Index ¶
- func Route(router RouteOut) (string, string, quickfix.MessageRoute)
- type NewOrderMultileg
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAccount() (f field.AccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAccountType() (f field.AccountTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAcctIDSource() (f field.AcctIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAllocID() (f field.AllocIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetBookingType() (f field.BookingTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetBookingUnit() (f field.BookingUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCFICode() (f field.CFICodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCPProgram() (f field.CPProgramField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCPRegType() (f field.CPRegTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCancellationRights() (f field.CancellationRightsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCashMargin() (f field.CashMarginField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCashOrderQty() (f field.CashOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetClOrdID() (f field.ClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetClOrdLinkID() (f field.ClOrdLinkIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetClearingFeeIndicator() (f field.ClearingFeeIndicatorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCommCurrency() (f field.CommCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCommType() (f field.CommTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCommission() (f field.CommissionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetComplianceID() (f field.ComplianceIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetContractMultiplier() (f field.ContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetContractSettlMonth() (f field.ContractSettlMonthField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCountryOfIssue() (f field.CountryOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCouponPaymentDate() (f field.CouponPaymentDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCouponRate() (f field.CouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCoveredOrUncovered() (f field.CoveredOrUncoveredField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCreditRating() (f field.CreditRatingField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCurrency() (f field.CurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCustOrderCapacity() (f field.CustOrderCapacityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDatedDate() (f field.DatedDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDayBookingInst() (f field.DayBookingInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDesignation() (f field.DesignationField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionInst() (f field.DiscretionInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionLimitType() (f field.DiscretionLimitTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionMoveType() (f field.DiscretionMoveTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionOffsetType() (f field.DiscretionOffsetTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionOffsetValue() (f field.DiscretionOffsetValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionRoundDirection() (f field.DiscretionRoundDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionScope() (f field.DiscretionScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayHighQty() (f field.DisplayHighQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayLowQty() (f field.DisplayLowQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayMethod() (f field.DisplayMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayMinIncr() (f field.DisplayMinIncrField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayQty() (f field.DisplayQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayWhen() (f field.DisplayWhenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEffectiveTime() (f field.EffectiveTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedIssuer() (f field.EncodedIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedText() (f field.EncodedTextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedTextLen() (f field.EncodedTextLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExDestination() (f field.ExDestinationField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExDestinationIDSource() (f field.ExDestinationIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExecInst() (f field.ExecInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExpireDate() (f field.ExpireDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExpireTime() (f field.ExpireTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetFactor() (f field.FactorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetForexReq() (f field.ForexReqField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetFundRenewWaiv() (f field.FundRenewWaivField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetGTBookingInst() (f field.GTBookingInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetHandlInst() (f field.HandlInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetIOIID() (f field.IOIIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetInstrRegistry() (f field.InstrRegistryField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetInstrmtAssignmentMethod() (f field.InstrmtAssignmentMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetInterestAccrualDate() (f field.InterestAccrualDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetIssueDate() (f field.IssueDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetIssuer() (f field.IssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetLocaleOfIssue() (f field.LocaleOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetLocateReqd() (f field.LocateReqdField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMatchIncrement() (f field.MatchIncrementField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityDate() (f field.MaturityDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityMonthYear() (f field.MaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityTime() (f field.MaturityTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxFloor() (f field.MaxFloorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxPriceLevels() (f field.MaxPriceLevelsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxShow() (f field.MaxShowField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMinPriceIncrement() (f field.MinPriceIncrementField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMinQty() (f field.MinQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMoneyLaunderingStatus() (f field.MoneyLaunderingStatusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMultiLegRptTypeReq() (f field.MultiLegRptTypeReqField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNTPositionLimit() (f field.NTPositionLimitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoAllocs() (NoAllocsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoEvents() (NoEventsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoInstrumentParties() (NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoLegs() (NoLegsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoPartyIDs() (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoSecurityAltID() (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoStrategyParameters() (NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoTradingSessions() (NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoUnderlyings() (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOptAttribute() (f field.OptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrdType() (f field.OrdTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderCapacity() (f field.OrderCapacityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderPercent() (f field.OrderPercentField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderQty() (f field.OrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderRestrictions() (f field.OrderRestrictionsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetParticipationRate() (f field.ParticipationRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegLimitType() (f field.PegLimitTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegMoveType() (f field.PegMoveTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegOffsetType() (f field.PegOffsetTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegOffsetValue() (f field.PegOffsetValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegPriceType() (f field.PegPriceTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegRoundDirection() (f field.PegRoundDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegScope() (f field.PegScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityDesc() (f field.PegSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityID() (f field.PegSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityIDSource() (f field.PegSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSymbol() (f field.PegSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPool() (f field.PoolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPositionEffect() (f field.PositionEffectField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPositionLimit() (f field.PositionLimitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPreTradeAnonymity() (f field.PreTradeAnonymityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPreallocMethod() (f field.PreallocMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPrevClosePx() (f field.PrevClosePxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPrice() (f field.PriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPriceProtectionScope() (f field.PriceProtectionScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPriceType() (f field.PriceTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetProcessCode() (f field.ProcessCodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetProduct() (f field.ProductField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetQtyType() (f field.QtyTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetQuoteID() (f field.QuoteIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRedemptionDate() (f field.RedemptionDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRefOrderID() (f field.RefOrderIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRefOrderIDSource() (f field.RefOrderIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRefreshQty() (f field.RefreshQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRegistID() (f field.RegistIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType() (f field.RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRepurchaseRate() (f field.RepurchaseRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRepurchaseTerm() (f field.RepurchaseTermField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRoundingDirection() (f field.RoundingDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRoundingModulus() (f field.RoundingModulusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecondaryClOrdID() (f field.SecondaryClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecondaryDisplayQty() (f field.SecondaryDisplayQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityDesc() (f field.SecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityExchange() (f field.SecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityID() (f field.SecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityIDSource() (f field.SecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityStatus() (f field.SecurityStatusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecuritySubType() (f field.SecuritySubTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityType() (f field.SecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlCurrency() (f field.SettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlDate() (f field.SettlDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlType() (f field.SettlTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettleOnOpenFlag() (f field.SettleOnOpenFlagField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSide() (f field.SideField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSolicitedFlag() (f field.SolicitedFlagField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (f field.StateOrProvinceOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStopPx() (f field.StopPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeCurrency() (f field.StrikeCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeMultiplier() (f field.StrikeMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikePrice() (f field.StrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeValue() (f field.StrikeValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSwapPoints() (f field.SwapPointsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSymbol() (f field.SymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSymbolSfx() (f field.SymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTargetStrategy() (f field.TargetStrategyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTargetStrategyParameters() (f field.TargetStrategyParametersField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetText() (f field.TextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTimeInForce() (f field.TimeInForceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTimeUnit() (f field.TimeUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTradeDate() (f field.TradeDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTradeOriginationDate() (f field.TradeOriginationDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTransactTime() (f field.TransactTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerAction() (f field.TriggerActionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerNewPrice() (f field.TriggerNewPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerNewQty() (f field.TriggerNewQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerOrderType() (f field.TriggerOrderTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPrice() (f field.TriggerPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceDirection() (f field.TriggerPriceDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceType() (f field.TriggerPriceTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceTypeScope() (f field.TriggerPriceTypeScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityDesc() (f field.TriggerSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityID() (f field.TriggerSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityIDSource() (f field.TriggerSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSymbol() (f field.TriggerSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerTradingSessionID() (f field.TriggerTradingSessionIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerTradingSessionSubID() (f field.TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerType() (f field.TriggerTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetUnitOfMeasure() (f field.UnitOfMeasureField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAccount() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAccountType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAcctIDSource() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAllocID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasBookingType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasBookingUnit() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCFICode() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCPProgram() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCPRegType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCancellationRights() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCashMargin() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCashOrderQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasClOrdID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasClOrdLinkID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasClearingFeeIndicator() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCommCurrency() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCommType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCommission() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasComplianceID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasContractSettlMonth() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCouponRate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCoveredOrUncovered() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCreditRating() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCurrency() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCustOrderCapacity() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDatedDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDayBookingInst() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDesignation() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionInst() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionLimitType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionMoveType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionOffsetType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionOffsetValue() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionRoundDirection() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionScope() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayHighQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayLowQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayMethod() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayMinIncr() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayWhen() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEffectiveTime() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedText() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExDestination() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExDestinationIDSource() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExecInst() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExpireDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExpireTime() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasFactor() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasForexReq() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasFundRenewWaiv() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasGTBookingInst() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasHandlInst() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasIOIID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasInstrmtAssignmentMethod() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasInterestAccrualDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasIssueDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasIssuer() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasLocateReqd() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMatchIncrement() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityTime() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxFloor() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxPriceLevels() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxShow() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMinPriceIncrement() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMinQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMoneyLaunderingStatus() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMultiLegRptTypeReq() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNTPositionLimit() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoAllocs() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoEvents() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoInstrumentParties() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoLegs() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoPartyIDs() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoStrategyParameters() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoTradingSessions() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoUnderlyings() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOptAttribute() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrdType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderCapacity() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderPercent() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderRestrictions() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasParticipationRate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegLimitType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegMoveType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegOffsetType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegOffsetValue() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegPriceType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegRoundDirection() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegScope() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSymbol() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPool() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPositionEffect() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPositionLimit() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPreTradeAnonymity() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPreallocMethod() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPrevClosePx() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPrice() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPriceProtectionScope() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPriceType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasProcessCode() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasProduct() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasQtyType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasQuoteID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRefOrderID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRefOrderIDSource() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRefreshQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRegistID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRoundingDirection() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRoundingModulus() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecondaryClOrdID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecondaryDisplayQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityStatus() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecuritySubType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlCurrency() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettleOnOpenFlag() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSide() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSolicitedFlag() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStopPx() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeCurrency() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeMultiplier() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikePrice() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeValue() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSwapPoints() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSymbol() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTargetStrategy() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTargetStrategyParameters() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasText() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTimeInForce() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTimeUnit() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTradeDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTradeOriginationDate() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTransactTime() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerAction() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerNewPrice() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerNewQty() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerOrderType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPrice() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceDirection() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceTypeScope() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSymbol() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerTradingSessionID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerTradingSessionSubID() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerType() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasUnitOfMeasure() bool
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAccount(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAccountType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAcctIDSource(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAllocID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetBookingType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetBookingUnit(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCFICode(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCPProgram(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCPRegType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCancellationRights(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCashMargin(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCashOrderQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetClOrdID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetClOrdLinkID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetClearingFeeIndicator(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCommCurrency(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCommType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCommission(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetComplianceID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetContractMultiplier(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetContractSettlMonth(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCouponRate(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCoveredOrUncovered(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCreditRating(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCurrency(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCustOrderCapacity(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDatedDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDayBookingInst(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDesignation(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionInst(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionLimitType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionMoveType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionOffsetType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionOffsetValue(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionRoundDirection(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionScope(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayHighQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayLowQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayMethod(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayMinIncr(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayWhen(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEffectiveTime(v time.Time)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedText(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExDestination(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExDestinationIDSource(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExecInst(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExpireDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExpireTime(v time.Time)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetFactor(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetForexReq(v bool)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetFundRenewWaiv(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetGTBookingInst(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetHandlInst(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetIOIID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetInstrRegistry(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetInstrmtAssignmentMethod(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetInterestAccrualDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetIssueDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetIssuer(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetLocateReqd(v bool)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMatchIncrement(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityTime(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxFloor(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxPriceLevels(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxShow(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMinPriceIncrement(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMinQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMoneyLaunderingStatus(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMultiLegRptTypeReq(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNTPositionLimit(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoAllocs(f NoAllocsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoEvents(f NoEventsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoInstrumentParties(f NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoLegs(f NoLegsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoPartyIDs(f NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoSecurityAltID(f NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoStrategyParameters(f NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoTradingSessions(f NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoUnderlyings(f NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrdType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderCapacity(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderPercent(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderRestrictions(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetParticipationRate(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegLimitType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegMoveType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegOffsetType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegOffsetValue(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegPriceType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegRoundDirection(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegScope(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSymbol(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPool(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPositionEffect(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPositionLimit(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPreTradeAnonymity(v bool)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPreallocMethod(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPrevClosePx(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPrice(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPriceProtectionScope(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPriceType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetProcessCode(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetProduct(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetQtyType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetQuoteID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRefOrderID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRefOrderIDSource(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRefreshQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRegistID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRepurchaseRate(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRoundingDirection(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRoundingModulus(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecondaryClOrdID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecondaryDisplayQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityStatus(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecuritySubType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlCurrency(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettleOnOpenFlag(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSide(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSolicitedFlag(v bool)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStopPx(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeCurrency(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeMultiplier(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikePrice(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeValue(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSwapPoints(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSymbol(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSymbolSfx(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTargetStrategy(v int)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTargetStrategyParameters(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetText(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTimeInForce(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTimeUnit(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTradeDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTradeOriginationDate(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerAction(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerNewPrice(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerNewQty(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerOrderType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPrice(v float64)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceDirection(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceTypeScope(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSymbol(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerTradingSessionID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerTradingSessionSubID(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerType(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetUnitOfMeasure(v string)
