Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddAdapter(adapter *Adapter) (bool, error)
- func AddApplication(application *Application) (bool, error)
- func AddCert(cert *Cert) (bool, error)
- func AddEnforcer(enforcer *Enforcer) (bool, error)
- func AddGroup(group *Group) (bool, error)
- func AddGroups(groups []*Group) (bool, error)
- func AddInvitation(invitation *Invitation, lang string) (bool, error)
- func AddLdap(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)
- func AddModel(model *Model) (bool, error)
- func AddOrUpdateResource(resource *Resource) (bool, error)
- func AddOrganization(organization *Organization) (bool, error)
- func AddPayment(payment *Payment) (bool, error)
- func AddPermission(permission *Permission) (bool, error)
- func AddPermissions(permissions []*Permission) (bool, error)
- func AddPermissionsInBatch(permissions []*Permission) (bool, error)
- func AddPlan(plan *Plan) (bool, error)
- func AddPolicy(id string, ptype string, policy []string) (bool, error)
- func AddPricing(pricing *Pricing) (bool, error)
- func AddProduct(product *Product) (bool, error)
- func AddProvider(provider *Provider) (bool, error)
- func AddRadiusAccounting(ra *RadiusAccounting) error
- func AddRecord(record *casvisorsdk.Record) bool
- func AddResource(resource *Resource) (bool, error)
- func AddRole(role *Role) (bool, error)
- func AddRoles(roles []*Role) bool
- func AddRolesInBatch(roles []*Role) bool
- func AddSession(session *Session) (bool, error)
- func AddSubscription(subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)
- func AddSyncer(syncer *Syncer) (bool, error)
- func AddToVerificationRecord(user *User, provider *Provider, remoteAddr, recordType, dest, code string) error
- func AddToken(token *Token) (bool, error)
- func AddTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)
- func AddUser(user *User) (bool, error)
- func AddUserKeys(user *User, isAdmin bool) (bool, error)
- func AddUserToOriginalDatabase(user *User) error
- func AddUsers(users []*User) (bool, error)
- func AddUsersInBatch(users []*User) (bool, error)
- func AddWebhook(webhook *Webhook) (bool, error)
- func BatchEnforce(permission *Permission, requests [][]string, permissionIds ...string) ([]bool, error)
- func CheckAccountItemModifyRule(accountItem *AccountItem, isAdmin bool, lang string) (bool, string)
- func CheckCasLogin(application *Application, lang string, service string) error
- func CheckFaceId(user *User, faceId []float64, lang string) error
- func CheckInvitationDefaultCode(code string, defaultCode string, lang string) error
- func CheckLdapExist(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)
- func CheckLoginPermission(userId string, application *Application) (bool, error)
- func CheckPassword(user *User, password string, lang string, options ...bool) error
- func CheckPasswordComplexity(user *User, password string) string
- func CheckPasswordComplexityByOrg(organization *Organization, password string) string
- func CheckPermissionForUpdateUser(oldUser, newUser *User, isAdmin bool, lang string) (bool, string)
- func CheckPricingAndPlan(owner, pricingName, planName string) error
- func CheckSigninCode(user *User, dest, code, lang string) error
- func CheckToEnableCaptcha(application *Application, organization, username string) (bool, error)
- func CheckUpdateUser(oldUser, user *User, lang string) string
- func CheckUserPermission(requestUserId, userId string, strict bool, lang string) (bool, error)
- func CheckUserSignup(application *Application, organization *Organization, authForm *form.AuthForm, ...) string
- func CheckUsername(username string, lang string) string
- func ClearThroughputPerSecond()
- func ClearUserOAuthProperties(user *User, providerType string) (bool, error)
- func CopyRecord(record *casvisorsdk.Record) *casvisorsdk.Record
- func CreateTables()
- func DailSmtpServer(provider *Provider) error
- func DeleteAdapter(adapter *Adapter) (bool, error)
- func DeleteApplication(application *Application) (bool, error)
- func DeleteBeegoSession(sessionIds []string)
- func DeleteCert(cert *Cert) (bool, error)
- func DeleteEnforcer(enforcer *Enforcer) (bool, error)
- func DeleteFile(provider *Provider, objectKey string, lang string) error
- func DeleteGroup(group *Group) (bool, error)
- func DeleteGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)
- func DeleteInvitation(invitation *Invitation) (bool, error)
- func DeleteLdap(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)
- func DeleteModel(model *Model) (bool, error)
- func DeleteOrganization(organization *Organization) (bool, error)
- func DeletePayment(payment *Payment) (bool, error)
- func DeletePermission(permission *Permission) (bool, error)
- func DeletePlan(plan *Plan) (bool, error)
- func DeletePricing(pricing *Pricing) (bool, error)
- func DeleteProduct(product *Product) (bool, error)
- func DeleteProvider(provider *Provider) (bool, error)
- func DeleteRadiusAccounting(ra *RadiusAccounting) error
- func DeleteResource(resource *Resource) (bool, error)
- func DeleteRole(role *Role) (bool, error)
- func DeleteSession(id string) (bool, error)
- func DeleteSessionId(id string, sessionId string) (bool, error)
- func DeleteSubscription(subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)
- func DeleteSyncer(syncer *Syncer) (bool, error)
- func DeleteToken(token *Token) (bool, error)
- func DeleteTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)
- func DeleteUser(user *User) (bool, error)
- func DeleteWebhook(webhook *Webhook) (bool, error)
- func DialWithCert(SshUser string, CertId string, SshHost string, SshPort int) (*ssh.Client, error)
- func DialWithPassword(SshUser string, SshPassword string, SshHost string, SshPort int) (*ssh.Client, error)
- func DialWithPrivateKey(SshUser string, PrivateKey []byte, SshHost string, SshPort int) (*ssh.Client, error)
- func DisableVerificationCode(dest string) error
- func DisabledMultiFactorAuth(user *User) error
- func DownloadAndUpload(url string, fullFilePath string, lang string) (err error)
- func DumpToFile(filePath string) error
- func Enforce(permission *Permission, request []string, permissionIds ...string) (bool, error)
- func ExpireTokenByAccessToken(accessToken string) (bool, *Application, *Token, error)
- func ExtendGroupWithUsers(group *Group) error
- func ExtendGroupsWithUsers(groups []*Group) error
- func ExtendProductWithProviders(product *Product) error
- func ExtendUserWithRolesAndPermissions(user *User) (err error)
- func FromProviderToIdpInfo(ctx *context.Context, provider *Provider) *idp.ProviderInfo
- func GenerateCasToken(userId string, service string) (string, error)
- func GenerateId()
- func GenerateIdForNewUser(application *Application) (string, error)
- func GenerateSamlRequest(id, relayState, host, lang string) (auth string, method string, err error)
- func GetAccessTokenByUser(user *User, host string) (string, error)
- func GetAdapterCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetAllActions(userId string) ([]string, error)
- func GetAllObjects(userId string) ([]string, error)
- func GetAllRoles(userId string) ([]string, error)
- func GetApplicationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetAuthorizationCodeToken(application *Application, clientSecret string, code string, verifier string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
- func GetBuiltInModel(modelText string) (model.Model, error)
- func GetCaptcha() (string, []byte, error)
- func GetCertCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetClientCredentialsToken(application *Application, clientSecret string, scope string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
- func GetDuration(period string) (startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time)
- func GetEnforcerCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetExistUuids(owner string, uuids []string) ([]string, error)
- func GetFailedSigninConfigByUser(user *User) (int, int, error)
- func GetFaviconUrl(htmlStr string) (string, error)
- func GetGlobalCertsCount(field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetGlobalProviderCount(field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetGlobalUserCount(field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetGroupCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetGroupUserCount(groupId string, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetGroupWithPrefix(group string) string
- func GetGroupWithoutPrefix(group string) string
- func GetImplicitToken(application *Application, username string, scope string, nonce string, ...) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
- func GetInvitationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetJsonWebKeySet() (jose.JSONWebKeySet, error)
- func GetModelCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetOAuthToken(grantType string, clientId string, clientSecret string, code string, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func GetOnlineUserCount(owner string, isOnline int) (int64, error)
- func GetOrganizationApplicationCount(owner, Organization, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetOrganizationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetPaginationRecords(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string, ...) ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
- func GetPasswordToken(application *Application, username string, password string, scope string, ...) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
- func GetPaymentCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetPaymentProvider(p *Provider) (pp.PaymentProvider, error)
- func GetPermissionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetPlanCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetPolicies(id string) ([]*xormadapter.CasbinRule, error)
- func GetPricingCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetProductCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetProviderCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetRecordCount(field, value string, filterRecord *casvisorsdk.Record) (int64, error)
- func GetRecords() ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
- func GetRecordsByField(record *casvisorsdk.Record) ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
- func GetResourceCount(owner, user, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetRoleCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetSamlRedirectAddress(owner string, application string, relayState string, samlRequest string, ...) string
- func GetSamlResponse(application *Application, user *User, samlRequest string, host string) (string, string, string, error)
- func GetSession(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) *xorm.Session
- func GetSessionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetSessionForUser(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) *xorm.Session
- func GetSubscriptionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetSyncerCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetTokenCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetTransactionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetTruncatedPath(provider *Provider, fullFilePath string, limit int) string
- func GetUploadFileUrl(provider *Provider, fullFilePath string, hasTimestamp bool) (string, string)
- func GetUserCount(owner, field, value string, groupName string) (int64, error)
- func GetUserField(user *User, field string) string
- func GetUserFieldStringValue(user *User, fieldName string) (bool, string, error)
- func GetValidationBySaml(samlRequest string, host string) (string, string, error)
- func GetVerificationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetVerifyType(username string) (verificationCodeType string)
- func GetWebAuthnObject(host string) (*webauthn.WebAuthn, error)
- func GetWebhookCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)
- func GetWechatMiniProgramToken(application *Application, code string, host string, username string, ...) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
- func GroupChangeTrigger(oldName, newName string) error
- func GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter(permissions []*Permission) map[string][]string
- func HasRoleDefinition(m model.Model) bool
- func HasUserByField(organizationName string, field string, value string) bool
- func InitAdapter()
- func InitCasvisorConfig()
- func InitConfig()
- func InitDb()
- func InitDefaultStorageProvider()
- func InitFlag()
- func InitFromFile()
- func InitLdapAutoSynchronizer()
- func InitUserManager()
- func InterimUpdateRadiusAccounting(oldRa *RadiusAccounting, newRa *RadiusAccounting, stop bool) error
- func InvoicePayment(payment *Payment) (string, error)
- func IsAllowSend(user *User, remoteAddr, recordType string) error
- func IsGrantTypeValid(method string, grantTypes []string) bool
- func IsNeedPromptMfa(org *Organization, user *User) bool
- func IsOriginAllowed(origin string) (bool, error)
- func IsSessionDuplicated(id string, sessionId string) (bool, error)
- func LinkUserAccount(user *User, field string, value string) (bool, error)
- func MfaRecover(user *User, recoveryCode string) error
- func NewRecord(ctx *context.Context) (*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
- func NewSamlResponse(application *Application, user *User, host string, certificate string, ...) (*etree.Element, error)
- func NewSamlResponse11(user *User, requestID string, host string) (*etree.Element, error)
- func ParseSamlResponse(samlResponse string, provider *Provider, host string) (*idp.UserInfo, error)
- func RefreshToken(grantType string, refreshToken string, scope string, clientId string, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func RemovePolicy(id string, ptype string, policy []string) (bool, error)
- func RunSyncUsersJob()
- func RunSyncer(syncer *Syncer) error
- func SendEmail(provider *Provider, title string, content string, dest string, sender string) error
- func SendNotification(provider *Provider, content string) error
- func SendSms(provider *Provider, content string, phoneNumbers ...string) error
- func SendVerificationCodeToEmail(organization *Organization, user *User, provider *Provider, remoteAddr string, ...) error
- func SendVerificationCodeToPhone(organization *Organization, user *User, provider *Provider, remoteAddr string, ...) error
- func SendWebhooks(record *casvisorsdk.Record) error
- func SetPreferredMultiFactorAuth(user *User, mfaType string) error
- func SetUserField(user *User, field string, value string) (bool, error)
- func SetUserOAuthProperties(organization *Organization, user *User, providerType string, ...) (bool, error)
- func StoreCasTokenForPgt(token *CasAuthenticationSuccess, service, userId string) string
- func StoreCasTokenForProxyTicket(token *CasAuthenticationSuccess, targetService, userId string) string
- func SyncLdapUsers(owner string, syncUsers []LdapUser, ldapId string) (existUsers []LdapUser, failedUsers []LdapUser, err error)
