localconfig.yaml that are already default, leaving the custom ones left.
When starting again, be sure to pass -c localconfig to the binary as arguments (without extension).
Unit tests:
go test ./...
Integration tests:
docker network create clustercode
docker-compose up -d --build
# You may then send some messages to rabbitmq
master: Development branch.
Image Tags
master: Upon building the master branch CI pipeline will build a docker images with the tag master and push to Docker
Hub. This should be considered experimental and not particularly stable.