- func (m NewOrderMultileg) ToMessage() quickfix.Message
- type NoAllocs
- func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocAccount() (f field.AllocAccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocAcctIDSource() (f field.AllocAcctIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocQty() (f field.AllocQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocSettlCurrency() (f field.AllocSettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoAllocs) GetIndividualAllocID() (f field.IndividualAllocIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoAllocs) GetNoNested3PartyIDs() (NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoAllocs) HasAllocAccount() bool
- func (m NoAllocs) HasAllocAcctIDSource() bool
- func (m NoAllocs) HasAllocQty() bool
- func (m NoAllocs) HasAllocSettlCurrency() bool
- func (m NoAllocs) HasIndividualAllocID() bool
- func (m NoAllocs) HasNoNested3PartyIDs() bool
- func (m NoAllocs) SetAllocAccount(v string)
- func (m NoAllocs) SetAllocAcctIDSource(v int)
- func (m NoAllocs) SetAllocQty(v float64)
- func (m NoAllocs) SetAllocSettlCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoAllocs) SetIndividualAllocID(v string)
- func (m NoAllocs) SetNoNested3PartyIDs(f NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoAllocsRepeatingGroup
- type NoEvents
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventDate() (f field.EventDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventPx() (f field.EventPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventText() (f field.EventTextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventType() (f field.EventTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventDate() bool
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventPx() bool
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventText() bool
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventType() bool
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventDate(v string)
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventPx(v float64)
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventText(v string)
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventType(v int)
- type NoEventsRepeatingGroup
- type NoInstrumentParties
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyID() (f field.InstrumentPartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyIDSource() (f field.InstrumentPartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyRole() (f field.InstrumentPartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs() (NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyID() bool
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyRole() bool
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasNoInstrumentPartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyID(v string)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyRole(v int)
- func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs(f NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup
- type NoInstrumentPartySubIDs
- func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetInstrumentPartySubID() (f field.InstrumentPartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetInstrumentPartySubIDType() (f field.InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasInstrumentPartySubID() bool
- func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasInstrumentPartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetInstrumentPartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetInstrumentPartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoLegAllocs
- func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocAccount() (f field.LegAllocAccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocAcctIDSource() (f field.LegAllocAcctIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocQty() (f field.LegAllocQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegIndividualAllocID() (f field.LegIndividualAllocIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegSettlCurrency() (f field.LegSettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) GetNoNested2PartyIDs() (NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocAccount() bool
- func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocAcctIDSource() bool
- func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocQty() bool
- func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegIndividualAllocID() bool
- func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegSettlCurrency() bool
- func (m NoLegAllocs) HasNoNested2PartyIDs() bool
- func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocAccount(v string)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocAcctIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocQty(v float64)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegIndividualAllocID(v string)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegSettlCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoLegAllocs) SetNoNested2PartyIDs(f NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup
- type NoLegSecurityAltID
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltID() (f field.LegSecurityAltIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltIDSource() (f field.LegSecurityAltIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoLegStipulations
- func (m NoLegStipulations) GetLegStipulationType() (f field.LegStipulationTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegStipulations) GetLegStipulationValue() (f field.LegStipulationValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegStipulations) HasLegStipulationType() bool
- func (m NoLegStipulations) HasLegStipulationValue() bool
- func (m NoLegStipulations) SetLegStipulationType(v string)
- func (m NoLegStipulations) SetLegStipulationValue(v string)
- type NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup
- type NoLegs
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuer() (f field.EncodedLegIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedLegIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedLegSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCFICode() (f field.LegCFICodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractMultiplier() (f field.LegContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractSettlMonth() (f field.LegContractSettlMonthField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCountryOfIssue() (f field.LegCountryOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponPaymentDate() (f field.LegCouponPaymentDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponRate() (f field.LegCouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCoveredOrUncovered() (f field.LegCoveredOrUncoveredField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCreditRating() (f field.LegCreditRatingField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCurrency() (f field.LegCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegDatedDate() (f field.LegDatedDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegFactor() (f field.LegFactorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegInstrRegistry() (f field.LegInstrRegistryField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegInterestAccrualDate() (f field.LegInterestAccrualDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssueDate() (f field.LegIssueDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssuer() (f field.LegIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegLocaleOfIssue() (f field.LegLocaleOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityDate() (f field.LegMaturityDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityMonthYear() (f field.LegMaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegOptAttribute() (f field.LegOptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegOptionRatio() (f field.LegOptionRatioField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegOrderQty() (f field.LegOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegPool() (f field.LegPoolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegPositionEffect() (f field.LegPositionEffectField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegPrice() (f field.LegPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegProduct() (f field.LegProductField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegQty() (f field.LegQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRatioQty() (f field.LegRatioQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRedemptionDate() (f field.LegRedemptionDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRefID() (f field.LegRefIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType() (f field.LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseRate() (f field.LegRepurchaseRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseTerm() (f field.LegRepurchaseTermField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityDesc() (f field.LegSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityExchange() (f field.LegSecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityID() (f field.LegSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityIDSource() (f field.LegSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecuritySubType() (f field.LegSecuritySubTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityType() (f field.LegSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSettlDate() (f field.LegSettlDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSettlType() (f field.LegSettlTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSide() (f field.LegSideField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (f field.LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikeCurrency() (f field.LegStrikeCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikePrice() (f field.LegStrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSwapType() (f field.LegSwapTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbol() (f field.LegSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbolSfx() (f field.LegSymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegTimeUnit() (f field.LegTimeUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegUnitOfMeasure() (f field.LegUnitOfMeasureField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegAllocs() (NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegSecurityAltID() (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegStipulations() (NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetNoNestedPartyIDs() (NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuer() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuerLen() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCFICode() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegContractSettlMonth() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCouponRate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCoveredOrUncovered() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCreditRating() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCurrency() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegDatedDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegFactor() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegInterestAccrualDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegIssueDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegIssuer() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegMaturityDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegOptAttribute() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegOptionRatio() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegOrderQty() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegPool() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegPositionEffect() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegPrice() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegProduct() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegQty() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRatioQty() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRefID() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityID() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecuritySubType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSettlDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSettlType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSide() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegStrikeCurrency() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegStrikePrice() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSwapType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSymbol() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegTimeUnit() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegUnitOfMeasure() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasNoLegAllocs() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasNoLegSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasNoLegStipulations() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasNoNestedPartyIDs() bool
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCFICode(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegContractMultiplier(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegContractSettlMonth(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCouponRate(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCoveredOrUncovered(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCreditRating(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegDatedDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegFactor(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegInstrRegistry(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegInterestAccrualDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegIssueDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegOptionRatio(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegOrderQty(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegPool(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegPositionEffect(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegPrice(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegProduct(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegQty(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRatioQty(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRefID(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseRate(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecuritySubType(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityType(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSettlDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSettlType(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSide(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegStrikeCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegStrikePrice(v float64)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSwapType(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSymbol(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSymbolSfx(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegTimeUnit(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegUnitOfMeasure(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegAllocs(f NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegSecurityAltID(f NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegStipulations(f NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoLegs) SetNoNestedPartyIDs(f NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoLegsRepeatingGroup
- type NoNested2PartyIDs
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyID() (f field.Nested2PartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyIDSource() (f field.Nested2PartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyRole() (f field.Nested2PartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNoNested2PartySubIDs() (NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyID() bool
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyRole() bool
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNoNested2PartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyID(v string)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyRole(v int)
- func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNoNested2PartySubIDs(f NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoNested2PartySubIDs
- func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) GetNested2PartySubID() (f field.Nested2PartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) GetNested2PartySubIDType() (f field.Nested2PartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) HasNested2PartySubID() bool
- func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) HasNested2PartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) SetNested2PartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) SetNested2PartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoNested3PartyIDs
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyID() (f field.Nested3PartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyIDSource() (f field.Nested3PartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyRole() (f field.Nested3PartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNoNested3PartySubIDs() (NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyID() bool
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyRole() bool
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNoNested3PartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyID(v string)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyRole(v int)
- func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNoNested3PartySubIDs(f NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoNested3PartySubIDs
- func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) GetNested3PartySubID() (f field.Nested3PartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) GetNested3PartySubIDType() (f field.Nested3PartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) HasNested3PartySubID() bool
- func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) HasNested3PartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) SetNested3PartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) SetNested3PartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoNestedPartyIDs
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyID() (f field.NestedPartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyIDSource() (f field.NestedPartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyRole() (f field.NestedPartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNoNestedPartySubIDs() (NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyID() bool
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyRole() bool
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNoNestedPartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyID(v string)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyRole(v int)
- func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNoNestedPartySubIDs(f NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- type NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoNestedPartySubIDs
- func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) GetNestedPartySubID() (f field.NestedPartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) GetNestedPartySubIDType() (f field.NestedPartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) HasNestedPartySubID() bool
- func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) HasNestedPartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) SetNestedPartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) SetNestedPartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoPartyIDs
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetNoPartySubIDs() (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyID() (f field.PartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyIDSource() (f field.PartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyRole() (f field.PartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasNoPartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyID() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyRole() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetNoPartySubIDs(f NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyID(v string)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyRole(v int)
- type NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoPartySubIDs
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubID() (f field.PartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubIDType() (f field.PartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubID() bool
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoSecurityAltID
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID() (f field.SecurityAltIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource() (f field.SecurityAltIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoStrategyParameters
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterName() (f field.StrategyParameterNameField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterType() (f field.StrategyParameterTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterValue() (f field.StrategyParameterValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterName() bool
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterType() bool
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterValue() bool
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterName(v string)
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterType(v int)
- func (m NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterValue(v string)
- type NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup
- type NoTradingSessions
- func (m NoTradingSessions) GetTradingSessionID() (f field.TradingSessionIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTradingSessions) GetTradingSessionSubID() (f field.TradingSessionSubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTradingSessions) HasTradingSessionID() bool
- func (m NoTradingSessions) HasTradingSessionSubID() bool
- func (m NoTradingSessions) SetTradingSessionID(v string)
- func (m NoTradingSessions) SetTradingSessionSubID(v string)
- type NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup
- type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoUnderlyingStips
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipType() (f field.UnderlyingStipTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipValue() (f field.UnderlyingStipValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipValue(v string)
- type NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup
- type NoUnderlyings
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingStips() (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUndlyInstrumentParties() (NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity() (f field.UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingAllocationPercent() (f field.UnderlyingAllocationPercentField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCFICode() (f field.UnderlyingCFICodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPProgram() (f field.UnderlyingCPProgramField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPRegType() (f field.UnderlyingCPRegTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCapValue() (f field.UnderlyingCapValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCashAmount() (f field.UnderlyingCashAmountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCashType() (f field.UnderlyingCashTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier() (f field.UnderlyingContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() (f field.UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() (f field.UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponRate() (f field.UnderlyingCouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCreditRating() (f field.UnderlyingCreditRatingField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrency() (f field.UnderlyingCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrentValue() (f field.UnderlyingCurrentValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice() (f field.UnderlyingDirtyPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndPrice() (f field.UnderlyingEndPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndValue() (f field.UnderlyingEndValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFXRate() (f field.UnderlyingFXRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFXRateCalc() (f field.UnderlyingFXRateCalcField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFactor() (f field.UnderlyingFactorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry() (f field.UnderlyingInstrRegistryField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssueDate() (f field.UnderlyingIssueDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssuer() (f field.UnderlyingIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() (f field.UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityDate() (f field.UnderlyingMaturityDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() (f field.UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingOptAttribute() (f field.UnderlyingOptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingProduct() (f field.UnderlyingProductField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingPx() (f field.UnderlyingPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingQty() (f field.UnderlyingQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate() (f field.UnderlyingRedemptionDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() (f field.UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField, ...)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() (f field.UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() (f field.UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityID() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType() (f field.UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityType() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSettlMethod() (f field.UnderlyingSettlMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSettlementType() (f field.UnderlyingSettlementTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStartValue() (f field.UnderlyingStartValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (f field.UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() (f field.UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikePrice() (f field.UnderlyingStrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbol() (f field.UnderlyingSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx() (f field.UnderlyingSymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingTimeUnit() (f field.UnderlyingTimeUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure() (f field.UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingStips() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUndlyInstrumentParties() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingAllocationPercent() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCFICode() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPProgram() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPRegType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCapValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCashAmount() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCashType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponRate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCreditRating() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrency() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrentValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndPrice() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFXRate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFXRateCalc() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFactor() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssueDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssuer() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingOptAttribute() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingProduct() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingPx() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingQty() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityID() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSettlMethod() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSettlementType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStartValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikePrice() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbol() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingTimeUnit() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID(f NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingStips(f NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUndlyInstrumentParties(f NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingAllocationPercent(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCFICode(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPProgram(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPRegType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCapValue(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCashAmount(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCashType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponRate(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCreditRating(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrentValue(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndPrice(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndValue(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFXRate(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFXRateCalc(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFactor(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssueDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingProduct(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingPx(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingQty(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSettlMethod(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSettlementType(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStartValue(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikePrice(v float64)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbol(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingTimeUnit(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure(v string)
- type NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup
- type NoUndlyInstrumentParties
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs() (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyID() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyID() bool
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyRole() bool
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs(f NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyID(v string)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole(v int)
- type NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup
- type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubID() bool
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type RouteOut
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type NewOrderMultileg ¶
type NewOrderMultileg struct { fixt11.Header quickfix.Body fixt11.Trailer //ReceiveTime is the time that this message was read from the socket connection ReceiveTime time.Time }
NewOrderMultileg is the fix50 NewOrderMultileg type, MsgType = AB
func FromMessage ¶
func FromMessage(m quickfix.Message) NewOrderMultileg
FromMessage creates a NewOrderMultileg from a quickfix.Message instance
func New ¶
func New(clordid field.ClOrdIDField, side field.SideField, transacttime field.TransactTimeField, ordtype field.OrdTypeField) (m NewOrderMultileg)
New returns a NewOrderMultileg initialized with the required fields for NewOrderMultileg
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetAccount ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAccount() (f field.AccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAccount gets Account, Tag 1
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetAccountType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAccountType() (f field.AccountTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAccountType gets AccountType, Tag 581
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAcctIDSource() (f field.AcctIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAcctIDSource gets AcctIDSource, Tag 660
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetAllocID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetAllocID() (f field.AllocIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAllocID gets AllocID, Tag 70
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetBookingType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetBookingType() (f field.BookingTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBookingType gets BookingType, Tag 775
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetBookingUnit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetBookingUnit() (f field.BookingUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBookingUnit gets BookingUnit, Tag 590
