Index ¶
- Constants
- type Accept4Args
- type AcceptArgs
- type AccessArgs
- type AcctArgs
- type AddKeyArgs
- type AddrTuple
- type AdjtimexArgs
- type AfsArgs
- type Afs_syscallArgs
- type AlarmArgs
- type ArchPrctlArgs
- type Args
- type BdflushArgs
- type BinType
- type BindArgs
- type BpfArgs
- type BpfAttachArgs
- type BpfObjectMeta
- type BreakArgs
- type BrkArgs
- type CallUsermodeHelperArgs
- type CapCapableArgs
- type CapgetArgs
- type CapsetArgs
- type CaptureBpfArgs
- type CaptureExecArgs
- type CaptureFileReadArgs
- type CaptureFileWriteArgs
- type CaptureMemArgs
- type CaptureModuleArgs
- type CaptureNetPacketArgs
- type CgroupAttachTaskArgs
- type CgroupMkdirArgs
- type CgroupRmdirArgs
- type ChdirArgs
- type ChmodArgs
- type Chown16Args
- type ChownArgs
- type ChrootArgs
- type ChunkMeta
- type ClockAdjtime64Args
- type ClockAdjtimeArgs
- type ClockGetresArgs
- type ClockGetresTime32Args
- type ClockGettime32Args
- type ClockGettimeArgs
- type ClockNanosleepArgs
- type ClockNanosleepTime32Args
- type ClockSettime32Args
- type ClockSettimeArgs
- type Clone3Args
- type CloneArgs
- type CloseArgs
- type CloseRangeArgs
- type CommitCredsArgs
- type ConnectArgs
- type ContainerCreateArgs
- type ContainerRemoveArgs
- type CopyFileRangeArgs
- type CreatArgs
- type CreateModuleArgs
- type DebugfsCreateDirArgs
- type DebugfsCreateFileArgs
- type DeleteModuleArgs
- type DeviceAddArgs
- type DirtyPipeSpliceArgs
- type DoExitArgs
- type DoInitModuleArgs
- type DoMmapArgs
- type DoSigactionArgs
- type DoTruncateArgs
- type Dup2Args
- type Dup3Args
- type DupArgs
- type EpollCreate1Args
- type EpollCreateArgs
- type EpollCtlArgs
- type EpollCtlOldArgs
- type EpollPwait2Args
- type EpollPwaitArgs
- type EpollWaitArgs
- type EpollWaitOldArgs
- type Event
- type EventContext
- type Eventfd2Args
- type EventfdArgs
- type ExecveArgs
- type ExecveatArgs
- type ExistingContainerArgs
- type ExitArgs
- type ExitGroupArgs
- type Faccessat2Args
- type FaccessatArgs
- type Fadvise64Args
- type Fadvise64_64Args
- type FallocateArgs
- type FanotifyInitArgs
- type FanotifyMarkArgs
- type FchdirArgs
- type FchmodArgs
- type FchmodatArgs
- type Fchown16Args
- type FchownArgs
- type FchownatArgs
- type Fcntl64Args
- type FcntlArgs
- type FdatasyncArgs
- type FgetxattrArgs
- type FileModificationArgs
- type FinitModuleArgs
- type FlistxattrArgs
- type FlockArgs
- type FlowDirection
- type ForkArgs
- type FremovexattrArgs
- type FsconfigArgs
- type FsetxattrArgs
- type FsmountArgs
- type FsopenArgs
- type FspickArgs
- type Fstat64Args
- type FstatArgs
- type Fstatfs64Args
- type FstatfsArgs
- type FsyncArgs
- type FtimeArgs
- type Ftruncate64Args
- type FtruncateArgs
- type FutexArgs
- type FutexTime32Args
- type FutimesatArgs
- type GenericSockAddr
- type GetKernelSymsArgs
- type GetMempolicyArgs
- type GetRobustListArgs
- type GetThreadAreaArgs
- type GetcpuArgs
- type GetcwdArgs
- type Getdents64Args
- type GetdentsArgs
- type Getegid16Args
- type GetegidArgs
- type Geteuid16Args
- type GeteuidArgs
- type Getgid16Args
- type GetgidArgs
- type Getgroups16Args
- type GetgroupsArgs
- type GetitimerArgs
- type GetpeernameArgs
- type GetpgidArgs
- type GetpgrpArgs
- type GetpidArgs
- type GetpmsgArgs
- type GetppidArgs
- type GetpriorityArgs
- type GetrandomArgs
- type Getresgid16Args
- type GetresgidArgs
- type Getresuid16Args
- type GetresuidArgs
- type GetrlimitArgs
- type GetrusageArgs
- type GetsidArgs
- type GetsocknameArgs
- type GetsockoptArgs
- type GettidArgs
- type GettimeofdayArgs
- type Getuid16Args
- type GetuidArgs
- type GetxattrArgs
- type GttyArgs
- type HiddenInodesArgs
- type HiddenKernelModuleArgs
- type HiddenKernelModuleSeekerArgs
- type HookedSeqOpsArgs
- type HookedSyscallsArgs
- type IdleArgs
- type InitModuleArgs
- type InitNamespacesArgs
- type InotifyAddWatchArgs
- type InotifyInit1Args
- type InotifyInitArgs
- type InotifyRmWatchArgs
- type InotifyWatchArgs
- type IoCancelArgs
- type IoDestroyArgs
- type IoGeteventsArgs
- type IoPgeteventsArgs
- type IoPgeteventsTime32Args
- type IoSetupArgs
- type IoSubmitArgs
- type IoUringEnterArgs
- type IoUringRegisterArgs
- type IoUringSetupArgs
- type IoctlArgs
- type IopermArgs
- type IoplArgs
- type IoprioGetArgs
- type IoprioSetArgs
- type Ip4SockAddr
- type Ip6SockAddr
- type IpcArgs
- type KallsymsLookupNameArgs
