Carbon is a Lua Application Toolkit with focus on Web Servers, written in Go.
go get -u
To get this list, just type carbon -h
Usage of carbon:
-cert="": Certificate File for HTTPS
-config="": Parse Config File
-debug=false: Show debug information
-eval="": Eval Lua Code
-gzip=false: Use GZIP
-host="": IP of Host to bind the Webserver on
-http=true: Listen HTTP
-http2=false: Enable HTTP/2
-https=false: Listen HTTPS
-key="": Key File for HTTPS
-logger=true: Log Request information
-port=8080: Port to run Webserver on (HTTP)
-ports=8443: Port to run Webserver on (HTTPS)
-recovery=false: Recover from Panics
-repl=false: Run REPL
-root=".": Path to Web Root
-script="": Parse Lua Script as initialization
-states=8: Number of Preinitialized Lua States
-workers=8: Number of Worker threads.
HTML Generation system
Let's start with an example:
doctype( -- Always start with the doctype
tag"head"( -- Put your tags here.
tag"title"("Hello World!")
tag"body"( -- To put more than one tag in an existing tag, just put a comma after the inside tag and write your other tag after that.
tag"a"[{href=""}]("Link to my page!"), -- Supply arguments like that.
link("")("Another link to my page!") -- Same thing as above, with a small helper function.
This template language can be used both in static and dynamic configuration.
More info
Check the wiki!
Copyright (c) 2015 Adrian Pistol
Third party software included with this may have different licenses. Check /builtin/NOTICE.txt.