This project is currently work in progress. It might not work and/or not be documented. Please use with care and feel free to open bug tickets and pull requests. :)
This is a small controller, meant to be running on a kubernetes cluster on hetzner cloud virtual machines.
The running pod will check the hetzner cloud API every 30 seconds to check if the configured IP Addresses (or subnets in case of IPv6) are assigned to the server, the running pod is scheduled to. If not it will update the assignments.
You need to make sure, to have the IP Addresses configured on every node for this failover to correctly work, as the controller will not take care of the network configuration of the nodes.
Environment variables take precedence over the config file
ENV variables
API token for the hetzner cloud access.
Floating IP you want to configure. In case of IPv6 can be any of the /64 net. If you want to use multiple IPs use config file or command line parameters
NODE_ADDRESS_TYPE, default: "external"
Address type of the nodes. This might be set to internal, if your external IPs are registered as internal IPs on the node objects (e.g. if you have no cloud controller manager). Can be "external" or "internal".
Name of the scheduled node. Should be invoked via fieldRef to spec.nodeName
Namespace the pod is running in. Should be invoked via fieldRef to metadata.namespace
Name of the pod. Should be invoked via fieldRef to metadata.name
LEASE_NAME, default: "fip"
Name of the lease created by the lease lock used for leader election
LEASE_DURATION, default: 30
Duration of the lease used by the lease lock. This is the maximum time until a new leader will be elected in case of failure.
config.json fields
Valid fields in the config.json file and their respective ENV variables are
"hcloudFloatingIPs": [
"hcloudApiToken": "<HCLOUD_API_TOKEN>",
"leaseDuration": "<LEASE_DURATION>",
"leaseName": "<LEASE_NAME>",
"namespace": "<NAMESPACE>",
"nodeAddressType": "<NODE_ADDRESS_TYPE>",
"nodeName": "<NODE_NAME>",
"podName": "<POD_NAME>"
Deploy to kubernetes
You can install the deployment in a kubernetes cluster with the following
$ kubectl create namespace fip-controller
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yaml
$ kubectl applf -f deploy/deployment.yaml
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: fip-controller-config
namespace: fip-controller
config.json: |
"hcloudFloatingIPs": [
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fip-controller-secrets
namespace: fip-controller
HCLOUD_API_TOKEN: <hcloud_api_token>