Overview ¶
Package api lets you integrate pdfcpu's operations into your Go backend.
There are two api layers supporting all pdfcpu operations:
- The file based layer (used by pdfcpu's cli)
- The io.ReadSeeker/io.Writer based layer for backend integration.
For any pdfcpu command there are two functions.
The file based function always calls the io.ReadSeeker/io.Writer based function:
func CommandFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *pdf.Configuration) error func Command(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *pdf.Configuration) error
eg. for optimization:
func OptimizeFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *pdf.Configuration) error func Optimize(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *pdf.Configuration) error
Index ¶
- Variables
- func AddAnnotations(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func AddAnnotationsAsIncrement(rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, selectedPages []string, ar model.AnnotationRenderer, ...) error
- func AddAnnotationsFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, ar model.AnnotationRenderer, ...) (err error)
- func AddAnnotationsMap(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, m map[int][]model.AnnotationRenderer, ...) error
- func AddAnnotationsMapAsIncrement(rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, m map[int][]model.AnnotationRenderer, ...) error
- func AddAnnotationsMapFile(inFile, outFile string, m map[int][]model.AnnotationRenderer, ...) (err error)
- func AddAttachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, files []string, coll bool, ...) error
- func AddAttachmentsFile(inFile, outFile string, files []string, coll bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func AddBookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, bms []core.Bookmark, replace bool, ...) error
- func AddBookmarksFile(inFile, outFile string, bms []core.Bookmark, replace bool, ...) (err error)
- func AddBoxes(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func AddBoxesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, pb *model.PageBoundaries, ...) (err error)
- func AddImageWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, ...) error
- func AddImageWatermarksForReaderFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, r io.Reader, ...) error
- func AddKeywords(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func AddKeywordsFile(inFile, outFile string, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func AddPDFWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, ...) error
- func AddProperties(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, properties map[string]string, ...) error
- func AddPropertiesFile(inFile, outFile string, properties map[string]string, ...) (err error)
- func AddTextWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, text, desc string, ...) error
- func AddWatermarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, wm *model.Watermark, ...) error
- func AddWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, wm *model.Watermark, ...) (err error)
- func AddWatermarksMap(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, m map[int]*model.Watermark, ...) error
- func AddWatermarksMapFile(inFile, outFile string, m map[int]*model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func AddWatermarksSliceMap(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, m map[int][]*model.Watermark, ...) error
- func AddWatermarksSliceMapFile(inFile, outFile string, m map[int][]*model.Watermark, ...) (err error)
- func Annotations(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (map[int]model.PgAnnots, error)
- func Attachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]model.Attachment, error)
- func Booklet(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, imgFiles, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func BookletFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, selectedPages []string, nup *model.NUp, ...) (err error)
- func BookletFromImages(conf *model.Configuration, imageFileNames []string, nup *model.NUp) (*model.Context, error)
- func Bookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]core.Bookmark, error)
- func Box(s string, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Box, error)
- func Boxes(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]model.PageBoundaries, error)
- func ChangeOwnerPassword(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ChangeOwnerPasswordFile(inFile, outFile string, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ChangeUserPassword(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ChangeUserPasswordFile(inFile, outFile string, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func Collect(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func CollectFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func Create(rs io.ReadSeeker, rd io.Reader, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func CreateCheatSheetsUserFonts(fontNames []string) error
- func CreateFile(inFilePDF, inFileJSON, outFilePDF string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func CreatePDF(rs io.ReadSeeker, pdf *primitives.PDF, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func CreatePDFFile(xRefTable *model.XRefTable, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func CreateUserFontDemoFiles(dir, fn string) error
- func Crop(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, b *model.Box, ...) error
- func CropFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, b *model.Box, ...) (err error)
- func Cut(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func CutFile(inFile, outDir, outFile string, selectedPages []string, cut *model.Cut, ...) error
- func Decrypt(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func DecryptFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func DisableConfigDir()
- func DumpObject(rs io.ReadSeeker, mode, objNr int, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func DumpObjectFile(inFile string, mode, objNr int, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func Encrypt(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func EncryptFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func EnsureDefaultConfigAt(path string) error
- func ExportBookmarksFile(inFilePDF, outFileJSON string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ExportBookmarksJSON(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, source string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExportForm(rs io.ReadSeeker, source string, conf *model.Configuration) (*form.FormGroup, error)
- func ExportFormFile(inFilePDF, outFileJSON string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ExportFormJSON(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, source string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractAttachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir string, fileNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractAttachmentsFile(inFile, outDir string, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractAttachmentsRaw(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir string, fileNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]model.Attachment, error)
- func ExtractContent(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func ExtractContentFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractFonts(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func ExtractFontsFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractImages(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func ExtractImagesFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractImagesRaw(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]map[int]model.Image, error)
- func ExtractMetadata(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractMetadataFile(inFile, outDir string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ExtractPage(ctx *model.Context, pageNr int) (io.Reader, error)
- func ExtractPages(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func ExtractPagesFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func FillForm(rs io.ReadSeeker, rd io.Reader, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func FillFormFile(inFilePDF, inFileJSON, outFilePDF string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func FormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]form.Field, error)
- func GetPermissions(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*int16, error)
- func GetPermissionsFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (*int16, error)
- func HasWatermarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (bool, error)
- func HasWatermarksFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (bool, error)
- func ImageBookletConfig(val int, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.NUp, error)
- func ImageGridConfig(rows, cols int, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.NUp, error)
- func ImageNUpConfig(val int, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.NUp, error)
- func ImageWatermark(fileName, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
- func ImageWatermarkForReader(r io.Reader, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
- func Images(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]map[int]model.Image, error)
- func Import(s string, u types.DisplayUnit) (*core.Import, error)
- func ImportBookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, rd io.Reader, w io.Writer, replace bool, ...) error
- func ImportBookmarksFile(inFilePDF, inFileJSON, outFilePDF string, replace bool, ...) (err error)
- func ImportImages(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, imgs []io.Reader, imp *core.Import, ...) error
- func ImportImagesFile(imgFiles []string, outFile string, imp *core.Import, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func InsertPages(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, before bool, ...) error
- func InsertPagesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, before bool, ...) (err error)
- func InstallFonts(fileNames []string) error
- func Keywords(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListFonts() ([]string, error)
- func ListPageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListPageLayoutFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListPageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListPageModeFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, all bool, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListViewerPreferencesFile(inFile string, all, json bool, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func ListViewerPreferencesFileJSON(inFile string, all bool, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
- func LoadConfiguration() *model.Configuration
- func LockFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, ...) error
- func LockFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func Merge(destFile string, inFiles []string, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration, ...) error
- func MergeAppendFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, dividerPage bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func MergeCreateFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, dividerPage bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func MergeCreateZip(rs1, rs2 io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func MergeCreateZipFile(inFile1, inFile2, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func MergeRaw(rsc []io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, dividerPage bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func MultiFillForm(inFilePDF string, rd io.Reader, outDir, fileName string, ...) error
- func MultiFillFormFile(inFilePDF, inFileData, outDir, outFilePDF string, merge bool, ...) (err error)
- func NDown(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, n int, ...) error