- type KcmpArgs
- type KernelModuleMeta
- type KernelWriteArgs
- type KexecFileLoadArgs
- type KexecLoadArgs
- type KeyctlArgs
- type KillArgs
- type KprobeAttachArgs
- type LandlockAddRuleArgs
- type LandlockCreateRulesetArgs
- type LandloclRestrictSetArgs
- type Lchown16Args
- type LchownArgs
- type LgetxattrArgs
- type LinkArgs
- type LinkatArgs
- type ListenArgs
- type ListxattrArgs
- type LlistxattrArgs
- type LlseekArgs
- type LoadElfPhdrsArgs
- type LockArgs
- type LookupDcookieArgs
- type LremovexattrArgs
- type LseekArgs
- type LsetxattrArgs
- type Lstat64Args
- type LstatArgs
- type MadviseArgs
- type MagicWriteArgs
- type MbindArgs
- type MemProtAlertArgs
- type MembarrierArgs
- type MemfdCreateArgs
- type MemfdSecretArgs
- type MigratePagesArgs
- type MincoreArgs
- type MkdirArgs
- type MkdiratArgs
- type MknodArgs
- type MknodatArgs
- type Mlock2Args
- type MlockArgs
- type MlockallArgs
- type Mmap2Args
- type MmapArgs
- type ModifyLdtArgs
- type ModuleFreeArgs
- type ModuleLoadArgs
- type MountArgs
- type MountSetattArgs
- type MoveMountArgs
- type MovePagesArgs
- type MprotectArgs
- type MprotectWriteMeta
- type MpxArgs
- type MqGetsetattrArgs
- type MqNotifyArgs
- type MqOpenArgs
- type MqTimedreceiveArgs
- type MqTimedreceiveTime32Args
- type MqTimedsendArgs
- type MqTimedsendTime32Args
- type MqUnlinkArgs
- type MremapArgs
- type MsgctlArgs
- type MsggetArgs
- type MsgrcvArgs
- type MsgsndArgs
- type MsyncArgs
- type MunlockArgs
- type MunlockallArgs
- type MunmapArgs
- type NameToHandleAtArgs
- type NanosleepArgs
- type NetPacketBaseArgs
- type NetPacketCaptureArgs
- type NetPacketDNSArgs
- type NetPacketDNSBaseArgs
- type NetPacketDNSRequestArgs
- type NetPacketDNSResponseArgs
- type NetPacketHTTPArgs
- type NetPacketHTTPBaseArgs
- type NetPacketHTTPRequestArgs
- type NetPacketHTTPResponseArgs
- type NetPacketICMPArgs
- type NetPacketICMPBaseArgs
- type NetPacketICMPv6Args
- type NetPacketICMPv6BaseArgs
- type NetPacketIPBaseArgs
- type NetPacketIPv4Args
- type NetPacketIPv6Args
- type NetPacketSOCKS5BaseArgs
- type NetPacketTCPArgs
- type NetPacketTCPBaseArgs
- type NetPacketUDPArgs
- type NetPacketUDPBaseArgs
- type NewfstatatArgs
- type NfsservctlArgs
- type NiceArgs
- type OldGetrlimitArgs
- type OldSelectArgs
- type OldfstatArgs
- type OldlstatArgs
- type OldoldunameArgs
- type OldstatArgs
- type OldunameArgs
- type OpenArgs
- type OpenByHandleAtArgs
- type OpenTreeArgs
- type Openat2Args
- type OpenatArgs
- type PIDsPerNamespace
- type PauseArgs
- type PerfEventOpenArgs
- type PersonalityArgs
- type PidfdGetfdArgs
- type PidfdOpenArgs
- type PidfdSendSignalArgs
- type Pipe2Args
- type PipeArgs
- type PivotRootArgs
- type PkeyAllocArgs
- type PkeyFreeArgs
- type PkeyMprotectArgs
- type PollArgs
- type PpollArgs
- type PpollTime32Args
- type PrctlArgs
- type Pread64Args
- type Preadv2Args
- type PreadvArgs
- type PrintMemDumpArgs
- type PrintNetSeqOpsArgs
- type PrintSyscallTableArgs
- type Prlimit64Args
- type ProcCreateArgs
- type ProcessExecuteFailedArgs
- type ProcessMadviseArgs
- type ProcessMreleaseArgs
- type ProcessOomKilledArgs
- type ProcessVmReadvArgs
- type ProcessVmWritevArgs
- type ProfArgs
- type ProfilArgs
- type Pselect6Args
- type Pselect6Time32Args
- type PtraceArgs
- type PutpmsgArgs
- type Pwrite64Args
- type Pwritev2Args
- type PwritevArgs
- type QueryModuleArgs
- type QuotactlArgs
- type QuotactlFdArgs
- type RawDebugEvent
- type ReadArgs
- type ReadaheadArgs
- type ReaddirArgs
- type ReadlinkArgs
- type ReadlinkatArgs
- type ReadvArgs
- type RebootArgs
- type RecvfromArgs
- type RecvmmsgArgs
- type RecvmmsgTime32Args
- type RecvmsgArgs
- type RegisterChrdevArgs
- type RemapFilePagesArgs
- type RemovexattrArgs
- type RenameArgs
- type Renameat2Args
- type RenameatArgs
- type RequestKeyArgs
- type RestartSyscallArgs
- type RmdirArgs
- type RseqArgs
- type RtSigactionArgs
- type RtSigpendingArgs
- type RtSigprocmaskArgs
- type RtSigqueueinfoArgs
- type RtSigreturnArgs
- type RtSigsuspendArgs
- type RtSigtimedwaitArgs
- type RtSigtimedwaitTime32Args
- type RtTgsigqueueinfoArgs
- type SchedGetPriorityMaxArgs
- type SchedGetPriorityMinArgs
- type SchedGetaffinityArgs
- type SchedGetattrArgs
- type SchedGetparamArgs
- type SchedGetschedulerArgs
- type SchedProcessExecArgs
- type SchedProcessExitArgs
- type SchedProcessForkArgs
