
v1.5.2 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jul 5, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Activation

type Activation struct {
	ActiveByDefault bool               `xml:"activeByDefault"`
	JDK             string             `xml:"jdk"`
	OS              ActivationOS       `xml:"os"`
	Property        ActivationProperty `xml:"property"`
	File            ActivationFile     `xml:"file"`

type ActivationFile

type ActivationFile struct {
	Missing string `xml:"missing"`
	Exists  string `xml:"exists"`

type ActivationOS

type ActivationOS struct {
	Name    string `xml:"name"`
	Family  string `xml:"family"`
	Arch    string `xml:"arch"`
	Version string `xml:"version"`

type ActivationProperty

type ActivationProperty struct {
	Name  string `xml:"name"`
	Value string `xml:"value"`

type Build

type Build struct {
	SourceDirectory       string      `xml:"sourceDirectory"`
	ScriptSourceDirectory string      `xml:"scriptSourceDirectory"`
	TestSourceDirectory   string      `xml:"testSourceDirectory"`
	OutputDirectory       string      `xml:"outputDirectory"`
	TestOutputDirectory   string      `xml:"testOutputDirectory"`
	Extensions            []Extension `xml:"extensions>extension"`

type BuildBase

type BuildBase struct {
	DefaultGoal      string           `xml:"defaultGoal"`
	Resources        []Resource       `xml:"resources>resource"`
	TestResources    []Resource       `xml:"testResources>testResource"`
	Directory        string           `xml:"directory"`
	FinalName        string           `xml:"finalName"`
	Filters          []string         `xml:"filters>filter"`
	PluginManagement PluginManagement `xml:"pluginManagement"`
	Plugins          []Plugin         `xml:"plugins>plugin"`

type CIManagement

type CIManagement struct {
	System    string     `xml:"system"`
	URL       string     `xml:"url"`
	Notifiers []Notifier `xml:"notifiers>notifier"`

type CargoMetadata

type CargoMetadata struct {
	Name         string   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Version      string   `json:"version,omitempty"`
	Source       string   `json:"source,omitempty"`
	Checksum     string   `json:"checksum,omitempty"`
	Dependencies []string `json:"dependencies,omitempty"`

CargoMetadata rust metadata

type ComposerMetadata

type ComposerMetadata struct {
	Readme           []string          `json:"_readme"`
	ContentHash      string            `json:"content-hash"`
	Packages         []ComposerPackage `json:"packages"`
	PackagesDev      []ComposerPackage `json:"packages-dev"`
	Aliases          []string          `json:"aliases"`
	MinimumStability string            `json:"minimum-stability"`
	StabilityFlags   interface{}       `json:"stability-flags"`
	PreferStable     bool              `json:"prefer-stable"`
	PreferLowest     bool              `json:"prefer-lowest"`
	Platform         interface{}       `json:"platform"`
	PlatformDev      interface{}       `json:"platform-dev"`

ComposerMetadata - composer file metadata

type ComposerObject

type ComposerObject map[string]interface{}

ComposerObject common objects for composer metadata

type ComposerPackage

type ComposerPackage struct {
	Name            string           `json:"name"`
	Version         string           `json:"version"`
	Source          ComposerObject   `json:"source"`
	Dist            ComposerObject   `json:"dist"`
	Require         ComposerObject   `json:"require"`
	Provide         ComposerObject   `json:"provide"`
	RequireDev      ComposerObject   `json:"require-dev"`
	Suggest         ComposerObject   `json:"suggest"`
	Type            string           `json:"type"`
	Extract         ComposerObject   `json:"extra"`
	Autoload        ComposerObject   `json:"autoload"`
	NotificationURL string           `json:"notification-url"`
	License         []string         `json:"license"`
	Authors         []ComposerObject `json:"authors"`
	Description     string           `json:"description"`
	Homepage        string           `json:"homepage"`
	Keywords        []string         `json:"keywords"`
	Time            string           `json:"time"`

ComposerPackage - composer packages

type ConanLockMetadata

type ConanLockMetadata struct {
	GraphLock GraphLock `json:"graph_lock"`
	Version   string    `json:"version"`