- func TestSyncerDb(syncer Syncer) error
- func UpdateAdapter(id string, adapter *Adapter) (bool, error)
- func UpdateApplication(id string, application *Application) (bool, error)
- func UpdateCert(id string, cert *Cert) (bool, error)
- func UpdateEnforcer(id string, enforcer *Enforcer) (bool, error)
- func UpdateGroup(id string, group *Group) (bool, error)
- func UpdateInvitation(id string, invitation *Invitation, lang string) (bool, error)
- func UpdateLdap(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)
- func UpdateLdapSyncTime(ldapId string) error
- func UpdateModel(id string, modelObj *Model) (bool, error)
- func UpdateModelWithCheck(id string, modelObj *Model) error
- func UpdateOrganization(id string, organization *Organization) (bool, error)
- func UpdatePayment(id string, payment *Payment) (bool, error)
- func UpdatePermission(id string, permission *Permission) (bool, error)
- func UpdatePlan(id string, plan *Plan) (bool, error)
- func UpdatePolicy(id string, ptype string, oldPolicy []string, newPolicy []string) (bool, error)
- func UpdatePricing(id string, pricing *Pricing) (bool, error)
- func UpdateProduct(id string, product *Product) (bool, error)
- func UpdateProductForPlan(plan *Plan, product *Product)
- func UpdateProvider(id string, provider *Provider) (bool, error)
- func UpdateRadiusAccounting(id string, ra *RadiusAccounting) error
- func UpdateResource(id string, resource *Resource) (bool, error)
- func UpdateRole(id string, role *Role) (bool, error)
- func UpdateSession(id string, session *Session) (bool, error)
- func UpdateSubscription(id string, subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)
- func UpdateSyncer(id string, syncer *Syncer) (bool, error)
- func UpdateToken(id string, token *Token) (bool, error)
- func UpdateTransaction(id string, transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)
- func UpdateUser(id string, user *User, columns []string, isAdmin bool) (bool, error)
- func UpdateUserForAllFields(id string, user *User) (bool, error)
- func UpdateUserToOriginalDatabase(user *User) error
- func UpdateWebhook(id string, webhook *Webhook) (bool, error)
- func UploadFileSafe(provider *Provider, fullFilePath string, fileBuffer *bytes.Buffer, lang string) (string, string, error)
- func UploadPermissions(owner string, path string) (bool, error)
- func UploadRoles(owner string, path string) (bool, error)
- func UploadUsers(owner string, path string) (bool, error)
- func VerifyCaptcha(id string, digits string) bool
- type AccountItem
- type Adapter
- type Affiliation
- type Application
- func CheckOAuthLogin(clientId string, responseType string, redirectUri string, scope string, ...) (string, *Application, error)
- func GetAllowedApplications(applications []*Application, userId string, lang string) ([]*Application, error)
- func GetApplication(id string) (*Application, error)
- func GetApplicationByClientId(clientId string) (*Application, error)
- func GetApplicationByOrganizationName(organization string) (*Application, error)
- func GetApplicationByUser(user *User) (*Application, error)
- func GetApplicationByUserId(userId string) (application *Application, err error)
- func GetApplications(owner string) ([]*Application, error)
- func GetDefaultApplication(id string) (*Application, error)
- func GetMaskedApplication(application *Application, userId string) *Application
- func GetMaskedApplications(applications []*Application, userId string) []*Application
- func GetOrganizationApplications(owner string, organization string) ([]*Application, error)
- func GetPaginationApplications(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Application, error)
- func GetPaginationOrganizationApplications(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, ...) ([]*Application, error)
- func (application *Application) GetEmailProvider(method string) (*Provider, error)
- func (application *Application) GetId() string
- func (application *Application) GetProviderByCategory(category string) (*Provider, error)
- func (application *Application) GetProviderByCategoryAndRule(category string, method string) (*Provider, error)
- func (application *Application) GetProviderItem(providerName string) *ProviderItem
- func (application *Application) GetProviderItemByType(providerType string) *ProviderItem
- func (application *Application) GetSignupItemRule(itemName string) string
- func (application *Application) GetSmsProvider(method string) (*Provider, error)
- func (application *Application) GetStorageProvider() (*Provider, error)
- func (application *Application) HasPromptPage() bool
- func (application *Application) IsCodeSigninViaEmailEnabled() bool
- func (application *Application) IsCodeSigninViaSmsEnabled() bool
- func (application *Application) IsFaceIdEnabled() bool
- func (application *Application) IsLdapEnabled() bool
- func (application *Application) IsPasswordEnabled() bool
- func (application *Application) IsPasswordWithLdapEnabled() bool
- func (application *Application) IsRedirectUriValid(redirectUri string) bool
- func (application *Application) IsSignupItemRequired(itemName string) bool
- func (application *Application) IsSignupItemVisible(itemName string) bool
- type Attribute
- type CasAnyAttribute
- type CasAttributes
- type CasAuthenticationFailure
- type CasAuthenticationSuccess
- type CasAuthenticationSuccessWrapper
- type CasNamedAttribute
- type CasProxies
- type CasProxyFailure
- type CasProxySuccess
- type CasServiceResponse
- type CasUserAttributes
- type Cert
- func GetCert(id string) (*Cert, error)
- func GetCerts(owner string) ([]*Cert, error)
- func GetDefaultCert() (*Cert, error)
- func GetGlobalCerts() ([]*Cert, error)
- func GetMaskedCert(cert *Cert) *Cert
- func GetMaskedCerts(certs []*Cert, err error) ([]*Cert, error)
- func GetPaginationCerts(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Cert, error)
- func GetPaginationGlobalCerts(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Cert, error)
- type Claims
- type ClaimsShort
- type ClaimsWithoutThirdIdp
- type Code
- type Credential
- type Dashboard
- type Enforcer
- type FaceId
- type GaugeVecInfo
- type Group
- type GroupNode
- type Header
- type HistogramVecInfo
- type HttpSmsClient
- type IdpEntityDescriptor
- type IdpSSODescriptor
- type InitData
- type IntrospectionResponse
- type Invitation
- func CheckInvitationCode(application *Application, organization *Organization, authForm *form.AuthForm, ...) (*Invitation, string)
- func GetInvitation(id string) (*Invitation, error)
- func GetInvitationByCode(code string, organizationName string, lang string) (*Invitation, string)
- func GetInvitations(owner string) ([]*Invitation, error)
- func GetMaskedInvitation(invitation *Invitation) *Invitation
- func GetPaginationInvitations(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Invitation, error)
- func (invitation *Invitation) GetId() string
- func (invitation *Invitation) IsInvitationCodeValid(application *Application, invitationCode string, username string, email string, ...) (bool, string)
- func (invitation *Invitation) SimpleCheckInvitationCode(invitationCode string, lang string) (bool, string)
- type KeyDescriptor
- type KeyInfo
- type Ldap
- type LdapAutoSynchronizer
- type LdapConn
- type LdapUser
- type Link
- type ManagedAccount
- type MfaInterface
- type MfaItem
- type MfaProps
- type Model
- type NameIDFormat
- type OidcDiscovery
- type Organization
- func GetMaskedOrganization(organization *Organization, errs ...error) (*Organization, error)
- func GetMaskedOrganizations(organizations []*Organization, errs ...error) ([]*Organization, error)
- func GetOrganization(id string) (*Organization, error)
- func GetOrganizationByUser(user *User) (*Organization, error)
- func GetOrganizations(owner string, name ...string) ([]*Organization, error)
- func GetOrganizationsByFields(owner string, fields ...string) ([]*Organization, error)
- func GetPaginationOrganizations(owner string, name string, offset, limit int, ...) ([]*Organization, error)
- type OriginalUser
- type Ormer
- type Payment
- func BuyProduct(id string, user *User, ...) (payment *Payment, attachInfo map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func GetPaginationPayments(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Payment, error)
- func GetPayment(id string) (*Payment, error)
- func GetPayments(owner string) ([]*Payment, error)
- func GetUserPayments(owner, user string) ([]*Payment, error)
- func NotifyPayment(body []byte, owner string, paymentName string) (*Payment, error)
- func VerifyInvitation(id string) (payment *Payment, attachInfo map[string]interface{}, err error)
- type Permission
- func GetMaskedPermissions(permissions []*Permission) []*Permission
- func GetPaginationPermissions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Permission, error)
- func GetPermission(id string) (*Permission, error)
- func GetPermissions(owner string) ([]*Permission, error)
- func GetPermissionsByModel(owner string, model string) ([]*Permission, error)
- func GetPermissionsByResource(resourceId string) ([]*Permission, error)
- func GetPermissionsByRole(roleId string) ([]*Permission, error)
- func GetPermissionsBySubmitter(owner string, submitter string) ([]*Permission, error)
- type Plan
- type Pricing
- type Product
- type PrometheusInfo
- type Provider
- func GetCaptchaProviderByApplication(applicationId, isCurrentProvider, lang string) (*Provider, error)
- func GetCaptchaProviderByOwnerName(applicationId, lang string) (*Provider, error)
- func GetGlobalProviders() ([]*Provider, error)
- func GetMaskedProvider(provider *Provider, isMaskEnabled bool) *Provider
- func GetMaskedProviders(providers []*Provider, isMaskEnabled bool) []*Provider
- func GetPaginationGlobalProviders(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Provider, error)
- func GetPaginationProviders(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Provider, error)
- func GetProvider(id string) (*Provider, error)
- func GetProviders(owner string) ([]*Provider, error)
- func GetWechatMiniProgramProvider(application *Application) *Provider
- type ProviderItem
- type RadiusAccounting
- type Record
- type Resource
- func GetDirectResources(owner string, user string, provider *Provider, prefix string, lang string) ([]*Resource, error)
- func GetPaginationResources(owner, user string, offset, limit int, ...) ([]*Resource, error)
- func GetResource(id string) (*Resource, error)
- func GetResources(owner string, user string) ([]*Resource, error)
- type Response
- type Role
- func GetAncestorRoles(roleIds ...string) ([]*Role, error)
- func GetMaskedRoles(roles []*Role) []*Role
- func GetPaginationRoles(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Role, error)
- func GetRole(id string) (*Role, error)
- func GetRoles(owner string) ([]*Role, error)
- type Saml11AssertionArtifact
- type Saml11Request
- type SamlItem
- type Session
- type SigninItem
- type SigninMethod
- type SignupItem
- type SingleSignOnService
- type SmsMfa
- type Subscription
- func GetPaginationSubscriptions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Subscription, error)
- func GetSubscription(id string) (*Subscription, error)
- func GetSubscriptions(owner string) ([]*Subscription, error)
- func GetSubscriptionsByUser(owner, userName string) ([]*Subscription, error)
- func NewSubscription(owner, userName, planName, paymentName, period string) *Subscription
- type SubscriptionState
- type Syncer
- func GetMaskedSyncer(syncer *Syncer, errs ...error) (*Syncer, error)
- func GetMaskedSyncers(syncers []*Syncer, errs ...error) ([]*Syncer, error)
- func GetOrganizationSyncers(owner, organization string) ([]*Syncer, error)
- func GetPaginationSyncers(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, ...) ([]*Syncer, error)
- func GetSyncer(id string) (*Syncer, error)
- func GetSyncers(owner string) ([]*Syncer, error)
- type TableColumn
- type ThemeData
- type Token
- func GetPaginationTokens(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, ...) ([]*Token, error)
- func GetToken(id string) (*Token, error)
- func GetTokenByAccessToken(accessToken string) (*Token, error)
- func GetTokenByRefreshToken(refreshToken string) (*Token, error)
- func GetTokenByTokenValue(tokenValue, tokenTypeHint string) (*Token, error)
- func GetTokenByUser(application *Application, user *User, scope string, nonce string, host string) (*Token, error)
- func GetTokens(owner string, organization string) ([]*Token, error)
- type TokenError
- type TokenWrapper
- type TotpMfa
- type Transaction
- func GetPaginationTransactions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Transaction, error)
- func GetTransaction(id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func GetTransactions(owner string) ([]*Transaction, error)
- func GetUserTransactions(owner, user string) ([]*Transaction, error)
- type User
- func CheckUserPassword(organization string, username string, password string, lang string, ...) (*User, error)
- func ExtendManagedAccountsWithUser(user *User) (*User, error)
- func GetGlobalUsers() ([]*User, error)
- func GetGlobalUsersWithFilter(cond builder.Cond) ([]*User, error)
- func GetGroupUsers(groupId string) ([]*User, error)
- func GetMaskedUser(user *User, isAdminOrSelf bool, errs ...error) (*User, error)
- func GetMaskedUsers(users []*User, errs ...error) ([]*User, error)
- func GetPaginationGlobalUsers(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*User, error)
- func GetPaginationGroupUsers(groupId string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*User, error)
- func GetPaginationUsers(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string, ...) ([]*User, error)
- func GetSortedUsers(owner string, sorter string, limit int) ([]*User, error)
- func GetUser(id string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByAccessKey(accessKey string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByEmail(owner string, email string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByEmailOnly(email string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByField(organizationName string, field string, value string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByFields(organization string, field string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByInvitationCode(owner string, invitationCode string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByPhone(owner string, phone string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByPhoneOnly(phone string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByUserId(owner string, userId string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByUserIdOnly(userId string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserNoCheck(id string) (*User, error)
- func GetUsers(owner string) ([]*User, error)
- func GetUsersByTagWithFilter(owner string, tag string, cond builder.Cond) ([]*User, error)
- func GetUsersWithFilter(owner string, cond builder.Cond) ([]*User, error)
