Example app using authproxy
This is an example of using the authproxy with a fake provider and calling the API through a command line client.
Getting started
Generate tls certificates
As authproxy works with tls ecnryption only, fake certificates must be generated. Please execute the following bashscript to generate a CA, server and client certificate.
export SAN=DNS.1:localhost
# generate ca, client and server certs + keys
You will find the files ca.crt
, ca.key
, server.crt
, server.key
, client.crt
, client.key
in this directory as an output from the script
Start the api
We can now use the certificates to start the api first.
./api/api --tls-key server.key --tls-cert server.crt --tls-ca-cert ca.crt --log-level debug
On another terminal you can query the api using the cli client tool.
login unsuccessful: username: foo, password: fail
./client/cli --tls-key client.key --tls-cert client.crt --tls-ca-cert ca.crt login foo fail
> failed to run api: unauthorized: invalid authentication credentials%
login successful: username: foo, password: bar
./client/cli --tls-key client.key --tls-cert client.crt --tls-ca-cert ca.crt login foo bar
> Received token for user: AbCdEf123456
authenticate the token
./client/cli --tls-key client.key --tls-cert client.crt --tls-ca-cert ca.crt authenticate AbCdEf123456
client successfully authenticated, token is valid