ConanLockMetadata conan.lock metadata

type ConanLockNode

type ConanLockNode struct {
	Ref            string      `json:"ref"`
	Path           string      `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Context        string      `json:"context,omitempty"`
	Requires       []string    `json:"requires,omitempty"`
	PackageID      string      `json:"package_id,omitempty"`
	Prev           string      `json:"prev,omitempty"`
	BuildRequires  string      `json:"build_requires,omitempty"`
	PythonRequires string      `json:"py_requires,omitempty"`
	Options        interface{} `json:"options,omitempty"`

ConanLockNode conan.lock packages metadata

type ConanMetadata

type ConanMetadata struct {
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Version string `json:"version"`

ConanMetadata conan metadata

type Contributor

type Contributor struct {
	Name            string     `xml:"name"`
	Email           string     `xml:"email"`
	URL             string     `xml:"url"`
	Organization    string     `xml:"organization"`
	OrganizationURL string     `xml:"organizationUrl"`
	Roles           []string   `xml:"roles>role"`
	Timezone        string     `xml:"timezone"`
	Properties      Properties `xml:"properties"`

type Contributors

type Contributors struct {
	Name     string `json:"name" mapstruct:"name"`
	Username string `json:"email" mapstruct:"username"`
	URL      string `json:"url" mapstruct:"url"`

Contributors - PackageJSON contributors

type Dependency

type Dependency struct {
	GroupID    string      `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID string      `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version    string      `xml:"version"`
	Type       string      `xml:"type"`
	Classifier string      `xml:"classifier"`
	Scope      string      `xml:"scope"`
	SystemPath string      `xml:"systemPath"`
	Exclusions []Exclusion `xml:"exclusions>exclusion"`
	Optional   string      `xml:"optional"`

type DependencyManagement

type DependencyManagement struct {
	Dependencies []Dependency `xml:"dependencies>dependency"`

type Developer

type Developer struct {
	ID              string     `xml:"id"`
	Name            string     `xml:"name"`
	Email           string     `xml:"email"`
	URL             string     `xml:"url"`
	Organization    string     `xml:"organization"`
	OrganizationURL string     `xml:"organizationUrl"`
	Roles           []string   `xml:"roles>role"`
	Timezone        string     `xml:"timezone"`
	Properties      Properties `xml:"properties"`

type DistributionManagement

type DistributionManagement struct {
	Repository         Repository `xml:"repository"`
	SnapshotRepository Repository `xml:"snapshotRepository"`
	Site               Site       `xml:"site"`
	DownloadURL        string     `xml:"downloadUrl"`
	Relocation         Relocation `xml:"relocation"`
	Status             string     `xml:"status"`

type DotnetDeps

type DotnetDeps struct {
	Libraries map[string]DotnetLibrary `json:"libraries"`

DotnetDeps - .NET Dependencies

type DotnetLibrary

type DotnetLibrary struct {
	Type     string `json:"type"`
	Path     string `json:"path"`
	Sha512   string `json:"sha512"`
	HashPath string `json:"hashPath"`

DotnetLibrary - .NET libraries

type Exclusion

type Exclusion struct {
	ArtifactID string `xml:"artifactId"`
	GroupID    string `xml:"groupId"`

type Extension

type Extension struct {
	GroupID    string `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID string `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version    string `xml:"version"`

type GoBinMetadata

type GoBinMetadata struct {
	Architecture     string `json:"architecture,omitempty"`
	Compiler         string `json:"compiler,omitempty"`
	OS               string `json:"os,omitempty"`
	GoCompileRelease string `json:"goCompileRelease,omitempty"`
	H1Digest         string `json:"h1Digest,omitempty"`
	Path             string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Version          string `json:"version,omitempty"`

GoBinMetadata go binary metadata

type GoDevelMetadata

type GoDevelMetadata struct {
	Path             string `json:"path"`
	Version          string `json:"version"`
	GoCompileRelease string `json:"goCompileRelease"`