- func NDownFile(inFile, outDir, outFile string, selectedPages []string, n int, cut *model.Cut, ...) error
- func NUp(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, imgFiles, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func NUpFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, selectedPages []string, nup *model.NUp, ...) (err error)
- func NUpFromImage(conf *model.Configuration, imageFileNames []string, nup *model.NUp) (*model.Context, error)
- func Optimize(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func OptimizeContext(ctx *model.Context) error
- func OptimizeFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func PDFBookletConfig(val int, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.NUp, error)
- func PDFGridConfig(rows, cols int, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.NUp, error)
- func PDFInfo(rs io.ReadSeeker, fileName string, selectedPages []string, ...) (*core.PDFInfo, error)
- func PDFMultiWatermarkForReadSeeker(rs io.ReadSeeker, startPageNrSrc, startPageNrDest int, desc string, ...) (*model.Watermark, error)
- func PDFNUpConfig(val int, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.NUp, error)
- func PDFWatermark(fileName, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
- func PDFWatermarkForReadSeeker(rs io.ReadSeeker, pageNrSrc int, desc string, onTop, update bool, ...) (*model.Watermark, error)
- func PageBoundaries(s string, unit types.DisplayUnit) (*model.PageBoundaries, error)
- func PageBoundariesFromBoxList(s string) (*model.PageBoundaries, error)
- func PageCount(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (int, error)
- func PageCountFile(inFile string) (int, error)
- func PageDims(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]types.Dim, error)
- func PageDimsFile(inFile string) ([]types.Dim, error)
- func PageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageLayout, error)
- func PageLayoutFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageLayout, error)
- func PageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageMode, error)
- func PageModeFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageMode, error)
- func PagesForPageCollection(pageCount int, pageSelection []string) ([]int, error)
- func PagesForPageRange(from, thru int) []int
- func PagesForPageSelection(pageCount int, pageSelection []string, ensureAllforNone bool, log bool) (types.IntSet, error)
- func ParsePageSelection(s string) ([]string, error)
- func Permissions(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (int, error)
- func Poster(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func PosterFile(inFile, outDir, outFile string, selectedPages []string, cut *model.Cut, ...) error
- func Properties(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (map[string]string, error)
- func ReadAndValidate(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (ctx *model.Context, err error)
- func ReadContext(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.Context, error)
- func ReadContextFile(inFile string) (*model.Context, error)
- func ReadValidateAndOptimize(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (ctx *model.Context, err error)
- func RemainingPagesForPageRemoval(pageCount int, pageSelection []string, log bool) (types.IntSet, error)
- func RemoveAnnotations(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages, idsAndTypes []string, ...) error
- func RemoveAnnotationsAsIncrement(rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, selectedPages, idsAndTypes []string, objNrs []int, ...) error
- func RemoveAnnotationsFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages, idsAndTypes []string, objNrs []int, ...) (err error)
- func RemoveAttachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func RemoveAttachmentsFile(inFile, outFile string, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func RemoveBookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func RemoveBookmarksFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func RemoveBoxes(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func RemoveBoxesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, pb *model.PageBoundaries, ...) (err error)
- func RemoveFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, ...) error
- func RemoveFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func RemoveKeywords(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, keywords []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func RemoveKeywordsFile(inFile, outFile string, keywords []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func RemovePages(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func RemovePagesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func RemoveProperties(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, properties []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func RemovePropertiesFile(inFile, outFile string, properties []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func RemoveWatermarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func RemoveWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ResetFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, ...) error
- func ResetFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ResetPageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ResetPageLayoutFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ResetPageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ResetPageModeFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func ResetViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ResetViewerPreferencesFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func Resize(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, resize *model.Resize, ...) error
- func ResizeFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, resize *model.Resize, ...) (err error)
- func Rotate(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, rotation int, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func RotateFile(inFile, outFile string, rotation int, selectedPages []string, ...) (err error)
- func SetPageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, val model.PageLayout, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SetPageLayoutFile(inFile, outFile string, val model.PageLayout, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func SetPageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, val model.PageMode, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SetPageModeFile(inFile, outFile string, val model.PageMode, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func SetPermissions(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SetPermissionsFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func SetViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, vp model.ViewerPreferences, ...) error
- func SetViewerPreferencesFile(inFile, outFile string, vp model.ViewerPreferences, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONBytes(inFile, outFile string, jsonBytes []byte, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONFile(inFilePDF, outFilePDF, inFileJSON string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONBytes(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, jsonBytes []byte, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONReader(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, rd io.Reader, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func Split(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, span int, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SplitByPageNr(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, pageNrs []int, ...) error
- func SplitByPageNrFile(inFile, outDir string, pageNrs []int, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func SplitFile(inFile, outDir string, span int, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func TextWatermark(text, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
- func Trim(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ...) error
- func TrimFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func UnlockFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, ...) error
- func UnlockFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
- func UpdateImageWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, ...) error
- func UpdatePDFWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, ...) error
- func UpdateTextWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, text, desc string, ...) error
- func Validate(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ValidateContext(ctx *model.Context) error
- func ValidateFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ValidateFiles(inFiles []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func ViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.ViewerPreferences, *model.Version, error)
- func ViewerPreferencesFile(inFile string, all bool, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.ViewerPreferences, error)
- func WatermarkContext(ctx *model.Context, selectedPages types.IntSet, wm *model.Watermark) error
- func Write(ctx *model.Context, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func WriteContext(ctx *model.Context, w io.Writer) error
- func WriteContextFile(ctx *model.Context, outFile string) error
- func WriteIncr(ctx *model.Context, rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) error
- func WriteIncrement(ctx *model.Context, w io.Writer) error
- func WritePage(r io.Reader, outDir, fileName string, pageNr int) error
- func Zoom(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, zoom *model.Zoom, ...) error
- func ZoomFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, zoom *model.Zoom, ...) (err error)
- type PageSpan
Examples ¶
- AddAttachmentsFile
- AddWatermarksFile
- ChangeOwnerPasswordFile
- ChangeUserPasswordFile
- DecryptFile
- EncryptFile
- ExtractAttachmentsFile
- ExtractContentFile
- ExtractFontsFile
- ExtractImagesFile
- ExtractMetadataFile
- ExtractPagesFile
- ImportImagesFile
- InsertPagesFile
- MergeAppendFile
- MergeCreateFile
- NUpFile
- OptimizeFile
- RemoveAttachmentsFile
- RemovePagesFile
- RemoveWatermarksFile
- RotateFile
- SetPermissionsFile
- SplitFile
- TrimFile
- ValidateFile
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNoOutlines = errors.New("pdfcpu: no outlines available") ErrOutlines = errors.New("pdfcpu: existing outlines") )
var ( ErrNoFormData = errors.New("pdfcpu: missing form data") ErrNoFormFieldsAffected = errors.New("pdfcpu: no form fields affected") ErrInvalidCSV = errors.New("pdfcpu: invalid csv input file") ErrInvalidJSON = errors.New("pdfcpu: invalid JSON encoding") )
var ErrNoOp = errors.New("pdfcpu: no operation")
Functions ¶
func AddAnnotations ¶
func AddAnnotations(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, ann model.AnnotationRenderer, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddAnnotations adds annotations for selected pages in rs and writes the result to w.
func AddAnnotationsAsIncrement ¶
func AddAnnotationsAsIncrement(rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, selectedPages []string, ar model.AnnotationRenderer, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddAnnotationsAsIncrement adds annotations for selected pages in rws and writes out a PDF increment.
func AddAnnotationsFile ¶
func AddAnnotationsFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, ar model.AnnotationRenderer, conf *model.Configuration, incr bool) (err error)
AddAnnotationsFile adds annotations for selected pages to a PDF context read from inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddAnnotationsMap ¶
func AddAnnotationsMap(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, m map[int][]model.AnnotationRenderer, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddAnnotationsMap adds annotations in m to corresponding pages of rs and writes the result to w.