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCFICode ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCFICode() (f field.CFICodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCFICode gets CFICode, Tag 461
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCPProgram ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCPProgram() (f field.CPProgramField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCPProgram gets CPProgram, Tag 875
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCPRegType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCPRegType() (f field.CPRegTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCPRegType gets CPRegType, Tag 876
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCancellationRights ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCancellationRights() (f field.CancellationRightsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCancellationRights gets CancellationRights, Tag 480
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCashMargin ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCashMargin() (f field.CashMarginField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCashMargin gets CashMargin, Tag 544
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCashOrderQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCashOrderQty() (f field.CashOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCashOrderQty gets CashOrderQty, Tag 152
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetClOrdID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetClOrdID() (f field.ClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClOrdID gets ClOrdID, Tag 11
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetClOrdLinkID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetClOrdLinkID() (f field.ClOrdLinkIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClOrdLinkID gets ClOrdLinkID, Tag 583
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetClearingFeeIndicator ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetClearingFeeIndicator() (f field.ClearingFeeIndicatorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClearingFeeIndicator gets ClearingFeeIndicator, Tag 635
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCommCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCommCurrency() (f field.CommCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCommCurrency gets CommCurrency, Tag 479
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCommType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCommType() (f field.CommTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCommType gets CommType, Tag 13
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCommission ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCommission() (f field.CommissionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCommission gets Commission, Tag 12
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetComplianceID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetComplianceID() (f field.ComplianceIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetComplianceID gets ComplianceID, Tag 376
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetContractMultiplier() (f field.ContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContractMultiplier gets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetContractSettlMonth() (f field.ContractSettlMonthField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContractSettlMonth gets ContractSettlMonth, Tag 667
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCountryOfIssue() (f field.CountryOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCountryOfIssue gets CountryOfIssue, Tag 470
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCouponPaymentDate() (f field.CouponPaymentDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponPaymentDate gets CouponPaymentDate, Tag 224
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCouponRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCouponRate() (f field.CouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponRate gets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCoveredOrUncovered() (f field.CoveredOrUncoveredField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCoveredOrUncovered gets CoveredOrUncovered, Tag 203
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCreditRating ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCreditRating() (f field.CreditRatingField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCreditRating gets CreditRating, Tag 255
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCurrency() (f field.CurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCurrency gets Currency, Tag 15
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetCustOrderCapacity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetCustOrderCapacity() (f field.CustOrderCapacityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCustOrderCapacity gets CustOrderCapacity, Tag 582
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDatedDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDatedDate() (f field.DatedDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDatedDate gets DatedDate, Tag 873
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDayBookingInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDayBookingInst() (f field.DayBookingInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDayBookingInst gets DayBookingInst, Tag 589
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDesignation ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDesignation() (f field.DesignationField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDesignation gets Designation, Tag 494
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionInst() (f field.DiscretionInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionInst gets DiscretionInst, Tag 388
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionLimitType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionLimitType() (f field.DiscretionLimitTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionLimitType gets DiscretionLimitType, Tag 843
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionMoveType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionMoveType() (f field.DiscretionMoveTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionMoveType gets DiscretionMoveType, Tag 841
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionOffsetType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionOffsetType() (f field.DiscretionOffsetTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionOffsetType gets DiscretionOffsetType, Tag 842
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionOffsetValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionOffsetValue() (f field.DiscretionOffsetValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionOffsetValue gets DiscretionOffsetValue, Tag 389
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionRoundDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionRoundDirection() (f field.DiscretionRoundDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionRoundDirection gets DiscretionRoundDirection, Tag 844
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDiscretionScope() (f field.DiscretionScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionScope gets DiscretionScope, Tag 846
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayHighQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayHighQty() (f field.DisplayHighQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDisplayHighQty gets DisplayHighQty, Tag 1086
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayLowQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayLowQty() (f field.DisplayLowQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDisplayLowQty gets DisplayLowQty, Tag 1085
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayMethod() (f field.DisplayMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDisplayMethod gets DisplayMethod, Tag 1084
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayMinIncr ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayMinIncr() (f field.DisplayMinIncrField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDisplayMinIncr gets DisplayMinIncr, Tag 1087
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayQty() (f field.DisplayQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDisplayQty gets DisplayQty, Tag 1138
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayWhen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetDisplayWhen() (f field.DisplayWhenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDisplayWhen gets DisplayWhen, Tag 1083
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEffectiveTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEffectiveTime() (f field.EffectiveTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEffectiveTime gets EffectiveTime, Tag 168
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedIssuer() (f field.EncodedIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuer gets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuerLen gets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDesc gets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDescLen gets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedText ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedText() (f field.EncodedTextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedText gets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetEncodedTextLen() (f field.EncodedTextLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedTextLen gets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetExDestination ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExDestination() (f field.ExDestinationField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExDestination gets ExDestination, Tag 100
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetExDestinationIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExDestinationIDSource() (f field.ExDestinationIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExDestinationIDSource gets ExDestinationIDSource, Tag 1133
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetExecInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExecInst() (f field.ExecInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecInst gets ExecInst, Tag 18
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetExpireDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExpireDate() (f field.ExpireDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExpireDate gets ExpireDate, Tag 432
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetExpireTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetExpireTime() (f field.ExpireTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExpireTime gets ExpireTime, Tag 126
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetFactor ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetFactor() (f field.FactorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFactor gets Factor, Tag 228
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetForexReq ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetForexReq() (f field.ForexReqField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetForexReq gets ForexReq, Tag 121
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetFundRenewWaiv ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetFundRenewWaiv() (f field.FundRenewWaivField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFundRenewWaiv gets FundRenewWaiv, Tag 497
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetGTBookingInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetGTBookingInst() (f field.GTBookingInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetGTBookingInst gets GTBookingInst, Tag 427
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetHandlInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetHandlInst() (f field.HandlInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetHandlInst gets HandlInst, Tag 21
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetIOIID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetIOIID() (f field.IOIIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIOIID gets IOIID, Tag 23
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetInstrRegistry() (f field.InstrRegistryField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrRegistry gets InstrRegistry, Tag 543
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetInstrmtAssignmentMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetInstrmtAssignmentMethod() (f field.InstrmtAssignmentMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrmtAssignmentMethod gets InstrmtAssignmentMethod, Tag 1049
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetInterestAccrualDate() (f field.InterestAccrualDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInterestAccrualDate gets InterestAccrualDate, Tag 874
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetIssueDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetIssueDate() (f field.IssueDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssueDate gets IssueDate, Tag 225
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetIssuer ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetIssuer() (f field.IssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssuer gets Issuer, Tag 106
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetLocaleOfIssue() (f field.LocaleOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLocaleOfIssue gets LocaleOfIssue, Tag 472
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetLocateReqd ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetLocateReqd() (f field.LocateReqdField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLocateReqd gets LocateReqd, Tag 114
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMatchIncrement ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMatchIncrement() (f field.MatchIncrementField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMatchIncrement gets MatchIncrement, Tag 1089
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityDate() (f field.MaturityDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityDate gets MaturityDate, Tag 541
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityMonthYear() (f field.MaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityMonthYear gets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaturityTime() (f field.MaturityTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityTime gets MaturityTime, Tag 1079
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxFloor ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxFloor() (f field.MaxFloorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaxFloor gets MaxFloor, Tag 111
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxPriceLevels ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxPriceLevels() (f field.MaxPriceLevelsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaxPriceLevels gets MaxPriceLevels, Tag 1090
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxShow ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMaxShow() (f field.MaxShowField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaxShow gets MaxShow, Tag 210
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMinPriceIncrement ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMinPriceIncrement() (f field.MinPriceIncrementField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMinPriceIncrement gets MinPriceIncrement, Tag 969
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMinQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMinQty() (f field.MinQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMinQty gets MinQty, Tag 110
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMoneyLaunderingStatus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMoneyLaunderingStatus() (f field.MoneyLaunderingStatusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMoneyLaunderingStatus gets MoneyLaunderingStatus, Tag 481
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetMultiLegRptTypeReq ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetMultiLegRptTypeReq() (f field.MultiLegRptTypeReqField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMultiLegRptTypeReq gets MultiLegRptTypeReq, Tag 563
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNTPositionLimit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNTPositionLimit() (f field.NTPositionLimitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNTPositionLimit gets NTPositionLimit, Tag 971
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoAllocs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoAllocs() (NoAllocsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoAllocs gets NoAllocs, Tag 78
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoEvents ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoEvents() (NoEventsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoEvents gets NoEvents, Tag 864
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoInstrumentParties ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoInstrumentParties() (NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoInstrumentParties gets NoInstrumentParties, Tag 1018
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoLegs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoLegs() (NoLegsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoLegs gets NoLegs, Tag 555
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoPartyIDs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoPartyIDs() (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoPartyIDs gets NoPartyIDs, Tag 453
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoSecurityAltID() (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoSecurityAltID gets NoSecurityAltID, Tag 454
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoStrategyParameters ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoStrategyParameters() (NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoStrategyParameters gets NoStrategyParameters, Tag 957
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoTradingSessions ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoTradingSessions() (NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoTradingSessions gets NoTradingSessions, Tag 386
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetNoUnderlyings ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetNoUnderlyings() (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUnderlyings gets NoUnderlyings, Tag 711
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetOptAttribute ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOptAttribute() (f field.OptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOptAttribute gets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetOrdType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrdType() (f field.OrdTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrdType gets OrdType, Tag 40
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderCapacity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderCapacity() (f field.OrderCapacityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderCapacity gets OrderCapacity, Tag 528
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderPercent ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderPercent() (f field.OrderPercentField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderPercent gets OrderPercent, Tag 516
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderQty() (f field.OrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderQty gets OrderQty, Tag 38
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderRestrictions ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetOrderRestrictions() (f field.OrderRestrictionsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderRestrictions gets OrderRestrictions, Tag 529
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetParticipationRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetParticipationRate() (f field.ParticipationRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetParticipationRate gets ParticipationRate, Tag 849
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegLimitType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegLimitType() (f field.PegLimitTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegLimitType gets PegLimitType, Tag 837
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegMoveType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegMoveType() (f field.PegMoveTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegMoveType gets PegMoveType, Tag 835
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegOffsetType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegOffsetType() (f field.PegOffsetTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegOffsetType gets PegOffsetType, Tag 836
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegOffsetValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegOffsetValue() (f field.PegOffsetValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegOffsetValue gets PegOffsetValue, Tag 211
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegPriceType() (f field.PegPriceTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegPriceType gets PegPriceType, Tag 1094
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegRoundDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegRoundDirection() (f field.PegRoundDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegRoundDirection gets PegRoundDirection, Tag 838
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegScope() (f field.PegScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegScope gets PegScope, Tag 840
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityDesc() (f field.PegSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegSecurityDesc gets PegSecurityDesc, Tag 1099
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityID() (f field.PegSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegSecurityID gets PegSecurityID, Tag 1097
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSecurityIDSource() (f field.PegSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegSecurityIDSource gets PegSecurityIDSource, Tag 1096
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPegSymbol() (f field.PegSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegSymbol gets PegSymbol, Tag 1098
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPool ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPool() (f field.PoolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPool gets Pool, Tag 691
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPositionEffect ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPositionEffect() (f field.PositionEffectField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPositionEffect gets PositionEffect, Tag 77
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPositionLimit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPositionLimit() (f field.PositionLimitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPositionLimit gets PositionLimit, Tag 970
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPreTradeAnonymity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPreTradeAnonymity() (f field.PreTradeAnonymityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPreTradeAnonymity gets PreTradeAnonymity, Tag 1091
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPreallocMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPreallocMethod() (f field.PreallocMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPreallocMethod gets PreallocMethod, Tag 591
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPrevClosePx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPrevClosePx() (f field.PrevClosePxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrevClosePx gets PrevClosePx, Tag 140
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPrice() (f field.PriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrice gets Price, Tag 44
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPriceProtectionScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPriceProtectionScope() (f field.PriceProtectionScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPriceProtectionScope gets PriceProtectionScope, Tag 1092
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetPriceType() (f field.PriceTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPriceType gets PriceType, Tag 423
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetProcessCode ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetProcessCode() (f field.ProcessCodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetProcessCode gets ProcessCode, Tag 81
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetProduct ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetProduct() (f field.ProductField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetProduct gets Product, Tag 460
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetQtyType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetQtyType() (f field.QtyTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQtyType gets QtyType, Tag 854
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetQuoteID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetQuoteID() (f field.QuoteIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQuoteID gets QuoteID, Tag 117
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRedemptionDate() (f field.RedemptionDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRedemptionDate gets RedemptionDate, Tag 240
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRefOrderID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRefOrderID() (f field.RefOrderIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRefOrderID gets RefOrderID, Tag 1080
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRefOrderIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRefOrderIDSource() (f field.RefOrderIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRefOrderIDSource gets RefOrderIDSource, Tag 1081
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRefreshQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRefreshQty() (f field.RefreshQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRefreshQty gets RefreshQty, Tag 1088
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRegistID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRegistID() (f field.RegistIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRegistID gets RegistID, Tag 513
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType() (f field.RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepoCollateralSecurityType gets RepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 239
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRepurchaseRate() (f field.RepurchaseRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepurchaseRate gets RepurchaseRate, Tag 227
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRepurchaseTerm() (f field.RepurchaseTermField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepurchaseTerm gets RepurchaseTerm, Tag 226
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRoundingDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRoundingDirection() (f field.RoundingDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRoundingDirection gets RoundingDirection, Tag 468
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetRoundingModulus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetRoundingModulus() (f field.RoundingModulusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRoundingModulus gets RoundingModulus, Tag 469
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecondaryClOrdID() (f field.SecondaryClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecondaryClOrdID gets SecondaryClOrdID, Tag 526
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecondaryDisplayQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecondaryDisplayQty() (f field.SecondaryDisplayQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecondaryDisplayQty gets SecondaryDisplayQty, Tag 1082
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityDesc() (f field.SecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityDesc gets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityExchange() (f field.SecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityExchange gets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityID() (f field.SecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityID gets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityIDSource() (f field.SecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityIDSource gets SecurityIDSource, Tag 22
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityStatus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityStatus() (f field.SecurityStatusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityStatus gets SecurityStatus, Tag 965
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecuritySubType() (f field.SecuritySubTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecuritySubType gets SecuritySubType, Tag 762
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSecurityType() (f field.SecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityType gets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlCurrency() (f field.SettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlCurrency gets SettlCurrency, Tag 120
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlDate() (f field.SettlDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlDate gets SettlDate, Tag 64
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettlType() (f field.SettlTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlType gets SettlType, Tag 63
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSettleOnOpenFlag ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSettleOnOpenFlag() (f field.SettleOnOpenFlagField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettleOnOpenFlag gets SettleOnOpenFlag, Tag 966
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSide ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSide() (f field.SideField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSide gets Side, Tag 54
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSolicitedFlag ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSolicitedFlag() (f field.SolicitedFlagField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSolicitedFlag gets SolicitedFlag, Tag 377
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (f field.StateOrProvinceOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets StateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 471
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetStopPx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStopPx() (f field.StopPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStopPx gets StopPx, Tag 99
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeCurrency() (f field.StrikeCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikeCurrency gets StrikeCurrency, Tag 947
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeMultiplier ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeMultiplier() (f field.StrikeMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikeMultiplier gets StrikeMultiplier, Tag 967
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikePrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikePrice() (f field.StrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikePrice gets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetStrikeValue() (f field.StrikeValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikeValue gets StrikeValue, Tag 968
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSwapPoints ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSwapPoints() (f field.SwapPointsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSwapPoints gets SwapPoints, Tag 1069
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSymbol() (f field.SymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbol gets Symbol, Tag 55
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetSymbolSfx() (f field.SymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbolSfx gets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTargetStrategy ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTargetStrategy() (f field.TargetStrategyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTargetStrategy gets TargetStrategy, Tag 847
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTargetStrategyParameters ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTargetStrategyParameters() (f field.TargetStrategyParametersField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTargetStrategyParameters gets TargetStrategyParameters, Tag 848
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetText ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetText() (f field.TextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetText gets Text, Tag 58
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTimeInForce ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTimeInForce() (f field.TimeInForceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTimeInForce gets TimeInForce, Tag 59
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTimeUnit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTimeUnit() (f field.TimeUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTimeUnit gets TimeUnit, Tag 997