- func (user *User) AddCredentials(credential webauthn.Credential, isGlobalAdmin bool) (bool, error)
- func (user *User) CredentialExcludeList() []protocol.CredentialDescriptor
- func (user *User) DeleteCredentials(credentialIdBase64 string) (bool, error)
- func (user *User) GetCountryCode(countryCode string) string
- func (user *User) GetFriendlyName() string
- func (user *User) GetId() string
- func (user *User) GetMfaProps(mfaType string, masked bool) *MfaProps
- func (user *User) GetPreferredMfaProps(masked bool) *MfaProps
- func (user *User) IsAdminUser() bool
- func (user *User) IsApplicationAdmin(application *Application) bool
- func (user *User) IsGlobalAdmin() bool
- func (user *User) IsMfaEnabled() bool
- func (user *User) UpdateUserHash() error
- func (user *User) UpdateUserPassword(organization *Organization)
- func (user *User) WebAuthnCredentials() []webauthn.Credential
- func (user *User) WebAuthnDisplayName() string
- func (user *User) WebAuthnID() []byte
- func (user *User) WebAuthnIcon() string
- func (user *User) WebAuthnName() string
- type UserGroupEnforcer
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupsForUser(user string, groups []string) (bool, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupsForUser(user string) (bool, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetAllUsersByGroup(group string) ([]string, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetGroupsForUser(user string) ([]string, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetUserNamesByGroupName(groupName string) ([]string, error)
- func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) UpdateGroupsForUser(user string, groups []string) (bool, error)
- type UserShort
- type UserWithoutThirdIdp
- type Userinfo
- type ValidatorFunc
- type VerificationRecord
- func GetPaginationVerifications(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)
- func GetUserVerifications(owner, user string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)
- func GetVerification(id string) (*VerificationRecord, error)
- func GetVerifications(owner string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)
- type VerifyResult
- type ViaSSHDialer
- func (v *ViaSSHDialer) Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
- func (v *ViaSSHDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network string, addr string) (net.Conn, error)
- func (v *ViaSSHDialer) DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)
- func (v *ViaSSHDialer) MysqlDial(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error)
- func (v *ViaSSHDialer) Open(s string) (_ driver.Conn, err error)
- type Webhook
- type X509Certificate
- type X509Data
- type X509Key
Constants ¶
const ( DefaultFailedSigninLimit = 5 DefaultFailedSigninFrozenTime = 15 )
const ( EmailType = "email" SmsType = "sms" TotpType = "app" )
const ( MfaSessionUserId = "MfaSessionUserId" NextMfa = "NextMfa" RequiredMfa = "RequiredMfa" )
const ( PeriodMonthly = "Monthly" PeriodYearly = "Yearly" )
const ( InvalidRequest = "invalid_request" InvalidClient = "invalid_client" InvalidGrant = "invalid_grant" UnsupportedGrantType = "unsupported_grant_type" InvalidScope = "invalid_scope" EndpointError = "endpoint_error" )
const ( UserPropertiesWechatUnionId = "wechatUnionId" UserPropertiesWechatOpenId = "wechatOpenId" )
const ( VerifyTypePhone = "phone" VerifyTypeEmail = "email" )
const (
MfaTotpPeriodInSeconds = 30
const UserEnforcerId = "built-in/user-enforcer-built-in"
const (
VerificationSuccess = iota
Variables ¶
var ( ApiThroughput = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "casdoor_api_throughput", Help: "The throughput of each api access", }, []string{"path", "method"}) ApiLatency = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: "casdoor_api_latency", Help: "API processing latency in milliseconds", }, []string{"path", "method"}) CpuUsage = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "casdoor_cpu_usage", Help: "Casdoor cpu usage", }, []string{"cpuNum"}) MemoryUsage = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "casdoor_memory_usage", Help: "Casdoor memory usage in Byte", }, []string{"type"}) TotalThroughput = promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "casdoor_total_throughput", Help: "The total throughput of casdoor", }) )
var ( CasdoorApplication = "app-built-in" CasdoorOrganization = "built-in" )
Functions ¶
func AddAdapter ¶ added in v1.377.0
func AddApplication ¶
func AddApplication(application *Application) (bool, error)
func AddEnforcer ¶ added in v1.374.0
func AddInvitation ¶ added in v1.485.1
func AddInvitation(invitation *Invitation, lang string) (bool, error)
func AddOrUpdateResource ¶
func AddOrganization ¶
func AddOrganization(organization *Organization) (bool, error)
func AddPayment ¶ added in v1.16.0
func AddPermission ¶
func AddPermission(permission *Permission) (bool, error)
func AddPermissions ¶ added in v1.325.0
func AddPermissions(permissions []*Permission) (bool, error)
func AddPermissionsInBatch ¶ added in v1.325.0
func AddPermissionsInBatch(permissions []*Permission) (bool, error)
func AddPricing ¶ added in v1.320.0
func AddProduct ¶ added in v1.23.0
func AddProvider ¶
func AddRadiusAccounting ¶ added in v1.424.0
func AddRadiusAccounting(ra *RadiusAccounting) error
func AddRecord ¶
func AddRecord(record *casvisorsdk.Record) bool
func AddResource ¶
func AddRolesInBatch ¶ added in v1.325.0
func AddSession ¶ added in v1.239.0
func AddSubscription ¶ added in v1.320.0
func AddSubscription(subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)
func AddToVerificationRecord ¶
func AddTransaction ¶ added in v1.552.1
func AddTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)
func AddUsersInBatch ¶
func AddWebhook ¶
func BatchEnforce ¶ added in v1.83.0
func BatchEnforce(permission *Permission, requests [][]string, permissionIds ...string) ([]bool, error)
func CheckAccountItemModifyRule ¶ added in v1.77.1
func CheckAccountItemModifyRule(accountItem *AccountItem, isAdmin bool, lang string) (bool, string)
func CheckCasLogin ¶ added in v1.394.0
func CheckCasLogin(application *Application, lang string, service string) error
func CheckFaceId ¶ added in v1.569.0
func CheckInvitationDefaultCode ¶ added in v1.523.0
func CheckLdapExist ¶
func CheckLoginPermission ¶ added in v1.417.0
func CheckLoginPermission(userId string, application *Application) (bool, error)
func CheckPassword ¶
func CheckPasswordComplexity ¶ added in v1.341.0
func CheckPasswordComplexityByOrg ¶ added in v1.341.0
func CheckPasswordComplexityByOrg(organization *Organization, password string) string
func CheckPermissionForUpdateUser ¶ added in v1.304.0
func CheckPricingAndPlan ¶ added in v1.399.0
func CheckSigninCode ¶ added in v1.208.0
func CheckToEnableCaptcha ¶ added in v1.145.0
func CheckToEnableCaptcha(application *Application, organization, username string) (bool, error)
func CheckUpdateUser ¶ added in v1.211.0
func CheckUserPermission ¶ added in v1.42.0
func CheckUserSignup ¶
func CheckUserSignup(application *Application, organization *Organization, authForm *form.AuthForm, lang string) string
func CheckUsername ¶ added in v1.130.2
func ClearThroughputPerSecond ¶ added in v1.303.0
func ClearThroughputPerSecond()
func CopyRecord ¶ added in v1.583.1
func CopyRecord(record *casvisorsdk.Record) *casvisorsdk.Record
func CreateTables ¶ added in v1.239.0
func CreateTables()
func DailSmtpServer ¶ added in v1.59.0
DailSmtpServer Dail Smtp server
func DeleteAdapter ¶ added in v1.377.0
func DeleteApplication ¶
func DeleteApplication(application *Application) (bool, error)
func DeleteBeegoSession ¶ added in v1.207.0
func DeleteBeegoSession(sessionIds []string)
func DeleteCert ¶
func DeleteEnforcer ¶ added in v1.374.0
func DeleteGroup ¶ added in v1.335.0
func DeleteGroupForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func DeleteInvitation ¶ added in v1.485.1
func DeleteInvitation(invitation *Invitation) (bool, error)
func DeleteLdap ¶
func DeleteModel ¶ added in v1.54.0
func DeleteOrganization ¶
func DeleteOrganization(organization *Organization) (bool, error)
func DeletePayment ¶ added in v1.16.0
func DeletePermission ¶
func DeletePermission(permission *Permission) (bool, error)
func DeletePlan ¶ added in v1.320.0
func DeletePricing ¶ added in v1.320.0
func DeleteProduct ¶ added in v1.23.0
func DeleteProvider ¶
func DeleteRadiusAccounting ¶ added in v1.424.0
func DeleteRadiusAccounting(ra *RadiusAccounting) error
func DeleteResource ¶
func DeleteRole ¶
func DeleteSession ¶ added in v1.207.0
func DeleteSessionId ¶ added in v1.207.0
func DeleteSubscription ¶ added in v1.320.0
func DeleteSubscription(subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)
func DeleteSyncer ¶
func DeleteToken ¶
func DeleteTransaction ¶ added in v1.552.1
func DeleteTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)
func DeleteUser ¶
func DeleteWebhook ¶
func DialWithCert ¶ added in v1.541.0
func DialWithPassword ¶ added in v1.541.0
func DialWithPrivateKey ¶ added in v1.541.0
func DisableVerificationCode ¶
func DisabledMultiFactorAuth ¶ added in v1.345.0
func DownloadAndUpload ¶ added in v1.136.0
func DumpToFile ¶ added in v1.445.1
func Enforce ¶ added in v1.83.0
func Enforce(permission *Permission, request []string, permissionIds ...string) (bool, error)
func ExpireTokenByAccessToken ¶ added in v1.221.0
func ExpireTokenByAccessToken(accessToken string) (bool, *Application, *Token, error)
func ExtendGroupWithUsers ¶ added in v1.581.0
func ExtendGroupsWithUsers ¶ added in v1.581.0
func ExtendProductWithProviders ¶ added in v1.82.1
func ExtendUserWithRolesAndPermissions ¶ added in v1.102.0
func FromProviderToIdpInfo ¶ added in v1.358.0
func FromProviderToIdpInfo(ctx *context.Context, provider *Provider) *idp.ProviderInfo
func GenerateCasToken ¶ added in v1.36.0
func GenerateId ¶ added in v1.36.0
func GenerateId()
func GenerateIdForNewUser ¶ added in v1.421.0
func GenerateIdForNewUser(application *Application) (string, error)
func GenerateSamlRequest ¶ added in v1.295.0
func GetAccessTokenByUser ¶ added in v1.576.0
func GetAdapterCount ¶ added in v1.377.0
func GetAllActions ¶ added in v1.83.0
func GetAllObjects ¶ added in v1.83.0
func GetAllRoles ¶ added in v1.83.0
func GetApplicationCount ¶
func GetAuthorizationCodeToken ¶ added in v1.22.0
func GetAuthorizationCodeToken(application *Application, clientSecret string, code string, verifier string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
GetAuthorizationCodeToken Authorization code flow
func GetBuiltInModel ¶ added in v1.218.0
func GetCaptcha ¶
func GetCertCount ¶
func GetClientCredentialsToken ¶ added in v1.22.0
func GetClientCredentialsToken(application *Application, clientSecret string, scope string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
GetClientCredentialsToken Client Credentials flow
func GetDuration ¶ added in v1.404.0
func GetEnforcerCount ¶ added in v1.374.0
func GetExistUuids ¶ added in v1.297.1
func GetFailedSigninConfigByUser ¶ added in v1.478.0
func GetFaviconUrl ¶ added in v1.342.0
func GetGlobalCertsCount ¶ added in v1.312.0
func GetGlobalProviderCount ¶ added in v1.151.0
func GetGlobalUserCount ¶
func GetGroupCount ¶ added in v1.335.0
func GetGroupUserCount ¶ added in v1.338.0
func GetGroupWithPrefix ¶ added in v1.385.0
func GetGroupWithoutPrefix ¶ added in v1.385.0
func GetImplicitToken ¶ added in v1.584.0
func GetImplicitToken(application *Application, username string, scope string, nonce string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
GetImplicitToken Implicit flow
func GetInvitationCount ¶ added in v1.485.1
func GetJsonWebKeySet ¶
func GetJsonWebKeySet() (jose.JSONWebKeySet, error)
func GetModelCount ¶ added in v1.54.0
func GetOAuthToken ¶
func GetOrganizationApplicationCount ¶ added in v1.161.0
func GetOrganizationCount ¶
func GetPaginationRecords ¶
func GetPaginationRecords(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string, filterRecord *casvisorsdk.Record) ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
func GetPasswordToken ¶ added in v1.22.0
func GetPasswordToken(application *Application, username string, password string, scope string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
GetPasswordToken Resource Owner Password Credentials flow
func GetPaymentCount ¶ added in v1.16.0
func GetPaymentProvider ¶ added in v1.416.0
func GetPaymentProvider(p *Provider) (pp.PaymentProvider, error)
func GetPermissionCount ¶
func GetPlanCount ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetPolicies ¶ added in v1.377.1
func GetPolicies(id string) ([]*xormadapter.CasbinRule, error)
func GetPricingCount ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetProductCount ¶ added in v1.23.0
func GetProviderCount ¶
func GetRecordCount ¶
func GetRecordCount(field, value string, filterRecord *casvisorsdk.Record) (int64, error)
func GetRecords ¶
func GetRecords() ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
func GetRecordsByField ¶
func GetRecordsByField(record *casvisorsdk.Record) ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)
func GetResourceCount ¶
func GetRoleCount ¶
func GetSamlRedirectAddress ¶ added in v1.520.0
func GetSamlResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
func GetSamlResponse(application *Application, user *User, samlRequest string, host string) (string, string, string, error)
GetSamlResponse generates a SAML2.0 response parameter samlRequest is saml request in base64 format
func GetSession ¶
func GetSessionCount ¶ added in v1.207.0
func GetSessionForUser ¶ added in v1.328.0
func GetSubscriptionCount ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetSyncerCount ¶
func GetTokenCount ¶
func GetTransactionCount ¶ added in v1.552.1
func GetTruncatedPath ¶ added in v1.237.0
func GetUploadFileUrl ¶ added in v1.168.0
func GetUserField ¶
func GetUserFieldStringValue ¶ added in v1.538.0
func GetValidationBySaml ¶ added in v1.39.0
GetValidationBySaml * @ret1: saml response @ret2: the service URL who requested to issue this token @ret3: error
func GetVerificationCount ¶ added in v1.578.0
func GetVerifyType ¶ added in v1.288.0
func GetWebAuthnObject ¶ added in v1.68.0
func GetWebhookCount ¶
func GetWechatMiniProgramToken ¶ added in v1.41.0
func GetWechatMiniProgramToken(application *Application, code string, host string, username string, avatar string, lang string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)
GetWechatMiniProgramToken Wechat Mini Program flow
func GroupChangeTrigger ¶ added in v1.343.0
func GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter ¶ added in v1.347.1
func GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter(permissions []*Permission) map[string][]string
GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter group permissions by model and adapter. Every model and adapter will be a key, and the value is a list of permission ids. With each list of permission ids have the same key, we just need to init the enforcer and do the enforce/batch-enforce once (with list of permission ids as the policyFilter when the enforcer load policy).