- type SchedRrGetInterval32Args
- type SchedRrGetIntervalArgs
- type SchedSetaffinityArgs
- type SchedSetattrArgs
- type SchedSetparamArgs
- type SchedSetschedulerArgs
- type SchedSwitchArgs
- type SchedYieldArgs
- type SeccompArgs
- type SecurityArgs
- type SecurityBPFArgs
- type SecurityBPFMapArgs
- type SecurityFileMprotectArgs
- type SecurityFileOpenArgs
- type SecurityInodeMknodArgs
- type SecurityInodeRenameArgs
- type SecurityInodeSymlinkEventIdArgs
- type SecurityInodeUnlinkArgs
- type SecurityKernelReadFileArgs
- type SecurityMmapFileArgs
- type SecurityPostReadFileArgs
- type SecuritySbMountArgs
- type SecuritySocketAcceptArgs
- type SecuritySocketBindArgs
- type SecuritySocketConnectArgs
- type SecuritySocketCreateArgs
- type SecuritySocketListenArgs
- type SecuritySocketSetsockoptArgs
- type SelectArgs
- type SemctlArgs
- type SemgetArgs
- type SemopArgs
- type SemtimedopArgs
- type Sendfile32Args
- type SendfileArgs
- type SendmmsgArgs
- type SendmsgArgs
- type SendtoArgs
- type SetMempolicyArgs
- type SetRobustListArgs
- type SetThreadAreaArgs
- type SetTidAddressArgs
- type SetdomainnameArgs
- type Setfsgid16Args
- type SetfsgidArgs
- type Setfsuid16Args
- type SetfsuidArgs
- type Setgid16Args
- type SetgidArgs
- type Setgroups16Args
- type SetgroupsArgs
- type SethostnameArgs
- type SetitimerArgs
- type SetnsArgs
- type SetpgidArgs
- type SetpriorityArgs
- type Setregid16Args
- type SetregidArgs
- type Setresgid16Args
- type SetresgidArgs
- type Setresuid16Args
- type SetresuidArgs
- type Setreuid16Args
- type SetreuidArgs
- type SetrlimitArgs
- type SetsidArgs
- type SetsockoptArgs
- type SettimeofdayArgs
- type Setuid16Args
- type SetuidArgs
- type SetxattrArgs
- type SgetmaskArgs
- type SharedObjectLoadedArgs
- type ShmatArgs
- type ShmctlArgs
- type ShmdtArgs
- type ShmgetArgs
- type ShutdownArgs
- type SigactionArgs
- type SigaltstackArgs
- type SignalArgs
- type SignalCgroupMkdirArgs
- type SignalCgroupRmdirArgs
- type SignalContext
- type Signalfd4Args
- type SignalfdArgs
- type SigpendingArgs
- type SigprocmaskArgs
- type SigreturnArgs
- type SigsuspendArgs
- type SlimCred
- type SockAddrFamily
- type SockSetStateArgs
- type Sockaddr
- type SocketAcceptArgs
- type SocketArgs
- type SocketDupArgs
- type SocketState
- type SocketcallArgs
- type SocketpairArgs
- type SpliceArgs
- type SsetmaskArgs
- type Stat64Args
- type StatArgs
- type Statfs64Args
- type StatfsArgs
- type StatxArgs
- type StimeArgs
- type SttyArgs
- type SwapoffArgs
- type SwaponArgs
- type SwitchTaskNSArgs
- type SymbolsCollisionArgs
- type SymbolsLoadedArgs
- type SymlinkArgs
- type SymlinkatArgs
- type SyncArgs
- type SyncFileRangeArgs
- type SyncfsArgs
- type SysEnterArgs
- type SysExitArgs
- type SysctlArgs
- type SysfsArgs
- type SysinfoArgs
- type SyslogArgs
- type TCPSocketState
- type TaskRenameArgs
- type TeeArgs
- type TestEventArgs
- type TgkillArgs
- type TimeArgs
- type TimerCreateArgs
- type TimerDeleteArgs
- type TimerGetoverrunArgs
- type TimerGettime32Args
- type TimerGettimeArgs
- type TimerSettime32Args
- type TimerSettimeArgs
- type TimerfdCreateArgs
- type TimerfdGettime32Args
- type TimerfdGettimeArgs
- type TimerfdSettime32Args
- type TimerfdSettimeArgs
- type TimesArgs
- type TkillArgs
- type TrackSyscallStatsArgs
- type Truncate64Args
- type TruncateArgs
- type TtyOpenArgs
- type TuxcallArgs
- type UlimitArgs
- type UmaskArgs
- type Umount2Args
- type UmountArgs
- type UnameArgs
- type UnixSockAddr
- type UnlinkArgs
- type UnlinkatArgs
- type UnshareArgs
- type UselibArgs
- type UserfaultfdArgs
- type UstatArgs
- type UtimeArgs
- type UtimensatArgs
- type UtimensatTime32Args
- type UtimesArgs
- type VforkArgs
- type VfsFileMeta
- type VfsReadArgs
- type VfsReadvArgs
- type VfsUtimesArgs
- type VfsWriteArgs
- type VfsWritevArgs
- type VhangupArgs
- type Vm86Args
- type Vm86oldArgs
- type VmspliceArgs
- type VserverArgs
- type Wait4Args
- type WaitidArgs
- type WaitpidArgs
- type WriteArgs
- type WritevArgs
Constants ¶
const ( FlagFamilyIPv4 int64 = (1 << 0) FlagFamilyIPv6 = (1 << 1) // HTTP Direction (request/response) Flag FlagProtoHTTPReq = (1 << 2) FlagProtoHTTPResp = (1 << 3) // Packet Direction (ingress/egress) Flag FlagPacketIngress = (1 << 4) FlagPacketEgress = (1 << 5) // Flows (begin/end) Flags per Protocol FlagFlowTCPBegin = (1 << 6) // syn+ack flag or first flow packet FlagFlowTCPEnd = (1 << 7) // fin flag or last flow packet FlagFlowUDPBegin = (1 << 8) // first flow packet FlagFlowUDPEnd = (1 << 9) // last flow packet FlagFlowSrcInitiator = (1 << 10) // src is the flow initiator )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Accept4Args ¶
