HearthHub File Manager
A kubernetes Job
which downloads and installs & uninstalls Valheim plugins, world files, and configuration to/from a shared volume for
the dedicated server to load and use.
This job has 3 parts:
- Scale down existing replicas of the server
- Pull the necessary file(s) from S3
- Write/Remove the files from a given directory on the PVC.
The file manager takes the following arguments:
Arg Name |
Arg Type |
Description |
Example Usage |
discord_id |
string |
The users discord ID |
-discord_id "123456789012345678" |
refresh_token |
string |
The users refresh token |
-refresh_token "abc123xyz456" |
prefix |
string |
S3 prefix name including the extension. Example: file.zip |
-prefix "/mods/general/ValheimPlus.zip" |
destination |
string |
PVC volume destination. This path does NOT need to include the file name as it will be parsed from the prefix automatically. |
-destination "/valheim/BepInEx/plugins" |
archive |
string |
If the file being downloaded is an archive and needs unpacked. For delete op's the archive will be used to determine which files to remove. |
-archive "true" |
op |
string |
Operation to perform, either "write" or "delete" |
-op "write" |
All arguments are required.
You can build the application locally using: go build -o main .
and run with ./main -discord_id "foo" -refresh_token "bar" ...
This is designed to function as a Kubernetes Job
. See HearthHub Kube API's file_handler route
for an example of the Job
Docker Build
To build with docker run the following replacing the 0.0.1
tag with your desired tag:
./build.sh 0.0.1
Run unit tests for this software with:
go test ./... -v
To generate coverage reports run:
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
Built With
- Kubernetes - Container orchestration platform
- Helm - Manages Kubernetes deployments
- Docker - Container build tool
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code
of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions
available, see the tags on this
This project is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal
Creative Commons License - see the LICENSE.md file for