func HasRoleDefinition ¶ added in v1.219.0
func InitAdapter ¶
func InitAdapter()
func InitCasvisorConfig ¶ added in v1.395.0
func InitCasvisorConfig()
func InitConfig ¶
func InitConfig()
func InitDefaultStorageProvider ¶
func InitDefaultStorageProvider()
func InitFromFile ¶ added in v1.63.0
func InitFromFile()
func InitLdapAutoSynchronizer ¶
func InitLdapAutoSynchronizer()
func InitUserManager ¶ added in v1.385.0
func InitUserManager()
func InterimUpdateRadiusAccounting ¶ added in v1.424.0
func InterimUpdateRadiusAccounting(oldRa *RadiusAccounting, newRa *RadiusAccounting, stop bool) error
func InvoicePayment ¶ added in v1.44.9
func IsAllowSend ¶ added in v1.157.0
func IsGrantTypeValid ¶ added in v1.24.0
IsGrantTypeValid Check if grantType is allowed in the current application authorization_code is allowed by default
func IsNeedPromptMfa ¶ added in v1.360.0
func IsNeedPromptMfa(org *Organization, user *User) bool
func IsOriginAllowed ¶ added in v1.191.0
func IsSessionDuplicated ¶ added in v1.239.0
func MfaRecover ¶ added in v1.345.0
func NewSamlResponse ¶ added in v1.38.0
func NewSamlResponse(application *Application, user *User, host string, certificate string, destination string, iss string, requestId string, redirectUri []string) (*etree.Element, error)
NewSamlResponse returns a saml2 response
func NewSamlResponse11 ¶ added in v1.39.0
NewSamlResponse11 return a saml1.1 response(not 2.0)
func ParseSamlResponse ¶
func RefreshToken ¶
func RemovePolicy ¶ added in v1.166.0
func RunSyncUsersJob ¶
func RunSyncUsersJob()
func SendNotification ¶ added in v1.394.1
func SendWebhooks ¶
func SendWebhooks(record *casvisorsdk.Record) error
func SetPreferredMultiFactorAuth ¶ added in v1.345.0
func SetUserOAuthProperties ¶
func StoreCasTokenForPgt ¶ added in v1.36.0
func StoreCasTokenForPgt(token *CasAuthenticationSuccess, service, userId string) string
func StoreCasTokenForProxyTicket ¶ added in v1.36.0
func StoreCasTokenForProxyTicket(token *CasAuthenticationSuccess, targetService, userId string) string
func SyncLdapUsers ¶
func TestSyncerDb ¶ added in v1.541.0
func UpdateAdapter ¶ added in v1.377.0
func UpdateApplication ¶
func UpdateApplication(id string, application *Application) (bool, error)
func UpdateEnforcer ¶ added in v1.374.0
func UpdateInvitation ¶ added in v1.485.1
func UpdateInvitation(id string, invitation *Invitation, lang string) (bool, error)
func UpdateLdap ¶
func UpdateLdapSyncTime ¶
func UpdateModelWithCheck ¶ added in v1.226.0
func UpdateOrganization ¶
func UpdateOrganization(id string, organization *Organization) (bool, error)
func UpdatePermission ¶
func UpdatePermission(id string, permission *Permission) (bool, error)
func UpdatePolicy ¶ added in v1.166.0
func UpdatePricing ¶ added in v1.320.0
func UpdateProductForPlan ¶ added in v1.399.0
func UpdateRadiusAccounting ¶ added in v1.424.0
func UpdateRadiusAccounting(id string, ra *RadiusAccounting) error
func UpdateSession ¶ added in v1.239.0
func UpdateSubscription ¶ added in v1.320.0
func UpdateSubscription(id string, subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)
func UpdateTransaction ¶ added in v1.552.1
func UpdateTransaction(id string, transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)
func UpdateUser ¶
func UploadFileSafe ¶
func UploadPermissions ¶ added in v1.325.0
func VerifyCaptcha ¶
Types ¶
type AccountItem ¶ added in v1.57.0
type AccountItem struct { Name string `json:"name"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` ViewRule string `json:"viewRule"` ModifyRule string `json:"modifyRule"` Regex string `json:"regex"` }
func GetAccountItemByName ¶ added in v1.77.1
func GetAccountItemByName(name string, organization *Organization) *AccountItem
type Adapter ¶
type Adapter struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` Table string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"table"` UseSameDb bool `json:"useSameDb"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` DatabaseType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"databaseType"` Host string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"` Port int `json:"port"` User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` Password string `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"` Database string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"database"` *xormadapter.Adapter `xorm:"-" json:"-"` }
func GetAdapter ¶ added in v1.377.0
func GetAdapters ¶ added in v1.377.0
func GetPaginationAdapters ¶ added in v1.377.0
func (*Adapter) InitAdapter ¶ added in v1.393.0
type Affiliation ¶
type Application ¶
type Application struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Logo string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"logo"` HomepageUrl string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"homepageUrl"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"organization"` Cert string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cert"` HeaderHtml string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"headerHtml"` EnablePassword bool `json:"enablePassword"` EnableSignUp bool `json:"enableSignUp"` EnableSigninSession bool `json:"enableSigninSession"` EnableAutoSignin bool `json:"enableAutoSignin"` EnableCodeSignin bool `json:"enableCodeSignin"` EnableSamlCompress bool `json:"enableSamlCompress"` EnableSamlC14n10 bool `json:"enableSamlC14n10"` EnableSamlPostBinding bool `json:"enableSamlPostBinding"` EnableWebAuthn bool `json:"enableWebAuthn"` EnableLinkWithEmail bool `json:"enableLinkWithEmail"` OrgChoiceMode string `json:"orgChoiceMode"` SamlReplyUrl string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"samlReplyUrl"` Providers []*ProviderItem `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"providers"` SigninMethods []*SigninMethod `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"signinMethods"` SignupItems []*SignupItem `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"signupItems"` SigninItems []*SigninItem `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"signinItems"` GrantTypes []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"grantTypes"` OrganizationObj *Organization `xorm:"-" json:"organizationObj"` CertPublicKey string `xorm:"-" json:"certPublicKey"` Tags []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"tags"` SamlAttributes []*SamlItem `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"samlAttributes"` ClientId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"clientId"` ClientSecret string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"clientSecret"` RedirectUris []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"redirectUris"` TokenFormat string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tokenFormat"` TokenFields []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"tokenFields"` ExpireInHours int `json:"expireInHours"` RefreshExpireInHours int `json:"refreshExpireInHours"` SignupUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"signupUrl"` SigninUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"signinUrl"` ForgetUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"forgetUrl"` AffiliationUrl string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliationUrl"` TermsOfUse string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"termsOfUse"` SignupHtml string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"signupHtml"` SigninHtml string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"signinHtml"` ThemeData *ThemeData `xorm:"json" json:"themeData"` FormCss string `xorm:"text" json:"formCss"` FormCssMobile string `xorm:"text" json:"formCssMobile"` FormOffset int `json:"formOffset"` FormSideHtml string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"formSideHtml"` FormBackgroundUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"formBackgroundUrl"` FailedSigninLimit int `json:"failedSigninLimit"` FailedSigninFrozenTime int `json:"failedSigninFrozenTime"` }
func CheckOAuthLogin ¶
func GetAllowedApplications ¶ added in v1.449.0
func GetAllowedApplications(applications []*Application, userId string, lang string) ([]*Application, error)
func GetApplication ¶
func GetApplication(id string) (*Application, error)
func GetApplicationByClientId ¶
func GetApplicationByClientId(clientId string) (*Application, error)
func GetApplicationByOrganizationName ¶
func GetApplicationByOrganizationName(organization string) (*Application, error)
func GetApplicationByUser ¶
func GetApplicationByUser(user *User) (*Application, error)
func GetApplicationByUserId ¶
func GetApplicationByUserId(userId string) (application *Application, err error)
func GetApplications ¶
func GetApplications(owner string) ([]*Application, error)
func GetDefaultApplication ¶ added in v1.114.0
func GetDefaultApplication(id string) (*Application, error)
func GetMaskedApplication ¶
func GetMaskedApplication(application *Application, userId string) *Application
func GetMaskedApplications ¶
func GetMaskedApplications(applications []*Application, userId string) []*Application
func GetOrganizationApplications ¶ added in v1.161.0
func GetOrganizationApplications(owner string, organization string) ([]*Application, error)
func GetPaginationApplications ¶
func GetPaginationApplications(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Application, error)
func GetPaginationOrganizationApplications ¶ added in v1.161.0
func GetPaginationOrganizationApplications(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Application, error)
func (*Application) GetEmailProvider ¶
func (application *Application) GetEmailProvider(method string) (*Provider, error)
func (*Application) GetId ¶
func (application *Application) GetId() string
func (*Application) GetProviderByCategory ¶
func (application *Application) GetProviderByCategory(category string) (*Provider, error)
func (*Application) GetProviderByCategoryAndRule ¶ added in v1.543.0
func (application *Application) GetProviderByCategoryAndRule(category string, method string) (*Provider, error)
func (*Application) GetProviderItem ¶
func (application *Application) GetProviderItem(providerName string) *ProviderItem
func (*Application) GetProviderItemByType ¶ added in v1.77.3
func (application *Application) GetProviderItemByType(providerType string) *ProviderItem
func (*Application) GetSignupItemRule ¶
func (application *Application) GetSignupItemRule(itemName string) string
func (*Application) GetSmsProvider ¶
func (application *Application) GetSmsProvider(method string) (*Provider, error)
func (*Application) GetStorageProvider ¶
func (application *Application) GetStorageProvider() (*Provider, error)
func (*Application) HasPromptPage ¶
func (application *Application) HasPromptPage() bool
func (*Application) IsCodeSigninViaEmailEnabled ¶ added in v1.486.0
func (application *Application) IsCodeSigninViaEmailEnabled() bool
func (*Application) IsCodeSigninViaSmsEnabled ¶ added in v1.486.0
func (application *Application) IsCodeSigninViaSmsEnabled() bool
func (*Application) IsFaceIdEnabled ¶ added in v1.569.0
func (application *Application) IsFaceIdEnabled() bool
func (*Application) IsLdapEnabled ¶ added in v1.495.0
func (application *Application) IsLdapEnabled() bool
func (*Application) IsPasswordEnabled ¶ added in v1.486.0
func (application *Application) IsPasswordEnabled() bool
func (*Application) IsPasswordWithLdapEnabled ¶ added in v1.495.0
func (application *Application) IsPasswordWithLdapEnabled() bool
func (*Application) IsRedirectUriValid ¶ added in v1.191.0
func (application *Application) IsRedirectUriValid(redirectUri string) bool
func (*Application) IsSignupItemRequired ¶
func (application *Application) IsSignupItemRequired(itemName string) bool
func (*Application) IsSignupItemVisible ¶
func (application *Application) IsSignupItemVisible(itemName string) bool
type CasAnyAttribute ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasAttributes ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasAttributes struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:attributes" json:"-"` AuthenticationDate time.Time `xml:"cas:authenticationDate"` LongTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed bool `xml:"cas:longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed"` IsFromNewLogin bool `xml:"cas:isFromNewLogin"` MemberOf []string `xml:"cas:memberOf"` UserAttributes *CasUserAttributes ExtraAttributes []*CasAnyAttribute `xml:",any"` }
func (*CasAttributes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (c *CasAttributes) DeepCopy() CasAttributes
type CasAuthenticationFailure ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasAuthenticationSuccess ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasAuthenticationSuccess struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:authenticationSuccess" json:"-"` User string `xml:"cas:user"` ProxyGrantingTicket string `xml:"cas:proxyGrantingTicket,omitempty"` Proxies *CasProxies `xml:"cas:proxies"` Attributes *CasAttributes `xml:"cas:attributes"` ExtraAttributes []*CasAnyAttribute `xml:",any"` }
func GetCasTokenByPgt ¶ added in v1.36.0
func GetCasTokenByPgt(pgt string) (bool, *CasAuthenticationSuccess, string, string)
GetCasTokenByPgt * @ret1: whether a token is found @ret2: token, nil if not found @ret3: the service URL who requested to issue this token @ret4: userIf of user who requested to issue this token
func GetCasTokenByTicket ¶ added in v1.36.0
func GetCasTokenByTicket(ticket string) (bool, *CasAuthenticationSuccess, string, string)
GetCasTokenByTicket * @ret1: whether a token is found @ret2: token, nil if not found @ret3: the service URL who requested to issue this token @ret4: userIf of user who requested to issue this token
func (*CasAuthenticationSuccess) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (c *CasAuthenticationSuccess) DeepCopy() CasAuthenticationSuccess
type CasAuthenticationSuccessWrapper ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasAuthenticationSuccessWrapper struct { AuthenticationSuccess *CasAuthenticationSuccess // the token we issued Service string // to which service this token is issued UserId string }
type CasNamedAttribute ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasProxies ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasProxies struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:proxies" json:"-"` Proxies []string `xml:"cas:proxy"` }
func (*CasProxies) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (c *CasProxies) DeepCopy() CasProxies
type CasProxyFailure ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasProxySuccess ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasServiceResponse ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasServiceResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:serviceResponse" json:"-"` Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns:cas,attr"` Failure *CasAuthenticationFailure Success *CasAuthenticationSuccess ProxySuccess *CasProxySuccess ProxyFailure *CasProxyFailure }
type CasUserAttributes ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasUserAttributes struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:userAttributes" json:"-"` Attributes []*CasNamedAttribute `xml:"cas:attribute"` AnyAttributes []*CasAnyAttribute `xml:",any"` }
