This plugin aims to deliver a feature-rich, high quality, high performance IDE experience for Jsonnet. It is designed to work in large repositories with deeply nested imports.
- Syntax Highliting and Basic Editing features
- Snippets
- Custom linting code that is able to deal with large codebases
- The analysis code is optimized for real-time linting, and can return in <5ms when the normal linter could take minutes.
- Formatting
- Delta text update support for efficient editing
- Designed to remain performant in large repos with many files open
- Automatic detection of
for generated files
- Type and Value Deduction
- Supports imported files
- Able to follow variables, function return values, and array/object indexing
- Autocomplete
- Stdlib support with documentation and typed signatures
- Scoped variable completion
- Dotted autocomplete
- Template object field completion
- Import path completion for files
- Go to Definition
- Can follow definitions in other files, including json files
- Hover Information
- Function Signature Help
- AST Recovery
- The LSP is able recover common syntax issues while typing (like a missing semicolon) for a smoother experience
Missing Features
These are features I consider pretty important that are still missing:
- More type deduction logic and analysis
- More IDE options (options for linting, jpath, etc)
- First class multi-dimension jsonnet support
- To develop the LSP, change the
setting to the runlsp.sh
script in the root. Reloading the LSP in vscode (shift+cmd+p -> jsonnet: reload language server) will rebuild the server.
- To develop the client, open
in vscode, and hit F5 to open a debug build of the client. Generally developing the LSP does not need a debug version of the client.
- Github actions are setup to publish to OpenVSX automatically when a release is created
- The LSP binaries are bundled into the
extension, to help reduce bugs from version skew and simplify installation.
Editor setup
Emacs 29.1 has built in support for eglot and use-package. Assuming a functional package setup to download and install jsonnet-mode for Emacs. The below snippet will setup jsonnet-mode with jsonnet-lsp as language server using eglot.
(use-package jsonnet-mode
:ensure t
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
'(jsonnet-mode . ("jsonnet-lsp" "lsp")))
:mode (
("\\.jsonnet\\'" . jsonnet-mode)
("\\.jsonnet.TEMPLATE\\'" . jsonnet-mode)
(jsonnet-mode . (lambda()
The above snippet assumes that jsonnet-lsp
is installed into the PATH. Using the runlsp.sh
script to dynamically build jsonnet-lsp on startup, a small update to the eglot-server-programs is needed.
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
'(jsonnet-mode . ("/full/path/to/repo/jsonnet-lsp/runlsp.sh")))
This recipe uses nvim-lspconfig to setup jsonnet-lsp with neovim.
You will need to install the nvim-lspconfig
plugin uses its instructions. Then, in you lua setup file (e.g. ~/.config/nvim/init.lua, see the official docs for setup) you can add:
local nvim_lsp = require('lspconfig')
cmd = { "/path/to/jsonnet-lsp/runlsp.sh" },
filetypes = { "jsonnet", "libsonnet", ".jsonnet.template" },
root_dir = nvm_lsp.util.root_pattern(".git", vim.fn.getcwd()),
settings = {},