type AcceptArgs ¶
type AccessArgs ¶
type AddKeyArgs ¶
type AdjtimexArgs ¶
type AdjtimexArgs struct { Buf uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Afs_syscallArgs ¶
type Afs_syscallArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ArchPrctlArgs ¶
type BdflushArgs ¶
type BdflushArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BinType ¶
type BinType uint8
BinType is an enum that specifies the type of binary data sent in the file perf map binary types should match defined values in ebpf code
type BpfAttachArgs ¶
type BpfObjectMeta ¶
func (BpfObjectMeta) GetSizeBytes ¶
func (BpfObjectMeta) GetSizeBytes() uint32
type CallUsermodeHelperArgs ¶
type CapCapableArgs ¶
type CapCapableArgs struct { Cap int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CapgetArgs ¶
type CapsetArgs ¶
type CaptureBpfArgs ¶
type CaptureBpfArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CaptureExecArgs ¶
type CaptureExecArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CaptureFileReadArgs ¶
type CaptureFileReadArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CaptureFileWriteArgs ¶
type CaptureFileWriteArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CaptureMemArgs ¶
type CaptureMemArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CaptureModuleArgs ¶
type CaptureModuleArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CaptureNetPacketArgs ¶
type CaptureNetPacketArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CgroupAttachTaskArgs ¶
type CgroupMkdirArgs ¶
type CgroupRmdirArgs ¶
type Chown16Args ¶
type ChrootArgs ¶
type ChrootArgs struct { Path string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ChunkMeta ¶
func (ChunkMeta) GetSizeBytes ¶
type ClockAdjtime64Args ¶
type ClockAdjtime64Args struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ClockAdjtimeArgs ¶
type ClockGetresArgs ¶
type ClockGetresTime32Args ¶
type ClockGettime32Args ¶
type ClockGettimeArgs ¶
type ClockNanosleepArgs ¶
type ClockSettime32Args ¶
type ClockSettimeArgs ¶
type Clone3Args ¶
type CloseRangeArgs ¶
type CommitCredsArgs ¶
type ConnectArgs ¶
type ContainerCreateArgs ¶
type ContainerRemoveArgs ¶
type CopyFileRangeArgs ¶
type CreateModuleArgs ¶
type CreateModuleArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DebugfsCreateDirArgs ¶
type DebugfsCreateFileArgs ¶
type DeleteModuleArgs ¶
type DeviceAddArgs ¶
type DirtyPipeSpliceArgs ¶
type DoExitArgs ¶
type DoExitArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DoInitModuleArgs ¶
type DoMmapArgs ¶
type DoSigactionArgs ¶
type DoTruncateArgs ¶
type EpollCreate1Args ¶
type EpollCreate1Args struct { Flags int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type EpollCreateArgs ¶
type EpollCreateArgs struct { Size int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type EpollCtlArgs ¶
type EpollCtlOldArgs ¶
type EpollCtlOldArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type EpollPwait2Args ¶
type EpollPwaitArgs ¶
type EpollWaitArgs ¶
type EpollWaitOldArgs ¶
type EpollWaitOldArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Context *EventContext Container *containers.Container Args Args }
type EventContext ¶
type EventContext struct { Ts uint64 StartTime uint64 CgroupID uint64 Pid uint32 Tid uint32 Ppid uint32 HostPid uint32 HostTid uint32 HostPpid uint32 // PID translated to PIDNS the container runtime is running in NodeHostPid uint32 Uid uint32 MntID uint32 PidID uint32 Comm [16]byte UtsName [16]byte Flags uint32 LeaderStartTime uint64 ParentStartTime uint64 EventID events.ID // uint32 Syscall int32 MatchedPolicies uint64 Retval int64 StackID uint32 ProcessorId uint16 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EventContext struct contains common metadata that is collected for all types of events it is used to unmarshal binary data and therefore should match (bit by bit) to the `context_t` struct in the ebpf code. NOTE: Integers want to be aligned in memory, so if changing the format of this struct keep the 1-byte 'Argnum' as the final parameter before the padding (if padding is needed).