func (*CasUserAttributes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (c *CasUserAttributes) DeepCopy() CasUserAttributes
type Cert ¶
type Cert struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Scope string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"scope"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` CryptoAlgorithm string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cryptoAlgorithm"` BitSize int `json:"bitSize"` ExpireInYears int `json:"expireInYears"` Certificate string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"certificate"` PrivateKey string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"privateKey"` }
func GetDefaultCert ¶
func GetGlobalCerts ¶ added in v1.454.0
func GetMaskedCert ¶
func GetPaginationCerts ¶
func GetPaginationGlobalCerts ¶ added in v1.312.0
type Claims ¶
type Claims struct { *User TokenType string `json:"tokenType,omitempty"` Nonce string `json:"nonce,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` jwt.RegisteredClaims }
func ParseJwtTokenByApplication ¶ added in v1.26.0
func ParseJwtTokenByApplication(token string, application *Application) (*Claims, error)
type ClaimsShort ¶
type ClaimsWithoutThirdIdp ¶ added in v1.224.0
type ClaimsWithoutThirdIdp struct { *UserWithoutThirdIdp TokenType string `json:"tokenType,omitempty"` Nonce string `json:"nonce,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` jwt.RegisteredClaims }
type Code ¶
type Credential ¶ added in v1.37.0
type Dashboard ¶ added in v1.389.0
type Dashboard struct { OrganizationCounts []int `json:"organizationCounts"` UserCounts []int `json:"userCounts"` ProviderCounts []int `json:"providerCounts"` ApplicationCounts []int `json:"applicationCounts"` SubscriptionCounts []int `json:"subscriptionCounts"` }
func GetDashboard ¶ added in v1.389.0
type Enforcer ¶ added in v1.374.0
type Enforcer struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100) updated" json:"updatedTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` Model string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"model"` Adapter string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"adapter"` ModelCfg map[string]string `xorm:"-" json:"modelCfg"` *casbin.Enforcer }
func GetEnforcer ¶ added in v1.374.0
func GetEnforcers ¶ added in v1.374.0
func GetInitializedEnforcer ¶ added in v1.385.1
func GetPaginationEnforcers ¶ added in v1.374.0
func (*Enforcer) GetModelAndAdapter ¶ added in v1.477.0
func (*Enforcer) InitEnforcer ¶ added in v1.377.0
func (*Enforcer) LoadModelCfg ¶ added in v1.393.0
type GaugeVecInfo ¶ added in v1.303.0
type Group ¶ added in v1.335.0
type Group struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk unique index" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Manager string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"manager"` ContactEmail string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"contactEmail"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` ParentId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"parentId"` IsTopGroup bool `xorm:"bool" json:"isTopGroup"` Users []string `xorm:"-" json:"users"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` Children []*Group `json:"children,omitempty"` IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
func ConvertToTreeData ¶ added in v1.335.0
func GetPaginationGroups ¶ added in v1.335.0
type HistogramVecInfo ¶ added in v1.303.0
type HttpSmsClient ¶ added in v1.387.0
type HttpSmsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*HttpSmsClient) SendMessage ¶ added in v1.387.0
func (c *HttpSmsClient) SendMessage(param map[string]string, targetPhoneNumber ...string) error
type IdpEntityDescriptor ¶ added in v1.38.0
type IdpEntityDescriptor struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EntityDescriptor"` DS string `xml:"xmlns:ds,attr"` XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` MD string `xml:"xmlns:md,attr"` EntityId string `xml:"entityID,attr"` IdpSSODescriptor IdpSSODescriptor `xml:"IDPSSODescriptor"` }
IdpEntityDescriptor SAML METADATA
func GetSamlMeta ¶ added in v1.38.0
func GetSamlMeta(application *Application, host string, enablePostBinding bool) (*IdpEntityDescriptor, error)
type IdpSSODescriptor ¶ added in v1.38.0
type IdpSSODescriptor struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata IDPSSODescriptor"` ProtocolSupportEnumeration string `xml:"protocolSupportEnumeration,attr"` SigningKeyDescriptor KeyDescriptor NameIDFormats []NameIDFormat `xml:"NameIDFormat"` SingleSignOnService SingleSignOnService `xml:"SingleSignOnService"` Attribute []Attribute `xml:"Attribute"` }
type InitData ¶ added in v1.63.0
type InitData struct { Organizations []*Organization `json:"organizations"` Applications []*Application `json:"applications"` Users []*User `json:"users"` Certs []*Cert `json:"certs"` Providers []*Provider `json:"providers"` Ldaps []*Ldap `json:"ldaps"` Models []*Model `json:"models"` Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"` Payments []*Payment `json:"payments"` Products []*Product `json:"products"` Resources []*Resource `json:"resources"` Roles []*Role `json:"roles"` Syncers []*Syncer `json:"syncers"` Tokens []*Token `json:"tokens"` Webhooks []*Webhook `json:"webhooks"` Groups []*Group `json:"groups"` Adapters []*Adapter `json:"adapters"` Enforcers []*Enforcer `json:"enforcers"` Plans []*Plan `json:"plans"` Pricings []*Pricing `json:"pricings"` Invitations []*Invitation `json:"invitations"` Records []*casvisorsdk.Record `json:"records"` Sessions []*Session `json:"sessions"` Subscriptions []*Subscription `json:"subscriptions"` Transactions []*Transaction `json:"transactions"` }
type IntrospectionResponse ¶ added in v1.26.0
type IntrospectionResponse struct { Active bool `json:"active"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` ClientId string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` TokenType string `json:"token_type,omitempty"` Exp int64 `json:"exp,omitempty"` Iat int64 `json:"iat,omitempty"` Nbf int64 `json:"nbf,omitempty"` Sub string `json:"sub,omitempty"` Aud []string `json:"aud,omitempty"` Iss string `json:"iss,omitempty"` Jti string `json:"jti,omitempty"` }
type Invitation ¶ added in v1.485.1
type Invitation struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Code string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"code"` IsRegexp bool `json:"isRegexp"` Quota int `json:"quota"` UsedCount int `json:"usedCount"` Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"` Username string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"username"` Email string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"email"` Phone string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"phone"` SignupGroup string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signupGroup"` DefaultCode string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultCode"` State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"` }
func CheckInvitationCode ¶ added in v1.510.0
func CheckInvitationCode(application *Application, organization *Organization, authForm *form.AuthForm, lang string) (*Invitation, string)
func GetInvitation ¶ added in v1.485.1
func GetInvitation(id string) (*Invitation, error)
func GetInvitationByCode ¶ added in v1.523.0
func GetInvitationByCode(code string, organizationName string, lang string) (*Invitation, string)
func GetInvitations ¶ added in v1.485.1
func GetInvitations(owner string) ([]*Invitation, error)
func GetMaskedInvitation ¶ added in v1.523.0
func GetMaskedInvitation(invitation *Invitation) *Invitation
func GetPaginationInvitations ¶ added in v1.485.1
func GetPaginationInvitations(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Invitation, error)
func (*Invitation) GetId ¶ added in v1.485.1
func (invitation *Invitation) GetId() string
func (*Invitation) IsInvitationCodeValid ¶ added in v1.510.0
func (invitation *Invitation) IsInvitationCodeValid(application *Application, invitationCode string, username string, email string, phone string, lang string) (bool, string)
func (*Invitation) SimpleCheckInvitationCode ¶ added in v1.523.0
func (invitation *Invitation) SimpleCheckInvitationCode(invitationCode string, lang string) (bool, string)
type KeyDescriptor ¶ added in v1.38.0
type Ldap ¶
type Ldap struct { Id string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"id"` Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"owner"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` ServerName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"serverName"` Host string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"` Port int `xorm:"int" json:"port"` EnableSsl bool `xorm:"bool" json:"enableSsl"` Username string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"username"` Password string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"password"` BaseDn string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"baseDn"` Filter string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"filter"` FilterFields []string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"filterFields"` AutoSync int `json:"autoSync"` LastSync string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSync"` }
func GetMaskedLdaps ¶ added in v1.362.1
func (*Ldap) GetLdapConn ¶ added in v1.270.0
type LdapAutoSynchronizer ¶
func GetLdapAutoSynchronizer ¶
func GetLdapAutoSynchronizer() *LdapAutoSynchronizer
func NewLdapAutoSynchronizer ¶
func NewLdapAutoSynchronizer() *LdapAutoSynchronizer
func (*LdapAutoSynchronizer) LdapAutoSynchronizerStartUpAll ¶
func (l *LdapAutoSynchronizer) LdapAutoSynchronizerStartUpAll() error
LdapAutoSynchronizerStartUpAll start all autosync goroutine for existing ldap servers in each organizations
func (*LdapAutoSynchronizer) StartAutoSync ¶
func (l *LdapAutoSynchronizer) StartAutoSync(ldapId string) error
StartAutoSync start autosync for specified ldap, old existing autosync goroutine will be ceased
func (*LdapAutoSynchronizer) StopAutoSync ¶
func (l *LdapAutoSynchronizer) StopAutoSync(ldapId string)
type LdapUser ¶ added in v1.317.0
type LdapUser struct { UidNumber string `json:"uidNumber"` Uid string `json:"uid"` Cn string `json:"cn"` GidNumber string `json:"gidNumber"` // Gcn string Uuid string `json:"uuid"` UserPrincipalName string `json:"userPrincipalName"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` Mail string Email string `json:"email"` EmailAddress string TelephoneNumber string Mobile string `json:"mobile"` MobileTelephoneNumber string RegisteredAddress string PostalAddress string GroupId string `json:"groupId"` Address string `json:"address"` MemberOf string `json:"memberOf"` }
func AutoAdjustLdapUser ¶ added in v1.317.0
func (*LdapUser) GetLdapUuid ¶ added in v1.317.0
type ManagedAccount ¶ added in v1.98.1
type MfaInterface ¶ added in v1.309.0
type MfaInterface interface { Initiate(userId string) (*MfaProps, error) SetupVerify(passcode string) error Enable(user *User) error Verify(passcode string) error }
func GetMfaUtil ¶ added in v1.309.0
func GetMfaUtil(mfaType string, config *MfaProps) MfaInterface
type MfaProps ¶ added in v1.309.0
type MfaProps struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` IsPreferred bool `json:"isPreferred"` MfaType string `json:"mfaType" form:"mfaType"` Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` CountryCode string `json:"countryCode,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` RecoveryCodes []string `json:"recoveryCodes,omitempty"` }
func GetAllMfaProps ¶ added in v1.345.0
type Model ¶ added in v1.54.0
type Model struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` ModelText string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"modelText"` model.Model `xorm:"-" json:"-"` }
func GetModelEx ¶ added in v1.433.0
func GetPaginationModels ¶ added in v1.54.0
type NameIDFormat ¶ added in v1.38.0
type NameIDFormat struct { // XMLName xml.Name Value string `xml:",innerxml"` }
type OidcDiscovery ¶
type OidcDiscovery struct { Issuer string `json:"issuer"` AuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"authorization_endpoint"` TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint"` UserinfoEndpoint string `json:"userinfo_endpoint"` JwksUri string `json:"jwks_uri"` IntrospectionEndpoint string `json:"introspection_endpoint"` ResponseTypesSupported []string `json:"response_types_supported"` ResponseModesSupported []string `json:"response_modes_supported"` GrantTypesSupported []string `json:"grant_types_supported"` SubjectTypesSupported []string `json:"subject_types_supported"` IdTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"` ScopesSupported []string `json:"scopes_supported"` ClaimsSupported []string `json:"claims_supported"` RequestParameterSupported bool `json:"request_parameter_supported"` RequestObjectSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"request_object_signing_alg_values_supported"` EndSessionEndpoint string `json:"end_session_endpoint"` }
func GetOidcDiscovery ¶
func GetOidcDiscovery(host string) OidcDiscovery
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` WebsiteUrl string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"websiteUrl"` Logo string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"logo"` LogoDark string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"logoDark"` Favicon string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"favicon"` PasswordType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordType"` PasswordSalt string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordSalt"` PasswordOptions []string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordOptions"` CountryCodes []string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"countryCodes"` DefaultAvatar string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"defaultAvatar"` DefaultApplication string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultApplication"` Tags []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"tags"` Languages []string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"languages"` ThemeData *ThemeData `xorm:"json" json:"themeData"` MasterPassword string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"masterPassword"` DefaultPassword string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultPassword"` MasterVerificationCode string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"masterVerificationCode"` InitScore int `json:"initScore"` EnableSoftDeletion bool `json:"enableSoftDeletion"` IsProfilePublic bool `json:"isProfilePublic"` MfaItems []*MfaItem `xorm:"varchar(300)" json:"mfaItems"` AccountItems []*AccountItem `xorm:"varchar(5000)" json:"accountItems"` }
func GetMaskedOrganization ¶
func GetMaskedOrganization(organization *Organization, errs ...error) (*Organization, error)
func GetMaskedOrganizations ¶
func GetMaskedOrganizations(organizations []*Organization, errs ...error) ([]*Organization, error)
func GetOrganization ¶
func GetOrganization(id string) (*Organization, error)
func GetOrganizationByUser ¶
func GetOrganizationByUser(user *User) (*Organization, error)