func AddAnnotationsMapAsIncrement ¶
func AddAnnotationsMapAsIncrement(rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, m map[int][]model.AnnotationRenderer, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddAnnotationsMapAsIncrement adds annotations in m to corresponding pages of rws and writes out a PDF increment.
func AddAnnotationsMapFile ¶
func AddAnnotationsMapFile(inFile, outFile string, m map[int][]model.AnnotationRenderer, conf *model.Configuration, incr bool) (err error)
AddAnnotationsMapFile adds annotations in m to corresponding pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddAttachments ¶
func AddAttachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, files []string, coll bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddAttachments embeds files into a PDF context read from rs and writes the result to w. file is either a file name or a file name and a description separated by a comma.
func AddAttachmentsFile ¶
func AddAttachmentsFile(inFile, outFile string, files []string, coll bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddAttachmentsFile embeds files into a PDF context read from inFile and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Attach 3 files to in.pdf. AddAttachmentsFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"img.jpg", "attach.pdf", ""}, false, nil)
func AddBookmarks ¶
func AddBookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, bms []core.Bookmark, replace bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddBookmarks adds a single bookmark outline layer to the PDF context read from rs and writes the result to w.
func AddBookmarksFile ¶
func AddBookmarksFile(inFile, outFile string, bms []core.Bookmark, replace bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddBookmarksFile adds outlines to the PDF context read from inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddBoxes ¶
func AddBoxes(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, pb *model.PageBoundaries, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddBoxes adds page boundaries for selected pages of rs and writes result to w.
func AddBoxesFile ¶
func AddBoxesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, pb *model.PageBoundaries, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddBoxesFile adds page boundaries for selected pages of inFile and writes result to outFile.
func AddImageWatermarksFile ¶
func AddImageWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, fileName, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddImageWatermarksFile adds image stamps/watermarks to all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddImageWatermarksForReaderFile ¶
func AddImageWatermarksForReaderFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, r io.Reader, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddImageWatermarksForReaderFile adds image stamps/watermarks to all selected pages of inFile for r and writes the result to outFile.
func AddKeywords ¶
func AddKeywords(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddKeywords adds keywords to rs's infodict and writes the result to w.
func AddKeywordsFile ¶
func AddKeywordsFile(inFile, outFile string, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddKeywordsFile adds keywords to inFile's infodict and writes the result to outFile.
func AddPDFWatermarksFile ¶
func AddPDFWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, fileName, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddPDFWatermarksFile adds PDF stamps/watermarks to inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddProperties ¶
func AddProperties(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, properties map[string]string, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddProperties adds properties to rs's infodict and writes the result to w.
func AddPropertiesFile ¶
func AddPropertiesFile(inFile, outFile string, properties map[string]string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddPropertiesFile adds properties to inFile's infodict and writes the result to outFile.
func AddTextWatermarksFile ¶
func AddTextWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, text, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddTextWatermarksFile adds text stamps/watermarks to all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddWatermarks ¶
func AddWatermarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, wm *model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddWatermarks adds watermarks to all pages selected in rs and writes the result to w.
func AddWatermarksFile ¶
func AddWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, wm *model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddWatermarksFile adds watermarks to all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Unique abbreviations are accepted for all watermark descriptor parameters. // eg. sc = scalefactor or rot = rotation // Add a "Demo" watermark to all pages of in.pdf along the diagonal running from lower left to upper right. onTop := false update := false wm, _ := TextWatermark("Demo", "", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, wm, nil) // Stamp all odd pages of in.pdf in red "Confidential" in 48 point Courier // using a rotation angle of 45 degrees and an absolute scalefactor of 1.0. onTop = true wm, _ = TextWatermark("Confidential", "font:Courier, points:48, col: 1 0 0, rot:45, scale:1 abs, ", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"odd"}, wm, nil) // Add image stamps to in.pdf using absolute scaling and a negative rotation of 90 degrees. wm, _ = ImageWatermark("image.png", "scalefactor:.5 a, rot:-90", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, wm, nil) // Add a PDF stamp to all pages of in.pdf using the 2nd page of stamp.pdf, use absolute scaling of 0.5 // and rotate along the 2nd diagonal running from upper left to lower right corner. wm, _ = PDFWatermark("stamp.pdf:2", "scale:.5 abs, diagonal:2", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, wm, nil)
func AddWatermarksMap ¶
func AddWatermarksMap(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, m map[int]*model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddWatermarksMap adds watermarks in m to corresponding pages in rs and writes the result to w.
func AddWatermarksMapFile ¶
func AddWatermarksMapFile(inFile, outFile string, m map[int]*model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddWatermarksMapFile adds watermarks to corresponding pages in m of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func AddWatermarksSliceMap ¶
func AddWatermarksSliceMap(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, m map[int][]*model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) error
AddWatermarksSliceMap adds watermarks in m to corresponding pages in rs and writes the result to w.
func AddWatermarksSliceMapFile ¶
func AddWatermarksSliceMapFile(inFile, outFile string, m map[int][]*model.Watermark, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
AddWatermarksSliceMapFile adds watermarks to corresponding pages in m of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func Annotations ¶
func Annotations(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (map[int]model.PgAnnots, error)
Annotations returns page annotations of rs for selected pages.
func Attachments ¶
func Attachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]model.Attachment, error)
Attachments returns rs's attachments.
func Booklet ¶
func Booklet(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, imgFiles, selectedPages []string, nup *model.NUp, conf *model.Configuration) error
Booklet arranges PDF pages on larger sheets of paper and writes the result to w.
func BookletFile ¶
func BookletFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, selectedPages []string, nup *model.NUp, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
BookletFile rearranges PDF pages or images into a booklet layout and writes the result to outFile.
func BookletFromImages ¶
func BookletFromImages(conf *model.Configuration, imageFileNames []string, nup *model.NUp) (*model.Context, error)
BookletFromImages creates a booklet from images.
func Bookmarks ¶
func Bookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]core.Bookmark, error)
Bookmarks returns rs's bookmark hierarchy.
func Boxes ¶
func Boxes(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]model.PageBoundaries, error)
Boxes returns rs's page boundaries for selected pages of rs.
func ChangeOwnerPassword ¶
func ChangeOwnerPassword(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ChangeOwnerPassword reads a PDF stream from rs, changes the owner password and writes the encrypted PDF stream to w. A configuration containing the current passwords is required.
func ChangeOwnerPasswordFile ¶
func ChangeOwnerPasswordFile(inFile, outFile string, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ChangeOwnerPasswordFile reads inFile, changes the owner password and writes the result to outFile. A configuration containing the current passwords is required.
Example ¶
// Changing the owner password for an AES-256 encrypted file. conf := model.NewAESConfiguration("upw", "opw", 256) ChangeOwnerPasswordFile("in.pdf", "", "opw", "opwNew", conf)
func ChangeUserPassword ¶
func ChangeUserPassword(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ChangeUserPassword reads a PDF stream from rs, changes the user password and writes the encrypted PDF stream to w. A configuration containing the current passwords is required.
func ChangeUserPasswordFile ¶
func ChangeUserPasswordFile(inFile, outFile string, pwOld, pwNew string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ChangeUserPasswordFile reads inFile, changes the user password and writes the result to outFile. A configuration containing the current passwords is required.