func (EventContext) GetSizeBytes ¶
func (EventContext) GetSizeBytes() int
func (*EventContext) ParseFlowDirection ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (ctx *EventContext) ParseFlowDirection() FlowDirection
type Eventfd2Args ¶
type EventfdArgs ¶
type ExecveArgs ¶
type ExecveatArgs ¶
type ExistingContainerArgs ¶
type ExitGroupArgs ¶
type ExitGroupArgs struct { Status int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Faccessat2Args ¶
type FaccessatArgs ¶
type Fadvise64Args ¶
type Fadvise64_64Args ¶
type FallocateArgs ¶
type FanotifyInitArgs ¶
type FanotifyMarkArgs ¶
type FchdirArgs ¶
type FchdirArgs struct { Fd int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FchmodArgs ¶
type FchmodatArgs ¶
type Fchown16Args ¶
type FchownArgs ¶
type FchownatArgs ¶
type Fcntl64Args ¶
type FdatasyncArgs ¶
type FdatasyncArgs struct { Fd int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FgetxattrArgs ¶
type FileModificationArgs ¶
type FinitModuleArgs ¶
type FlistxattrArgs ¶
type FlowDirection ¶ added in v1.5.0
type FlowDirection uint8
const ( FlowDirectionUnknown FlowDirection = iota FlowDirectionIngress FlowDirectionEgress )
func (FlowDirection) String ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (f FlowDirection) String() string
type FremovexattrArgs ¶
type FsconfigArgs ¶
type FsetxattrArgs ¶
type FsmountArgs ¶
type FsopenArgs ¶
type FspickArgs ¶
type Fstat64Args ¶
type Fstatfs64Args ¶
type FstatfsArgs ¶
type Ftruncate64Args ¶
type FtruncateArgs ¶
type FutexTime32Args ¶
type FutimesatArgs ¶
type GenericSockAddr ¶
type GenericSockAddr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GenericSockAddr is a catch all of socket addr family types we do now specifically handle yet
func NewGenericSockAddr ¶
func NewGenericSockAddr(family SockAddrFamily) GenericSockAddr
func (GenericSockAddr) Family ¶
func (a GenericSockAddr) Family() SockAddrFamily
type GetKernelSymsArgs ¶
type GetKernelSymsArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetMempolicyArgs ¶
type GetRobustListArgs ¶
type GetThreadAreaArgs ¶
type GetThreadAreaArgs struct { UInfo uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetcpuArgs ¶
type GetcwdArgs ¶
type Getdents64Args ¶
type GetdentsArgs ¶
type Getegid16Args ¶
type Getegid16Args struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetegidArgs ¶
type GetegidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Geteuid16Args ¶
type Geteuid16Args struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GeteuidArgs ¶
type GeteuidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Getgid16Args ¶
type Getgid16Args struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetgidArgs ¶
type GetgidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Getgroups16Args ¶
type GetgroupsArgs ¶
type GetitimerArgs ¶
type GetpeernameArgs ¶
type GetpgidArgs ¶
type GetpgidArgs struct { Pid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetpgrpArgs ¶
type GetpgrpArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetpidArgs ¶
type GetpidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetpmsgArgs ¶
type GetpmsgArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetppidArgs ¶
type GetppidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetpriorityArgs ¶
type GetrandomArgs ¶
type Getresgid16Args ¶
type GetresgidArgs ¶
type Getresuid16Args ¶
type GetresuidArgs ¶
type GetrlimitArgs ¶
type GetrusageArgs ¶
type GetsidArgs ¶
type GetsidArgs struct { Pid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetsocknameArgs ¶
type GetsockoptArgs ¶
type GettidArgs ¶
type GettidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GettimeofdayArgs ¶
type Getuid16Args ¶
type Getuid16Args struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetuidArgs ¶
type GetuidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetxattrArgs ¶
type HiddenInodesArgs ¶
type HiddenInodesArgs struct { HiddenProcess string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HiddenKernelModuleArgs ¶
type HookedSeqOpsArgs ¶
type HookedSeqOpsArgs struct { HookedSeqOps uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HookedSyscallsArgs ¶
type InitModuleArgs ¶
type InitNamespacesArgs ¶
type InotifyAddWatchArgs ¶
type InotifyInit1Args ¶
type InotifyInit1Args struct { Flags int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type InotifyInitArgs ¶
type InotifyInitArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type InotifyRmWatchArgs ¶
type InotifyWatchArgs ¶
type IoCancelArgs ¶
type IoDestroyArgs ¶
type IoDestroyArgs struct { CtxId uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type IoGeteventsArgs ¶
type IoPgeteventsArgs ¶
type IoPgeteventsTime32Args ¶
type IoPgeteventsTime32Args struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type IoSetupArgs ¶
type IoSubmitArgs ¶
type IoUringEnterArgs ¶
type IoUringRegisterArgs ¶
type IoUringSetupArgs ¶
type IopermArgs ¶
type IoprioGetArgs ¶
type IoprioSetArgs ¶
type Ip4SockAddr ¶
func (Ip4SockAddr) Family ¶
func (Ip4SockAddr) Family() SockAddrFamily
type Ip6SockAddr ¶
type Ip6SockAddr struct { Addr netip.AddrPort FlowInfo uint32 ScopeID uint32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (Ip6SockAddr) Family ¶
func (Ip6SockAddr) Family() SockAddrFamily
type KallsymsLookupNameArgs ¶
type KernelModuleMeta ¶
func (KernelModuleMeta) GetSizeBytes ¶
func (KernelModuleMeta) GetSizeBytes() uint32
type KernelWriteArgs ¶
type KexecFileLoadArgs ¶
type KexecLoadArgs ¶
type KeyctlArgs ¶
type KprobeAttachArgs ¶
type LandlockAddRuleArgs ¶
type LandloclRestrictSetArgs ¶
type Lchown16Args ¶
type LchownArgs ¶