GoDevelMetadata - go devel metadata

type GoModMetadata

type GoModMetadata struct {
	Path    string `json:"path"`
	Version string `json:"version"`

GoModMetadata go module metadata

type GraphLock

type GraphLock struct {
	Nodes            map[string]ConanLockNode `json:"nodes"`
	RevisionsEnabled bool                     `json:"revisions_enabled"`

GraphLock conan.lock metadata containing nodes

type Hackage

type Hackage struct {
	Hackage string `yaml:"hackage"`

Hackage metadata

type HackageMetadata

type HackageMetadata struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Version     string `json:"version"`
	PkgHash     string `json:"pkgHash,omitempty"`
	Size        string `json:"size,omitempty"`
	Revision    string `json:"revision,omitempty"`
	SnapshotURL string `json:"snapshotURL,omitempty"`

HackageMetadata haskell packages metadata

type HexMetadata

type HexMetadata struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Version    string `json:"version"`
	PkgHash    string `json:"pkgHash,omitempty"`
	PkgHashExt string `json:"pkgHashExt,omitempty"`

type IssueManagement

type IssueManagement struct {
	System string `xml:"system"`
	URL    string `xml:"url"`

type License

type License struct {
	Name         string `xml:"name"`
	URL          string `xml:"url"`
	Distribution string `xml:"distribution"`
	Comments     string `xml:"comments"`

type LockDependency

type LockDependency struct {
	Version   string `json:"version"`
	Resolved  string `json:"resolved"`
	Integrity string `json:"integrity"`
	Requires  map[string]string

LockDependency - PackageLock dependencies

type MailingList

type MailingList struct {
	Name          string   `xml:"name"`
	Subscribe     string   `xml:"subscribe"`
	Unsubscribe   string   `xml:"unsubscribe"`
	Post          string   `xml:"post"`
	Archive       string   `xml:"archive"`
	OtherArchives []string `xml:"otherArchives>otherArchive"`

type Notifier

type Notifier struct {
	Type          string     `xml:"type"`
	SendOnError   bool       `xml:"sendOnError"`
	SendOnFailure bool       `xml:"sendOnFailure"`
	SendOnSuccess bool       `xml:"sendOnSuccess"`
	SendOnWarning bool       `xml:"sendOnWarning"`
	Address       string     `xml:"address"`
	Configuration Properties `xml:"configuration"`

type Organization

type Organization struct {
	Name string `xml:"name"`
	URL  string `xml:"url"`

type PackageJSON

type PackageJSON struct {
	Version      string                 `json:"version"`
	Latest       []string               `json:"latest"`
	Contributors interface{}            `json:"contributors"`
	License      interface{}            `json:"license"`
	Name         string                 `json:"name"`
	Homepage     string                 `json:"homepage"`
	Description  string                 `json:"description"`
	Dependencies map[string]interface{} `json:"dependencies"`
	Repository   interface{}            `json:"repository"`
	Author       interface{}            `json:"author"`

PackageJSON - packages.json model

type PackageLock

type PackageLock struct {
	Requires        bool `json:"requires"`
	LockfileVersion int  `json:"lockfileVersion"`
	Dependencies    map[string]LockDependency

PackageLock - PackageLock model

type Parent

type Parent struct {
	GroupID      string `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID   string `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version      string `xml:"version"`
	RelativePath string `xml:"relativePath"`

type Plugin

type Plugin struct {
	GroupID      string            `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID   string            `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version      string            `xml:"version"`
	Extensions   string            `xml:"extensions"`
	Executions   []PluginExecution `xml:"executions>execution"`
	Dependencies []Dependency      `xml:"dependencies>dependency"`
	Inherited    string            `xml:"inherited"`

type PluginExecution

type PluginExecution struct {
	ID        string   `xml:"id"`
	Phase     string   `xml:"phase"`
	Goals     []string `xml:"goals>goal"`
	Inherited string   `xml:"inherited"`

