Golang Gin Starter Kit
A backend service built with Go using the Gin framework and following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern.
Table of Contents
- MVC architecture
- RESTful API endpoints with versioning (/api/v1/...)
- MySQL database with GORM
- Database migrations and seeding
- Swagger API documentation
- Health check monitoring
- Environment-based configuration
- Docker support with multi-stage builds
- JWT authentication (coming soon)
- Clean and extensible structure
- Go 1.23.2
- Git
- MySQL 8.0 or higher
- Make (optional, for Makefile usage)
- Docker and Docker Compose (optional, for containerization)
Quick Start with Docker Compose
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:canhbk/golang-gin-starter-kit.git
cd golang-gin-starter-kit
Configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env file with your configurations
Start the services
# Build and start API and MySQL services
docker-compose up -d --build
Initialize the database
# Run database migrations
docker-compose --profile tools run migrate
# Seed the database with initial data
docker-compose --profile tools run seed
The API will be available at http://localhost:8080
Docker Compose Services
The application uses Docker Compose to manage multiple services:
Main Services
API Service
- Main application service
- Built from local Dockerfile
- Exposes port 8080
- Connects to MySQL database
MySQL Service
- MySQL 8.0 database
- Persistent data storage
- Exposes port 3306
- Automatic initialization
- Health checking enabled
Database Management Services
Migration Service
- Runs database migrations
- Part of the "tools" profile
- Only runs when explicitly called
Seed Service
- Seeds initial data
- Part of the "tools" profile
- Only runs when explicitly called
Refresh Service
- Combines migrations and seeds into one command
- Part of the "tools" profile
- Only runs when explicitly called
Docker Compose Commands
Service Management
# Start all services
docker-compose up -d
# Build and start services
docker-compose up -d --build
# Stop all services
docker-compose down
# Stop services and remove volumes
docker-compose down -v
Database Management
# Run database migrations
docker-compose --profile tools run migrate
# Seed the database
docker-compose --profile tools run seed
# Combined migration and seeding
docker-compose --profile tools run migrate && \
docker-compose --profile tools run seed
Logs and Monitoring
# View all logs
docker-compose logs -f
# View API service logs
docker-compose logs -f api
# View MySQL logs
docker-compose logs -f mysql
Container Management
# List running containers
docker-compose ps
# Restart a specific service
docker-compose restart api
# Remove all containers
docker-compose rm -f
Traditional Installation
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:canhbk/golang-gin-starter-kit.git
cd golang-gin-starter-kit
Install dependencies
go mod tidy
Install Swagger tools
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
Configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env file with your configurations
Project Structure
├── main.go # Application entry point
├── .env # Environment variables
├── .env.example # Example environment variables
├── Dockerfile # Multi-stage Docker build file
├── docker-compose.yaml # Docker Compose configuration
├── .dockerignore # Docker ignore file
├── Makefile # Build and development commands
├── cmd/
│ └── db/
│ └── main.go # Database CLI tool
├── config/
│ └── database.go # Database configuration
├── controllers/
│ ├── health_controller.go # Health check controller
│ └── v1/ # Version 1 controllers
│ └── user_controller.go # User management
├── database/
│ ├── migration/
│ │ └── migration.go # Database migrations
│ └── seeder/
│ └── seeder.go # Database seeders
├── docs/ # Swagger documentation
│ ├── docs.go
│ ├── swagger.json
│ └── swagger.yaml
├── models/
│ └── user.go # Database models
├── services/
│ └── v1/ # Version 1 business logic
│ └── user_service.go
├── types/ # API request/response types
│ └── v1/ # Version 1 types
│ ├── common/ # Shared types
│ │ ├── error.go # Common error responses
│ │ └── pagination.go # Pagination types
│ └── user/ # User-related types
│ ├── request.go # User request DTOs
│ └── response.go # User response DTOs
├── middleware/ # Custom middleware
│ ├── auth.go # Authentication middleware
│ └── logger.go # Logging middleware
├── routes/
│ └── routes.go # Route definitions
├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ ├── validator.go # Custom validators
│ └── helpers.go # Helper functions
└── tests/ # Test files
├── integration/ # Integration tests
└── unit/ # Unit tests
Directory Structure Explanation
Core Directories
: Contains executable applications
: Database management CLI tool
: Configuration files and setup
- Database configurations
- Environment configurations
- Other service configurations
API Layer
: Request handlers
- Organized by API version
- Handles HTTP requests/responses
- Input validation
- Calls appropriate services
: Route definitions
- API endpoint registration
- Middleware attachment
- Route grouping
Business Layer
: Business logic
- Organized by domain and version
- Implements business rules
- Handles data processing
- Coordinates between different domains
Data Layer
: Database models
- Entity definitions
- Database relationships
- Model methods
: Database management
: Schema migrations
: Data seeders
Types and DTOs
: Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
- Organized by version and domain
: Shared types across domains
- Domain-specific request/response types
- Input/Output data structures
Support Directories
: Custom middleware
- Authentication
- Logging
- Rate limiting
: Helper functions
- Common utilities
- Helper functions
- Custom validators
: API documentation
- Swagger files
- API specifications
: Test files
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- Test utilities
Key Design Principles
- All API-related code is versioned (
, v2
, etc.)
