
v0.0.0-...-1175212 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 12, 2025 License: Apache-2.0


Turing API

API for the Turing experimentation service.

Getting Started

Local Development
  • Golang 1.20
  • Docker

To set up and install necessary tools, run:

make setup
Re-generate openapi models

OAS3 specs are used to generate required Golang structs, that define the configuration of ensembling batch jobs. If openapi specs have been changed, then corresponding code can be re-generated with:

make gen-client
Explore REST API
make swagger-ui

This will open a Swagger-UI in your browser (accessible under http://localhost:8081)

Run API locally
make run

This command will launch a local instance of postgresql db, apply latest db-migrations to it and run turing-api on default port (8080)

You can also run API in debug mode from your preferred IDE. In this case, you will need a db instance running locally:

make local-db
Running Auth Server locally

To test authorization locally:

  1. Set env var AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED=true
  2. You can modify the sample policy at keto/policies/example_policy.json
  3. Run make auth-server. This should make the server accessible at http://localhost:4466/
  4. Issue requests to the app with the header User-Email: test-user@gojek.com
  5. Use make clean-auth-server to remove the local auth db and the keto server
Run Tests

To run tests:

make test

Note that this will attempt to set up a postgres db using docker, to run integration tests.

Run End-to-end Tests

Tests are placed in e2e/tests/ directory, in the e2e package. The entrypoint is all_e2e_test.go, which runs a number of tests sequentially. At the end of all tests, in the tear down phase, the cluster resources created by the tests will be explicitly removed. Each test case and some helper methods are placed in separate files in the same package.


  1. As the environment_name is supposed to be set in the test data, these tests are currently only able to run in the dev environment. For running tests in staging / production environments, some changes will be required.
  2. Test runs are isolated by using different MLP projects and/or TEST_ID (see the Local section below). This will prevent conflicts in the cluster resources, if tests are run simultaneously. However, the BQ outcome table is also shared and thus, tear down will not remove it.
Running End-to-end tests locally

This is a work in progress and there changes required on this process as this is extremely clunky. A rough way of running the e2e tests are as follows:

Spin up k8s and required dependencies

First, spin up k8s and other services required for Turing:

pushd ../infra/docker-compose/dev/
    docker-compose up -d

Here we have to wait for all the pods to be ready.

watch KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig kubectl get pod -A

An example of ready would look something like this:

NAMESPACE         NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
knative-serving   autoscaler-6f6f6cf579-czrmw               1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   controller-66f68465cd-d58mq               1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   domain-mapping-948df9f76-mwkhj            1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   webhook-7877b457fd-vhcvm                  1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   net-istio-webhook-695d588d65-r6szn        1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   autoscaler-hpa-66d97b559f-ts6zf           1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   net-istio-controller-544874485d-mncx9     1/1     Running   0          17h
default           mockserver-7844d797f7-zwk2b               1/1     Running   0          17h
kube-system       local-path-provisioner-84bb864455-58c7z   1/1     Running   0          17h
kube-system       coredns-96cc4f57d-t8vsw                   1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   domainmapping-webhook-74fc9b87b4-pmqdg    1/1     Running   0          17h
istio-system      istiod-7c595445b6-r6fwt                   1/1     Running   0          17h
knative-serving   activator-7d658db58b-29pnb                1/1     Running   0          17h
kube-system       metrics-server-ff9dbcb6c-bjwl2            1/1     Running   0          17h
istio-system      svclb-istio-ingressgateway-kxtmp          3/3     Running   0          17h
istio-system      svclb-istio-ingressgateway-xszc7          3/3     Running   0          17h
istio-system      svclb-istio-ingressgateway-xg6zg          3/3     Running   0          17h
default           spark-spark-operator-59c685545-qqn44      1/1     Running   0          17h
istio-system      svclb-istio-ingressgateway-mn9n4          3/3     Running   0          17h
istio-system      istio-ingressgateway-b7ffbd9c6-kfpl2      1/1     Running   0          17h
Prepare required Turing components & start Turing API

Run the following to get Turing API running locally.

make build-run-local-api

Within the make command, couple of steps are taken:

  1. Builds the required Turing component Docker images and pushes them to the local registry, mainly:

    • Proprietary experiment engine plugin image

    When building the binary for consumption by Turing's Experiments Service layer, make sure you're using the same GOOS and GOARCH that's compatible with your machine, you can easily pass in the necessary values eg. make build-run-local-api GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 instead.

    • Router image

    Alternatively, use one of our images here.

Run E2E tests

make run-local-e2e
Cleanup k8s, required dependencies and Turing API

make clean-local-infra
Common local E2E setup issues

If this doesn't work, check the following:

  1. Have all the containers started properly, does KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig kubectl get pod -A work? Check docker ps -a if containers have been deployed correctly.
  • Run docker volume prune if you're getting the following error
Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
  • If enricher/ensembler pod is constantly stuck at 1/2 ready state and queue-proxy container shows the following error, increase the resource_request values.
// Error logs from queue-proxy container
HTTP probe did not respond Ready, got status code: 503
HTTP probe did not respond Ready, got status code: 503

// Increase to at least the following values
"resource_request": {
  "min_replica": 1,
  "max_replica": 1,
  "cpu_request": "200m",
  "memory_request": "256Mi"
  1. Are you out of disk space? Not enough CPU/Memory? Check KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig kubectl get pod -A and describe the pods to see if there is some sort of pressure if it's being evicted.

The turing-integration-test MLP project is used by the CI to exercise the end to end tests. This project is pre-configured with the secret ci_e2e_test_secret that has the necessary access (JobUser, DataEditor) to the gcp-project-id.dataset_id dataset, as required by the tests for BQ logging with Fluentd. The CI step creates a turing-api deployment with an ingress and authorization disabled, to run tests. Additionally, the Fluentd flush interval is lowered for testing. A valid Google service account key must be set in the CI variables (${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}) for the test runner to access relevant resources (such as BigQuery results table).


Note: Swarm mode must be enabled for this section.

  1. Set the required env vars in .env.development, namely the MLP_ECRYPTION_KEY and VAULT_TOKEN
  2. Set an MLP project id and the corresponding name in e2e/local/.env.testing. Set a unique TEST_ID (to prevent conflicts with CI runs / local runs triggered by other users). The env var MODEL_CLUSTER_NAME is used to indicate the cluster in which resources are expected to be created, and will be used to initialise the cluster client for validation. Thus, this cluster name must correspond to the environment_name property in the test data (under e2e/test/testdata) and has been configured so.
  3. Run make test-e2e-local. This will deploy a local docker swarm set up for serving the Turing API and will run the end to end tests from the local environment, against it. The local services are destroyed after the tests.

Folder structure of Turing API

folder description
/turing/api HTTP handlers and routing for Turing API as defined in openapi.yaml
/turing/cluster Packages for creating, updating and deleting Turing router deployment in Kubernetes cluster
/turing/cmd Turing API server binaries
/turing/config Configuration spec for Turing API
/turing/generated Models generated from the openapi specs (openapi-sdk.yaml)
/turing/middleware HTTP server middlewares e.g. authorization and request validation
/turing/models Contains Turing domain model. Ideally, this package should not depend on packages outside the standard library.
/turing/service Packages responsible for persisting domain objects and managing their relationships. Communication between services should use dependency injection when possible to reduce unnecessary tight coupling.
/turing/web HTTP handler for serving the frontend

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