type PluginManagement

type PluginManagement struct {
	Plugins []Plugin `xml:"plugins>plugin"`

type PluginRepository

type PluginRepository struct {
	Releases  RepositoryPolicy `xml:"releases"`
	Snapshots RepositoryPolicy `xml:"snapshots"`
	ID        string           `xml:"id"`
	Name      string           `xml:"name"`
	URL       string           `xml:"url"`
	Layout    string           `xml:"layout"`

type PodFileLockMetadata

type PodFileLockMetadata struct {
	Pods          []interface{}     `yaml:"PODS"`
	Dependencies  []string          `yaml:"DEPENDENCIES"`
	SpecChecksums map[string]string `yaml:"SPEC CHECKSUMS"`
	Cocoapods     string            `yaml:"COCOAPODS"`

Swift and Objective-C Podfile Lock Metadata

type PodFileLockMetadataCheckSums

type PodFileLockMetadataCheckSums struct {
	Checksums string `json:"checksum"`

type PomRepository

type PomRepository struct {
	UniqueVersion bool             `xml:"uniqueVersion"`
	Releases      RepositoryPolicy `xml:"releases"`
	Snapshots     RepositoryPolicy `xml:"snapshots"`
	ID            string           `xml:"id"`
	Name          string           `xml:"name"`
	URL           string           `xml:"url"`
	Layout        string           `xml:"layout"`

type PortageDigest

type PortageDigest struct {
	Algorithm string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"`
	Value     string `json:"value,omitempty"`

PortageDigest file digest metadata

type PortageFile

type PortageFile struct {
	Path   string        `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Digest PortageDigest `json:"digest,omitempty"`

PortageFile file metadata

type PortageMetadata

type PortageMetadata struct {
	Size  int           `json:"size,omitempty"`
	Files []PortageFile `json:"files,omitempty"`

PortageMetadata portage metadata

type Prerequisites

type Prerequisites struct {
	Maven string `xml:"maven"`

type Profile

type Profile struct {
	ID                     string                 `xml:"id"`
	Activation             Activation             `xml:"activation"`
	Build                  BuildBase              `xml:"build"`
	Modules                []string               `xml:"modules>module"`
	DistributionManagement DistributionManagement `xml:"distributionManagement"`
	Properties             Properties             `xml:"properties"`
	DependencyManagement   DependencyManagement   `xml:"dependencyManagement"`
	Dependencies           []Dependency           `xml:"dependencies>dependency"`
	Repositories           []Repository           `xml:"repositories>repository"`
	PluginRepositories     []PluginRepository     `xml:"pluginRepositories>pluginRepository"`
	Reporting              Reporting              `xml:"reporting"`

type Project

type Project struct {
	XMLName                xml.Name               `xml:"project"`
	ModelVersion           string                 `xml:"modelVersion"`
	Parent                 Parent                 `xml:"parent"`
	GroupID                string                 `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID             string                 `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version                string                 `xml:"version"`
	Packaging              string                 `xml:"packaging"`
	Name                   string                 `xml:"name"`
	Description            string                 `xml:"description"`
	URL                    string                 `xml:"url"`
	InceptionYear          string                 `xml:"inceptionYear"`
	Organization           Organization           `xml:"organization"`
	Licenses               []License              `xml:"licenses>license"`
	Developers             []Developer            `xml:"developers>developer"`
	Contributors           []Contributor          `xml:"contributors>contributor"`
	MailingLists           []MailingList          `xml:"mailingLists>mailingList"`
	Prerequisites          Prerequisites          `xml:"prerequisites"`
	Modules                []string               `xml:"modules>module"`
	SCM                    Scm                    `xml:"scm"`
	IssueManagement        IssueManagement        `xml:"issueManagement"`
	CIManagement           CIManagement           `xml:"ciManagement"`
	DistributionManagement DistributionManagement `xml:"distributionManagement"`
	DependencyManagement   DependencyManagement   `xml:"dependencyManagement"`
	Dependencies           []Dependency           `json:"dependencies>dependency" xml:"dependencies>dependency"`
	Repositories           []PomRepository        `xml:"repositories>repository"`
	PluginRepositories     []PluginRepository     `xml:"pluginRepositories>pluginRepository"`
	Build                  Build                  `xml:"build"`
	Reporting              Reporting              `xml:"reporting"`
	Profiles               []Profile              `xml:"profiles>profile"`
	Properties             Properties             `xml:"properties"`