func GetOrganizations ¶
func GetOrganizations(owner string, name ...string) ([]*Organization, error)
func GetOrganizationsByFields ¶ added in v1.324.0
func GetOrganizationsByFields(owner string, fields ...string) ([]*Organization, error)
func (*Organization) GetInitScore ¶ added in v1.317.0
func (org *Organization) GetInitScore() (int, error)
type OriginalUser ¶
type OriginalUser = User
type Ormer ¶ added in v1.377.0
Ormer represents the MySQL adapter for policy storage.
func NewAdapter ¶
NewAdapter is the constructor for Ormer.
func NewAdapterFromDb ¶ added in v1.541.0
func NewAdapterFromDb(driverName string, dataSourceName string, dbName string, db *sql.DB) (*Ormer, error)
NewAdapterFromdb is the constructor for Ormer.
func (*Ormer) CreateDatabase ¶ added in v1.377.0
type Payment ¶ added in v1.16.0
type Payment struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` // Payment Provider Info Provider string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"provider"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` // Product Info ProductName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productName"` ProductDisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productDisplayName"` Detail string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"detail"` Tag string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"` Currency string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"` Price float64 `json:"price"` ReturnUrl string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"returnUrl"` // Payer Info User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` PersonName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personName"` PersonIdCard string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personIdCard"` PersonEmail string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personEmail"` PersonPhone string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personPhone"` // Invoice Info InvoiceType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceType"` InvoiceTitle string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceTitle"` InvoiceTaxId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceTaxId"` InvoiceRemark string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceRemark"` InvoiceUrl string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"invoiceUrl"` // Order Info OutOrderId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"outOrderId"` PayUrl string `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"payUrl"` SuccessUrl string `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"successUrl"` // `successUrl` is redirected from `payUrl` after pay success State pp.PaymentState `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"` Message string `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"message"` }
func BuyProduct ¶ added in v1.27.6
func GetPaginationPayments ¶ added in v1.16.0
func GetPayment ¶ added in v1.16.0
func GetPayments ¶ added in v1.16.0
func GetUserPayments ¶ added in v1.29.0
func NotifyPayment ¶ added in v1.27.6
func VerifyInvitation ¶ added in v1.485.1
type Permission ¶
type Permission struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` Users []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"users"` Groups []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"groups"` Roles []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"roles"` Domains []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"domains"` Model string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"model"` Adapter string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"adapter"` ResourceType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"resourceType"` Resources []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"resources"` Actions []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"actions"` Effect string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"effect"` IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` Submitter string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"submitter"` Approver string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"approver"` ApproveTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"approveTime"` State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"` }
func GetMaskedPermissions ¶ added in v1.206.0
func GetMaskedPermissions(permissions []*Permission) []*Permission
func GetPaginationPermissions ¶
func GetPaginationPermissions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Permission, error)
func GetPermission ¶
func GetPermission(id string) (*Permission, error)
func GetPermissions ¶
func GetPermissions(owner string) ([]*Permission, error)
func GetPermissionsByModel ¶ added in v1.313.0
func GetPermissionsByModel(owner string, model string) ([]*Permission, error)
func GetPermissionsByResource ¶ added in v1.316.0
func GetPermissionsByResource(resourceId string) ([]*Permission, error)
func GetPermissionsByRole ¶ added in v1.92.0
func GetPermissionsByRole(roleId string) ([]*Permission, error)
func GetPermissionsBySubmitter ¶ added in v1.88.1
func GetPermissionsBySubmitter(owner string, submitter string) ([]*Permission, error)
func (*Permission) GetId ¶
func (p *Permission) GetId() string
func (*Permission) GetModelAndAdapter ¶ added in v1.477.0
func (p *Permission) GetModelAndAdapter() string
type Plan ¶ added in v1.320.0
type Plan struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Currency string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"` Period string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"period"` Product string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"product"` PaymentProviders []string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"paymentProviders"` // payment providers for related product IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` Role string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"role"` Options []string `xorm:"-" json:"options"` }
func GetPaginatedPlans ¶ added in v1.320.0
type Pricing ¶ added in v1.320.0
type Pricing struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` Plans []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"plans"` IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` TrialDuration int `json:"trialDuration"` Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"` }
func GetApplicationDefaultPricing ¶ added in v1.399.0
func GetPaginatedPricings ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetPricing ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetPricings ¶ added in v1.320.0
type Product ¶ added in v1.23.0
type Product struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Image string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"image"` Detail string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"detail"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"description"` Tag string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"` Currency string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Quantity int `json:"quantity"` Sold int `json:"sold"` Providers []string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"providers"` ReturnUrl string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"returnUrl"` State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"` ProviderObjs []*Provider `xorm:"-" json:"providerObjs"` }
func CreateProductForPlan ¶ added in v1.399.0
func GetPaginationProducts ¶ added in v1.23.0
func GetProduct ¶ added in v1.23.0
func GetProducts ¶ added in v1.23.0
type PrometheusInfo ¶ added in v1.303.0
type PrometheusInfo struct { ApiThroughput []GaugeVecInfo `json:"apiThroughput"` ApiLatency []HistogramVecInfo `json:"apiLatency"` TotalThroughput float64 `json:"totalThroughput"` }
func GetPrometheusInfo ¶ added in v1.303.0
func GetPrometheusInfo() (*PrometheusInfo, error)
type Provider ¶
type Provider struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk unique" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Category string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"category"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` SubType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"subType"` Method string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"method"` ClientId string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"clientId"` ClientSecret string `xorm:"varchar(3000)" json:"clientSecret"` ClientId2 string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"clientId2"` ClientSecret2 string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"clientSecret2"` Cert string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cert"` CustomAuthUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customAuthUrl"` CustomTokenUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customTokenUrl"` CustomUserInfoUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customUserInfoUrl"` CustomLogo string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customLogo"` Scopes string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"scopes"` UserMapping map[string]string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"userMapping"` Host string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"` Port int `json:"port"` DisableSsl bool `json:"disableSsl"` // If the provider type is WeChat, DisableSsl means EnableQRCode Title string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"` Content string `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"content"` // If provider type is WeChat, Content means QRCode string by Base64 encoding Receiver string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"receiver"` RegionId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"regionId"` SignName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signName"` TemplateCode string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"templateCode"` AppId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"appId"` Endpoint string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"endpoint"` IntranetEndpoint string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"intranetEndpoint"` Domain string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"domain"` Bucket string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"bucket"` PathPrefix string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"pathPrefix"` Metadata string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"metadata"` IdP string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"idP"` IssuerUrl string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"issuerUrl"` EnableSignAuthnRequest bool `json:"enableSignAuthnRequest"` ProviderUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"providerUrl"` }
func GetCaptchaProviderByApplication ¶ added in v1.57.0
func GetCaptchaProviderByOwnerName ¶ added in v1.57.0
func GetGlobalProviders ¶ added in v1.151.0
func GetMaskedProvider ¶
func GetMaskedProviders ¶
func GetPaginationGlobalProviders ¶ added in v1.151.0
func GetPaginationProviders ¶
func GetProvider ¶
func GetProviders ¶
func GetWechatMiniProgramProvider ¶ added in v1.41.0
func GetWechatMiniProgramProvider(application *Application) *Provider
type ProviderItem ¶
type ProviderItem struct { Owner string `json:"owner"` Name string `json:"name"` CanSignUp bool `json:"canSignUp"` CanSignIn bool `json:"canSignIn"` CanUnlink bool `json:"canUnlink"` Prompted bool `json:"prompted"` SignupGroup string `json:"signupGroup"` Rule string `json:"rule"` Provider *Provider `json:"provider"` }
func (*ProviderItem) IsProviderVisible ¶
func (pi *ProviderItem) IsProviderVisible() bool
type RadiusAccounting ¶ added in v1.424.0
type RadiusAccounting struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime time.Time `json:"createdTime"` Username string `xorm:"index" json:"username"` ServiceType int64 `json:"serviceType"` // e.g. LoginUser (1) NasId string `json:"nasId"` // String identifying the network access server originating the Access-Request. NasIpAddr string `json:"nasIpAddr"` // e.g. "" NasPortId string `json:"nasPortId"` // Contains a text string which identifies the port of the NAS that is authenticating the user. e.g."eth.0" NasPortType int64 `json:"nasPortType"` // Indicates the type of physical port the network access server is using to authenticate the user. e.g.Ethernet(15) NasPort int64 `json:"nasPort"` // Indicates the physical port number of the network access server that is authenticating the user. e.g. 233 FramedIpAddr string `json:"framedIpAddr"` // Indicates the IP address to be configured for the user by sending the IP address of a user to the RADIUS server. FramedIpNetmask string `json:"framedIpNetmask"` // Indicates the IP netmask to be configured for the user when the user is using a device on a network. AcctSessionId string `xorm:"index" json:"acctSessionId"` AcctSessionTime int64 `json:"acctSessionTime"` // Indicates how long (in seconds) the user has received service. AcctInputTotal int64 `json:"acctInputTotal"` AcctOutputTotal int64 `json:"acctOutputTotal"` AcctInputPackets int64 `json:"acctInputPackets"` // Indicates how many packets have been received from the port over the course of this service being provided to a framed user. AcctOutputPackets int64 `json:"acctOutputPackets"` // Indicates how many packets have been sent to the port in the course of delivering this service to a framed user. AcctTerminateCause int64 `json:"acctTerminateCause"` // e.g. Lost-Carrier (2) LastUpdate time.Time `json:"lastUpdate"` AcctStartTime time.Time `xorm:"index" json:"acctStartTime"` AcctStopTime time.Time `xorm:"index" json:"acctStopTime"` }
func GetRadiusAccounting ¶ added in v1.424.0
func GetRadiusAccounting(id string) (*RadiusAccounting, error)
func GetRadiusAccountingBySessionId ¶ added in v1.424.0
func GetRadiusAccountingBySessionId(sessionId string) (*RadiusAccounting, error)
func (*RadiusAccounting) GetId ¶ added in v1.424.0
func (ra *RadiusAccounting) GetId() string
type Record ¶
type Record struct {
type Resource ¶
type Resource struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(180) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` Provider string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"provider"` Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"` Tag string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"` Parent string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"parent"` FileName string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"fileName"` FileType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"fileType"` FileFormat string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"fileFormat"` FileSize int `json:"fileSize"` Url string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"url"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"description"` }
func GetDirectResources ¶ added in v1.378.1
func GetPaginationResources ¶
func GetResource ¶
type Role ¶
type Role struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` Users []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"users"` Groups []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"groups"` Roles []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"roles"` Domains []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"domains"` IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