Example ¶
// Changing the user password for an AES-256 encrypted file. conf := model.NewAESConfiguration("upw", "opw", 256) ChangeUserPasswordFile("in.pdf", "", "upw", "upwNew", conf)
func Collect ¶
func Collect(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
Collect creates a custom PDF page sequence for selected pages of rs and writes the result to w.
func CollectFile ¶
func CollectFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
CollectFile creates a custom PDF page sequence for inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func Create ¶
func Create(rs io.ReadSeeker, rd io.Reader, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
Create renders the PDF structure represented by rs into w. If rs is present, new PDF content will be appended including any empty pages needed. rd is a JSON representation of PDF page content which may include form data.
func CreateCheatSheetsUserFonts ¶
CreateCheatSheetsUserFonts creates single page PDF cheat sheets for installed user fonts.
func CreateFile ¶
func CreateFile(inFilePDF, inFileJSON, outFilePDF string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
CreateFile renders the PDF structure represented by inFileJSON into outFilePDF. If inFilePDF is present, new PDF content will be appended including any empty pages needed. inFileJSON represents PDF page content which may include form data.
func CreatePDF ¶
func CreatePDF(rs io.ReadSeeker, pdf *primitives.PDF, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
CreatePDF renders the PDF structure represented by rs into w. If rs is present, new PDF content will be appended including any empty pages needed.
func CreatePDFFile ¶
CreatePDFFile creates a PDF file for an xRefTable and writes it to outFile.
func CreateUserFontDemoFiles ¶
CreateUserFontDemoFiles creates single page PDF for each Unicode plane covered.
func Crop ¶
func Crop(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, b *model.Box, conf *model.Configuration) error
Crop adds crop boxes for selected pages of rs and writes result to w.
func CropFile ¶
func CropFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, b *model.Box, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
CropFile adds crop boxes for selected pages of inFile and writes result to outFile.
func Cut ¶
func Cut(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, cut *model.Cut, conf *model.Configuration) error
Cut applies cutConf for selected pages of rs and writes results to outDir.
func CutFile ¶
func CutFile(inFile, outDir, outFile string, selectedPages []string, cut *model.Cut, conf *model.Configuration) error
CutFile applies cutConf for selected pages of inFile and writes results to outDir.
func Decrypt ¶
func Decrypt(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
Decrypt reads a PDF stream from rs and writes the encrypted PDF stream to w. A configuration containing at least the current passwords is required.
func DecryptFile ¶
func DecryptFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
DecryptFile decrypts inFile and writes the result to outFile. A configuration containing at least the current passwords is required.
Example ¶
// Decrypting an AES-256 encrypted file. conf := model.NewAESConfiguration("upw", "opw", 256) DecryptFile("in.pdf", "", conf)
func DisableConfigDir ¶
func DisableConfigDir()
DisableConfigDir disables the configuration directory. Any needed default configuration will be loaded from configuration.go Since the config dir also contains the user font dir, this also limits font usage to the default core font set No user fonts will be available.
func DumpObject ¶
func DumpObject(rs io.ReadSeeker, mode, objNr int, conf *model.Configuration) error
DumpObject writes an object from rs to stdout.
func DumpObjectFile ¶
func DumpObjectFile(inFile string, mode, objNr int, conf *model.Configuration) error
DumpObjectFile writes an object from rs to stdout.
func Encrypt ¶
func Encrypt(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
Encrypt reads a PDF stream from rs and writes the encrypted PDF stream to w. A configuration containing at least the current passwords is required.
func EncryptFile ¶
func EncryptFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
EncryptFile encrypts inFile and writes the result to outFile. A configuration containing at least the current passwords is required.
Example ¶
// Encrypting a file using AES-256. conf := model.NewAESConfiguration("upw", "opw", 256) EncryptFile("in.pdf", "", conf)
func EnsureDefaultConfigAt ¶
EnsureDefaultConfigAt switches to the pdfcpu config dir located at path. If path/pdfcpu is not existent, it will be created including config.yml
func ExportBookmarksFile ¶
func ExportBookmarksFile(inFilePDF, outFileJSON string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ExportBookmarksFile extracts outline data from inFilePDF and writes the result to outFileJSON.
func ExportBookmarksJSON ¶
func ExportBookmarksJSON(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, source string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExportBookmarksJSON extracts outline data from rs (originating from source) and writes the result to w.
func ExportForm ¶
func ExportForm(rs io.ReadSeeker, source string, conf *model.Configuration) (*form.FormGroup, error)
ExportForm extracts form data originating from source from rs.
func ExportFormFile ¶
func ExportFormFile(inFilePDF, outFileJSON string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ExportFormFile extracts form data from inFilePDF and writes the result to outFileJSON.
func ExportFormJSON ¶
func ExportFormJSON(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, source string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExportFormJSON extracts form data originating from source from rs and writes the result to w.
func ExtractAttachments ¶
func ExtractAttachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir string, fileNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractAttachments extracts embedded files from a PDF context read from rs into outDir.
func ExtractAttachmentsFile ¶
func ExtractAttachmentsFile(inFile, outDir string, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractAttachmentsFile extracts embedded files from a PDF context read from inFile into outDir.
Example ¶
// Extract 1 attachment from in.pdf into outDir. ExtractAttachmentsFile("in.pdf", "outDir", []string{"img.jpg"}, nil) // Extract all attachments from in.pdf into outDir ExtractAttachmentsFile("in.pdf", "outDir", nil, nil)
func ExtractAttachmentsRaw ¶
func ExtractAttachmentsRaw(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir string, fileNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]model.Attachment, error)
ExtractAttachmentsRaw extracts embedded files from a PDF context read from rs.
func ExtractContent ¶
func ExtractContent(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractContent dumps "PDF source" files from rs into outDir for selected pages.
func ExtractContentFile ¶
func ExtractContentFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractContentFile dumps "PDF source" files from inFile into outDir for selected pages.
Example ¶
// Extract content for all pages in PDF syntax from in.pdf into outDir. ExtractContentFile("in.pdf", "outDir", nil, nil)
func ExtractFonts ¶
func ExtractFonts(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractFonts dumps embedded fontfiles from rs into outDir for selected pages.
func ExtractFontsFile ¶
func ExtractFontsFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractFontsFile dumps embedded fontfiles from inFile into outDir for selected pages.
Example ¶
// Extract embedded fonts for pages 1-3 from in.pdf into outDir. ExtractFontsFile("in.pdf", "outDir", []string{"1-3"}, nil)
func ExtractImages ¶
func ExtractImages(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, digestImage func(model.Image, bool, int) error, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractImages extracts and digests embedded image resources from rs for selected pages.
func ExtractImagesFile ¶
func ExtractImagesFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractImagesFile dumps embedded image resources from inFile into outDir for selected pages.
Example ¶
// Extract embedded images from in.pdf into outDir. ExtractImagesFile("in.pdf", "outDir", nil, nil)
func ExtractImagesRaw ¶
func ExtractImagesRaw(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]map[int]model.Image, error)
ExtractImagesRaw returns []core.Image containing io.Readers for images contained in selectedPages. Beware of memory intensive returned slice.
func ExtractMetadata ¶
func ExtractMetadata(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractMetadata dumps all metadata dict entries for rs into outDir.
func ExtractMetadataFile ¶
func ExtractMetadataFile(inFile, outDir string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractMetadataFile dumps all metadata dict entries for inFile into outDir.