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTradeDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTradeDate() (f field.TradeDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradeDate gets TradeDate, Tag 75
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTradeOriginationDate() (f field.TradeOriginationDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradeOriginationDate gets TradeOriginationDate, Tag 229
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTransactTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTransactTime() (f field.TransactTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTransactTime gets TransactTime, Tag 60
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerAction ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerAction() (f field.TriggerActionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerAction gets TriggerAction, Tag 1101
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerNewPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerNewPrice() (f field.TriggerNewPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerNewPrice gets TriggerNewPrice, Tag 1110
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerNewQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerNewQty() (f field.TriggerNewQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerNewQty gets TriggerNewQty, Tag 1112
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerOrderType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerOrderType() (f field.TriggerOrderTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerOrderType gets TriggerOrderType, Tag 1111
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPrice() (f field.TriggerPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerPrice gets TriggerPrice, Tag 1102
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceDirection() (f field.TriggerPriceDirectionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerPriceDirection gets TriggerPriceDirection, Tag 1109
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceType() (f field.TriggerPriceTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerPriceType gets TriggerPriceType, Tag 1107
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceTypeScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerPriceTypeScope() (f field.TriggerPriceTypeScopeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerPriceTypeScope gets TriggerPriceTypeScope, Tag 1108
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityDesc() (f field.TriggerSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerSecurityDesc gets TriggerSecurityDesc, Tag 1106
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityID() (f field.TriggerSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerSecurityID gets TriggerSecurityID, Tag 1104
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSecurityIDSource() (f field.TriggerSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerSecurityIDSource gets TriggerSecurityIDSource, Tag 1105
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerSymbol() (f field.TriggerSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerSymbol gets TriggerSymbol, Tag 1103
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerTradingSessionID() (f field.TriggerTradingSessionIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerTradingSessionID gets TriggerTradingSessionID, Tag 1113
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerTradingSessionSubID() (f field.TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerTradingSessionSubID gets TriggerTradingSessionSubID, Tag 1114
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetTriggerType() (f field.TriggerTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTriggerType gets TriggerType, Tag 1100
func (NewOrderMultileg) GetUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) GetUnitOfMeasure() (f field.UnitOfMeasureField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnitOfMeasure gets UnitOfMeasure, Tag 996
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasAccount ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAccount() bool
HasAccount returns true if Account is present, Tag 1
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasAccountType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAccountType() bool
HasAccountType returns true if AccountType is present, Tag 581
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAcctIDSource() bool
HasAcctIDSource returns true if AcctIDSource is present, Tag 660
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasAllocID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasAllocID() bool
HasAllocID returns true if AllocID is present, Tag 70
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasBookingType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasBookingType() bool
HasBookingType returns true if BookingType is present, Tag 775
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasBookingUnit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasBookingUnit() bool
HasBookingUnit returns true if BookingUnit is present, Tag 590
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCFICode ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCFICode() bool
HasCFICode returns true if CFICode is present, Tag 461
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCPProgram ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCPProgram() bool
HasCPProgram returns true if CPProgram is present, Tag 875
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCPRegType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCPRegType() bool
HasCPRegType returns true if CPRegType is present, Tag 876
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCancellationRights ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCancellationRights() bool
HasCancellationRights returns true if CancellationRights is present, Tag 480
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCashMargin ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCashMargin() bool
HasCashMargin returns true if CashMargin is present, Tag 544
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCashOrderQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCashOrderQty() bool
HasCashOrderQty returns true if CashOrderQty is present, Tag 152
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasClOrdID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasClOrdID() bool
HasClOrdID returns true if ClOrdID is present, Tag 11
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasClOrdLinkID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasClOrdLinkID() bool
HasClOrdLinkID returns true if ClOrdLinkID is present, Tag 583
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasClearingFeeIndicator ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasClearingFeeIndicator() bool
HasClearingFeeIndicator returns true if ClearingFeeIndicator is present, Tag 635
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCommCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCommCurrency() bool
HasCommCurrency returns true if CommCurrency is present, Tag 479
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCommType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCommType() bool
HasCommType returns true if CommType is present, Tag 13
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCommission ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCommission() bool
HasCommission returns true if Commission is present, Tag 12
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasComplianceID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasComplianceID() bool
HasComplianceID returns true if ComplianceID is present, Tag 376
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasContractMultiplier() bool
HasContractMultiplier returns true if ContractMultiplier is present, Tag 231
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasContractSettlMonth() bool
HasContractSettlMonth returns true if ContractSettlMonth is present, Tag 667
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCountryOfIssue() bool
HasCountryOfIssue returns true if CountryOfIssue is present, Tag 470
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCouponPaymentDate() bool
HasCouponPaymentDate returns true if CouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 224
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCouponRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCouponRate() bool
HasCouponRate returns true if CouponRate is present, Tag 223
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCoveredOrUncovered() bool
HasCoveredOrUncovered returns true if CoveredOrUncovered is present, Tag 203
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCreditRating ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCreditRating() bool
HasCreditRating returns true if CreditRating is present, Tag 255
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCurrency() bool
HasCurrency returns true if Currency is present, Tag 15
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasCustOrderCapacity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasCustOrderCapacity() bool
HasCustOrderCapacity returns true if CustOrderCapacity is present, Tag 582
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDatedDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDatedDate() bool
HasDatedDate returns true if DatedDate is present, Tag 873
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDayBookingInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDayBookingInst() bool
HasDayBookingInst returns true if DayBookingInst is present, Tag 589
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDesignation ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDesignation() bool
HasDesignation returns true if Designation is present, Tag 494
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionInst() bool
HasDiscretionInst returns true if DiscretionInst is present, Tag 388
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionLimitType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionLimitType() bool
HasDiscretionLimitType returns true if DiscretionLimitType is present, Tag 843
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionMoveType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionMoveType() bool
HasDiscretionMoveType returns true if DiscretionMoveType is present, Tag 841
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionOffsetType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionOffsetType() bool
HasDiscretionOffsetType returns true if DiscretionOffsetType is present, Tag 842
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionOffsetValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionOffsetValue() bool
HasDiscretionOffsetValue returns true if DiscretionOffsetValue is present, Tag 389
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionRoundDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionRoundDirection() bool
HasDiscretionRoundDirection returns true if DiscretionRoundDirection is present, Tag 844
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDiscretionScope() bool
HasDiscretionScope returns true if DiscretionScope is present, Tag 846
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayHighQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayHighQty() bool
HasDisplayHighQty returns true if DisplayHighQty is present, Tag 1086
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayLowQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayLowQty() bool
HasDisplayLowQty returns true if DisplayLowQty is present, Tag 1085
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayMethod() bool
HasDisplayMethod returns true if DisplayMethod is present, Tag 1084
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayMinIncr ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayMinIncr() bool
HasDisplayMinIncr returns true if DisplayMinIncr is present, Tag 1087
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayQty() bool
HasDisplayQty returns true if DisplayQty is present, Tag 1138
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayWhen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasDisplayWhen() bool
HasDisplayWhen returns true if DisplayWhen is present, Tag 1083
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEffectiveTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEffectiveTime() bool
HasEffectiveTime returns true if EffectiveTime is present, Tag 168
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
HasEncodedIssuer returns true if EncodedIssuer is present, Tag 349
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
HasEncodedIssuerLen returns true if EncodedIssuerLen is present, Tag 348
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedSecurityDesc is present, Tag 351
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 350
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedText ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedText() bool
HasEncodedText returns true if EncodedText is present, Tag 355
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
HasEncodedTextLen returns true if EncodedTextLen is present, Tag 354
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasExDestination ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExDestination() bool
HasExDestination returns true if ExDestination is present, Tag 100
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasExDestinationIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExDestinationIDSource() bool
HasExDestinationIDSource returns true if ExDestinationIDSource is present, Tag 1133
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasExecInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExecInst() bool
HasExecInst returns true if ExecInst is present, Tag 18
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasExpireDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExpireDate() bool
HasExpireDate returns true if ExpireDate is present, Tag 432
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasExpireTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasExpireTime() bool
HasExpireTime returns true if ExpireTime is present, Tag 126
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasFactor ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasFactor() bool
HasFactor returns true if Factor is present, Tag 228
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasForexReq ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasForexReq() bool
HasForexReq returns true if ForexReq is present, Tag 121
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasFundRenewWaiv ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasFundRenewWaiv() bool
HasFundRenewWaiv returns true if FundRenewWaiv is present, Tag 497
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasGTBookingInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasGTBookingInst() bool
HasGTBookingInst returns true if GTBookingInst is present, Tag 427
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasHandlInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasHandlInst() bool
HasHandlInst returns true if HandlInst is present, Tag 21
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasIOIID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasIOIID() bool
HasIOIID returns true if IOIID is present, Tag 23
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasInstrRegistry() bool
HasInstrRegistry returns true if InstrRegistry is present, Tag 543
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasInstrmtAssignmentMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasInstrmtAssignmentMethod() bool
HasInstrmtAssignmentMethod returns true if InstrmtAssignmentMethod is present, Tag 1049
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasInterestAccrualDate() bool
HasInterestAccrualDate returns true if InterestAccrualDate is present, Tag 874
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasIssueDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasIssueDate() bool
HasIssueDate returns true if IssueDate is present, Tag 225
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasIssuer ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasIssuer() bool
HasIssuer returns true if Issuer is present, Tag 106
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasLocaleOfIssue() bool
HasLocaleOfIssue returns true if LocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 472
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasLocateReqd ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasLocateReqd() bool
HasLocateReqd returns true if LocateReqd is present, Tag 114
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMatchIncrement ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMatchIncrement() bool
HasMatchIncrement returns true if MatchIncrement is present, Tag 1089
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityDate() bool
HasMaturityDate returns true if MaturityDate is present, Tag 541
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
HasMaturityMonthYear returns true if MaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 200
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaturityTime() bool
HasMaturityTime returns true if MaturityTime is present, Tag 1079
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxFloor ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxFloor() bool
HasMaxFloor returns true if MaxFloor is present, Tag 111
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxPriceLevels ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxPriceLevels() bool
HasMaxPriceLevels returns true if MaxPriceLevels is present, Tag 1090
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxShow ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMaxShow() bool
HasMaxShow returns true if MaxShow is present, Tag 210
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMinPriceIncrement ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMinPriceIncrement() bool
HasMinPriceIncrement returns true if MinPriceIncrement is present, Tag 969
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMinQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMinQty() bool
HasMinQty returns true if MinQty is present, Tag 110
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMoneyLaunderingStatus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMoneyLaunderingStatus() bool
HasMoneyLaunderingStatus returns true if MoneyLaunderingStatus is present, Tag 481
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasMultiLegRptTypeReq ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasMultiLegRptTypeReq() bool
HasMultiLegRptTypeReq returns true if MultiLegRptTypeReq is present, Tag 563
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNTPositionLimit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNTPositionLimit() bool
HasNTPositionLimit returns true if NTPositionLimit is present, Tag 971
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoAllocs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoAllocs() bool
HasNoAllocs returns true if NoAllocs is present, Tag 78
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoEvents ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoEvents() bool
HasNoEvents returns true if NoEvents is present, Tag 864
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoInstrumentParties ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoInstrumentParties() bool
HasNoInstrumentParties returns true if NoInstrumentParties is present, Tag 1018
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoLegs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoLegs() bool
HasNoLegs returns true if NoLegs is present, Tag 555
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoPartyIDs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoPartyIDs() bool
HasNoPartyIDs returns true if NoPartyIDs is present, Tag 453
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoSecurityAltID() bool
HasNoSecurityAltID returns true if NoSecurityAltID is present, Tag 454
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoStrategyParameters ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoStrategyParameters() bool
HasNoStrategyParameters returns true if NoStrategyParameters is present, Tag 957
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoTradingSessions ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoTradingSessions() bool
HasNoTradingSessions returns true if NoTradingSessions is present, Tag 386
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasNoUnderlyings ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasNoUnderlyings() bool
HasNoUnderlyings returns true if NoUnderlyings is present, Tag 711
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasOptAttribute ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOptAttribute() bool
HasOptAttribute returns true if OptAttribute is present, Tag 206
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasOrdType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrdType() bool
HasOrdType returns true if OrdType is present, Tag 40
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderCapacity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderCapacity() bool
HasOrderCapacity returns true if OrderCapacity is present, Tag 528
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderPercent ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderPercent() bool
HasOrderPercent returns true if OrderPercent is present, Tag 516
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderQty() bool
HasOrderQty returns true if OrderQty is present, Tag 38
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderRestrictions ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasOrderRestrictions() bool
HasOrderRestrictions returns true if OrderRestrictions is present, Tag 529
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasParticipationRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasParticipationRate() bool
HasParticipationRate returns true if ParticipationRate is present, Tag 849
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegLimitType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegLimitType() bool
HasPegLimitType returns true if PegLimitType is present, Tag 837
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegMoveType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegMoveType() bool
HasPegMoveType returns true if PegMoveType is present, Tag 835
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegOffsetType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegOffsetType() bool
HasPegOffsetType returns true if PegOffsetType is present, Tag 836
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegOffsetValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegOffsetValue() bool
HasPegOffsetValue returns true if PegOffsetValue is present, Tag 211
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegPriceType() bool
HasPegPriceType returns true if PegPriceType is present, Tag 1094
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegRoundDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegRoundDirection() bool
HasPegRoundDirection returns true if PegRoundDirection is present, Tag 838
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegScope() bool
HasPegScope returns true if PegScope is present, Tag 840
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityDesc() bool
HasPegSecurityDesc returns true if PegSecurityDesc is present, Tag 1099
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityID() bool
HasPegSecurityID returns true if PegSecurityID is present, Tag 1097
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSecurityIDSource() bool
HasPegSecurityIDSource returns true if PegSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 1096
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPegSymbol() bool
HasPegSymbol returns true if PegSymbol is present, Tag 1098
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPool ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPool() bool
HasPool returns true if Pool is present, Tag 691
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPositionEffect ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPositionEffect() bool
HasPositionEffect returns true if PositionEffect is present, Tag 77
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPositionLimit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPositionLimit() bool
HasPositionLimit returns true if PositionLimit is present, Tag 970
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPreTradeAnonymity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPreTradeAnonymity() bool
HasPreTradeAnonymity returns true if PreTradeAnonymity is present, Tag 1091
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPreallocMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPreallocMethod() bool
HasPreallocMethod returns true if PreallocMethod is present, Tag 591
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPrevClosePx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPrevClosePx() bool
HasPrevClosePx returns true if PrevClosePx is present, Tag 140
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPrice() bool
HasPrice returns true if Price is present, Tag 44
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPriceProtectionScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPriceProtectionScope() bool
HasPriceProtectionScope returns true if PriceProtectionScope is present, Tag 1092
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasPriceType() bool
HasPriceType returns true if PriceType is present, Tag 423
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasProcessCode ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasProcessCode() bool
HasProcessCode returns true if ProcessCode is present, Tag 81
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasProduct ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasProduct() bool
HasProduct returns true if Product is present, Tag 460
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasQtyType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasQtyType() bool
HasQtyType returns true if QtyType is present, Tag 854
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasQuoteID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasQuoteID() bool
HasQuoteID returns true if QuoteID is present, Tag 117
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRedemptionDate() bool
HasRedemptionDate returns true if RedemptionDate is present, Tag 240
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRefOrderID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRefOrderID() bool
HasRefOrderID returns true if RefOrderID is present, Tag 1080
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRefOrderIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRefOrderIDSource() bool
HasRefOrderIDSource returns true if RefOrderIDSource is present, Tag 1081
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRefreshQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRefreshQty() bool
HasRefreshQty returns true if RefreshQty is present, Tag 1088
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRegistID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRegistID() bool
HasRegistID returns true if RegistID is present, Tag 513
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
HasRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if RepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 239
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRepurchaseRate() bool
HasRepurchaseRate returns true if RepurchaseRate is present, Tag 227
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRepurchaseTerm() bool
HasRepurchaseTerm returns true if RepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 226
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRoundingDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRoundingDirection() bool
HasRoundingDirection returns true if RoundingDirection is present, Tag 468
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasRoundingModulus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasRoundingModulus() bool
HasRoundingModulus returns true if RoundingModulus is present, Tag 469
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecondaryClOrdID() bool
HasSecondaryClOrdID returns true if SecondaryClOrdID is present, Tag 526
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecondaryDisplayQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecondaryDisplayQty() bool
HasSecondaryDisplayQty returns true if SecondaryDisplayQty is present, Tag 1082
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityDesc() bool
HasSecurityDesc returns true if SecurityDesc is present, Tag 107
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityExchange() bool
HasSecurityExchange returns true if SecurityExchange is present, Tag 207
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityID() bool
HasSecurityID returns true if SecurityID is present, Tag 48
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityIDSource() bool
HasSecurityIDSource returns true if SecurityIDSource is present, Tag 22
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityStatus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityStatus() bool
HasSecurityStatus returns true if SecurityStatus is present, Tag 965
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecuritySubType() bool
HasSecuritySubType returns true if SecuritySubType is present, Tag 762
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSecurityType() bool
HasSecurityType returns true if SecurityType is present, Tag 167
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlCurrency() bool
HasSettlCurrency returns true if SettlCurrency is present, Tag 120
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlDate() bool
HasSettlDate returns true if SettlDate is present, Tag 64
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettlType() bool
HasSettlType returns true if SettlType is present, Tag 63
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSettleOnOpenFlag ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSettleOnOpenFlag() bool
HasSettleOnOpenFlag returns true if SettleOnOpenFlag is present, Tag 966
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSide ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSide() bool
HasSide returns true if Side is present, Tag 54
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSolicitedFlag ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSolicitedFlag() bool
HasSolicitedFlag returns true if SolicitedFlag is present, Tag 377
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if StateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 471
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasStopPx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStopPx() bool
HasStopPx returns true if StopPx is present, Tag 99
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeCurrency() bool
HasStrikeCurrency returns true if StrikeCurrency is present, Tag 947
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeMultiplier ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeMultiplier() bool
HasStrikeMultiplier returns true if StrikeMultiplier is present, Tag 967
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikePrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikePrice() bool
HasStrikePrice returns true if StrikePrice is present, Tag 202
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasStrikeValue() bool
HasStrikeValue returns true if StrikeValue is present, Tag 968
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSwapPoints ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSwapPoints() bool
HasSwapPoints returns true if SwapPoints is present, Tag 1069
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSymbol() bool
HasSymbol returns true if Symbol is present, Tag 55
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasSymbolSfx() bool
HasSymbolSfx returns true if SymbolSfx is present, Tag 65
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTargetStrategy ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTargetStrategy() bool
HasTargetStrategy returns true if TargetStrategy is present, Tag 847
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTargetStrategyParameters ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTargetStrategyParameters() bool
HasTargetStrategyParameters returns true if TargetStrategyParameters is present, Tag 848
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasText ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasText() bool
HasText returns true if Text is present, Tag 58
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTimeInForce ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTimeInForce() bool
HasTimeInForce returns true if TimeInForce is present, Tag 59
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTimeUnit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTimeUnit() bool
HasTimeUnit returns true if TimeUnit is present, Tag 997
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTradeDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTradeDate() bool
HasTradeDate returns true if TradeDate is present, Tag 75
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTradeOriginationDate() bool
HasTradeOriginationDate returns true if TradeOriginationDate is present, Tag 229
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTransactTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTransactTime() bool
HasTransactTime returns true if TransactTime is present, Tag 60
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerAction ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerAction() bool
HasTriggerAction returns true if TriggerAction is present, Tag 1101
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerNewPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerNewPrice() bool
