Casty gRPC Server
This is a gRPC server project written in go!
What is gRPC and why we're using it? According to gRPC official website:
gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services.
Pull Docker Image
$ docker pull castyapp/grpc:latest
Run docker container
$ docker run -p 55283:55283 castyapp/grpc
Docker-Compose example
version: '3'
image: castyapp/grpc:latest
- 55283:55283
args: ['--config-file', '/config/config.hcl']
- $PWD/config.hcl:/config/config.hcl
Clone the project
$ git clone
Make a copy of example.config.hcl
for your own configuration. save it as config.hcl
in your work directory.
$ cp example.config.hcl config.hcl
Mongodb configuration
Put your mongodb connection here
db {
name = "casty"
host = "localhost"
port = 27017
user = "service"
pass = "super-secure-password"
auth_source = ""
Redis configuration
Put your redis connection here
# Redis configurations
redis {
# if you wish to use redis cluster, set this value to true
# If cluster is true, sentinels is required
# If cluster is false, addr is required
cluster = false
master_name = "casty"
addr = ""
sentinels = [
pass = "super-secure-password"
sentinel_pass = "super-secure-sentinels-password"
JWT configuration
We use JWT for our authentication method
# JWT secrets
jwt {
access_token {
# make sure to use a strong secret key
secret = "drWRU76y2Pc37TgjD5J8xcWg9e"
# If you wish to change valid duration of a access_token, change this value
expires_at {
type = "days" # can be [seconds|minutes|hours|days]
value = 1
refresh_token {
# make sure to use a strong secret key
secret = "S3pXMmmjWFYVPBSLeYdYCve5Ca"
# If you wish to change valid duration of a refresh_token, change this value
expires_at {
type = "days" # can be [seconds|minutes|hours|days]
value = 7
You're ready to Go!
Run project with go compiler
you can simply run the project with following command
$ go run server.go
or if you're considering building the project
$ go build -o server .
or you can [Build/Run] docker image
$ docker build . --tag=casty.grpc
$ docker run -dp --restart=always 55283:55283 casty.grpc
Thank you for considering contributing to this project!
Casty is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.