Example ¶
// Extract all metadata from in.pdf into outDir. ExtractMetadataFile("in.pdf", "outDir", nil)
func ExtractPage ¶
ExtractPage extracts the page with pageNr out of ctx into an io.Reader.
func ExtractPages ¶
func ExtractPages(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractPages generates single page PDF files from rs in outDir for selected pages.
func ExtractPagesFile ¶
func ExtractPagesFile(inFile, outDir string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ExtractPagesFile generates single page PDF files from inFile in outDir for selected pages.
Example ¶
// Extract all even numbered pages from in.pdf into outDir. ExtractPagesFile("in.pdf", "outDir", []string{"even"}, nil)
func FillForm ¶
func FillForm(rs io.ReadSeeker, rd io.Reader, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
FillForm populates the form rs with data from rd and writes the result to w.
func FillFormFile ¶
func FillFormFile(inFilePDF, inFileJSON, outFilePDF string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
FillFormFile populates the form inFilePDF with data from inFileJSON and writes the result to outFilePDF.
func FormFields ¶
func FormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]form.Field, error)
FormFields returns all form fields of rs.
func GetPermissions ¶
func GetPermissions(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*int16, error)
GetPermissions returns the permissions for rs.
func GetPermissionsFile ¶
func GetPermissionsFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (*int16, error)
GetPermissionsFile returns the permissions for inFile.
func HasWatermarks ¶
func HasWatermarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (bool, error)
HasWatermarks checks rs for watermarks.
func HasWatermarksFile ¶
func HasWatermarksFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (bool, error)
HasWatermarksFile checks inFile for watermarks.
func ImageBookletConfig ¶
ImageBookletConfig returns an NUp configuration for Booklet-ing image files.
func ImageGridConfig ¶
ImageGridConfig returns a grid configuration for Grid-ing image files.
func ImageNUpConfig ¶
ImageNUpConfig returns an NUp configuration for Nup-ing image files.
func ImageWatermark ¶
func ImageWatermark(fileName, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
ImageWatermark returns an image watermark configuration.
func ImageWatermarkForReader ¶
func ImageWatermarkForReader(r io.Reader, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
ImageWatermarkForReader returns an image watermark configuration for r.
func Images ¶
func Images(rs io.ReadSeeker, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]map[int]model.Image, error)
Images returns all embedded images of rs.
func ImportBookmarks ¶
func ImportBookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, rd io.Reader, w io.Writer, replace bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
ImportBookmarks creates/replaces outlines in rs and writes the result to w.
func ImportBookmarksFile ¶
func ImportBookmarksFile(inFilePDF, inFileJSON, outFilePDF string, replace bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ImportBookmarks creates/replaces outlines in inFilePDF and writes the result to outFilePDF.
func ImportImages ¶
func ImportImages(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, imgs []io.Reader, imp *core.Import, conf *model.Configuration) error
ImportImages appends PDF pages containing images to rs and writes the result to w. If rs == nil a new PDF file will be written to w.
func ImportImagesFile ¶
func ImportImagesFile(imgFiles []string, outFile string, imp *core.Import, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ImportImagesFile appends PDF pages containing images to outFile which will be created if necessary.
Example ¶
// Convert an image into a single page of out.pdf which will be created if necessary. // The page dimensions will match the image dimensions. // If out.pdf already exists, append a new page. // Use the default import configuration. ImportImagesFile([]string{"image.png"}, "out.pdf", nil, nil) // Import images by creating an A3 page for each image. // Images are page centered with 1.0 relative scaling. // Import an image as a new page of the existing out.pdf. imp, _ := Import("form:A3, pos:c, s:1.0", types.POINTS) ImportImagesFile([]string{"a1.png", "a2.jpg", "a3.tiff"}, "out.pdf", imp, nil)
func InsertPages ¶
func InsertPages(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, before bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
InsertPages inserts a blank page before or after every page selected of rs and writes the result to w.
func InsertPagesFile ¶
func InsertPagesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, before bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
InsertPagesFile inserts a blank page before or after every inFile page selected and writes the result to w.
Example ¶
// Insert a blank page into in.pdf before page #3. InsertPagesFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"3"}, true, nil) // Insert a blank page into in.pdf after every page. InsertPagesFile("in.pdf", "", nil, false, nil)
func InstallFonts ¶
InstallFonts installs true type fonts for embedding.
func Keywords ¶
func Keywords(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
Keywords returns the keywords of rs's info dict.
func ListPageLayout ¶
func ListPageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListPageLayout lists rs's page layout.
func ListPageLayoutFile ¶
func ListPageLayoutFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListPageLayoutFile lists inFile's page layout.
func ListPageMode ¶
func ListPageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListPageMode lists rs's page mode.
func ListPageModeFile ¶
func ListPageModeFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListPageModeFile lists inFile's page mode.
func ListViewerPreferences ¶
func ListViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, all bool, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListViewerPreferences returns rs's viewer preferences.
func ListViewerPreferencesFile ¶
func ListViewerPreferencesFile(inFile string, all, json bool, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListViewerPreferencesFile lists inFile's viewer preferences.
func ListViewerPreferencesFileJSON ¶
func ListViewerPreferencesFileJSON(inFile string, all bool, conf *model.Configuration) ([]string, error)
ListViewerPreferencesFile lists inFile's viewer preferences in JSON.
func LoadConfiguration ¶
func LoadConfiguration() *model.Configuration
LoadConfiguration locates and loads the default configuration and also loads installed user fonts.
func LockFormFields ¶
func LockFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
LockFormFields turns form fields in rs into read-only and writes the result to w.
func LockFormFieldsFile ¶
func LockFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
LockFormFieldsFile turns form fields of inFile into read-only and writes the result to outFile.
func Merge ¶
func Merge(destFile string, inFiles []string, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration, dividerPage bool) error
Merge concatenates inFiles. if destFile is supplied it appends the result to destfile (=MERGEAPPEND) if no destFile supplied it writes the result to the first entry of inFiles (=MERGECREATE).
func MergeAppendFile ¶
func MergeAppendFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, dividerPage bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
MergeAppendFile appends inFiles to outFile.
Example ¶
// Merge inFiles by concatenation in the order specified and write the result to out.pdf. // If out.pdf already exists it will be preserved and serves as the beginning of the merge result. inFiles := []string{"in1.pdf", "in2.pdf"} MergeAppendFile(inFiles, "out.pdf", false, nil)
func MergeCreateFile ¶
func MergeCreateFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, dividerPage bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
MergeCreateFile merges inFiles and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Merge inFiles by concatenation in the order specified and write the result to out.pdf. // out.pdf will be overwritten. inFiles := []string{"in1.pdf", "in2.pdf"} MergeCreateFile(inFiles, "out.pdf", false, nil)
func MergeCreateZip ¶
func MergeCreateZip(rs1, rs2 io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
MergeCreateZip zips rs1 and rs2 into w.
func MergeCreateZipFile ¶
func MergeCreateZipFile(inFile1, inFile2, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
MergeCreateZipFile zips inFile1 and inFile2 into outFile.
func MergeRaw ¶
func MergeRaw(rsc []io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, dividerPage bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
MergeRaw merges a sequence of PDF streams and writes the result to w.
func MultiFillForm ¶
func MultiFillForm(inFilePDF string, rd io.Reader, outDir, fileName string, format form.DataFormat, merge bool, conf *model.Configuration) error
MultiFillForm populates multiples instances of inFilePDF's form with data from rd and writes the result to outDir.