HasTriggerNewPrice returns true if TriggerNewPrice is present, Tag 1110
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerNewQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerNewQty() bool
HasTriggerNewQty returns true if TriggerNewQty is present, Tag 1112
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerOrderType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerOrderType() bool
HasTriggerOrderType returns true if TriggerOrderType is present, Tag 1111
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPrice() bool
HasTriggerPrice returns true if TriggerPrice is present, Tag 1102
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceDirection() bool
HasTriggerPriceDirection returns true if TriggerPriceDirection is present, Tag 1109
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceType() bool
HasTriggerPriceType returns true if TriggerPriceType is present, Tag 1107
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceTypeScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerPriceTypeScope() bool
HasTriggerPriceTypeScope returns true if TriggerPriceTypeScope is present, Tag 1108
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityDesc() bool
HasTriggerSecurityDesc returns true if TriggerSecurityDesc is present, Tag 1106
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityID() bool
HasTriggerSecurityID returns true if TriggerSecurityID is present, Tag 1104
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSecurityIDSource() bool
HasTriggerSecurityIDSource returns true if TriggerSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 1105
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerSymbol() bool
HasTriggerSymbol returns true if TriggerSymbol is present, Tag 1103
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerTradingSessionID() bool
HasTriggerTradingSessionID returns true if TriggerTradingSessionID is present, Tag 1113
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerTradingSessionSubID() bool
HasTriggerTradingSessionSubID returns true if TriggerTradingSessionSubID is present, Tag 1114
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasTriggerType() bool
HasTriggerType returns true if TriggerType is present, Tag 1100
func (NewOrderMultileg) HasUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) HasUnitOfMeasure() bool
HasUnitOfMeasure returns true if UnitOfMeasure is present, Tag 996
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetAccount ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAccount(v string)
SetAccount sets Account, Tag 1
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetAccountType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAccountType(v int)
SetAccountType sets AccountType, Tag 581
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAcctIDSource(v int)
SetAcctIDSource sets AcctIDSource, Tag 660
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetAllocID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetAllocID(v string)
SetAllocID sets AllocID, Tag 70
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetBookingType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetBookingType(v int)
SetBookingType sets BookingType, Tag 775
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetBookingUnit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetBookingUnit(v string)
SetBookingUnit sets BookingUnit, Tag 590
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCFICode ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCFICode(v string)
SetCFICode sets CFICode, Tag 461
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCPProgram ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCPProgram(v int)
SetCPProgram sets CPProgram, Tag 875
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCPRegType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCPRegType(v string)
SetCPRegType sets CPRegType, Tag 876
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCancellationRights ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCancellationRights(v string)
SetCancellationRights sets CancellationRights, Tag 480
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCashMargin ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCashMargin(v string)
SetCashMargin sets CashMargin, Tag 544
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCashOrderQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCashOrderQty(v float64)
SetCashOrderQty sets CashOrderQty, Tag 152
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetClOrdID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetClOrdID(v string)
SetClOrdID sets ClOrdID, Tag 11
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetClOrdLinkID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetClOrdLinkID(v string)
SetClOrdLinkID sets ClOrdLinkID, Tag 583
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetClearingFeeIndicator ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetClearingFeeIndicator(v string)
SetClearingFeeIndicator sets ClearingFeeIndicator, Tag 635
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCommCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCommCurrency(v string)
SetCommCurrency sets CommCurrency, Tag 479
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCommType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCommType(v string)
SetCommType sets CommType, Tag 13
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCommission ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCommission(v float64)
SetCommission sets Commission, Tag 12
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetComplianceID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetComplianceID(v string)
SetComplianceID sets ComplianceID, Tag 376
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetContractMultiplier(v float64)
SetContractMultiplier sets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetContractSettlMonth(v string)
SetContractSettlMonth sets ContractSettlMonth, Tag 667
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCountryOfIssue(v string)
SetCountryOfIssue sets CountryOfIssue, Tag 470
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCouponPaymentDate(v string)
SetCouponPaymentDate sets CouponPaymentDate, Tag 224
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCouponRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCouponRate(v float64)
SetCouponRate sets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCoveredOrUncovered(v int)
SetCoveredOrUncovered sets CoveredOrUncovered, Tag 203
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCreditRating ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCreditRating(v string)
SetCreditRating sets CreditRating, Tag 255
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCurrency(v string)
SetCurrency sets Currency, Tag 15
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetCustOrderCapacity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetCustOrderCapacity(v int)
SetCustOrderCapacity sets CustOrderCapacity, Tag 582
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDatedDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDatedDate(v string)
SetDatedDate sets DatedDate, Tag 873
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDayBookingInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDayBookingInst(v string)
SetDayBookingInst sets DayBookingInst, Tag 589
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDesignation ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDesignation(v string)
SetDesignation sets Designation, Tag 494
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionInst(v string)
SetDiscretionInst sets DiscretionInst, Tag 388
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionLimitType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionLimitType(v int)
SetDiscretionLimitType sets DiscretionLimitType, Tag 843
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionMoveType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionMoveType(v int)
SetDiscretionMoveType sets DiscretionMoveType, Tag 841
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionOffsetType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionOffsetType(v int)
SetDiscretionOffsetType sets DiscretionOffsetType, Tag 842
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionOffsetValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionOffsetValue(v float64)
SetDiscretionOffsetValue sets DiscretionOffsetValue, Tag 389
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionRoundDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionRoundDirection(v int)
SetDiscretionRoundDirection sets DiscretionRoundDirection, Tag 844
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDiscretionScope(v int)
SetDiscretionScope sets DiscretionScope, Tag 846
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayHighQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayHighQty(v float64)
SetDisplayHighQty sets DisplayHighQty, Tag 1086
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayLowQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayLowQty(v float64)
SetDisplayLowQty sets DisplayLowQty, Tag 1085
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayMethod(v string)
SetDisplayMethod sets DisplayMethod, Tag 1084
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayMinIncr ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayMinIncr(v float64)
SetDisplayMinIncr sets DisplayMinIncr, Tag 1087
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayQty(v float64)
SetDisplayQty sets DisplayQty, Tag 1138
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayWhen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetDisplayWhen(v string)
SetDisplayWhen sets DisplayWhen, Tag 1083
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEffectiveTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEffectiveTime(v time.Time)
SetEffectiveTime sets EffectiveTime, Tag 168
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
SetEncodedIssuer sets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
SetEncodedIssuerLen sets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
SetEncodedSecurityDesc sets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
SetEncodedSecurityDescLen sets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedText ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedText(v string)
SetEncodedText sets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
SetEncodedTextLen sets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetExDestination ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExDestination(v string)
SetExDestination sets ExDestination, Tag 100
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetExDestinationIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExDestinationIDSource(v string)
SetExDestinationIDSource sets ExDestinationIDSource, Tag 1133
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetExecInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExecInst(v string)
SetExecInst sets ExecInst, Tag 18
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetExpireDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExpireDate(v string)
SetExpireDate sets ExpireDate, Tag 432
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetExpireTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetExpireTime(v time.Time)
SetExpireTime sets ExpireTime, Tag 126
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetFactor ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetFactor(v float64)
SetFactor sets Factor, Tag 228
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetForexReq ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetForexReq(v bool)
SetForexReq sets ForexReq, Tag 121
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetFundRenewWaiv ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetFundRenewWaiv(v string)
SetFundRenewWaiv sets FundRenewWaiv, Tag 497
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetGTBookingInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetGTBookingInst(v int)
SetGTBookingInst sets GTBookingInst, Tag 427
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetHandlInst ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetHandlInst(v string)
SetHandlInst sets HandlInst, Tag 21
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetIOIID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetIOIID(v string)
SetIOIID sets IOIID, Tag 23
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetInstrRegistry(v string)
SetInstrRegistry sets InstrRegistry, Tag 543
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetInstrmtAssignmentMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetInstrmtAssignmentMethod(v string)
SetInstrmtAssignmentMethod sets InstrmtAssignmentMethod, Tag 1049
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetInterestAccrualDate(v string)
SetInterestAccrualDate sets InterestAccrualDate, Tag 874
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetIssueDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetIssueDate(v string)
SetIssueDate sets IssueDate, Tag 225
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetIssuer ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetIssuer(v string)
SetIssuer sets Issuer, Tag 106
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetLocaleOfIssue(v string)
SetLocaleOfIssue sets LocaleOfIssue, Tag 472
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetLocateReqd ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetLocateReqd(v bool)
SetLocateReqd sets LocateReqd, Tag 114
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMatchIncrement ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMatchIncrement(v float64)
SetMatchIncrement sets MatchIncrement, Tag 1089
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityDate(v string)
SetMaturityDate sets MaturityDate, Tag 541
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
SetMaturityMonthYear sets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaturityTime(v string)
SetMaturityTime sets MaturityTime, Tag 1079
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxFloor ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxFloor(v float64)
SetMaxFloor sets MaxFloor, Tag 111
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxPriceLevels ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxPriceLevels(v int)
SetMaxPriceLevels sets MaxPriceLevels, Tag 1090
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxShow ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMaxShow(v float64)
SetMaxShow sets MaxShow, Tag 210
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMinPriceIncrement ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMinPriceIncrement(v float64)
SetMinPriceIncrement sets MinPriceIncrement, Tag 969
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMinQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMinQty(v float64)
SetMinQty sets MinQty, Tag 110
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMoneyLaunderingStatus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMoneyLaunderingStatus(v string)
SetMoneyLaunderingStatus sets MoneyLaunderingStatus, Tag 481
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetMultiLegRptTypeReq ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetMultiLegRptTypeReq(v int)
SetMultiLegRptTypeReq sets MultiLegRptTypeReq, Tag 563
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNTPositionLimit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNTPositionLimit(v int)
SetNTPositionLimit sets NTPositionLimit, Tag 971
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoAllocs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoAllocs(f NoAllocsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoAllocs sets NoAllocs, Tag 78
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoEvents ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoEvents(f NoEventsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoEvents sets NoEvents, Tag 864
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoInstrumentParties ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoInstrumentParties(f NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup)
SetNoInstrumentParties sets NoInstrumentParties, Tag 1018
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoLegs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoLegs(f NoLegsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoLegs sets NoLegs, Tag 555
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoPartyIDs ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoPartyIDs(f NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoPartyIDs sets NoPartyIDs, Tag 453
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoSecurityAltID(f NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoSecurityAltID sets NoSecurityAltID, Tag 454
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoStrategyParameters ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoStrategyParameters(f NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup)
SetNoStrategyParameters sets NoStrategyParameters, Tag 957
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoTradingSessions ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoTradingSessions(f NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoTradingSessions sets NoTradingSessions, Tag 386
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetNoUnderlyings ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetNoUnderlyings(f NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUnderlyings sets NoUnderlyings, Tag 711
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetOptAttribute ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOptAttribute(v string)
SetOptAttribute sets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetOrdType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrdType(v string)
SetOrdType sets OrdType, Tag 40
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderCapacity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderCapacity(v string)
SetOrderCapacity sets OrderCapacity, Tag 528
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderPercent ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderPercent(v float64)
SetOrderPercent sets OrderPercent, Tag 516
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderQty(v float64)
SetOrderQty sets OrderQty, Tag 38
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderRestrictions ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetOrderRestrictions(v string)
SetOrderRestrictions sets OrderRestrictions, Tag 529
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetParticipationRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetParticipationRate(v float64)
SetParticipationRate sets ParticipationRate, Tag 849
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegLimitType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegLimitType(v int)
SetPegLimitType sets PegLimitType, Tag 837
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegMoveType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegMoveType(v int)
SetPegMoveType sets PegMoveType, Tag 835
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegOffsetType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegOffsetType(v int)
SetPegOffsetType sets PegOffsetType, Tag 836
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegOffsetValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegOffsetValue(v float64)
SetPegOffsetValue sets PegOffsetValue, Tag 211
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegPriceType(v int)
SetPegPriceType sets PegPriceType, Tag 1094
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegRoundDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegRoundDirection(v int)
SetPegRoundDirection sets PegRoundDirection, Tag 838
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegScope(v int)
SetPegScope sets PegScope, Tag 840
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityDesc(v string)
SetPegSecurityDesc sets PegSecurityDesc, Tag 1099
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityID(v string)
SetPegSecurityID sets PegSecurityID, Tag 1097
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSecurityIDSource(v string)
SetPegSecurityIDSource sets PegSecurityIDSource, Tag 1096
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPegSymbol(v string)
SetPegSymbol sets PegSymbol, Tag 1098
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPool ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPool(v string)
SetPool sets Pool, Tag 691
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPositionEffect ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPositionEffect(v string)
SetPositionEffect sets PositionEffect, Tag 77
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPositionLimit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPositionLimit(v int)
SetPositionLimit sets PositionLimit, Tag 970
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPreTradeAnonymity ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPreTradeAnonymity(v bool)
SetPreTradeAnonymity sets PreTradeAnonymity, Tag 1091
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPreallocMethod ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPreallocMethod(v string)
SetPreallocMethod sets PreallocMethod, Tag 591
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPrevClosePx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPrevClosePx(v float64)
SetPrevClosePx sets PrevClosePx, Tag 140
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPrice(v float64)
SetPrice sets Price, Tag 44
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPriceProtectionScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPriceProtectionScope(v string)
SetPriceProtectionScope sets PriceProtectionScope, Tag 1092
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetPriceType(v int)
SetPriceType sets PriceType, Tag 423
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetProcessCode ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetProcessCode(v string)
SetProcessCode sets ProcessCode, Tag 81
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetProduct ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetProduct(v int)
SetProduct sets Product, Tag 460
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetQtyType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetQtyType(v int)
SetQtyType sets QtyType, Tag 854
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetQuoteID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetQuoteID(v string)
SetQuoteID sets QuoteID, Tag 117
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRedemptionDate(v string)
SetRedemptionDate sets RedemptionDate, Tag 240
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRefOrderID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRefOrderID(v string)
SetRefOrderID sets RefOrderID, Tag 1080
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRefOrderIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRefOrderIDSource(v string)
SetRefOrderIDSource sets RefOrderIDSource, Tag 1081
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRefreshQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRefreshQty(v float64)
SetRefreshQty sets RefreshQty, Tag 1088
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRegistID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRegistID(v string)
SetRegistID sets RegistID, Tag 513
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
SetRepoCollateralSecurityType sets RepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 239
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRepurchaseRate(v float64)
SetRepurchaseRate sets RepurchaseRate, Tag 227
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRepurchaseTerm(v int)
SetRepurchaseTerm sets RepurchaseTerm, Tag 226
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRoundingDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRoundingDirection(v string)
SetRoundingDirection sets RoundingDirection, Tag 468
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetRoundingModulus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetRoundingModulus(v float64)
SetRoundingModulus sets RoundingModulus, Tag 469
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecondaryClOrdID(v string)
SetSecondaryClOrdID sets SecondaryClOrdID, Tag 526
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecondaryDisplayQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecondaryDisplayQty(v float64)
SetSecondaryDisplayQty sets SecondaryDisplayQty, Tag 1082
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
SetSecurityDesc sets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
SetSecurityExchange sets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityID(v string)
SetSecurityID sets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityIDSource(v string)
SetSecurityIDSource sets SecurityIDSource, Tag 22
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityStatus ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityStatus(v string)
SetSecurityStatus sets SecurityStatus, Tag 965
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecuritySubType(v string)
SetSecuritySubType sets SecuritySubType, Tag 762
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSecurityType(v string)
SetSecurityType sets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlCurrency(v string)
SetSettlCurrency sets SettlCurrency, Tag 120
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlDate(v string)
SetSettlDate sets SettlDate, Tag 64
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettlType(v string)
SetSettlType sets SettlType, Tag 63
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSettleOnOpenFlag ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSettleOnOpenFlag(v string)
SetSettleOnOpenFlag sets SettleOnOpenFlag, Tag 966
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSide ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSide(v string)
SetSide sets Side, Tag 54
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSolicitedFlag ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSolicitedFlag(v bool)
SetSolicitedFlag sets SolicitedFlag, Tag 377
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets StateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 471
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetStopPx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStopPx(v float64)
SetStopPx sets StopPx, Tag 99
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeCurrency(v string)
SetStrikeCurrency sets StrikeCurrency, Tag 947
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeMultiplier ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeMultiplier(v float64)
SetStrikeMultiplier sets StrikeMultiplier, Tag 967
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikePrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikePrice(v float64)
SetStrikePrice sets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeValue ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetStrikeValue(v float64)
SetStrikeValue sets StrikeValue, Tag 968
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSwapPoints ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSwapPoints(v float64)
SetSwapPoints sets SwapPoints, Tag 1069
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSymbol(v string)
SetSymbol sets Symbol, Tag 55
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetSymbolSfx(v string)
SetSymbolSfx sets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTargetStrategy ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTargetStrategy(v int)
SetTargetStrategy sets TargetStrategy, Tag 847
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTargetStrategyParameters ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTargetStrategyParameters(v string)
SetTargetStrategyParameters sets TargetStrategyParameters, Tag 848
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetText ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetText(v string)
SetText sets Text, Tag 58
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTimeInForce ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTimeInForce(v string)
SetTimeInForce sets TimeInForce, Tag 59
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTimeUnit ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTimeUnit(v string)
SetTimeUnit sets TimeUnit, Tag 997
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTradeDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTradeDate(v string)
SetTradeDate sets TradeDate, Tag 75
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTradeOriginationDate(v string)
SetTradeOriginationDate sets TradeOriginationDate, Tag 229
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTransactTime ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
SetTransactTime sets TransactTime, Tag 60
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerAction ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerAction(v string)
SetTriggerAction sets TriggerAction, Tag 1101
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerNewPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerNewPrice(v float64)
SetTriggerNewPrice sets TriggerNewPrice, Tag 1110
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerNewQty ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerNewQty(v float64)
SetTriggerNewQty sets TriggerNewQty, Tag 1112
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerOrderType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerOrderType(v string)
SetTriggerOrderType sets TriggerOrderType, Tag 1111
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPrice ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPrice(v float64)
SetTriggerPrice sets TriggerPrice, Tag 1102
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceDirection ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceDirection(v string)
SetTriggerPriceDirection sets TriggerPriceDirection, Tag 1109
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceType(v string)
SetTriggerPriceType sets TriggerPriceType, Tag 1107
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceTypeScope ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerPriceTypeScope(v string)
SetTriggerPriceTypeScope sets TriggerPriceTypeScope, Tag 1108
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityDesc(v string)
SetTriggerSecurityDesc sets TriggerSecurityDesc, Tag 1106
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityID(v string)
SetTriggerSecurityID sets TriggerSecurityID, Tag 1104
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSecurityIDSource(v string)
SetTriggerSecurityIDSource sets TriggerSecurityIDSource, Tag 1105
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSymbol ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerSymbol(v string)
SetTriggerSymbol sets TriggerSymbol, Tag 1103
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerTradingSessionID(v string)
SetTriggerTradingSessionID sets TriggerTradingSessionID, Tag 1113
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerTradingSessionSubID(v string)
SetTriggerTradingSessionSubID sets TriggerTradingSessionSubID, Tag 1114
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerType ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetTriggerType(v string)
SetTriggerType sets TriggerType, Tag 1100
func (NewOrderMultileg) SetUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) SetUnitOfMeasure(v string)
SetUnitOfMeasure sets UnitOfMeasure, Tag 996
func (NewOrderMultileg) ToMessage ¶
func (m NewOrderMultileg) ToMessage() quickfix.Message
ToMessage returns a quickfix.Message instance
type NoAllocs ¶
NoAllocs is a repeating group element, Tag 78
func (NoAllocs) GetAllocAccount ¶
func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocAccount() (f field.AllocAccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAllocAccount gets AllocAccount, Tag 79
func (NoAllocs) GetAllocAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocAcctIDSource() (f field.AllocAcctIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAllocAcctIDSource gets AllocAcctIDSource, Tag 661
func (NoAllocs) GetAllocQty ¶
func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocQty() (f field.AllocQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAllocQty gets AllocQty, Tag 80
func (NoAllocs) GetAllocSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NoAllocs) GetAllocSettlCurrency() (f field.AllocSettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAllocSettlCurrency gets AllocSettlCurrency, Tag 736
func (NoAllocs) GetIndividualAllocID ¶
func (m NoAllocs) GetIndividualAllocID() (f field.IndividualAllocIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIndividualAllocID gets IndividualAllocID, Tag 467
func (NoAllocs) GetNoNested3PartyIDs ¶
func (m NoAllocs) GetNoNested3PartyIDs() (NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoNested3PartyIDs gets NoNested3PartyIDs, Tag 948
func (NoAllocs) HasAllocAccount ¶
HasAllocAccount returns true if AllocAccount is present, Tag 79
func (NoAllocs) HasAllocAcctIDSource ¶
HasAllocAcctIDSource returns true if AllocAcctIDSource is present, Tag 661
func (NoAllocs) HasAllocQty ¶
HasAllocQty returns true if AllocQty is present, Tag 80
func (NoAllocs) HasAllocSettlCurrency ¶
HasAllocSettlCurrency returns true if AllocSettlCurrency is present, Tag 736
func (NoAllocs) HasIndividualAllocID ¶
HasIndividualAllocID returns true if IndividualAllocID is present, Tag 467
func (NoAllocs) HasNoNested3PartyIDs ¶
HasNoNested3PartyIDs returns true if NoNested3PartyIDs is present, Tag 948
func (NoAllocs) SetAllocAccount ¶
SetAllocAccount sets AllocAccount, Tag 79
