Migrator is an utility for schema management in microservices, which based on github.com/golang-migrate/migrate and extended as an cli command using github.com/spf13/cobra
Given a cluster on which migration has to be managed - base engine has to be extended to enable execute of the supported commands.
migration-client [flags] [command]
migration-client -c mysvcPG up -v 201903290057
-c or --cluster : cluster identifier on which migration has to be performed
-v or --version : version of the migration
- up : Applies all migration from current version of migration. If input version is specificed via version flag - applies migrations from current version until given version where given version should be greater than current.
- down : Applies migration from current version to input version specified via version flag. Here input version should lesser than current version
- force : Marks the version as applied without running any migration
- version : displays the current version of migration and its status - which signifies if the current version is applied successfully or not
Please refer sample implementaion that extended migratorcmdbase.go
in example/migratorexample.go
Note: vendor drivers from golang-migrate/migrate based on your requirement of dbType i.e postgres, cassandra, mysql etc,.