func MultiFillFormFile ¶
func MultiFillFormFile(inFilePDF, inFileData, outDir, outFilePDF string, merge bool, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
MultiFillFormFile populates multiples instances of inFilePDFs form with data from inFileData and writes the result to outDir.
func NDown ¶
func NDown(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, n int, cut *model.Cut, conf *model.Configuration) error
NDown applies n & cutConf for selected pages of rs and writes results to outDir.
func NDownFile ¶
func NDownFile(inFile, outDir, outFile string, selectedPages []string, n int, cut *model.Cut, conf *model.Configuration) error
NDownFile applies n & cutConf for selected pages of inFile and writes results to outDir.
func NUp ¶
func NUp(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, imgFiles, selectedPages []string, nup *model.NUp, conf *model.Configuration) error
NUp rearranges PDF pages or images into page grids and writes the result to w. Either rs or imgFiles will be used.
func NUpFile ¶
func NUpFile(inFiles []string, outFile string, selectedPages []string, nup *model.NUp, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
NUpFile rearranges PDF pages or images into page grids and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// 4-Up in.pdf and write result to out.pdf. nup, _ := PDFNUpConfig(4, "", nil) inFiles := []string{"in.pdf"} NUpFile(inFiles, "out.pdf", nil, nup, nil) // 9-Up a sequence of images using format Tabloid w/o borders and no margins. nup, _ = ImageNUpConfig(9, "f:Tabloid, b:off, m:0", nil) inFiles = []string{"in1.png", "in2.jpg", "in3.tiff"} NUpFile(inFiles, "out.pdf", nil, nup, nil) // TestGridFromPDF nup, _ = PDFGridConfig(1, 3, "f:LegalL", nil) inFiles = []string{"in.pdf"} NUpFile(inFiles, "out.pdf", nil, nup, nil) // TestGridFromImages nup, _ = ImageGridConfig(4, 2, "d:500 500, m:20, b:off", nil) inFiles = []string{"in1.png", "in2.jpg", "in3.tiff"} NUpFile(inFiles, "out.pdf", nil, nup, nil)
func NUpFromImage ¶
func NUpFromImage(conf *model.Configuration, imageFileNames []string, nup *model.NUp) (*model.Context, error)
NUpFromImage creates a single page n-up PDF for one image or a sequence of n-up pages for more than one image.
func Optimize ¶
func Optimize(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
Optimize reads a PDF stream from rs and writes the optimized PDF stream to w.
func OptimizeContext ¶
OptimizeContext optimizes ctx.
func OptimizeFile ¶
func OptimizeFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
OptimizeFile reads inFile and writes the optimized PDF to outFile. If outFile is not provided then inFile gets overwritten which leads to the same result as when inFile equals outFile.
Example ¶
conf := model.NewDefaultConfiguration() // Set passwords for encrypted files. conf.UserPW = "upw" conf.OwnerPW = "opw" // Configure end of line sequence for writing. conf.Eol = types.EolLF // Create an optimized version of in.pdf and write it to out.pdf. OptimizeFile("in.pdf", "out.pdf", conf) // Create an optimized version of inFile. // If you want to modify the original file, pass an empty string for outFile. // Use nil for a default configuration. OptimizeFile("in.pdf", "", nil)
func PDFBookletConfig ¶
PDFBookletConfig returns an NUp configuration for Booklet-ing PDF files.
func PDFGridConfig ¶
PDFGridConfig returns a grid configuration for Grid-ing PDF files.
func PDFInfo ¶
func PDFInfo(rs io.ReadSeeker, fileName string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (*core.PDFInfo, error)
PDFInfo returns information about rs.
func PDFMultiWatermarkForReadSeeker ¶
func PDFMultiWatermarkForReadSeeker(rs io.ReadSeeker, startPageNrSrc, startPageNrDest int, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
PDFMultiWatermarkForReadSeeker returns a PDF watermark configuration. Define a source PDF watermark/stamp sequence using rs from page startPageNrSrc thru the last page of rs. Apply this sequence to the destination PDF file starting at page startPageNrDest for selected pages.
func PDFNUpConfig ¶
PDFNUpConfig returns an NUp configuration for Nup-ing PDF files.
func PDFWatermark ¶
func PDFWatermark(fileName, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
PDFWatermark returns a PDF watermark configuration.
func PDFWatermarkForReadSeeker ¶
func PDFWatermarkForReadSeeker(rs io.ReadSeeker, pageNrSrc int, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
PDFWatermarkForReadSeeker returns a PDF watermark configuration. Apply watermark/stamp to destination file with pageNrSrc of rs for selected pages. If pageNr == 0 apply a multi watermark/stamp applying all src pages in ascending manner to destination pages.
func PageBoundaries ¶
func PageBoundaries(s string, unit types.DisplayUnit) (*model.PageBoundaries, error)
PageBoundaries parses a list of box definitions and assignments.
func PageBoundariesFromBoxList ¶
func PageBoundariesFromBoxList(s string) (*model.PageBoundaries, error)
PageBoundariesFromBoxList parses a list of box types.
func PageCount ¶
func PageCount(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (int, error)
PageCount returns rs's page count.
func PageCountFile ¶
PageCountFile returns inFile's page count.
func PageDims ¶
func PageDims(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) ([]types.Dim, error)
PageDims returns a sorted slice of mediaBox dimensions for rs.
func PageDimsFile ¶
PageDimsFile returns a sorted slice of mediaBox dimensions for inFile.
func PageLayout ¶
func PageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageLayout, error)
PageLayout returns rs's page layout.
func PageLayoutFile ¶
func PageLayoutFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageLayout, error)
PageLayoutFile returns inFile's page layout.
func PageMode ¶
func PageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.PageMode, error)
PageMode returns rs's page mode.
func PageModeFile ¶
PageModeFile returns inFile's page mode.
func PagesForPageCollection ¶
PagesForPageCollection returns a slice of page numbers for a page collection. Any page number in any order any number of times allowed.
func PagesForPageRange ¶
PagesForPageRange returns a slice of page numbers for a page range.
func PagesForPageSelection ¶
func PagesForPageSelection(pageCount int, pageSelection []string, ensureAllforNone bool, log bool) (types.IntSet, error)
PagesForPageSelection ensures a set of page numbers for an ascending page sequence where each page number may appear only once.
func ParsePageSelection ¶
ParsePageSelection ensures a correct page selection expression.
func Permissions ¶
func Permissions(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (int, error)
Permissions returns user access permissions for rs.
func Poster ¶
func Poster(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, selectedPages []string, cut *model.Cut, conf *model.Configuration) error
Poster applies cut for selected pages of rs and generates corresponding poster tiles in outDir.
func PosterFile ¶
func PosterFile(inFile, outDir, outFile string, selectedPages []string, cut *model.Cut, conf *model.Configuration) error
PosterFile applies cut for selected pages of inFile and generates corresponding poster tiles in outDir.
func Properties ¶
func Properties(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (map[string]string, error)
Properties returns rs's properties as recorded in infoDict.
func ReadAndValidate ¶
func ReadAndValidate(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (ctx *model.Context, err error)
ReadAndValidate returns a model.Context of rs ready for processing.
func ReadContext ¶
func ReadContext(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.Context, error)
ReadContext uses an io.ReadSeeker to build an internal structure holding its cross reference table aka the Context.
func ReadContextFile ¶
ReadContextFile returns inFile's validated context.
func ReadValidateAndOptimize ¶
func ReadValidateAndOptimize(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (ctx *model.Context, err error)
ReadValidateAndOptimize returns an optimized model.Context of rs ready for processing a specific command. conf.Cmd is expected to be configured properly.