type Properties

type Properties struct {
	Entries map[string]string

type PubspecLockDescription

type PubspecLockDescription struct {
	Name string `yaml:"name"`
	URL  string `yaml:"url"`

type PubspecLockMetadata

type PubspecLockMetadata struct {
	Dependency  string                 `yaml:"dependency"`
	Description PubspecLockDescription `yaml:"description"`
	Source      string                 `yaml:"source"`
	Version     string                 `yaml:"version"`

type PubspecLockPackage

type PubspecLockPackage struct {
	Packages map[string]PubspecLockMetadata `yaml:"packages"`

type RPMMetadata

type RPMMetadata struct {
	Release         string `json:"release,omitempty"`
	Architecture    string `json:"architecture,omitempty"`
	SourceRpm       string `json:"sourceRpm,omitempty"`
	License         string `json:"license,omitempty"`
	Size            int    `json:"size,omitempty"`
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PGP             string `json:"pgp,omitempty"`
	ModularityLabel string `json:"modularityLabel,omitempty"`
	Summary         string `json:"summary,omitempty"`
	Vendor          string `json:"vendor,omitempty"`
	Version         string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	Epoch           int    `json:"epoch,omitempty"`
	DigestAlgorithm string `json:"digestAlgorithm,omitempty"`

RPMMetadata rpm metadata

type Relocation

type Relocation struct {
	GroupID    string `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID string `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version    string `xml:"version"`
	Message    string `xml:"message"`

type ReportSet

type ReportSet struct {
	ID        string   `xml:"id"`
	Reports   []string `xml:"reports>report"`
	Inherited string   `xml:"inherited"`

type Reporting

type Reporting struct {
	ExcludeDefaults string            `xml:"excludeDefaults"`
	OutputDirectory string            `xml:"outputDirectory"`
	Plugins         []ReportingPlugin `xml:"plugins>plugin"`

type ReportingPlugin

type ReportingPlugin struct {
	GroupID    string      `xml:"groupId"`
	ArtifactID string      `xml:"artifactId"`
	Version    string      `xml:"version"`
	Inherited  string      `xml:"inherited"`
	ReportSets []ReportSet `xml:"reportSets>reportSet"`

type Repository

type Repository struct {
	Type string `json:"type" mapstructure:"type"`
	URL  string `json:"url" mapstructure:"url"`

Repository - PackageJSON repository

type RepositoryPolicy

type RepositoryPolicy struct {
	Enabled        string `xml:"enabled"`
	UpdatePolicy   string `xml:"updatePolicy"`
	ChecksumPolicy string `xml:"checksumPolicy"`

type Resource

type Resource struct {
	TargetPath string   `xml:"targetPath"`
	Filtering  string   `xml:"filtering"`
	Directory  string   `xml:"directory"`
	Includes   []string `xml:"includes>include"`
	Excludes   []string `xml:"excludes>exclude"`

type Scm

type Scm struct {
	Connection          string `xml:"connection"`
	DeveloperConnection string `xml:"developerConnection"`
	Tag                 string `xml:"tag"`
	URL                 string `xml:"url"`

type Site

type Site struct {
	ID   string `xml:"id"`
	Name string `xml:"name"`
	URL  string `xml:"url"`

type StackConfig

type StackConfig struct {
	ExtraDeps []string `yaml:"extra-deps"`

StackConfig stack.yaml metadata containing extra-deps

type StackLockConfig

type StackLockConfig struct {
	Packages  []StackPackages `yaml:"packages"`
	Snapshots []interface{}   `yaml:"snapshots"`

StackLockConfig stack.yaml.lock metadata containing packages

type StackPackages

type StackPackages struct {
	Original Hackage `yaml:"original"`

StackPackages stack.yaml.lock packages metadata

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