func (NoAllocs) SetAllocAcctIDSource ¶
SetAllocAcctIDSource sets AllocAcctIDSource, Tag 661
func (NoAllocs) SetAllocQty ¶
SetAllocQty sets AllocQty, Tag 80
func (NoAllocs) SetAllocSettlCurrency ¶
SetAllocSettlCurrency sets AllocSettlCurrency, Tag 736
func (NoAllocs) SetIndividualAllocID ¶
SetIndividualAllocID sets IndividualAllocID, Tag 467
func (NoAllocs) SetNoNested3PartyIDs ¶
func (m NoAllocs) SetNoNested3PartyIDs(f NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoNested3PartyIDs sets NoNested3PartyIDs, Tag 948
type NoAllocsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoAllocsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoAllocsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 78
func NewNoAllocsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoAllocsRepeatingGroup() NoAllocsRepeatingGroup
NewNoAllocsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoAllocsRepeatingGroup
func (NoAllocsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoAllocsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoAllocs
Add create and append a new NoAllocs to this group
func (NoAllocsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoAllocsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoAllocs
Get returns the ith NoAllocs in the NoAllocsRepeatinGroup
type NoEvents ¶
NoEvents is a repeating group element, Tag 864
func (NoEvents) GetEventDate ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventDate() (f field.EventDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventDate gets EventDate, Tag 866
func (NoEvents) GetEventPx ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventPx() (f field.EventPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventPx gets EventPx, Tag 867
func (NoEvents) GetEventText ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventText() (f field.EventTextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventText gets EventText, Tag 868
func (NoEvents) GetEventType ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventType() (f field.EventTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventType gets EventType, Tag 865
func (NoEvents) HasEventDate ¶
HasEventDate returns true if EventDate is present, Tag 866
func (NoEvents) HasEventPx ¶
HasEventPx returns true if EventPx is present, Tag 867
func (NoEvents) HasEventText ¶
HasEventText returns true if EventText is present, Tag 868
func (NoEvents) HasEventType ¶
HasEventType returns true if EventType is present, Tag 865
func (NoEvents) SetEventDate ¶
SetEventDate sets EventDate, Tag 866
func (NoEvents) SetEventPx ¶
SetEventPx sets EventPx, Tag 867
func (NoEvents) SetEventText ¶
SetEventText sets EventText, Tag 868
func (NoEvents) SetEventType ¶
SetEventType sets EventType, Tag 865
type NoEventsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoEventsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoEventsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 864
func NewNoEventsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoEventsRepeatingGroup() NoEventsRepeatingGroup
NewNoEventsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoEventsRepeatingGroup
func (NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoEvents
Add create and append a new NoEvents to this group
func (NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoEvents
Get returns the ith NoEvents in the NoEventsRepeatinGroup
type NoInstrumentParties ¶
NoInstrumentParties is a repeating group element, Tag 1018
func (NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyID ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyID() (f field.InstrumentPartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrumentPartyID gets InstrumentPartyID, Tag 1019
func (NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyIDSource() (f field.InstrumentPartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrumentPartyIDSource gets InstrumentPartyIDSource, Tag 1050
func (NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetInstrumentPartyRole() (f field.InstrumentPartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrumentPartyRole gets InstrumentPartyRole, Tag 1051
func (NoInstrumentParties) GetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) GetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs() (NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs gets NoInstrumentPartySubIDs, Tag 1052
func (NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyID ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyID() bool
HasInstrumentPartyID returns true if InstrumentPartyID is present, Tag 1019
func (NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyIDSource() bool
HasInstrumentPartyIDSource returns true if InstrumentPartyIDSource is present, Tag 1050
func (NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasInstrumentPartyRole() bool
HasInstrumentPartyRole returns true if InstrumentPartyRole is present, Tag 1051
func (NoInstrumentParties) HasNoInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) HasNoInstrumentPartySubIDs() bool
HasNoInstrumentPartySubIDs returns true if NoInstrumentPartySubIDs is present, Tag 1052
func (NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyID ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyID(v string)
SetInstrumentPartyID sets InstrumentPartyID, Tag 1019
func (NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyIDSource(v string)
SetInstrumentPartyIDSource sets InstrumentPartyIDSource, Tag 1050
func (NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetInstrumentPartyRole(v int)
SetInstrumentPartyRole sets InstrumentPartyRole, Tag 1051
func (NoInstrumentParties) SetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoInstrumentParties) SetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs(f NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoInstrumentPartySubIDs sets NoInstrumentPartySubIDs, Tag 1052
type NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup struct {
NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 1018
func NewNoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup() NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup
NewNoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup
func (NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Add() NoInstrumentParties
Add create and append a new NoInstrumentParties to this group
func (NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoInstrumentParties
Get returns the ith NoInstrumentParties in the NoInstrumentPartiesRepeatinGroup
type NoInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
NoInstrumentPartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 1052
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetInstrumentPartySubID() (f field.InstrumentPartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrumentPartySubID gets InstrumentPartySubID, Tag 1053
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetInstrumentPartySubIDType() (f field.InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrumentPartySubIDType gets InstrumentPartySubIDType, Tag 1054
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasInstrumentPartySubID() bool
HasInstrumentPartySubID returns true if InstrumentPartySubID is present, Tag 1053
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasInstrumentPartySubIDType() bool
HasInstrumentPartySubIDType returns true if InstrumentPartySubIDType is present, Tag 1054
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetInstrumentPartySubID(v string)
SetInstrumentPartySubID sets InstrumentPartySubID, Tag 1053
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetInstrumentPartySubIDType(v int)
SetInstrumentPartySubIDType sets InstrumentPartySubIDType, Tag 1054
type NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 1052
func NewNoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoInstrumentPartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoInstrumentPartySubIDs to this group
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoInstrumentPartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoInstrumentPartySubIDs in the NoInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoLegAllocs ¶
NoLegAllocs is a repeating group element, Tag 670
func (NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocAccount ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocAccount() (f field.LegAllocAccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegAllocAccount gets LegAllocAccount, Tag 671
func (NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocAcctIDSource() (f field.LegAllocAcctIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegAllocAcctIDSource gets LegAllocAcctIDSource, Tag 674
func (NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocQty ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegAllocQty() (f field.LegAllocQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegAllocQty gets LegAllocQty, Tag 673
func (NoLegAllocs) GetLegIndividualAllocID ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegIndividualAllocID() (f field.LegIndividualAllocIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegIndividualAllocID gets LegIndividualAllocID, Tag 672
func (NoLegAllocs) GetLegSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) GetLegSettlCurrency() (f field.LegSettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSettlCurrency gets LegSettlCurrency, Tag 675
func (NoLegAllocs) GetNoNested2PartyIDs ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) GetNoNested2PartyIDs() (NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoNested2PartyIDs gets NoNested2PartyIDs, Tag 756
func (NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocAccount ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocAccount() bool
HasLegAllocAccount returns true if LegAllocAccount is present, Tag 671
func (NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocAcctIDSource() bool
HasLegAllocAcctIDSource returns true if LegAllocAcctIDSource is present, Tag 674
func (NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocQty ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegAllocQty() bool
HasLegAllocQty returns true if LegAllocQty is present, Tag 673
func (NoLegAllocs) HasLegIndividualAllocID ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegIndividualAllocID() bool
HasLegIndividualAllocID returns true if LegIndividualAllocID is present, Tag 672
func (NoLegAllocs) HasLegSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) HasLegSettlCurrency() bool
HasLegSettlCurrency returns true if LegSettlCurrency is present, Tag 675
func (NoLegAllocs) HasNoNested2PartyIDs ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) HasNoNested2PartyIDs() bool
HasNoNested2PartyIDs returns true if NoNested2PartyIDs is present, Tag 756
func (NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocAccount ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocAccount(v string)
SetLegAllocAccount sets LegAllocAccount, Tag 671
func (NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocAcctIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocAcctIDSource(v string)
SetLegAllocAcctIDSource sets LegAllocAcctIDSource, Tag 674
func (NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocQty ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegAllocQty(v float64)
SetLegAllocQty sets LegAllocQty, Tag 673
func (NoLegAllocs) SetLegIndividualAllocID ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegIndividualAllocID(v string)
SetLegIndividualAllocID sets LegIndividualAllocID, Tag 672
func (NoLegAllocs) SetLegSettlCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) SetLegSettlCurrency(v string)
SetLegSettlCurrency sets LegSettlCurrency, Tag 675
func (NoLegAllocs) SetNoNested2PartyIDs ¶
func (m NoLegAllocs) SetNoNested2PartyIDs(f NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoNested2PartyIDs sets NoNested2PartyIDs, Tag 756
type NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 670
func NewNoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup() NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup
NewNoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup
func (NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoLegAllocs
Add create and append a new NoLegAllocs to this group
func (NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoLegAllocs
Get returns the ith NoLegAllocs in the NoLegAllocsRepeatinGroup
type NoLegSecurityAltID ¶
NoLegSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 604
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltID() (f field.LegSecurityAltIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityAltID gets LegSecurityAltID, Tag 605
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltIDSource() (f field.LegSecurityAltIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityAltIDSource gets LegSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 606
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltID() bool
HasLegSecurityAltID returns true if LegSecurityAltID is present, Tag 605
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasLegSecurityAltIDSource returns true if LegSecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 606
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltID(v string)
SetLegSecurityAltID sets LegSecurityAltID, Tag 605
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetLegSecurityAltIDSource sets LegSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 606
type NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 604
func NewNoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoLegSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoLegSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoLegSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoLegSecurityAltID in the NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoLegStipulations ¶
NoLegStipulations is a repeating group element, Tag 683
func (NoLegStipulations) GetLegStipulationType ¶
func (m NoLegStipulations) GetLegStipulationType() (f field.LegStipulationTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStipulationType gets LegStipulationType, Tag 688
func (NoLegStipulations) GetLegStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoLegStipulations) GetLegStipulationValue() (f field.LegStipulationValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStipulationValue gets LegStipulationValue, Tag 689
func (NoLegStipulations) HasLegStipulationType ¶
func (m NoLegStipulations) HasLegStipulationType() bool
HasLegStipulationType returns true if LegStipulationType is present, Tag 688
func (NoLegStipulations) HasLegStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoLegStipulations) HasLegStipulationValue() bool
HasLegStipulationValue returns true if LegStipulationValue is present, Tag 689
func (NoLegStipulations) SetLegStipulationType ¶
func (m NoLegStipulations) SetLegStipulationType(v string)
SetLegStipulationType sets LegStipulationType, Tag 688
func (NoLegStipulations) SetLegStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoLegStipulations) SetLegStipulationValue(v string)
SetLegStipulationValue sets LegStipulationValue, Tag 689
type NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 683
func NewNoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup() NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup
NewNoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup
func (NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoLegStipulations
Add create and append a new NoLegStipulations to this group
func (NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoLegStipulations
Get returns the ith NoLegStipulations in the NoLegStipulationsRepeatinGroup
type NoLegs ¶
NoLegs is a repeating group element, Tag 555
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuer ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuer() (f field.EncodedLegIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegIssuer gets EncodedLegIssuer, Tag 619
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedLegIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegIssuerLen gets EncodedLegIssuerLen, Tag 618
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedLegSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc gets EncodedLegSecurityDesc, Tag 622
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen gets EncodedLegSecurityDescLen, Tag 621
func (NoLegs) GetLegCFICode ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCFICode() (f field.LegCFICodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCFICode gets LegCFICode, Tag 608
func (NoLegs) GetLegContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractMultiplier() (f field.LegContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegContractMultiplier gets LegContractMultiplier, Tag 614
func (NoLegs) GetLegContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractSettlMonth() (f field.LegContractSettlMonthField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegContractSettlMonth gets LegContractSettlMonth, Tag 955
func (NoLegs) GetLegCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCountryOfIssue() (f field.LegCountryOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCountryOfIssue gets LegCountryOfIssue, Tag 596
func (NoLegs) GetLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponPaymentDate() (f field.LegCouponPaymentDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCouponPaymentDate gets LegCouponPaymentDate, Tag 248
func (NoLegs) GetLegCouponRate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponRate() (f field.LegCouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCouponRate gets LegCouponRate, Tag 615
func (NoLegs) GetLegCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCoveredOrUncovered() (f field.LegCoveredOrUncoveredField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCoveredOrUncovered gets LegCoveredOrUncovered, Tag 565
func (NoLegs) GetLegCreditRating ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCreditRating() (f field.LegCreditRatingField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCreditRating gets LegCreditRating, Tag 257
func (NoLegs) GetLegCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCurrency() (f field.LegCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCurrency gets LegCurrency, Tag 556
func (NoLegs) GetLegDatedDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegDatedDate() (f field.LegDatedDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegDatedDate gets LegDatedDate, Tag 739
func (NoLegs) GetLegFactor ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegFactor() (f field.LegFactorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegFactor gets LegFactor, Tag 253
func (NoLegs) GetLegInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegInstrRegistry() (f field.LegInstrRegistryField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegInstrRegistry gets LegInstrRegistry, Tag 599
func (NoLegs) GetLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegInterestAccrualDate() (f field.LegInterestAccrualDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegInterestAccrualDate gets LegInterestAccrualDate, Tag 956
func (NoLegs) GetLegIssueDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssueDate() (f field.LegIssueDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegIssueDate gets LegIssueDate, Tag 249
func (NoLegs) GetLegIssuer ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssuer() (f field.LegIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegIssuer gets LegIssuer, Tag 617
func (NoLegs) GetLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegLocaleOfIssue() (f field.LegLocaleOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegLocaleOfIssue gets LegLocaleOfIssue, Tag 598
func (NoLegs) GetLegMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityDate() (f field.LegMaturityDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegMaturityDate gets LegMaturityDate, Tag 611
func (NoLegs) GetLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityMonthYear() (f field.LegMaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegMaturityMonthYear gets LegMaturityMonthYear, Tag 610
func (NoLegs) GetLegOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegOptAttribute() (f field.LegOptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegOptAttribute gets LegOptAttribute, Tag 613
func (NoLegs) GetLegOptionRatio ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegOptionRatio() (f field.LegOptionRatioField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegOptionRatio gets LegOptionRatio, Tag 1017
func (NoLegs) GetLegOrderQty ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegOrderQty() (f field.LegOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegOrderQty gets LegOrderQty, Tag 685
func (NoLegs) GetLegPool ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegPool() (f field.LegPoolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegPool gets LegPool, Tag 740
func (NoLegs) GetLegPositionEffect ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegPositionEffect() (f field.LegPositionEffectField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegPositionEffect gets LegPositionEffect, Tag 564
func (NoLegs) GetLegPrice ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegPrice() (f field.LegPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegPrice gets LegPrice, Tag 566
func (NoLegs) GetLegProduct ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegProduct() (f field.LegProductField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegProduct gets LegProduct, Tag 607
func (NoLegs) GetLegQty ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegQty() (f field.LegQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegQty gets LegQty, Tag 687
func (NoLegs) GetLegRatioQty ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRatioQty() (f field.LegRatioQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRatioQty gets LegRatioQty, Tag 623
func (NoLegs) GetLegRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRedemptionDate() (f field.LegRedemptionDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRedemptionDate gets LegRedemptionDate, Tag 254
func (NoLegs) GetLegRefID ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRefID() (f field.LegRefIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRefID gets LegRefID, Tag 654
func (NoLegs) GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType() (f field.LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType gets LegRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 250
func (NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseRate() (f field.LegRepurchaseRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRepurchaseRate gets LegRepurchaseRate, Tag 252
func (NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseTerm() (f field.LegRepurchaseTermField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRepurchaseTerm gets LegRepurchaseTerm, Tag 251
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityDesc() (f field.LegSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityDesc gets LegSecurityDesc, Tag 620
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityExchange() (f field.LegSecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityExchange gets LegSecurityExchange, Tag 616
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityID ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityID() (f field.LegSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityID gets LegSecurityID, Tag 602
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityIDSource() (f field.LegSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityIDSource gets LegSecurityIDSource, Tag 603
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecuritySubType() (f field.LegSecuritySubTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecuritySubType gets LegSecuritySubType, Tag 764
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityType() (f field.LegSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityType gets LegSecurityType, Tag 609
func (NoLegs) GetLegSettlDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSettlDate() (f field.LegSettlDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSettlDate gets LegSettlDate, Tag 588
func (NoLegs) GetLegSettlType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSettlType() (f field.LegSettlTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSettlType gets LegSettlType, Tag 587
func (NoLegs) GetLegSide ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSide() (f field.LegSideField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSide gets LegSide, Tag 624
func (NoLegs) GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (f field.LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 597
func (NoLegs) GetLegStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikeCurrency() (f field.LegStrikeCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStrikeCurrency gets LegStrikeCurrency, Tag 942
func (NoLegs) GetLegStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikePrice() (f field.LegStrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStrikePrice gets LegStrikePrice, Tag 612
func (NoLegs) GetLegSwapType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSwapType() (f field.LegSwapTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSwapType gets LegSwapType, Tag 690
func (NoLegs) GetLegSymbol ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbol() (f field.LegSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSymbol gets LegSymbol, Tag 600
func (NoLegs) GetLegSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbolSfx() (f field.LegSymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSymbolSfx gets LegSymbolSfx, Tag 601
func (NoLegs) GetLegTimeUnit ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegTimeUnit() (f field.LegTimeUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegTimeUnit gets LegTimeUnit, Tag 1001
func (NoLegs) GetLegUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegUnitOfMeasure() (f field.LegUnitOfMeasureField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegUnitOfMeasure gets LegUnitOfMeasure, Tag 999
func (NoLegs) GetNoLegAllocs ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegAllocs() (NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoLegAllocs gets NoLegAllocs, Tag 670
func (NoLegs) GetNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegSecurityAltID() (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoLegSecurityAltID gets NoLegSecurityAltID, Tag 604
func (NoLegs) GetNoLegStipulations ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegStipulations() (NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoLegStipulations gets NoLegStipulations, Tag 683
func (NoLegs) GetNoNestedPartyIDs ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetNoNestedPartyIDs() (NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoNestedPartyIDs gets NoNestedPartyIDs, Tag 539
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuer ¶
HasEncodedLegIssuer returns true if EncodedLegIssuer is present, Tag 619
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
HasEncodedLegIssuerLen returns true if EncodedLegIssuerLen is present, Tag 618
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
HasEncodedLegSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedLegSecurityDesc is present, Tag 622
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
HasEncodedLegSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedLegSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 621
func (NoLegs) HasLegCFICode ¶
HasLegCFICode returns true if LegCFICode is present, Tag 608
func (NoLegs) HasLegContractMultiplier ¶
HasLegContractMultiplier returns true if LegContractMultiplier is present, Tag 614
func (NoLegs) HasLegContractSettlMonth ¶
HasLegContractSettlMonth returns true if LegContractSettlMonth is present, Tag 955
func (NoLegs) HasLegCountryOfIssue ¶
HasLegCountryOfIssue returns true if LegCountryOfIssue is present, Tag 596
func (NoLegs) HasLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
HasLegCouponPaymentDate returns true if LegCouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 248
func (NoLegs) HasLegCouponRate ¶
HasLegCouponRate returns true if LegCouponRate is present, Tag 615
func (NoLegs) HasLegCoveredOrUncovered ¶
HasLegCoveredOrUncovered returns true if LegCoveredOrUncovered is present, Tag 565
func (NoLegs) HasLegCreditRating ¶
HasLegCreditRating returns true if LegCreditRating is present, Tag 257
func (NoLegs) HasLegCurrency ¶
HasLegCurrency returns true if LegCurrency is present, Tag 556
func (NoLegs) HasLegDatedDate ¶
HasLegDatedDate returns true if LegDatedDate is present, Tag 739
func (NoLegs) HasLegFactor ¶
HasLegFactor returns true if LegFactor is present, Tag 253
func (NoLegs) HasLegInstrRegistry ¶
HasLegInstrRegistry returns true if LegInstrRegistry is present, Tag 599
func (NoLegs) HasLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
HasLegInterestAccrualDate returns true if LegInterestAccrualDate is present, Tag 956
func (NoLegs) HasLegIssueDate ¶
HasLegIssueDate returns true if LegIssueDate is present, Tag 249
func (NoLegs) HasLegIssuer ¶
HasLegIssuer returns true if LegIssuer is present, Tag 617
func (NoLegs) HasLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
HasLegLocaleOfIssue returns true if LegLocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 598
func (NoLegs) HasLegMaturityDate ¶
HasLegMaturityDate returns true if LegMaturityDate is present, Tag 611
func (NoLegs) HasLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
HasLegMaturityMonthYear returns true if LegMaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 610
func (NoLegs) HasLegOptAttribute ¶
HasLegOptAttribute returns true if LegOptAttribute is present, Tag 613
func (NoLegs) HasLegOptionRatio ¶
HasLegOptionRatio returns true if LegOptionRatio is present, Tag 1017
func (NoLegs) HasLegOrderQty ¶
HasLegOrderQty returns true if LegOrderQty is present, Tag 685
func (NoLegs) HasLegPool ¶
HasLegPool returns true if LegPool is present, Tag 740
func (NoLegs) HasLegPositionEffect ¶
HasLegPositionEffect returns true if LegPositionEffect is present, Tag 564
func (NoLegs) HasLegPrice ¶
HasLegPrice returns true if LegPrice is present, Tag 566
func (NoLegs) HasLegProduct ¶
HasLegProduct returns true if LegProduct is present, Tag 607
func (NoLegs) HasLegRatioQty ¶
HasLegRatioQty returns true if LegRatioQty is present, Tag 623
func (NoLegs) HasLegRedemptionDate ¶
HasLegRedemptionDate returns true if LegRedemptionDate is present, Tag 254
func (NoLegs) HasLegRefID ¶
HasLegRefID returns true if LegRefID is present, Tag 654
func (NoLegs) HasLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
HasLegRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if LegRepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 250
func (NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseRate ¶
HasLegRepurchaseRate returns true if LegRepurchaseRate is present, Tag 252
func (NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
HasLegRepurchaseTerm returns true if LegRepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 251
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityDesc ¶
HasLegSecurityDesc returns true if LegSecurityDesc is present, Tag 620
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityExchange ¶
HasLegSecurityExchange returns true if LegSecurityExchange is present, Tag 616
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityID ¶
HasLegSecurityID returns true if LegSecurityID is present, Tag 602
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityIDSource ¶
HasLegSecurityIDSource returns true if LegSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 603
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecuritySubType ¶
HasLegSecuritySubType returns true if LegSecuritySubType is present, Tag 764
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityType ¶
HasLegSecurityType returns true if LegSecurityType is present, Tag 609
func (NoLegs) HasLegSettlDate ¶
HasLegSettlDate returns true if LegSettlDate is present, Tag 588
func (NoLegs) HasLegSettlType ¶
HasLegSettlType returns true if LegSettlType is present, Tag 587
func (NoLegs) HasLegSide ¶
HasLegSide returns true if LegSide is present, Tag 624
func (NoLegs) HasLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
HasLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 597
func (NoLegs) HasLegStrikeCurrency ¶
HasLegStrikeCurrency returns true if LegStrikeCurrency is present, Tag 942
func (NoLegs) HasLegStrikePrice ¶
HasLegStrikePrice returns true if LegStrikePrice is present, Tag 612
func (NoLegs) HasLegSwapType ¶
HasLegSwapType returns true if LegSwapType is present, Tag 690
func (NoLegs) HasLegSymbol ¶
HasLegSymbol returns true if LegSymbol is present, Tag 600
func (NoLegs) HasLegSymbolSfx ¶
HasLegSymbolSfx returns true if LegSymbolSfx is present, Tag 601
func (NoLegs) HasLegTimeUnit ¶
HasLegTimeUnit returns true if LegTimeUnit is present, Tag 1001
func (NoLegs) HasLegUnitOfMeasure ¶
HasLegUnitOfMeasure returns true if LegUnitOfMeasure is present, Tag 999
func (NoLegs) HasNoLegAllocs ¶
HasNoLegAllocs returns true if NoLegAllocs is present, Tag 670
func (NoLegs) HasNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
HasNoLegSecurityAltID returns true if NoLegSecurityAltID is present, Tag 604
func (NoLegs) HasNoLegStipulations ¶
HasNoLegStipulations returns true if NoLegStipulations is present, Tag 683
func (NoLegs) HasNoNestedPartyIDs ¶
HasNoNestedPartyIDs returns true if NoNestedPartyIDs is present, Tag 539
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuer ¶
SetEncodedLegIssuer sets EncodedLegIssuer, Tag 619
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
SetEncodedLegIssuerLen sets EncodedLegIssuerLen, Tag 618
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