type LgetxattrArgs ¶
type LinkatArgs ¶
type ListenArgs ¶
type ListxattrArgs ¶
type LlistxattrArgs ¶
type LlseekArgs ¶
type LoadElfPhdrsArgs ¶
type LookupDcookieArgs ¶
type LookupDcookieArgs struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type LremovexattrArgs ¶
type LsetxattrArgs ¶
type Lstat64Args ¶
type MadviseArgs ¶
type MagicWriteArgs ¶
type MemProtAlertArgs ¶
type MembarrierArgs ¶
type MemfdCreateArgs ¶
type MemfdSecretArgs ¶
type MemfdSecretArgs struct { Flags uint32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type MigratePagesArgs ¶
type MincoreArgs ¶
type MkdiratArgs ¶
type MknodatArgs ¶
type Mlock2Args ¶
type MlockallArgs ¶
type MlockallArgs struct { Flags int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ModifyLdtArgs ¶
type ModuleFreeArgs ¶
type ModuleLoadArgs ¶
type MountSetattArgs ¶
type MoveMountArgs ¶
type MovePagesArgs ¶
type MprotectArgs ¶
type MprotectWriteMeta ¶
func (MprotectWriteMeta) GetSizeBytes ¶
func (MprotectWriteMeta) GetSizeBytes() uint32
type MqGetsetattrArgs ¶
type MqNotifyArgs ¶
type MqOpenArgs ¶
type MqTimedreceiveArgs ¶
type MqTimedsendArgs ¶
type MqTimedsendTime32Args ¶
type MqUnlinkArgs ¶
type MqUnlinkArgs struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type MremapArgs ¶
type MsgctlArgs ¶
type MsggetArgs ¶
type MsgrcvArgs ¶
type MsgsndArgs ¶
type MunlockArgs ¶
type MunlockallArgs ¶
type MunlockallArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type MunmapArgs ¶
type NameToHandleAtArgs ¶
type NanosleepArgs ¶
type NetPacketBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketBaseArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type NetPacketCaptureArgs ¶
type NetPacketCaptureArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketDNSArgs ¶
type NetPacketDNSBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketDNSBaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketDNSRequestArgs ¶
type NetPacketHTTPArgs ¶
type NetPacketHTTPBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketHTTPBaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketICMPArgs ¶
type NetPacketICMPBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketICMPBaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketICMPv6Args ¶
type NetPacketICMPv6BaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketICMPv6BaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketIPBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketIPBaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketIPv4Args ¶
type NetPacketIPv6Args ¶
type NetPacketSOCKS5BaseArgs ¶ added in v1.5.0
type NetPacketSOCKS5BaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketTCPArgs ¶
type NetPacketTCPBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketTCPBaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NetPacketUDPArgs ¶
type NetPacketUDPBaseArgs ¶
type NetPacketUDPBaseArgs struct { Payload []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NewfstatatArgs ¶
type NfsservctlArgs ¶
type NfsservctlArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type OldGetrlimitArgs ¶
type OldSelectArgs ¶
type OldfstatArgs ¶
type OldfstatArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type OldlstatArgs ¶
type OldoldunameArgs ¶
type OldoldunameArgs struct { Name uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type OldstatArgs ¶
type OldunameArgs ¶
type OldunameArgs struct { Buf uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type OpenByHandleAtArgs ¶
type OpenTreeArgs ¶
type Openat2Args ¶
type OpenatArgs ¶
type PIDsPerNamespace ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PIDsPerNamespace = bucketcache.BucketCache[proc.NamespaceID, proc.PID]
func NewPIDsPerNamespaceCache ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPIDsPerNamespaceCache(size, maxBucketSize uint32) (*PIDsPerNamespace, error)
type PerfEventOpenArgs ¶
type PersonalityArgs ¶
type PersonalityArgs struct { Persona uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PidfdGetfdArgs ¶
type PidfdOpenArgs ¶
type PidfdSendSignalArgs ¶
type PivotRootArgs ¶
type PkeyAllocArgs ¶
type PkeyFreeArgs ¶
type PkeyFreeArgs struct { Pkey int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PkeyMprotectArgs ¶
type PpollTime32Args ¶
type Pread64Args ¶
type Preadv2Args ¶
type PreadvArgs ¶
type PrintMemDumpArgs ¶
type PrintNetSeqOpsArgs ¶
type PrintSyscallTableArgs ¶
type Prlimit64Args ¶
type ProcCreateArgs ¶
type ProcessExecuteFailedArgs ¶
type ProcessExecuteFailedArgs struct { Path string BinaryPath string BinaryDeviceId uint32 BinaryInodeNumber uint64 BinaryCtime uint64 BinaryInodeMode uint16 InterpreterPath string StdinType uint16 StdinPath string KernelInvoked int32 BinaryArguments []string Environment []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ProcessMadviseArgs ¶
type ProcessMreleaseArgs ¶
type ProcessOomKilledArgs ¶
type ProcessVmReadvArgs ¶
type ProcessVmWritevArgs ¶
type ProfilArgs ¶
type ProfilArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Pselect6Args ¶
type Pselect6Time32Args ¶
type PtraceArgs ¶
type PutpmsgArgs ¶
type PutpmsgArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Pwrite64Args ¶
type Pwritev2Args ¶
type PwritevArgs ¶
type QueryModuleArgs ¶
type QueryModuleArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type QuotactlArgs ¶
type QuotactlFdArgs ¶
type RawDebugEvent ¶
type RawDebugEvent struct { PID uint32 TID uint32 Timestamp uint64 CgroupID uint64 Name [16]byte TaskComm [16]byte Arg1 uint64 Arg2 uint64 Arg3 uint64 Arg4 uint64 }
RawDebugEvent is used to output debug from ebpf to userspace via perf array buf.
