Fannie Mae integration test
Created using Ubuntu WSL. Other Linux flavors and MacOS may require edits.
fannie_mae_quicktest vs fannie_mae_bigtest
This test comes in two flavors.
fannie_mae_quicktest has all data ready, it just has to be copied to /tmp/capi_*, and you can run the test. Root-level script does that, among other things.
fannie_mae_quicktest works with 60345 mortgages participating in the 2023 R08 G1 CAS risk transfer program. It uses only payment records from the Oct 20, 2023 report, so there are exactly 60345 payment records.
fannie_mae_bigtest is a variation that uses large number of payment records borrowed from capillaries-fanniemae repo (~1.6m mortgages, ~25m payment records).
The DOT diagram generated with
go run capitoolbelt.go validate_script -script_file=../../../test/data/cfg/fannie_mae_quicktest/script.json -params_file=../../../test/data/cfg/fannie_mae_bigtest/script_params.json -idx_dag=true
and rendered in :
What's tested:
How to test
See integration tests section for generic instructions on how to run integration tests.