The problem
You develop a lot of sites on your computer and can never remember if a particular site is on port 3000, 3001, 8000, 8080, etc. etc.
The solution
Portfor returns a deterministic hash for a given argument suitable for use as an unpriviledged port number. As a special case, it trims www.
or local.
prefixes from its argument.
$ portfor example.com
$ portfor www.example.com
$ portfor -h
portfor v0.21.1
portfor returns a deterministic hash for a given argument suitable for use as an
unpriviledged port number. As a special case, it trims "www." or "local." prefixes
from its argument.
-l output localhost address (change string format with $PORTFOR_LOCALHOST)
$ PORT=$(portfor example.com) run-dev-server.sh
# server starts up on port 24250
$ another-run-script.sh -p $(portfor example.com)
# server starts up on port 24250
$ open $(portfor -l example.com)
# web browser opens to http://localhost:24250
Requires Go to be installed.
$ go install github.com/carlmjohnson/portfor@latest