func GetAncestorRoles ¶ added in v1.307.0
GetAncestorRoles returns a list of roles that contain the given roleIds
func GetMaskedRoles ¶ added in v1.206.0
func GetPaginationRoles ¶
type Saml11AssertionArtifact ¶ added in v1.39.0
type Saml11Request ¶ added in v1.39.0
type Saml11Request struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Request"` SAMLP string `xml:"samlp,attr"` MajorVersion string `xml:"MajorVersion,attr"` MinorVersion string `xml:"MinorVersion,attr"` RequestID string `xml:"RequestID,attr"` IssueInstant string `xml:"IssueInstance,attr"` AssertionArtifact Saml11AssertionArtifact }
type Session ¶ added in v1.207.0
type Session struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` Application string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"application"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` SessionId []string `json:"sessionId"` }
func GetPaginationSessions ¶ added in v1.207.0
func GetSessions ¶ added in v1.207.0
func GetSingleSession ¶ added in v1.239.0
type SigninItem ¶ added in v1.533.0
type SigninMethod ¶ added in v1.486.0
type SignupItem ¶
type SingleSignOnService ¶ added in v1.38.0
type SmsMfa ¶ added in v1.309.0
type SmsMfa struct {
func NewEmailMfaUtil ¶ added in v1.349.0
func NewSmsMfaUtil ¶ added in v1.349.0
func (*SmsMfa) SetupVerify ¶ added in v1.309.0
type Subscription ¶ added in v1.320.0
type Subscription struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"` User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` Pricing string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"pricing"` Plan string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"plan"` Payment string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"payment"` StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"` EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"` Period string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"period"` State SubscriptionState `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"` }
func GetPaginationSubscriptions ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetPaginationSubscriptions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Subscription, error)
func GetSubscription ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetSubscription(id string) (*Subscription, error)
func GetSubscriptions ¶ added in v1.320.0
func GetSubscriptions(owner string) ([]*Subscription, error)
func GetSubscriptionsByUser ¶ added in v1.399.0
func GetSubscriptionsByUser(owner, userName string) ([]*Subscription, error)
func NewSubscription ¶ added in v1.320.0
func NewSubscription(owner, userName, planName, paymentName, period string) *Subscription
func (*Subscription) GetId ¶ added in v1.320.0
func (sub *Subscription) GetId() string
func (*Subscription) UpdateState ¶ added in v1.399.0
func (sub *Subscription) UpdateState() error
type SubscriptionState ¶ added in v1.399.0
type SubscriptionState string
const ( SubStatePending SubscriptionState = "Pending" SubStateError SubscriptionState = "Error" SubStateSuspended SubscriptionState = "Suspended" // suspended by the admin SubStateActive SubscriptionState = "Active" SubStateUpcoming SubscriptionState = "Upcoming" SubStateExpired SubscriptionState = "Expired" )
type Syncer ¶
type Syncer struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"organization"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` DatabaseType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"databaseType"` SslMode string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sslMode"` SshType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sshType"` Host string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"` Port int `json:"port"` User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` Password string `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"` SshHost string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sshHost"` SshPort int `json:"sshPort"` SshUser string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sshUser"` SshPassword string `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"sshPassword"` Cert string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cert"` Database string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"database"` Table string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"table"` TableColumns []*TableColumn `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"tableColumns"` AffiliationTable string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliationTable"` AvatarBaseUrl string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"avatarBaseUrl"` ErrorText string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"errorText"` SyncInterval int `json:"syncInterval"` IsReadOnly bool `json:"isReadOnly"` IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` Ormer *Ormer `xorm:"-" json:"-"` }
func GetOrganizationSyncers ¶ added in v1.312.0
func GetPaginationSyncers ¶
func GetSyncers ¶
type TableColumn ¶
type Token ¶
type Token struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"` Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"organization"` User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` Code string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"code"` AccessToken string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"accessToken"` RefreshToken string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"refreshToken"` AccessTokenHash string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"accessTokenHash"` RefreshTokenHash string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"refreshTokenHash"` ExpiresIn int `json:"expiresIn"` Scope string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"scope"` TokenType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tokenType"` CodeChallenge string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"codeChallenge"` CodeIsUsed bool `json:"codeIsUsed"` CodeExpireIn int64 `json:"codeExpireIn"` }
func GetPaginationTokens ¶
func GetTokenByAccessToken ¶ added in v1.14.1
func GetTokenByRefreshToken ¶ added in v1.465.0
func GetTokenByTokenValue ¶ added in v1.515.0
func GetTokenByUser ¶ added in v1.24.0
func GetTokenByUser(application *Application, user *User, scope string, nonce string, host string) (*Token, error)
GetTokenByUser Implicit flow
type TokenError ¶ added in v1.62.5
type TokenWrapper ¶
type TotpMfa ¶ added in v1.349.0
type TotpMfa struct { *MfaProps // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTotpMfaUtil ¶ added in v1.349.0
func (*TotpMfa) SetupVerify ¶ added in v1.349.0
type Transaction ¶ added in v1.552.1
type Transaction struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` // Transaction Provider Info Provider string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"provider"` Category string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"category"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` // Product Info ProductName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productName"` ProductDisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productDisplayName"` Detail string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"detail"` Tag string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"` Currency string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` ReturnUrl string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"returnUrl"` // User Info User string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"` Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"` Payment string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"payment"` State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"` }
func GetPaginationTransactions ¶ added in v1.552.1
func GetPaginationTransactions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Transaction, error)
func GetTransaction ¶ added in v1.552.1
func GetTransaction(id string) (*Transaction, error)
func GetTransactions ¶ added in v1.552.1
func GetTransactions(owner string) ([]*Transaction, error)
func GetUserTransactions ¶ added in v1.552.1
func GetUserTransactions(owner, user string) ([]*Transaction, error)
func (*Transaction) GetId ¶ added in v1.552.1
func (transaction *Transaction) GetId() string
type User ¶
type User struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"` DeletedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"deletedTime"` Id string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"id"` ExternalId string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"externalId"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` Password string `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"` PasswordSalt string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordSalt"` PasswordType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordType"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` FirstName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"firstName"` LastName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastName"` Avatar string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"avatar"` AvatarType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"avatarType"` PermanentAvatar string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"permanentAvatar"` Email string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"email"` EmailVerified bool `json:"emailVerified"` Phone string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"phone"` CountryCode string `xorm:"varchar(6)" json:"countryCode"` Region string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"region"` Location string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"location"` Address []string `json:"address"` Affiliation string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliation"` Title string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"` IdCardType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"idCardType"` IdCard string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"idCard"` Homepage string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"homepage"` Bio string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"bio"` Tag string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"` Language string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"language"` Gender string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"gender"` Birthday string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"birthday"` Education string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"education"` Score int `json:"score"` Karma int `json:"karma"` Ranking int `json:"ranking"` Balance float64 `json:"balance"` Currency string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"` IsDefaultAvatar bool `json:"isDefaultAvatar"` IsOnline bool `json:"isOnline"` IsAdmin bool `json:"isAdmin"` IsForbidden bool `json:"isForbidden"` IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` SignupApplication string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signupApplication"` Hash string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"hash"` PreHash string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preHash"` AccessKey string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessKey"` AccessSecret string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessSecret"` AccessToken string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"accessToken"` CreatedIp string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdIp"` LastSigninTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninTime"` LastSigninIp string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninIp"` GitHub string `xorm:"github varchar(100)" json:"github"` Google string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"google"` QQ string `xorm:"qq varchar(100)" json:"qq"` WeChat string `xorm:"wechat varchar(100)" json:"wechat"` Facebook string `xorm:"facebook varchar(100)" json:"facebook"` DingTalk string `xorm:"dingtalk varchar(100)" json:"dingtalk"` Weibo string `xorm:"weibo varchar(100)" json:"weibo"` Gitee string `xorm:"gitee varchar(100)" json:"gitee"` LinkedIn string `xorm:"linkedin varchar(100)" json:"linkedin"` Wecom string `xorm:"wecom varchar(100)" json:"wecom"` Lark string `xorm:"lark varchar(100)" json:"lark"` Gitlab string `xorm:"gitlab varchar(100)" json:"gitlab"` Adfs string `xorm:"adfs varchar(100)" json:"adfs"` Baidu string `xorm:"baidu varchar(100)" json:"baidu"` Alipay string `xorm:"alipay varchar(100)" json:"alipay"` Casdoor string `xorm:"casdoor varchar(100)" json:"casdoor"` Infoflow string `xorm:"infoflow varchar(100)" json:"infoflow"` Apple string `xorm:"apple varchar(100)" json:"apple"` AzureAD string `xorm:"azuread varchar(100)" json:"azuread"` AzureADB2c string `xorm:"azureadb2c varchar(100)" json:"azureadb2c"` Slack string `xorm:"slack varchar(100)" json:"slack"` Steam string `xorm:"steam varchar(100)" json:"steam"` Bilibili string `xorm:"bilibili varchar(100)" json:"bilibili"` Okta string `xorm:"okta varchar(100)" json:"okta"` Douyin string `xorm:"douyin varchar(100)" json:"douyin"` Line string `xorm:"line varchar(100)" json:"line"` Amazon string `xorm:"amazon varchar(100)" json:"amazon"` Auth0 string `xorm:"auth0 varchar(100)" json:"auth0"` BattleNet string `xorm:"battlenet varchar(100)" json:"battlenet"` Bitbucket string `xorm:"bitbucket varchar(100)" json:"bitbucket"` Box string `xorm:"box varchar(100)" json:"box"` CloudFoundry string `xorm:"cloudfoundry varchar(100)" json:"cloudfoundry"` Dailymotion string `xorm:"dailymotion varchar(100)" json:"dailymotion"` Deezer string `xorm:"deezer varchar(100)" json:"deezer"` DigitalOcean string `xorm:"digitalocean varchar(100)" json:"digitalocean"` Discord string `xorm:"discord varchar(100)" json:"discord"` Dropbox string `xorm:"dropbox varchar(100)" json:"dropbox"` EveOnline string `xorm:"eveonline varchar(100)" json:"eveonline"` Fitbit string `xorm:"fitbit varchar(100)" json:"fitbit"` Gitea string `xorm:"gitea varchar(100)" json:"gitea"` Heroku string `xorm:"heroku varchar(100)" json:"heroku"` InfluxCloud string `xorm:"influxcloud varchar(100)" json:"influxcloud"` Instagram string `xorm:"instagram varchar(100)" json:"instagram"` Intercom string `xorm:"intercom varchar(100)" json:"intercom"` Kakao string `xorm:"kakao varchar(100)" json:"kakao"` Lastfm string `xorm:"lastfm varchar(100)" json:"lastfm"` Mailru string `xorm:"mailru varchar(100)" json:"mailru"` Meetup string `xorm:"meetup varchar(100)" json:"meetup"` MicrosoftOnline string `xorm:"microsoftonline varchar(100)" json:"microsoftonline"` Nextcloud string `xorm:"nextcloud varchar(100)" json:"nextcloud"` OneDrive string `xorm:"onedrive varchar(100)" json:"onedrive"` Oura string `xorm:"oura varchar(100)" json:"oura"` Patreon string `xorm:"patreon varchar(100)" json:"patreon"` Paypal string `xorm:"paypal varchar(100)" json:"paypal"` SalesForce string `xorm:"salesforce varchar(100)" json:"salesforce"` Shopify string `xorm:"shopify varchar(100)" json:"shopify"` Soundcloud