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Nerthrus is a service to orchistate new services. It is designed around running services on AWS in EC2 instances. Every action is going to be idempotent to the best of its abilities. And Nerthrus will handle sub deployments aswell as fresh 'servers' / instances. Excamples of subdeployments will follow in a later section.
Nerthrus orchistrates AWS EC2 instances and the surounding technology needed to run services of that nature.
How to use
Rest API
Nerthrus is rest based, but will also work with HTML form and XML data as additions to the rest standard JSON. However Nerthrus will only return JSON.
All enpoints within this API is secured
For examples of these endoint look at the .sh files
PUT /nerthus/server/:application/*server
This is the main endpoint of this service. It needs a application name but can also take a server name to override exactly what server you want to interact with. In the case where you provide a servername the server has to allready excist and it has to be exact.
This service will not create new Loadbalancers or listeners as setting up the https certificates should be up to your discretion.
The body of this request has to be a object that has different requrements for what you want to do. The following examples includes only requred data.
For a full clean standalone instance
- NO servername in uri
- Int port the service is going to use
- Uri path, for nerthrus that would be
- Loadbalancer listener ARN, this is the unique identifier of the listener you want to serve the service
- Loadbalancer securitygroup id, this is the id of the security group the loadbalancer uses to access the service
"port": 18080,
"path": "nerthus",
"elb_listener_arn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:493376950721:listener/app/devtest-events2-lb/a3807cba101b280b/90abaa841820e9b2",
"elb_securitygroup_id": "sg-1325864d"
If you have enabled slack this endpoint will log every action done to bouth the logout and the slack channal that is specified. And at the end of the request, in addition to returning the key it will send the key in slack.
If there at any point is a error during the request the server will automatically clean up all the changes that it has done.
POST /nerthus/key
This endpoint takes a body with a key in it and returns the decrypted key so you can manually log on to the server.