This project is in alpha state. The API will continue breaking until version 1.0.0 is released
What is it
is designed to ensure that someone can create a reproducable "platform" with tools which are tested for their interoperability.
Currently we include the following tools:
- Ambassador Edge Stack
- Prometheus Operator
- Grafana
- logging-operator
- kube-state-metrics
- prometheus-node-exporter
- loki
- ArgoCD
Upcoming tools:
How does it work
The operator works by reading a configuration (crd) located in a GIT Repository. Alternativly this crd
can be read from the k8s api.
In our default setup our "cluster lifecycle" tool orbiter
, shares the repository and secrets with boom
. This because orbiter
deploys boom
in a newly creadted k8s
kind: Toolset
name: caos
namespace: caos-system
kubeVersion: v1.17.0
deploy: true
deploy: true
deploy: true
deploy: true
deploy: false
deploy: true
deploy: false
deploy: true
deploy: false
How to use it
Due to the github restriciton that even public images need to be authenticated, you need to make sure that you have pull secret
. The used personal access token
has to have the repo
and read:packages
kubectl -n caos-system create secret docker-registry boomregistry --docker-username=${GITHUB_USERNAME} --docker-password=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}
GitOps Mode
Demo with a public crd repository
To easy test the example we have created a demo crd repo
, located here . It holds a boom.yml
which can be applied to your cluster.
Apply Boom
to your cluster:
kustomize build examples/gitops/publicrepo | kubectl apply -f -
Example with a private repository
Your first have to create an ssh-key which is added as deploy key to your git repository and then save the private key as secret in examples/gitops/privaterepo/secret.
Change the name of the key in the examples/gitops/privaterepo/kustomization.yaml with the filename of the saved key.
Apply Boom
to your cluster:
kustomize build examples/gitops/publicrepo | kubectl apply -f -
k8s API Mode
example coming soon
As usual Apache-2.0 see here
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.