string `xorm:"soundcloud varchar(100)" json:"soundcloud"` Spotify string `xorm:"spotify varchar(100)" json:"spotify"` Strava string `xorm:"strava varchar(100)" json:"strava"` Stripe string `xorm:"stripe varchar(100)" json:"stripe"` TikTok string `xorm:"tiktok varchar(100)" json:"tiktok"` Tumblr string `xorm:"tumblr varchar(100)" json:"tumblr"` Twitch string `xorm:"twitch varchar(100)" json:"twitch"` Twitter string `xorm:"twitter varchar(100)" json:"twitter"` Typetalk string `xorm:"typetalk varchar(100)" json:"typetalk"` Uber string `xorm:"uber varchar(100)" json:"uber"` VK string `xorm:"vk varchar(100)" json:"vk"` Wepay string `xorm:"wepay varchar(100)" json:"wepay"` Xero string `xorm:"xero varchar(100)" json:"xero"` Yahoo string `xorm:"yahoo varchar(100)" json:"yahoo"` Yammer string `xorm:"yammer varchar(100)" json:"yammer"` Yandex string `xorm:"yandex varchar(100)" json:"yandex"` Zoom string `xorm:"zoom varchar(100)" json:"zoom"` MetaMask string `xorm:"metamask varchar(100)" json:"metamask"` Web3Onboard string `xorm:"web3onboard varchar(100)" json:"web3onboard"` Custom string `xorm:"custom varchar(100)" json:"custom"` WebauthnCredentials []webauthn.Credential `xorm:"webauthnCredentials blob" json:"webauthnCredentials"` PreferredMfaType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preferredMfaType"` RecoveryCodes []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"recoveryCodes"` TotpSecret string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"totpSecret"` MfaPhoneEnabled bool `json:"mfaPhoneEnabled"` MfaEmailEnabled bool `json:"mfaEmailEnabled"` MultiFactorAuths []*MfaProps `xorm:"-" json:"multiFactorAuths,omitempty"` Invitation string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"invitation"` InvitationCode string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"invitationCode"` FaceIds []*FaceId `json:"faceIds"` Ldap string `xorm:"ldap varchar(100)" json:"ldap"` Properties map[string]string `json:"properties"` Roles []*Role `json:"roles"` Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"` Groups []string `xorm:"groups varchar(1000)" json:"groups"` LastSigninWrongTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninWrongTime"` SigninWrongTimes int `json:"signinWrongTimes"` ManagedAccounts []ManagedAccount `xorm:"managedAccounts blob" json:"managedAccounts"` }
func CheckUserPassword ¶
func ExtendManagedAccountsWithUser ¶ added in v1.105.0
func GetGlobalUsers ¶
func GetGlobalUsersWithFilter ¶ added in v1.462.0
func GetGroupUsers ¶ added in v1.338.0
func GetMaskedUser ¶
func GetPaginationGroupUsers ¶ added in v1.338.0
func GetPaginationUsers ¶
func GetUserByAccessKey ¶ added in v1.337.0
func GetUserByEmailOnly ¶ added in v1.432.0
func GetUserByField ¶
func GetUserByInvitationCode ¶ added in v1.510.0
func GetUserByPhone ¶ added in v1.78.0
func GetUserByPhoneOnly ¶ added in v1.432.0
func GetUserByUserId ¶ added in v1.70.0
func GetUserByUserIdOnly ¶ added in v1.430.0
func GetUserNoCheck ¶
func GetUsersByTagWithFilter ¶ added in v1.462.0
func GetUsersWithFilter ¶ added in v1.462.0
func (*User) AddCredentials ¶ added in v1.68.0
func (*User) CredentialExcludeList ¶ added in v1.68.0
func (user *User) CredentialExcludeList() []protocol.CredentialDescriptor
CredentialExcludeList returns a CredentialDescriptor array filled with all the user's credentials
func (*User) DeleteCredentials ¶ added in v1.68.0
func (*User) GetCountryCode ¶ added in v1.245.0
func (*User) GetFriendlyName ¶ added in v1.484.0
func (*User) GetMfaProps ¶ added in v1.345.0
func (*User) GetPreferredMfaProps ¶ added in v1.345.0
func (*User) IsAdminUser ¶ added in v1.304.0
func (*User) IsApplicationAdmin ¶ added in v1.375.1
func (user *User) IsApplicationAdmin(application *Application) bool
func (*User) IsGlobalAdmin ¶
func (*User) IsMfaEnabled ¶ added in v1.309.0
func (*User) UpdateUserHash ¶
func (*User) UpdateUserPassword ¶
func (user *User) UpdateUserPassword(organization *Organization)
func (*User) WebAuthnCredentials ¶ added in v1.68.0
func (user *User) WebAuthnCredentials() []webauthn.Credential
func (*User) WebAuthnDisplayName ¶ added in v1.68.0
func (*User) WebAuthnID ¶ added in v1.68.0
WebAuthnID implementation of webauthn.User interface
func (*User) WebAuthnIcon ¶ added in v1.68.0
func (*User) WebAuthnName ¶ added in v1.68.0
type UserGroupEnforcer ¶ added in v1.385.0
type UserGroupEnforcer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUserGroupEnforcer ¶ added in v1.385.0
func NewUserGroupEnforcer(enforcer *casbin.Enforcer) *UserGroupEnforcer
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupsForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupsForUser(user string, groups []string) (bool, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupsForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupsForUser(user string) (bool, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) GetAllUsersByGroup ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetAllUsersByGroup(group string) ([]string, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) GetGroupsForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetGroupsForUser(user string) ([]string, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) GetUserNamesByGroupName ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetUserNamesByGroupName(groupName string) ([]string, error)
func (*UserGroupEnforcer) UpdateGroupsForUser ¶ added in v1.385.0
func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) UpdateGroupsForUser(user string, groups []string) (bool, error)
type UserShort ¶
type UserShort struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` Id string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"id"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` Avatar string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"avatar"` Email string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"email"` Phone string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"phone"` }
type UserWithoutThirdIdp ¶ added in v1.224.0
type UserWithoutThirdIdp struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"createdTime"` UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"` DeletedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"deletedTime"` Id string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"id"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"` Password string `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"` PasswordSalt string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordSalt"` PasswordType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordType"` DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"` FirstName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"firstName"` LastName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastName"` Avatar string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"avatar"` AvatarType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"avatarType"` PermanentAvatar string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"permanentAvatar"` Email string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"email"` EmailVerified bool `json:"emailVerified"` Phone string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"phone"` CountryCode string `xorm:"varchar(6)" json:"countryCode"` Region string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"region"` Location string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"location"` Address []string `json:"address"` Affiliation string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliation"` Title string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"` IdCardType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"idCardType"` IdCard string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"idCard"` Homepage string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"homepage"` Bio string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"bio"` Tag string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"` Language string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"language"` Gender string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"gender"` Birthday string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"birthday"` Education string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"education"` Score int `json:"score"` Karma int `json:"karma"` Ranking int `json:"ranking"` IsDefaultAvatar bool `json:"isDefaultAvatar"` IsOnline bool `json:"isOnline"` IsAdmin bool `json:"isAdmin"` IsForbidden bool `json:"isForbidden"` IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` SignupApplication string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signupApplication"` Hash string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"hash"` PreHash string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preHash"` AccessKey string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessKey"` AccessSecret string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessSecret"` GitHub string `xorm:"github varchar(100)" json:"github"` Google string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"google"` QQ string `xorm:"qq varchar(100)" json:"qq"` WeChat string `xorm:"wechat varchar(100)" json:"wechat"` Facebook string `xorm:"facebook varchar(100)" json:"facebook"` DingTalk string `xorm:"dingtalk varchar(100)" json:"dingtalk"` Weibo string `xorm:"weibo varchar(100)" json:"weibo"` Gitee string `xorm:"gitee varchar(100)" json:"gitee"` LinkedIn string `xorm:"linkedin varchar(100)" json:"linkedin"` Wecom string `xorm:"wecom varchar(100)" json:"wecom"` Lark string `xorm:"lark varchar(100)" json:"lark"` Gitlab string `xorm:"gitlab varchar(100)" json:"gitlab"` CreatedIp string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdIp"` LastSigninTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninTime"` LastSigninIp string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninIp"` // WebauthnCredentials []webauthn.Credential `xorm:"webauthnCredentials blob" json:"webauthnCredentials"` PreferredMfaType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preferredMfaType"` RecoveryCodes []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"recoveryCodes"` TotpSecret string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"totpSecret"` MfaPhoneEnabled bool `json:"mfaPhoneEnabled"` MfaEmailEnabled bool `json:"mfaEmailEnabled"` Ldap string `xorm:"ldap varchar(100)" json:"ldap"` Properties map[string]string `json:"properties"` Roles []*Role `json:"roles"` Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"` Groups []string `xorm:"groups varchar(1000)" json:"groups"` LastSigninWrongTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninWrongTime"` SigninWrongTimes int `json:"signinWrongTimes"` }
type Userinfo ¶ added in v1.19.1
type Userinfo struct { Sub string `json:"sub"` Iss string `json:"iss"` Aud string `json:"aud"` Name string `json:"preferred_username,omitempty"` DisplayName string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified,omitempty"` Avatar string `json:"picture,omitempty"` Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` Phone string `json:"phone,omitempty"` Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"` Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` Permissions []string `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
type ValidatorFunc ¶ added in v1.341.0
type VerificationRecord ¶
type VerificationRecord struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` RemoteAddr string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"remoteAddr"` Type string `xorm:"varchar(10)" json:"type"` User string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull" json:"user"` Provider string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull" json:"provider"` Receiver string `xorm:"varchar(100) index notnull" json:"receiver"` Code string `xorm:"varchar(10) notnull" json:"code"` Time int64 `xorm:"notnull" json:"time"` IsUsed bool }
func GetPaginationVerifications ¶ added in v1.578.0
func GetPaginationVerifications(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)
func GetUserVerifications ¶ added in v1.578.0
func GetUserVerifications(owner, user string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)
func GetVerification ¶ added in v1.578.0
func GetVerification(id string) (*VerificationRecord, error)
func GetVerifications ¶ added in v1.578.0
func GetVerifications(owner string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)
type VerifyResult ¶ added in v1.271.0
func CheckVerificationCode ¶
func CheckVerificationCode(dest string, code string, lang string) (*VerifyResult, error)
type ViaSSHDialer ¶ added in v1.541.0
func (*ViaSSHDialer) Dial ¶ added in v1.541.0
func (v *ViaSSHDialer) Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
func (*ViaSSHDialer) DialContext ¶ added in v1.541.0
func (*ViaSSHDialer) DialTimeout ¶ added in v1.541.0
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"` CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"` Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"organization"` Url string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"url"` Method string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"method"` ContentType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"contentType"` Headers []*Header `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"headers"` Events []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"events"` IsUserExtended bool `json:"isUserExtended"` SingleOrgOnly bool `json:"singleOrgOnly"` IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
func GetPaginationWebhooks ¶
func GetWebhook ¶
type X509Certificate ¶ added in v1.38.0
type X509Data ¶ added in v1.38.0
type X509Data struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" X509Data"` X509Certificate X509Certificate `xml:",innerxml"` }
Source Files
- adapter.go
- application.go
- application_item.go
- avatar.go
- captcha.go
- cert.go
- check.go
- check_password_complexity.go
- check_util.go
- email.go
- enforcer.go
- get-dashboard.go
- group.go
- init.go
- init_data.go
- init_data_dump.go
- invitation.go
- ldap.go
- ldap_autosync.go
- ldap_conn.go
- mfa.go
- mfa_sms.go
- mfa_totp.go
- model.go
- notification.go
- oidc_discovery.go
- organization.go
- ormer.go
- ormer_session.go
- payment.go
- permission.go
- permission_enforcer.go
- permission_upload.go
- plan.go
- pricing.go
- product.go
- prometheus.go
- provider.go
- provider_item.go
- radius.go
- record.go
- record_casvisor.go
- resource.go
- resource_direct.go
- role.go
- role_upload.go
- saml_idp.go
- saml_sp.go
- session.go
- sms.go
- sms_custom_http.go
- storage.go
- subscription.go
- syncer.go
- syncer_affiliation.go
- syncer_cron.go
- syncer_public_api.go
- syncer_sync.go
- syncer_user.go
- syncer_util.go
- token.go
- token_cas.go
- token_jwt.go
- token_jwt_key.go
- token_oauth.go
- transaction.go
- user.go
- user_avatar.go
- user_avatar_favicon.go
- user_avatar_gravatar.go
- user_avatar_identicon.go
- user_cred.go
- user_enforcer.go
- user_upload.go
- user_util.go
- user_webauthn.go
- verification.go
- viaSSHDialer.go
- webhook.go
- webhook_util.go