func (*RawDebugEvent) String ¶
func (e *RawDebugEvent) String() string
type ReadaheadArgs ¶
type ReaddirArgs ¶
type ReadlinkArgs ¶
type ReadlinkatArgs ¶
type RebootArgs ¶
type RecvfromArgs ¶
type RecvmmsgArgs ¶
type RecvmmsgTime32Args ¶
type RecvmsgArgs ¶
type RegisterChrdevArgs ¶
type RemapFilePagesArgs ¶
type RemovexattrArgs ¶
type RenameArgs ¶
type Renameat2Args ¶
type RenameatArgs ¶
type RequestKeyArgs ¶
type RestartSyscallArgs ¶
type RestartSyscallArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RmdirArgs ¶
type RmdirArgs struct { Pathname string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RtSigactionArgs ¶
type RtSigpendingArgs ¶
type RtSigprocmaskArgs ¶
type RtSigqueueinfoArgs ¶
type RtSigreturnArgs ¶
type RtSigreturnArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RtSigsuspendArgs ¶
type RtSigtimedwaitArgs ¶
type RtTgsigqueueinfoArgs ¶
type SchedGetPriorityMaxArgs ¶
type SchedGetPriorityMaxArgs struct { Policy int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SchedGetPriorityMinArgs ¶
type SchedGetPriorityMinArgs struct { Policy int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SchedGetaffinityArgs ¶
type SchedGetattrArgs ¶
type SchedGetparamArgs ¶
type SchedGetschedulerArgs ¶
type SchedGetschedulerArgs struct { Pid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SchedProcessExecArgs ¶
type SchedProcessExecArgs struct { Cmdpath string Pathname string Dev uint32 Inode uint64 Ctime uint64 InodeMode uint16 InterpreterPathname string InterpreterDev uint32 InterpreterInode uint64 InterpreterCtime uint64 Argv []string Interp string StdinType uint16 StdinPath string InvokedFromKernel int32 Env []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SchedProcessExitArgs ¶
type SchedProcessForkArgs ¶
type SchedRrGetIntervalArgs ¶
type SchedSetaffinityArgs ¶
type SchedSetattrArgs ¶
type SchedSetparamArgs ¶
type SchedSetschedulerArgs ¶
type SchedSwitchArgs ¶
type SchedYieldArgs ¶
type SchedYieldArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SeccompArgs ¶
type SecurityArgs ¶
type SecurityArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SecurityBPFArgs ¶
type SecurityBPFArgs struct { Cmd int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SecurityBPFMapArgs ¶
type SecurityFileOpenArgs ¶
type SecurityInodeMknodArgs ¶
type SecurityInodeRenameArgs ¶
type SecurityInodeUnlinkArgs ¶
type SecurityMmapFileArgs ¶
type SecuritySbMountArgs ¶
type SecuritySocketBindArgs ¶
type SelectArgs ¶
type SemctlArgs ¶
type SemgetArgs ¶
type SemtimedopArgs ¶
type Sendfile32Args ¶
type SendfileArgs ¶
type SendmmsgArgs ¶
type SendmsgArgs ¶
type SendtoArgs ¶
type SetMempolicyArgs ¶
type SetRobustListArgs ¶
type SetThreadAreaArgs ¶
type SetThreadAreaArgs struct { UInfo uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetTidAddressArgs ¶
type SetTidAddressArgs struct { Tidptr uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetdomainnameArgs ¶
type Setfsgid16Args ¶
type Setfsgid16Args struct { Fsgid uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetfsgidArgs ¶
type SetfsgidArgs struct { Fsgid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Setfsuid16Args ¶
type Setfsuid16Args struct { Fsuid uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetfsuidArgs ¶
type SetfsuidArgs struct { Fsuid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Setgid16Args ¶
type Setgid16Args struct { Gid uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetgidArgs ¶
type SetgidArgs struct { Gid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Setgroups16Args ¶
type SetgroupsArgs ¶
type SethostnameArgs ¶
type SetitimerArgs ¶
type SetpgidArgs ¶
type SetpriorityArgs ¶
type Setregid16Args ¶
type SetregidArgs ¶
type Setresgid16Args ¶
type SetresgidArgs ¶
type Setresuid16Args ¶
type SetresuidArgs ¶
type Setreuid16Args ¶
type SetreuidArgs ¶
type SetrlimitArgs ¶
type SetsidArgs ¶
type SetsidArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SetsockoptArgs ¶
type SettimeofdayArgs ¶
type Setuid16Args ¶
type Setuid16Args struct { Uid uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetuidArgs ¶
type SetuidArgs struct { Uid int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SetxattrArgs ¶
type SgetmaskArgs ¶
type SgetmaskArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SharedObjectLoadedArgs ¶
type SharedObjectLoadedArgs struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ShmctlArgs ¶
type ShmdtArgs ¶
type ShmdtArgs struct { Shmaddr uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ShmgetArgs ¶
type ShutdownArgs ¶
type SigactionArgs ¶
type SigaltstackArgs ¶
type SignalArgs ¶
type SignalCgroupMkdirArgs ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SignalCgroupRmdirArgs ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SignalContext ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (SignalContext) GetSizeBytes ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (SignalContext) GetSizeBytes() int
type Signalfd4Args ¶
type SignalfdArgs ¶
type SigpendingArgs ¶
type SigpendingArgs struct { Set uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SigprocmaskArgs ¶
type SigreturnArgs ¶
type SigreturnArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SigsuspendArgs ¶
type SigsuspendArgs struct { Mask uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SlimCred ¶
type SlimCred struct { Uid uint32 /* real UID of the task */ Gid uint32 /* real GID of the task */ Suid uint32 /* saved UID of the task */ Sgid uint32 /* saved GID of the task */ Euid uint32 /* effective UID of the task */ Egid uint32 /* effective GID of the task */ Fsuid uint32 /* UID for VFS ops */ Fsgid uint32 /* GID for VFS ops */ UserNamespace uint32 /* User Namespace of the of the event */ SecureBits uint32 /* SUID-less security management */ CapInheritable uint64 /* caps our children can inherit */ CapPermitted uint64 /* caps we're permitted */ CapEffective uint64 /* caps we can actually use */ CapBounding uint64 /* capability bounding set */ CapAmbient uint64 /* Ambient capability set */ }