SetEncodedLegSecurityDesc sets EncodedLegSecurityDesc, Tag 622
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
SetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen sets EncodedLegSecurityDescLen, Tag 621
func (NoLegs) SetLegCFICode ¶
SetLegCFICode sets LegCFICode, Tag 608
func (NoLegs) SetLegContractMultiplier ¶
SetLegContractMultiplier sets LegContractMultiplier, Tag 614
func (NoLegs) SetLegContractSettlMonth ¶
SetLegContractSettlMonth sets LegContractSettlMonth, Tag 955
func (NoLegs) SetLegCountryOfIssue ¶
SetLegCountryOfIssue sets LegCountryOfIssue, Tag 596
func (NoLegs) SetLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
SetLegCouponPaymentDate sets LegCouponPaymentDate, Tag 248
func (NoLegs) SetLegCouponRate ¶
SetLegCouponRate sets LegCouponRate, Tag 615
func (NoLegs) SetLegCoveredOrUncovered ¶
SetLegCoveredOrUncovered sets LegCoveredOrUncovered, Tag 565
func (NoLegs) SetLegCreditRating ¶
SetLegCreditRating sets LegCreditRating, Tag 257
func (NoLegs) SetLegCurrency ¶
SetLegCurrency sets LegCurrency, Tag 556
func (NoLegs) SetLegDatedDate ¶
SetLegDatedDate sets LegDatedDate, Tag 739
func (NoLegs) SetLegFactor ¶
SetLegFactor sets LegFactor, Tag 253
func (NoLegs) SetLegInstrRegistry ¶
SetLegInstrRegistry sets LegInstrRegistry, Tag 599
func (NoLegs) SetLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
SetLegInterestAccrualDate sets LegInterestAccrualDate, Tag 956
func (NoLegs) SetLegIssueDate ¶
SetLegIssueDate sets LegIssueDate, Tag 249
func (NoLegs) SetLegIssuer ¶
SetLegIssuer sets LegIssuer, Tag 617
func (NoLegs) SetLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
SetLegLocaleOfIssue sets LegLocaleOfIssue, Tag 598
func (NoLegs) SetLegMaturityDate ¶
SetLegMaturityDate sets LegMaturityDate, Tag 611
func (NoLegs) SetLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
SetLegMaturityMonthYear sets LegMaturityMonthYear, Tag 610
func (NoLegs) SetLegOptAttribute ¶
SetLegOptAttribute sets LegOptAttribute, Tag 613
func (NoLegs) SetLegOptionRatio ¶
SetLegOptionRatio sets LegOptionRatio, Tag 1017
func (NoLegs) SetLegOrderQty ¶
SetLegOrderQty sets LegOrderQty, Tag 685
func (NoLegs) SetLegPositionEffect ¶
SetLegPositionEffect sets LegPositionEffect, Tag 564
func (NoLegs) SetLegPrice ¶
SetLegPrice sets LegPrice, Tag 566
func (NoLegs) SetLegProduct ¶
SetLegProduct sets LegProduct, Tag 607
func (NoLegs) SetLegRatioQty ¶
SetLegRatioQty sets LegRatioQty, Tag 623
func (NoLegs) SetLegRedemptionDate ¶
SetLegRedemptionDate sets LegRedemptionDate, Tag 254
func (NoLegs) SetLegRefID ¶
SetLegRefID sets LegRefID, Tag 654
func (NoLegs) SetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
SetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType sets LegRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 250
func (NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseRate ¶
SetLegRepurchaseRate sets LegRepurchaseRate, Tag 252
func (NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
SetLegRepurchaseTerm sets LegRepurchaseTerm, Tag 251
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityDesc ¶
SetLegSecurityDesc sets LegSecurityDesc, Tag 620
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityExchange ¶
SetLegSecurityExchange sets LegSecurityExchange, Tag 616
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityID ¶
SetLegSecurityID sets LegSecurityID, Tag 602
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityIDSource ¶
SetLegSecurityIDSource sets LegSecurityIDSource, Tag 603
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecuritySubType ¶
SetLegSecuritySubType sets LegSecuritySubType, Tag 764
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityType ¶
SetLegSecurityType sets LegSecurityType, Tag 609
func (NoLegs) SetLegSettlDate ¶
SetLegSettlDate sets LegSettlDate, Tag 588
func (NoLegs) SetLegSettlType ¶
SetLegSettlType sets LegSettlType, Tag 587
func (NoLegs) SetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
SetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 597
func (NoLegs) SetLegStrikeCurrency ¶
SetLegStrikeCurrency sets LegStrikeCurrency, Tag 942
func (NoLegs) SetLegStrikePrice ¶
SetLegStrikePrice sets LegStrikePrice, Tag 612
func (NoLegs) SetLegSwapType ¶
SetLegSwapType sets LegSwapType, Tag 690
func (NoLegs) SetLegSymbol ¶
SetLegSymbol sets LegSymbol, Tag 600
func (NoLegs) SetLegSymbolSfx ¶
SetLegSymbolSfx sets LegSymbolSfx, Tag 601
func (NoLegs) SetLegTimeUnit ¶
SetLegTimeUnit sets LegTimeUnit, Tag 1001
func (NoLegs) SetLegUnitOfMeasure ¶
SetLegUnitOfMeasure sets LegUnitOfMeasure, Tag 999
func (NoLegs) SetNoLegAllocs ¶
func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegAllocs(f NoLegAllocsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoLegAllocs sets NoLegAllocs, Tag 670
func (NoLegs) SetNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegSecurityAltID(f NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoLegSecurityAltID sets NoLegSecurityAltID, Tag 604
func (NoLegs) SetNoLegStipulations ¶
func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegStipulations(f NoLegStipulationsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoLegStipulations sets NoLegStipulations, Tag 683
func (NoLegs) SetNoNestedPartyIDs ¶
func (m NoLegs) SetNoNestedPartyIDs(f NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoNestedPartyIDs sets NoNestedPartyIDs, Tag 539
type NoLegsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoLegsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoLegsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 555
func NewNoLegsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoLegsRepeatingGroup() NoLegsRepeatingGroup
NewNoLegsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoLegsRepeatingGroup
func (NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoLegs
Add create and append a new NoLegs to this group
func (NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoLegs
Get returns the ith NoLegs in the NoLegsRepeatinGroup
type NoNested2PartyIDs ¶
NoNested2PartyIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 756
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyID ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyID() (f field.Nested2PartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested2PartyID gets Nested2PartyID, Tag 757
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyIDSource() (f field.Nested2PartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested2PartyIDSource gets Nested2PartyIDSource, Tag 758
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyRole ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNested2PartyRole() (f field.Nested2PartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested2PartyRole gets Nested2PartyRole, Tag 759
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNoNested2PartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) GetNoNested2PartySubIDs() (NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoNested2PartySubIDs gets NoNested2PartySubIDs, Tag 806
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyID ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyID() bool
HasNested2PartyID returns true if Nested2PartyID is present, Tag 757
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyIDSource() bool
HasNested2PartyIDSource returns true if Nested2PartyIDSource is present, Tag 758
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyRole ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNested2PartyRole() bool
HasNested2PartyRole returns true if Nested2PartyRole is present, Tag 759
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNoNested2PartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) HasNoNested2PartySubIDs() bool
HasNoNested2PartySubIDs returns true if NoNested2PartySubIDs is present, Tag 806
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyID ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyID(v string)
SetNested2PartyID sets Nested2PartyID, Tag 757
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyIDSource(v string)
SetNested2PartyIDSource sets Nested2PartyIDSource, Tag 758
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyRole ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNested2PartyRole(v int)
SetNested2PartyRole sets Nested2PartyRole, Tag 759
func (NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNoNested2PartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDs) SetNoNested2PartySubIDs(f NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoNested2PartySubIDs sets NoNested2PartySubIDs, Tag 806
type NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 756
func NewNoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup() NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoNested2PartyIDs
Add create and append a new NoNested2PartyIDs to this group
func (NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoNested2PartyIDs
Get returns the ith NoNested2PartyIDs in the NoNested2PartyIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoNested2PartySubIDs ¶
NoNested2PartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 806
func (NoNested2PartySubIDs) GetNested2PartySubID ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) GetNested2PartySubID() (f field.Nested2PartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested2PartySubID gets Nested2PartySubID, Tag 760
func (NoNested2PartySubIDs) GetNested2PartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) GetNested2PartySubIDType() (f field.Nested2PartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested2PartySubIDType gets Nested2PartySubIDType, Tag 807
func (NoNested2PartySubIDs) HasNested2PartySubID ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) HasNested2PartySubID() bool
HasNested2PartySubID returns true if Nested2PartySubID is present, Tag 760
func (NoNested2PartySubIDs) HasNested2PartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) HasNested2PartySubIDType() bool
HasNested2PartySubIDType returns true if Nested2PartySubIDType is present, Tag 807
func (NoNested2PartySubIDs) SetNested2PartySubID ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) SetNested2PartySubID(v string)
SetNested2PartySubID sets Nested2PartySubID, Tag 760
func (NoNested2PartySubIDs) SetNested2PartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDs) SetNested2PartySubIDType(v int)
SetNested2PartySubIDType sets Nested2PartySubIDType, Tag 807
type NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 806
func NewNoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoNested2PartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoNested2PartySubIDs to this group
func (NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoNested2PartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoNested2PartySubIDs in the NoNested2PartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoNested3PartyIDs ¶
NoNested3PartyIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 948
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyID ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyID() (f field.Nested3PartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested3PartyID gets Nested3PartyID, Tag 949
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyIDSource() (f field.Nested3PartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested3PartyIDSource gets Nested3PartyIDSource, Tag 950
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyRole ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNested3PartyRole() (f field.Nested3PartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested3PartyRole gets Nested3PartyRole, Tag 951
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNoNested3PartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) GetNoNested3PartySubIDs() (NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoNested3PartySubIDs gets NoNested3PartySubIDs, Tag 952
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyID ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyID() bool
HasNested3PartyID returns true if Nested3PartyID is present, Tag 949
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyIDSource() bool
HasNested3PartyIDSource returns true if Nested3PartyIDSource is present, Tag 950
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyRole ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNested3PartyRole() bool
HasNested3PartyRole returns true if Nested3PartyRole is present, Tag 951
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNoNested3PartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) HasNoNested3PartySubIDs() bool
HasNoNested3PartySubIDs returns true if NoNested3PartySubIDs is present, Tag 952
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyID ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyID(v string)
SetNested3PartyID sets Nested3PartyID, Tag 949
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyIDSource(v string)
SetNested3PartyIDSource sets Nested3PartyIDSource, Tag 950
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyRole ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNested3PartyRole(v int)
SetNested3PartyRole sets Nested3PartyRole, Tag 951
func (NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNoNested3PartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDs) SetNoNested3PartySubIDs(f NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoNested3PartySubIDs sets NoNested3PartySubIDs, Tag 952
type NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 948
func NewNoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup() NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoNested3PartyIDs
Add create and append a new NoNested3PartyIDs to this group
func (NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoNested3PartyIDs
Get returns the ith NoNested3PartyIDs in the NoNested3PartyIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoNested3PartySubIDs ¶
NoNested3PartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 952
func (NoNested3PartySubIDs) GetNested3PartySubID ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) GetNested3PartySubID() (f field.Nested3PartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested3PartySubID gets Nested3PartySubID, Tag 953
func (NoNested3PartySubIDs) GetNested3PartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) GetNested3PartySubIDType() (f field.Nested3PartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNested3PartySubIDType gets Nested3PartySubIDType, Tag 954
func (NoNested3PartySubIDs) HasNested3PartySubID ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) HasNested3PartySubID() bool
HasNested3PartySubID returns true if Nested3PartySubID is present, Tag 953
func (NoNested3PartySubIDs) HasNested3PartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) HasNested3PartySubIDType() bool
HasNested3PartySubIDType returns true if Nested3PartySubIDType is present, Tag 954
func (NoNested3PartySubIDs) SetNested3PartySubID ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) SetNested3PartySubID(v string)
SetNested3PartySubID sets Nested3PartySubID, Tag 953
func (NoNested3PartySubIDs) SetNested3PartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDs) SetNested3PartySubIDType(v int)
SetNested3PartySubIDType sets Nested3PartySubIDType, Tag 954
type NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 952
func NewNoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoNested3PartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoNested3PartySubIDs to this group
func (NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoNested3PartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoNested3PartySubIDs in the NoNested3PartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoNestedPartyIDs ¶
NoNestedPartyIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 539
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyID ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyID() (f field.NestedPartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNestedPartyID gets NestedPartyID, Tag 524
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyIDSource() (f field.NestedPartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNestedPartyIDSource gets NestedPartyIDSource, Tag 525
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyRole ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNestedPartyRole() (f field.NestedPartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNestedPartyRole gets NestedPartyRole, Tag 538
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNoNestedPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) GetNoNestedPartySubIDs() (NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoNestedPartySubIDs gets NoNestedPartySubIDs, Tag 804
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyID ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyID() bool
HasNestedPartyID returns true if NestedPartyID is present, Tag 524
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyIDSource() bool
HasNestedPartyIDSource returns true if NestedPartyIDSource is present, Tag 525
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyRole ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNestedPartyRole() bool
HasNestedPartyRole returns true if NestedPartyRole is present, Tag 538
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNoNestedPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) HasNoNestedPartySubIDs() bool
HasNoNestedPartySubIDs returns true if NoNestedPartySubIDs is present, Tag 804
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyID ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyID(v string)
SetNestedPartyID sets NestedPartyID, Tag 524
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyIDSource(v string)
SetNestedPartyIDSource sets NestedPartyIDSource, Tag 525
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyRole ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNestedPartyRole(v int)
SetNestedPartyRole sets NestedPartyRole, Tag 538
func (NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNoNestedPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDs) SetNoNestedPartySubIDs(f NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoNestedPartySubIDs sets NoNestedPartySubIDs, Tag 804
type NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 539
func NewNoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup() NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoNestedPartyIDs
Add create and append a new NoNestedPartyIDs to this group
func (NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoNestedPartyIDs
Get returns the ith NoNestedPartyIDs in the NoNestedPartyIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoNestedPartySubIDs ¶
NoNestedPartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 804
func (NoNestedPartySubIDs) GetNestedPartySubID ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) GetNestedPartySubID() (f field.NestedPartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNestedPartySubID gets NestedPartySubID, Tag 545
func (NoNestedPartySubIDs) GetNestedPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) GetNestedPartySubIDType() (f field.NestedPartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNestedPartySubIDType gets NestedPartySubIDType, Tag 805
func (NoNestedPartySubIDs) HasNestedPartySubID ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) HasNestedPartySubID() bool
HasNestedPartySubID returns true if NestedPartySubID is present, Tag 545
func (NoNestedPartySubIDs) HasNestedPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) HasNestedPartySubIDType() bool
HasNestedPartySubIDType returns true if NestedPartySubIDType is present, Tag 805
func (NoNestedPartySubIDs) SetNestedPartySubID ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) SetNestedPartySubID(v string)
SetNestedPartySubID sets NestedPartySubID, Tag 545
func (NoNestedPartySubIDs) SetNestedPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDs) SetNestedPartySubIDType(v int)
SetNestedPartySubIDType sets NestedPartySubIDType, Tag 805
type NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 804
func NewNoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoNestedPartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoNestedPartySubIDs to this group
func (NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoNestedPartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoNestedPartySubIDs in the NoNestedPartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoPartyIDs ¶
NoPartyIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 453
func (NoPartyIDs) GetNoPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetNoPartySubIDs() (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoPartySubIDs gets NoPartySubIDs, Tag 802
func (NoPartyIDs) GetPartyID ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyID() (f field.PartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartyID gets PartyID, Tag 448
func (NoPartyIDs) GetPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyIDSource() (f field.PartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartyIDSource gets PartyIDSource, Tag 447
func (NoPartyIDs) GetPartyRole ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyRole() (f field.PartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartyRole gets PartyRole, Tag 452
func (NoPartyIDs) HasNoPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasNoPartySubIDs() bool
HasNoPartySubIDs returns true if NoPartySubIDs is present, Tag 802
func (NoPartyIDs) HasPartyID ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyID() bool
HasPartyID returns true if PartyID is present, Tag 448
func (NoPartyIDs) HasPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyIDSource() bool
HasPartyIDSource returns true if PartyIDSource is present, Tag 447
func (NoPartyIDs) HasPartyRole ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyRole() bool
HasPartyRole returns true if PartyRole is present, Tag 452
func (NoPartyIDs) SetNoPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetNoPartySubIDs(f NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoPartySubIDs sets NoPartySubIDs, Tag 802
func (NoPartyIDs) SetPartyID ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyID(v string)
SetPartyID sets PartyID, Tag 448
func (NoPartyIDs) SetPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyIDSource(v string)
SetPartyIDSource sets PartyIDSource, Tag 447
func (NoPartyIDs) SetPartyRole ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyRole(v int)
SetPartyRole sets PartyRole, Tag 452
type NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 453
func NewNoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup() NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoPartyIDs
Add create and append a new NoPartyIDs to this group
func (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoPartyIDs
Get returns the ith NoPartyIDs in the NoPartyIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoPartySubIDs ¶
NoPartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 802
func (NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubID ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubID() (f field.PartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartySubID gets PartySubID, Tag 523
func (NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubIDType() (f field.PartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartySubIDType gets PartySubIDType, Tag 803
func (NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubID ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubID() bool
HasPartySubID returns true if PartySubID is present, Tag 523
func (NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubIDType() bool
HasPartySubIDType returns true if PartySubIDType is present, Tag 803
func (NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubID ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubID(v string)
SetPartySubID sets PartySubID, Tag 523
func (NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubIDType(v int)
SetPartySubIDType sets PartySubIDType, Tag 803
type NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 802
func NewNoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoPartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoPartySubIDs to this group
func (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoPartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoPartySubIDs in the NoPartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoSecurityAltID ¶
NoSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 454
func (NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID() (f field.SecurityAltIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityAltID gets SecurityAltID, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource() (f field.SecurityAltIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityAltIDSource gets SecurityAltIDSource, Tag 456
func (NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID() bool
HasSecurityAltID returns true if SecurityAltID is present, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasSecurityAltIDSource returns true if SecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 456
func (NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID(v string)
SetSecurityAltID sets SecurityAltID, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetSecurityAltIDSource sets SecurityAltIDSource, Tag 456
type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 454
func NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoSecurityAltID in the NoSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoStrategyParameters ¶
NoStrategyParameters is a repeating group element, Tag 957
func (NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterName ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterName() (f field.StrategyParameterNameField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrategyParameterName gets StrategyParameterName, Tag 958
func (NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterType ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterType() (f field.StrategyParameterTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrategyParameterType gets StrategyParameterType, Tag 959
func (NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterValue ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) GetStrategyParameterValue() (f field.StrategyParameterValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrategyParameterValue gets StrategyParameterValue, Tag 960
func (NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterName ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterName() bool
HasStrategyParameterName returns true if StrategyParameterName is present, Tag 958
func (NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterType ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterType() bool
HasStrategyParameterType returns true if StrategyParameterType is present, Tag 959
func (NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterValue ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) HasStrategyParameterValue() bool
HasStrategyParameterValue returns true if StrategyParameterValue is present, Tag 960
func (NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterName ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterName(v string)
SetStrategyParameterName sets StrategyParameterName, Tag 958
func (NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterType ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterType(v int)
SetStrategyParameterType sets StrategyParameterType, Tag 959
func (NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterValue ¶
func (m NoStrategyParameters) SetStrategyParameterValue(v string)
SetStrategyParameterValue sets StrategyParameterValue, Tag 960
type NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup struct {
NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 957
func NewNoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup() NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup
NewNoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup
func (NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup) Add() NoStrategyParameters
Add create and append a new NoStrategyParameters to this group
func (NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoStrategyParametersRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoStrategyParameters
Get returns the ith NoStrategyParameters in the NoStrategyParametersRepeatinGroup
type NoTradingSessions ¶
NoTradingSessions is a repeating group element, Tag 386
func (NoTradingSessions) GetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NoTradingSessions) GetTradingSessionID() (f field.TradingSessionIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionID gets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (NoTradingSessions) GetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NoTradingSessions) GetTradingSessionSubID() (f field.TradingSessionSubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionSubID gets TradingSessionSubID, Tag 625
func (NoTradingSessions) HasTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NoTradingSessions) HasTradingSessionID() bool
HasTradingSessionID returns true if TradingSessionID is present, Tag 336
func (NoTradingSessions) HasTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NoTradingSessions) HasTradingSessionSubID() bool
HasTradingSessionSubID returns true if TradingSessionSubID is present, Tag 625
func (NoTradingSessions) SetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NoTradingSessions) SetTradingSessionID(v string)
SetTradingSessionID sets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (NoTradingSessions) SetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NoTradingSessions) SetTradingSessionSubID(v string)
SetTradingSessionSubID sets TradingSessionSubID, Tag 625
type NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 386
func NewNoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup() NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup
NewNoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup
func (NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoTradingSessions
Add create and append a new NoTradingSessions to this group
func (NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoTradingSessionsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoTradingSessions
Get returns the ith NoTradingSessions in the NoTradingSessionsRepeatinGroup
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID gets UnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 458
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource gets UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 459
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID returns true if UnderlyingSecurityAltID is present, Tag 458
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource returns true if UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 459
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID sets UnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 458
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource sets UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 459
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 457
func NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID in the NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoUnderlyingStips ¶
NoUnderlyingStips is a repeating group element, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipType() (f field.UnderlyingStipTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStipType gets UnderlyingStipType, Tag 888
func (NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipValue() (f field.UnderlyingStipValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStipValue gets UnderlyingStipValue, Tag 889
func (NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipType() bool
HasUnderlyingStipType returns true if UnderlyingStipType is present, Tag 888
func (NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipValue() bool
HasUnderlyingStipValue returns true if UnderlyingStipValue is present, Tag 889
func (NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipType(v string)
SetUnderlyingStipType sets UnderlyingStipType, Tag 888
func (NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipValue(v string)
SetUnderlyingStipValue sets UnderlyingStipValue, Tag 889
type NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 887
func NewNoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup() NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup
NewNoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup
func (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUnderlyingStips
Add create and append a new NoUnderlyingStips to this group
func (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUnderlyingStips
Get returns the ith NoUnderlyingStips in the NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatinGroup
type NoUnderlyings ¶
NoUnderlyings is a repeating group element, Tag 711
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer gets EncodedUnderlyingIssuer, Tag 363
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen gets EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen, Tag 362
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc gets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 365
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen gets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen, Tag 364
func (NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID gets NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingStips() (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUnderlyingStips gets NoUnderlyingStips, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyings) GetNoUndlyInstrumentParties ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUndlyInstrumentParties() (NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUndlyInstrumentParties gets NoUndlyInstrumentParties, Tag 1058