func RemoveAnnotations ¶
func RemoveAnnotations(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages, idsAndTypes []string, objNrs []int, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveAnnotations removes annotations for selected pages by id and object number from a PDF context read from rs and writes the result to w.
func RemoveAnnotationsAsIncrement ¶
func RemoveAnnotationsAsIncrement(rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, selectedPages, idsAndTypes []string, objNrs []int, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveAnnotationsAsIncrement removes annotations for selected pages by ids and object number from a PDF context read from rs and writes out a PDF increment.
func RemoveAnnotationsFile ¶
func RemoveAnnotationsFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages, idsAndTypes []string, objNrs []int, conf *model.Configuration, incr bool) (err error)
RemoveAnnotationsFile removes annotations for selected pages by id and object number from a PDF context read from inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func RemoveAttachments ¶
func RemoveAttachments(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveAttachments deletes embedded files from a PDF context read from rs and writes the result to w.
func RemoveAttachmentsFile ¶
func RemoveAttachmentsFile(inFile, outFile string, files []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemoveAttachmentsFile deletes embedded files from a PDF context read from inFile and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Remove 1 attachment from in.pdf. RemoveAttachmentsFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"img.jpg"}, nil) // Remove all attachments from in.pdf RemoveAttachmentsFile("in.pdf", "", nil, nil)
func RemoveBookmarks ¶
func RemoveBookmarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveBookmarks deletes outlines from rs and writes the result to w.
func RemoveBookmarksFile ¶
func RemoveBookmarksFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemoveBookmarksFile deletes outlines from inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func RemoveBoxes ¶
func RemoveBoxes(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, pb *model.PageBoundaries, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveBoxes removes page boundaries as specified in pb for selected pages of rs and writes result to w.
func RemoveBoxesFile ¶
func RemoveBoxesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, pb *model.PageBoundaries, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemoveBoxesFile removes page boundaries as specified in pb for selected pages of inFile and writes result to outFile.
func RemoveFormFields ¶
func RemoveFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveFormFields deletes form fields in rs and writes the result to w.
func RemoveFormFieldsFile ¶
func RemoveFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemoveFormFieldsFile deletes form fields in inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func RemoveKeywords ¶
func RemoveKeywords(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, keywords []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveKeywords deletes keywords from rs's infodict and writes the result to w.
func RemoveKeywordsFile ¶
func RemoveKeywordsFile(inFile, outFile string, keywords []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemoveKeywordsFile deletes keywords from inFile's infodict and writes the result to outFile.
func RemovePages ¶
func RemovePages(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemovePages removes selected pages from rs and writes the result to w.
func RemovePagesFile ¶
func RemovePagesFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemovePagesFile removes selected inFile pages and writes the result to outFile..
Example ¶
// Remove pages 2 and 8 of in.pdf. RemovePagesFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"2", "8"}, nil) // Remove first 2 pages of in.pdf. RemovePagesFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"-2"}, nil) // Remove all pages >= 10 of in.pdf. RemovePagesFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"10-"}, nil)
func RemoveProperties ¶
func RemoveProperties(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, properties []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveProperties deletes properties from rs's infodict and writes the result to w.
func RemovePropertiesFile ¶
func RemovePropertiesFile(inFile, outFile string, properties []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemovePropertiesFile deletes properties from inFile's infodict and writes the result to outFile.
func RemoveWatermarks ¶
func RemoveWatermarks(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
RemoveWatermarks removes watermarks from all pages selected in rs and writes the result to w.
func RemoveWatermarksFile ¶
func RemoveWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RemoveWatermarksFile removes watermarks from all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Add a "Demo" stamp to all pages of in.pdf along the diagonal running from lower left to upper right. onTop := true update := false wm, _ := TextWatermark("Demo", "", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, wm, nil) // Update stamp for correction: update = true wm, _ = TextWatermark("Confidential", "", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, wm, nil) // Add another watermark on top of page 1 wm, _ = TextWatermark("Footer stamp", "c:.5 1 1, pos:bc", onTop, update, types.POINTS) AddWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, wm, nil) // Remove watermark on page 1 RemoveWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"1"}, nil) // Remove all watermarks RemoveWatermarksFile("in.pdf", "", nil, nil)
func ResetFormFields ¶
func ResetFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ResetFormFields resets form fields of rs and writes the result to w.
func ResetFormFieldsFile ¶
func ResetFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ResetFormFieldsFile resets form fields of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func ResetPageLayout ¶
func ResetPageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
ResetPageLayout resets rs's page layout and writes the result to w.
func ResetPageLayoutFile ¶
func ResetPageLayoutFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ResetPageLayoutFile resets inFile's page layout and writes the result to outFile.
func ResetPageMode ¶
func ResetPageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
ResetPageMode resets rs's page mode and writes the result to w.
func ResetPageModeFile ¶
func ResetPageModeFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ResetPageModeFile resets inFile's page mode and writes the result to outFile.
func ResetViewerPreferences ¶
func ResetViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
ResetViewerPreferences resets rs's viewer preferences and writes the result to w.
func ResetViewerPreferencesFile ¶
func ResetViewerPreferencesFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ResetViewerPreferencesFile resets inFile's viewer preferences and writes the result to outFile.
func Resize ¶
func Resize(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, resize *model.Resize, conf *model.Configuration) error
Resize applies resizeConf for selected pages of rs and writes result to w.
func ResizeFile ¶
func ResizeFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, resize *model.Resize, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
ResizeFile applies resizeConf for selected pages of inFile and writes result to outFile.
func Rotate ¶
func Rotate(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, rotation int, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
Rotate rotates selected pages of rs clockwise by rotation degrees and writes the result to w.
func RotateFile ¶
func RotateFile(inFile, outFile string, rotation int, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
RotateFile rotates selected pages of inFile clockwise by rotation degrees and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Rotate all pages of in.pdf, clockwise by 90 degrees and write the result to out.pdf. RotateFile("in.pdf", "out.pdf", 90, nil, nil) // Rotate the first page of in.pdf by 180 degrees. // If you want to modify the original file, pass an empty string as outFile. RotateFile("in.pdf", "", 180, []string{"1"}, nil)
func SetPageLayout ¶
func SetPageLayout(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, val model.PageLayout, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetPageLayout sets rs's page layout and writes the result to w.
func SetPageLayoutFile ¶
func SetPageLayoutFile(inFile, outFile string, val model.PageLayout, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
SetPageLayoutFile sets inFile's page layout and writes the result to outFile.
func SetPageMode ¶
func SetPageMode(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, val model.PageMode, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetPageMode sets rs's page mode and writes the result to w.
func SetPageModeFile ¶
func SetPageModeFile(inFile, outFile string, val model.PageMode, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
SetPageModeFile sets inFile's page mode and writes the result to outFile.
func SetPermissions ¶
func SetPermissions(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetPermissions sets user access permissions. inFile has to be encrypted. A configuration containing the current passwords is required.
func SetPermissionsFile ¶
func SetPermissionsFile(inFile, outFile string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
SetPermissionsFile sets inFile's user access permissions. inFile has to be encrypted. A configuration containing the current passwords is required.