- Enables smooth API evolution
- Maintains backward compatibility
Separation of Concerns
- Clear separation between layers
- Each directory has a specific responsibility
- Minimizes code coupling
Domain-Driven Design
- Code organized by business domains
- Each domain has its own types and logic
- Clear boundaries between domains
Type Safety
- Separate request/response types
- Strong typing for API contracts
- Clear data validation rules
- Consistent file naming
- Logical grouping of related code
- Easy to locate and modify components
Database Setup
Ensure you have MySQL installed and running. Create a database for the project:
CREATE DATABASE example CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
Database Management
Build the database CLI tool:
go build -o bin/db-cli cmd/db/main.go
Available commands:
# Run migrations
./bin/db-cli -migrate
# Seed the database with initial data
./bin/db-cli -seed
# Rollback migrations
./bin/db-cli -rollback
# Refresh database (rollback, migrate, and seed)
./bin/db-cli -refresh
API Documentation
Base URL
All API routes are prefixed with /api/v1/
except for the health check endpoint.
Available Endpoints
Health Check
GET /health
Returns the current health status of the service.
User Management
POST /api/v1/users # Create a new user
GET /api/v1/users # List users (with pagination)
GET /api/v1/users/:id # Get a specific user
PUT /api/v1/users/:id # Update a user
DELETE /api/v1/users/:id # Delete a user
For detailed API documentation, visit the Swagger UI at /swagger/index.html
when the server is running.
Error Handling
The API uses standard HTTP status codes and returns errors in the following format:
"error": "Error type",
"message": "Detailed error message"
Common status codes:
- 200: Success
- 201: Created
- 204: No Content
- 400: Bad Request
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not Found
- 500: Internal Server Error
Generate Swagger Documentation
# Generate/update Swagger docs
swag init
Access the Swagger UI at: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
Running the Application
Initialize the database (first time)
./bin/db-cli -refresh
Start the server
# Direct start
go run main.go
# Or using air for hot reload (if installed)
The server will start on http://localhost:8080
Database Migrations
- Create a new model in the
- Add the model to migrations in
- Run migrations using the CLI tool
// models/product.go
type Product struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
Name string `gorm:"size:255;not null" json:"name"`
Description string `gorm:"type:text" json:"description"`
Price float64 `gorm:"not null" json:"price"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"index" json:"-"`
// Update migration.go to include the new model
func AutoMigrate() {
err := config.DB.AutoMigrate(
// ...
Adding New Controllers
- Create a new file in the
- Define your controller struct and methods
- Register routes in
package controllers
type UserController struct{}
func NewUserController() *UserController {
return &UserController{}
func (uc *UserController) HandleRequest(c *gin.Context) {
// Implementation
Database Migrations
When making changes to the database schema:
Update the relevant model in models/
Run migrations:
./bin/db-cli -migrate
To rollback changes:
./bin/db-cli -rollback
To run tests:
# Run all tests
go test ./...
# Run tests with coverage
go test -cover ./...
# Generate coverage report
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
- Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
- Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
- Open a Pull Request
Follow the Conventional Commits specification:
<type>(<scope>): <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
- feat: New feature
- fix: Bug fix
- docs: Documentation changes
- style: Code style changes (formatting, etc)
- refactor: Code refactoring
- test: Adding or updating tests
- chore: Maintenance tasks
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Canh Nguyen - canhcvp1998@gmail.com
Project Link: https://github.com/canhbk/golang-gin-starter-kit