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity() (f field.UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity gets UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity, Tag 1044
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingAllocationPercent ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingAllocationPercent() (f field.UnderlyingAllocationPercentField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingAllocationPercent gets UnderlyingAllocationPercent, Tag 972
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCFICode() (f field.UnderlyingCFICodeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCFICode gets UnderlyingCFICode, Tag 463
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPProgram() (f field.UnderlyingCPProgramField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCPProgram gets UnderlyingCPProgram, Tag 877
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPRegType() (f field.UnderlyingCPRegTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCPRegType gets UnderlyingCPRegType, Tag 878
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCapValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCapValue() (f field.UnderlyingCapValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCapValue gets UnderlyingCapValue, Tag 1038
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCashAmount ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCashAmount() (f field.UnderlyingCashAmountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCashAmount gets UnderlyingCashAmount, Tag 973
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCashType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCashType() (f field.UnderlyingCashTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCashType gets UnderlyingCashType, Tag 974
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier() (f field.UnderlyingContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier gets UnderlyingContractMultiplier, Tag 436
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() (f field.UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue gets UnderlyingCountryOfIssue, Tag 592
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() (f field.UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate gets UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate, Tag 241
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponRate() (f field.UnderlyingCouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCouponRate gets UnderlyingCouponRate, Tag 435
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCreditRating() (f field.UnderlyingCreditRatingField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCreditRating gets UnderlyingCreditRating, Tag 256
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrency() (f field.UnderlyingCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCurrency gets UnderlyingCurrency, Tag 318
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrentValue() (f field.UnderlyingCurrentValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCurrentValue gets UnderlyingCurrentValue, Tag 885
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice() (f field.UnderlyingDirtyPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice gets UnderlyingDirtyPrice, Tag 882
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndPrice() (f field.UnderlyingEndPriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingEndPrice gets UnderlyingEndPrice, Tag 883
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndValue() (f field.UnderlyingEndValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingEndValue gets UnderlyingEndValue, Tag 886
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFXRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFXRate() (f field.UnderlyingFXRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingFXRate gets UnderlyingFXRate, Tag 1045
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFXRateCalc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFXRateCalc() (f field.UnderlyingFXRateCalcField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingFXRateCalc gets UnderlyingFXRateCalc, Tag 1046
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFactor ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFactor() (f field.UnderlyingFactorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingFactor gets UnderlyingFactor, Tag 246
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry() (f field.UnderlyingInstrRegistryField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry gets UnderlyingInstrRegistry, Tag 595
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssueDate() (f field.UnderlyingIssueDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingIssueDate gets UnderlyingIssueDate, Tag 242
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssuer() (f field.UnderlyingIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingIssuer gets UnderlyingIssuer, Tag 306
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() (f field.UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue gets UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue, Tag 594
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityDate() (f field.UnderlyingMaturityDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingMaturityDate gets UnderlyingMaturityDate, Tag 542
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() (f field.UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear gets UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear, Tag 313
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingOptAttribute() (f field.UnderlyingOptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingOptAttribute gets UnderlyingOptAttribute, Tag 317
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingProduct ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingProduct() (f field.UnderlyingProductField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingProduct gets UnderlyingProduct, Tag 462
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingPx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingPx() (f field.UnderlyingPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingPx gets UnderlyingPx, Tag 810
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingQty ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingQty() (f field.UnderlyingQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingQty gets UnderlyingQty, Tag 879
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate() (f field.UnderlyingRedemptionDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate gets UnderlyingRedemptionDate, Tag 247
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() (f field.UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType gets UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 243
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() (f field.UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate gets UnderlyingRepurchaseRate, Tag 245
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() (f field.UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm gets UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm, Tag 244
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc gets UnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 307
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange gets UnderlyingSecurityExchange, Tag 308
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityID() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityID gets UnderlyingSecurityID, Tag 309
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource gets UnderlyingSecurityIDSource, Tag 305
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType() (f field.UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType gets UnderlyingSecuritySubType, Tag 763
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityType() (f field.UnderlyingSecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityType gets UnderlyingSecurityType, Tag 310
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSettlMethod ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSettlMethod() (f field.UnderlyingSettlMethodField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSettlMethod gets UnderlyingSettlMethod, Tag 1039
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSettlementType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSettlementType() (f field.UnderlyingSettlementTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSettlementType gets UnderlyingSettlementType, Tag 975
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStartValue() (f field.UnderlyingStartValueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStartValue gets UnderlyingStartValue, Tag 884
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (f field.UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 593
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() (f field.UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency gets UnderlyingStrikeCurrency, Tag 941
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikePrice() (f field.UnderlyingStrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStrikePrice gets UnderlyingStrikePrice, Tag 316
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbol() (f field.UnderlyingSymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSymbol gets UnderlyingSymbol, Tag 311
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx() (f field.UnderlyingSymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx gets UnderlyingSymbolSfx, Tag 312
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingTimeUnit ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingTimeUnit() (f field.UnderlyingTimeUnitField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingTimeUnit gets UnderlyingTimeUnit, Tag 1000
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure() (f field.UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure gets UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure, Tag 998
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer returns true if EncodedUnderlyingIssuer is present, Tag 363
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen returns true if EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen is present, Tag 362
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc is present, Tag 365
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 364
func (NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID returns true if NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID is present, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingStips() bool
HasNoUnderlyingStips returns true if NoUnderlyingStips is present, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyings) HasNoUndlyInstrumentParties ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUndlyInstrumentParties() bool
HasNoUndlyInstrumentParties returns true if NoUndlyInstrumentParties is present, Tag 1058
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity() bool
HasUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity returns true if UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity is present, Tag 1044
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingAllocationPercent ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingAllocationPercent() bool
HasUnderlyingAllocationPercent returns true if UnderlyingAllocationPercent is present, Tag 972
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCFICode() bool
HasUnderlyingCFICode returns true if UnderlyingCFICode is present, Tag 463
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPProgram() bool
HasUnderlyingCPProgram returns true if UnderlyingCPProgram is present, Tag 877
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPRegType() bool
HasUnderlyingCPRegType returns true if UnderlyingCPRegType is present, Tag 878
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCapValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCapValue() bool
HasUnderlyingCapValue returns true if UnderlyingCapValue is present, Tag 1038
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCashAmount ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCashAmount() bool
HasUnderlyingCashAmount returns true if UnderlyingCashAmount is present, Tag 973
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCashType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCashType() bool
HasUnderlyingCashType returns true if UnderlyingCashType is present, Tag 974
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier() bool
HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier returns true if UnderlyingContractMultiplier is present, Tag 436
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() bool
HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue returns true if UnderlyingCountryOfIssue is present, Tag 592
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() bool
HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate returns true if UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 241
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponRate() bool
HasUnderlyingCouponRate returns true if UnderlyingCouponRate is present, Tag 435
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCreditRating() bool
HasUnderlyingCreditRating returns true if UnderlyingCreditRating is present, Tag 256
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrency() bool
HasUnderlyingCurrency returns true if UnderlyingCurrency is present, Tag 318
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrentValue() bool
HasUnderlyingCurrentValue returns true if UnderlyingCurrentValue is present, Tag 885
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice() bool
HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice returns true if UnderlyingDirtyPrice is present, Tag 882
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndPrice() bool
HasUnderlyingEndPrice returns true if UnderlyingEndPrice is present, Tag 883
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndValue() bool
HasUnderlyingEndValue returns true if UnderlyingEndValue is present, Tag 886
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFXRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFXRate() bool
HasUnderlyingFXRate returns true if UnderlyingFXRate is present, Tag 1045
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFXRateCalc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFXRateCalc() bool
HasUnderlyingFXRateCalc returns true if UnderlyingFXRateCalc is present, Tag 1046
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFactor ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFactor() bool
HasUnderlyingFactor returns true if UnderlyingFactor is present, Tag 246
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry() bool
HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry returns true if UnderlyingInstrRegistry is present, Tag 595
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssueDate() bool
HasUnderlyingIssueDate returns true if UnderlyingIssueDate is present, Tag 242
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssuer() bool
HasUnderlyingIssuer returns true if UnderlyingIssuer is present, Tag 306
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() bool
HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue returns true if UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 594
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityDate() bool
HasUnderlyingMaturityDate returns true if UnderlyingMaturityDate is present, Tag 542
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() bool
HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear returns true if UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 313
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingOptAttribute() bool
HasUnderlyingOptAttribute returns true if UnderlyingOptAttribute is present, Tag 317
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingProduct ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingProduct() bool
HasUnderlyingProduct returns true if UnderlyingProduct is present, Tag 462
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingPx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingPx() bool
HasUnderlyingPx returns true if UnderlyingPx is present, Tag 810
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingQty ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingQty() bool
HasUnderlyingQty returns true if UnderlyingQty is present, Tag 879
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate() bool
HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate returns true if UnderlyingRedemptionDate is present, Tag 247
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 243
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() bool
HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate returns true if UnderlyingRepurchaseRate is present, Tag 245
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() bool
HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm returns true if UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 244
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns true if UnderlyingSecurityDesc is present, Tag 307
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange returns true if UnderlyingSecurityExchange is present, Tag 308
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityID() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityID returns true if UnderlyingSecurityID is present, Tag 309
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource returns true if UnderlyingSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 305
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType() bool
HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType returns true if UnderlyingSecuritySubType is present, Tag 763
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityType() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityType returns true if UnderlyingSecurityType is present, Tag 310
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSettlMethod ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSettlMethod() bool
HasUnderlyingSettlMethod returns true if UnderlyingSettlMethod is present, Tag 1039
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSettlementType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSettlementType() bool
HasUnderlyingSettlementType returns true if UnderlyingSettlementType is present, Tag 975
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStartValue() bool
HasUnderlyingStartValue returns true if UnderlyingStartValue is present, Tag 884
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 593
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() bool
HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency returns true if UnderlyingStrikeCurrency is present, Tag 941
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikePrice() bool
HasUnderlyingStrikePrice returns true if UnderlyingStrikePrice is present, Tag 316
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbol() bool
HasUnderlyingSymbol returns true if UnderlyingSymbol is present, Tag 311
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx() bool
HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx returns true if UnderlyingSymbolSfx is present, Tag 312
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingTimeUnit ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingTimeUnit() bool
HasUnderlyingTimeUnit returns true if UnderlyingTimeUnit is present, Tag 1000
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure() bool
HasUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure returns true if UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure is present, Tag 998
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer sets EncodedUnderlyingIssuer, Tag 363
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen(v int)
SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen sets EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen, Tag 362
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc sets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 365
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen(v int)
SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen sets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen, Tag 364
func (NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID(f NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID sets NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingStips(f NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUnderlyingStips sets NoUnderlyingStips, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyings) SetNoUndlyInstrumentParties ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUndlyInstrumentParties(f NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUndlyInstrumentParties sets NoUndlyInstrumentParties, Tag 1058
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity(v float64)
SetUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity sets UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity, Tag 1044
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingAllocationPercent ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingAllocationPercent(v float64)
SetUnderlyingAllocationPercent sets UnderlyingAllocationPercent, Tag 972
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCFICode(v string)
SetUnderlyingCFICode sets UnderlyingCFICode, Tag 463
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPProgram(v string)
SetUnderlyingCPProgram sets UnderlyingCPProgram, Tag 877
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPRegType(v string)
SetUnderlyingCPRegType sets UnderlyingCPRegType, Tag 878
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCapValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCapValue(v float64)
SetUnderlyingCapValue sets UnderlyingCapValue, Tag 1038
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCashAmount ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCashAmount(v float64)
SetUnderlyingCashAmount sets UnderlyingCashAmount, Tag 973
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCashType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCashType(v string)
SetUnderlyingCashType sets UnderlyingCashType, Tag 974
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier(v float64)
SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier sets UnderlyingContractMultiplier, Tag 436
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue(v string)
SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue sets UnderlyingCountryOfIssue, Tag 592
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate sets UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate, Tag 241
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponRate(v float64)
SetUnderlyingCouponRate sets UnderlyingCouponRate, Tag 435
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCreditRating(v string)
SetUnderlyingCreditRating sets UnderlyingCreditRating, Tag 256
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrency(v string)
SetUnderlyingCurrency sets UnderlyingCurrency, Tag 318
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrentValue(v float64)
SetUnderlyingCurrentValue sets UnderlyingCurrentValue, Tag 885
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice(v float64)
SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice sets UnderlyingDirtyPrice, Tag 882
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndPrice(v float64)
SetUnderlyingEndPrice sets UnderlyingEndPrice, Tag 883
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndValue(v float64)
SetUnderlyingEndValue sets UnderlyingEndValue, Tag 886
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFXRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFXRate(v float64)
SetUnderlyingFXRate sets UnderlyingFXRate, Tag 1045
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFXRateCalc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFXRateCalc(v string)
SetUnderlyingFXRateCalc sets UnderlyingFXRateCalc, Tag 1046
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFactor ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFactor(v float64)
SetUnderlyingFactor sets UnderlyingFactor, Tag 246
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry(v string)
SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry sets UnderlyingInstrRegistry, Tag 595
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssueDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingIssueDate sets UnderlyingIssueDate, Tag 242
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
SetUnderlyingIssuer sets UnderlyingIssuer, Tag 306
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue(v string)
SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue sets UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue, Tag 594
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingMaturityDate sets UnderlyingMaturityDate, Tag 542
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear(v string)
SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear sets UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear, Tag 313
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingOptAttribute(v string)
SetUnderlyingOptAttribute sets UnderlyingOptAttribute, Tag 317
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingProduct ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingProduct(v int)
SetUnderlyingProduct sets UnderlyingProduct, Tag 462
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingPx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingPx(v float64)
SetUnderlyingPx sets UnderlyingPx, Tag 810
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingQty ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingQty(v float64)
SetUnderlyingQty sets UnderlyingQty, Tag 879
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate sets UnderlyingRedemptionDate, Tag 247
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType sets UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 243
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate(v float64)
SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate sets UnderlyingRepurchaseRate, Tag 245
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm(v int)
SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm sets UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm, Tag 244
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc sets UnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 307
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange sets UnderlyingSecurityExchange, Tag 308
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityID(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityID sets UnderlyingSecurityID, Tag 309
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource sets UnderlyingSecurityIDSource, Tag 305
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType sets UnderlyingSecuritySubType, Tag 763
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityType(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityType sets UnderlyingSecurityType, Tag 310
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSettlMethod ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSettlMethod(v string)
SetUnderlyingSettlMethod sets UnderlyingSettlMethod, Tag 1039
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSettlementType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSettlementType(v int)
SetUnderlyingSettlementType sets UnderlyingSettlementType, Tag 975
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStartValue(v float64)
SetUnderlyingStartValue sets UnderlyingStartValue, Tag 884
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 593
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency(v string)
SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency sets UnderlyingStrikeCurrency, Tag 941
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikePrice(v float64)
SetUnderlyingStrikePrice sets UnderlyingStrikePrice, Tag 316
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbol(v string)
SetUnderlyingSymbol sets UnderlyingSymbol, Tag 311
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx(v string)
SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx sets UnderlyingSymbolSfx, Tag 312
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingTimeUnit ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingTimeUnit(v string)
SetUnderlyingTimeUnit sets UnderlyingTimeUnit, Tag 1000
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure(v string)
SetUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure sets UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure, Tag 998
type NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 711
func NewNoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup() NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup
NewNoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup
func (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUnderlyings
Add create and append a new NoUnderlyings to this group
func (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUnderlyings
Get returns the ith NoUnderlyings in the NoUnderlyingsRepeatinGroup
type NoUndlyInstrumentParties ¶
NoUndlyInstrumentParties is a repeating group element, Tag 1058
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs() (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs gets NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs, Tag 1062
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyID ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyID() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUndlyInstrumentPartyID gets UndlyInstrumentPartyID, Tag 1059
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource gets UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource, Tag 1060
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) GetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole gets UndlyInstrumentPartyRole, Tag 1061
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs() bool
HasNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs returns true if NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs is present, Tag 1062
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyID ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyID() bool
HasUndlyInstrumentPartyID returns true if UndlyInstrumentPartyID is present, Tag 1059
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource() bool
HasUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource returns true if UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource is present, Tag 1060
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) HasUndlyInstrumentPartyRole() bool
HasUndlyInstrumentPartyRole returns true if UndlyInstrumentPartyRole is present, Tag 1061
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs(f NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs sets NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs, Tag 1062
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyID ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyID(v string)
SetUndlyInstrumentPartyID sets UndlyInstrumentPartyID, Tag 1059
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource(v string)
SetUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource sets UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource, Tag 1060
func (NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentParties) SetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole(v int)
SetUndlyInstrumentPartyRole sets UndlyInstrumentPartyRole, Tag 1061
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 1058
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup() NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup
NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUndlyInstrumentParties
Add create and append a new NoUndlyInstrumentParties to this group
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUndlyInstrumentParties
Get returns the ith NoUndlyInstrumentParties in the NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesRepeatinGroup
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 1062
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID gets UndlyInstrumentPartySubID, Tag 1063
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType() (f field.UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType gets UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType, Tag 1064
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubID() bool
HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubID returns true if UndlyInstrumentPartySubID is present, Tag 1063
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType() bool
HasUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType returns true if UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType is present, Tag 1064
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID(v string)
SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubID sets UndlyInstrumentPartySubID, Tag 1063
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs) SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType(v int)
SetUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType sets UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType, Tag 1064
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 1062
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
Add create and append a new NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs to this group
type RouteOut ¶
type RouteOut func(msg NewOrderMultileg, sessionID quickfix.SessionID) quickfix.MessageRejectError
A RouteOut is the callback type that should be implemented for routing Message