Example ¶
// Setting all permissions for the AES-256 encrypted in.pdf. conf := model.NewAESConfiguration("upw", "opw", 256) conf.Permissions = model.PermissionsAll SetPermissionsFile("in.pdf", "", conf) // Restricting permissions for the AES-256 encrypted in.pdf. conf = model.NewAESConfiguration("upw", "opw", 256) conf.Permissions = model.PermissionsNone SetPermissionsFile("in.pdf", "", conf)
func SetViewerPreferences ¶
func SetViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, vp model.ViewerPreferences, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetViewerPreferences sets rs's viewer preferences and writes the result to w.
func SetViewerPreferencesFile ¶
func SetViewerPreferencesFile(inFile, outFile string, vp model.ViewerPreferences, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
SetViewerPreferencesFile sets inFile's viewer preferences and writes the result to outFile.
func SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONBytes ¶
func SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONBytes(inFile, outFile string, jsonBytes []byte, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONBytes sets inFile's viewer preferences corresponding to jsonBytes and writes the result to outFile.
func SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONFile ¶
func SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONFile(inFilePDF, outFilePDF, inFileJSON string, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetViewerPreferencesFileFromJSONFile sets inFile's viewer preferences corresponding to inFileJSON and writes the result to outFile.
func SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONBytes ¶
func SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONBytes(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, jsonBytes []byte, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONBytes sets rs's viewer preferences corresponding to jsonBytes and writes the result to w.
func SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONReader ¶
func SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONReader(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, rd io.Reader, conf *model.Configuration) error
SetViewerPreferencesFromJSONReader sets rs's viewer preferences corresponding to rd and writes the result to w.
func Split ¶
func Split(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, span int, conf *model.Configuration) error
Split generates a sequence of PDF files in outDir for the PDF stream read from rs obeying given split span. If span == 1 splitting results in single page PDFs. If span == 0 we split along given bookmarks (level 1 only). Default span: 1
func SplitByPageNr ¶
func SplitByPageNr(rs io.ReadSeeker, outDir, fileName string, pageNrs []int, conf *model.Configuration) error
SplitFile generates a sequence of PDF files in outDir for rs splitting along pageNrs.
func SplitByPageNrFile ¶
func SplitByPageNrFile(inFile, outDir string, pageNrs []int, conf *model.Configuration) error
SplitFile generates a sequence of PDF files in outDir for inFile splitting it along pageNrs.
func SplitFile ¶
func SplitFile(inFile, outDir string, span int, conf *model.Configuration) error
SplitFile generates a sequence of PDF files in outDir for inFile obeying given split span. If span == 1 splitting results in single page PDFs. If span == 0 we split along given bookmarks (level 1 only). Default span: 1
Example ¶
// Create single page PDFs for in.pdf in outDir using the default configuration. SplitFile("in.pdf", "outDir", 1, nil) // Create dual page PDFs for in.pdf in outDir using the default configuration. SplitFile("in.pdf", "outDir", 2, nil) // Create a sequence of PDFs representing bookmark secions. SplitFile("in.pdf", "outDir", 0, nil)
func TextWatermark ¶
func TextWatermark(text, desc string, onTop, update bool, u types.DisplayUnit) (*model.Watermark, error)
TextWatermark returns a text watermark configuration.
func Trim ¶
func Trim(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
Trim generates a trimmed version of rs containing all selected pages and writes the result to w.
func TrimFile ¶
func TrimFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
TrimFile generates a trimmed version of inFile containing all selected pages and writes the result to outFile.
Example ¶
// Create a trimmed version of in.pdf containing odd page numbers only. TrimFile("in.pdf", "outFile", []string{"odd"}, nil) // Create a trimmed version of in.pdf containing the first two pages only. // If you want to modify the original file, pass an empty string for outFile. TrimFile("in.pdf", "", []string{"1-2"}, nil)
func UnlockFormFields ¶
func UnlockFormFields(rs io.ReadSeeker, w io.Writer, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
UnlockFormFields makess form fields in rs writeable and writes the result to w.
func UnlockFormFieldsFile ¶
func UnlockFormFieldsFile(inFile, outFile string, fieldIDsOrNames []string, conf *model.Configuration) (err error)
UnlockFormFieldsFile makes form fields of inFile writeable and writes the result to outFile.
func UpdateImageWatermarksFile ¶
func UpdateImageWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, fileName, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
UpdateImageWatermarksFile adds image stamps/watermarks to all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func UpdatePDFWatermarksFile ¶
func UpdatePDFWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, fileName, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
UpdatePDFWatermarksFile adds PDF stamps/watermarks to all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func UpdateTextWatermarksFile ¶
func UpdateTextWatermarksFile(inFile, outFile string, selectedPages []string, onTop bool, text, desc string, conf *model.Configuration) error
UpdateTextWatermarksFile adds text stamps/watermarks to all selected pages of inFile and writes the result to outFile.
func Validate ¶
func Validate(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) error
Validate validates a PDF stream read from rs.
func ValidateContext ¶
ValidateContext validates ctx.
func ValidateFile ¶
func ValidateFile(inFile string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ValidateFile validates inFile.
Example ¶
// Use the default configuration to validate in.pdf. ValidateFile("in.pdf", nil)
func ValidateFiles ¶
func ValidateFiles(inFiles []string, conf *model.Configuration) error
ValidateFiles validates inFiles.
func ViewerPreferences ¶
func ViewerPreferences(rs io.ReadSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.ViewerPreferences, *model.Version, error)
ViewerPreferences returns rs's viewer preferences.
func ViewerPreferencesFile ¶
func ViewerPreferencesFile(inFile string, all bool, conf *model.Configuration) (*model.ViewerPreferences, error)
ViewerPreferences returns inFile's viewer preferences.
func WatermarkContext ¶
WatermarkContext applies wm for selected pages to ctx.
func WriteContext ¶
WriteContext writes ctx to w.
func WriteContextFile ¶
WriteContextFile writes ctx to outFile.
func WriteIncr ¶
func WriteIncr(ctx *model.Context, rws io.ReadWriteSeeker, conf *model.Configuration) error
func WriteIncrement ¶
WriteIncrement writes a PDF increment for ctx to w.
func WritePage ¶
WritePage consumes an io.Reader containing some PDF bytes and writes to outDir/fileName.
Types ¶
type PageSpan ¶
func SplitRaw ¶
func SplitRaw(rs io.ReadSeeker, span int, conf *model.Configuration) ([]*PageSpan, error)
SplitRaw returns page spans for the PDF stream read from rs obeying given split span. If span == 1 splitting results in single page PDFs. If span == 0 we split along given bookmarks (level 1 only). Default span: 1
Source Files
- annotation.go
- api.go
- attach.go
- booklet.go
- bookmark.go
- box.go
- collect.go
- create.go
- crypto.go
- cut.go
- extract.go
- font.go
- form.go
- image.go
- importImage.go
- info.go
- keyword.go
- merge.go
- nup.go
- optimize.go
- page.go
- pageLayout.go
- pageMode.go
- permission.go
- property.go
- resize.go
- rotate.go
- selectPages.go
- split.go
- stamp.go
- trim.go
- validate.go
- viewerPreferences.go
- zoom.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package pdfcpu is a PDF processing library written in Go supporting encryption.
Package pdfcpu is a PDF processing library written in Go supporting encryption. |
Package validate implements validation against PDF 32000-1:2008.
Package validate implements validation against PDF 32000-1:2008. |
Package metrics provides font metrics for the PDF standard fonts.
Package metrics provides font metrics for the PDF standard fonts. |
Package filter contains PDF filter implementations.
Package filter contains PDF filter implementations. |
Package font provides support for TrueType fonts.
Package font provides support for TrueType fonts. |
Package log provides a logging abstraction.
Package log provides a logging abstraction. |