Twint Zero
Like Twint, but zero fat.
git clone
cd twint-zero
go mod init twint-zero
go mod tidy
- Without compiling:
go run main.go -Query $QUERY -Instance $INSTANCE -Format $FORMAT
- If you compiled... well at this point you are supposed to know.
CLI Arguments
: Here you go.
: Here you go.
: "csv" or "json".
: The number of tweets you want to see. Default is 0, meaning all you can get.
: The address to listen on. Default is "", which indicates that "print all tweets to terminal".
Usage Text
-Addr string
Specify the address to listen on. (default: none, prints to stdout.)
-Format string
Specify the return format: csv (default), or json. (default "csv")
-Instance string
Specify instance to get data from. (default "")
-Query string
Specify search query.
-TweetLimit int
Specify the number of tweets to return. 0 means no limit. Must be a positive integer. (default: 0)
Sir, the bill is: five GitHub stars, two forks and one retweet.
That being quoted, feel free to reach out.
Francesco Poldi