Lookup integration test
Created using Ubuntu WSL. Other Linux flavors and MacOS may require edits.
- small number of items, CSV input/output
- large naumber of items. CSV and Parquet input/output
The DOT diagram generated with
go run capitoolbelt.go validate_script -script_file=../../../test/data/cfg/lookup_quicktest/script.json -params_file=../../../test/data/cfg/lookup_quicktest/script_params_two_runs.json -idx_dag=true
and rendered in https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline :
What's tested:
- table_lookup_table with parallelism (10 batches), all suported types of joins (inner and left outer, grouped and not)
- file_table read from single file
- table_file with top/limit/order
- single-run (test_one_run.sh) and multi-run (test_two_runs.sh) script execution
Multi-run test simulates the scenario when an operator validates loaded order and order item data before proceeding with joining orders with order items.
How to test
See integration tests section for generic instructions on how to run integration tests.
Possible edits
Play with number of total line items (see "-items=..." in 1_create_data.sh).
Data model design: Brazilian E-Commerce public dataset (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/olistbr/brazilian-ecommerce)