SlimCred struct is a slim version of the kernel's cred struct it is used to unmarshal binary data and therefore should match (bit by bit) to the `slim_cred_t` struct in the ebpf code. ANY CHANGE TO THIS STRUCT WILL BE REQUIRED ALSO TO detect.SlimCred and bufferdecoder.SlimCred
func (SlimCred) GetSizeBytes ¶
type SockAddrFamily ¶
type SockAddrFamily int16
const ( AF_UNSPEC SockAddrFamily = 0 AF_UNIX SockAddrFamily = 1 AF_LOCAL SockAddrFamily = AF_UNIX AF_INET SockAddrFamily = 2 AF_AX25 SockAddrFamily = 3 AF_IPX SockAddrFamily = 4 AF_APPLETALK SockAddrFamily = 5 AF_NETROM SockAddrFamily = 6 AF_BRIDGE SockAddrFamily = 7 AF_ATMPVC SockAddrFamily = 8 AF_X25 SockAddrFamily = 9 AF_INET6 SockAddrFamily = 10 AF_ROSE SockAddrFamily = 11 AF_DECnet SockAddrFamily = 12 AF_NETBEUI SockAddrFamily = 13 AF_SECURITY SockAddrFamily = 14 AF_KEY SockAddrFamily = 15 AF_NETLINK SockAddrFamily = 16 AF_ROUTE SockAddrFamily = AF_NETLINK AF_PACKET SockAddrFamily = 17 AF_ASH SockAddrFamily = 18 AF_ECONET SockAddrFamily = 19 AF_ATMSVC SockAddrFamily = 20 AF_RDS SockAddrFamily = 21 AF_SNA SockAddrFamily = 22 AF_IRDA SockAddrFamily = 23 AF_PPPOX SockAddrFamily = 24 AF_WANPIPE SockAddrFamily = 25 AF_LLC SockAddrFamily = 26 AF_IB SockAddrFamily = 27 AF_MPLS SockAddrFamily = 28 AF_CAN SockAddrFamily = 29 AF_TIPC SockAddrFamily = 30 AF_BLUETOOTH SockAddrFamily = 31 AF_IUCV SockAddrFamily = 32 AF_RXRPC SockAddrFamily = 33 AF_ISDN SockAddrFamily = 34 AF_PHONET SockAddrFamily = 35 AF_IEEE802154 SockAddrFamily = 36 AF_CAIF SockAddrFamily = 37 AF_ALG SockAddrFamily = 38 AF_NFC SockAddrFamily = 39 AF_VSOCK SockAddrFamily = 40 AF_KCM SockAddrFamily = 41 AF_QIPCRTR SockAddrFamily = 42 AF_SMC SockAddrFamily = 43 AF_XDP SockAddrFamily = 44 )
func (SockAddrFamily) String ¶
func (t SockAddrFamily) String() string
type SockSetStateArgs ¶
type Sockaddr ¶
type Sockaddr interface { Family() SockAddrFamily // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type SocketAcceptArgs ¶
type SocketArgs ¶
type SocketDupArgs ¶
type SocketState ¶
type SocketState struct { OldState TCPSocketState NewState TCPSocketState }
type SocketcallArgs ¶
type SocketpairArgs ¶
type SpliceArgs ¶
type SsetmaskArgs ¶
type SsetmaskArgs struct { Newmask int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Stat64Args ¶
type Statfs64Args ¶
type StatfsArgs ¶
type SwapoffArgs ¶
type SwapoffArgs struct { Path string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SwaponArgs ¶
type SwitchTaskNSArgs ¶
type SymbolsCollisionArgs ¶
type SymbolsLoadedArgs ¶
type SymlinkArgs ¶
type SymlinkatArgs ¶
type SyncFileRangeArgs ¶
type SyncfsArgs ¶
type SyncfsArgs struct { Fd int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SysEnterArgs ¶
type SysEnterArgs struct { Syscall int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SysExitArgs ¶
type SysExitArgs struct { Syscall int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SysctlArgs ¶
type SysctlArgs struct { Args uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SysinfoArgs ¶
type SysinfoArgs struct { Info uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SyslogArgs ¶
type TCPSocketState ¶
type TCPSocketState uint32
type TaskRenameArgs ¶
type TestEventArgs ¶
type TestEventArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TgkillArgs ¶
type TimerCreateArgs ¶
type TimerDeleteArgs ¶
type TimerDeleteArgs struct { TimerId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TimerGetoverrunArgs ¶
type TimerGetoverrunArgs struct { TimerId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TimerGettime32Args ¶
type TimerGettimeArgs ¶
type TimerSettime32Args ¶
type TimerSettimeArgs ¶
type TimerfdCreateArgs ¶
type TimerfdGettime32Args ¶
type TimerfdGettimeArgs ¶
type TimerfdSettime32Args ¶
type TimerfdSettimeArgs ¶
type TrackSyscallStatsArgs ¶
type TrackSyscallStatsArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Truncate64Args ¶
type TruncateArgs ¶
type TtyOpenArgs ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TuxcallArgs ¶
type TuxcallArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type UlimitArgs ¶
type UlimitArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Umount2Args ¶
type UmountArgs ¶
type UmountArgs struct { Target string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UnixSockAddr ¶
type UnixSockAddr struct { Path string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (UnixSockAddr) Family ¶
func (UnixSockAddr) Family() SockAddrFamily
type UnlinkArgs ¶
type UnlinkArgs struct { Pathname string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UnlinkatArgs ¶
type UnshareArgs ¶
type UnshareArgs struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UselibArgs ¶
type UselibArgs struct { Library string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UserfaultfdArgs ¶
type UserfaultfdArgs struct { Flags int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UtimensatArgs ¶
type UtimensatTime32Args ¶
type UtimesArgs ¶
type VfsFileMeta ¶
func (VfsFileMeta) GetSizeBytes ¶
func (VfsFileMeta) GetSizeBytes() uint32
type VfsReadArgs ¶
type VfsReadvArgs ¶
type VfsUtimesArgs ¶
type VfsWriteArgs ¶
type VfsWritevArgs ¶
type VhangupArgs ¶
type VhangupArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Vm86oldArgs ¶
type Vm86oldArgs struct { Info uintptr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type VmspliceArgs ¶
type VserverArgs ¶
type VserverArgs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields